コード例 #1
ファイル: ofxsInteract.cpp プロジェクト: morphimac/TuttleOFX
/** @brief ctor */
PenArgs::PenArgs( const PropertySet& props )
	: InteractArgs( props )
	pixelScale    = getPixelScale( props );
	penPosition.x = props.propGetDouble( kOfxInteractPropPenPosition, 0 );
	penPosition.y = props.propGetDouble( kOfxInteractPropPenPosition, 1 );
	penPressure   = props.propGetDouble( kOfxInteractPropPenPressure );
コード例 #2
ファイル: ofxsInteract.cpp プロジェクト: MrKepzie/openfx
  /** @brief ctor */
  FocusArgs::FocusArgs(const PropertySet &props)
    : InteractArgs(props)
#ifdef kOfxInteractPropViewportSize // removed in OFX 1.4
    viewportSize.x = viewportSize.y = 0.;
    props.propGetDoubleN(kOfxInteractPropViewportSize, &viewportSize.x, 2, false);
    pixelScale       = getPixelScale(props);
    backGroundColour = getBackgroundColour(props);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ofxsInteract.cpp プロジェクト: MrKepzie/openfx
  /** @brief ctor */
  PenArgs::PenArgs(const PropertySet &props)
    : InteractArgs(props)
#ifdef kOfxInteractPropViewportSize // removed in OFX 1.4
    viewportSize.x = viewportSize.y = 0.;
    props.propGetDoubleN(kOfxInteractPropViewportSize, &viewportSize.x, 2, false);
    pixelScale    = getPixelScale(props);
    backGroundColour = getBackgroundColour(props);
    penPosition.x = penPosition.y = 0;
    props.propGetDoubleN(kOfxInteractPropPenPosition, &penPosition.x, 2);
    // Introduced in OFX 1.2. Return (-1,-1) if not available
    OfxPointI pen = {-1, -1};
    props.propGetIntN(kOfxInteractPropPenViewportPosition, &pen.x, 2);
    penViewportPosition.x = pen.x;
    penViewportPosition.y = pen.y;
    penPressure   = props.propGetDouble(kOfxInteractPropPenPressure);
コード例 #4
PointOverlayInteract::onOverlayPenUp(TimeValue time,
                                     const RenderScale & renderScale,
                                     ViewIdx view,
                                     const QPointF & viewportPos,
                                     const QPointF & penPos,
                                     double pressure,
                                     TimeValue timestamp)
    KnobDoublePtr knob = _imp->param.lock();

    // do not show interact if knob is secret or not enabled
    // see https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron/issues/932
    if ( !knob || !knob->shouldDrawOverlayInteract() ) {
        return false;

    RenderScale pscale;
    getPixelScale(pscale.x, pscale.y);
    bool didSomething = false;
    if (_imp->state == ePositionInteractStatePicked) {
        if (!_imp->interactiveDrag) {
            std::vector<double> p(2);
            p[0] = fround(_imp->lastPenPos.x(), pscale.x);
            p[1] = fround(_imp->lastPenPos.y(), pscale.y);
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                if (knob->getValueIsNormalized(DimIdx(i)) != eValueIsNormalizedNone) {
                    p[i] = knob->normalize(DimIdx(i), time, p[i]);

            knob->setValueAcrossDimensions(p, DimIdx(0), view, eValueChangedReasonUserEdited);

        _imp->state = ePositionInteractStateInactive;
        bool motion = onOverlayPenMotion(time, renderScale, view, viewportPos, penPos, pressure, timestamp);
        didSomething = true;
    return didSomething;
} // onOverlayPenUp
コード例 #5
ViewerNodeOverlay::onOverlayPenMotion(TimeValue /*time*/, const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/, ViewIdx /*view*/,
                               const QPointF & /*viewportPos*/, const QPointF & pos, double /*pressure*/, TimeValue /*timestamp*/)
    Point pixelScale;
    getPixelScale(pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y);

    bool userRoIEnabled = _imp->toggleUserRoIButtonKnob.lock()->getValue();
    RectD userRoI;
    if (userRoIEnabled) {
        if (uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiLeftEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiRightEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiCross ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomLeft ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomRight ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopLeft ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopRight) {
            userRoI = draggedUserRoI;
        } else {
            userRoI = _imp->_publicInterface->getUserRoI();
    bool wipeEnabled = (ViewerCompositingOperatorEnum)_imp->blendingModeChoiceKnob.lock()->getValue() != eViewerCompositingOperatorNone;
    double wipeAmount = _imp->_publicInterface->getWipeAmount();
    double wipeAngle = _imp->_publicInterface->getWipeAngle();
    QPointF wipeCenter = _imp->_publicInterface->getWipeCenter();

    bool wasHovering = hoverState != eHoverStateNothing;
    bool cursorSet = false;
    bool overlayCaught = false;
    hoverState = eHoverStateNothing;
    if ( wipeEnabled && isNearbyWipeCenter(wipeCenter, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        cursorSet = true;
    } else if ( wipeEnabled && isNearbyWipeMixHandle(wipeCenter, wipeAngle, wipeAmount, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        hoverState = eHoverStateWipeMix;
        overlayCaught = true;
    } else if ( wipeEnabled && isNearbyWipeRotateBar(wipeCenter, wipeAngle, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        hoverState = eHoverStateWipeRotateHandle;
        overlayCaught = true;
    } else if (userRoIEnabled) {
        if ( isNearbyUserRoIBottomEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y)
            || isNearbyUserRoITopEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y)
            || ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomEdge)
            || ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopEdge) ) {
            cursorSet = true;
        } else if ( isNearbyUserRoILeftEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y)
                   || isNearbyUserRoIRightEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y)
                   || ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiLeftEdge)
                   || ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiRightEdge) ) {
            cursorSet = true;
        } else if ( isNearbyUserRoI( (userRoI.x1 + userRoI.x2) / 2, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y )
                   || ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiCross) ) {
            cursorSet = true;
        } else if ( isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x2, userRoI.y1, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ||
                   isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x1, userRoI.y2, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ||
                   ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomRight) ||
                   ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopLeft) ) {
            cursorSet = true;
        } else if ( isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x1, userRoI.y1, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ||
                   isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x2, userRoI.y2, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ||
                   ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomLeft) ||
                   ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopRight) ) {
            cursorSet = true;

    if (!cursorSet) {

    if ( (hoverState == eHoverStateNothing) && wasHovering ) {
        overlayCaught = true;

    double dx = pos.x() - lastMousePos.x();
    double dy = pos.y() - lastMousePos.y();

    switch (uiState) {
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomEdge: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.y1 + dy) < draggedUserRoI.y2 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.y1 += dy;
                overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiLeftEdge: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.x1 + dx) < draggedUserRoI.x2 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.x1 += dx;
                overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiRightEdge: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.x2 + dx) > draggedUserRoI.x1 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.x2 += dx;
                overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopEdge: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.y2 + dy) > draggedUserRoI.y1 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.y2 += dy;
                overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiCross: {
            draggedUserRoI.translate(dx, dy);
            overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopLeft: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.y2 + dy) > draggedUserRoI.y1 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.y2 += dy;
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.x1 + dx) < draggedUserRoI.x2 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.x1 += dx;
            overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopRight: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.y2 + dy) > draggedUserRoI.y1 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.y2 += dy;
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.x2 + dx) > draggedUserRoI.x1 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.x2 += dx;
            overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomRight:
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateBuildingUserRoI:{
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.x2 + dx) > draggedUserRoI.x1 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.x2 += dx;
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.y1 + dy) < draggedUserRoI.y2 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.y1 += dy;
            overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomLeft: {
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.y1 + dy) < draggedUserRoI.y2 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.y1 += dy;
            if ( (draggedUserRoI.x1 + dx) < draggedUserRoI.x2 ) {
                draggedUserRoI.x1 += dx;
            overlayCaught = true;

        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingWipeCenter: {
            KnobDoublePtr centerKnob = _imp->wipeCenter.lock();
            centerKnob->setValue(centerKnob->getValue() + dx);
            centerKnob->setValue(centerKnob->getValue(DimIdx(1)) + dy, ViewSetSpec::all(), DimIdx(1));
            overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingWipeMixHandle: {
            KnobDoublePtr centerKnob = _imp->wipeCenter.lock();
            Point center;
            center.x = centerKnob->getValue();
            center.y = centerKnob->getValue(DimIdx(1));
            double angle = std::atan2( pos.y() - center.y, pos.x() - center.x );
            double prevAngle = std::atan2( lastMousePos.y() - center.y,
                                          lastMousePos.x() - center.x );
            KnobDoublePtr mixKnob = _imp->wipeAmount.lock();
            double mixAmount = mixKnob->getValue();
            mixAmount -= (angle - prevAngle);
            mixAmount = std::max( 0., std::min(mixAmount, 1.) );
            overlayCaught = true;
        case eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateRotatingWipeHandle: {
            KnobDoublePtr centerKnob = _imp->wipeCenter.lock();
            Point center;
            center.x = centerKnob->getValue();
            center.y = centerKnob->getValue(DimIdx(1));
            double angle = std::atan2( pos.y() - center.y, pos.x() - center.x );

            KnobDoublePtr angleKnob = _imp->wipeAngle.lock();
            double closestPI2 = M_PI_2 * std::floor(angle / M_PI_2 + 0.5);
            if (std::fabs(angle - closestPI2) < 0.1) {
                // snap to closest multiple of PI / 2.
                angle = closestPI2;


            overlayCaught = true;
    lastMousePos = pos;
    return overlayCaught;

} // onOverlayPenMotion
コード例 #6
ViewerNodeOverlay::onOverlayPenDown(TimeValue /*time*/,
                             const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/,
                             ViewIdx /*view*/,
                             const QPointF & /*viewportPos*/,
                             const QPointF & pos,
                             double /*pressure*/,
                             TimeValue /*timestamp*/,
                             PenType pen)
    Point pixelScale;
    getPixelScale(pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y);

    bool overlaysCaught = false;
    if (!overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        buildUserRoIOnNextPress) {
        draggedUserRoI.x1 = pos.x();
        draggedUserRoI.y1 = pos.y();
        draggedUserRoI.x2 = pos.x();
        draggedUserRoI.y2 = pos.y();
        buildUserRoIOnNextPress = false;
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateBuildingUserRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;

    bool userRoIEnabled = _imp->toggleUserRoIButtonKnob.lock()->getValue();
    RectD userRoI;
    if (userRoIEnabled) {
        userRoI = _imp->_publicInterface->getUserRoI();
    // Catch wipe
    bool wipeEnabled = (ViewerCompositingOperatorEnum)_imp->blendingModeChoiceKnob.lock()->getValue() != eViewerCompositingOperatorNone;
    double wipeAmount = _imp->_publicInterface->getWipeAmount();
    double wipeAngle = _imp->_publicInterface->getWipeAngle();
    QPointF wipeCenter = _imp->_publicInterface->getWipeCenter();

    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        wipeEnabled &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        isNearbyWipeCenter(wipeCenter, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingWipeCenter;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        wipeEnabled &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        isNearbyWipeMixHandle(wipeCenter, wipeAngle, wipeAmount, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingWipeMixHandle;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        wipeEnabled &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        isNearbyWipeRotateBar(wipeCenter, wipeAngle, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateRotatingWipeHandle;
        overlaysCaught = true;

    // Catch User RoI

    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoIBottomEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the bottom edge of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomEdge;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoILeftEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the left edge of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiLeftEdge;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoIRightEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the right edge of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiRightEdge;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoITopEdge(userRoI, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the top edge of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopEdge;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoI( (userRoI.x1 + userRoI.x2) / 2., (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2.,
                              pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y ) ) {
            // start dragging the midpoint of the user ROI
            uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiCross;
            draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
            overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x1, userRoI.y2, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the topleft corner of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopLeft;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x2, userRoI.y2, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the topright corner of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopRight;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x1, userRoI.y1, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the bottomleft corner of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomLeft;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;
    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeLMB &&
        userRoIEnabled &&
        isNearbyUserRoI(userRoI.x2, userRoI.y1, pos, pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y) ) {
        // start dragging the bottomright corner of the user ROI
        uiState = eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomRight;
        draggedUserRoI = userRoI;
        overlaysCaught = true;

    if ( !overlaysCaught &&
        pen == ePenTypeRMB ) {
        overlaysCaught = true;

    lastMousePos = pos;

    return overlaysCaught;

} // onOverlayPenDown
コード例 #7
    Point pixelScale;
    getPixelScale(pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y);

    double angle;
    QPointF center;
    double mixAmount;
        angle = _imp->wipeAngle.lock()->getValue();
        KnobDoublePtr centerKnob = _imp->wipeCenter.lock();
        center.rx() = centerKnob->getValue();
        center.ry() = centerKnob->getValue(DimIdx(1));
        mixAmount = _imp->wipeAmount.lock()->getValue();
    double alphaMix1, alphaMix0, alphaCurMix;

    alphaMix1 = angle + M_PI_4 / 2;
    alphaMix0 = angle + 3. * M_PI_4 / 2;
    alphaCurMix = mixAmount * (alphaMix1 - alphaMix0) + alphaMix0;
    QPointF mix0Pos, mixPos, mix1Pos;
    double mixX, mixY, rotateW, rotateH, rotateOffsetX, rotateOffsetY;

    mixX = WIPE_MIX_HANDLE_LENGTH * pixelScale.x;
    mixY = WIPE_MIX_HANDLE_LENGTH * pixelScale.y;
    rotateW = WIPE_ROTATE_HANDLE_LENGTH * pixelScale.x;
    rotateH = WIPE_ROTATE_HANDLE_LENGTH * pixelScale.y;
    rotateOffsetX = WIPE_ROTATE_OFFSET * pixelScale.x;
    rotateOffsetY = WIPE_ROTATE_OFFSET * pixelScale.y;

    mixPos.setX(center.x() + std::cos(alphaCurMix) * mixX);
    mixPos.setY(center.y() + std::sin(alphaCurMix) * mixY);
    mix0Pos.setX(center.x() + std::cos(alphaMix0) * mixX);
    mix0Pos.setY(center.y() + std::sin(alphaMix0) * mixY);
    mix1Pos.setX(center.x() + std::cos(alphaMix1) * mixX);
    mix1Pos.setY(center.y() + std::sin(alphaMix1) * mixY);

    QPointF oppositeAxisBottom, oppositeAxisTop, rotateAxisLeft, rotateAxisRight;
    rotateAxisRight.setX( center.x() + std::cos(angle) * (rotateW - rotateOffsetX) );
    rotateAxisRight.setY( center.y() + std::sin(angle) * (rotateH - rotateOffsetY) );
    rotateAxisLeft.setX(center.x() - std::cos(angle) * rotateOffsetX);
    rotateAxisLeft.setY( center.y() - (std::sin(angle) * rotateOffsetY) );

    oppositeAxisTop.setX( center.x() + std::cos(angle + M_PI_2) * (rotateW / 2.) );
    oppositeAxisTop.setY( center.y() + std::sin(angle + M_PI_2) * (rotateH / 2.) );
    oppositeAxisBottom.setX( center.x() - std::cos(angle + M_PI_2) * (rotateW / 2.) );
    oppositeAxisBottom.setY( center.y() - std::sin(angle + M_PI_2) * (rotateH / 2.) );

        //GLProtectMatrix p(GL_PROJECTION); // useless (we do two glTranslate in opposite directions)

        // Draw everything twice
        // l = 0: shadow
        // l = 1: drawing
        double baseColor[3];
        for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
            // shadow (uses GL_PROJECTION)
            int direction = (l == 0) ? 1 : -1;
            // translate (1,-1) pixels
            GL_GPU::Translated(direction * pixelScale.x, -direction * pixelScale.y, 0);
            GL_GPU::MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Modelview should be used on Nuke

            if (l == 0) {
                // Draw a shadow for the cross hair
                baseColor[0] = baseColor[1] = baseColor[2] = 0.;
            } else {
                baseColor[0] = baseColor[1] = baseColor[2] = 0.8;

            if ( (hoverState == eHoverStateWipeRotateHandle) || (uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateRotatingWipeHandle) ) {
                GL_GPU::Color4f(0., 1. * l, 0., 1.);
            GL_GPU::Color4f(baseColor[0], baseColor[1], baseColor[2], 1.);
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( rotateAxisLeft.x(), rotateAxisLeft.y() );
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( rotateAxisRight.x(), rotateAxisRight.y() );
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( oppositeAxisBottom.x(), oppositeAxisBottom.y() );
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( oppositeAxisTop.x(), oppositeAxisTop.y() );
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( center.x(), center.y() );
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( mixPos.x(), mixPos.y() );

            ///if hovering the rotate handle or dragging it show a small bended arrow
            if ( (hoverState == eHoverStateWipeRotateHandle) || (uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateRotatingWipeHandle) ) {
                GLProtectMatrix<GL_GPU> p(GL_MODELVIEW);

                GL_GPU::Color4f(0., 1. * l, 0., 1.);
                double arrowCenterX = WIPE_ROTATE_HANDLE_LENGTH * pixelScale.x / 2;
                ///draw an arrow slightly bended. This is an arc of circle of radius 5 in X, and 10 in Y.
                OfxPointD arrowRadius;
                arrowRadius.x = 5. * pixelScale.x;
                arrowRadius.y = 10. * pixelScale.y;

                GL_GPU::Translatef(center.x(), center.y(), 0.);
                GL_GPU::Rotatef(angle * 180.0 / M_PI, 0, 0, 1);
                //  center the oval at x_center, y_center
                GL_GPU::Translatef (arrowCenterX, 0., 0);
                //  draw the oval using line segments
                GL_GPU::Begin (GL_LINE_STRIP);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f (0, arrowRadius.y);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f (arrowRadius.x, 0.);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f (0, -arrowRadius.y);
                GL_GPU::End ();

                ///draw the top head
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(0., arrowRadius.y);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(0., arrowRadius.y -  arrowRadius.x );

                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(0., arrowRadius.y);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(4. * pixelScale.x, arrowRadius.y - 3. * pixelScale.y); // 5^2 = 3^2+4^2

                ///draw the bottom head
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(0., -arrowRadius.y);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(0., -arrowRadius.y + 5. * pixelScale.y);

                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(0., -arrowRadius.y);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2f(4. * pixelScale.x, -arrowRadius.y + 3. * pixelScale.y); // 5^2 = 3^2+4^2


                GL_GPU::Color4f(baseColor[0], baseColor[1], baseColor[2], 1.);

            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( center.x(), center.y() );
            if ( ( (hoverState == eHoverStateWipeMix) &&
                  (uiState != eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateRotatingWipeHandle) )
                || (uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingWipeMixHandle) ) {
                GL_GPU::Color4f(0., 1. * l, 0., 1.);
            GL_GPU::Vertex2d( mixPos.x(), mixPos.y() );

            drawArcOfCircle(center, mixX, mixY, angle + M_PI_4 / 2, angle + 3. * M_PI_4 / 2);
} // drawWipeControl
コード例 #8

    Point pixelScale;
    getPixelScale(pixelScale.x, pixelScale.y);



        GL_GPU::Color4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.);

        RectD userRoI;
        if ( uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateBuildingUserRoI ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomLeft ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiBottomRight ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiRightEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopRight ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiTopLeft ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiLeftEdge ||
            uiState == eViewerNodeInteractMouseStateDraggingRoiCross ||
            buildUserRoIOnNextPress ) {
            userRoI = draggedUserRoI;
        } else {
            userRoI = _imp->_publicInterface->getUserRoI();

        if (buildUserRoIOnNextPress) {
            GL_GPU::LineStipple(2, 0xAAAA);

        ///base rect
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1, userRoI.y1); //bottom left
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1, userRoI.y2); //top left
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2, userRoI.y2); //top right
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2, userRoI.y1); //bottom right

        ///border ticks
        double borderTickWidth = USER_ROI_BORDER_TICK_SIZE * pixelScale.x;
        double borderTickHeight = USER_ROI_BORDER_TICK_SIZE * pixelScale.y;
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - borderTickWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2);

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + borderTickWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2);

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2, userRoI.y2 );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2, userRoI.y2 + borderTickHeight );

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2, userRoI.y1 );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2, userRoI.y1 - borderTickHeight );

        ///middle cross
        double crossWidth = USER_ROI_CROSS_RADIUS * pixelScale.x;
        double crossHeight = USER_ROI_CROSS_RADIUS * pixelScale.y;
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - crossHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + crossHeight );

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2  - crossWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2  + crossWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 );

        ///draw handles hint for the user

        double rectHalfWidth = (USER_ROI_SELECTION_POINT_SIZE * pixelScale.x) / 2.;
        double rectHalfHeight = (USER_ROI_SELECTION_POINT_SIZE * pixelScale.y) / 2.;
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 + rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 + rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - rectHalfHeight);

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 - rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 + rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 + rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 - rectHalfHeight );

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 - rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 - rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - rectHalfHeight);

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 - rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 + rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 + rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 - rectHalfHeight );

        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 - rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 - rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 + rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 + rectHalfHeight );
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f( (userRoI.x1 +  userRoI.x2) / 2 + rectHalfWidth, (userRoI.y1 + userRoI.y2) / 2 - rectHalfHeight );

        //top left
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 - rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 - rectHalfHeight);

        //top right
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 - rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y2 - rectHalfHeight);

        //bottom right
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 - rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x2 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 - rectHalfHeight);

        //bottom left
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 - rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 - rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 + rectHalfHeight);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2f(userRoI.x1 + rectHalfWidth, userRoI.y1 - rectHalfHeight);


        if (buildUserRoIOnNextPress) {
} // drawUserRoI
コード例 #9
CornerPinOverlayInteract::onOverlayPenMotion(TimeValue time,
                                             const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/,
                                             ViewIdx view,
                                             const QPointF & /*viewportPos*/,
                                             const QPointF & penPos,
                                             double /*pressure*/,
                                             TimeValue /*timestamp*/)
    // do not show interact if knob is secret or not enabled
    // see https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron/issues/932
    KnobDoublePtr from1Knob = _imp->from[0].lock();

    if ( !from1Knob || !from1Knob->shouldDrawOverlayInteract() ) {
        return false;

    RenderScale pscale;
    getPixelScale(pscale.x, pscale.y);

    OfxPointD to[4];
    OfxPointD from[4];
    bool enable[4];
    bool useFrom;

    if (_imp->dragging == -1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            _imp->getFrom(time, i, &from[i].x, &from[i].y);
            _imp->getTo(time, i, &to[i].x, &to[i].y);
            enable[i] = _imp->getEnabled(time, i);
        useFrom = _imp->getUseFromPoints(time);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            to[i] = _imp->toDrag[i];
            from[i] = _imp->fromDrag[i];
            enable[i] = _imp->enableDrag[i];
        useFrom = _imp->useFromDrag;

    if (!useFrom && !_imp->areToPointsAnimated()) {
        return false;

    OfxPointD p[4];
    OfxPointD q[4];
    int enableBegin = 4;
    int enableEnd = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        if (enable[i]) {
            if (useFrom) {
                p[i] = from[i];
                q[i] = to[i];
            } else {
                q[i] = from[i];
                p[i] = to[i];
            if (i < enableBegin) {
                enableBegin = i;
            if (i + 1 > enableEnd) {
                enableEnd = i + 1;
    bool didSomething = false;
    bool valuesChanged = false;
    OfxPointD delta;
    delta.x = penPos.x() - _imp->lastPenPos.x();
    delta.y = penPos.y() - _imp->lastPenPos.y();

    _imp->hovering = -1;

    for (int i = enableBegin; i < enableEnd; ++i) {
        if (enable[i]) {
            if (_imp->dragging == i) {
                if (useFrom) {
                    from[i].x += delta.x;
                    from[i].y += delta.y;
                    _imp->fromDrag[i] = from[i];
                } else {
                    to[i].x += delta.x;
                    to[i].y += delta.y;
                    _imp->toDrag[i] = to[i];
                valuesChanged = true;
            } else if ( CornerPinOverlayInteractPrivate::isNearby(penPos, p[i].x, p[i].y, CornerPinOverlayInteractPrivate::pointTolerance(), pscale) ) {
                _imp->hovering = i;
                didSomething = true;

    if ( (_imp->dragging != -1) && _imp->interactiveDrag && valuesChanged ) {
        // no need to redraw overlay since it is slave to the paramaters

        if (_imp->useFromDrag) {
            KnobDoublePtr knob = _imp->from[_imp->dragging].lock();
            std::vector<double> val(2);
            val[0] = from[_imp->dragging].x;
            val[1] = from[_imp->dragging].y;
            knob->setValueAcrossDimensions(val, DimIdx(0), view, eValueChangedReasonUserEdited);
        } else {
            KnobDoublePtr knob = _imp->to[_imp->dragging].lock();
            std::vector<double> val(2);
            val[0] = to[_imp->dragging].x;
            val[1] = to[_imp->dragging].y;

            if (_imp->toPointsAutoKeyingEnabled) {
                knob->setValueAtTimeAcrossDimensions(time, val, DimIdx(0), view, eValueChangedReasonUserEdited);

                // Also set a keyframe on other points
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                    if (i == _imp->dragging) {
                    std::vector<double> values(2);
                    KnobDoublePtr toPoint = _imp->to[i].lock();
                    values[0] = toPoint->getValueAtTime(time, DimIdx(0));
                    values[1] = toPoint->getValueAtTime(time, DimIdx(1));
                    toPoint->setValueAtTimeAcrossDimensions(time, values, DimIdx(0), view, eValueChangedReasonUserEdited);
            } else {
                knob->setValueAcrossDimensions(val, DimIdx(0), view, eValueChangedReasonUserEdited);

    _imp->lastPenPos = penPos;
    return didSomething || valuesChanged;
} // onOverlayPenMotion
コード例 #10
CornerPinOverlayInteract::onOverlayPenDown(TimeValue time,
                                           const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/,
                                           ViewIdx /*view*/,
                                           const QPointF & /*viewportPos*/,
                                           const QPointF & pos,
                                           double /*pressure*/,
                                           TimeValue /*timestamp*/,
                                           PenType /*pen*/)
    // do not show interact if knob is secret or not enabled
    // see https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron/issues/932
    KnobDoublePtr from1Knob = _imp->from[0].lock();

    if ( !from1Knob || !from1Knob->shouldDrawOverlayInteract() ) {
        return false;

    RenderScale pscale;
    getPixelScale(pscale.x, pscale.y);

    OfxPointD to[4];
    OfxPointD from[4];
    bool enable[4];
    bool useFrom;

    if (_imp->dragging == -1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            _imp->getFrom(time, i, &from[i].x, &from[i].y);
            _imp->getTo(time, i, &to[i].x, &to[i].y);
            enable[i] = _imp->getEnabled(time, i);
        useFrom = _imp->getUseFromPoints(time);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            to[i] = _imp->toDrag[i];
            from[i] = _imp->fromDrag[i];
            enable[i] = _imp->enableDrag[i];
        useFrom = _imp->useFromDrag;

    if (!useFrom && !_imp->areToPointsAnimated()) {
        return false;

    OfxPointD p[4];
    OfxPointD q[4];
    int enableBegin = 4;
    int enableEnd = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        if (enable[i]) {
            if (useFrom) {
                p[i] = from[i];
                q[i] = to[i];
            } else {
                q[i] = from[i];
                p[i] = to[i];
            if (i < enableBegin) {
                enableBegin = i;
            if (i + 1 > enableEnd) {
                enableEnd = i + 1;

    bool didSomething = false;

    for (int i = enableBegin; i < enableEnd; ++i) {
        if (enable[i]) {
            if ( CornerPinOverlayInteractPrivate::isNearby(pos, p[i].x, p[i].y, CornerPinOverlayInteractPrivate::pointTolerance(), pscale) ) {
                _imp->dragging = i;
                didSomething = true;
            _imp->toDrag[i] = to[i];
            _imp->fromDrag[i] = from[i];
            _imp->enableDrag[i] = enable[i];
    _imp->interactiveDrag = _imp->getInteractive();
    _imp->useFromDrag = useFrom;
    _imp->lastPenPos = pos;
    return didSomething;

} // onOverlayPenDown
コード例 #11
CornerPinOverlayInteract::drawOverlay(TimeValue time,
                                      const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/,
                                      ViewIdx /*view*/)
    // do not show interact if knob is secret or not enabled
    // see https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron/issues/932
    KnobDoublePtr from1Knob = _imp->from[0].lock();

    if ( !from1Knob || !from1Knob->shouldDrawOverlayInteract() ) {

    OfxRGBColourD color;
    if ( !getOverlayColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) ) {
        color.r = color.g = color.b = 0.8;

    RenderScale pscale;
    getPixelScale(pscale.x, pscale.y);

    OfxPointD to[4];
    OfxPointD from[4];
    bool enable[4];
    bool useFrom;

    if (_imp->dragging == -1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            _imp->getFrom(time, i, &from[i].x, &from[i].y);
            _imp->getTo(time, i, &to[i].x, &to[i].y);
            enable[i] = _imp->getEnabled(time, i);
        useFrom = _imp->getUseFromPoints(time);
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            to[i] = _imp->toDrag[i];
            from[i] = _imp->fromDrag[i];
            enable[i] = _imp->enableDrag[i];
        useFrom = _imp->useFromDrag;

    if (!useFrom && !_imp->areToPointsAnimated()) {

    OfxPointD p[4];
    OfxPointD q[4];
    int enableBegin = 4;
    int enableEnd = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        if (enable[i]) {
            if (useFrom) {
                p[i] = from[i];
                q[i] = to[i];
            } else {
                q[i] = from[i];
                p[i] = to[i];
            if (i < enableBegin) {
                enableBegin = i;
            if (i + 1 > enableEnd) {
                enableEnd = i + 1;

    double w, h;
    getViewportSize(w, h);

    GLdouble projection[16];
    GL_GPU::GetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
    OfxPointD shadow; // how much to translate GL_PROJECTION to get exactly one pixel on screen
    shadow.x = 2. / (projection[0] * w);
    shadow.y = 2. / (projection[5] * h);

    //glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); // caller is responsible for protecting attribs


    GL_GPU::PointSize( CornerPinOverlayInteractPrivate::pointSize() );
    // Draw everything twice
    // l = 0: shadow
    // l = 1: drawing
    for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
        // shadow (uses GL_PROJECTION)
        int direction = (l == 0) ? 1 : -1;
        // translate (1,-1) pixels
        GL_GPU::Translated(direction * shadow.x, -direction * shadow.y, 0);
        GL_GPU::MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Modelview should be used on Nuke

        GL_GPU::Color3f( (float)(color.r / 2) * l, (float)(color.g / 2) * l, (float)(color.b / 2) * l );
        for (int i = enableBegin; i < enableEnd; ++i) {
            if (enable[i]) {
                GL_GPU::Vertex2d(p[i].x, p[i].y);
                GL_GPU::Vertex2d(q[i].x, q[i].y);
        GL_GPU::Color3f( (float)color.r * l, (float)color.g * l, (float)color.b * l );
        for (int i = enableBegin; i < enableEnd; ++i) {
            if (enable[i]) {
                GL_GPU::Vertex2d(p[i].x, p[i].y);
        for (int i = enableBegin; i < enableEnd; ++i) {
            if (enable[i]) {
                if ( (_imp->hovering == i) || (_imp->dragging == i) ) {
                    GL_GPU::Color3f(0.f * l, 1.f * l, 0.f * l);
                } else {
                    GL_GPU::Color3f( (float)color.r * l, (float)color.g * l, (float)color.b * l );
                GL_GPU::Vertex2d(p[i].x, p[i].y);

        for (int i = enableBegin; i < enableEnd; ++i) {
            if (enable[i]) {
                std::string text = useFrom ? _imp->from[i].lock()->getName().c_str() :  _imp->to[i].lock()->getName().c_str() ;
                getLastCallingViewport()->renderText(p[i].x, p[i].y, text, color.r * l , color.g * l, color.b * l, 1);


} // drawOverlay
コード例 #12
ファイル: ofxsInteract.cpp プロジェクト: morphimac/TuttleOFX
/** @brief ctor */
FocusArgs::FocusArgs( const PropertySet& props )
	: InteractArgs( props )
	pixelScale       = getPixelScale( props );
	backGroundColour = getBackgroundColour( props );
コード例 #13
PointOverlayInteract::onOverlayPenMotion(TimeValue time,
                                         const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/,
                                         ViewIdx view,
                                         const QPointF & /*viewportPos*/,
                                         const QPointF & penPos,
                                         double /*pressure*/,
                                         TimeValue /*timestamp*/)
    KnobDoublePtr knob = _imp->param.lock();

    // do not show interact if knob is secret or not enabled
    // see https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron/issues/932
    if ( !knob || !knob->shouldDrawOverlayInteract() ) {
        return false;

    RenderScale pscale;
    getPixelScale(pscale.x, pscale.y);

    QPointF pos;
    if (_imp->state == ePositionInteractStatePicked) {
        pos = _imp->lastPenPos;
    } else {
        double p[2];
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            p[i] = knob->getValueAtTime(time, DimIdx(i));
            if (knob->getValueIsNormalized(DimIdx(i)) != eValueIsNormalizedNone) {
                p[i] = knob->denormalize(DimIdx(i), time, p[i]);

    bool didSomething = false;
    bool valuesChanged = false;

    switch (_imp->state) {
        case ePositionInteractStateInactive:
        case ePositionInteractStatePoised: {
            // are we in the box, become 'poised'
            PositionInteractState newState;
            if ( ( std::fabs( penPos.x() - pos.x() ) <= _imp->pointTolerance() * pscale.x) &&
                ( std::fabs( penPos.y() - pos.y() ) <= _imp->pointTolerance() * pscale.y) ) {
                newState = ePositionInteractStatePoised;
            } else {
                newState = ePositionInteractStateInactive;

            if (_imp->state != newState) {
                // state changed, must redraw
            _imp->state = newState;

        case ePositionInteractStatePicked: {
            valuesChanged = true;
    didSomething = (_imp->state == ePositionInteractStatePoised) || (_imp->state == ePositionInteractStatePicked);

    if ( (_imp->state != ePositionInteractStateInactive) && _imp->interactiveDrag && valuesChanged ) {
        std::vector<double> p(2);
        p[0] = fround(_imp->lastPenPos.x(), pscale.x);
        p[1] = fround(_imp->lastPenPos.y(), pscale.y);
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            if (knob->getValueIsNormalized(DimIdx(i)) != eValueIsNormalizedNone) {
                p[i] = knob->normalize(DimIdx(i), time, p[i]);

        knob->setValueAcrossDimensions(p, DimIdx(0), ViewSetSpec(view), eValueChangedReasonUserEdited);

    _imp->lastPenPos = penPos;

    return (didSomething || valuesChanged);
} // onOverlayPenMotion
コード例 #14
PointOverlayInteract::drawOverlay(TimeValue time,
                                  const RenderScale & /*renderScale*/,
                                  ViewIdx /*view*/)
    KnobDoublePtr knob = _imp->param.lock();

    // do not show interact if knob is secret or not enabled
    // see https://github.com/MrKepzie/Natron/issues/932
    if ( !knob || !knob->shouldDrawOverlayInteract()) {

    ColorRgba<double> color;
    if ( !getOverlayColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) ) {
        color.r = color.g = color.b = 0.8;

    RenderScale pscale;
    getPixelScale(pscale.x, pscale.y);

    float pR = 1.f;
    float pG = 1.f;
    float pB = 1.f;
    switch (_imp->state) {
        case ePositionInteractStateInactive:
            pR = (float)color.r; pG = (float)color.g; pB = (float)color.b; break;
        case ePositionInteractStatePoised:
            pR = 0.f; pG = 1.0f; pB = 0.0f; break;
        case ePositionInteractStatePicked:
            pR = 0.f; pG = 1.0f; pB = 0.0f; break;

    QPointF pos;
    if (_imp->state == ePositionInteractStatePicked) {
        pos = _imp->lastPenPos;
    } else {
        double p[2];
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            p[i] = knob->getValueAtTime(time, DimIdx(i));
            if (knob->getValueIsNormalized(DimIdx(i)) != eValueIsNormalizedNone) {
                p[i] = knob->denormalize(DimIdx(i), time, p[i]);
    //glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); // caller is responsible for protecting attribs
    GL_GPU::PointSize( (GLfloat)_imp->pointSize() );
    // Draw everything twice
    // l = 0: shadow
    // l = 1: drawing

    double w, h;
    getViewportSize(w, h);

    GLdouble projection[16];
    GL_GPU::GetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
    OfxPointD shadow; // how much to translate GL_PROJECTION to get exactly one pixel on screen
    shadow.x = 2. / (projection[0] * w);
    shadow.y = 2. / (projection[5] * h);

    int fmHeight = getLastCallingViewport()->getWidgetFontHeight();
    for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) {
        // shadow (uses GL_PROJECTION)
        int direction = (l == 0) ? 1 : -1;
        // translate (1,-1) pixels
        GL_GPU::Translated(direction * shadow.x, -direction * shadow.y, 0);
        GL_GPU::MatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); // Modelview should be used on Nuke

        GL_GPU::Color3f(pR * l, pG * l, pB * l);
        GL_GPU::Vertex2d( pos.x(), pos.y() );
        getLastCallingViewport()->renderText(pos.x(), pos.y() - ( fmHeight + _imp->pointSize() ) * pscale.y, knob->getOriginalName(), pR*l, pG*l, pB*l, 1.);

} // drawOverlay