コード例 #1
ファイル: communications.cpp プロジェクト: optimad/bitpit
    Discover the receives inspecting the sends that the user has already set.

    \param discoverTag is the tag to be used for the communications needed
    to discover the receives
void DataCommunicator::discoverRecvs(int discoverTag)
	// Cancel current receives

	// Send the size of the messages that will be send
	for (auto &entry : m_sendIds) {
		int rank = entry.first;
		SendBuffer &buffer = getSendBuffer(rank);
		long dataSize = buffer.capacity();

		MPI_Request dataSizeRequest;
		MPI_Isend(&dataSize, 1, MPI_LONG, rank, discoverTag, m_communicator, &dataSizeRequest);

		// MPI_Isend initiates an asynchronous (background) data transfer.
		// The actual data transfer might not happen unless one of the
		// MPI_Wait* or MPI_Test* calls has been made on the request.
		int completeFlag;
		MPI_Test(&dataSizeRequest, &completeFlag, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

	// Raise a barrier to make sure that all the sends starts

	// Receive the data size of the sends
	std::unordered_map<int, long> dataSizes;
	while (true) {
		// Probe for messages
		int messageAvailable;
		MPI_Status status;

		MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, discoverTag, m_communicator, &messageAvailable, &status);
		if (!messageAvailable) {

		// Receive the data size that will be received from the source
		long dataSize;
		MPI_Recv(&dataSize, 1, MPI_LONG, status.MPI_SOURCE, discoverTag, m_communicator, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
		dataSizes[status.MPI_SOURCE] = dataSize;

	// Wait that all processors correctly receive the data to communicate.
	// Without the barrier some processors may start the receives while other
	// are still waiting to receive the data sizes. Since the probe for the
	// data size will accept message for all sources, if a processor start
	// receiveing data it will intefere with the other processors still
	// receiving the data sizes.
	if (discoverTag == m_tag) {

	// Set the receives
	for (auto &entry : dataSizes) {
		setRecv(entry.first, entry.second);
コード例 #2
    void sendMsg(unsigned id, F f, O o, Message msg)
        if (hasConnection(id)) {
            PtrBuffer buffer = getSendBuffer(id);
            ostream os(&(*buffer));

            os << msg.serialize() << '\0';

            async_write(*getSocket(id), *buffer,
                        bind(&ConnectionList::_sendMsg<F, O>, this, id, f, o, msg, _1, _2));