コード例 #1
ファイル: message.cpp プロジェクト: horacimacias/sipp
SendingMessage::SendingMessage(scenario *msg_scenario, char *const_src, bool skip_sanity)
    char * src = strdup(const_src);
    char * osrc = src;
    char * literal;
    int    literalLen;
    char * dest;
    char * key;
    char   current_line[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
    char * line_mark = NULL;
    char * tsrc;
    int    num_cr = get_cr_number(src);

    this->msg_scenario = msg_scenario;

    dest = literal = (char *)malloc(strlen(src) + num_cr + 1);
    literalLen = 0;

    current_line[0] = '\0';
    *dest = 0;

    while(*src) {
        if (current_line[0] == '\0') {
            line_mark = strchr(src, '\n');
            if (line_mark) {
                int header_len =  line_mark - src;
                if (header_len > MAX_HEADER_LEN-1)
                    header_len = MAX_HEADER_LEN-1;
                memcpy(current_line, src, header_len);
                current_line[header_len] = '\0';

        /* This hex encoding could be done in XML parsing, allowing us to skip
         * these conditionals and branches. */
        if ((*src == '\\') && (*(src+1) == 'x')) {
            /* Allows any hex coded char like '\x5B' ([) */
            src += 2;
            if (isxdigit(*src)) {
                int val = get_decimal_from_hex(*src);
                if (isxdigit(*src)) {
                    val = (val << 4) + get_decimal_from_hex(*src);
                *dest++ = val & 0xff;
        } else if (*src == '\n') {
            *dest++ = '\r';
            *dest++ = *src++;
            current_line[0] = '\0';
        } else if (*src != '[') {
            *dest++ = *src++;
        } else {
            /* We have found a keyword, store the literal that we have been generating. */
            literalLen = dest - literal;
            if (literalLen) {
                *dest = '\0';
                literal = (char *)realloc(literal, literalLen + 1);
                if (!literal) {
                    ERROR("Out of memory!");

                MessageComponent *newcomp = (MessageComponent *)calloc(1, sizeof(MessageComponent));
                if (!newcomp) {
                    ERROR("Out of memory!");

                newcomp->type = E_Message_Literal;
                newcomp->literal = literal;
                newcomp->literalLen = literalLen; // length without the terminator
            } else {

            dest = literal = (char *)malloc(strlen(src) + num_cr + 1);
            literalLen = 0;
            *dest = '\0';

            /* Now lets determine which keyword we have. */
            MessageComponent *newcomp = (MessageComponent *)calloc(1, sizeof(MessageComponent));
            if (!newcomp) {
                ERROR("Out of memory!");

            char keyword [KEYWORD_SIZE+1];

            /* Like strchr, but don't count things in quotes. */
            for(tsrc = src; *tsrc; tsrc++) {
                if (*tsrc == '\"') {
                    do {
                    } while(*tsrc && *tsrc != '\"');
                    if (!*tsrc) {
                if (*tsrc == '[')
            if (*tsrc != '[') {
                tsrc = NULL;

            /* Like strchr, but don't count things in quotes. */
            for(key = src; *key; key++) {
                if (*key == '\"') {
                    do {
                    } while(*key && *key != '\"');
                if (*key == ']')
            if (*key != ']') {
                key = NULL;

            if ((tsrc) && (tsrc<key)) {
                memcpy(keyword, src-1,  tsrc - src + 1);
                dest += sprintf(dest, "%s", keyword);

            if((!key) || ((key - src) > KEYWORD_SIZE) || (!(key - src))) {
                ERROR("Syntax error or invalid [keyword] in scenario while parsing '%s'", current_line);
            memcpy(keyword, src,  key - src);
            keyword[key - src] = 0;
            src = key + 1;
            // allow +/-n for numeric variables
            newcomp->offset = 0;
            if ((strncmp(keyword, "authentication", strlen("authentication")) &&
                    strncmp(keyword, "tdmmap", strlen("tdmmap"))) &&
                    ((key = strchr(keyword,'+')) || (key = strchr(keyword,'-')))) {
                if (isdigit(*(key+1))) {
                    newcomp->offset = atoi(key);
                    *key = 0;

            char *spc = NULL;
            char ospc;
            if ((spc = strchr(keyword, ' '))) {
                ospc = *spc;
                *spc = '\0';
            kw_map::iterator it = keyword_map.find(keyword);
            if (spc) {
                *spc = ospc;

            if (it != keyword_map.end()) {
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Custom;
                newcomp->comp_param.fxn = it->second;

            bool simple_keyword = false;
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(SimpleKeywords)/sizeof(SimpleKeywords[0]); i++) {
                if (!strcmp(keyword, SimpleKeywords[i].keyword)) {
                    newcomp->type = SimpleKeywords[i].type;
                    simple_keyword = true;

            if (simple_keyword) {

            if(!strncmp(keyword, "field", strlen("field"))) {
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Injection;

                /* Parse out the interesting things like file and number. */
                newcomp->comp_param.field_param.field = atoi(keyword + strlen("field"));

                char fileName[KEYWORD_SIZE];
                getKeywordParam(keyword, "file=", fileName);
                if (fileName[0] == '\0') {
                    if (!default_file) {
                        ERROR("No injection file was specified!\n");
                    newcomp->comp_param.field_param.filename = strdup(default_file);
                } else {
                    newcomp->comp_param.field_param.filename = strdup(fileName);
                if (inFiles.find(newcomp->comp_param.field_param.filename) == inFiles.end()) {
                    ERROR("Invalid injection file: %s\n", fileName);

                char line[KEYWORD_SIZE];
                getKeywordParam(keyword, "line=", line);
                if (line[0]) {
                    /* Turn this into a new message component. */
                    newcomp->comp_param.field_param.line = new SendingMessage(msg_scenario, line, true);
            } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "file", strlen("file"))) {
                newcomp->type = E_Message_File;

                /* Parse out the interesting things like file and number. */
                char fileName[KEYWORD_SIZE];
                getKeywordParam(keyword, "name=", fileName);
                if (fileName[0] == '\0') {
                    ERROR("No name specified for 'file' keyword!\n");
                /* Turn this into a new message component. */
                newcomp->comp_param.filename = new SendingMessage(msg_scenario, fileName, true);
            } else if(*keyword == '$') {
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Variable;
                if (!msg_scenario) {
                    ERROR("SendingMessage with variable usage outside of scenario!");
                newcomp->varId = msg_scenario->get_var(keyword + 1, "Variable keyword");
            } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "fill", strlen("fill"))) {
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Fill;
                char filltext[KEYWORD_SIZE];
                char varName[KEYWORD_SIZE];

                getKeywordParam(keyword, "text=", filltext);
                if (filltext[0] == '\0') {
                    strcpy(filltext, "X");
                getKeywordParam(keyword, "variable=", varName);

                newcomp->literal = strdup(filltext);
                newcomp->literalLen = strlen(newcomp->literal);
                if (!msg_scenario) {
                    ERROR("SendingMessage with variable usage outside of scenario!");
                newcomp->varId = msg_scenario->get_var(varName, "Fill Variable");
            } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "last_", strlen("last_"))) {
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Last_Header;
                newcomp->literal = strdup(keyword + strlen("last_"));
                newcomp->literalLen = strlen(newcomp->literal);
            } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "authentication", strlen("authentication"))) {
                parseAuthenticationKeyword(msg_scenario, newcomp, keyword);
#ifndef PCAPPLAY
            else if(!strcmp(keyword, "auto_media_port") ||
                    !strcmp(keyword, "media_port") ||
                    !strcmp(keyword, "media_ip") ||
                    !strcmp(keyword, "media_ip_type")) {
                ERROR("The %s keyword requires PCAPPLAY.\n", keyword);
            else {
                // scan for the generic parameters - must be last test

                int i = 0;
                while (generic[i]) {
                    char *msg1 = *generic[i];
                    char *msg2 = *(generic[i] + 1);
                    if(!strcmp(keyword, msg1)) {
                        newcomp->type = E_Message_Literal;
                        newcomp->literal = strdup(msg2);
                        newcomp->literalLen = strlen(newcomp->literal);
                if (!generic[i]) {
                    ERROR("Unsupported keyword '%s' in xml scenario file",

    if (literal[0]) {
        *dest++ = '\0';
        literalLen = dest - literal;
        literal = (char *)realloc(literal, literalLen);
        if (!literal) {
            ERROR("Out of memory!");

        MessageComponent *newcomp = (MessageComponent *)calloc(1, sizeof(MessageComponent));
        if (!newcomp) {
            ERROR("Out of memory!");

        newcomp->type = E_Message_Literal;
        newcomp->literal = literal;
        newcomp->literalLen = literalLen-1;
    } else {

    if (skip_sanity) {
        cancel = response = ack = false;
        method = NULL;

    if (numComponents() < 1) {
        ERROR("Can not create a message that is empty!");
    if (getComponent(0)->type != E_Message_Literal) {
        ERROR("You can not use a keyword for the METHOD or to generate \"SIP/2.0\" to ensure proper [cseq] operation!\n%s\n", osrc);

    char *p = method = strdup(getComponent(0)->literal);
    char *q;
    while (isspace(*p)) {
    if (!(q = strchr(method, ' '))) {
        ERROR("You can not use a keyword for the METHOD or to generate \"SIP/2.0\" to ensure proper [cseq] operation!%s\n", osrc);
    *q++ = '\0';
    while (isspace(*q)) {
    if (!strcmp(method, "SIP/2.0")) {
        char *endptr;
        code = strtol(q, &endptr, 10);
        if (*endptr && !isspace(*endptr)) {
            ERROR("Invalid reply code: %s\n", q);
        if (code < 100 || code >= 700) {
            ERROR("Response codes must be in the range of 100-700");
        response = true;
        ack = false;
        cancel = false;
        method = NULL;
    } else {
        if (p != method) {
            memmove(method, p, strlen(p) + 1);
        method = (char *)realloc(method, strlen(method) + 1);
        if (!method) {
            ERROR("Out of memory");
        ack = (!strcmp(method, "ACK"));
        cancel = (!strcmp(method, "CANCEL"));
        response = false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: message.cpp プロジェクト: SIPp/polycom-sipped
SendingMessage::SendingMessage(scenario *msg_scenario, const char *src, bool skip_sanity, int dialog_number, bool use_txn) :
  ack(false),cancel(false), response(false)
  // should we parse out the _n portion of call here or later? Here would be faster and more
  // in keepin with the existing style, I suppose...
  const char *osrc = src;
  char * literal;
  int    literalLen;
  char * dest;
  char * key;
  char   current_line[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
  const char * line_mark = NULL;
  int    num_cr = get_cr_number(src);

  this->msg_scenario = msg_scenario;
  this->dialog_number = dialog_number;

  dest = literal = (char *)malloc(strlen(src) + num_cr + 1);
  literalLen = 0;

  current_line[0] = '\0';
  *dest = 0;

  while(*src) {
    /* If start of new line, copy through next \n into current_line */
    if (current_line[0] == '\0') {
      line_mark = strchr(src, '\n');
      if (line_mark) {
        int header_len = line_mark - src;
        if (header_len > MAX_HEADER_LEN-1)
          header_len = MAX_HEADER_LEN-1;
        memcpy(current_line, src, header_len);
        current_line[header_len] = '\0';

    /* This hex encoding could be done in XML parsing, allowing us to skip
    * these conditionals and branches. */
    if ((*src == '\\') && (*(src+1) == 'x')) {
      /* Allows any hex coded char like '\x5B' ([) */
      src += 2;
      if (isxdigit(*src)) {
        int val = get_decimal_from_hex(*src);
        if (isxdigit(*src)) {
          val = (val << 4) + get_decimal_from_hex(*src);
        *dest++ = val & 0xff;
    } else if (*src == '\n') {
      *dest++ = '\r';
      *dest++ = *src++;
      current_line[0] = '\0';
    } else if (*src != '[') {
      *dest++ = *src++;
    } else {
      /* We have found a keyword, store the literal that we have been generating. */
      literalLen = dest - literal;
      if (literalLen) {
        *dest = '\0';
        literal = (char *)realloc(literal, literalLen + 1);
        if (!literal) {
          REPORT_ERROR("Out of memory!");

        MessageComponent *newcomp = (MessageComponent *)calloc(1, sizeof(MessageComponent));
        if (!newcomp) {
          REPORT_ERROR("Out of memory!");

        newcomp->type = E_Message_Literal;
        newcomp->literal = literal;
        newcomp->literalLen = literalLen; // length without the terminator
        newcomp->dialog_number = dialog_number;
      } else {

      dest = literal = (char *)malloc(strlen(src) + num_cr + 1);
      literalLen = 0;
      *dest = '\0';

      /* Now lets determine which keyword we have. */
      MessageComponent *newcomp = (MessageComponent *)calloc(1, sizeof(MessageComponent));
      if (!newcomp) {
        REPORT_ERROR("Out of memory!");

      newcomp->dialog_number = dialog_number;

      char keyword [KEYWORD_SIZE+1];

      /* Like strchr, but don't count things in quotes. */
      // cast away const of src [*UGLY*]
      for(key = (char *) src; *key && *key != '\n'; key++) {
        if (*key == '\"') {
          do {
          } while(*key && *key != '\"' && *key != '\n');
        if (*key == ']')
      if (*key == '\n')
        REPORT_ERROR("Cannot have end of line characters in the middle of keywords. Possibly a missing ']' or a duplicate 'CDATA[' section in scenario while parsing '%s'.", current_line);

      if (*key != ']') {
        key = NULL;

      if((!key) || ((key - src) > KEYWORD_SIZE) || (!(key - src))) {
        REPORT_ERROR("Syntax error or invalid [keyword] in scenario while parsing '%s'", current_line);
      memcpy(keyword, src,  key - src);
      keyword[key - src] = 0;
      src = key + 1;
      // allow +/-n for numeric variables
      newcomp->offset = 0;

      if ((strncmp(keyword, "authentication", strlen("authentication")) && strncmp(keyword, "tdmmap", strlen("tdmmap")))) {
        newcomp->offset = parseOffset(keyword);
        /* end the string before the +/- sign so that the parser doesn't read it as an unrecognized keyword */
        if(((key = strchr(keyword,'+')) || (key = strchr(keyword,'-'))) && isdigit(*(key+1))) *key = 0;

      char *spc = NULL;
      char ospc;
      if ((spc = strchr(keyword, ' '))) {
        ospc = *spc;
        *spc = '\0';
      kw_map::iterator it = keyword_map.find(keyword);
      if (spc) {
        *spc = ospc;

      if (it != keyword_map.end()) {
        newcomp->type = E_Message_Custom;
        newcomp->comp_param.fxn = it->second;

      bool simple_keyword = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(SimpleKeywords)/sizeof(SimpleKeywords[0]); i++) {
        if (!strcmp(keyword, SimpleKeywords[i].keyword)) {
          newcomp->type = SimpleKeywords[i].type;
          simple_keyword = true;

      // check ip addresses for optional specifier for ipv6 esc
      bool ip_keyword = false;
      if (!simple_keyword) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i< sizeof(IP_Keywords)/sizeof(IP_Keywords[0]); i++) {
          //exact match  or contains full keyword and a space
          if ( !strcmp(keyword, IP_Keywords[i].keyword) ||
               ( !strncmp(keyword, IP_Keywords[i].keyword, strlen(IP_Keywords[i].keyword) ) &&
                 ( strlen(keyword)> strlen(IP_Keywords[i].keyword )) &&
                 ( keyword[strlen(IP_Keywords[i].keyword)] ==  ' ')     )  ) {
            newcomp->type = IP_Keywords[i].type;
            if ((IP_Keywords[i].type == E_Message_Local_IP2)&&(strlen(local_ip2)==0))
              REPORT_ERROR("Scenario uses [local_ip2], requires use of -i2 command line argument");
            if( strstr(keyword, "no_square_bracket")  ) {
              // want the no escape version of the ip address

              switch (IP_Keywords[i].type) {
              case (E_Message_Remote_IP):
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Remote_IP_noesc;
              case (E_Message_Local_IP):
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Local_IP_noesc;
              case (E_Message_Local_IP2):
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Local_IP2_noesc;
              case (E_Message_Server_IP):
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Server_IP_noesc;
                newcomp->type = E_Message_Media_IP_noesc;
                REPORT_ERROR("Unknown ip address specifier type %d while building message to send", IP_Keywords[i].keyword);
            ip_keyword = true;

      bool dialog_keyword = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(DialogSpecificKeywords)/sizeof(DialogSpecificKeywords[0]); i++) {
        if (strstr(keyword, DialogSpecificKeywords[i].keyword) == keyword) {
          newcomp->type = DialogSpecificKeywords[i].type;
          parse_dialog_number(keyword, newcomp);
          if ((use_txn) && (i <= HighestTransactionSpecificKeywordsIndex) && (newcomp->dialog_number != dialog_number)) {
            REPORT_ERROR("Cannot use 'dialog=' attribute in [%s] keyword when also specifying 'use_txn' for the message.\n", keyword);
          parse_encoding(keyword, newcomp);
          dialog_keyword = true;

      if (newcomp->type == E_Message_Peer_Tag_Param || newcomp->type == E_Message_Remote_Tag_Param || newcomp->type == E_Message_Remote_Tag ) {
        parse_generated(keyword, newcomp);

      if (simple_keyword || dialog_keyword || ip_keyword) {

      /* Now handle all the keywords which are neither simple nor determined solely by dialog */
      if(!strncmp(keyword, "field", strlen("field"))) {
        newcomp->type = E_Message_Injection;

        /* Parse out the interesting things like file and number. */
        newcomp->comp_param.field_param.field = atoi(keyword + strlen("field"));

        char fileName[KEYWORD_SIZE];
        getKeywordParam(keyword, "file=", fileName);
        if (fileName[0] == '\0') {
          if (!default_file) {
            REPORT_ERROR("No injection file was specified!\n");
          newcomp->comp_param.field_param.filename = strdup(default_file);
        } else {
          newcomp->comp_param.field_param.filename = strdup(fileName);
        if (inFiles.find(newcomp->comp_param.field_param.filename) == inFiles.end()) {
          REPORT_ERROR("Invalid injection file: %s\n", fileName);

        char line[KEYWORD_SIZE];
        getKeywordParam(keyword, "line=", line);
        if (line[0]) {
          /* Turn this into a new message component. */
          newcomp->comp_param.field_param.line = new SendingMessage(msg_scenario, line, true, dialog_number);
      } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "file", strlen("file"))) {
        newcomp->type = E_Message_File;

        /* Parse out the interesting things like file and number. */
        char fileName[KEYWORD_SIZE];
        getKeywordParam(keyword, "name=", fileName);
        if (fileName[0] == '\0') {
          REPORT_ERROR("No name specified for 'file' keyword!\n");
        /* Turn this into a new message component. */
        newcomp->comp_param.filename = new SendingMessage(msg_scenario, fileName, true, dialog_number);
      } else if(*keyword == '$') {
        newcomp->type = E_Message_Variable;
        if (!msg_scenario) {
          REPORT_ERROR("SendingMessage with variable usage outside of scenario!");
        newcomp->varId = msg_scenario->get_var(keyword + 1, "Variable keyword");
      } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "fill", strlen("fill"))) {
        newcomp->type = E_Message_Fill;
        char filltext[KEYWORD_SIZE];
        char varName[KEYWORD_SIZE];

        getKeywordParam(keyword, "text=", filltext);
        if (filltext[0] == '\0') {
          strcpy(filltext, "X");
        getKeywordParam(keyword, "variable=", varName);

        newcomp->literal = strdup(filltext);
        newcomp->literalLen = strlen(newcomp->literal);
        if (!msg_scenario) {
          REPORT_ERROR("SendingMessage with variable usage outside of scenario!");
        newcomp->varId = msg_scenario->get_var(varName, "Fill Variable");

      } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "last_", strlen("last_"))) {
        newcomp->type = E_Message_Last_Header;
        // parse optional dialog/value only parameter
        bool is_dialog_number = parse_dialog_number(keyword, newcomp);
        bool is_value_only = parse_value_only(keyword, newcomp);
        if (is_dialog_number || is_value_only) {
          // if dialog= specified, only copy header portion
          if (use_txn && strstr(keyword, "dialog=")) {
            REPORT_ERROR("Cannot use 'dialog=' attribute in [last_] keyword when also specifying 'use_txn' for the message.\n");
          const char *diagptr = strstr(keyword, "dialog=");
          const char *valueptr = strstr(keyword, "value_only=");
          const char *index;
          if(diagptr) {
            // if both pointers exist start from the one closer to the beginning
            if(valueptr) index = (diagptr < valueptr) ? diagptr : valueptr;
            else index = diagptr;
          } else if (valueptr) {
            index = valueptr;
          } else REPORT_ERROR("Incorrect formatting of options in \"last_\" header");
          //Back up the pointer to the end of the last_* so we can extract * correctly
          while ((index > keyword) && (*(index-1) == ' ')) index--;
          newcomp->literal = strndup(keyword + strlen("last_"), index - keyword - strlen("last_"));
        } else
          newcomp->literal = strdup(keyword + strlen("last_"));
        newcomp->literalLen = strlen(newcomp->literal);

      } else if(!strncmp(keyword, "authentication", strlen("authentication"))) {
        parseAuthenticationKeyword(msg_scenario, newcomp, keyword);
#ifndef PCAPPLAY
      else if(!strcmp(keyword, "auto_media_port") ||
              !strcmp(keyword, "media_port") ||
              !strcmp(keyword, "media_ip") ||
              !strcmp(keyword, "media_ip_type")) {
        REPORT_ERROR("The %s keyword requires PCAPPLAY.\n", keyword);
#ifndef _USE_OPENSSL
      else if(!strcmp(keyword, "authentication")) {
        REPORT_ERROR("The %s keyword requires OpenSSL.\n", keyword);
      else {
        // scan for the generic parameters - must be last test

        int i = 0;
        while (generic[i]) {
          char *msg1 = *generic[i];
          char *msg2 = *(generic[i] + 1);
          if(!strcmp(keyword, msg1)) {
            newcomp->type = E_Message_Literal;
            newcomp->literal = strdup(msg2);
            newcomp->literalLen = strlen(newcomp->literal);
        if (!generic[i]) {
          REPORT_ERROR("Unsupported keyword '%s' in xml scenario file",

  if (literal[0]) {
    *dest++ = '\0';
    literalLen = dest - literal;
    literal = (char *)realloc(literal, literalLen);
    if (!literal) {
      REPORT_ERROR("Out of memory!");

    MessageComponent *newcomp = (MessageComponent *)calloc(1, sizeof(MessageComponent));
    if (!newcomp) {
      REPORT_ERROR("Out of memory!");

    newcomp->type = E_Message_Literal;
    newcomp->literal = literal;
    newcomp->literalLen = literalLen-1;
  } else {

  if (skip_sanity) {
    cancel = response = ack = false;
    method = NULL;

  if (numComponents() < 1) {
    REPORT_ERROR("Can not create a message that is empty!");
  if (getComponent(0)->type != E_Message_Literal) {
    REPORT_ERROR("You can not use a keyword for the METHOD or to generate \"SIP/2.0\" to ensure proper [cseq] operation!\n%s\n", osrc);

  char *p = method = strdup(getComponent(0)->literal);
  char *q;
  while (isspace(*p)) {
  if (!(q = strchr(method, ' '))) {
    REPORT_ERROR("You can not use a keyword for the METHOD or to generate \"SIP/2.0\" to ensure proper [cseq] operation!%s\n", osrc);
  *q++ = '\0';
  while (isspace(*q)) {
  if (!strcmp(method, "SIP/2.0")) {
    char *endptr;
    code = strtol(q, &endptr, 10);
    if (*endptr && !isspace(*endptr)) {
      REPORT_ERROR("Invalid reply code: %s\n", q);
    if (code < 100 || code >= 700) {
      REPORT_ERROR("Response codes must be in the range of 100-700");
    response = true;
    ack = false;
    cancel = false;
    method = NULL;
  } else {
    if (p != method) {
      memmove(method, p, strlen(p) + 1);
    method = (char *)realloc(method, strlen(method) + 1);
    if (!method) {
      REPORT_ERROR("Out of memory");
    ack = (!strcmp(method, "ACK"));
    cancel = (!strcmp(method, "CANCEL"));
    response = false;