/* Return value: * -2 (SELECT_CHARSET_CANCEL) : Cancel * -1 (SELECT_CHARSET_OTHER_8BIT) : "Other 8 bit" if seldisplay == TRUE * -1 (SELECT_CHARSET_NO_TRANSLATE) : "No translation" if seldisplay == FALSE * >= 0 : charset number */ int select_charset (int center_y, int center_x, int current_charset, gboolean seldisplay) { int i; char buffer[255]; /* Create listbox */ Listbox *listbox = create_listbox_window_centered (center_y, center_x, n_codepages + 1, ENTRY_LEN + 2, _("Choose codepage"), "[Codepages Translation]"); if (!seldisplay) LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, '-', _("- < No translation >"), NULL); /* insert all the items found */ for (i = 0; i < n_codepages; i++) { char *name = codepages[i].name; g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%c %s", get_hotkey (i), name); LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, get_hotkey (i), buffer, NULL); } if (seldisplay) { g_snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%c %s", get_hotkey (n_codepages), _("Other 8 bit")); LISTBOX_APPEND_TEXT (listbox, get_hotkey (n_codepages), buffer, NULL); } /* Select the default entry */ i = (seldisplay) ? ((current_charset < 0) ? n_codepages : current_charset) : (current_charset + 1); listbox_select_by_number (listbox->list, i); i = run_listbox (listbox); if (i < 0) { /* Cancel dialog */ return SELECT_CHARSET_CANCEL; } else { /* some charset has been selected */ if (seldisplay) { /* charset list is finished with "Other 8 bit" item */ return (i >= n_codepages) ? SELECT_CHARSET_OTHER_8BIT : i; } else { /* charset list is began with "- < No translation >" item */ return (i - 1); } } }
hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_KeyboardEvent& event) { return get_hotkey(event.keysym.sym, event.keysym.sym, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_LGUI) != 0); }
/** Refresh the options window. */ static void refresh_options_window(void) { int nPos = 0; const char* szHotKey = NULL; wclear(application_windows.pOptionsWin); mvwprintw(application_windows.pOptionsWin, 0, 1, "%s", f_szOptions); get_hotkey(f_szOptions, NULL); wattron(application_windows.pOptionsWin, A_BOLD); while (NULL != (szHotKey = get_hotkey((const char*)NULL, &nPos))) { mvwaddstr(application_windows.pOptionsWin, 0, nPos + 1, szHotKey); } wattroff(application_windows.pOptionsWin, A_BOLD); wrefresh(application_windows.pOptionsWin); }
void key_event_execute(display& disp, const SDL_KeyboardEvent& event, command_executor* executor) { const hotkey_item* hk = &get_hotkey(event); #if 0 // This is not generally possible without knowing keyboard layout. if(hk->null()) { //no matching hotkey was found, but try an in-exact match. hk = &get_hotkey(event, true); } #endif if(hk->null()) return; execute_command(disp,hk->get_id(),executor); }
void jhat_event_execute(display& disp, const SDL_JoyHatEvent& event, command_executor* executor) { const hotkey_item* hk = &get_hotkey(event); if (!hk->active()) { return; } execute_command(disp, get_hotkey_command(hk->get_command()), executor); executor->set_button_state(disp); }
void load_hotkeys(const config& cfg) { BOOST_FOREACH (const config &hk, cfg.child_range(hotkey_tag_name)) { hotkey_item& h = get_hotkey(hk["command"].str()); if(h.get_id() != HOTKEY_NULL) { h.load_from_config(hk); } } }
const hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_MouseButtonEvent& event) { CKey keystate; bool shift = keystate[SDLK_RSHIFT] || keystate[SDLK_LSHIFT]; bool ctrl = keystate[SDLK_RCTRL] || keystate[SDLK_LCTRL]; bool cmd = keystate[SDLK_RMETA] || keystate[SDLK_LMETA]; bool alt = keystate[SDLK_RALT] || keystate[SDLK_LALT]; return get_hotkey(event.which, -1, event.button, -1, -1, shift, ctrl, cmd, alt); }
const hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_JoyHatEvent& event) { CKey keystate; bool shift = keystate[SDLK_RSHIFT] || keystate[SDLK_LSHIFT]; bool ctrl = keystate[SDLK_RCTRL] || keystate[SDLK_LCTRL]; bool cmd = keystate[SDLK_RMETA] || keystate[SDLK_LMETA]; bool alt = keystate[SDLK_RALT] || keystate[SDLK_LALT]; return get_hotkey(-1, event.which, -1, event.hat, event.value, shift, ctrl, cmd, alt); }
void load_hotkeys(const config& cfg) { foreach (const config &hk, cfg.child_range(hotkey_tag_name)) { hotkey_item& h = get_hotkey(hk["command"]); if(h.get_id() != HOTKEY_NULL) { h.load_from_config(hk); } } }
void mbutton_event_execute(display& disp, const SDL_MouseButtonEvent& event, command_executor* executor) { if (!executor) return; const hotkey_item* hk = &get_hotkey(event); if (!hk->active()) { return; } execute_command(disp, hotkey::get_hotkey_command(hk->get_command()), executor); executor->set_button_state(disp); }
hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_KeyboardEvent& event) { return get_hotkey(event.keysym.unicode, event.keysym.sym, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_LMETA) != 0 #ifdef __APPLE__ || (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_RMETA) != 0 #endif ); }
static void event_execute( const SDL_Event& event, command_executor* executor) { if (!executor) return; const hotkey_ptr hk = get_hotkey(event); if (!hk->active() || hk->is_disabled()) { return; } bool press = event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN || event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN || event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN; execute_command(hotkey::get_hotkey_command(hk->get_command()), executor, -1, press); executor->set_button_state(); }
const hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_KeyboardEvent& event) { return get_hotkey( #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0) event.keysym.scancode, #else event.keysym.unicode, #endif event.keysym.sym, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_SHIFT) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_CTRL) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_META) != 0, (event.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) != 0 ); }
static void edit_window_list (const Dlg_head * h) { const size_t offset = 2; /* skip menu and buttonbar */ const size_t dlg_num = g_list_length (h->widgets) - offset; int lines, cols; Listbox *listbox; GList *w; int i = 0; int rv; lines = min ((size_t) (LINES * 2 / 3), dlg_num); cols = COLS * 2 / 3; listbox = create_listbox_window (lines, cols, _("Open files"), "[Open files]"); for (w = h->widgets; w != NULL; w = g_list_next (w)) if (edit_widget_is_editor ((Widget *) w->data)) { WEdit *e = (WEdit *) w->data; char *fname; if (e->filename_vpath == NULL) fname = g_strdup_printf ("%c [%s]", e->modified ? '*' : ' ', _("NoName")); else { char *fname2; fname2 = vfs_path_to_str (e->filename_vpath); fname = g_strdup_printf ("%c%s", e->modified ? '*' : ' ', fname2); g_free (fname2); } listbox_add_item (listbox->list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, get_hotkey (i++), str_term_trim (fname, listbox->list->widget.cols - 2), NULL); g_free (fname); } rv = g_list_position (h->widgets, h->current) - offset; listbox_select_entry (listbox->list, rv); rv = run_listbox (listbox); if (rv >= 0) { w = g_list_nth (h->widgets, rv + offset); dlg_set_top_widget (w->data); } }
void dialog_switch_list (void) { const size_t dlg_num = g_list_length (mc_dialogs); int lines, cols; Listbox *listbox; GList *h; int i = 0; int rv; if (mc_global.widget.midnight_shutdown || mc_current == NULL) return; lines = min ((size_t) (LINES * 2 / 3), dlg_num); cols = COLS * 2 / 3; listbox = create_listbox_window (lines, cols, _("Screens"), "[Screen selector]"); for (h = mc_dialogs; h != NULL; h = g_list_next (h)) { Dlg_head *dlg; char *title; dlg = (Dlg_head *) h->data; if ((dlg != NULL) && (dlg->get_title != NULL)) title = dlg->get_title (dlg, listbox->list->widget.cols - 2); /* FIXME! */ else title = g_strdup (""); listbox_add_item (listbox->list, LISTBOX_APPEND_BEFORE, get_hotkey (i++), title, NULL); g_free (title); } listbox_select_entry (listbox->list, dlg_num - 1 - g_list_position (mc_dialogs, mc_current)); rv = run_listbox (listbox); if (rv >= 0) { h = g_list_nth (mc_dialogs, dlg_num - 1 - rv); dialog_switch_goto (h); } }
static void edit_window_list (const WDialog * h) { const size_t dlg_num = g_list_length (h->widgets) - 2; /* 2 = skip menu and buttonbar */ int lines, cols; Listbox *listbox; GList *w; WEdit *selected; int i = 0; lines = MIN ((size_t) (LINES * 2 / 3), dlg_num); cols = COLS * 2 / 3; listbox = create_listbox_window (lines, cols, _("Open files"), "[Open files]"); for (w = h->widgets; w != NULL; w = g_list_next (w)) if (edit_widget_is_editor (CONST_WIDGET (w->data))) { WEdit *e = (WEdit *) w->data; char *fname; if (e->filename_vpath == NULL) fname = g_strdup_printf ("%c [%s]", e->modified ? '*' : ' ', _("NoName")); else fname = g_strdup_printf ("%c%s", e->modified ? '*' : ' ', vfs_path_as_str (e->filename_vpath)); listbox_add_item (listbox->list, LISTBOX_APPEND_AT_END, get_hotkey (i++), str_term_trim (fname, WIDGET (listbox->list)->cols - 2), e, FALSE); g_free (fname); } selected = run_listbox_with_data (listbox, h->current->data); if (selected != NULL) widget_select (WIDGET (selected)); }
hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_JoyHatEvent& event) { return get_hotkey(event.which, event.hat, event.value); }
hotkey_item& get_hotkey(const SDL_JoyButtonEvent& event) { return get_hotkey(event.which, event.button); }