コード例 #1
ファイル: tilting_laser.cpp プロジェクト: janfrs/kwc-ros-pkg
  Tilting_Laser() : ROS_Slave(), next_shutter(0.0), scancount(0)
    register_source(cloud = new FlowPointCloudFloat32("cloud"));
    register_source(shutter = new FlowEmpty("shutter"));
    register_sink(scans = new FlowLaserScan("scans"), ROS_CALLBACK(Tilting_Laser, scans_callback));
    register_sink(encoder = new FlowActuator("encoder"), ROS_CALLBACK(Tilting_Laser, encoder_callback));
    register_source(cmd = new FlowActuator("cmd"));
    printf("package path is [%s]\n", get_my_package_path().c_str());

    if (!get_double_param(".period", &period))
      period = 5.0;

    if (!get_double_param(".min_ang", &min_ang))
      min_ang = -1.3;

    if (!get_double_param(".max_ang", &max_ang))
      max_ang = 0.6;

    unsigned long long time = Quaternion3D::Qgettime();
    TR.setWithEulers(3, 2,
		     0, 0, 0,
		     0, 0, 0,

    TR.setWithEulers(2, 1,
		     0, 0, 0,
		     0, 0, 0,

コード例 #2
 * Helper function for finding the normalisation constant. Extracts parameters from the
 * parameter file and then calls the sub-function to do the actual calculation.
double find_normaliser(paramlist* params, void* f1, double_arr* events, char* type)

    if (!has_required_params(params, normaliser_params,
			     sizeof(normaliser_params)/sizeof(char*))) {
	printf("Some parameters required to find a normalisation constant are missing."\
	       " Ensure you have them in your parameter file.\n");

    double combine_start = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_combine_start");
    // Length of the interval when combining functions
    double combine_interval = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_combine_interval");
    double combine_end = combine_start + combine_interval;
    // Start value for finding the normalisation constant
    double normaliser_start = get_double_param(params, "normaliser_est_initial");
    // Maximum value to allow the normalisation function to look at
    double normaliser_end = get_double_param(params, "normaliser_est_max");
    // Increase the normalisation constant value by this each iteration
    double normaliser_step = get_double_param(params, "normaliser_est_step");
    // Number of subintervals to use when checking normalisation
    int normaliser_subintervals = get_int_param(params, "normaliser_est_subintervals");

    // Find a normalisation constant. This is needed to make the estimated function
    // correctly line up with the original. For baseline estimates, this is usually 1.
    return _find_normaliser(f1, events, combine_start, combine_end,
				 normaliser_start, normaliser_end,
				 normaliser_step, normaliser_subintervals,
コード例 #3
ファイル: acis-i.c プロジェクト: Chandra-MARX/marx
static int get_acis_parms (Param_File_Type *p)
   int i;

   if (-1 == _marx_acis_get_generic_parms (p))
     return -1;

   if (-1 == pf_get_parameters (p, Parm_Table))
     return -1;

   for (i = 0; i < _MARX_NUM_ACIS_I_CHIPS; i++)
	_Marx_Acis_Chip_Type *ccd;

	ccd = &Acis_CCDS[i];

	ccd->ccd_id = i;
	if (-1 == get_double_param (p, "ACIS_CCD%d_Gain", i, &ccd->ccd_gain))
	  return -1;
	if (ccd->ccd_gain <= 0.0)
	  ccd->ccd_gain = 4;
	ccd->ccd_gain /= 1000.0;	       /* Convert to KeV */

	if (-1 == get_double_param (p, "ACIS_CCD%d_Offset", i, &ccd->ccd_offset))
	  return -1;
	ccd->ccd_offset /= 1000.0;	       /* Convert to KeV */

	if (-1 == get_double_param (p, "ACIS-I%d-FanoFactor", i, &ccd->fano_factor))
	  return -1;

	if (-1 == get_double_param (p, "ACIS-I%d-ReadNoise", i, &ccd->read_noise))
	  return -1;

	if (-1 == get_double_param (p, "ACIS-I%d-EnergyGain", i, &ccd->energy_gain))
	  return -1;
	if (-1 == get_file_param (p, "ACIS-I%d-QEFile", i, &ccd->qe_file))
	  return -1;

	if (-1 == get_file_param (p, "ACIS-I%d-FilterFile", i, &ccd->filter_file))
	  return -1;


   return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: range_sender.cpp プロジェクト: janfrs/kwc-ros-pkg
 RangeSender() : ROS_Slave(), freq(1)
   register_source(my_scan = new FlowRangeScan("scan"));
   printf("TALKER params:\n");
   printf("EO talker params\n");
   bool b = get_double_param(".freq", &freq);
   printf("b = %d freq = %f\n", b, freq);
コード例 #5
 * Helper function for the area delay calculation. Extracts parameters from 
 * the parameter list and then calls the function which does the computation.
 * Also does hierarchical search if the parameter is set to yes, calling the 
 * estimation function again to make a finer pass over the data.
double estimate_delay_area(paramlist* params, char* outfile, void* f1, void* f2,
			   char* hierarchical, char* type, int output_switch)
    if (!has_required_params(params, area_params, sizeof(area_params)/sizeof(char*))){
	printf("Some parameters required to perform an area estimate of the"\
	       " time delay are missing. Ensure you have them in your parameter file.\n");
    int hc = strcmp(hierarchical, "yes") == 0;
    double max_delay = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_max_delta");
    double step = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_step_coarse");
    double resolution = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_area_resolution");
    double comp_start = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_area_start");
    double comp_end = comp_start + get_double_param(params, "delta_est_area_interval");

#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("Estimating delay using area method.\n Max delay: %lf, Step %lf,"\
    	   " Resolution %lf, Interval [%lf %lf]\n", max_delay, step, resolution,
    	   comp_start, comp_end);

    double step_fine = 0;
    double fine_range = 0;
    if (hc){
    	step_fine = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_step_fine");
    	fine_range = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_fine_range");

    double result = _estimate_delay_area(outfile, f1, f2, comp_start, comp_end, 
					 -max_delay, max_delay, max_delay,
					 resolution, step, type, output_switch);

    if (hc){
#ifdef VERBOSE
    	printf("Initial result is %lf. Improving estimate using finer step of %lf" \
    	       " in range [%lf, %lf].\n", result, step_fine, result - fine_range,
    	       result + fine_range);
    	double hres = _estimate_delay_area(outfile, f1, f2, comp_start, comp_end,
    					   result - fine_range, result + fine_range,
    					   max_delay, resolution, step_fine, type,
    	result = hres;

    printf("Time delay estimated to be: %lf\n", result);
    return result;

コード例 #6
 * Helper function for baseline estimator. Extracts parameters from the parameter list and
 * passes them to the estimator.
est_arr* estimate_baseline(paramlist* params, char *event_file, char *output_file)
    int subint = get_int_param(params, "base_iwls_subintervals");
    int iterations = get_int_param(params, "base_iwls_iterations");
    int breakpoints = get_int_param(params, "base_max_breakpoints");
    double max_extension = get_double_param(params, "base_max_extension");
    double start = get_double_param(params, "est_start_time");
    double end = get_double_param(params, "est_interval_time") + start;
    double min_interval_proportion = get_double_param(params, "base_min_interval_proportion");
    double pmf_threshold = get_double_param(params, "base_pmf_threshold");
    double pmf_sum_threshold = get_double_param(params, "base_pmf_sum_threshold");

    return _estimate_baseline(event_file, output_file, start, end, iterations, 
			      subint, breakpoints, max_extension, min_interval_proportion,
			      pmf_threshold, pmf_sum_threshold);
コード例 #7
ファイル: servo.cpp プロジェクト: goretkin/kwc-ros-pkg
  Servo() : ROS_Slave(), mot(NULL), ipdcmot_host(""),
    register_sink(setpos_blocking = new FlowFloat64("setpos_blocking"), ROS_CALLBACK(Servo, setpos_blocking_cb));
    register_source(setpos_result = new FlowInt32("setpos_result"));

    register_sink(getpos_blocking = new FlowEmpty("getpos_blocking"), ROS_CALLBACK(Servo, getpos_blocking_cb));
    register_source(getpos_result = new FlowFloat64("getpos_result"));

    register_sink(patrol = new FlowPatrol("patrol"), ROS_CALLBACK(Servo, patrol_cb));
    register_source(pos_f = new FlowFloat64("pos"));
    register_source(status_f = new FlowString("status"));

    if (!get_string_param(".host", ipdcmot_host))
      printf("ipdcmot_host parameter not specified... defaulting to [%s]\n", ipdcmot_host.c_str());
    printf("ipdcmot host set to [%s]\n", ipdcmot_host.c_str());
    get_double_param(".pos_send_freq", &pos_send_freq);
    printf("position send frequency set to %f\n", pos_send_freq);
    mot = new IPDCMOT(ipdcmot_host, 75.0);
    status_f->data = "ready";
コード例 #8
 * Helper function for pmf delay estimator. Extracts parameters from the paramfile provided and 
 * passes them on to another function to do the actual computation. Also performs hierarchical
 * estimates of the delay if the hierarchical parameter is set to yes. This will perform two passes
 * over the data and attempt to improve an initial coarse estimate with a finer search in a smaller
 * range.
double estimate_delay_pmf(paramlist* params, char* outfile, double_arr* base_events, double_arr* f2_events,
			  void* f1, void* f2, double normaliser, char* hierarchical, char* type, int output_switch)
    if (!has_required_params(params, pmf_params, sizeof(pmf_params)/sizeof(char*))) {
	printf("Some parameters required to perform a PMF estimate" \
	       " of delay are missing. Ensure you have them in your parameter" \
	       " file.\n");
    int hc = strcmp(hierarchical, "yes") == 0;
    // Resolution when combining functions
    double combine_step = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_pmf_resolution");
    // Start of the interval used when combining the functions
    double combine_start = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_combine_start");
    // Length of the interval when combining functions
    double combine_interval = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_combine_interval");
    // Number of bins into which we split the event data
    int num_bins = get_int_param(params, "delta_est_num_bins");
    double max_delay = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_max_delta");

    double delta_step_coarse = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_step_coarse");
    double delta_step_fine = 0;
    double fine_range = 0;

    if (hc){
	if (!has_required_params(params, hierarchical_params,
	    printf("Some parameters required to perform a hierarchical estimate"\
		   " of delay are missing. Ensure you have them in your parameter"\
		   " file.\n");
	delta_step_fine = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_step_fine");
	fine_range = get_double_param(params, "delta_est_fine_range");

    if (max_delay >= combine_interval){
	printf("The maximum delay (%lf) cannot exceed the length of the"\
	       " interval (%lf).\n", max_delay, combine_interval);

#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("Estimating delay with pmf method.\n Combine step %lf, Combine interval"\
    	   " [%lf %lf], Bins %d, Max delay %lf, Step %lf, normaliser %lf\n",
    	   combine_step, combine_start, combine_interval + combine_start, num_bins, max_delay, delta_step_coarse, normaliser);

    double result = _estimate_delay_pmf(outfile, base_events, f2_events, f1, f2,
					combine_start, combine_interval, combine_step,
					num_bins, -max_delay, max_delay, max_delay,
					delta_step_coarse, normaliser, type, output_switch);

    if (hc){
#ifdef VERBOSE
	printf("Initial result is %lf. Improving estimate using finer step of %lf"\
	       " in range [%lf, %lf].\n", result, delta_step_fine, result - fine_range,
	       result + fine_range);
	char* hout = malloc(strlen(outfile) + strlen("_hier") + 5);
	sprintf(hout, "%s_hier", outfile);
	double hres = _estimate_delay_pmf(hout, base_events, f2_events, f1, f2,
					  combine_start, combine_interval, combine_step,
					  num_bins, result - fine_range,
					  result + fine_range, max_delay, delta_step_fine,
					  normaliser, type, output_switch);
	printf("Estimate revised to %lf from %lf.\n", hres, result);
	result = hres;
    return result;