コード例 #1
void EqHandle::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget )
    painter->setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing, true );
    if ( m_mousePressed )
        emit positionChanged();

    QString fileName = "handle" + QString::number(m_numb+1);
    if ( !isActiveHandle() ) {
        fileName = fileName + "inactive";
    QPixmap circlePixmap = PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( fileName.toLatin1() );
    painter->drawPixmap( -12, -12, circlePixmap );
    // on mouse hover draw an info box and change the pixmap of the handle
    if ( isMouseHover() )
        // keeps the info box in view
        float rectX = -40;
        float rectY = -40;
        if ( EqHandle::y() < 40 )
            rectY = rectY + 40 - EqHandle::y();
        if ( EqHandle::x() < 40 )
            rectX = rectX + 40 - EqHandle::x();
        if ( EqHandle::x() > m_width - 40 )
            rectX = rectX - ( 40 - ( m_width - EqHandle::x() ) );

        painter->drawPixmap( -12, -12, PLUGIN_NAME::getIconPixmap( "handlehover" ) );
        QRectF textRect = QRectF ( rectX, rectY, 80, 30 );
        QRectF textRect2 = QRectF ( rectX+1, rectY+1, 80, 30 );
        QString freq = QString::number( xPixelToFreq( EqHandle::x(), m_width ) );
        QString res;
        if ( getType() != para )
            res = tr( "Reso: ") + QString::number( getResonance() );
            res = tr( "BW: " ) +  QString::number( getResonance() );

        painter->setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );
        painter->drawRect( textRect );
        painter->fillRect( textRect, QBrush( QColor( 128, 128, 255 , 64 ) ) );

        painter->setPen ( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) );
        painter->drawText( textRect2, Qt::AlignCenter,
                           QString( tr( "Freq: " ) + freq + "\n" + res ) );
        painter->setPen( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) );
        painter->drawText( textRect, Qt::AlignCenter,
                           QString( tr( "Freq: " ) + freq + "\n" + res ) );
コード例 #2
void BandPassFilter2::step(Signal* inout)
  sample* samples = inout->samples;
  sample* f = getFrequency().samples;
  sample* m = getResonance().samples;
  const float pi_2 = 3.1415f*2.f;
  const float te = 1.f/(float)Signal::frequency;
  for (unsigned int i=0;i < Signal::size;i++)
    const float w0=f[i]*pi_2;
    const float w0te=w0*te;
    const float mw0te=w0te*2.f*m[i];
    const float w0te2=w0te*w0te;
    const float d=1.f+mw0te+w0te2;
    const float a0=mw0te/d;
    const float b1=(2.f + mw0te)/d;
    const float b2=1.f/d;
    const float save_x_1 = samples[i];
    const float k=1.f/0.7f;
    samples[i] = k*a0*samples[i]-k*a0*_x_1+b1*_y_1-b2*_y_2;
    _y_2 = _y_1;
    _y_1 = samples[i];
    _x_1 = save_x_1;
コード例 #3
void HighPassFilter2::step(Signal* inout)
  sample* samples = inout->samples;
  sample* f = getFrequency().samples;
  sample* m = getResonance().samples;
  const float pi_2 = 3.1415f*2.f;
  const float te = 1.f/(float)Signal::frequency;
  const float _2te=te*2.f;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<Signal::size;i++)
    const float w0=f[i]*pi_2;
    const float w0te=w0*te;
    const float w02te=w0*_2te;
    const float w02te2=w0te*w0te;
    const float _2mw0te=m[i]*w02te;
    float a=w02te2+_2mw0te+1.f;
    const float b=_2mw0te+2.f;
    const float _2_x_1=2*_x_1;
    const float save_x_1=samples[i];
    //std::cout << samples[i]<<std::endl;
コード例 #4
float EqHandle::getPeakCurve( float x )
    double freqZ = xPixelToFreq( EqHandle::x(), m_width );
    const int SR = Engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate();
    double w0 = 2 * LD_PI * freqZ / SR ;
    double c = cosf( w0 );
    double s = sinf( w0 );
    double Q = getResonance();
    double A =  pow( 10, yPixelToGain( EqHandle::y(), m_heigth, m_pixelsPerUnitHeight ) / 40 );
    double alpha = s * sinh( log( 2 ) / 2 * Q * w0 / sinf( w0 ) );
    double a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2; // coeffs to calculate

    //calc coefficents
    b0 =   1 + alpha * A;
    b1 =  -2 * c;
    b2 =   1 - alpha * A;
    a0 =   1 + alpha / A;
    a1 =  -2 * c;
    a2 =   1 - alpha / A;

    b0 /= a0;
    b1 /= a0;
    b2 /= a0;
    a1 /= a0;
    a2 /= a0;
    a0 = 1;

    double freq = xPixelToFreq( x, m_width );
    double gain = calculateGain( freq, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2 );
    float y = gainToYPixel( gain, m_heigth, m_pixelsPerUnitHeight );

    return y;
コード例 #5
void FilterAudioProcessor::processBlock(AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages)

	processBlockwise<FilterConstants::blockSize>(buffer, internalBuffer, [this](size_t samples, size_t offset) {
		switch (filterType) {
		case High:
			filter->processHigh(internalBuffer, samples, getFrequency(), getResonance());
		case Low:
			filter->processLow(internalBuffer, samples, getFrequency(), getResonance());
		case Band:
			filter->processBand(internalBuffer, samples, getFrequency(), getResonance());
		case Notch:
			filter->processNotch(internalBuffer, samples, getFrequency(), getResonance());

コード例 #6
void Rejector::step(Signal* inout) {
  sample* samples = inout->samples;
  sample* f = getFrequency().samples;
  sample* m = getResonance().samples;
  const float te = 1.f/(float)Signal::frequency;
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<Signal::size; i++)
    const float w0te=f[i]*te;
    const float w02te2=w0te*w0te;
    const float mw0te=m[i]*w0te;
    const float a=1.f/(w02te2+2.f*mw0te+1.f);
    const float b=2.f*mw0te+2.f;
    const float c=w02te2+1.f;
    const float save_x_1=samples[i];
コード例 #7
float EqHandle::getHighCutCurve( float x )
    double freqZ = xPixelToFreq( EqHandle::x(), m_width );
    const int SR = Engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate();
    double w0 = 2 * LD_PI * freqZ / SR ;
    double c = cosf( w0 );
    double s = sinf( w0 );
    double resonance = getResonance();
    double A = pow( 10, yPixelToGain( EqHandle::y(), m_heigth, m_pixelsPerUnitHeight ) / 20 );
    double alpha = s / 2 * sqrt ( ( A + 1 / A ) * ( 1 / resonance -1 ) +2 );
    double a0, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2; // coeffs to calculate

    b0 = ( 1 - c ) * 0.5;
    b1 = 1 - c;
    b2 = ( 1 - c ) * 0.5;
    a0 = 1 + alpha;
    a1 = -2 * c;
    a2 = 1 - alpha;
    b0 /= a0;
    b1 /= a0;
    b2 /= a0;
    a1 /= a0;
    a2 /= a0;
    a0 = 1;

    double freq = xPixelToFreq( x, m_width );
    double gain = calculateGain( freq, a1, a2, b0, b1, b2 );
    if ( m_lp24 )
        gain = gain * 2;
    if ( m_lp48 )
        gain = gain * 3;
    float y = gainToYPixel( gain, m_heigth, m_pixelsPerUnitHeight );

    return y;
コード例 #8
double TopPairCandidateTutorial::mttbar() const {
    return getResonance()->mass();