static void list__process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FileData *fdata; FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); FrCommandIso *comm_iso = FR_COMMAND_ISO (comm); char **fields; const char *name_field; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); if (line[0] == 'd') /* Ignore directories. */ return; if (line[0] == 'D') { g_free (comm_iso->cur_path); comm_iso->cur_path = g_strdup (get_last_field (line, 4)); } else if (line[0] == '-') { /* Is file */ const char *last_field, *first_bracket; fdata = file_data_new (); fields = split_line (line, 8); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[4], NULL, 10); fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5], fields[6], fields[7]); g_strfreev (fields); /* Full path */ last_field = get_last_field (line, 9); first_bracket = strchr (last_field, ']'); if (first_bracket == NULL) { file_data_free (fdata); return; } name_field = eat_spaces (first_bracket + 1); if ((name_field == NULL) || (strcmp (name_field, ".") == 0) || (strcmp (name_field, "..") == 0)) { file_data_free (fdata); return; } if (comm_iso->cur_path[0] != '/') fdata->full_path = g_strstrip (g_strconcat ("/", comm_iso->cur_path, name_field, NULL)); else fdata->full_path = g_strstrip (g_strconcat (comm_iso->cur_path, name_field, NULL)); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); } }
static void process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { GimvImageInfo *fdata = NULL; FRCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char **fields; char *name_field; char *filename; struct stat st; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); fields = split_line (line, 5); memset (&st, 0, sizeof (struct stat)); st.st_size = atol (fields[2]); st.st_mtime = mktime_from_string (fields[3], fields[4]); mkugid_from_string (fields[1], &st.st_uid, &st.st_gid); st.st_mode = mkmode_from_string (fields[0]); g_strfreev (fields); /* Full path */ name_field = get_last_field (line); fields = g_strsplit (name_field, " -> ", 2); if (!fields[1]) { g_strfreev (fields); fields = g_strsplit (name_field, " link to ", 2); } if (*(fields[0]) == '/') { filename = fields[0] + 1; } else { filename = fields[0]; } if (*filename && *comm->filename) { fdata = gimv_image_info_get_with_archive (filename, FR_ARCHIVE (comm->archive), &st); } if (fdata) { if (fields[1]) gimv_image_info_set_link (fdata, fields[1]); comm->file_list = g_list_prepend (comm->file_list, fdata); } g_strfreev (fields); }
static void process_metadata_line (char *line, FrCommand *comm) { FileData *fdata; char **fields; char *name; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); fields = split_line (line, 6); if (!fields[1] || !g_str_equal (fields[1], "bytes,")) { g_strfreev (fields); return; } fdata = file_data_new (); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[0], NULL, 10); if (fields[5] && g_str_equal (fields[4],"*")) { name = g_strdup (fields[5]); } else { name = g_strdup (get_last_field (line, 5)); } g_strstrip (name); fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/DEBIAN/", name, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; g_strfreev (fields); g_free (name); fdata->name = g_strdup (name); fdata->path = g_strdup ("DEBIAN"); fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); }
static void process_data_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FileData *fdata; FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char **fields; char **tmfields; struct tm tm = {0, }; const char *name; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); if (line[0] == ' ') { /* This is the output of dpkg-deb -I */ process_metadata_line (line, comm); return; } fdata = file_data_new (); fields = split_line (line, 5); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[2], NULL, 10); tmfields = g_strsplit(fields[3], "-", 3); if (tmfields[2]) { tm.tm_year = atoi (tmfields[0]) - 1900; tm.tm_mon = atoi (tmfields[1]); tm.tm_mday = atoi (tmfields[2]); } g_strfreev (tmfields); tmfields = g_strsplit (fields[4], ":", 2); if (tmfields[1]) { tm.tm_hour = atoi (tmfields[0]); tm.tm_min = atoi (tmfields[1]); } g_strfreev (tmfields); fdata->modified = mktime (&tm); g_strfreev (fields); name = get_last_field (line, 6); fields = g_strsplit (name, " -> ", 2); fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd'; name = fields[0]; if (g_str_has_prefix (name, "./")) { /* Should generally be the case */ fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name + 1); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } else if (name[0] == '/') { fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; } else { fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } if (fdata->dir && (name[strlen (name) - 1] != '/')) { char *old_full_path = fdata->full_path; fdata->full_path = g_strconcat (old_full_path, "/", NULL); g_free (old_full_path); fdata->original_path = g_strdup (name); fdata->free_original_path = TRUE; } if (fields[1] != NULL) fdata->link = g_strdup (fields[1]); g_strfreev (fields); if (fdata->dir) fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path); else fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); if (*fdata->name == 0) file_data_free (fdata); else fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); }
static void process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FileData *fdata; FrCommandAce *ace_comm = FR_COMMAND_ACE (data); FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char **fields = NULL; const char *field_name = NULL; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_UNKNOWN) { if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "UNACE")) { if (strstr (line, "public version") != NULL) ace_comm->command_type = FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC; else ace_comm->command_type = FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE; } return; } if (! ace_comm->list_started) { if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC) { if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "Date")) ace_comm->list_started = TRUE; } else if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE) { if (g_str_has_prefix (line, " Date")) ace_comm->list_started = TRUE; } return; } fdata = file_data_new (); if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC) fields = g_strsplit (line, "|", 6); else if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE) fields = split_line (line, 5); if ((fields == NULL) || (fields[0] == NULL) || (n_fields (fields) < 5)) return; fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[3], NULL, 10); fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[0], fields[1]); if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_PUBLIC) { field_name = fields[5]; field_name = field_name + 1; } else if (ace_comm->command_type == FR_ACE_COMMAND_NONFREE) field_name = get_last_field (line, 6); g_assert (field_name != NULL); if (field_name[0] != '/') { fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", field_name, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } else { fdata->full_path = g_strdup (field_name); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; } g_strfreev (fields); fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); if (*fdata->name == 0) file_data_free (fdata); else fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); }
static void list__process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FileData *fdata; FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char **fields; const char *name_field; char *name; int ofs = 0; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); fdata = file_data_new (); #ifdef __sun fields = split_line (line, 9); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[4], NULL, 10); fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5], fields[6], fields[8]); g_strfreev (fields); name_field = get_last_field (line, 10); #else /* !__sun */ /* Handle char and block device files */ if ((line[0] == 'c') || (line[0] == 'b')) { fields = split_line (line, 9); ofs = 1; fdata->size = 0; /* FIXME: We should also specify the content type */ } else { fields = split_line (line, 8); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[4], NULL, 10); } fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5+ofs], fields[6+ofs], fields[7+ofs]); g_strfreev (fields); name_field = get_last_field (line, 9+ofs); #endif /* !__sun */ fields = g_strsplit (name_field, " -> ", 2); if (fields[1] == NULL) { g_strfreev (fields); fields = g_strsplit (name_field, " link to ", 2); } fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd'; name = g_strcompress (fields[0]); if (*(fields[0]) == '/') { fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; } else { fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } if (fdata->dir && (name[strlen (name) - 1] != '/')) { char *old_full_path = fdata->full_path; fdata->full_path = g_strconcat (old_full_path, "/", NULL); g_free (old_full_path); fdata->original_path = g_strdup (name); fdata->free_original_path = TRUE; } g_free (name); if (fields[1] != NULL) fdata->link = g_strcompress (fields[1]); g_strfreev (fields); if (fdata->dir) fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path); else fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); if (*fdata->name == 0) file_data_free (fdata); else fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); }
static void list__process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FileData *fdata; FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char **fields; const char *name_field; gint line_l; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); /* check whether unzip gave the empty archive warning. */ if (FR_COMMAND_ZIP (comm)->is_empty) return; line_l = strlen (line); if (line_l == 0) return; if (strcmp (line, EMPTY_ARCHIVE_WARNING) == 0) { FR_COMMAND_ZIP (comm)->is_empty = TRUE; return; } /* ignore lines that do not describe a file or a * directory. */ if ((line[0] != '?') && (line[0] != 'd') && (line[0] != '-')) return; /**/ fdata = file_data_new (); fields = split_line (line, 7); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[3], NULL, 10); fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[6]); fdata->encrypted = (*fields[4] == 'B') || (*fields[4] == 'T'); g_strfreev (fields); /* Full path */ name_field = get_last_field (line, 8); if (*name_field == '/') { fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name_field); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; } else { fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name_field, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } fdata->link = NULL; fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd'; if (fdata->dir) fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path); else fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); if (*fdata->name == 0) file_data_free (fdata); else fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); }
/** * Internal function, used by other functions to read archive * * @param data Should contain AM_Archive type of data * @return TRUE if succeed, otherwise FAILED * */ static gboolean SevenZipOpen (GIOChannel *ioc, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) { indicateProcessingData(TRUE); AM_Archive *archive = data; gchar **fields = NULL; gchar *filename = NULL; gchar *line = NULL; GtkTreeIter iter; GIOStatus status = G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL; if (cond & (G_IO_IN | G_IO_PRI) ) { do { /* This to avoid inserting in the liststore 7zip's message */ if (jump_header == FALSE ) { for ( x = 0; x <= 7; x++) { status = g_io_channel_read_line ( ioc, &line, NULL, NULL, NULL ); g_free (line); } jump_header = TRUE; } status = g_io_channel_read_line ( ioc, &line, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if ( line == NULL ) break; /* This to avoid inserting the last line of output */ if (strncmp (line, "-----------------", 17) == 0 || strncmp (line, "\x0a",1) == 0) { g_free (line); status = g_io_channel_read_line ( ioc, &line, NULL, NULL, NULL ); g_free (line); break; } fields = split_line ( line , 5 ); filename = get_last_field ( line , 6); gtk_list_store_append (archive->liststore, &iter); if ( g_str_has_prefix(fields[2] , "D") == FALSE) archive->nr_of_files++; else archive->nr_of_dirs++; for ( x = 0; x < 5; x++) { if (x == 3) gtk_list_store_set (archive->liststore, &iter,1,strtoll(fields[3],NULL,0),-1); else if (x == 4) gtk_list_store_set (archive->liststore, &iter,2,strtoll(fields[4],NULL,0),-1); else gtk_list_store_set (archive->liststore, &iter,(5-x),fields[x],-1); } archive->dummy_size += strtoll(fields[3],NULL,0); if ( filename == NULL ) gtk_list_store_set (archive->liststore, &iter,0,fields[4],-1); else gtk_list_store_set (archive->liststore, &iter,0,filename,-1); g_strfreev ( fields ); while (gtk_events_pending() ) gtk_main_iteration(); g_free (line); } while (status == G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL); if (status == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR || status == G_IO_STATUS_EOF) goto done; } else if (cond & (G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP) ) { done: g_io_channel_shutdown ( ioc,TRUE,NULL ); g_io_channel_unref (ioc); gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(archive->treeview), archive->model); g_object_unref (archive->model); indicateProcessingData(FALSE); return FALSE; } indicateProcessingData(FALSE); return TRUE; }
static void list__process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); FrCommandArj *arj_comm = FR_COMMAND_ARJ (comm); g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); if (! arj_comm->list_started) { if (strncmp (line, "--------", 8) == 0) { arj_comm->list_started = TRUE; arj_comm->line_no = 1; } return; } if (strncmp (line, "--------", 8) == 0) { arj_comm->list_started = FALSE; return; } if (g_regex_match (arj_comm->filename_line_regex, line, 0, NULL)) { /* Read the filename. */ FileData *fdata; const char *name_field; arj_comm->line_no = 1; arj_comm->fdata = fdata = file_data_new (); name_field = get_last_field (line, 2); if (*name_field == '/') { fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name_field); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; } else { fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name_field, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } fdata->link = NULL; fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); } else if (arj_comm->line_no == 2) { /* Read file size and date. */ FileData *fdata; char **fields; fdata = arj_comm->fdata; /* read file info. */ fields = split_line (line, 10); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[2], NULL, 10); fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[5], fields[6]); if ((strcmp (fields[1], "MS-DOS") == 0) || (strcmp (fields[1], "WIN32") == 0)) fdata->encrypted = (g_ascii_strcasecmp (fields[7], "11") == 0); else fdata->encrypted = (g_ascii_strcasecmp (fields[9], "11") == 0); g_strfreev (fields); if (*fdata->name == 0) file_data_free (fdata); else fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); arj_comm->fdata = NULL; } arj_comm->line_no++; }