/** This function is called each timestep, and it collects most of the * statistics for this kart. * \param dt Time step size. */ void KartWithStats::update(int ticks) { Kart::update(ticks); if(getSpeed()>m_top_speed ) m_top_speed = getSpeed(); float dt = stk_config->ticks2Time(ticks); if(getControls().getSkidControl()) m_skidding_time += dt; if(getControls().getBrake() ) m_brake_count ++; LinearWorld *world = dynamic_cast<LinearWorld*>(World::getWorld()); if(world && !world->isOnRoad(getWorldKartId())) m_off_track_count ++; } // update
/** This function is called each timestep, and it collects most of the * statistics for this kart. * \param dt Time step size. */ void KartWithStats::update(float dt) { Kart::update(dt); if(getSpeed()>m_top_speed) m_top_speed = getSpeed(); if(getControls().m_skid) m_skidding_time += dt; if(getControls().m_brake) m_brake_count ++; LinearWorld *world = dynamic_cast<LinearWorld*>(World::getWorld()); if(world && !world->isOnRoad(getWorldKartId())) m_off_track_count ++; } // update