コード例 #1
ファイル: GaussianConditional.cpp プロジェクト: haidai/gtsam
  /* ************************************************************************* */
  VectorValues GaussianConditional::solveOtherRHS(
    const VectorValues& parents, const VectorValues& rhs) const
    // Concatenate all vector values that correspond to parent variables
    Vector xS = parents.vector(FastVector<Key>(beginParents(), endParents()));

    // Instead of updating getb(), update the right-hand-side from the given rhs
    const Vector rhsR = rhs.vector(FastVector<Key>(beginFrontals(), endFrontals()));
    xS = rhsR - get_S() * xS;

    // Solve Matrix
    Vector soln = get_R().triangularView<Eigen::Upper>().solve(xS);

    // Scale by sigmas
      soln.array() *= model_->sigmas().array();

    // Insert solution into a VectorValues
    VectorValues result;
    DenseIndex vectorPosition = 0;
    for(const_iterator frontal = beginFrontals(); frontal != endFrontals(); ++frontal) {
      result.insert(*frontal, soln.segment(vectorPosition, getDim(frontal)));
      vectorPosition += getDim(frontal);

    return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GaussianConditional.cpp プロジェクト: haidai/gtsam
  /* ************************************************************************* */
  VectorValues GaussianConditional::solve(const VectorValues& x) const
    // Concatenate all vector values that correspond to parent variables
    const Vector xS = x.vector(FastVector<Key>(beginParents(), endParents()));

    // Update right-hand-side
    const Vector rhs = get_d() - get_S() * xS;

    // Solve matrix
    const Vector solution = get_R().triangularView<Eigen::Upper>().solve(rhs);

    // Check for indeterminant solution
    if (solution.hasNaN()) {
      throw IndeterminantLinearSystemException(keys().front());

    // Insert solution into a VectorValues
    VectorValues result;
    DenseIndex vectorPosition = 0;
    for (const_iterator frontal = beginFrontals(); frontal != endFrontals(); ++frontal) {
      result.insert(*frontal, solution.segment(vectorPosition, getDim(frontal)));
      vectorPosition += getDim(frontal);

    return result;
コード例 #3
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_data_variance() const {
  FloatsList ret;
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd S(get_S());
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < M_; i++) {
    Floats val;
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < M_; j++) val.push_back(S(i, j));
  return ret;
コード例 #4
IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_Omega_derivative(
    unsigned particle) const {
  const_cast<GaussianProcessInterpolation *>(this)->update_flags_covariance();
  // Omega = W + sigma*S/n_obs
  if (particle == 0) {
    // sigma
    return IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd(get_S()) / n_obs_;
  } else {
    return covariance_function_->get_derivative_matrix(particle - 1, x_);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Bchart.C プロジェクト: chrisleewashere/SwiRL-OSX
    alreadyPopedNum = 0;
    SentRepIter     sri(sentence_);
    bool   haveS = false;
    int locTimeout = ruleiCountTimeout_;
    int count = 0;
    for (;; count ++)
      if( ruleiCounts_ > locTimeout )

      if(get_S() && !haveS)
	  // once we have found a parse, the total edes is set to edges * 3.5;
	  haveS = true;
	  if(printDebug(10)) cerr << "Found S " << popedEdgeCount_ << endl;
	  popedEdgeCountAtS_ = popedEdgeCount_;
	  totEdgeCountAtS_ = ruleiCounts_;
	  int newTime = (int)(ruleiCounts_ * timeFactor);  
	  if(newTime < ruleiCountTimeout_)
	    locTimeout = newTime;
      // We keep track of number of ruleis to decide when time out on parsing.;
      /* get best thing off of keylist */
      Edge* edge = heap->pop(); 
      if (!edge)
      int stus = edge->status();
      int cD = curDemerits_[edge->start()][edge->loc()];
      if(edge->demerits() < cD - 5 && !haveS)
	  edge->demerits() = cD;
      if(alreadyPopedNum >= 400000)
	  cerr << "alreadyPoped got too large" << endl;
      if(printDebug() > 10)
	  cerr << popedEdgeCount_ << "\tPop";
	  if(stus == 0) cerr << "< ";
	  else if(stus == 2) cerr << ". ";
	  else cerr << "> ";
	  cerr << *edge << "\t" << edge->prob() << "\t" << edge->merit();
	  cerr << endl;
      alreadyPoped[alreadyPopedNum++] = edge;
      if(!haveS) addToDemerits(edge);
      /* and add it to chart */
      switch (stus)
	  case 0 : add_edge(edge, 0); break; //0 => continuing left;
	  case 1 : add_edge(edge, 1); break; //1 => continung right;
	  case 2 : addFinishedEdge(edge);

    /* at this point we are done looking for edges etc. */
    Item           *snode = get_S();
    /* No "S" node means the sentence was unparsable. */
    if (!snode)
	return badParse;
    double          ans = snode->prob();

    if (ans <= 0.0L)
	error("zero probability parse?");
    ans = -log2(ans);
    if (ans == quiet_nan(0L))
	error("log returned quiet_nan()");
    static double	nat_log_2 = log( 2.0 );
    ans = -log( ans )/ nat_log_2;
    crossEntropy_ = ans;
    return ans;
コード例 #6
void GaussianProcessInterpolation::compute_Omega() {
  // sigma_val_ is up-to-date because update_flags_covariance was just called
  Omega_ = get_W() + sigma_val_ * IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd(get_S()) / n_obs_;
コード例 #7
ファイル: bada_import.cpp プロジェクト: whztt07/test_osg
    ada::data_t fill_data(std::string const& bada_path, std::string const& aircraft_kind )
        ada::data_t ac_settings;

        create_proxy_fn_t create_proxy_fn = reinterpret_cast<create_proxy_fn_t> (lib_loader().get_symbol(BADA_DLL,"create_proxy"));
		if (create_proxy_fn)
			auto proxy = create_proxy_fn(bada_path);
			//auto proxy = bada::create_proxy(bada_path);

			auto syn_data        = proxy->get_synonim_data(aircraft_kind) ;
                syn_data = proxy->get_synonim_data("A319")  ;

			auto air_data        = proxy->get_aircraft_data(syn_data->getSynonim()) ;
			auto air_global_data = proxy->get_global_data() ;

			ac_settings.base_model        = syn_data->getSynonim();
			ac_settings.manufacturer      = syn_data->getManufacturer();
			ac_settings.model_name        = syn_data->getModelName();
			ac_settings.S                 = air_data->get_S();
			ac_settings.span              = air_data->get_span();
			ac_settings.length            = air_data->get_length();
			ac_settings.engine            = air_data->getEngineType();
			ac_settings.turbulence        = air_data->getWakeCategory();
			ac_settings.cd_0_cruise       = air_data->get_Cd0_cr();
			ac_settings.cd_2_cruise       = air_data->get_Cd2_cr();
			ac_settings.cd_0_approach     = air_data->get_Cd0_ap();
			ac_settings.cd_2_approach     = air_data->get_Cd2_ap();
			ac_settings.cd_0_landing      = air_data->get_Cd0_ld();
			ac_settings.cd_0_landing_gear = air_data->get_Cd0_ldg();
			ac_settings.cd_2_landing      = air_data->get_Cd2_ld();
			ac_settings.cf_1              = air_data->get_Cf_1();
			ac_settings.cf_2              = air_data->get_Cf_2() * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.cf_3              = air_data->get_Cf_3() / 60.;
			ac_settings.cf_4              = air_data->get_Cf_4() * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.cf_cruise         = air_data->get_Cfr();

			case bada::jet:
				ac_settings.cf_1 /= (60. * 1000.);
			case bada::turboprop:
				ac_settings.cf_1 /= (60. * 1000. * cg::kt2mps());
			case bada::piston:
				ac_settings.cf_1 /= 60.;

			ac_settings.nominal_ba_to_ld       = 15.; // TODO: make difference to military objects
			ac_settings.nominal_ba             = 35.;
			ac_settings.max_ba_to_ld           = 25.;
			ac_settings.max_ba_hold            = 35.;
			ac_settings.max_ba                 = 45.;
			ac_settings.max_operating_height     = air_data->get_hmo() * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.max_height               = air_data->get_hmax() * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.temperature_gradient     = air_data->get_Gt() * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.mass_gradient            = air_data->get_Gw() * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.max_mass                 = air_data->get_m_max() * 1000;
			ac_settings.min_mass                 = air_data->get_m_min() * 1000;
			ac_settings.max_payload_mass         = air_data->get_m_pyld() * 1000;
			ac_settings.ref_mass                 = air_data->get_m_ref() * 1000;

			if (ac_settings.engine == bada::jet ||ac_settings.engine == bada::piston)
				ac_settings.ct_1 = air_data->get_Ctc_1();
			else // turboprop
				ac_settings.ct_1 = air_data->get_Ctc_1() * cg::kt2mps();

			ac_settings.ct_2  = air_data->get_Ctc_2() * cg::feet2meter();

			if (ac_settings.engine == bada::jet)
				ac_settings.ct_3 = air_data->get_Ctc_3() / cg::sqr(cg::feet2meter());
			else if (ac_settings.engine == bada::turboprop)
				ac_settings.ct_3 = air_data->get_Ctc_3();
			else // piston
				ac_settings.ct_3 = air_data->get_Ctc_3() * cg::kt2mps();

			ac_settings.ct_4                     = air_data->get_Ctc_4();
			ac_settings.ct_5                     = air_data->get_Ctc_5();
			ac_settings.ct_descent_low           = air_data->get_Ct_des_low();
			ac_settings.descent_height_level     = air_data->get_Hp_des() * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.ct_descent_high          = air_data->get_Ct_des_high();
			ac_settings.ct_descent_approach      = air_data->get_Ct_des_app();
			ac_settings.ct_descent_landing       = air_data->get_Ct_des_ld();
			ac_settings.V_1[fms::climb_stage]    = air_data->getDataCLS().getStandardCAS().first * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.V_1[fms::cruise_stage]   = air_data->getDataCRS().getStandardCAS().first * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.V_1[fms::descent_stage]  = air_data->getDataDS().getStandardCAS().first * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.V_2[fms::climb_stage]    = air_data->getDataCLS().getStandardCAS().second * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.V_2[fms::cruise_stage]   = air_data->getDataCRS().getStandardCAS().second * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.V_2[fms::descent_stage]  = air_data->getDataDS().getStandardCAS().second * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.M[fms::climb_stage]      = air_data->getDataCLS().getMach();
			ac_settings.M[fms::cruise_stage]     = air_data->getDataCRS().getMach();
			ac_settings.M[fms::descent_stage]    = air_data->getDataDS().getMach();

			// jet
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[0]       = 5 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[1]       = 10 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[2]       = 30 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[3]       = 60 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[4]       = 80 * cg::kt2mps();
			// turboprop/piston
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[5]       = 20 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[6]       = 30 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_cl[7]       = 35 * cg::kt2mps();

			// jet/turboprop
			ac_settings.v_d_des[0]      = 5 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_des[1]      = 10 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_des[2]      = 20 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_des[3]      = 50 * cg::kt2mps();
			// piston
			ac_settings.v_d_des[4]      = 5 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_des[5]      = 10 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_d_des[6]      = 20 * cg::kt2mps();

			ac_settings.v_stall_to = air_data->get_Vstall_to() * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_stall_ic = air_data->get_Vstall_ic() * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_stall_cr = air_data->get_Vstall_cr() * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_stall_ap = air_data->get_Vstall_ap() * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_stall_ld = air_data->get_Vstall_ld() * cg::kt2mps();

			ac_settings.v_rw_backtrack = 35 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_taxi         = 15 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_apron        = 10 * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.v_gate         = 5 * cg::kt2mps();

			ac_settings.c_v_min    = air_global_data->getCVmin(0).second;
			ac_settings.c_v_min_to = 1.2;
			ac_settings.h_descent  = air_data->get_Hp_des() * cg::feet2meter();

			ac_settings.h_max_to = 400 * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.h_max_ic = 2000 * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.h_max_ap = 8000 * cg::feet2meter();
			ac_settings.h_max_ld = 3000 * cg::feet2meter();

			ac_settings.takeoff_length = 0.75 * air_data->get_TOL();
			ac_settings.landing_length = air_data->get_LDL();
			ac_settings.max_cas = air_data->get_Vmo() * cg::kt2mps();
			ac_settings.max_mach = air_data->get_Mmo();

        return ac_settings;
コード例 #8
  Item           *snode = get_S();
  double         tempAlpha[400]; //400 has no particular meaning, just large enough.
  if( !snode || snode->prob() == 0.0 )
      warn( "estimating the counts on a zero-probability sentence" );
  double sAlpha = 1.0/snode->prob();
  snode->poutside() = sAlpha;
  /* for each position in the 2D chart, starting at top*/
  /* look at every bucket of length j */
  for (int j = wrd_count_-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
      for (int i = 0 ; i <= wrd_count_ - j ; i++)
	  Items il = regs[j][i];
	  list<Item*>::iterator ili = il.begin();
	  Item* itm;
	  for(; ili != il.end(); ili++ )
	      itm = *ili;
	      if(itm != snode) itm->poutside() = 0; //init outside probs to 0;
	  bool valuesChanging = true;
	  /* do alpha calulcations until values settle down */
	  ili = il.begin();
	      valuesChanging = false;
	      int            tempPos = 0;  //position in tempAlpha;
	      ili = il.begin();
	      for(; ili != il.end(); ili++ )
		  itm = *ili;
		  if(itm == snode) continue;
		  double itmalpha = 0;

		  NeedmeIter nmi(itm);
		  Edge* e;
		  while( nmi.next(e) )
		      const Item* lhsItem = e->finishedParent();
		      if(lhsItem) itmalpha += lhsItem->poutside()
			                        * e->prob();
		  assert(tempPos < 400);
		  double val = itmalpha/itm->prob();
		  tempAlpha[tempPos++] = val;
	      /* at this point the new alpha values are stored in tempAlpha */
	      int temppos = 0;
	      ili = il.begin();
	      for(; ili != il.end(); ili++ )
		  itm = *ili;
		  if(itm == snode) continue;
		  /* the start symbol for the entire sentence has poutside =1*/
		  if(i == 0 && j ==wrd_count_-1 &&
		     itm->term()->name() == "S1")
		    itm->poutside() = sAlpha;
		      double oOutside = itm->poutside();
		      double nOutside = tempAlpha[temppos];
		      if(nOutside == 0)
			  if(oOutside != 0) error("Alpha went down");
		      else if(oOutside/nOutside < .95)
			  itm->poutside() = nOutside;
			  valuesChanging = true;
			  //cerr << "alpha*beta " << *itm << " = "
			  //<< (itm->poutside() * itm->prob()) << endl;
	      if(temppos != tempPos)
		  cerr << "temppos = " << temppos << " and tempPos = "
		    << tempPos << " ";
		  error("Funnly situation in setAlphas");