コード例 #1
 void onDrawAnnotation(const SkRect& rect, const char key[], SkData* value) override
     if (rect.width() == 0 && rect.height() == 0) {
         SkPoint point = getTotalMatrix().mapXY(rect.x(), rect.y());
         Operation operation = {
             DrawPoint, SkRect::MakeXYWH(point.x(), point.y(), 0, 0) };
     } else {
         Operation operation = { DrawRect, rect };
コード例 #2
SkRect FindCanvas::addMatchPosH(int index,
        const SkPaint& paint, int count, const uint16_t* glyphs,
        const SkScalar position[], SkScalar constY) {
    SkRect r;
    // We only care about the positions starting at the index of our match
    const SkScalar* xPos = &position[index];
    // This assumes that the position array is monotonic increasing
    // The left bounds will be the position of the left most character
    r.fLeft = xPos[0];
    // The right bounds will be the position of the last character plus its
    // width
    int lastIndex = count - 1;
    r.fRight = paint.measureText(&glyphs[lastIndex], sizeof(uint16_t), 0)
            + xPos[lastIndex];
    // Grab font metrics to determine the top and bottom of the bounds
    SkPaint::FontMetrics fontMetrics;
    r.fTop = constY + fontMetrics.fAscent;
    r.fBottom = constY + fontMetrics.fDescent;
    const SkMatrix& matrix = getTotalMatrix();
    SkCanvas* canvas = getWorkingCanvas();
    int saveCount = canvas->save();
    canvas->drawPosTextH(glyphs, count * sizeof(uint16_t), xPos, constY, paint);
    return r;
コード例 #3
SkRect FindCanvas::addMatchPos(int index,
        const SkPaint& paint, int count, const uint16_t* glyphs,
        const SkScalar xPos[], SkScalar /* y */) {
    SkRect r;
    const SkPoint* temp = reinterpret_cast<const SkPoint*> (xPos);
    const SkPoint* points = &temp[index];
    int countInBytes = count * sizeof(uint16_t);
    SkPaint::FontMetrics fontMetrics;
    // Need to check each character individually, since the heights may be
    // different.
    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
        SkRect bounds;
        bounds.fLeft = points[j].fX;
        bounds.fRight = bounds.fLeft +
                paint.measureText(&glyphs[j], sizeof(uint16_t), 0);
        SkScalar baseline = points[j].fY;
        bounds.fTop = baseline + fontMetrics.fAscent;
        bounds.fBottom = baseline + fontMetrics.fDescent;
        /* Accumulate and then add the resulting rect to mMatches */
    SkMatrix matrix = getTotalMatrix();
    SkCanvas* canvas = getWorkingCanvas();
    int saveCount = canvas->save();
    canvas->drawPosText(glyphs, countInBytes, points, paint);
    return r;
コード例 #4
// Each version of addMatch returns a rectangle for a match.
// Not all of the parameters are used by each version.
SkRect FindCanvas::addMatchNormal(int index,
        const SkPaint& paint, int count, const uint16_t* glyphs,
        const SkScalar pos[], SkScalar y) {
    const uint16_t* lineStart = glyphs - index;
    /* Use the original paint, since "text" is in glyphs */
    SkScalar before = paint.measureText(lineStart, index * sizeof(uint16_t), 0);
    SkRect rect;
    rect.fLeft = pos[0] + before;
    int countInBytes = count * sizeof(uint16_t);
    rect.fRight = paint.measureText(glyphs, countInBytes, 0) + rect.fLeft;
    SkPaint::FontMetrics fontMetrics;
    SkScalar baseline = y;
    rect.fTop = baseline + fontMetrics.fAscent;
    rect.fBottom = baseline + fontMetrics.fDescent;
    const SkMatrix& matrix = getTotalMatrix();
    // Add the text to our picture.
    SkCanvas* canvas = getWorkingCanvas();
    int saveCount = canvas->save();
    canvas->drawText(glyphs, countInBytes, pos[0] + before, y, paint);
    return rect;
コード例 #5
 void onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) override
     if (!paint.getAnnotation())
     Operation operation = { DrawRect, rect };
コード例 #6
 void onDrawPoints(PointMode mode, size_t count, const SkPoint pts[], const SkPaint& paint) override
     if (!paint.getAnnotation())
     ASSERT_EQ(1u, count); // Only called from drawPoint().
     SkPoint point = getTotalMatrix().mapXY(pts[0].x(), pts[0].y());
     Operation operation = { DrawPoint, SkRect::MakeXYWH(point.x(), point.y(), 0, 0) };
コード例 #7
void PlatformContextSkia::beginLayerClippedToImage(const FloatRect& rect,
                                                   const ImageBuffer* imageBuffer)
    SkRect bounds = { SkFloatToScalar(rect.x()), SkFloatToScalar(rect.y()),
                      SkFloatToScalar(rect.maxX()), SkFloatToScalar(rect.maxY()) };

    if (imageBuffer->internalSize().isEmpty()) {

    // Skia doesn't support clipping to an image, so we create a layer. The next
    // time restore is invoked the layer and |imageBuffer| are combined to
    // create the resulting image.

    m_state->m_clip = bounds;
    // Get the absolute coordinates of the stored clipping rectangle to make it
    // independent of any transform changes.

    SkCanvas::SaveFlags saveFlags = static_cast<SkCanvas::SaveFlags>(SkCanvas::kHasAlphaLayer_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kFullColorLayer_SaveFlag);
    saveLayer(&bounds, 0, saveFlags);

    const SkBitmap* bitmap = imageBuffer->context()->platformContext()->bitmap();

    if (m_trackOpaqueRegion) {
        SkRect opaqueRect = bitmap->isOpaque() ? m_state->m_clip : SkRect::MakeEmpty();

    // Copy off the image as |imageBuffer| may be deleted before restore is invoked.
    if (bitmap->isImmutable())
        m_state->m_imageBufferClip = *bitmap;
    else {
        // We need to make a deep-copy of the pixels themselves, so they don't
        // change on us between now and when we want to apply them in restore()
        bitmap->copyTo(&m_state->m_imageBufferClip, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);
コード例 #8
void SkBBoxHierarchyRecord::setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
コード例 #9
bool SkBBoxHierarchyRecord::concat(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
    bool result = INHERITED::concat(matrix);
    return result;
コード例 #10
bool SkBBoxHierarchyRecord::skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) {
    bool result = INHERITED::skew(sx, sy);
    return result;
コード例 #11
bool SkBBoxHierarchyRecord::rotate(SkScalar degrees) {
    bool result = INHERITED::rotate(degrees);
    return result;
コード例 #12
bool SkBBoxHierarchyRecord::translate(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy) {
    bool result = INHERITED::translate(dx, dy);
    return result;
コード例 #13
void FindCanvas::findHelper(const void* text, size_t byteLength,
                          const SkPaint& paint, const SkScalar positions[], 
                          SkScalar y,
                          SkRect (FindCanvas::*addMatch)(int index,
                          const SkPaint& paint, int count,
                          const uint16_t* glyphs,
                          const SkScalar positions[], SkScalar y)) {
    SkASSERT(paint.getTextEncoding() == SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding);
    GlyphSet* glyphSet = getGlyphs(paint);
    const int count = glyphSet->getCount();
    int numCharacters = byteLength >> 1;
    const uint16_t* chars = (const uint16_t*) text;
    // This block will check to see if we are continuing from another line.  If
    // so, the user needs to have added a space, which we do not draw.
    if (mWorkingIndex) {
        SkPoint newY;
        getTotalMatrix().mapXY(0, y, &newY);
        SkIRect workingBounds = mWorkingRegion.getBounds();
        int newYInt = SkScalarRound(newY.fY);
        if (workingBounds.fTop > newYInt) {
            // The new text is above the working region, so we know it's not
            // a continuation.
            mWorkingIndex = 0;
        } else if (workingBounds.fBottom < newYInt) {
            // Now we know that this line is lower than our partial match.
            SkPaint clonePaint(paint);
            uint16_t space;
            clonePaint.textToGlyphs(" ", 1, &space);
            if (glyphSet->characterMatches(space, mWorkingIndex)) {
                if (mWorkingIndex == count) {
                    // We already know that it is not clipped out because we
                    // checked for that before saving the working region.

                    mWorkingIndex = 0;
                    // We have found a match, so continue on this line from
                    // scratch.
            } else {
                mWorkingIndex = 0;
        // If neither one is true, then we are likely continuing on the same
        // line, but are in a new draw call because the paint has changed.  In
        // this case, we can continue without adding a space.
    // j is the position in the search text
    // Start off with mWorkingIndex in case we are continuing from a prior call
    int j = mWorkingIndex;
    // index is the position in the drawn text
    int index = 0;
    for ( ; index != numCharacters; index++) {
        if (glyphSet->characterMatches(chars[index], j)) {
            // The jth character in the search text matches the indexth position
            // in the drawn text, so increase j.
            if (j != count) {
            // The last count characters match, so we found the entire
            // search string.
            int remaining = count - mWorkingIndex;
            int matchIndex = index - remaining + 1;
            // Set up a pointer to the matching text in 'chars'.
            const uint16_t* glyphs = chars + matchIndex;
            SkRect rect = (this->*addMatch)(matchIndex, paint,
                    remaining, glyphs, positions, y);
            // We need an SkIRect for SkRegion operations.
            SkIRect iRect;
            // If the rectangle is partially clipped, assume that the text is
            // not visible, so skip this match.
            if (getTotalClip().contains(iRect)) {
                // Want to outset the drawn rectangle by the same amount as
                // mOutset
                iRect.inset(-INTEGER_OUTSET, -INTEGER_OUTSET);
                SkRegion regionToAdd(iRect);
                if (!mWorkingRegion.isEmpty()) {
                    // If this is on the same line as our working region, make
                    // sure that they are close enough together that they are
                    // supposed to be part of the same text string.
                    // The width of two spaces has arbitrarily been chosen.
                    const SkIRect& workingBounds = mWorkingRegion.getBounds();
                    if (workingBounds.fTop <= iRect.fBottom &&
                            workingBounds.fBottom >= iRect.fTop &&
                            SkIntToScalar(iRect.fLeft - workingBounds.fRight) > 
                            approximateSpaceWidth(paint)) {
                        index = -1;     // Will increase to 0 on next run
                        // In this case, we need to start from the beginning of
                        // the text being searched and our search term.
                        j = 0;
                        mWorkingIndex = 0;
                    // Add the mWorkingRegion, which contains rectangles from
                    // the previous line(s).
                    regionToAdd.op(mWorkingRegion, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
                // Reset index to the location of the match and reset j to the
                // beginning, so that on the next iteration of the loop, index
                // will advance by 1 and we will compare the next character in
                // chars to the first character in the GlyphSet.
                index = matchIndex;
            } else {
                // This match was clipped out, so begin looking at the next
                // character from our hidden match
                index = matchIndex;
            // Whether the clip contained it or not, we need to start over
            // with our recording canvas
        } else {
            // Index needs to be set to index - j + 1.
            // This is a ridiculous case, but imagine the situation where the
            // user is looking for the string "jjog" in the drawText call for
            // "jjjog".  The first two letters match.  However, when the index
            // is 2, and we discover that 'o' and 'j' do not match, we should go
            // back to 1, where we do, in fact, have a match
            // FIXME: This does not work if (as in our example) "jj" is in one
            // draw call and "jog" is in the next.  Doing so would require a
            // stack, keeping track of multiple possible working indeces and
            // regions.  This is likely an uncommon case.
            index = index - j;  // index will be increased by one on the next
                                // iteration
        // We reach here in one of two cases:
        // 1) We just completed a match, so any working rectangle/index is no
        // longer needed, and we will start over from the beginning
        // 2) The glyphs do not match, so we start over at the beginning of
        // the search string.
        j = 0;
        mWorkingIndex = 0;
    // At this point, we have searched all of the text in the current drawText
    // call.
    // Keep track of a partial match that may start on this line.
    if (j > 0) {    // if j is greater than 0, we have a partial match
        int relativeCount = j - mWorkingIndex;  // Number of characters in this
                                                // part of the match.
        int partialIndex = index - relativeCount; // Index that starts our
                                                  // partial match.
        const uint16_t* partialGlyphs = chars + partialIndex;
        SkRect partial = (this->*addMatch)(partialIndex, paint, relativeCount,
                partialGlyphs, positions, y);
        partial.inset(mOutset, mOutset);
        SkIRect dest;
        // Only save a partial if it is in the current clip.
        if (getTotalClip().contains(dest)) {
            mWorkingRegion.op(dest, SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
            mWorkingIndex = j;
    // This string doesn't go into the next drawText, so reset our working
    // variables
    mWorkingIndex = 0;
コード例 #14
void SkBBoxHierarchyRecord::didConcat(const SkMatrix& matrix) {