コード例 #1
    void shassis_support_impl::find_shassis( shasis_group i, nm::node_info_ptr group_node )

 #if !defined(OSG_NODE_IMPL)

        auto it = nodes_manager_->get_node_tree_iterator(group_node->node_id());

        nm::visit_sub_tree(it, [this, i](nm::node_info_ptr node)->bool
            std::string name = node->name();
            if (boost::starts_with(node->name(), "shassi_"))
                nm::node_info_ptr wheel_node;
                nm::visit_sub_tree(this->nodes_manager_->get_node_tree_iterator(node->node_id()), [&wheel_node](nm::node_info_ptr n)->bool
                    if (boost::starts_with(n->name(), "wheel"))
                        wheel_node = n;
                        return false;
                    return true;

                if (wheel_node)
                    FIXME ("We don't have collision volumes")

                    if (auto collision = wheel_node->get_collision())
                        cg::rectangle_3 bound = model_structure::bounding(*collision);
                        double radius = 0.75 * (bound.size().y / 2.);

                        this->shassis_groups_[i]->add_chassis(shassis_t(node, wheel_node, radius));
                        double radius = get_wheel_radius(node);//0.75 * (node->get_bound().size().z / 2.);
                        this->shassis_groups_[i]->add_chassis(shassis_t(node, wheel_node,  radius/*0.75 * node->get_bound().radius*/));


            return true;
コード例 #2
/// \brief Saves the complete current configuration parameters to the eeprom
///  When this function is called, it marks the given memory area with a flag and writes the current config parameters to the specified addresses (.h)
/// \param config The Memory Area where the configuration should be saved [1...4]
VMC_UCHAR_8 save_configuration(VMC_UCHAR_8 config ) {

	//loop counter

	//variables to save the calculated memory addresses
	VMC_UINT_16 base;
	VMC_UINT_16 motor;

	// Which memory area is the target-->which address is the actual base address
	base = (_OFFSET_CONFIG_ * config) + _OFFSET_BASE_;

	//Set the flag
	i2c_storeByte(0xaa, base + _ADDR_FLAG_);

	//Write the motor independent Parameter to the eeprom, addresses in headerfile

	i2c_storeInt(get_timeout(), base + (2* _ADDR_TIMEOUT_) );

	//For every motor: calculate a motorspecific offset
	for(i = 0; i < _NUM_MOTORS_; i++) {

		motor = base + ((i + 1) * _OFFSET_MOTOR_ );
		//and write all motorrdepending parameters to the eeprom
		i2c_storeInt(get_max_current(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_MAX_CURRENT_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_max_RPM(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_MAX_RPM_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_nom_current(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_NOM_CURRENT_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_nom_RPM(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_NOM_RPM_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_gear_reduction(i), motor + (2 * _ADDR_GEAR_REDUCTION_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_wheel_radius(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_WHEEL_RADIUS_) );

		i2c_storeInt(get_spec_torque(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_SPEC_TORQUE_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_ticks_rot(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_TICKS_ROT_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_max_temp(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_MAX_TEMP_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_nom_temp(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_NOM_TEMP_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_winding_t(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_WINDING_T_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_winding_g_z(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_WINDING_G_Z_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_winding_g_n(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_WINDING_G_N_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_chassis_t(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_CHASSIS_T_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_chassis_g_z(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_CHASSIS_G_Z_) );	
		i2c_storeInt(get_chassis_g_n(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_CHASSIS_G_N_) );

		// Controller Parameters
		i2c_storeInt(ctrl_get_Kpr(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_KP_) );
		i2c_storeInt(ctrl_get_Tn(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_TN_) );
		i2c_storeInt(ctrl_get_Tv(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_TV_) );
		i2c_storeInt(ctrl_get_deadband(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_DEADBAND_) );

		i2c_storeInt(ctrl_get_nRamp(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_NRAMP_) );
		i2c_storeInt(ctrl_get_pRamp(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_PRAMP_) );

		i2c_storeInt(get_direction(i), 				motor + (2 * _ADDR_DIRECTION_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_controller_active(i), 		motor + (2 * _ADDR_CONTROLLER_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_use_PWM(i), 				motor + (2 * _ADDR_USEPWM_) );
		i2c_storeInt(get_currentlimiter_active(i), 	motor + (2 * _ADDR_LIMITER_) );

	//Initializize the cycletime counter because of the "break"

    return 1;