コード例 #1
ファイル: checks.c プロジェクト: rtaph/checkmate
static msg_t check_matrix_dims(SEXP x, SEXP min_rows, SEXP min_cols, SEXP rows, SEXP cols) {
    if (!isNull(min_rows) || !isNull(rows)) {
        R_len_t xrows = get_nrows(x);
        if (!isNull(min_rows)) {
            R_len_t cmp = asCount(min_rows, "min.rows");
            if (xrows < cmp)
                return make_msg("Must have at least %i rows, but has %i rows", cmp, xrows);
        if (!isNull(rows)) {
            R_len_t cmp = asCount(rows, "rows");
            if (xrows != cmp)
                return make_msg("Must have exactly %i rows, but has %i rows", cmp, xrows);
    if (!isNull(min_cols) || !isNull(cols)) {
        R_len_t xcols = get_ncols(x);
        if (!isNull(min_cols)) {
            R_len_t cmp = asCount(min_cols, "min.cols");
            if (xcols < cmp)
                return make_msg("Must have at least %i cols, but has %i cols", cmp, xcols);
        if (!isNull(cols)) {
            R_len_t cmp = asCount(cols, "cols");
            if (xcols != cmp)
                return make_msg("Must have exactly %i cols, but has %i cols", cmp, xcols);
    return MSGT;
コード例 #2
ファイル: kjg_fpca.c プロジェクト: b1234561/EIG
void kjg_fpca_XTXA (
        const gsl_matrix *A1,
        gsl_matrix *B,
        gsl_matrix *A2) {
    size_t m = get_ncols();
    size_t n = get_nrows();

    size_t i, r;                                                // row index
    double *Y = malloc(sizeof(double) * n * KJG_FPCA_ROWS);  // normalized

    gsl_matrix_view Bi, Xi;


    for (i = 0; i < m; i += KJG_FPCA_ROWS) {
        r = kjg_geno_get_normalized_rows(i, KJG_FPCA_ROWS, Y);
        Xi = gsl_matrix_view_array(Y, r, n);
        Bi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(B, i, 0, r, B->size2);
        gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Xi.matrix, A1, 0,
        gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Xi.matrix, &Bi.matrix,
                1, A2);

コード例 #3
ファイル: iupcells.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
 * Function used to make a cell the first visible one. 
static int adjust_origin(TCells* obj, char* attr) { 
  char buffer[ 15 ];
  int lin = -9, col = -9;

  /* Scanning the origin */
  iupStrToIntInt(attr, &lin, &col, ':');

  /* If the origin line is a non-scrollable one, the scrollbar position is
   * set to zero. Otherwise, the sum of the previous widths will be
   * set to the scrollbar position. This algorithm is applied to both
   * scrollbars */
  if (lin <= obj->non_scrollable_lins) {
     IupSetAttribute(obj->self, IUP_POSY, "0"); 
  else if (lin <= get_nlines(obj)) { 
     int ymin_sum = get_ranged_height(obj, obj->non_scrollable_lins+1, lin-1);
     sprintf(buffer, "%d", ymin_sum);
     IupStoreAttribute(obj->self, IUP_POSY, buffer); 

  /* As said before... */
  if (col <= obj->non_scrollable_cols) {
     IupSetAttribute(obj->self, IUP_POSX, "0"); 
  else if (col <= get_ncols(obj)) { 
     int xmin_sum = get_ranged_width(obj, obj->non_scrollable_cols+1, col-1);
     sprintf(buffer, "%d", xmin_sum);
     IupStoreAttribute(obj->self, IUP_POSX, buffer); 

  return 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: iupcells.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
/** Function used to get the cells groups virtual size 
  * @param obj pointer to internal object handle
  * @param wi a reference to virtual width in pixels 
  * @param he a reference to virtual height in pixels 
  * @return references written [wi, he] 
static void get_virtual_size(TCells* obj, int* wi, int* he) {
  int i, j;

  /* Initializing the return values */
  *wi = 0; *he = 0;

  /* Looping through all lines and columns, adding its width and heights
   * to the return values. So, the cells virtual size is computed */
  for (i = 1; i <= get_nlines(obj); i++) *he = *he + get_height(obj, i);
  for (j = 1; j <= get_ncols(obj); j++) *wi = *wi + get_width(obj, j);
コード例 #5
ファイル: iupcells.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
 * Recalculation of first visible column.
 * @param obj then iupcells internal struct object.
 * @return column number
static int get_first_col(TCells* obj) {
  int i, j;
  int ncols = get_ncols(obj);
  int nlines = get_nlines(obj);
  if (obj->non_scrollable_cols >= ncols) return 1;

  /* Looping the columns until a visible one is found */
  for (j = 1; j <= ncols; j++) { 
     for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { 
        if (get_cell_limit(obj, i, j, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) return j;
  return IUP_OUT;
コード例 #6
ファイル: iupcells.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
 * Repaint function for all cells 
 * (assume that the canvas is already activated) 
static void repaint_cells(TCells* obj) {
  int sline = obj->non_scrollable_lins;
  int scol = obj->non_scrollable_cols;
  int nlines = get_nlines(obj);
  int ncols = get_ncols(obj);

  /* Repainting the four parts of the cells: common cells, non-scrollable
   * columns, non-scrollable lines, and non-scrollable margin 
   * (line and column) */
  repaint_ranged_cells(obj, sline+1, nlines, scol+1, ncols);

  repaint_ranged_cells(obj, sline+1, nlines, 1, scol);
  repaint_ranged_cells(obj, 1, sline, scol+1, ncols);

  repaint_ranged_cells(obj, 1, sline, 1, scol);
コード例 #7
ファイル: kjg_fpca.c プロジェクト: b1234561/EIG
void kjg_fpca_XTB (
        const gsl_matrix *B,
        gsl_matrix *A) {
    size_t n = get_nrows();
    size_t m = get_ncols();

    size_t i, r;
    double *Y = malloc(sizeof(double) * n * KJG_FPCA_ROWS);
    gsl_matrix_view Xmat;


    for (i = 0; i < m; i += KJG_FPCA_ROWS) {
        r = kjg_geno_get_normalized_rows(i, KJG_FPCA_ROWS, Y);
        Xmat = gsl_matrix_view_array(Y, r, n);
        gsl_matrix_const_view Hmat = gsl_matrix_const_submatrix(B, i, 0, r,
        gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1, &Xmat.matrix, &Hmat.matrix,
                1, A);

コード例 #8
ファイル: iupcells.c プロジェクト: svn2github/iup-iup
 * Function used to calculate the cell coordinates 
static int get_coord(TCells* obj, int x, int y, int* lin, int* col) {
  int pck = 0;
  int sline = obj->non_scrollable_lins;
  int scol = obj->non_scrollable_cols;
  int nlines = get_nlines(obj);
  int ncols = get_ncols(obj);

  /* Trying to pick a cell (raster coordinates) at the four 
   * parts of the cells (reverse order of the repainting):
   * non-scrollable margin (line and column), non-scrollable 
   * columns, non-scrollable lines, and common cells. */
  pck = get_ranged_coord(obj, x, y, lin, col, 1, sline, 1, scol);
  if (pck) return 1;

  pck = get_ranged_coord(obj, x, y, lin, col, 1, sline, scol+1, ncols);
  if (pck) return 1;

  pck = get_ranged_coord(obj, x, y, lin, col, sline+1, nlines, 1, scol);
  if (pck) return 1;

  pck = get_ranged_coord(obj, x, y, lin, col, 1, nlines, 1, ncols);
  return pck;
コード例 #9
ファイル: kjg_fpca.c プロジェクト: b1234561/EIG
void kjg_fpca (
        size_t K,
        size_t L,
        size_t I,
        double* eval,
        double* evec) {

    struct timespec x, y, d;

    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &x);
    fprintf(stderr, "Started fastPCA: ");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    if (K >= L) exit(1);
    if (I == 0) exit(1);

    size_t m = get_ncols();
    size_t n = get_nrows();

    // PART A - compute Q such that X ~ Q * (Q^T) * X
    gsl_matrix* G1 = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, L);
    gsl_matrix* G2 = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, L);
    gsl_matrix* Q = gsl_matrix_alloc(m, (I + 1) * L);
    gsl_matrix* Gswap;

    gsl_rng *r = kjg_gsl_rng_init();
    kjg_gsl_ran_ugaussian_matrix(r, G1);

    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < I; i++) {
        gsl_matrix_view Qi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Q, 0, i * L, m, L);

        // do the multiplication
        kjg_fpca_XTXA(G1, &Qi.matrix, G2);

        // orthonormalize (Gram-Schmidt equivalent)

        Gswap = G2;
        G2 = G1;
        G1 = Gswap;

    gsl_matrix_view Qi = gsl_matrix_submatrix(Q, 0, I * L, m, L);
    kjg_fpca_XA(G1, &Qi.matrix);

        gsl_matrix* V = gsl_matrix_alloc(Q->size2, Q->size2);
        gsl_vector* S = gsl_vector_alloc(Q->size2);

        kjg_gsl_SVD(Q, V, S);


    // kjg_gsl_matrix_QR(Q); // QR decomposition is less accurate than SVD


    // PART B - compute B matrix, take SVD and return
    gsl_matrix* B = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, (I + 1) * L);
    kjg_fpca_XTB(Q, B);

    gsl_matrix* Utilda = gsl_matrix_alloc((I + 1) * L, (I + 1) * L);
    gsl_vector* Stilda = gsl_vector_alloc((I + 1) * L);

    kjg_gsl_SVD(B, Utilda, Stilda);

    gsl_matrix_view Vk = gsl_matrix_submatrix(B, 0, 0, n, K);
    gsl_matrix_view evec_view = gsl_matrix_view_array(evec, n, K);
    gsl_matrix_memcpy(&evec_view.matrix, &Vk.matrix);

    gsl_vector_view Sk = gsl_vector_subvector(Stilda, 0, K);
    gsl_vector_view eval_view = gsl_vector_view_array(eval, K);
    gsl_vector_mul(&Sk.vector, &Sk.vector);
    gsl_vector_scale(&Sk.vector, 1.0 / m);
    gsl_vector_memcpy(&eval_view.vector, &Sk.vector);


    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &y);
    fprintf(stderr, "Finished fastPCA: ");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    diff_time(&y, &x, &d);
    fprintf(stderr, "Elapsed fastPCA: ");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");