コード例 #1
 * @brief Register client at SAMP Hub
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Unable to connect to Hub.
void GVOClient::register_to_hub(void)
    // Declare request
    std::string request;

    // Set metadata header
    request.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
    request.append("  <methodName>samp.hub.register</methodName>\n");
    request.append("  <params>\n");
    request.append("    <param><value>"+m_secret+"</value></param>\n");
    request.append("  </params>\n");

    // Execute request
    GXml xml = execute(request);

    // If no error occured, extract hub and client identifiers
    if (response_is_valid(xml)) {
        m_client_key = get_response_value(xml, "samp.private-key");
        m_hub_id     = get_response_value(xml, "samp.hub-id");
        m_client_id  = get_response_value(xml, "samp.self-id");

    // ... otherwise signal an error
    else {
        std::string msg = "Unable to connect to Hub (" +
                          response_error_message(xml) + ", code=" +
                          gammalib::str(response_error_code(xml)) + ").";
        throw GException::runtime_error(G_REGISTER_TO_HUB, msg);

    // Return
コード例 #2
ファイル: soap_ctrlpt.c プロジェクト: MaTriXy/libupnp
*	Function :	SoapGetServiceVarStatus
*	Parameters :
*			IN  char * action_url :	Address to send this variable 
*									query message.
*			IN  char *var_name : Name of the variable.
*			OUT char **var_value :	Output value.
*	Description :	This function creates a status variable query message 
*		send it to the specified URL. It also collect the response.
*	Return :	int
*	Note :
SoapGetServiceVarStatus( IN char *action_url,
                         IN char *var_name,
                         OUT char **var_value )
    const memptr host;                /* value for HOST header */
    const memptr path;                /* ctrl path in first line in msg */
    uri_type url;
    membuffer request;
    int ret_code;
    http_parser_t response;
    int upnp_error_code;
    off_t content_length;
    const char *xml_start =
        "<s:Envelope "
        "xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" "
        "<u:QueryStateVariable xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0\">\r\n"
    const char *xml_end =

    *var_value = NULL;          /* return NULL in case of an error */
    membuffer_init( &request );
    /* get host hdr and url path */
    if( get_host_and_path( action_url, &host, &path, &url ) == -1 ) {
        return UPNP_E_INVALID_URL;
    /* make headers */
    request.size_inc = 50;
    content_length = (off_t)(strlen(xml_start) + strlen(var_name) +
    if (http_MakeMessage(
	&request, 1, 1,
	"Q" "sbc" "N" "s" "sc" "Ucc" "sss",
	SOAPMETHOD_POST, path.buf, path.length,
	"HOST: ", host.buf, host.length,
	"SOAPACTION: \"urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0#QueryStateVariable\"",
	xml_start, var_name, xml_end ) != 0 ) {
        return UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY;
    /* send msg and get reply */
    ret_code = soap_request_and_response( &request, &url, &response );
    membuffer_destroy( &request );
    if( ret_code != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) {
        return ret_code;
    /* get variable value from the response */
    ret_code = get_response_value( &response.msg, SOAP_VAR_RESP, NULL,
                                   &upnp_error_code, NULL, var_value );
    httpmsg_destroy( &response.msg );
    if( ret_code == SOAP_VAR_RESP ) {
        return UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
    } else if( ret_code == SOAP_VAR_RESP_ERROR ) {
        return upnp_error_code;
    } else {
        return ret_code;
コード例 #3
ファイル: soap_ctrlpt.c プロジェクト: MaTriXy/libupnp
*	Function :	SoapSendActionEx
*	Parameters :
*		IN char* action_url :	device contrl URL 
*		IN char *service_type :	device service type
		IN IXML_Document *Header: Soap header
*		IN IXML_Document *action_node : SOAP action node ( SOAP body)	
*		OUT IXML_Document **response_node :	SOAP response node
*	Description :	This function is called by UPnP API to send the SOAP 
*		action request and waits till it gets the response from the device
*		pass the response to the API layer. This action is similar to the 
*		the SoapSendAction with only difference that it allows users to 
*		pass the SOAP header along the SOAP body ( soap action request)
*	Return :	int
*		returns UPNP_E_SUCCESS if successful else returns appropriate error
*	Note :
int SoapSendActionEx(
	IN char *action_url,
	IN char *service_type,
	IN IXML_Document * header,
	IN IXML_Document * action_node,
	OUT IXML_Document ** response_node )
    char *xml_header_str = NULL;
    char *action_str = NULL;
    memptr name;
    membuffer request;
    membuffer responsename;
    int err_code;
    int ret_code;
    http_parser_t response;
    uri_type url;
    int upnp_error_code;
    char *upnp_error_str;
    int got_response = FALSE;
    const char *xml_start =
        "<s:Envelope "
        "xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" "
    const char *xml_header_start =
    const char *xml_header_end =
    const char *xml_body_start =
    const char *xml_end =
    size_t xml_start_len;
    size_t xml_header_start_len;
    size_t xml_header_str_len;
    size_t xml_header_end_len;
    size_t xml_body_start_len;
    size_t action_str_len;
    size_t xml_end_len;
    off_t content_length;

    *response_node = NULL;      /* init */

    err_code = UPNP_E_OUTOF_MEMORY; /* default error */

    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
        "Inside SoapSendActionEx():" );
    /* init */
    membuffer_init( &request );
    membuffer_init( &responsename );

    /* header string */
    xml_header_str = ixmlPrintNode( ( IXML_Node * ) header );
    if( xml_header_str == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;
    /* print action */
    action_str = ixmlPrintNode( ( IXML_Node * ) action_node );
    if( action_str == NULL ) {
        goto error_handler;
    /* get action name */
    if( get_action_name( action_str, &name ) != 0 ) {
        err_code = UPNP_E_INVALID_ACTION;
        goto error_handler;
    /* parse url */
    if( http_FixStrUrl( action_url, strlen( action_url ), &url ) != 0 ) {
        err_code = UPNP_E_INVALID_URL;
        goto error_handler;

    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
        "path=%.*s, hostport=%.*s\n",
        url.hostport.text.buff );

    xml_start_len = strlen( xml_start );
    xml_body_start_len = strlen( xml_body_start );
    xml_end_len = strlen( xml_end );
    action_str_len = strlen( action_str );

    xml_header_start_len = strlen( xml_header_start );
    xml_header_end_len = strlen( xml_header_end );
    xml_header_str_len = strlen( xml_header_str );

    /* make request msg */
    request.size_inc = 50;
    content_length = (off_t)(xml_start_len + xml_header_start_len +
	xml_header_str_len + xml_header_end_len +
        xml_body_start_len + action_str_len + xml_end_len);
    if (http_MakeMessage(
        &request, 1, 1,
        "q" "N" "s" "sssbsc" "Uc" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b" "b",
        SOAPMETHOD_POST, &url,
        "SOAPACTION: \"", service_type, "#", name.buf, name.length, "\"",
        xml_start, xml_start_len,
        xml_header_start, xml_header_start_len,
        xml_header_str, xml_header_str_len,
        xml_header_end, xml_header_end_len,
        xml_body_start, xml_body_start_len,
        action_str, action_str_len,
        xml_end, xml_end_len ) != 0 ) {
        goto error_handler;

    ret_code = soap_request_and_response( &request, &url, &response );
    got_response = TRUE;
    if( ret_code != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) {
        err_code = ret_code;
        goto error_handler;

    if( membuffer_append( &responsename, name.buf, name.length ) != 0 ||
        membuffer_append_str( &responsename, "Response" ) != 0 ) {
        goto error_handler;
    /* get action node from the response */
    ret_code = get_response_value( &response.msg, SOAP_ACTION_RESP,
                                   responsename.buf, &upnp_error_code,
                                   ( IXML_Node ** ) response_node,
                                   &upnp_error_str );

    if( ret_code == SOAP_ACTION_RESP ) {
        err_code = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
    } else if( ret_code == SOAP_ACTION_RESP_ERROR ) {
        err_code = upnp_error_code;
    } else {
        err_code = ret_code;


    ixmlFreeDOMString( action_str );
    ixmlFreeDOMString( xml_header_str );
    membuffer_destroy( &request );
    membuffer_destroy( &responsename );
    if( got_response ) {
        httpmsg_destroy( &response.msg );

    return err_code;