コード例 #1
ファイル: arith.c プロジェクト: wowczarek/ptpd
check_timestamp_is_fresh(const TimeInternal * timeA)
	TimeInternal timeB;
	getSystemClock()->getTime(getSystemClock(), &timeB);

	return check_timestamp_is_fresh2(timeA, &timeB);
コード例 #2
ファイル: arith.c プロジェクト: wowczarek/ptpd
	TimeInternal now;
	double stm, ret;
	getSystemClock()->getTime(getSystemClock(), &now);
	stm = 86400.0 - (now.seconds % 86400);
	ret =  (stm - now.nanoseconds / 1E9);
	return ret;
コード例 #3
ファイル: piservo.c プロジェクト: lukebigum/ptpd
static double
feed (PIservo* self, Integer32 input, double tau) {

    TimeInternal now, delta;

    Boolean runningMaxOutput;

    self->input = input;

    switch(self->tauMethod) {
	    getSystemClock()->getTimeMonotonic(getSystemClock(), &now);
	    if(isTimeZero(&self->lastUpdate)) {
		self->tau = 1.0;
	    } else {
		subTime(&delta, &now, &self->lastUpdate);
		self->tau = delta.seconds + delta.nanoseconds / 1E9;

            if(self->tau > (self->maxTau * tau)) {
                self->tau = (self->maxTau + 0.0) * tau;

	    self->tau = tau;

	    self->tau = 1.0;

    if(self->tau <= ZEROF) {
	self->tau = 1.0;

    self->integral = clampDouble(self->integral, self->maxOutput);
    self->output = clampDouble(self->output, self->maxOutput);

    if (self->kP < 0.000001)
	    self->kP = 0.000001;
    if (self->kI < 0.000001)
	    self->kI = 0.000001;

    self->integral += (self->tau / self->delayFactor) * ((input + 0.0 ) * self->kI);
    self->output = (self->kP * (input + 0.0) ) + self->integral;

    self->integral = clampDouble(self->integral, self->maxOutput);
    self->output = clampDouble(self->output, self->maxOutput);

    runningMaxOutput = (fabs(self->output) >= self->maxOutput);

    if(self->controller) {
	DBG("%s tau %.09f input %d fabs %f out %f, mo %f\n", self->controller->name, self->tau, input, fabs(self->output), self->output, self->maxOutput);

    if(runningMaxOutput && !self->runningMaxOutput) {
	    WARNING(THIS_COMPONENT"Clock %s servo now running at maximum output\n", self->controller->name);

    self->runningMaxOutput = runningMaxOutput;

    if(self->tauMethod == DT_MEASURED) {
	self->lastUpdate = now;

    self->_updated = TRUE;
    self->_lastInput = self->input;
    self->_lastOutput = self->output;

    return self->output;

コード例 #4
ファイル: updatee.cpp プロジェクト: bendyer/uavcan.github.io
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <node-id>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const int self_node_id = std::stoi(argv[1]);

     * Initializing the node.
     * Hardware and software version information is paramount for firmware update process.
    uavcan::Node<16384> node(getCanDriver(), getSystemClock());

    uavcan::protocol::HardwareVersion hwver;    // TODO initialize correct values
    hwver.major = 1;

    uavcan::protocol::SoftwareVersion swver;    // TODO initialize correct values
    swver.major = 1;

    const int node_start_res = node.start();
    if (node_start_res < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start the node; error: " + std::to_string(node_start_res));

     * Storage for the firmware downloader object.
     * Can be replaced with a smart pointer instead.
    uavcan::LazyConstructor<FirmwareLoader> fw_loader;

     * Initializing the BeginFirmwareUpdate server.
    uavcan::ServiceServer<uavcan::protocol::file::BeginFirmwareUpdate> bfu_server(node);

    const int bfu_res = bfu_server.start(
        [&fw_loader, &node]
        (const uavcan::ReceivedDataStructure<uavcan::protocol::file::BeginFirmwareUpdate::Request>& req,
         uavcan::protocol::file::BeginFirmwareUpdate::Response resp)
            std::cout << "Firmware update request:\n" << req << std::endl;

            if (fw_loader.isConstructed())
                resp.error = resp.ERROR_IN_PROGRESS;
                const auto source_node_id = (req.source_node_id == 0) ? req.getSrcNodeID() : req.source_node_id;

                fw_loader.construct<uavcan::INode&, uavcan::NodeID, decltype(req.image_file_remote_path.path)>
                    (node, source_node_id, req.image_file_remote_path.path);

            std::cout << "Response:\n" << resp << std::endl;

    if (bfu_res < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start the BeginFirmwareUpdate server: " + std::to_string(bfu_res));

     * Running the node normally.
     * All of the work will be done in background.
    while (true)
        if (fw_loader.isConstructed())

            if (fw_loader->getStatus() != FirmwareLoader::Status::InProgress)
                if (fw_loader->getStatus() == FirmwareLoader::Status::Success)
                    auto image = fw_loader->getImage();

                    std::cout << "Firmware download succeeded [" << image.size() << " bytes]" << std::endl;
                    printHexDump(std::begin(image), std::end(image));

                    // TODO: save the firmware image somewhere.
                    std::cout << "Firmware download failed" << std::endl;

                    // TODO: handle the error, e.g. retry download, send a log message, etc.


        const int res = node.spin(uavcan::MonotonicDuration::fromMSec(500));
        if (res < 0)
            std::cerr << "Transient failure: " << res << std::endl;
コード例 #5
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <node-id>" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    const int self_node_id = std::stoi(argv[1]);

    uavcan::Node<NodeMemoryPoolSize> node(getCanDriver(), getSystemClock());

    const int node_start_res = node.start();
    if (node_start_res < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start the node; error: " + std::to_string(node_start_res));

     * This would be our configuration storage.
    static struct Params
        unsigned foo = 42;
        float bar = 0.123456F;
        double baz = 1e-5;
        std::string booz = "Hello world!";
    } configuration;

     * Now, we need to define some glue logic between the server (below) and our configuration storage (above).
     * This is done via the interface uavcan::IParamManager.
    class : public uavcan::IParamManager
        void getParamNameByIndex(Index index, Name& out_name) const override
            if (index == 0) { out_name = "foo"; }
            if (index == 1) { out_name = "bar"; }
            if (index == 2) { out_name = "baz"; }
            if (index == 3) { out_name = "booz"; }

        void assignParamValue(const Name& name, const Value& value) override
            if (name == "foo")
                 * Parameter "foo" is an integer, so we accept only integer values here.
                if (value.is(uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value))
                    configuration.foo = *value.as<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>();
            else if (name == "bar")
                 * Parameter "bar" is a floating point, so we accept only float values here.
                if (value.is(uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value))
                    configuration.bar = *value.as<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>();
            else if (name == "baz")
                 * Ditto
                if (value.is(uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value))
                    configuration.baz = *value.as<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>();
            else if (name == "booz")
                 * Parameter "booz" is a string, so we take only strings.
                if (value.is(uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value))
                    configuration.booz = value.as<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value>()->c_str();
                std::cout << "Can't assign parameter: " << name.c_str() << std::endl;

        void readParamValue(const Name& name, Value& out_value) const override
            if (name == "foo")
                out_value.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>() = configuration.foo;
            else if (name == "bar")
                out_value.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = configuration.bar;
            else if (name == "baz")
                out_value.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = configuration.baz;
            else if (name == "booz")
                out_value.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value>() = configuration.booz.c_str();
                std::cout << "Can't read parameter: " << name.c_str() << std::endl;

        int saveAllParams() override
            std::cout << "Save - this implementation does not require any action" << std::endl;
            return 0;     // Zero means that everything is fine.

        int eraseAllParams() override
            std::cout << "Erase - all params reset to default values" << std::endl;
            configuration = Params();
            return 0;

         * Note that this method is optional. It can be left unimplemented.
        void readParamDefaultMaxMin(const Name& name, Value& out_def,
                                    NumericValue& out_max, NumericValue& out_min) const override
            if (name == "foo")
                out_def.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::integer_value>() = Params().foo;
                out_max.to<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::integer_value>() = 9000;
                out_min.to<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::integer_value>() = 0;
            else if (name == "bar")
                out_def.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = Params().bar;
                out_max.to<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 1;
                out_min.to<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 0;
            else if (name == "baz")
                out_def.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::real_value>() = Params().baz;
                out_max.to<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 1;
                out_min.to<uavcan::protocol::param::NumericValue::Tag::real_value>() = 0;
            else if (name == "booz")
                out_def.to<uavcan::protocol::param::Value::Tag::string_value>() = Params().booz.c_str();
                std::cout << "Limits for 'booz' are not defined" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Can't read the limits for parameter: " << name.c_str() << std::endl;
    } param_manager;

     * Initializing the configuration server.
     * A pointer to the glue logic object is passed to the method start().
    uavcan::ParamServer server(node);

    const int server_start_res = server.start(&param_manager);
    if (server_start_res < 0)
        throw std::runtime_error("Failed to start ParamServer: " + std::to_string(server_start_res));

     * Now, this node can be reconfigured via UAVCAN. Awesome.
     * Many embedded applications require a restart before the new configuration settings can
     * be applied, so it is highly recommended to also support the remote restart service.
    class : public uavcan::IRestartRequestHandler
        bool handleRestartRequest(uavcan::NodeID request_source) override
            std::cout << "Got a remote restart request from " << int(request_source.get()) << std::endl;
             * We won't really restart, so return 'false'.
             * Returning 'true' would mean that we're going to restart for real.
             * Note that it is recognized that some nodes may not be able to respond to the
             * restart request (e.g. if they restart immediately from the service callback).
            return false;
    } restart_request_handler;

     * Installing the restart request handler.
    node.setRestartRequestHandler(&restart_request_handler); // Done.

     * Running the node.
    while (true)
        const int res = node.spin(uavcan::MonotonicDuration::getInfinite());
        if (res < 0)
            std::cerr << "Transient failure: " << res << std::endl;