void drawMainscreen(void) { set_font(SMALLFONT); lcd_fill(0); draw_logo(); draw_block(0, 0, 99, 9, 3, DRAW_ERASE); draw_string(0,0,getSetName(irDevTab.device[irDevTab.active].encoder, irDevTab.device[irDevTab.active].set), 3, DRAW_PUT); printTime(86,152,(struct time_ *)&time); printDate(0,152,(struct date_ *)&date,0); showBat(); }
void ShardingInitializationMongoD::initializeFromShardIdentity( OperationContext* opCtx, const ShardIdentityType& shardIdentity) { invariant(serverGlobalParams.clusterRole == ClusterRole::ShardServer); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isLocked()); uassertStatusOKWithContext( shardIdentity.validate(), "Invalid shard identity document found when initializing sharding state"); log() << "initializing sharding state with: " << shardIdentity; const auto& configSvrConnStr = shardIdentity.getConfigsvrConnectionString(); auto const shardingState = ShardingState::get(opCtx); auto const shardRegistry = Grid::get(opCtx)->shardRegistry(); stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> ul(_initSynchronizationMutex); if (shardingState->enabled()) { uassert(40371, "", shardingState->shardId() == shardIdentity.getShardName()); uassert(40372, "", shardingState->clusterId() == shardIdentity.getClusterId()); auto prevConfigsvrConnStr = shardRegistry->getConfigServerConnectionString(); uassert(40373, "", prevConfigsvrConnStr.type() == ConnectionString::SET); uassert(40374, "", prevConfigsvrConnStr.getSetName() == configSvrConnStr.getSetName()); return; } auto initializationStatus = shardingState->initializationStatus(); uassert(ErrorCodes::ManualInterventionRequired, str::stream() << "Server's sharding metadata manager failed to initialize and will " "remain in this state until the instance is manually reset" << causedBy(*initializationStatus), !initializationStatus); try { _initFunc(opCtx, shardIdentity, generateDistLockProcessId(opCtx)); shardingState->setInitialized(shardIdentity.getShardName().toString(), shardIdentity.getClusterId()); } catch (const DBException& ex) { shardingState->setInitialized(ex.toStatus()); } }
StatusWith<boost::optional<ShardType>> ShardingCatalogManager::_checkIfShardExists( OperationContext* opCtx, const ConnectionString& proposedShardConnectionString, const std::string* proposedShardName, long long proposedShardMaxSize) { // Check whether any host in the connection is already part of the cluster. const auto existingShards = Grid::get(opCtx)->catalogClient()->getAllShards( opCtx, repl::ReadConcernLevel::kLocalReadConcern); if (!existingShards.isOK()) { return existingShards.getStatus().withContext( "Failed to load existing shards during addShard"); } // Now check if this shard already exists - if it already exists *with the same options* then // the addShard request can return success early without doing anything more. for (const auto& existingShard : existingShards.getValue().value) { auto swExistingShardConnStr = ConnectionString::parse(existingShard.getHost()); if (!swExistingShardConnStr.isOK()) { return swExistingShardConnStr.getStatus(); } auto existingShardConnStr = std::move(swExistingShardConnStr.getValue()); // Function for determining if the options for the shard that is being added match the // options of an existing shard that conflicts with it. auto shardsAreEquivalent = [&]() { if (proposedShardName && *proposedShardName != existingShard.getName()) { return false; } if (proposedShardConnectionString.type() != existingShardConnStr.type()) { return false; } if (proposedShardConnectionString.type() == ConnectionString::SET && proposedShardConnectionString.getSetName() != existingShardConnStr.getSetName()) { return false; } if (proposedShardMaxSize != existingShard.getMaxSizeMB()) { return false; } return true; }; if (existingShardConnStr.type() == ConnectionString::SET && proposedShardConnectionString.type() == ConnectionString::SET && existingShardConnStr.getSetName() == proposedShardConnectionString.getSetName()) { // An existing shard has the same replica set name as the shard being added. // If the options aren't the same, then this is an error, // but if the options match then the addShard operation should be immediately // considered a success and terminated. if (shardsAreEquivalent()) { return {existingShard}; } else { return {ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, str::stream() << "A shard already exists containing the replica set '" << existingShardConnStr.getSetName() << "'"}; } } for (const auto& existingHost : existingShardConnStr.getServers()) { // Look if any of the hosts in the existing shard are present within the shard trying // to be added. for (const auto& addingHost : proposedShardConnectionString.getServers()) { if (existingHost == addingHost) { // At least one of the hosts in the shard being added already exists in an // existing shard. If the options aren't the same, then this is an error, // but if the options match then the addShard operation should be immediately // considered a success and terminated. if (shardsAreEquivalent()) { return {existingShard}; } else { return {ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, str::stream() << "'" << addingHost.toString() << "' " << "is already a member of the existing shard '" << existingShard.getHost() << "' (" << existingShard.getName() << ")."}; } } } } if (proposedShardName && *proposedShardName == existingShard.getName()) { // If we get here then we're trying to add a shard with the same name as an existing // shard, but there was no overlap in the hosts between the existing shard and the // proposed connection string for the new shard. return {ErrorCodes::IllegalOperation, str::stream() << "A shard named " << *proposedShardName << " already exists"}; } } return {boost::none}; }