main() { char s1[MAXLINE],s2[MAXLINE]; printf("Please enter s2: \n"); if(getline_(s2,MAXLINE) < 1) return 0; while(getline_(s1,MAXLINE)) printf("%d \n",any(s1,s2)); }
static void traceexec (lua_State *L, const Instruction *pc) { lu_byte mask = L->hookmask; const Instruction *oldpc = L->savedpc; L->savedpc = pc; if ((mask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) && L->hookcount == 0) { resethookcount(L); luaD_callhook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1); } if (mask & LUA_MASKLINE) { Proto *p = ci_func(L->ci)->l.p; int npc = pcRel(pc, p); int newline = getline_(p, npc); /* call linehook when enter a new function, when jump back (loop), or when enter a new line */ if (npc == 0 || pc <= oldpc || newline != getline_(p, pcRel(oldpc, p))) luaD_callhook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, newline); } }
main() { char line[MAXLINE]; while(getline_(line,MAXLINE) > 0) { reverse(line); printf("%s",line); } return 0; }
int main () { char line[MAXLINE]; int i; while (getline_(line, MAXLINE) > 0) if (trim(line, MAXLINE) != -1) printf("%s\n", line); return 0; }
static struct ddb_entry *read_file(const char *fname, struct ddb_entry *key, uint32_t *num_values) { FILE *f; size_t lc = 0; size_t r = 0; char *line = NULL; size_t len = 0; if (!(f = fopen(fname, "r"))){ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s\n", fname); exit(1); } struct ddb_entry *values = NULL; while ((r = getline_(&line, &len, f)) != -1) { lc++; free(line); line = NULL; } if (lc < 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Not enough lines in %s.\n", fname); fprintf(stderr, "At least one line (key) is needed. The next lines should contain values.\n"); exit(1); } rewind(f); key->length = getline_((char**)&key->data, &len, f) - 1; values = calloc(1, (lc - 1) * sizeof(struct ddb_entry)); lc = 0; while ((r = getline_((char**)&values[lc].data, &len, f)) != -1){ values[lc].length = r - 1; ++lc; } *num_values = lc; fclose(f); return values; }
int readlines(char *lineptr[], int maxlines) { int len, nlines; char *p, line[MAXLEN]; nlines = 0; while ((len = getline_(line, MAXLEN)) > 0) if (nlines >= maxlines || (p = alloc(len)) == NULL) return -1; else { line[len - 1] = '\0'; strcpy(p, line); lineptr[nlines++] = p; } return nlines; }
int main(void) { //char s[] = "2233432.23242"; double sum, atof_( char []); char line[MAXLINE]; int getline_(char line[], int max); sum = 0; while (getline_( line, MAXLINE ) > 0 ){ printf("\t%g\n",sum += atof_(line)); } return 0; }
main() { int len; extern int max; extern char longest[]; max = 0; while((len = getline_()) > 0) if(len > max) { max = len; copy(); } if(max > 0) printf("%s",longest); return 0; }
/* print the longest input line */ main() { int len; /* current line length */ int max; /* maximum length seen so far */ char line[MAXLINE]; /* current input line */ char longest[MAXLINE]; /* longest line saved here */ max = 0; while ((len = getline_(line, MAXLINE)) > 0) if (len > max) { max = len; copy(longest, line); } if (max > 0) /* there was a line */ printf("%s", longest); return 0; }
/*imprime la linea de entrada mas larga*/ main() { int len; /*longitud actual de la linea*/ int max; /*maxima longitud vista hasta el momento*/ char line[MAXLINE]; /*LINEA DE ENTRADA ACTUAL*/ char longest[MAXLINE]; /*LA LINEA MAS LARGA SE GUARDA AQUI*/ max=0; while ((len=getline_(line,MAXLINE))>0){ if (len>max){ max=len; copy_(longest,line); } } if(max>0) /*hubo una linea*/ printf("%s",longest); return 0; }
int parse_file(char*** dst, int* size, const char* filename) { FILE *file = NULL; int i = 0; char *p = NULL; if (filename == NULL || dst==NULL || size==NULL) return 1; file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) return 1; *size = 4; *dst = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*) * (*size)); while ( (p = getline_(file)) != NULL ) { if (i > *size - 1) { *size = *size << 1; *dst = (char **) realloc(*dst, *size * sizeof(char*)); } (*dst)[i++] = p; } if (i==0) { free(*dst); *dst = NULL; *size = 0; } else { *size = i; } fclose(file); return 0; }
/* Read a line, processing commands (lines that start with a backslash * (that isn't the start of a special character)), and write the * first non-command to s. * Return true if timed-out. */ static bool dumb_read_line(char *s, char *prompt, bool show_cursor, int timeout, enum input_type type, zchar *continued_line_chars) { time_t start_time; if (timeout) { if (time_ahead >= timeout) { time_ahead -= timeout; return TRUE; } timeout -= time_ahead; start_time = time(0); } time_ahead = 0; dumb_show_screen(show_cursor); for (;;) { char *command; if (prompt) fputs(prompt, stdout); else dumb_show_prompt(show_cursor, (timeout ? "tTD" : ")>}")[type]); getline_(s); if ((s[0] != '\\') || ((s[1] != '\0') && !islower(s[1]))) { /* Is not a command line. */ translate_special_chars(s); if (timeout) { int elapsed = (time(0) - start_time) * 10 * speed; if (elapsed > timeout) { time_ahead = elapsed - timeout; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* Commands. */ /* Remove the \ and the terminating newline. */ command = s + 1; command[strlen(command) - 1] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(command, "t")) { if (timeout) { time_ahead = 0; s[0] = '\0'; return TRUE; } } else if (*command == 'w') { if (timeout) { int elapsed = atoi(&command[1]); time_t now = time(0); if (elapsed == 0) elapsed = (now - start_time) * 10 * speed; if (elapsed >= timeout) { time_ahead = elapsed - timeout; s[0] = '\0'; return TRUE; } timeout -= elapsed; start_time = now; } } else if (!strcmp(command, "d")) { if (type != INPUT_LINE_CONTINUED) fprintf(stderr, "DUMB-FROTZ: No input to discard\n"); else { dumb_discard_old_input(strlen((char *) continued_line_chars)); continued_line_chars[0] = '\0'; type = INPUT_LINE; } } else if (!strcmp(command, "help")) { if (!do_more_prompts) fputs(runtime_usage, stdout); else { char *current_page, *next_page; current_page = next_page = runtime_usage; for (;;) { int i; for (i = 0; (i < h_screen_rows - 2) && *next_page; i++) next_page = strchr(next_page, '\n') + 1; printf("%.*s", (int) (next_page - current_page), current_page); current_page = next_page; if (!*current_page) break; printf("HELP: Type <return> for more, or q <return> to stop: "); getline_(s); if (!strcmp(s, "q\n")) break; } } } else if (!strcmp(command, "s")) { dumb_dump_screen(); } else if (!dumb_handle_setting(command, show_cursor, FALSE)) { fprintf(stderr, "DUMB-FROTZ: unknown command: %s\n", s); fprintf(stderr, "Enter \\help to see the list of commands\n"); } } }
static void PrintCode(const Proto* f) { const Instruction* code=f->code; int pc,n=f->sizecode; for (pc=0; pc<n; pc++) { Instruction i=code[pc]; OpCode o=GET_OPCODE(i); int a=GETARG_A(i); int b=GETARG_B(i); int c=GETARG_C(i); int bx=GETARG_Bx(i); int sbx=GETARG_sBx(i); int line=getline_(f,pc); printf("\t%d\t",pc+1); if (line>0) printf("[%d]\t",line); else printf("[-]\t"); printf("%-9s\t",luaP_opnames[o]); switch (getOpMode(o)) { case iABC: printf("%d",a); if (getBMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(b) ? (-1-INDEXK(b)) : b); if (getCMode(o)!=OpArgN) printf(" %d",ISK(c) ? (-1-INDEXK(c)) : c); break; case iABx: if (getBMode(o)==OpArgK) printf("%d %d",a,-1-bx); else printf("%d %d",a,bx); break; case iAsBx: if (o==OP_JMP) printf("%d",sbx); else printf("%d %d",a,sbx); break; } switch (o) { case OP_LOADK: printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,bx); break; case OP_GETUPVAL: case OP_SETUPVAL: printf("\t; %s", (f->sizeupvalues>0) ? getstr(f->upvalues[b]) : "-"); break; case OP_GETGLOBAL: case OP_SETGLOBAL: printf("\t; %s",svalue(&f->k[bx])); break; case OP_GETTABLE: case OP_SELF: if (ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); } break; case OP_SETTABLE: case OP_ADD: case OP_SUB: case OP_MUL: case OP_DIV: case OP_POW: case OP_EQ: case OP_LT: case OP_LE: if (ISK(b) || ISK(c)) { printf("\t; "); if (ISK(b)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(b)); else printf("-"); printf(" "); if (ISK(c)) PrintConstant(f,INDEXK(c)); else printf("-"); } break; case OP_JMP: case OP_FORLOOP: case OP_FORPREP: printf("\t; to %d",sbx+pc+2); break; case OP_CLOSURE: printf("\t; %p",VOID(f->p[bx])); break; case OP_SETLIST: if (c==0) printf("\t; %d",(int)code[++pc]); else printf("\t; %d",c); break; default: break; } printf("\n"); } }