コード例 #1
ファイル: model.cpp プロジェクト: mifumagalli/cluster-cloc
model::model(double in_t0, double in_t1, double in_mmin, 
                    double in_mmax, double in_cmfslope,
                    double in_gamma_min, double in_gamma_max, 
                    double in_eta, double in_ageslope,
                    double in_start, double in_stop, double in_step, 
		    double in_length, double in_fc){
    f_c = in_fc;
    length = in_length;
    t0 = in_t0;
    t1 = in_t1;
    mmin = in_mmin;
    mmax = in_mmax;
    cmf_slope = in_cmfslope;
    cmf_slope1 = cmf_slope + 1.;
    eta = in_eta;
    gamma_min = in_gamma_min;
    gamma_max = in_gamma_max;
    age_slope = in_ageslope;
    start = in_start;
    stop = in_stop;
    step = in_step;
//make array of luminosity convertying to ln L
    for(double v =log(pow(10,start)); v<log(pow(10,stop));v+=log(pow(10,step))){
    omega = (age_slope + 1.)/eta - cmf_slope1;
    if (cmf_slope == -1){
    } else if( cmf_slope == -2){
//for(int i=0;i<(long)x.size();i++)cout<<x[i]<<endl;
    get_cdf();   //CDF needs to be first to get normalization right

/*    sfr_grid.push_back(x);
コード例 #2
ファイル: dssim.cpp プロジェクト: ahinoamp/Research
bool dssim::initialize( const Parameters_handler* parameters,
			Error_messages_handler* errors ) {

  OPEN_DEBUG_STREAM( "dssim.dbg" );

  // Extract the parameters input by the user from the parameter handler
  // The "simulation" grid parameters
  std::string simul_grid_name = parameters->value( "Grid_Name.value" );
  errors->report( simul_grid_name.empty(), 
            		  "Grid_Name", "No grid selected" );
  std::string property_name = parameters->value( "Property_Name.value" );
  errors->report( property_name.empty(), 
            		  "Property_Name", "No property name specified" );

  // Get the simulation grid from the grid manager  
  if( simul_grid_name.empty() ) return false;

  bool ok = geostat_utils::create( simul_grid_, simul_grid_name,
                          				 "Grid_Name", errors );
  if( !ok ) return false;

  // create  a multi-realization property
  multireal_property_ =
    simul_grid_->add_multi_realization_property( property_name );

  // The hard data parameters

  std::string harddata_grid_name = parameters->value( "Hard_Data.grid" );
  if( !harddata_grid_name.empty() ) {
    std::string hdata_prop_name = parameters->value( "Hard_Data.property" );
    errors->report( hdata_prop_name.empty(), 
		                "Hard_Data", "No property name specified" );

    // Get the harddata grid from the grid manager
    bool ok = geostat_utils::create( harddata_grid_, harddata_grid_name, 
      	                           	  "Hard_Data", errors );
    if( !ok ) return false;

    harddata_property_ = harddata_grid_->property( hdata_prop_name );
    if( !harddata_property_ ) {
      	std::ostringstream error_stream;
      	error_stream <<  harddata_grid_name 
		                 <<  " does not have a property called " 
		                 << hdata_prop_name;
      	errors->report( "Hard_Data", error_stream.str() );
        return false;


  // hard data assignement and transform is only needed if we have a valid
  // hard data grid and property

  bool assign_harddata = 
    String_Op::to_number<bool>( parameters->value( "Assign_Hard_Data.value" ) );
  if( harddata_grid_ == NULL ) assign_harddata=false; 
  else if( harddata_grid_ == simul_grid_ ) assign_harddata=true;

  if( harddata_grid_ ) {
    property_copier_ = 
      Property_copier_factory::get_copier( harddata_grid_, simul_grid_ );
    if( !property_copier_ ) {
      std::ostringstream message;
      message << "It is currently not possible to copy a property from a "
              << harddata_grid_->classname() << " to a " 
              << simul_grid_->classname() ;
      errors->report( !property_copier_, "Assign_Hard_Data", message.str() );
      return false;

  // Number of realizations and random number seed

  nb_of_realizations_ = 
    String_Op::to_number<int>( parameters->value( "Nb_Realizations.value" ) );
  seed_ = String_Op::to_number<int>( parameters->value( "Seed.value" ) );

  // Variogram (covariance) initialization 

  bool init_cov_ok = 
    geostat_utils::initialize_covariance( &covar_, "Variogram", 
                                          parameters, errors );
  if( !init_cov_ok ) return false;

  // Set up the search neighborhood

  int max_neigh = 
    String_Op::to_number<int>( parameters->value( "Max_Conditioning_Data.value" ) );
  GsTLTriplet ranges;
  GsTLTriplet angles;
  bool extract_ok =
    geostat_utils::extract_ellipsoid_definition( ranges, angles, 
		  			                                     parameters, errors );
  if( !extract_ok ) return false;
  extract_ok = geostat_utils::is_valid_range_triplet( ranges );
  errors->report( !extract_ok,
                  "Ranges must verify: major range >= " 
                  "medium range >= minor range >= 0" );
  if( !extract_ok ) return false;

  // If the hard data are not "relocated" on the simulation grid,
  // use a "combined neighborhood", otherwise use a single 
  // neighborhood
  if( !harddata_grid_ || assign_harddata ) {
    neighborhood_ = SmartPtr<Neighborhood>( 
                      simul_grid_->neighborhood( ranges, angles, &covar_ ) 
  else {
    Neighborhood* simul_neigh = 
      simul_grid_->neighborhood( ranges, angles, &covar_ );
    Neighborhood* harddata_neigh = 
      harddata_grid_->neighborhood( ranges, angles, &covar_ );
    harddata_neigh->max_size( max_neigh );
    harddata_neigh->select_property( harddata_property_->name() );

    neighborhood_ = 
      SmartPtr<Neighborhood>( new Combined_neighborhood_dedup( harddata_neigh,
							                                           simul_neigh, &covar_, false ) );

  neighborhood_->max_size( max_neigh );

  // The kriging constraints and combiner

  geostat_utils::KrigTagMap tags_map;
  tags_map[ geostat_utils::KT  ] = "Trend.value";
  tags_map[ geostat_utils::LVM ] = "Local_Mean_Property.value";

  geostat_utils::KrigDefaultsMap defaults;
  defaults[ geostat_utils::SK ] = "0.0";

  geostat_utils::Kriging_type ktype = 
    geostat_utils::kriging_type( "Kriging_Type.value", parameters, errors );
  if(ktype == geostat_utils::SK ) 
	  defaults[ geostat_utils::SK ] = parameters->value("SK_mean.value");
  geostat_utils::initialize( ktype, combiner_, Kconstraints_,
                             parameters, errors,
                             simul_grid_, defaults );

// Type and parametrization of the cdf
  get_cdf( parameters, errors  );
  //ccdf_ =  get_cdf( parameters, errors );

  // Report errors if any

  if( !errors->empty() )
    return false;

  return true;