コード例 #1
void LLVOWLSky::buildStripsBuffer(U32 begin_stack, U32 end_stack,
								  LLStrider<LLVector3> & vertices,
								  LLStrider<LLVector2> & texCoords,
								  LLStrider<U16> & indices)
	const F32 RADIUS = LLWLParamManager::getInstance()->getDomeRadius();

	U32 i, j, num_slices, num_stacks;
	F32 phi0, theta, x0, y0, z0;

	// paranoia checking for SL-55986/SL-55833
	U32 count_verts = 0;
	U32 count_indices = 0;

	num_slices = getNumSlices();
	num_stacks = getNumStacks();

	llassert(end_stack <= num_stacks);

	// stacks are iterated one-indexed since phi(0) was handled by the fan above
	for(i = begin_stack + 1; i <= end_stack+1; ++i) 
		phi0 = calcPhi(i);

		for(j = 0; j < num_slices; ++j)
			theta = F_TWO_PI * (float(j) / float(num_slices));

			// standard transformation from  spherical to
			// rectangular coordinates
			x0 = sin(phi0) * cos(theta);
			y0 = cos(phi0);
			z0 = sin(phi0) * sin(theta);

			if (i == num_stacks-2)
				*vertices++ = LLVector3(x0*RADIUS, y0*RADIUS-1024.f*2.f, z0*RADIUS);
			else if (i == num_stacks-1)
				*vertices++ = LLVector3(0, y0*RADIUS-1024.f*2.f, 0);
				*vertices++		= LLVector3(x0 * RADIUS, y0 * RADIUS, z0 * RADIUS);

			// generate planar uv coordinates
			// note: x and z are transposed in order for things to animate
			// correctly in the global coordinate system where +x is east and
			// +y is north
			*texCoords++	= LLVector2((-z0 + 1.f) / 2.f, (-x0 + 1.f) / 2.f);

	//build triangle strip...
	*indices++ = 0 ;
	count_indices++ ;
	S32 k = 0 ;
	for(i = 1; i <= end_stack - begin_stack; ++i) 
		*indices++ = i * num_slices + k ;
		count_indices++ ;

		k = (k+1) % num_slices ;
		for(j = 0; j < num_slices ; ++j) 
			*indices++ = (i-1) * num_slices + k ;
			*indices++ = i * num_slices + k ;

			count_indices += 2 ;

			k = (k+1) % num_slices ;

		if((--k) < 0)
			k = num_slices - 1 ;

		*indices++ = i * num_slices + k ;
		count_indices++ ;
コード例 #2
inline U32 LLVOWLSky::getStripsNumVerts(void)
	return (getNumStacks() - 1) * getNumSlices();
コード例 #3
inline U32 LLVOWLSky::getFanNumIndices(void)
	return getNumSlices() * 3;
コード例 #4
inline U32 LLVOWLSky::getFanNumVerts(void)
	return getNumSlices() + 1;
コード例 #5
BOOL LLVOWLSky::updateGeometry(LLDrawable * drawable)
	LLFastTimer ftm(FTM_GEO_SKY);
	LLStrider<LLVector3>	vertices;
	LLStrider<LLVector2>	texCoords;
	LLStrider<U16>			indices;

		mFanVerts = new LLVertexBuffer(LLDrawPoolWLSky::SKY_VERTEX_DATA_MASK, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
		mFanVerts->allocateBuffer(getFanNumVerts(), getFanNumIndices(), TRUE);

		BOOL success = mFanVerts->getVertexStrider(vertices)
			&& mFanVerts->getTexCoord0Strider(texCoords)
			&& mFanVerts->getIndexStrider(indices);

			llerrs << "Failed updating WindLight sky geometry." << llendl;

		buildFanBuffer(vertices, texCoords, indices);


		const U32 max_buffer_bytes = gSavedSettings.getS32("RenderMaxVBOSize")*1024;
		const U32 data_mask = LLDrawPoolWLSky::SKY_VERTEX_DATA_MASK;
		const U32 max_verts = max_buffer_bytes / LLVertexBuffer::calcVertexSize(data_mask);

		const U32 total_stacks = getNumStacks();

		const U32 verts_per_stack = getNumSlices();

		// each seg has to have one more row of verts than it has stacks
		// then round down
		const U32 stacks_per_seg = (max_verts - verts_per_stack) / verts_per_stack;

		// round up to a whole number of segments
		const U32 strips_segments = (total_stacks+stacks_per_seg-1) / stacks_per_seg;

		llinfos << "WL Skydome strips in " << strips_segments << " batches." << llendl;

		mStripsVerts.resize(strips_segments, NULL);

		LLTimer timer;

		for (U32 i = 0; i < strips_segments ;++i)
			LLVertexBuffer * segment = new LLVertexBuffer(LLDrawPoolWLSky::SKY_VERTEX_DATA_MASK, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
			mStripsVerts[i] = segment;

			U32 num_stacks_this_seg = stacks_per_seg;
			if ((i == strips_segments - 1) && (total_stacks % stacks_per_seg) != 0)
				// for the last buffer only allocate what we'll use
				num_stacks_this_seg = total_stacks % stacks_per_seg;

			// figure out what range of the sky we're filling
			const U32 begin_stack = i * stacks_per_seg;
			const U32 end_stack = begin_stack + num_stacks_this_seg;
			llassert(end_stack <= total_stacks);

			const U32 num_verts_this_seg = verts_per_stack * (num_stacks_this_seg+1);
			llassert(num_verts_this_seg <= max_verts);

			const U32 num_indices_this_seg = 1+num_stacks_this_seg*(2+2*verts_per_stack);
			llassert(num_indices_this_seg * sizeof(U16) <= max_buffer_bytes);

			segment->allocateBuffer(num_verts_this_seg, num_indices_this_seg, TRUE);

			// lock the buffer
			BOOL success = segment->getVertexStrider(vertices)
				&& segment->getTexCoord0Strider(texCoords)
				&& segment->getIndexStrider(indices);

				llerrs << "Failed updating WindLight sky geometry." << llendl;

			// fill it
			buildStripsBuffer(begin_stack, end_stack,  vertices, texCoords, indices);

			// and unlock the buffer
		llinfos << "completed in " << llformat("%.2f", timer.getElapsedTimeF32()) << "seconds" << llendl;
	mStripsVerts = new LLVertexBuffer(LLDrawPoolWLSky::SKY_VERTEX_DATA_MASK, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB);
	const F32 RADIUS = LLWLParamManager::sParamMgr->getDomeRadius();

	LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> temp = new LLVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, 0);
	temp->allocateBuffer(12, 60, TRUE);

	BOOL success = temp->getVertexStrider(vertices)
		&& temp->getIndexStrider(indices);

	if (success)
		for (U32 i = 0; i < 12; i++)
			*vertices++ = icosahedron_vert[i];

		for (U32 i = 0; i < 60; i++)
			*indices++ = icosahedron_ind[i];

	LLPointer<LLVertexBuffer> temp2;
	for (U32 i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		temp2 = new LLVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, 0);
		subdivide(*temp, temp2);
		temp = temp2;
	for (S32 i = 0; i < temp->getNumVerts(); i++)
		LLVector3 v = vertices[i];
		vertices[i] = v*RADIUS;

	temp2 = new LLVertexBuffer(LLVertexBuffer::MAP_VERTEX, 0);
	chop(*temp, temp2);

	mStripsVerts->allocateBuffer(temp2->getNumVerts(), temp2->getNumIndices(), TRUE);
	success = mStripsVerts->getVertexStrider(vertices)
		&& mStripsVerts->getTexCoordStrider(texCoords)
		&& mStripsVerts->getIndexStrider(indices);

	LLStrider<LLVector3> v;
	LLStrider<U16> ind;

	if (success)
		for (S32 i = 0; i < temp2->getNumVerts(); ++i)
			LLVector3 vert = *v++;
			F32 z0 = vert.mV[2];
			F32 x0 = vert.mV[0];
			vert *= RADIUS;
			*vertices++ = vert;
			*texCoords++ = LLVector2((-z0 + 1.f) / 2.f, (-x0 + 1.f) / 2.f);

		for (S32 i = 0; i < temp2->getNumIndices(); ++i)
			*indices++ = *ind++;




	return TRUE;
コード例 #6
ファイル: llvowlsky.cpp プロジェクト: Logear/PartyHatViewer
inline U32 LLVOWLSky::getStripsNumIndices(void)
	return 2 * ((getNumStacks() - 2) * (getNumSlices() + 1)) + 1 ; 