コード例 #1
 // if a search node failure has just occured then informs ToulBar2 to reset its propagation queues and update its timestamp
 void checkFailure()
     if (getSolver().getNumberOfFails() != currentNumberOfFails) {
         currentNumberOfFails = getSolver().getNumberOfFails();
コード例 #2
void IlcWeightedCSPI::post()
    ToulBar2::setvalue = ::tb2setvalue;
    ToulBar2::removevalue = ::tb2removevalue;
    ToulBar2::setmin = ::tb2setmin;
    ToulBar2::setmax = ::tb2setmax;
    ToulBar2::setminobj = ::tb2setminobj;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        vars[i].whenValue(IlcWeightedCSPWhenValueDemon(getSolver(), this, i));
        vars[i].whenDomain(IlcWeightedCSPWhenDomainDemon(getSolver(), this, i));
    obj.whenRange(IlcWeightedCSPWhenRangeDemon(getSolver(), this));
コード例 #3
ILCGOAL2(IlcInstantiateVar, IlcIntVar, var, IlcInt, varIndex)
    IlcInt value;
    int depth = Store::getDepth();

    if (var.isBound())
        return 0;

    // value ordering heuristic: try the unary support first
    value = CurrentWeightedCSP->getSupport(varIndex);
    if (!var.isInDomain(value)) {
        value = var.getMin();
    return IlcOr(IlcGuess(getSolver(), var, value),
        IlcAnd(IlcRefute(getSolver(), var, value, depth), this));
コード例 #4
    ILCGOAL1(IlcGenerateVars, IlcIntVarArray, vars)
    IlcInt index = IlcChooseMinSizeIntDivMaxDegree(vars);
    //  IlcInt index = IlcChooseMinSizeMin(vars);
    if (index == -1)
        return 0;
    return IlcAnd(IlcInstantiateVar(getSolver(), vars[index], index), this);
コード例 #5
ILCGOAL2(IlcGuess, IlcIntVar, var, IlcInt, value)
    if (ToulBar2::verbose >= 1)
        cout << "[" << getSolver().getSearchNode().getDepth() << "," << Objective.getMin() << "," << UpperBound << "] Try " << var << " = " << value << endl;
    return 0;
コード例 #6
/* ------------------- LegalActionsPoolTextSerializer ------------------- */
LegalActionsPoolTextSerializer::loadActionMapping(solver::BeliefNode *owner, std::istream &is) {
    std::unique_ptr<LegalActionsMap> map = std::make_unique<LegalActionsMap>(owner,
            static_cast<LegalActionsPool *>(getSolver()->getActionPool()),
            std::vector<long> { });
    DiscretizedActionTextSerializer::loadActionMapping(*map, is);
    return std::move(map);
コード例 #7
ILCGOAL3(IlcRefute, IlcIntVar, var, IlcInt, value, IlcInt, depth)
    Store::store(); // => store.getDepth() == getSolver().getSearchNode().getDepth()
    Objective.setMax(UpperBound - 1);
    if (ToulBar2::verbose >= 1)
        cout << "[" << getSolver().getSearchNode().getDepth() << "," << Objective.getMin() << "," << UpperBound << "] Refute " << var << " != " << value << endl;
    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: v3VrfMPDR.cpp プロジェクト: chengyinwu/V3
// PDR Initialization Functions
V3VrfMPDR::initializeSolver() {
   if (profileON()) _initSvrStat->start();
   const bool isNewSolver = !_pdrSvr;
   if (!_pdrSvr) { _pdrSvr = allocSolver(getSolver(), _vrfNtk); assert (_pdrSvr->totalSolves() == 0); }
   else _pdrSvr->reset(); _pdrActCount = _pdrRecycle;
   // Set Initial State to Solver
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _vrfNtk->getLatchSize(); ++i) _pdrSvr->addBoundedVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getLatch(i), 0);
   if (isNewSolver) _pdrSvr->simplify();
   if (profileON()) _initSvrStat->end();
コード例 #9
 // global propagation using WCSP propagation queues
 void propagate()
     if (synchronized) {
         synchronized.setValue(getSolver(), IlcFalse);
     if (ToulBar2::verbose >= 2)
         cout << "ILOG: propagate wcsp index " << wcsp->getIndex() << endl;
     wcsp->decreaseUb(obj.getMax() + 1);
コード例 #10
ファイル: v3sVrfIPDR2.cpp プロジェクト: SillyDuck/V3
V3SVrfIPDR::initializeSolver2(const uint32_t& d, const bool& isReuse) {
   //cerr << "initializeSolver depth: " << d << endl;
   if (profileON()) _initSvrStat->start();
      _pdrSvr.push_back(allocSolver(getSolver(), _vrfNtk));
      assert (d == _pdrSvr.size());
      _pdrSvr.push_back(d ? referenceSolver(_pdrSvr[0]) : allocSolver(getSolver(), _vrfNtk));
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _vrfNtk->getLatchSize(); ++i)
      _pdrSvr[d]->addBoundedVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getLatch(i), 0);
   _pdrSvr[d]->addBoundedVerifyData(_pdrBad->getState()[0], 0);

    if (d != getPDRDepth()) _pdrSvr[d]->assertProperty(_pdrBad->getState()[0], true, 0);

    // Consistency Check
    assert (_pdrFrame.size() == _pdrSvr.size());
   if (profileON()) _initSvrStat->end();
コード例 #11
TEST_F(AspAlicaEngineWithDomain, ReusePlanFromPlantypeWithoutCycle_PlanBase)
    ae = new alica::AlicaEngine(new supplementary::AgentIDManager(new supplementary::AgentIDFactory()),
                                "ReusePlanWithoutCycle", "ReusePlanFromPlantypeWithoutCycle", ".", false);
    ae->setIAlicaClock(new alica_dummy_proxy::AlicaSystemClock());
    ae->setCommunicator(new alica_dummy_proxy::AlicaDummyCommunication(ae));
    // "1" stands for the ASPSolver in this test suite only!
    std::vector<char const *> args{"clingo", "-W", "no-atom-undefined", nullptr};
    auto solver = new ::reasoner::ASPSolver(args);
    auto solverWrapper = new alica::reasoner::ASPSolverWrapper(ae, args);

    ae->addSolver(1, solverWrapper);
    EXPECT_TRUE(ae->init(bc, cc, uc, crc)) << "Unable to initialise the ALICA Engine!";

    alica::reasoner::ASPSolverWrapper *aspSolver =
        dynamic_cast<alica::reasoner::ASPSolverWrapper *>(ae->getSolver(1)); // "1" for ASPSolver

    alica::Plan *plan = ae->getPlanBase()->getMasterPlan();

    string queryString1 = "brokenPlanBase(donatello)";
    auto constraint = make_shared<::reasoner::ASPCommonsTerm>();

    ((::reasoner::ASPSolver *)(aspSolver->getSolver()))->ground({{"assistanceBackground", {}}}, nullptr);

    shared_ptr<::reasoner::ASPFactsQuery> queryObject1 =
        make_shared<::reasoner::ASPFactsQuery>(((::reasoner::ASPSolver *)(aspSolver->getSolver())), constraint);
    ((alica::reasoner::ASPSolverWrapper *)(aspSolver->getSolver()))->registerQuery(queryObject1);

    // start time measurement for grounding
    std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::time_point groundingStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    if (!((alica::reasoner::ASPSolverWrapper *)(aspSolver->getSolver()))->validatePlan(plan))
        cout << "ASPAlicaTest: No Model found!" << endl;
        ((alica::reasoner::ASPSolverWrapper *)(aspSolver->getSolver()))->printStats();
    std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    cout << "Measured Grounding Time: "
         << std::chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(end - groundingStart).count() << " ms" << endl;

    EXPECT_FALSE(queryObject1->factsExistForAllModels()) << "The plan base of agent donatello should not be broken.";
    cout << queryObject1->toString() << endl;
コード例 #12
ファイル: v3VrfBase.cpp プロジェクト: hschiang/V3
V3VrfBase::checkCommonProof(const uint32_t& p, const V3NetTable& invList, const bool& checkInitial) {
   assert (_result[p].isInv());
   // Collect Unsolved Properties
   V3UI32Vec unsolved; unsolved.clear(); unsolved.reserve(_result.size());
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _result.size(); ++i)
      if (!(_result[i].isCex() || _result[i].isInv())) unsolved.push_back(i);
   // Check Same Property
   const V3NetId pId = _vrfNtk->getOutput(p);
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < unsolved.size(); ++i) {
      if (pId != _vrfNtk->getOutput(unsolved[i])) continue;
      unsolved.erase(unsolved.begin() + i); --i;
   if (!unsolved.size()) return; assert (!_constr.size());
   // Create Solver
   V3SvrBase* const solver = allocSolver(getSolver(), _vrfNtk); assert (solver);
   V3SvrDataVec formula; formula.clear(); V3NetId id; uint32_t d = 0;
   // Set Inductive Invariant
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < invList.size(); ++i) {
      formula.clear(); formula.reserve(invList[i].size());
      for (uint32_t j = 0; j < invList[i].size(); ++j) {
         id = invList[i][j]; assert (_vrfNtk->getLatchSize() > id.id); assert (!d);
         if (!solver->existVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getLatch(id.id), d)) 
            solver->addBoundedVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getLatch(id.id), d);
         assert (solver->existVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getLatch(id.id), d));
         formula.push_back(solver->getFormula(_vrfNtk->getLatch(id.id), 0, d));
         if (!id.cp) formula.back() = solver->getNegFormula(formula.back());
   if (checkInitial) {
      solver->assumeRelease(); solver->assumeInit();
      if (solver->assump_solve()) { delete solver; return; }
   // Check if the bad State Signal is Inconsistent with the Inductive Invariant
   for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < unsolved.size(); ++i) {
      solver->assumeRelease(); assert (!d);
      if (!solver->existVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getOutput(unsolved[i]), d))
         solver->addBoundedVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getOutput(unsolved[i]), d);
      assert (solver->existVerifyData(_vrfNtk->getOutput(unsolved[i]), d));
      solver->assumeProperty(_vrfNtk->getOutput(unsolved[i]), false, d);
      if (!solver->assump_solve()) { _result[unsolved[i]].setIndInv(_vrfNtk); j = 0; }
      else if (++j > 100) break;  // Avoid Spending Too Much Effort on the Check
   delete solver;
コード例 #13
    void OpenMPSimulation::simulate()
        vector<shared_ptr<Solver::ISolver>>& solver = getSolver();
        //for(size_type i = 0;i<solver.size();++i)
        //    LOGGER_WRITE("FMU" + to_string(i) + " to " + to_string(solver[i]->getFmu()->getValues().getValues<real_type>()[0]), Util::LC_SOLVER, Util::LL_INFO);

        #pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(solver)
            bool_type running = true;
            size_type iterationCount = 0, ompRank = omp_get_thread_num(), numOmpRanks = omp_get_num_threads(), maxS = solver.size(), jmpOmp = std::ceil(
                    (double) maxS / (double) numOmpRanks);

            size_type sidStart = ompRank * jmpOmp, sidEnd = std::min((ompRank + 1) * jmpOmp, maxS); // TODO use scheduling

            double s, e;
            s = omp_get_wtime();
            while (running && getMaxIterations() > ++iterationCount)
                running = false;
                for (size_type i = sidStart; i < sidEnd; ++i)
                    //LOGGER_WRITE(solver[i]->getFmu()->getName() + " at " + to_string(solver[i]->getCurrentTime()), Util::LC_SOLVER, Util::LL_ERROR);
                    if(solver[i]->solve(10) == std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max())
                        LOGGER_WRITE("Abort simulation at " + to_string(solver[i]->getCurrentTime()) , Util::LC_SOLVER, Util::LL_ERROR);
                        running = false;
                    running = !solver[i]->isFinished();

            e = omp_get_wtime();
            LOGGER_WRITE("thread " + to_string(omp_get_thread_num()) + " time: " + to_string(e - s), Util::LC_SOLVER, Util::LL_INFO);

コード例 #14
ファイル: solverplan.cpp プロジェクト: mcassuto/frePPLe
DECLARE_EXPORT void SolverMRP::SolverMRPdata::commit()
  // Check
  SolverMRP* solver = getSolver();
  if (!demands || !solver)
    throw LogicException("Missing demands or solver.");

  // Message
  if (solver->getLogLevel()>0)
    logger << "Start solving cluster " << cluster << " at " << Date::now() << endl;

  // Solve the planning problem
    // TODO Propagate & solve initial shortages and overloads

    // Sort the demands of this problem.
    // We use a stable sort to get reproducible results between platforms
    // and STL implementations.
    stable_sort(demands->begin(), demands->end(), demand_comparison);

    // Solve for safety stock in buffers.
    if (solver->getPlanSafetyStockFirst())
      constrainedPlanning = (solver->getPlanType() == 1);

    // Loop through the list of all demands in this planning problem
    safety_stock_planning = false;
    constrainedPlanning = (solver->getPlanType() == 1);
    for (deque<Demand*>::const_iterator i = demands->begin();
        i != demands->end(); ++i)
        // Plan the demand
        (*i)->solve(*solver, this);
      catch (...)
        // Error message
        logger << "Error: Caught an exception while solving demand '"
            << (*i)->getName() << "':" << endl;
        try {throw;}
        catch (const bad_exception&) {logger << "  bad exception" << endl;}
        catch (const exception& e) {logger << "  " << e.what() << endl;}
        catch (...) {logger << "  Unknown type" << endl;}

    // Clean the list of demands of this cluster

    // Solve for safety stock in buffers.
    if (!solver->getPlanSafetyStockFirst()) solveSafetyStock(solver);
  catch (...)
    // We come in this exception handling code only if there is a problem with
    // with this cluster that goes beyond problems with single orders.
    // If the problem is with single orders, the exception handling code above
    // will do a proper rollback.

    // Error message
    logger << "Error: Caught an exception while solving cluster "
        << cluster << ":" << endl;
    try {throw;}
    catch (const bad_exception&) {logger << "  bad exception" << endl;}
    catch (const exception& e) {logger << "  " << e.what() << endl;}
    catch (...) {logger << "  Unknown type" << endl;}

    // Clean up the operationplans of this cluster
    for (Operation::iterator f=Operation::begin(); f!=Operation::end(); ++f)
      if (f->getCluster() == cluster)

    // Clean the list of demands of this cluster

  // Message
  if (solver->getLogLevel()>0)
    logger << "End solving cluster " << cluster << " at " << Date::now() << endl;
コード例 #15
ファイル: v3VrfUMC.cpp プロジェクト: ChunHungLiu/abc1234
// Private Verification Main Functions
V3VrfUMC::startVerify(const uint32_t& pIndex) {
   // Consistency Check
   if (_preDepth > _maxDepth) _maxDepth = _preDepth; assert (_maxDepth >= _preDepth);
   if (_incDepth && ((_maxDepth - _preDepth) % _incDepth)) _maxDepth -= (_maxDepth - _preDepth) % _incDepth;
   assert (!_incDepth || !((_maxDepth - _preDepth) % _incDepth)); assert (_maxDepth >= _preDepth);
   if ((_maxDepth > _preDepth) && !_incDepth) _maxDepth = _preDepth;

   // Initialize
   V3Ntk* const ntk = _handler->getNtk(); assert (ntk);
   if (_solver) delete _solver; _solver = allocSolver(getSolver(), ntk);
   assert (_solver); assert (_solver->totalSolves() == 0);
   assert (pIndex < _result.size()); assert (pIndex < ntk->getOutputSize());
   const V3NetId& pId = ntk->getOutput(pIndex); assert (V3NetUD != pId);
   const uint32_t logMaxWidth = (uint32_t)(ceil(log10(_maxDepth)));
   const string flushSpace = string(100, ' ');
   uint32_t proved = V3NtkUD, fired = V3NtkUD;
   double runtime = clock();
   uint32_t boundDepth = _preDepth ? _preDepth : _incDepth;
   // Solver Data
   V3SvrData pFormulaData; V3PtrVec pFormula;
   pFormula.reserve((_preDepth > _incDepth) ? _preDepth : _incDepth);

   // Start UMC Based Verification
   for (uint32_t i = 0, j = _maxDepth; i < j; ++i) {
      // Add time frame expanded circuit to SAT Solver
      _solver->addBoundedVerifyData(pId, i); pFormula.push_back(_solver->getFormula(pId, i));
      // Check if the bound is achieved
      if ((1 + i) < boundDepth) continue; assert ((1 + i) == boundDepth);
      assert ((1 + i) >= pFormula.size()); boundDepth += _incDepth;
      // Add assume for assumption solve only
      if (1 == pFormula.size()) _solver->assumeProperty(pId, false, i);
      else {
         pFormulaData = _solver->setImplyUnion(pFormula);
         assert (pFormulaData); _solver->assumeProperty(pFormulaData);
      // Report Verification Progress
      if (intactON()) {
         if (!endLineON()) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "\r" + flushSpace + "\r";
         Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Verification completed under depth = " << setw(logMaxWidth) << (i + 1);
         if (svrInfoON()) { Msg(MSG_IFO) << "  ("; _solver->printInfo(); Msg(MSG_IFO) << ")"; }
         if (endLineON()) Msg(MSG_IFO) << endl; else Msg(MSG_IFO) << flush;
      // Assumption Solve : If UNSAT, proved!
      if (!isFireOnly() && !_solver->assump_solve()) {
         if (!isProveOnly()) {
            proved = i; break;
      // Assumption Solve : If SAT, disproved!
      if (!isProveOnly()) {
         _solver->assumeInit(); // Conjunction with initial condition
         if (_solver->assump_solve()) {
            for (uint32_t k = 0; k < pFormula.size(); ++k)
               if ('0' != _solver->getDataValue(pFormula[k])) {
                  fired = (1 + i + k - pFormula.size()); break;
            assert (V3NtkUD != fired); break;
      // Add assert back to the property
      if (1 < pFormula.size()) { assert (pFormulaData); _solver->assertProperty(pFormulaData, true); }
      for (uint32_t k = i - pFormula.size(); k < i; ++k) _solver->assertProperty(pId, true, k);
      pFormula.clear(); pFormulaData = 0;

   // Report Verification Result
   if (reportON()) {
      runtime = (clock() - runtime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      if (intactON()) {
         if (endLineON()) Msg(MSG_IFO) << endl;
         else Msg(MSG_IFO) << "\r" << flushSpace << "\r";
      if (V3NtkUD != proved) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Inductive Invariant found at depth = " << ++proved;
      else if (V3NtkUD != fired) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Counter-example found at depth = " << ++fired;
      else Msg(MSG_IFO) << "UNDECIDED at depth = " << _maxDepth;
      if (usageON()) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "  (time = " << setprecision(5) << runtime << "  sec)" << endl;
      if (profileON()) { /* Report some profiling here ... */ }
   else {
      if (V3NtkUD != proved) ++proved;
      else if (V3NtkUD != fired) ++fired;

   // Record CounterExample Trace or Invariant
   if (V3NtkUD != fired) {  // Record Counter-Example
      V3CexTrace* const cex = new V3CexTrace(fired); assert (cex);
      _result[pIndex].setCexTrace(cex); assert (_result[pIndex].isCex());
      // Compute Pattern Size  (PI + PIO)
      uint32_t patternSize = 0;
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ntk->getInputSize(); ++i) patternSize += ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInput(i));
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ntk->getInoutSize(); ++i) patternSize += ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(i));
      // Set Pattern Value  (PI + PIO)
      V3BitVecX dataValue, patternValue(patternSize ? patternSize : 1);
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fired; ++i) {
         patternSize = 0; patternValue.clear();
         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ntk->getInputSize(); ++j) {
            if (_solver->existVerifyData(ntk->getInput(j), i)) {
               dataValue = _solver->getDataValue(ntk->getInput(j), i);
               assert (dataValue.size() == ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInput(j)));
               for (uint32_t k = 0; k < dataValue.size(); ++k, ++patternSize) {
                  if ('0' == dataValue[k]) patternValue.set0(patternSize);
                  else if ('1' == dataValue[k]) patternValue.set1(patternSize);
            else patternSize += ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInput(j));
         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ntk->getInoutSize(); ++j) {
            if (_solver->existVerifyData(ntk->getInout(j), i)) {
               dataValue = _solver->getDataValue(ntk->getInout(j), i);
               assert (dataValue.size() == ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(j)));
               for (uint32_t k = 0; k < dataValue.size(); ++k, ++patternSize) {
                  if ('0' == dataValue[k]) patternValue.set0(patternSize);
                  else if ('1' == dataValue[k]) patternValue.set1(patternSize);
            else patternSize += ntk->getNetWidth(ntk->getInout(j));
         assert (_solver->existVerifyData(pId, i));
         assert (!patternSize || patternSize == patternValue.size()); cex->pushData(patternValue);
   else if (V3NtkUD != proved) {  // Record Inductive Invariant
      _result[pIndex].setIndInv(ntk); assert (_result[pIndex].isInv());
コード例 #16
ファイル: v3sVrfBMC.cpp プロジェクト: SillyDuck/V3
// Private Verification Main Functions
V3SVrfBMC::startVerify(const uint32_t& p) {

   // Clear Verification Results

   // Initialize Parameters
   const string flushSpace = string(100, ' ');
   uint32_t fired = V3NtkUD;
   struct timeval inittime, curtime; gettimeofday(&inittime, NULL);
   uint32_t lastDepth = getIncLastDepthToKeepGoing(); if (10000000 < lastDepth) lastDepth = 0;
   uint32_t boundDepth = lastDepth ? lastDepth : 0;

   // Start BMC Based Verification
   V3Ntk* simpNtk = 0; V3SvrBase* solver = 0;
   while (boundDepth < _maxDepth) {
      // Check Time Bounds
      gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL);
      if (_maxTime < getTimeUsed(inittime, curtime)) break;

      boundDepth += 1;

      // Expand Network and Set Initial States
      V3NtkExpand* const pNtk = new V3NtkExpand(_handler, boundDepth, true); assert (pNtk);


      V3NetId id; V3NetVec p2cMap, c2pMap; V3RepIdHash repIdHash; repIdHash.clear();
      simpNtk = duplicateNtk(pNtk, p2cMap, c2pMap); assert (simpNtk);


      // Create Outputs for the Unrolled Property Signals
      for (uint32_t i = boundDepth - 1, j = 0; j < 1; ++i, ++j) {
         id = pNtk->getNtk()->getOutput(p + (_vrfNtk->getOutputSize() * i));
         simpNtk->createOutput(V3NetId::makeNetId(p2cMap[id.id].id, p2cMap[id.id].cp ^ id.cp));

      // Set CONST 0 to Proven Property Signals
      for (uint32_t i = 0, j = boundDepth - 1, k = p; i < j; ++i, k += _vrfNtk->getOutputSize()) {
         id = pNtk->getNtk()->getOutput(k); id = V3NetId::makeNetId(p2cMap[id.id].id, p2cMap[id.id].cp ^ id.cp);
         repIdHash.insert(make_pair(id.id, V3NetId::makeNetId(0, id.cp)));

      if (repIdHash.size()) simpNtk->replaceFanin(repIdHash); delete pNtk; p2cMap.clear(); c2pMap.clear();

      // Initialize Solver
      solver = allocSolver(getSolver(), simpNtk); assert (solver);
      solver->addBoundedVerifyData(simpNtk->getOutput(0), 0); solver->simplify();
      solver->assumeRelease(); solver->assumeProperty(simpNtk->getOutput(0), false, 0);
      if (solver->assump_solve()) { fired = boundDepth; break; }
      solver->assertProperty(simpNtk->getOutput(0), true, 0);

      if (!endLineON()) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "\r" + flushSpace + "\r";
      Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Verification completed under depth = "  << boundDepth;

      if (V3NtkUD != fired) break; delete solver; delete simpNtk;


   // Report Verification Result

   if (V3NtkUD != fired) Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Counter-example found at depth = " << fired;
   else Msg(MSG_IFO) << "UNDECIDED at depth = " << _maxDepth;

   // Record CounterExample Trace or Invariant
   if (V3NtkUD != fired) {  // Record Counter-Example
      V3CexTrace* const cex = new V3CexTrace(fired); assert (cex);
      // Set Pattern Value
      uint32_t patternSize = _vrfNtk->getInputSize() + _vrfNtk->getInoutSize();
      V3BitVecX dataValue, patternValue(patternSize ? patternSize : 1);
      for (uint32_t i = 0, inSize = 0, ioSize = 0; i < fired; ++i) {
         patternSize = 0; patternValue.clear();
         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _vrfNtk->getInputSize(); ++j, ++patternSize, ++inSize) {
            if (!solver->existVerifyData(simpNtk->getInput(inSize), 0)) continue;
            dataValue = solver->getDataValue(simpNtk->getInput(inSize), 0);
            if ('0' == dataValue[0]) patternValue.set0(patternSize);
            else if ('1' == dataValue[0]) patternValue.set1(patternSize);
         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _vrfNtk->getInoutSize(); ++j, ++patternSize, ++ioSize) {
            if (!solver->existVerifyData(simpNtk->getInout(ioSize), 0)) continue;
            dataValue = solver->getDataValue(simpNtk->getInout(ioSize), 0);
            if ('0' == dataValue[0]) patternValue.set0(patternSize);
            else if ('1' == dataValue[0]) patternValue.set1(patternSize);
         assert (!patternSize || patternSize == patternValue.size()); cex->pushData(patternValue);
      // Set Initial State Value
      if (_vrfNtk->getLatchSize()) {
         const uint32_t piSize = boundDepth * _vrfNtk->getInputSize();
         patternValue.clear(); V3NetId id; uint32_t k = 0;
         for (uint32_t j = 0; j < _vrfNtk->getLatchSize(); ++j) {
            id = _vrfNtk->getInputNetId(_vrfNtk->getLatch(j), 1);
            if (!id.id) { if (id.cp) patternValue.set1(j); else patternValue.set0(j); }
            else {
               if (solver->existVerifyData(simpNtk->getInput(piSize + k), 0)) {
                  dataValue = solver->getDataValue(simpNtk->getInput(piSize + k), 0);
                  if ('0' == dataValue[0]) patternValue.set0(j);
                  else if ('1' == dataValue[0]) patternValue.set1(j);
      delete solver; delete simpNtk;
