コード例 #1
 virtual double transformNumber(double number) const {
     if (getRuleSet()) {
         return uprv_floor(number / divisor);
     } else {
         return number/divisor;
コード例 #2
     * Constructs a FractionalPartSubstitution.  This object keeps a flag
     * telling whether it should format by digits or not.  In addition,
     * it marks the rule set it calls (if any) as a fraction rule set.
FractionalPartSubstitution::FractionalPartSubstitution(int32_t _pos,
                             const NFRuleSet* _ruleSet,
                             const RuleBasedNumberFormat* formatter,
                             const UnicodeString& description,
                             UErrorCode& status)
 : NFSubstitution(_pos, _ruleSet, formatter, description, status)
 , byDigits(FALSE)
 , useSpaces(TRUE)

    // akk, ruleSet can change in superclass constructor
    if (description == gGreaterGreaterThan ||
        description == gGreaterGreaterGreaterThan ||
        _ruleSet == getRuleSet()) {
        byDigits = TRUE;
        if (description == gGreaterGreaterGreaterThan) {
            useSpaces = FALSE;
    } else {
        // cast away const
コード例 #3
NumeratorSubstitution::doSubstitution(double number, UnicodeString& toInsertInto, int32_t apos) const {
    // perform a transformation on the number being formatted that
    // is dependent on the type of substitution this is

    double numberToFormat = transformNumber(number);
    int64_t longNF = util64_fromDouble(numberToFormat);

    const NFRuleSet* aruleSet = getRuleSet();
    if (withZeros && aruleSet != NULL) {
        // if there are leading zeros in the decimal expansion then emit them
        int64_t nf =longNF;
        int32_t len = toInsertInto.length();
        while ((nf *= 10) < denominator) {
            toInsertInto.insert(apos + getPos(), gSpace);
            aruleSet->format((int64_t)0, toInsertInto, apos + getPos());
        apos += toInsertInto.length() - len;

    // if the result is an integer, from here on out we work in integer
    // space (saving time and memory and preserving accuracy)
    if (numberToFormat == longNF && aruleSet != NULL) {
        aruleSet->format(longNF, toInsertInto, apos + getPos());

        // if the result isn't an integer, then call either our rule set's
        // format() method or our DecimalFormat's format() method to
        // format the result
    } else {
        if (aruleSet != NULL) {
            aruleSet->format(numberToFormat, toInsertInto, apos + getPos());
        } else {
            UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UnicodeString temp;
            getNumberFormat()->format(numberToFormat, temp, status);
            toInsertInto.insert(apos + getPos(), temp);
コード例 #4
NumeratorSubstitution::doParse(const UnicodeString& text, 
                               ParsePosition& parsePosition,
                               double baseValue,
                               double upperBound,
                               UBool /*lenientParse*/,
                               Formattable& result) const
    // we don't have to do anything special to do the parsing here,
    // but we have to turn lenient parsing off-- if we leave it on,
    // it SERIOUSLY messes up the algorithm

    // if withZeros is true, we need to count the zeros
    // and use that to adjust the parse result
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t zeroCount = 0;
    UnicodeString workText(text);

    if (withZeros) {
        ParsePosition workPos(1);
        Formattable temp;

        while (workText.length() > 0 && workPos.getIndex() != 0) {
            getRuleSet()->parse(workText, workPos, 1, temp); // parse zero or nothing at all
            if (workPos.getIndex() == 0) {
                // we failed, either there were no more zeros, or the number was formatted with digits
                // either way, we're done

            parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + workPos.getIndex());
            workText.remove(0, workPos.getIndex());
            while (workText.length() > 0 && workText.charAt(0) == gSpace) {
                workText.remove(0, 1);
                parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + 1);

        workText = text;
        workText.remove(0, (int32_t)parsePosition.getIndex());

    // we've parsed off the zeros, now let's parse the rest from our current position
    NFSubstitution::doParse(workText, parsePosition, withZeros ? 1 : baseValue, upperBound, FALSE, result);

    if (withZeros) {
        // any base value will do in this case.  is there a way to
        // force this to not bother trying all the base values?

        // compute the 'effective' base and prescale the value down
        int64_t n = result.getLong(status); // force conversion!
        int64_t d = 1;
        int32_t pow = 0;
        while (d <= n) {
            d *= 10;
        // now add the zeros
        while (zeroCount > 0) {
            d *= 10;
        // d is now our true denominator

    return TRUE;
コード例 #5
FractionalPartSubstitution::doParse(const UnicodeString& text,
                ParsePosition& parsePosition,
                double baseValue,
                double /*upperBound*/,
                UBool lenientParse,
                Formattable& resVal) const
    // if we're not in byDigits mode, we can just use the inherited
    // doParse()
    if (!byDigits) {
        return NFSubstitution::doParse(text, parsePosition, baseValue, 0, lenientParse, resVal);

        // if we ARE in byDigits mode, parse the text one digit at a time
        // using this substitution's owning rule set (we do this by setting
        // upperBound to 10 when calling doParse() ) until we reach
        // nonmatching text
    } else {
        UnicodeString workText(text);
        ParsePosition workPos(1);
        double result = 0;
        int32_t digit;
//          double p10 = 0.1;

        DigitList dl;
        NumberFormat* fmt = NULL;
        while (workText.length() > 0 && workPos.getIndex() != 0) {
            Formattable temp;
            getRuleSet()->parse(workText, workPos, 10, temp);
            UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            digit = temp.getLong(status);
//            digit = temp.getType() == Formattable::kLong ?
//               temp.getLong() :
//            (int32_t)temp.getDouble();

            if (lenientParse && workPos.getIndex() == 0) {
                if (!fmt) {
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                        delete fmt;
                        fmt = NULL;
                if (fmt) {
                    fmt->parse(workText, temp, workPos);
                    digit = temp.getLong(status);

            if (workPos.getIndex() != 0) {
                dl.append((char)('0' + digit));
//                  result += digit * p10;
//                  p10 /= 10;
                parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + workPos.getIndex());
                workText.removeBetween(0, workPos.getIndex());
                while (workText.length() > 0 && workText.charAt(0) == gSpace) {
                    workText.removeBetween(0, 1);
                    parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + 1);
        delete fmt;

        result = dl.fCount == 0 ? 0 : dl.getDouble();
        result = composeRuleValue(result, baseValue);
        return TRUE;
コード例 #6
 * If in "by digits" mode, fills in the substitution one decimal digit
 * at a time using the rule set containing this substitution.
 * Otherwise, uses the superclass function.
 * @param number The number being formatted
 * @param toInsertInto The string to insert the result of formatting
 * the substitution into
 * @param pos The position of the owning rule's rule text in
 * toInsertInto
FractionalPartSubstitution::doSubstitution(double number, UnicodeString& toInsertInto, int32_t _pos) const
  // if we're not in "byDigits" mode, just use the inherited
  // doSubstitution() routine
  if (!byDigits) {
    NFSubstitution::doSubstitution(number, toInsertInto, _pos);

    // if we're in "byDigits" mode, transform the value into an integer
    // by moving the decimal point eight places to the right and
    // pulling digits off the right one at a time, formatting each digit
    // as an integer using this substitution's owning rule set
    // (this is slower, but more accurate, than doing it from the
    // other end)
  } else {
    //          int32_t numberToFormat = (int32_t)uprv_round(transformNumber(number) * uprv_pow(10, kMaxDecimalDigits));
    //          // this flag keeps us from formatting trailing zeros.  It starts
    //          // out false because we're pulling from the right, and switches
    //          // to true the first time we encounter a non-zero digit
    //          UBool doZeros = FALSE;
    //          for (int32_t i = 0; i < kMaxDecimalDigits; i++) {
    //              int64_t digit = numberToFormat % 10;
    //              if (digit != 0 || doZeros) {
    //                  if (doZeros && useSpaces) {
    //                      toInsertInto.insert(_pos + getPos(), gSpace);
    //                  }
    //                  doZeros = TRUE;
    //                  getRuleSet()->format(digit, toInsertInto, _pos + getPos());
    //              }
    //              numberToFormat /= 10;
    //          }

    DigitList dl;
    dl.set(number, 20, TRUE);
    UBool pad = FALSE;
    while (dl.fCount > (dl.fDecimalAt <= 0 ? 0 : dl.fDecimalAt)) {
      if (pad && useSpaces) {
        toInsertInto.insert(_pos + getPos(), gSpace);
      } else {
        pad = TRUE;
      getRuleSet()->format((int64_t)(dl.fDigits[--dl.fCount] - '0'), toInsertInto, _pos + getPos());
    while (dl.fDecimalAt < 0) {
      if (pad && useSpaces) {
        toInsertInto.insert(_pos + getPos(), gSpace);
      } else {
        pad = TRUE;
      getRuleSet()->format((int64_t)0, toInsertInto, _pos + getPos());

    if (!pad) {
      // hack around lack of precision in digitlist. if we would end up with
      // "foo point" make sure we add a " zero" to the end.
      getRuleSet()->format((int64_t)0, toInsertInto, _pos + getPos());