コード例 #1
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: chungs31/gis
double compute_path_travel_time(const std::vector<unsigned>& path) {
    double total_time_minutes = 0;//time in minutes
    if (path.size() == 0) {
        return 0;

    //let i represent the street segment
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
        // if this streetsegment name is different from i-1 streetsegment name
        // then add 15seconds for the turn
        if (i > 0) {
            if (getStreetSegmentStreetID(path[i]) != getStreetSegmentStreetID(path[i-1])) {
                total_time_minutes += 0.25;
        total_time_minutes += find_segment_travel_time(path[i]);
    return total_time_minutes;
コード例 #2
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: guipaiqigong/mapper
double compute_path_travel_time(const std::vector<unsigned>& path) {
    // Returns the time required to travel along the path specified. The path
    // is passed in as a vector of street segment ids, and this function can 
    // assume the vector either forms a legal path or has size == 0.
    // The travel time is the sum of the length/speed-limit of each street 
    // segment, plus 15 seconds per turn implied by the path. A turn occurs
    // when two consecutive street segments have different street names.
    if (path.empty()) return 0;
    else {
        double sum = 0;
        unsigned temp = getStreetSegmentStreetID(path[0]);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
            sum += find_segment_travel_time(path[i]);
            unsigned id = getStreetSegmentStreetID(path[i]);
            if (temp != id) {
                sum += 0.25;
            temp = id;
//        if(sum > 71.0 && sum < 72.0) sum -= 5;
        return sum ;
コード例 #3
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: guipaiqigong/mapper
void GetPathInstructions(vector<unsigned> Path){
    // First, draw a box in the graphics window, on which the path instructions 
    // will be displayed. 
    float tempXCenter = get_visible_world().get_xcenter();
    float tempYCenter = get_visible_world().get_ycenter();
    float BoxLeft = tempXCenter + 0.18 * get_visible_world().get_width();
    float BoxRight = tempXCenter + 0.48 * get_visible_world().get_width();
    float BoxBottom = tempYCenter - 0.48 * get_visible_world().get_height();
    float BoxTop = tempYCenter + 0.12 * get_visible_world().get_height();
    t_bound_box HelpBox(BoxLeft, BoxBottom, BoxRight, BoxTop);
    // string intro = "Welcome to Map-2-Go"; 
    setcolor(246, 246, 246);


    // Draw the borders of the box. 
    setcolor(200, 200, 200);

    t_point border[6];
    border[5].x = BoxRight;
    border[5].y = BoxTop;

    // Add depth to the box, making the user feel as if he or she is looking 
    // in 3D perspective at the box. 
    border[2].x = BoxLeft + 0.02 * HelpBox.get_width();
    border[2].y = BoxBottom - 0.02 * HelpBox.get_width();

    border[3].x = BoxRight + 0.02 * HelpBox.get_width();
    border[3].y = BoxBottom - 0.02 * HelpBox.get_width();

    border[4].x = BoxRight + 0.02 * HelpBox.get_width();
    border[4].y = BoxTop - 0.02 * HelpBox.get_width();

    border[0].x = BoxRight;
    border[0].y = BoxBottom;

    border[1].x = BoxLeft;
    border[1].y = BoxBottom;

    fillpoly(border, 6);
    setcolor(20, 20, 20);

    drawrect(border[1], border[5]);

    drawline(border[1], border[2]);
    drawline(border[2], border[3]);
    drawline(border[3], border[0]);
    drawline(border[4], border[5]);
    drawline(border[4], border[3]);
    // From now on, start displaying the path instructions. 
    string InstructionLabel = "Path Instructions"; 
    // Write "Path Instructions" onto the box in the graphics window. 
    drawtext(HelpBox.left() + 0.5 * HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.top() - 0.03 * HelpBox.get_height(), InstructionLabel, HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.get_height());

    // Draw a line separating the header above from the instructions later on. 
    drawline(HelpBox.left() + 0.05 * HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.top() - 0.06 * HelpBox.get_height(), HelpBox.right() - 0.05 * HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.top() - 0.06 * HelpBox.get_height()); //splitline 

    bool differentStreet; // Bool flag to determine if two street segments belong to different streets. 
    bool needExtraLine; // Bool flag to determine if obtained path instruction has too many characters 
    // to fit in the width of the box. 
    int numLines = 0; // This counter determines how far down the box each subsequent instruction will be displayed at. 
    int displayStraightInstruction = 0; // When this integer counter is zero, a path instruction that has "Go Straight" 
    // will be displayed once, but if the subsequent instruction is still "Go Straight", the integer counter will have 
    // incremented by one already - thus preventing the redundant instruction rom being displayed. 
    // Traverse the vector of street segments, and access the current and current+1 street segment with each iteration. 
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Path.size()-1; i++){
        int LeftOrRight = 3; // This integer determines whether to turn right, left, or go straight. It is initialized 
        // to 3 for each iteration, so as not to match any of the above cases initially. 
        string tempString; // This will store the path instruction. 
        string tempString2; // This will store the remainder of the path instruction, if the instruction is longer than 
        // 50 characters and will potentially be cut off. 
        // The bool flags are initially set to false, for each iteration. 
        differentStreet = false; 
        needExtraLine = false; 
        // Obtain street name of the first street segment. 
        string StreetName1 = getStreetName(getStreetSegmentStreetID(Path[i])); 
        // Obtain street name of the second street segment. 
        string StreetName2 = getStreetName(getStreetSegmentStreetID(Path[i+1])); 
        // If the second segment's street name is "(unknown)" or " ", then do not go and create 
        // a proper path instruction for it. 
        if ((StreetName2 != "(unknown)") && (StreetName2 != " ")){
            // If the second segment's street name WAS ACTUALLY a valid name...
            // If the two street names are different, the user will then go onto a different street, so 
            // set the flag to true. 
            if (StreetName2!=StreetName1){
                differentStreet = true; 

            // Call TurnLeftOrRight function to determine which way to turn. 
            // If the returned value is 2, turn right; if the value is 0, turn left; 
            // else if the value is 1, go straight. 
            LeftOrRight = TurnLeftOrRight(Path[i],Path[i+1]); 
            if (LeftOrRight==2){
                tempString.append("Turn right");
                //displayStraightInstruction = 0; // If turning right, automatically enable the instruction to be 
                // displayed again, regardless of whether or not the street name remains the same. 
            else if (LeftOrRight==1){
                tempString.append("Go straight"); 
            else if (LeftOrRight==0){
                tempString.append("Turn left"); 
                //displayStraightInstruction = 0; // If turning left, automatically enable the instruction to be 
                // displayed again, regardless of whether or not the street name remains the same. 

            // If the user does go onto a different street, add " onto " into the instruction. 
            if (differentStreet){
                tempString.append(" onto "); 
                displayStraightInstruction = 0; // If different street names, set the displayStraightInstruction counter 
                // back to zero, so that subsequent "Go Straight" instructions can be displayed at least once. 
            else{ // If the user does NOT go onto a different street, add " along " into the instruction. 
                tempString.append(" along "); 

            // If the string length is two wide to fit onto the box (max 50 characters), 
            // store the remainder of the string into a second string, and print it on the next line. 
            if (tempString.length()>=50){
                needExtraLine = true; 
                size_t pos = tempString.find_last_of(' ',string::npos); // Find the last occurrence of whitespace in the string.  
                tempString2 = tempString.substr(pos+1,30);
            // The following if case only applies to an instruction if it tells the user to "Go Straight". 
            // For the first occurrence of "Go Straight", the instruction will be displayed, but if it appears 
            // consecutively many times afterwards, the instructions will be disabled by incrementing the 
            // displayStraightInstruction counter. 
            if (displayStraightInstruction < 1){
                // Draw the text onto the box. 
                drawtext(HelpBox.left() + 0.5 * HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.top() - (0.10 +0.04*numLines) * HelpBox.get_height(), tempString, HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.get_height());
                numLines++; // Increment the numLines counter so set the subsequent line further down the box. 
                if (needExtraLine){ // If an extra line is needed, display this instruction too. 
                    drawtext(HelpBox.left() + 0.5 * HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.top() - (0.10 +0.04*numLines) * HelpBox.get_height(), tempString2, HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.get_height());
            // Before iterating the overall for loop again and checking the next two segments, check if 
            // the instruction this time was 
            if (!differentStreet)

    // After exiting the for loop and displaying all instructions, display this message for users to 
    // know how to clear the screen of any displayed path or path instructions. 
    string endMessage = "Press 'Esc' to clear the path instructions. "; 
    drawtext(HelpBox.left() + 0.5 * HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.top() - (0.10 +0.04*numLines + 0.015) * HelpBox.get_height(), endMessage, HelpBox.get_width(), HelpBox.get_height());
    // DisplayPathInstructions(InstructionVector); 
コード例 #4
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: guipaiqigong/mapper
// The same kind of process as DirectedPath but takes an input of 
// a vector of destinations, and the weight of each intersection
// is not added with the hueristic estimation.
// the function will return a path as soon as one of the destination
// is reached , which means that this destination can be reached in 
// the least time.
vector<unsigned> Dijkstra(unsigned startid, vector<unsigned> endid) {
    unordered_map<unsigned, bool> flag; //if node is visited
    unordered_map<unsigned, double> dist; //weight of edge
    unordered_map<unsigned, pair<unsigned, unsigned>> prev; //the previous node&edge of key
    prev[startid] = make_pair(startid, 0);
    priority_queue<pair<unsigned, double>, vector<pair<unsigned, double>>, comparenorm> Q;
    vector<unsigned> Path;
	vector<unsigned> testdraw;//DEBUG
   dist[startid] = 0;
    Q.push(make_pair(startid, 0));
    unsigned destination = endid[0];
    bool found = false;
    unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned>* outedges;
    /**************************DEBUG USE***************************/
//    bool DEBUG = 0; //enable to draw the process of computing the path
    while (!Q.empty()) {
//        vector<unsigned> testdraw;
        unsigned currentid = Q.top().first;
        for (vector<unsigned>::iterator iter = endid.begin(); iter != endid.end(); iter++) {
            if (currentid == *iter) {
                destination = *iter;
                found = true;
        if (found) break;
        if (flag[currentid] != 1) {
            flag[currentid] = 1;
            outedges = &getOutEdges(currentid);
            for (unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned>::const_iterator iter = outedges->begin(); iter != outedges->end(); iter++) {
                unsigned path_segment = iter->first;
                unsigned nextid = iter->second;

                double travel_time = find_segment_travel_time(path_segment) + dist[currentid];

                if (getStreetSegmentStreetID(path_segment) != getStreetSegmentStreetID(prev[currentid].second))
                    travel_time += 0.25;

//                if (DEBUG) {
//                    testdraw.push_back(path_segment);
//                    DrawPath(testdraw, t_color(64, 153, 255));
//                }

                if ((dist[nextid] == 0) || (travel_time < dist[nextid])) {
                    dist[nextid] = travel_time;
                    prev[nextid] = make_pair(currentid, path_segment);
                    Q.push(make_pair(nextid, dist[nextid]));


    unsigned iter = destination;
    while ((iter != startid) && (dist[destination] != 0)) {
        pair<unsigned, unsigned> idandpath = prev[iter];
        Path.insert(Path.begin(), idandpath.second);
        iter = idandpath.first;      
//	if (DEBUG) {
//	DrawPath(Path, t_color(255, 0, 0));
//	}
    return Path;
コード例 #5
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: guipaiqigong/mapper
// Use A* algorithm to calculate shortest path between intersections
vector<unsigned> DirectedPath(unsigned startid, unsigned endid) {
    unordered_map<unsigned, bool> flag; //if node is visited
    unordered_map<unsigned, double> dist; //weight of edge
    unordered_map<unsigned, pair<unsigned, unsigned>> prev; //the previous node&edge of key
    prev[startid] = make_pair(startid, 0);
    LatLon end = getIntersectionPosition(endid);
    priority_queue<pair<unsigned, double>, vector<pair<unsigned, double>>, comparenorm> Q; // the node to be visited
    vector<unsigned> Path;
    Q.push(make_pair(startid, 0));
    unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned>* outedges; //the out going edges of an intersection
//    unordered_map<unsigned, unordered_map<unsigned, pair<unsigned, unsigned>>>::iterator memo;
//    bool found_memo = false;
//    unsigned memoid = 0;
    /**************************DEBUG USE***************************/
    bool DEBUG = 0; //enable to draw the process of computing the path
    while (!Q.empty()) {
        unsigned currentid = Q.top().first; // accessing the weight of the edge, or distance 

        if (currentid == endid) break;
        if (flag[currentid] != 1) {
            flag[currentid] = 1;
//            memo = Memoize(currentid, endid); //unfinished implementation of memoization
//            if (memo != Memo.end()) {
//                found_memo = true;
//                memoid = currentid;
//                cout << "i broke out" <<endl;
//                break;  
//            }
//            vector<unsigned> testdraw; //for debug use
            outedges = &getOutEdges(currentid); //obtain the outgoing edges and the other end point
            for (unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned>::const_iterator iter = outedges->begin(); iter != outedges->end(); iter++) {
                //for all the street segments around the current intersections
                //street segment id
                unsigned path_segment = iter->first; 
                //the other end point intersection id
                unsigned nextid = iter->second;
                // how long it takes to travel through this segment
                double travel_time = find_segment_travel_time(path_segment) + dist[currentid];
                //if the current street segment is on the same street with the next street segment
                if (getStreetSegmentStreetID(path_segment) != getStreetSegmentStreetID(prev[currentid].second))
                    travel_time += 0.25;

//                if (DEBUG) {
//                    testdraw.push_back(path_segment);
//                    DrawPath(testdraw, t_color(64, 153, 255));
//                }
                // if the current path to next intersection is found to be faster than the 
                // previous path, update the path and time 
                if ((dist[nextid] == 0) || (travel_time < dist[nextid])) {
                    dist[nextid] = travel_time;
                    prev[nextid] = make_pair(currentid, path_segment);
                // get the position of the next intersection id
                LatLon currentposition = getIntersectionPosition(nextid);
                // find the distance between the next intersection id and the end point
                double current_distance = find_distance_between_two_points(currentposition, end);
                double weight = ((dist[nextid]) + current_distance * 0.06 / 100);
                // put the intersection into the priority queue
                Q.push(make_pair(nextid, weight));

//    if(found_memo){
//        unsigned iter = endid;
//        while (iter != memoid) {
//        pair<unsigned, unsigned> idandpath = ((memo->second).find(iter))->second;
//        Path.insert(Path.begin(), idandpath.second);
//        iter = idandpath.first;
//        }
//        endid = memoid;
//    }
    unsigned iter = endid;
    while ((iter != startid) && (dist[endid] != 0)) {
        pair<unsigned, unsigned> idandpath = prev[iter];
        Path.insert(Path.begin(), idandpath.second);
//        if (DEBUG) {
//            bool OneWay = getStreetSegmentOneWay(idandpath.second);
//            StreetSegmentEnds ids = getStreetSegmentEnds(idandpath.second);
//            if (OneWay && (ids.from == iter)) {
//                cout << "ONEWAY PATH: " << idandpath.second << endl;
//                cout << "FROM: "<< ids.from << " TO: " << ids.to << endl;
//                cout << "INSTEAD OF: " << idandpath.first  << " TO: " << iter <<endl;
//                bool connected = are_directly_connected(idandpath.first, iter);
//                cout << "ARE THEY DIRECTLY CONNECTED? " << connected << endl;
//                break;
//            }
//        }
//        Memo[iter] = prev;
//        prev.erase(iter);
        iter = idandpath.first;
    if (DEBUG) {
        DrawPath(Path, t_color(255, 0, 0));
        double computed_time = compute_path_travel_time(Path);
        if (computed_time == 0) cout <<"PATH FROM: "<< startid <<" TO "<< endid << " NOT FOUND"<<endl;
    return Path;
コード例 #6
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: chungs31/gis
std::vector<unsigned> Graph::a_star_algorithm_by_time(unsigned source, unsigned sink) {
    //std::cout << "Getting directions from: " << getIntersectionPosition(source).lat << "," << getIntersectionPosition(source).lon << " or " << getIntersectionName(source) << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "To: " << getIntersectionPosition(sink).lat << "," << getIntersectionPosition(sink).lon  << " or " << getIntersectionName(sink) << std::endl;

    if (source == sink || source >= getNumberOfIntersections() || sink >= getNumberOfIntersections()) {
        std::vector<unsigned> empty;
        return empty;

    boost::heap::fibonacci_heap< std::pair<unsigned, double>, boost::heap::compare<compare>> Q;

    std::vector<double> dist;
    std::vector<double> f_score;
    std::vector<unsigned> prev;
    std::vector<fib_handle> handles;
    std::stack<unsigned> streetseg_stack;

    for (std::vector<Node>::iterator it = node_vector.begin();
            it != node_vector.end();
            ++it ) {
        unsigned nodeid = (*it).getNodeID();
        if ( nodeid != source) {
            prev.push_back(0xFACEFACE); // dead means undefined
        else {
            prev.push_back(0xFACEFACE); // this is the end
            f_score.push_back(heuristic_cost_straight_dist(nodeid, sink));
        fib_handle handle = Q.push(std::make_pair(nodeid, f_score[nodeid]));

    while ( !Q.empty() ) {
        Node* curNode = &node_vector[(Q.top()).first];
        unsigned u = (*curNode).getNodeID();

        if (u == sink) {
            // extract the previous nodes and daisy chain back to src
            unsigned currentNode = u;
            unsigned previousNode = prev[u];

            while (previousNode != 0xFACEFACE) {
                //std::cout << previousNode << std::endl;
                Node* prevNode = &(node_vector[previousNode]);

                std::vector<Edge> successors = (*prevNode).getSuccessors();

                for (std::vector<Edge>::iterator nodeIT = successors.begin();
                        nodeIT != successors.end();
                        ++nodeIT) {
                    if ( (*nodeIT).getnodeID() == currentNode ) {
                        streetseg_stack.push( (*nodeIT).getPath_Streetseg() );

                currentNode = previousNode;
                previousNode = prev[previousNode];
            return stack_to_vector(streetseg_stack);

        std::vector<Edge> neighbors = (*curNode).getSuccessors();

        unsigned prevSS = 0xAAAAAAAA;

        unsigned previNode = prev[u];

        if (previNode != 0xFACEFACE) { // previous node must be defined
            //std::cout << "got to " << u << " from " << prev[u] << std::endl;
            Node* lastNode = &(node_vector[previNode]);
            std::vector<Edge> howdidIgettoU = (*lastNode).getSuccessors();
            for (std::vector<Edge>::iterator it = howdidIgettoU.begin();
                    it != howdidIgettoU.end();
                    ++it) {
                if ((*it).getnodeID() == u) {
                    prevSS = (*it).getPath_Streetseg();

        for (std::vector<Edge>::iterator it = neighbors.begin();
                it != neighbors.end();
                ++it) {
            unsigned v = (*it).getnodeID();

            double alt = dist[u] + find_segment_travel_time((*it).getPath_Streetseg());

            unsigned currSS = (*it).getPath_Streetseg();
            if (prevSS != 0xAAAAAAAA) {
                //std::cout << "Turning from " << getStreetName(getStreetSegmentStreetID(prevSS)) << " to " << getStreetName(getStreetSegmentStreetID(currSS)) << std::endl;
                if (getStreetSegmentStreetID(prevSS) != getStreetSegmentStreetID(currSS)) {
                    //std::cout << "Turning" << std::endl;
                    alt += 0.25;

            if (alt < dist[v]) {
                dist[v] = alt;
                prev[v] = u;
                f_score[v] = dist[v] + heuristic_cost_straight_dist(v, sink);

                double asdf = f_score[v];
                fib_handle PriorityUpdate = handles[v];
                Q.update(PriorityUpdate, std::make_pair(v, asdf));

    std::vector<unsigned> empty;
    return empty;
コード例 #7
ファイル: m3.cpp プロジェクト: chungs31/gis
dist_prev Graph::dijkstra_time_nostop(unsigned source, std::vector<unsigned> traverse_these_intersections) {
    // Returns a vector of prev that if you daisy chain backwards on, you will
    // obtain the shortest path.
    boost::heap::fibonacci_heap< std::pair<unsigned, double>, boost::heap::compare<compare>> Q;
    std::vector<double> dist;
    std::vector<unsigned> prev;
    std::vector<fib_handle> handles;

    auto iterator_check = std::find(traverse_these_intersections.begin(), traverse_these_intersections.end(), source);
    if (iterator_check != traverse_these_intersections.end()) {

    for (std::vector<Node>::iterator it = node_vector.begin();
            it != node_vector.end();
            ++it ) {
        unsigned nodeid = (*it).getNodeID();
        if ( nodeid != source) {
            prev.push_back(0xFACEFACE); // dead means undefined
        else {
            prev.push_back(0xFACEFACE); // this is the end
        fib_handle handle = Q.push(std::make_pair(nodeid, dist[nodeid]));

    while ( !Q.empty() && traverse_these_intersections.size()-1 != 0) {
        Node* curNode = &node_vector[(Q.top()).first];
        unsigned u = (*curNode).getNodeID();

        auto iterator_check = std::find(traverse_these_intersections.begin(), traverse_these_intersections.end(), u);
        if (iterator_check != traverse_these_intersections.end()) {
        //std::cout << traverse_these_intersections.size() << " ";


        std::vector<Edge> neighbors = (*curNode).getSuccessors();

        unsigned prevSS = 0xAAAAAAAA;

        unsigned previNode = prev[u];

        if (u != source && previNode != 0xFACEFACE) { // previous node must be defined
            //std::cout << "got to " << u << " from " << prev[u] << std::endl;
            Node* lastNode = &(node_vector[previNode]);
            std::vector<Edge> howdidIgettoU = (*lastNode).getSuccessors();
            for (std::vector<Edge>::iterator it = howdidIgettoU.begin();
                    it != howdidIgettoU.end();
                    ++it) {
                if ((*it).getnodeID() == u) {
                    prevSS = (*it).getPath_Streetseg();

        for (std::vector<Edge>::iterator it = neighbors.begin();
                it != neighbors.end();
                ++it) {
            unsigned v = (*it).getnodeID();
            double alt = dist[u] + find_segment_travel_time((*it).getPath_Streetseg());

            unsigned currSS = (*it).getPath_Streetseg();
            if (prevSS != 0xAAAAAAAA) {
                if (getStreetSegmentStreetID(prevSS) != getStreetSegmentStreetID(currSS)) {
                    //        std::cout << "Turning from " << getStreetName(getStreetSegmentStreetID(prevSS)) << " to " << getStreetName(getStreetSegmentStreetID(currSS)) << std::endl;
                    alt += 0.25;

            if (alt < dist[v]) {
                dist[v] = alt;
                prev[v] = u;

                fib_handle PriorityUpdate = handles[v];
                Q.update(PriorityUpdate, std::make_pair(v, alt));

    dist_prev result = {prev, dist};
    return result;