bool GuiAppInstance::checkAllReadersModificationDate(bool errorAndWarn) { NodesList allNodes; SequenceTime time = getProject()->getCurrentTime(); getProject()->getNodes_recursive(allNodes, true); bool changed = false; for (NodesList::iterator it = allNodes.begin(); it != allNodes.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->getEffectInstance()->isReader() ) { KnobPtr fileKnobI = (*it)->getKnobByName(kOfxImageEffectFileParamName); if (!fileKnobI) { continue; } boost::shared_ptr<KnobGuiI> knobUi_i = fileKnobI->getKnobGuiPointer(); KnobGuiFile* isFileKnob = dynamic_cast<KnobGuiFile*>( knobUi_i.get() ); if (!isFileKnob) { continue; } changed |= isFileKnob->checkFileModificationAndWarn(time, errorAndWarn); } } return changed; }
void WorkspacePanel::OnNewTechnique(wxCommandEvent& event) { Project* project = NULL; MaterialController* material = NULL; wxTreeItemId selId = mTreeCtrl->GetSelection(); if(isProject(selId)) { project = getProject(selId); } else if(isMaterial(selId)) { wxTreeItemId projectId = mTreeCtrl->GetItemParent(selId); project = getProject(projectId); material = getMaterial(selId); } TechniqueWizard* wizard = new TechniqueWizard(); wizard->Create(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("New Technique"), wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wizard->getTechniquePage()->setProject(project); wizard->getTechniquePage()->setMaterial(material); wizard->RunWizard(wizard->getTechniquePage()); // This seems unnatural, seems there must be a better way to deal with wizards wizard->Destroy(); delete wizard; }
void MainApplication::saveProject(const BoostPath& ProjectFile) { if(getProject() != NULL) { getProject()->save(ProjectFile); updateRecentProject(ProjectFile); } }
void ProjectExporter::addCommonAudioPluginSettings() { if (isLinux() && (getProject().shouldBuildVST().getValue() || getProject().shouldBuildVST3().getValue())) makefileExtraLinkerFlags.add ("-Wl,--no-undefined"); if (supportsAAX() && getProject().shouldBuildAAX().getValue()) addAAXFoldersToPath(); // Note: RTAS paths are platform-dependent, impl -> addPlatformSpecificSettingsForProjectType }
void MainWindow::activeWindowStatusChanged() { DocumentWindow::activeWindowStatusChanged(); if (auto* pcc = getProjectContentComponent()) pcc->updateMissingFileStatuses(); ProjucerApplication::getApp().openDocumentManager.reloadModifiedFiles(); if (auto* p = getProject()) { if (p->hasProjectBeenModified()) { Component::SafePointer<Component> safePointer (this); MessageManager::callAsync ([=] () { if (safePointer == nullptr) return; // bail out if the window has been deleted auto result = AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::QuestionIcon, TRANS ("The .jucer file has been modified since the last save."), TRANS ("Do you want to keep the current project or re-load from disk?"), TRANS ("Keep"), TRANS ("Re-load from disk")); if (safePointer == nullptr) return; if (result == 0) { if (auto* project = getProject()) { auto oldTemporaryDirectory = project->getTemporaryDirectory(); auto projectFile = project->getFile(); setProject (nullptr); openFile (projectFile); if (oldTemporaryDirectory != File()) if (auto* newProject = getProject()) newProject->setTemporaryDirectory (oldTemporaryDirectory); } } else { ProjucerApplication::getApp().getCommandManager().invokeDirectly (CommandIDs::saveProject, true); } }); } } }
void UmlPackage::import(QString path) { bool manual = path.isEmpty(); if (manual) path = Q3FileDialog::getOpenFileName(QString::null, QString::null, 0, 0, "open xmi/xml file"); if (! path.isEmpty()) { // note : QTextStream(FILE *) bugged under windows FILE * fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp == 0) UmlCom::trace("cannot open " + path); else { QString s = "import " + path + "<br>"; UmlCom::trace(s); FileIn in(path, fp); getProject()->set_childrenVisible(FALSE); init(); importHeader(in); UmlCom::trace(WrapperStr("<br><font face=helvetica>xmi import done<br><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(numberOf() - 1) + WrapperStr(" packages </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlUseCase::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" use cases </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlClass::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" classes </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlActivity::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" activities </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlState::numberOf()) + " states </font><br>" + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlComponent::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" components </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlArtifact::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" artifacts </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlNode::numberOf()) + WrapperStr(" deployment nodes </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlPackage::numberOfProfile()) + WrapperStr(" profiles </font><br>") + WrapperStr("<font face=helvetica> ") + WrapperStr().setNum(UmlClass::numberOfStereotype()) + WrapperStr(" stereotypes </font><br><br>")); if (manual) getProject()->set_childrenVisible(TRUE); } } }
Component* createEditor() override { if (ScopedPointer<JucerDocument> jucerDoc = JucerDocument::createForCppFile (getProject(), getFile())) return new JucerDocumentEditor (jucerDoc.release()); return SourceCodeDocument::createEditor(); }
void MainWindow::activeWindowStatusChanged() { DocumentWindow::activeWindowStatusChanged(); if (ProjectContentComponent* const pcc = getProjectContentComponent()) pcc->updateMissingFileStatuses(); ProjucerApplication::getApp().openDocumentManager.reloadModifiedFiles(); if (Project* p = getProject()) { if (p->hasProjectBeenModified()) { const int r = AlertWindow::showOkCancelBox (AlertWindow::QuestionIcon, TRANS ("The .jucer file has been modified since the last save."), TRANS ("Do you want to keep the current project or re-load from disk?"), TRANS ("Keep"), TRANS ("Re-load from disk")); if (r == 0) { File projectFile = p->getFile(); setProject (nullptr); openFile (projectFile); } else if (r == 1) { ProjucerApplication::getApp().getCommandManager().invokeDirectly (CommandIDs::saveProject, true); } } } }
bool MainWindow::openFile (const File& file) { createProjectContentCompIfNeeded(); if (file.hasFileExtension (Project::projectFileExtension)) { ScopedPointer<Project> newDoc (new Project (file)); Result result (newDoc->loadFrom (file, true)); if (result.wasOk() && closeCurrentProject()) { setProject (newDoc); newDoc.release()->setChangedFlag (false); jassert (getProjectContentComponent() != nullptr); getProjectContentComponent()->reloadLastOpenDocuments(); if (Project* p = getProject()) p->updateDeprecatedProjectSettingsInteractively(); return true; } } else if (file.exists()) { return getProjectContentComponent()->showEditorForFile (file, true); } return false; }
void UmlPackage::fileControl(bool ci) { UmlPackage * prj = getProject(); Q3CString prjfile = prj->supportFile(); BooL rec; BooL reload; Q3CString cmd; if (! prj->propertyValue((ci) ? "check-in-cmd" : "check-out-cmd", cmd)) cmd = "specify the command containing %file and %dir or %dironly"; Dialog dialog(ci, cmd, rec, reload); // the dialog execution set 'cmd' and 'rec' if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { // save the command for a future usage prj->set_PropertyValue((ci) ? "check-in-cmd" : "check-out-cmd", cmd); if (reload) saveProject(); // get files list Q3Dict<void> files; getFiles(files, (rec) ? ~0u : 1); if (this == prj) getAuxFiles(files); // apply the command on each file Q3DictIterator<void> it(files); QFileInfo prjpath(prjfile); QString dir = prjpath.dirPath(TRUE); QString dironly = dir; int index; if ((dironly.length() > 3) && (((const char *) dironly)[1] == ':') && (((const char *) dironly)[2] == '/')) dironly = dironly.mid(2); while ((index = cmd.find("%dironly")) != -1) cmd.replace(index, 8, dironly); while ((index = cmd.find("%dir")) != -1) cmd.replace(index, 4, dir); while (it.current()) { QString s = cmd; while ((index = s.find("%file")) != -1) s.replace(index, 5, it.currentKey()); system((const char *) s); ++it; } UmlCom::trace("Done."); if (reload) loadProject(prjfile); } }
void GuiAppInstance::declareCurrentAppVariable_Python() { #ifdef NATRON_RUN_WITHOUT_PYTHON return; #endif std::string appIDStr = getAppIDString(); /// define the app variable std::stringstream ss; ss << appIDStr << " = " << NATRON_GUI_PYTHON_MODULE_NAME << ".natron.getGuiInstance(" << getAppID() << ") \n"; const KnobsVec& knobs = getProject()->getKnobs(); for (KnobsVec::const_iterator it = knobs.begin(); it != knobs.end(); ++it) { ss << appIDStr << "." << (*it)->getName() << " = " << appIDStr << ".getProjectParam('" << (*it)->getName() << "')\n"; } std::string script = ss.str(); std::string err; _imp->declareAppAndParamsString = script; bool ok = NATRON_PYTHON_NAMESPACE::interpretPythonScript(script, &err, 0); if (!ok) { throw std::runtime_error("GuiAppInstance::declareCurrentAppVariable_Python() failed!"); } }
void WorkspacePanel::OnAddMaterial(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxFileDialog * openDialog = new wxFileDialog(this, wxT("Add a Material"), wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxT("Material Files (*.material)|*.material|All Files (*.*)|*.*")); if(openDialog->ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxString path = openDialog->GetPath(); if(path.EndsWith(wxT(".material"))) { wxTreeItemId selId = mTreeCtrl->GetSelection(); if(isProject(selId)) { Project* project = getProject(selId); MaterialScriptEditor* editor = new MaterialScriptEditor(EditorManager::getSingletonPtr()->getEditorNotebook()); editor->loadFile(path); int index = (int)path.find_last_of('\\'); if(index == -1) index = (int)path.find_last_of('/'); editor->setName((index != -1) ? path.substr(index + 1, path.Length()) : path); EditorManager::getSingletonPtr()->openEditor(editor); Ogre::MaterialPtr mat = Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("Ogre/Earring"); project->addMaterial(mat); } } } }
WrapperStr UmlPackage::rootDir(aLanguage who) { if (! RootDirRead) { RootDirRead = TRUE; switch (who) { case cppLanguage: RootDir = CppSettings::rootDir(); break; case javaLanguage: RootDir = JavaSettings::rootDir(); break; case phpLanguage: RootDir = PhpSettings::rootDir(); break; default: RootDir = PythonSettings::rootDir(); } if (!RootDir.isEmpty() && // empty -> error QDir::isRelativePath(RootDir)) { QFileInfo f(getProject()->supportFile()); QDir d(f.path()); RootDir = d.filePath(RootDir); } } return RootDir; }
bool GuiAppInstance::findAndTryLoadUntitledAutoSave() { if ( !appPTR->getCurrentSettings()->isAutoSaveEnabledForUnsavedProjects() ) { return false; } QDir savesDir( Project::autoSavesDir() ); QStringList entries = savesDir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); QStringList foundAutosaves; for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) { const QString & entry =; QString searchStr( QLatin1Char('.') ); searchStr.append( QString::fromUtf8(NATRON_PROJECT_FILE_EXT) ); searchStr.append( QString::fromUtf8(".autosave") ); int suffixPos = entry.indexOf(searchStr); if ( (suffixPos == -1) || entry.contains( QString::fromUtf8("RENDER_SAVE") ) ) { continue; } foundAutosaves << entry; } if ( foundAutosaves.empty() ) { return false; } QString text = tr("An auto-saved project was found with no associated project file.\n" "Would you like to restore it? Clicking No will remove this auto-save."); appPTR->hideSplashScreen(); StandardButtonEnum ret = Dialogs::questionDialog(tr("Auto-save").toStdString(), text.toStdString(), false, StandardButtons(eStandardButtonYes | eStandardButtonNo), eStandardButtonYes); if ( (ret == eStandardButtonNo) || (ret == eStandardButtonEscape) ) { Project::clearAutoSavesDir(); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < foundAutosaves.size(); ++i) { const QString& autoSaveFileName = foundAutosaves[i]; if (i == 0) { //Load the first one into the current instance of Natron, then open-up new instances if ( !getProject()->loadProject(savesDir.path() + QLatin1Char('/'), autoSaveFileName, true) ) { return false; } } else { CLArgs cl; AppInstance* newApp = appPTR->newAppInstance(cl, false); if ( !newApp->getProject()->loadProject(savesDir.path() + QLatin1Char('/'), autoSaveFileName, true) ) { return false; } } } return true; } // findAndTryLoadAutoSave
void CLangModelsDoc::OnCloseDocument() { CFrameWnd* pF = getFrame(); if(!theApp.getProject(TRUE) || !pF || getProject()->getIsClosing()) CTabbedTreeDoc::OnCloseDocument(); else pF->ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE); }
Component* createEditor() override { std::unique_ptr<JucerDocument> jucerDoc (JucerDocument::createForCppFile (getProject(), getFile())); if (jucerDoc != nullptr) return new JucerDocumentEditor (jucerDoc.release()); return SourceCodeDocument::createEditor(); }
void ProjectContentComponent::cleanAll() { lastCrashMessage = String(); if (childProcess != nullptr) childProcess->cleanAll(); else if (Project* p = getProject()) CompileEngineChildProcess::cleanAllCachedFilesForProject (*p); }
int ProjectManager::getIdFromSgProject(SgProject * sgProj) { for(int i=0; i < getProjectCount(); i++) { if(getProject(i)->getSgProject() == sgProj) return i; } qDebug() << "Warning: ProjectManager::getIdFromProject"; qDebug() << "Tried to get a projectId with an unknown sgProject"; return -1; }
void ProjectsTree::p_task() { QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(sender()); if (action) { int projId = qVariantValue<int>(action->data()); Project *projItem = getProject(projId); addTaskW->setParentProject(*projItem); addTaskW->show(); } }
Q3CString UmlPackage::path(const Q3CString & f) { if (!read) { dir = idlDir(); if (! RootDirRead) { RootDirRead = TRUE; RootDir = IdlSettings::rootDir(); if (!RootDir.isEmpty() && // empty -> error QDir::isRelativePath(RootDir)) { QFileInfo f(getProject()->supportFile()); QDir d(f.dirPath()); RootDir = d.filePath(RootDir); } } QDir d_root(RootDir); if (dir.isEmpty()) dir = RootDir; else if (QDir::isRelativePath(dir)) dir = d_root.filePath(dir); if (dir.isEmpty()) { UmlCom::trace(Q3CString("<font color=\"red\"><b><b> The generation directory " "must be specified for the package<i> ") + name() + "</i>, edit the <i> generation settings</i> (tab 'directory') " "or edit the package (tab 'Idl')</b></font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("UmlPackage::file_path"); } if (QDir::isRelativePath(dir)) { UmlCom::trace(Q3CString("<font color=\"red\"><b><i>") + name() + "</i>'s source path <i>(" + dir + "</i>) is not absolute, edit the <i> generation settings</i> " "(tab 'directory'), or edit the package (tab 'Idl')</b></font><br>"); UmlCom::bye(n_errors() + 1); UmlCom::fatal_error("UmlPackage::file_path"); } read = TRUE; } QDir d(dir); if (! d.exists()) create_directory(dir); // don't return on error return Q3CString(d.filePath(f).toAscii().constData()) + Q3CString(".") + IdlSettings::sourceExtension(); }
void WorkspacePanel::OnSelectionChanged(wxTreeEvent& event) { SelectionList list; wxTreeItemId id = event.GetItem(); if(isProject(id)) list.push_back(getProject(id)); else if(isMaterial(id)) list.push_back(getMaterial(id)); else if(isTechnique(id)) list.push_back(getTechnique(id)); else if(isPass(id)) list.push_back(getPass(id)); // else its the workspace so just leave the list empty as if nothing were selected SelectionService::getSingletonPtr()->setSelection(list); }
void WorkspacePanel::OnNewPass(wxCommandEvent& event) { Project* project = NULL; MaterialController* material = NULL; TechniqueController* technique = NULL; wxTreeItemId selId = mTreeCtrl->GetSelection(); if(isProject(selId)) { project = getProject(selId); } else if(isMaterial(selId)) { wxTreeItemId projectId = mTreeCtrl->GetItemParent(selId); project = getProject(projectId); material = getMaterial(selId); } else if(isTechnique(selId)) { wxTreeItemId materialId = mTreeCtrl->GetItemParent(selId); material = getMaterial(materialId); wxTreeItemId projectId = mTreeCtrl->GetItemParent(materialId); project = getProject(projectId); technique = getTechnique(selId); } PassWizard* wizard = new PassWizard(); wizard->Create(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("New Pass"), wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wizard->getPassPage()->setProject(project); wizard->getPassPage()->setMaterial(material); wizard->getPassPage()->setTechnique(technique); wizard->RunWizard(wizard->getPassPage()); wizard->Destroy(); delete wizard; }
void WorkspacePanel::OnNewMaterial(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxTreeItemId id = mTreeCtrl->GetSelection(); MaterialWizard* wizard = new MaterialWizard(); wizard->Create(this, wxID_ANY, wxT("New Project"), wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); wizard->getMaterialPage()->setProject(getProject(id)); wizard->RunWizard(wizard->getMaterialPage()); // This seems unnatural, seems there must be a better way to deal with wizards wizard->Destroy(); delete wizard; }
CLangModelsDoc::~CLangModelsDoc() { // the following is actually to avoid a bug which happens when you cancel in the middle // of the carlamenu wizard. The project wouldn't know that this was deleted getProject()->removeLangDoc(this); if(m_pLang) delete m_pLang; if(m_pFunctionalInterface) delete m_pFunctionalInterface; if(m_pCarlaMenuInterface) delete m_pCarlaMenuInterface; }
UmlPackage * UmlPackage::importProfile(FileIn & in, WrapperStr href) { if (!href.isEmpty() && (href.left(5) != "http:") && (href.left(8) != "pathmap:")) { int index = href.find('#'); if (index != -1) { WrapperStr id = href.mid(index + 1); QMap<WrapperStr, UmlItem *>::Iterator it = All.find(id); if (it == All.end()) { UmlPackage * pf = getProject()->findProfile(id); if (pf == 0) { QFileInfo fi(in.path()); QDir d(fi.dir(TRUE)); QString fn = d.absFilePath(href.left(index)); if (QFile::exists(fn)) { WrapperStr cmd = qApp->argv()[0] + WrapperStr(" ") + WrapperStr((const char *)fn); //[rageek] ambiguous, cast int pid = UmlCom::targetItem()->apply(cmd); while (isToolRunning(pid)) { #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(1000); #else sleep(1); #endif } UmlCom::targetItem()->unload(FALSE, FALSE); // to reread children if ((pf = ((UmlPackage *) UmlCom::targetItem())->findProfile(id)) != 0) // not in Bouml case pf->loadFromProfile(); } else in.warning("can't open " + href.left(index)); } else // not in Bouml case pf->loadFromProfile(); return pf; } else if ((*it)->kind() == aPackage) return (UmlPackage *) *it; } } return 0; }
void GuiAppInstance::goToNextKeyframe() { ///runs only in the main thread assert( QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread() ); _imp->timelineKeyframes.sort(); boost::shared_ptr<TimeLine> timeline = getProject()->getTimeLine(); SequenceTime currentFrame = timeline->currentFrame(); std::list<SequenceTime>::iterator upperBound = std::upper_bound(_imp->timelineKeyframes.begin(), _imp->timelineKeyframes.end(), currentFrame); if ( upperBound != _imp->timelineKeyframes.end() ) { timeline->seekFrame(*upperBound, true, NULL, eTimelineChangeReasonPlaybackSeek); } }
bool GuiAppInstance::save(const std::string& filename) { if ( filename.empty() ) { boost::shared_ptr<Project> project = getProject(); if ( project->hasProjectBeenSavedByUser() ) { return _imp->_gui->saveProject(); } else { return _imp->_gui->saveProjectAs(); } } else { return _imp->_gui->saveProjectAs(filename); } }
void GuiAppInstance::goToPreviousKeyframe() { ///runs only in the main thread assert( QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread() ); _imp->timelineKeyframes.sort(); TimeLinePtr timeline = getProject()->getTimeLine(); SequenceTime currentFrame = timeline->currentFrame(); std::list<SequenceTime>::iterator lowerBound = std::lower_bound(_imp->timelineKeyframes.begin(), _imp->timelineKeyframes.end(), currentFrame); if ( lowerBound != _imp->timelineKeyframes.begin() ) { --lowerBound; timeline->seekFrame(*lowerBound, true, OutputEffectInstancePtr(), eTimelineChangeReasonPlaybackSeek); } }
void BI_StrokeText::init() { mText->registerObserver(*this); mText->setAttributeProvider(&mBoard); mText->setFont(&getProject().getStrokeFonts().getFont( mBoard.getDefaultFontName())); // can throw mGraphicsItem.reset( new StrokeTextGraphicsItem(*mText, mBoard.getLayerStack())); mAnchorGraphicsItem.reset(new LineGraphicsItem()); updateGraphicsItems(); // connect to the "attributes changed" signal of the board connect(&mBoard, &Board::attributesChanged, this, &BI_StrokeText::boardAttributesChanged); }
const Drawable* Project::Item::getIcon() const { if (isFile()) { if (isImageFile()) return StoredSettings::getInstance()->getImageFileIcon(); return LookAndFeel::getDefaultLookAndFeel().getDefaultDocumentFileImage(); } else if (isMainGroup()) { return &(getProject().mainProjectIcon); } return LookAndFeel::getDefaultLookAndFeel().getDefaultFolderImage(); }