int main(int argc, char **argv) { //配置数据库连接 i_mysql_iface *conf_db_conn = NULL; //grid name 列表 char grid_name_list[4096] = {0}; //配置库的配置项 unsigned short db_port = 3306; int ch = 0; //处理命令行参数 while(1) { ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n:d:h:p:u:P:i:s:"); if(ch == -1) { break; } unsigned short tmp_port = 3306; switch(ch) { case 'n': //grid name if(strlen(optarg) >= sizeof(grid_name_list)) { fprintf(stderr, "The grid name list is too long,the max length of name is:%u.\n", 4096); return -1; } strcpy(grid_name_list, optarg); break; case 'd': //db name strncpy(g_db_name, optarg, sizeof(g_db_name) - 1); break; case 'h': //db host strncpy(g_db_host, optarg, sizeof(g_db_host) - 1); break; case 'P': //db port tmp_port = atoi(optarg); db_port = tmp_port <= 0 ? db_port : tmp_port; break; case 'u': //db user strncpy(g_db_user, optarg, sizeof(g_db_user) - 1); break; case 'p': //db passwd strncpy(g_db_pass, optarg, sizeof(g_db_pass) - 1); break; case 'i': //install dir if(access(optarg, F_OK | R_OK | W_OK | X_OK)) { fprintf(stderr, "Wrong install directory: %s.\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } strncpy(g_install_prefix, optarg, sizeof(g_install_prefix)); break; case 's': //service flag 主还是备 if(!strcasecmp(optarg, "s")) { g_grid_service_flag = 2; } else if(!strcasecmp(optarg, "m")) { g_grid_service_flag = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "The grid_service_flag is wrong it should be s(slave)|m(master)."); return -1; } break; default: break; } } if(strlen(g_db_user) == 0 || strlen(g_db_pass) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Critical:No db_user|db_passwd argument.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage:oa_head_installer -n <grid_name_list> [-d <db_name>] [-h <db_host>]\n\t\t[-P <db_port>] -u <db_user> -p <db_passwd>\n"); return -1; } int len = strlen(g_install_prefix); assert(len > 0); if(len < (int)sizeof(g_install_prefix) && g_install_prefix[len - 1] != '/') { g_install_prefix[len] = '/'; g_install_prefix[len + 1] = '\0'; } if(create_mysql_iface_instance(&conf_db_conn) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Create mysql connect instance failed.\n"); return -1; } if(conf_db_conn->init(g_db_host, db_port, g_db_name, g_db_user, g_db_pass, "utf8") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Connect to db:[%s] of host:[%s] failed.\n", g_db_name, g_db_host); return -1; } //取得nobody的uid和gid struct passwd *pw = NULL; pw = getpwnam("nobody"); if(pw != NULL) { g_nobody_uid = pw->pw_uid; g_nobody_gid = pw->pw_gid; } //取得当前目录的绝对路径 getcwd(g_cur_path, sizeof(g_cur_path)); char quoted_grid_name_list[5000] = {0}; if(strlen(grid_name_list) > 0) { str_trim(grid_name_list); //name_quoted(grid_name_list, quoted_grid_name_list, sizeof(quoted_grid_name_list)); strcpy(quoted_grid_name_list, grid_name_list); } get_grid_info_and_install(conf_db_conn, quoted_grid_name_list); conf_db_conn->uninit(); conf_db_conn->release(); return 0; }
//............................................................................ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int optChar; char comPort[FNAME_SIZE]; char inpFileName[FNAME_SIZE]; char outFileName[FNAME_SIZE]; char savFileName[FNAME_SIZE]; char matFileName[FNAME_SIZE]; TargetLink link = NO_LINK; // default configuration options strcpy(inpFileName, "qs.bin"); strcpy(comPort, "COM1"); int tcpPort = 6601; int baudRate = 38400; uint8_t quiet = 0; uint8_t tstampSize = 4; uint8_t objPtrSize = 4; uint8_t funPtrSize = 4; uint8_t sigSize = 1; uint8_t evtSize = 2; uint8_t queueCtrSize = 1; uint8_t poolCtrSize = 2; uint8_t poolBlkSize = 2; uint8_t tevtCtrSize = 2; outFileName[0] = '\0'; // Output file not specified savFileName[0] = '\0'; // Save file not specified matFileName[0] = '\0'; // Matlab file not specified time_t now = time(NULL); printf("QSPY host application %s\n" "Copyright (c) Quantum Leaps, LLC.\n" "%s\n", QSPY_VER, ctime(&now)); static char const help[] = "Syntax is: qspy [options] * = default\n\n" "OPTION DEFAULT COMMENT\n" "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-h help (this message)\n" "-q quiet mode (no stdout output)\n" "-o<File_name> produce output to a file\n" "-s<File_name> save the binary data to a file\n" "-m<File_name> produce a Matlab file\n" "-c<COM_port> * COM1 com port input\n" "-b<Baud_rate> 38400 baud rate selection\n" "-f<File_name> qs.bin file input\n" "-t TCP/IP input\n" "-p<TCP_Port_number> 6601 TCP/IP server port\n" "-T<tstamp_size> 4 QS timestamp size (bytes)\n" "-O<pointer_size> 4 object pointer size (bytes)\n" "-F<pointer_size> 4 function pointer size (bytes)\n" "-S<signal_size> 1 signal size (bytes)\n" "-E<event_size> 2 event size size (bytes)\n" "-Q<queue_counter_size> 1 queue counter size (bytes)\n" "-P<pool_counter_size> 2 pool counter size (bytes)\n" "-B<pool_blocksize_size> 2 pool blocksize size (bytes)\n" "-C<QTimeEvt_counter_size> 2 QTimeEvt counter size\n"; while ((optChar = getopt(argc, argv, "hqo:s:m:c:b:tp:f:T:O:F:S:E:Q:P:B:C:")) != -1) { switch (optChar) { case 'q': { // quiet mode quiet = 1; break; } case 'o': { // file output strncpy(outFileName, optarg, sizeof(outFileName)); printf("-o %s\n", outFileName); break; } case 's': { // save binary data to a file strncpy(savFileName, optarg, sizeof(savFileName)); printf("-s %s\n", savFileName); break; } case 'm': { // Matlab file output strncpy(matFileName, optarg, sizeof(matFileName)); printf("-m %s\n", matFileName); break; } case 'c': { // COM port if ((link != NO_LINK) && (link != SERIAL_LINK)) { printf("The -c option is incompatible with -p/-f\n"); return -1; // failure } strncpy(comPort, optarg, sizeof(comPort)); printf("-c %s\n", comPort); link = SERIAL_LINK; break; } case 'b': { // baud rate if ((link != NO_LINK) && (link != SERIAL_LINK)) { printf("The -b option is incompatible with -p/-f\n"); return -1; // failure } if (sscanf(optarg, "%d", &baudRate) != 1) { printf("incorrect baud rate: %s\n", optarg); return -1; // failure } printf("-b %d\n", baudRate); link = SERIAL_LINK; break; } case 'f': { // File input if (link != NO_LINK) { printf("The -f option is incompatible with -c/-b/-p\n"); return -1; // failure } strncpy(inpFileName, optarg, sizeof(inpFileName)); printf("-f %s\n", inpFileName); link = FILE_LINK; break; } case 't': { // TCP/IP input if ((link != NO_LINK) && (link != TCP_LINK)) { printf("The -t option is incompatible with -c/-b/-f\n"); return -1; } printf("-t\n"); link = TCP_LINK; break; } case 'p': { // TCP/IP port if ((link != NO_LINK) && (link != TCP_LINK)) { printf("The -p option is incompatible with -c/-b/-f\n"); return -1; } tcpPort = (int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); printf("-p %d\n", tcpPort); link = TCP_LINK; break; } case 'T': { // timestamp size tstampSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'F': { // function pointer size funPtrSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'O': { // object pointer size objPtrSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'S': { // signal size sigSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'E': { // event size evtSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'Q': { // Queue counter size queueCtrSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'P': { // Memory-pool counter size poolCtrSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'B': { // Memory-pool blocksize size poolBlkSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'C': { // Time event counter size tevtCtrSize = (uint8_t)strtoul(optarg, 0, 10); break; } case 'h': // help default: { // unknown option printf(help); return -1; // error return } } } if (argc != optind) { printf(help); return -1; } // configure the Quantum Spy FILE *outFile = (outFileName[0] != '\0' ? fopen(outFileName, "w") : (FILE *)0); FILE *matFile = (matFileName[0] != '\0' ? fopen(matFileName, "w") : (FILE*)0); FILE *savFile = (savFileName[0] != '\0' ? fopen(savFileName, "wb") // open for writing binary : (FILE*)0); qsConfig(quiet, objPtrSize, funPtrSize, tstampSize, sigSize, evtSize, queueCtrSize, poolCtrSize, poolBlkSize, tevtCtrSize, outFile, matFile); static unsigned char buf[BUF_SIZE]; int n; switch (link) { case NO_LINK: // intentionally fall through case SERIAL_LINK: { // input trace data from the serial port if (!comOpen(comPort, baudRate)) { return -1; } else { printf("\nSerial port %s opened, hit any key to quit...\n\n", comPort); } while ((n = comRead(buf, sizeof(buf))) != -1) { if (n > 0) { qsParse(buf, n); if (savFile != (FILE *)0) { fwrite(buf, 1, n, savFile); } } } comClose(); break; } case FILE_LINK: { // input trace data from a file FILE *f = fopen(inpFileName, "rb"); // open for reading binary if (f == (FILE *)0) { printf("file %s not found\n", inpFileName); return -1; } do { n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f); qsParse(buf, n); } while (n == sizeof(buf)); fclose(f); break; } case TCP_LINK: { // input trace data from the TCP port if (!tcpOpen(tcpPort)) { return -1; } else { printf("\nTCP/IP port %d opened, " "hit any key to quit...\n" "(the target must be stopped)\n", tcpPort); } while ((n = tcpRead(buf, sizeof(buf))) != -1) { if (n > 0) { qsParse(buf, n); if (savFile != (FILE *)0) { fwrite(buf, 1, n, savFile); } } } tcpClose(); break; } } if (savFile != (FILE *)0) { fclose(savFile); } if (matFile != (FILE *)0) { fclose(matFile); } printf("\nDone.\n"); return 0; // success }
/* * main - The shell's main routine */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { char c; char cmdline[MAXLINE]; /* cmdline for fgets */ int emit_prompt = 1; /* emit prompt (default) */ /* Redirect stderr to stdout (so that driver will get all output * on the pipe connected to stdout) */ dup2(1, 2); /* Parse the command line */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvp")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'h': /* print help message */ usage(); break; case 'v': /* emit additional diagnostic info */ verbose = 1; break; case 'p': /* don't print a prompt */ emit_prompt = 0; /* handy for automatic testing */ break; default: usage(); } } /* Install the signal handlers */ /* These are the ones you will need to implement */ Signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler); /* ctrl-c */ Signal(SIGTSTP, sigtstp_handler); /* ctrl-z */ Signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler); /* Terminated or stopped child */ Signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); Signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); /* This one provides a clean way to kill the shell */ Signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit_handler); /* Initialize the job list */ initjobs(job_list); /* Execute the shell's read/eval loop */ while (1) { if (emit_prompt) { printf("%s", prompt); fflush(stdout); } if ((fgets(cmdline, MAXLINE, stdin) == NULL) && ferror(stdin)) app_error("fgets error"); if (feof(stdin)) { /* End of file (ctrl-d) */ printf ("\n"); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); exit(0); } /* Remove the trailing newline */ cmdline[strlen(cmdline)-1] = '\0'; /* Evaluate the command line */ //fprintf(stderr, "got cmd:%s\n", cmdline); eval(cmdline); fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); } exit(0); /* control never reaches here */ }
int main( int argc, char **argv) { int c; unsigned char currVal; unsigned char newVal; unsigned int bitmask=0xff; /* Process the command line options */ while ((c=getopt(argc,argv,"b:dhv")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'd': /* enable debugging */ printf("Debugging is ON\n"); debugOn=TRUE; break; case 'b': bitmask=dioctrl_get_int(optarg); break; case 'h': /* print help */ dioctrl_print_help(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'v': dioctrl_print_version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: dioctrl_print_help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if ((argc - optind != 1)){ printf("\nError!: missing argument\n"); dioctrl_print_help(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } unsigned int val = dioctrl_get_int(argv[optind]); if (debugOn) printf("mask=0x%0x val=0x%0x (%i,%i)\n",bitmask,val,bitmask,val); /* Are we root ? */ if ((getuid())){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: must be run as root\n",APP_NAME); exit(1); } #ifdef USE_SIO8186x if (!SIOF8186x_init()) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); SIOF8186x_select_LDN_GPIO(); currVal = LpcReadIndirectByte(RegGPIO0_PSR); if (debugOn) printf("current GPIO0 value = 0x%02x\n", currVal); newVal= (currVal & ~bitmask) | (val & bitmask); LpcWriteIndirectByte(RegGPIO0_ODR, newVal); currVal = LpcReadIndirectByte(RegGPIO0_PSR); if (debugOn) printf("new GPIO0 value = 0x%02x\n", currVal); SIOF8186x_close(); #endif #ifdef USE_PARALLEL_PORT /* Get permission to access the parallel port */ /* ioperm OK because BASE < 0x3ff */ ioperm(PPBASE,1,1); currVal = inb(PPBASE); if (debugOn) printf("current value = 0x%02x\n",currVal); newVal= (currVal & ~bitmask) | (val & bitmask); outb(newVal,PPBASE); if (debugOn) printf("new value = 0x%02x\n",inb(PPBASE)); #endif return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, l; int ch; extern char *optarg; int edge; int size; int lu_arg[MAX_THREADS][3]; /* ARMCI */ void **ptr; double **ptr_loc; THREAD_LOCK_INIT(mutex); armci_msg_init(&argc,&argv); nproc = armci_msg_nproc(); me = armci_msg_me(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "n:b:p:t:d:h")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'n': n = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': block_size = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': nproc = atoi(optarg); break; case 't': th_per_p = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': d = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': { printf("Usage: LU, or \n"); printf(" LU -nMATRIXSIZE -bBLOCKSIZE -pNPROC -tTH_PER_P\n"); armci_msg_barrier(); armci_msg_finalize(); exit(0); } } } if(th_per_p>MAX_THREADS) { th_per_p=MAX_THREADS; if(me==0)printf("Warning: cannot run more than %d threads, adjust MAX_THREADS",MAX_THREADS); } if (d) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: %d\n", me, getpid()); sleep(d); } nthreads = th_per_p * nproc; if(me == 0) { printf("\n Blocked Dense LU Factorization\n"); printf(" %d by %d Matrix\n", n, n); printf(" %d Processors\n", nproc); printf(" %d thread(s) per processor, %d threads total\n", th_per_p, nthreads); printf(" %d by %d Element Blocks\n", block_size, block_size); printf("\n"); } num_rows = (int) sqrt((double) nthreads); for (;;) { num_cols = nthreads/num_rows; if (num_rows*num_cols == nthreads) break; num_rows--; } nblocks = n/block_size; if (block_size * nblocks != n) { nblocks++; } num = (nblocks * nblocks)/nthreads; if((num * nthreads) != (nblocks * nblocks)) num++; edge = n%block_size; if (edge == 0) { edge = block_size; } #ifdef DEBUG if(me == 0) for (i=0;i<nblocks;i++) { for (j=0;j<nblocks;j++) printf("%d ", block_owner(i, j)); printf("\n"); } armci_msg_barrier(); /* armci_msg_finalize(); */ /* exit(0); */ #endif for (l = 0; l < th_per_p; l++) { me_th[l] = me * th_per_p + l; for (i=0;i<nblocks;i++) { for (j=0;j<nblocks;j++) { if(block_owner(i,j) == me_th[l]) { if ((i == nblocks-1) && (j == nblocks-1)) { size = edge*edge; } else if ((i == nblocks-1) || (j == nblocks-1)) { size = edge*block_size; } else { size = block_size*block_size; } thread_doubles[l] += size; } } } proc_bytes += thread_doubles[l] * sizeof(double); } /* initialize ARMCI */ ARMCI_Init(); ptr = (void **)malloc(nproc * sizeof(void *)); ARMCI_Malloc(ptr, proc_bytes); a = (double **)malloc(nblocks*nblocks*sizeof(double *)); if (a == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not malloc memory for a\n"); exit(-1); } ptr_loc = (double **)malloc(nthreads*sizeof(double *)); for (i = 0; i < nproc; i++) { ptr_loc[i * th_per_p] = (double *)ptr[i]; for (j = 1; j < th_per_p; j++) ptr_loc[i * th_per_p + j] = ptr_loc[i * th_per_p + j - 1] + thread_doubles[j - 1]; } for(i=0; i<nblocks;i ++) { for(j=0; j<nblocks; j++) { a[i+j*nblocks] = ptr_loc[block_owner(i, j)]; if ((i == nblocks-1) && (j == nblocks-1)) { size = edge*edge; } else if ((i == nblocks-1) || (j == nblocks-1)) { size = edge*block_size; } else { size = block_size*block_size; } ptr_loc[block_owner(i, j)] += size; } } #if 0 for(i=0; i<nblocks*nblocks;i ++) printf("%d: a[%d]=%p\n", me, i, a[i]); fflush(stdout); #endif /* initialize the array */ init_array(); /* barrier to ensure all initialization is done */ armci_msg_barrier(); /* to remove cold-start misses, all processors touch their own data */ /* for (l = 0; l < th_per_p; l++) touch_array(block_size, me_th[l]); */ armci_msg_barrier(); if(doprint) { if(me == 0) { printf("Matrix before LU decomposition\n"); print_array(me); } armci_msg_barrier(); } #if 1 for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) for (j = 0; j < nblocks; j++) print_block_dbg(a[i + j * nblocks], "proc %d, a[%d, %d]:\n", me, i, j); #endif TH_INIT(nproc,th_per_p); /* Starting the timer */ if(me == 0) start_timer(); for (l = 0; l < th_per_p; l++) { lu_arg[l][0] = n; lu_arg[l][1] = block_size; lu_arg[l][2] = l; THREAD_CREATE(threads + l, lu, lu_arg[l]); } for (l = 0; l < th_per_p; l++) THREAD_JOIN(threads[l], NULL); armci_msg_barrier(); /* Timer Stops here */ if(me == 0) printf("\nRunning time = %lf milliseconds.\n\n", elapsed_time()); if(doprint) { if(me == 0) { printf("after LU\n"); print_array(me); } armci_msg_barrier(); } /* done */ ARMCI_Free(ptr[me]); ARMCI_Finalize(); armci_msg_finalize(); THREAD_LOCK_DESTROY(mutex); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t len; int chopped, end, rval; char *format, *fmt, *start; #ifndef SHELL int ch; (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif #ifdef SHELL nextopt(""); argc -= argptr - argv; argv = argptr; #else while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) switch (ch) { case '?': default: usage(); return (1); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #endif if (argc < 1) { usage(); return (1); } #ifdef SHELL INTOFF; #endif /* * Basic algorithm is to scan the format string for conversion * specifications -- once one is found, find out if the field * width or precision is a '*'; if it is, gather up value. Note, * format strings are reused as necessary to use up the provided * arguments, arguments of zero/null string are provided to use * up the format string. */ fmt = format = *argv; chopped = escape(fmt, 1, &len); /* backslash interpretation */ rval = end = 0; gargv = ++argv; for (;;) { start = fmt; while (fmt < format + len) { if (fmt[0] == '%') { fwrite(start, 1, fmt - start, stdout); if (fmt[1] == '%') { /* %% prints a % */ putchar('%'); fmt += 2; } else { fmt = printf_doformat(fmt, &rval); if (fmt == NULL) { #ifdef SHELL INTON; #endif return (1); } end = 0; } start = fmt; } else fmt++; } if (end == 1) { warnx("missing format character"); #ifdef SHELL INTON; #endif return (1); } fwrite(start, 1, fmt - start, stdout); if (chopped || !*gargv) { #ifdef SHELL INTON; #endif return (rval); } /* Restart at the beginning of the format string. */ fmt = format; end = 1; } /* NOTREACHED */ }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FTS *ftsp; FTSENT *p; int Hflag, Lflag, Rflag, fflag, hflag, vflag, xflag; int ch, fts_options, rval; char *cp; ischown = (strcmp(basename(argv[0]), "chown") == 0); Hflag = Lflag = Rflag = fflag = hflag = vflag = xflag = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "HLPRfhvx")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'H': Hflag = 1; Lflag = 0; break; case 'L': Lflag = 1; Hflag = 0; break; case 'P': Hflag = Lflag = 0; break; case 'R': Rflag = 1; break; case 'f': fflag = 1; break; case 'h': hflag = 1; break; case 'v': vflag++; break; case 'x': xflag = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); } argv += optind; argc -= optind; if (argc < 2) usage(); (void)signal(SIGINFO, siginfo_handler); if (Rflag) { if (hflag && (Hflag || Lflag)) errx(1, "the -R%c and -h options may not be " "specified together", Hflag ? 'H' : 'L'); if (Lflag) { fts_options = FTS_LOGICAL; } else { fts_options = FTS_PHYSICAL; if (Hflag) { fts_options |= FTS_COMFOLLOW; } } } else if (hflag) { fts_options = FTS_PHYSICAL; } else { fts_options = FTS_LOGICAL; } if (xflag) fts_options |= FTS_XDEV; uid = (uid_t)-1; gid = (gid_t)-1; if (ischown) { if ((cp = strchr(*argv, ':')) != NULL) { *cp++ = '\0'; a_gid(cp); } #ifdef SUPPORT_DOT else if ((cp = strchr(*argv, '.')) != NULL) { warnx("separation of user and group with a period is deprecated"); *cp++ = '\0'; a_gid(cp); } #endif a_uid(*argv); } else a_gid(*argv); if ((ftsp = fts_open(++argv, fts_options, NULL)) == NULL) err(1, NULL); for (rval = 0; (p = fts_read(ftsp)) != NULL;) { int atflag; if ((fts_options & FTS_LOGICAL) || ((fts_options & FTS_COMFOLLOW) && p->fts_level == FTS_ROOTLEVEL)) atflag = 0; else atflag = AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW; switch (p->fts_info) { case FTS_D: /* Change it at FTS_DP. */ if (!Rflag) fts_set(ftsp, p, FTS_SKIP); continue; case FTS_DNR: /* Warn, chown. */ warnx("%s: %s", p->fts_path, strerror(p->fts_errno)); rval = 1; break; case FTS_ERR: /* Warn, continue. */ case FTS_NS: warnx("%s: %s", p->fts_path, strerror(p->fts_errno)); rval = 1; continue; default: break; } if (siginfo) { print_info(p, 2); siginfo = 0; } if ((uid == (uid_t)-1 || uid == p->fts_statp->st_uid) && (gid == (gid_t)-1 || gid == p->fts_statp->st_gid)) continue; if (fchownat(AT_FDCWD, p->fts_accpath, uid, gid, atflag) == -1 && !fflag) { chownerr(p->fts_path); rval = 1; } else if (vflag) print_info(p, vflag); } if (errno) err(1, "fts_read"); exit(rval); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int c; int r=1; int mode=0; int serial=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY; void *ctx; while((c=getopt(argc,argv,"NdoOps:unUCh"))!=-1)switch(c) { case 'N': if(mode)usage(); mode=1; break; case 'd': if(mode)usage(); mode=2; break; case 'o': if(mode)usage(); mode=3; break; case 'O': if(mode)usage(); mode=4; break; case 'p': if(mode)usage(); mode=5; break; case 's': if(serial!=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY)usage(); if((serial=atoi(optarg))<=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY)usage(); break; case 'u': if(serial!=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY)usage(); serial=NEOSC_USB_YUBIKEY; break; case 'n': if(serial!=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY)usage(); serial=NEOSC_NFC_YUBIKEY; break; case 'U': if(serial!=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY)usage(); serial=NEOSC_U2F_YUBIKEY4; break; case 'C': if(serial!=NEOSC_ANY_YUBIKEY)usage(); serial=NEOSC_NOU2F_YUBIKEY4; break; case 'h': default:usage(); } if(!mode)usage(); if(neosc_pcsc_open(&ctx,serial)) { fprintf(stderr,"device open error.\n"); goto err1; } if(neosc_pcsc_lock(ctx)) { fprintf(stderr,"device lock error.\n"); goto err2; } switch(mode) { case 1: if(neosc_neo_select(ctx,NULL))goto err3; break; case 2: if(neosc_ndef_select(ctx))goto err3; break; case 3: if(neosc_oath_select(ctx,NULL))goto err3; break; case 4: if(neosc_pgp_select(ctx))goto err3; break; case 5: if(neosc_piv_select(ctx))goto err3; break; } r=0; err3: if(r)fprintf(stderr,"applet select error.\n"); neosc_pcsc_unlock(ctx); err2: neosc_pcsc_close(ctx); err1: return r; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, rc; MDB_env *env; MDB_txn *txn; MDB_cursor *mc; MDB_dbi dbi; char *envname; int envflags = 0, putflags = 0; prog = argv[0]; if (argc < 2) { usage(); } /* -f: load file instead of stdin * -n: use NOSUBDIR flag on env_open * -s: load into named subDB * -N: use NOOVERWRITE on puts * -T: read plaintext * -V: print version and exit */ while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "f:ns:NTV")) != EOF) { switch(i) { case 'V': printf("%s\n", MDB_VERSION_STRING); exit(0); break; case 'f': if (freopen(optarg, "r", stdin) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: reopen: %s\n", prog, optarg, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'n': envflags |= MDB_NOSUBDIR; break; case 's': subname = strdup(optarg); break; case 'N': putflags = MDB_NOOVERWRITE|MDB_NODUPDATA; break; case 'T': mode |= NOHDR; break; default: usage(); } } if (optind != argc - 1) usage(); dbuf.mv_size = 4096; dbuf.mv_data = malloc(dbuf.mv_size); if (!(mode & NOHDR)) readhdr(); envname = argv[optind]; rc = mdb_env_create(&env); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_env_create failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } mdb_env_set_maxdbs(env, 2); if (info.me_maxreaders) mdb_env_set_maxreaders(env, info.me_maxreaders); if (info.me_mapsize) mdb_env_set_mapsize(env, info.me_mapsize); if (info.me_mapaddr) envflags |= MDB_FIXEDMAP; rc = mdb_env_open(env, envname, envflags, 0664); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_env_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } kbuf.mv_size = mdb_env_get_maxkeysize(env) * 2 + 2; kbuf.mv_data = malloc(kbuf.mv_size); while(!Eof) { MDB_val key, data; int batch = 0; rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_txn_begin failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } rc = mdb_open(txn, subname, dbi_flags|MDB_CREATE, &dbi); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &mc); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } while(1) { rc = readline(&key, &kbuf); if (rc == EOF) break; if (rc) goto txn_abort; rc = readline(&data, &dbuf); if (rc) goto txn_abort; rc = mdb_cursor_put(mc, &key, &data, putflags); if (rc == MDB_KEYEXIST && putflags) continue; if (rc) goto txn_abort; batch++; if (batch == 100) { rc = mdb_txn_commit(txn); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" Z "d: txn_commit: %s\n", prog, lineno, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } rc = mdb_txn_begin(env, NULL, 0, &txn); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_txn_begin failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &mc); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "mdb_cursor_open failed, error %d %s\n", rc, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto txn_abort; } batch = 0; } } rc = mdb_txn_commit(txn); txn = NULL; if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: line %" Z "d: txn_commit: %s\n", prog, lineno, mdb_strerror(rc)); goto env_close; } mdb_dbi_close(env, dbi); if(!(mode & NOHDR)) readhdr(); } txn_abort: mdb_txn_abort(txn); env_close: mdb_env_close(env); return rc ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/********************************************************************** * parse_opts: **********************************************************************/ char * parse_opts(int ac, char **av, option_t *user_optarr, void (*uhf)(void)) { int found; /* flag to indicate that an option specified was */ /* found in the user's list */ int k; /* scratch integer for returns and short time usage */ float ftmp; /* tmp float for parsing env variables */ char *ptr; /* used in getting env variables */ int options=0; /* no options specified */ int optstrlen, i; char *optionstr; int opt; /* return of getopt */ /* * If not the first time this function is called, release the old STD_opt_arr * vector. */ if ( STD_opt_arr != NULL ) { free(STD_opt_arr); STD_opt_arr=NULL; } /* Calculate how much space we need for the option string */ optstrlen = 0; for (i = 0; std_options[i].optstr; ++i) optstrlen += strlen(std_options[i].optstr); if (user_optarr) for (i = 0; user_optarr[i].option; ++i) { if (strlen(user_optarr[i].option) > 2) return "parse_opts: ERROR - Only short options are allowed"; optstrlen += strlen(user_optarr[i].option); } optstrlen += 1; /* Create the option string for getopt */ optionstr = (char *)malloc(optstrlen); if (!optionstr) return "parse_opts: ERROR - Could not allocate memory for optionstr"; optionstr[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; std_options[i].optstr; ++i) strcat(optionstr, std_options[i].optstr); if (user_optarr) for (i = 0; user_optarr[i].option; ++i) /* only add the option if it wasn't there already */ if (strchr(optionstr, user_optarr[i].option[0]) == NULL) strcat(optionstr, user_optarr[i].option); #if DEBUG > 1 printf("STD_nopts = %d\n", STD_nopts); #endif /* * Loop through av parsing options. */ while ( (opt = getopt(ac, av, optionstr)) > 0) { STD_argind = optind; #if DEBUG > 0 printf("parse_opts: getopt returned '%c'\n", opt); #endif switch (opt) { case '?': /* Unknown option */ return "Unknown option"; break; case ':': /* Missing Arg */ return "Missing argument"; break; case 'i': /* Iterations */ options |= OPT_iteration; STD_LOOP_COUNT = atoi(optarg); if (STD_LOOP_COUNT == 0) STD_INFINITE = 1; break; case 'P': /* Delay between iterations */ options |= OPT_delay; STD_LOOP_DELAY = atof(optarg); break; case 'I': /* Time duration */ options |= OPT_duration; STD_LOOP_DURATION = atof(optarg); if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION == 0.0 ) STD_INFINITE=1; break; case 'c': /* Copies */ options |= OPT_copies; STD_COPIES = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': /* Functional testing */ STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST = 0; break; case 'p': /* Pause for SIGUSR1 */ STD_PAUSE = 1; break; case 't': /* syscall timing */ STD_TIMING_ON = 1; break; case 'e': /* errno loggin */ STD_ERRNO_LOG = 1; break; case 'h': /* Help */ print_help(uhf); exit(0); break; #ifdef UCLINUX case 'C': /* Run child */ child_args = optarg; break; #endif default: /* Check all the user specified options */ found=0; for(i = 0; user_optarr[i].option; ++i) { if (opt == user_optarr[i].option[0]) { /* Yup, This is a user option, set the flag and look for argument */ if ( user_optarr[i].flag ) { *user_optarr[i].flag=1; } found++; /* save the argument at the user's location */ if ( user_optarr[i].option[strlen(user_optarr[i].option)-1] == ':' ) { *user_optarr[i].arg=optarg; } break; /* option found - break out of the for loop */ } } /* This condition "should never happen". SO CHECK FOR IT!!!! */ if ( ! found ) { sprintf(Mesg2, "parse_opts: ERROR - option:\"%c\" NOT FOUND... INTERNAL ERROR", opt); return(Mesg2); } } } /* end of while */ free(optionstr); STD_argind = optind; /* * Turn on debug */ if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_DEBUG")) != NULL ) { Debug=1; printf("env USC_DEBUG is defined, turning on debug\n"); } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_VERBOSE")) != NULL ) { Debug=1; printf("env USC_VERBOSE is defined, turning on debug\n"); } /* * If the USC_ITERATION_ENV environmental variable is set to * a number, use that number as iteration count (same as -c option). * The -c option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_iteration) && (ptr=getenv(USC_ITERATION_ENV)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1) { if ( k == 0 ) { /* if arg is 0, set infinite loop flag */ STD_INFINITE=1; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_INFINITE to 1\n", USC_ITERATION_ENV); } else { /* else, set the loop count to the arguement */ STD_LOOP_COUNT=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_LOOP_COUNT to %d\n", USC_ITERATION_ENV, k); } } } /* * If the USC_NO_FUNC_CHECK environmental variable is set, we'll * unset the STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST variable. */ if ( !(options & OPT_nofunccheck) && (ptr=getenv(USC_NO_FUNC_CHECK)) != NULL ) { STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST=0; /* Turn off functional testing */ if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST to 0\n", USC_NO_FUNC_CHECK); } /* * If the USC_LOOP_WALLTIME environmental variable is set, * use that number as duration (same as -I option). * The -I option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_duration) && (ptr=getenv(USC_LOOP_WALLTIME)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%f", &ftmp) == 1 && ftmp >= 0.0 ) { STD_LOOP_DURATION=ftmp; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_LOOP_DURATION to %f\n", USC_LOOP_WALLTIME, ftmp); if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION == 0.0 ) { /* if arg is 0, set infinite loop flag */ STD_INFINITE=1; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_INFINITE to 1\n", USC_LOOP_WALLTIME); } } } if ( !(options & OPT_duration) && (ptr=getenv("USC_DURATION")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%f", &ftmp) == 1 && ftmp >= 0.0 ) { STD_LOOP_DURATION=ftmp; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_DURATION, set STD_LOOP_DURATION to %f\n", ftmp); if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION == 0.0 ) { /* if arg is 0, set infinite loop flag */ STD_INFINITE=1; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_DURATION, set STD_INFINITE to 1\n"); } } } /* * If the USC_LOOP_DELAY environmental variable is set, * use that number as delay in factional seconds (same as -P option). * The -P option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_delay) && (ptr=getenv(USC_LOOP_DELAY)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%f", &ftmp) == 1 && ftmp >= 0.0 ) { STD_LOOP_DELAY=ftmp; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_LOOP_DELAY = %f\n", USC_LOOP_DELAY, ftmp); } } /* * If the USC_COPIES environmental variable is set, * use that number as copies (same as -c option). * The -c option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_copies) && (ptr=getenv(USC_COPIES)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%d", &STD_COPIES) == 1 && STD_COPIES >= 0 ) { if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_COPIES = %d\n", USC_COPIES, STD_COPIES); } } /* * The following are special system testing envs to turn on special * hooks in the code. */ if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_TP_BARRIER")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_TP_barrier=k; } else STD_TP_barrier=1; if ( Debug ) printf("using env USC_TP_BARRIER, Set STD_TP_barrier to %d\n", STD_TP_barrier); } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_BARRIER")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_barrier=k; } else STD_LP_barrier=1; if ( Debug ) printf("using env USC_LP_BARRIER, Set STD_LP_barrier to %d\n", STD_LP_barrier); } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_TP_SHMEM")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_TP_shmem_sz=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_TP_SHMEM, Set STD_TP_shmem_sz to %d\n", STD_TP_shmem_sz); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_SHMEM")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_shmem=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LP_SHMEM, Set STD_LP_shmem to %d\n", STD_LP_shmem); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LD_SHMEM")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LD_shmem=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LD_SHMEM, Set STD_LD_shmem to %d\n", STD_LD_shmem); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_TP_SBRK")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_TP_sbrk=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_TP_SBRK, Set STD_TP_sbrk to %d\n", STD_TP_sbrk); } } #if !defined(UCLINUX) if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_SBRK")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_sbrk=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LP_SBRK, Set STD_LP_sbrk to %d\n", STD_LP_sbrk); } } #endif /* if !defined(UCLINUX) */ if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_RECFUN")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_recfun=k; if ( STD_bigstack != (struct usc_bigstack_t *)NULL ) STD_bigstack=(struct usc_bigstack_t *) malloc(sizeof(struct usc_bigstack_t)); if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LP_RECFUN, Set STD_LP_recfun to %d\n", STD_LP_recfun); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LD_RECFUN")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LD_recfun=k; if ( STD_bigstack != (struct usc_bigstack_t *)NULL ) STD_bigstack=(struct usc_bigstack_t *) malloc(sizeof(struct usc_bigstack_t)); if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LD_RECFUN, Set STD_LD_recfun to %d\n", STD_LD_recfun); } } #if UNIT_TEST printf("The following variables after option and env parsing:\n"); printf("STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST = %d\n", STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST); printf("STD_LOOP_DURATION = %f\n", STD_LOOP_DURATION); printf("STD_LOOP_DELAY = %f\n", STD_LOOP_DELAY); printf("STD_COPIES = %d\n", STD_COPIES); printf("STD_LOOP_COUNT = %d\n", STD_LOOP_COUNT); printf("STD_INFINITE = %d\n", STD_INFINITE); printf("STD_TIMING_ON = %d\n", STD_TIMING_ON); printf("STD_ERRNO_LOG = %d\n", STD_ERRNO_LOG); printf("STD_PAUSE = %d\n", STD_PAUSE); #endif return((char *) NULL); } /* end of parse_opts */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; FILE *fp; char buffer[1024]; char decode_str[] = " decoding score = "; int c; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; int decode_str_len; char base_command[255]; dsd_params params[] = { { "ds", 55, 75, 0, 0, 1 }, /*DSDPlus 1.074 recognizes a range of 55-75*/ { "dv", 1, 30, 0, 0, 1 }, { " ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* GCC warns if this is 0 */ options opts; /* Check if dsdplus.exe exists if so us that first */ if(fileexists("dsdplus.exe") == 0) { strncpy(opts.exe_name, "dsdplus.exe", 12); } else { strncpy(opts.exe_name, "dsd.exe", 8); } opts.decode_option_set = 0; opts.infile_set = 0; opts.write_batch = 0; opts.batch_options[0] = '\0'; opts.invert_x2_tdma_str[0] = '\0'; opts.psk_mod_str[0] = '\0'; opts.skip_params = 0; opts.infile_param[0] = '?'; /* dsdplus version > 1.5 */ opts.infile_param[1] = '\0'; strcpy(opts.logfile, "dsdtune.log"); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hf:i:x:b:o:m:")) != -1) { opterr = 0; switch (c) { case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 'b': strncpy(opts.batch_name, optarg, 99); opts.write_batch = 1; break; /* not setup yet case 'v': sscanf (optarg, "%d", &opts.verbose); break; */ case 'i': strncpy(opts.infile, optarg, MAX_IN_FILE_LEN-1); opts.infile[MAX_IN_FILE_LEN-1] = '\0'; opts.infile_set = 1; break; case 'f': opts.decode_option[0] = optarg[0]; opts.decode_option[1] = '\0'; opts.decode_option_set = 1; if(optarg[0] == 'd' || optarg[0] == 'p') opts.skip_params = 1; break; case 'l': strncpy(opts.logfile, optarg, 99); break; case 'm': if(*optarg == 'p' && *(optarg+1) == '\0') { strncpy(opts.psk_mod_str, "-mp", 4); } else { usage(); exit(1); } break; case 'o': strncpy(opts.batch_options, optarg, 99); break; case 'x': /* check for -xx first */ if(*optarg == 'x' && *(optarg+1) == '\0') { strncpy(opts.invert_x2_tdma_str, "-xx", 4); } else { strncpy(opts.exe_name, optarg, 99); } break; default: usage(); exit(1); } } if(!opts.infile_set) { fprintf(stderr, " Missing required argument of -i <input file>\n"); usage(); exit(1); } if(opts.decode_option_set) sprintf(base_command, "%s -o0 -O NUL -f%s", opts.exe_name, opts.decode_option); else sprintf(base_command, "%s -o0 -O NUL", opts.exe_name); strcat(base_command, opts.invert_x2_tdma_str); strcat(base_command, opts.psk_mod_str); decode_str_len = strlen(decode_str); while(params[i].name[0] != ' ') { int j = params[i].min; char tmp_command[255]; if(opts.skip_params && params[i].skip) { i++; continue; } printf("Checking option -%s\n", params[i].name); printf("Running %s -%sXXX %s %s\n", base_command, params[i].name, opts.infile_param, opts.infile); while(j <= params[i].max) { char command[255]; int found = 0; sprintf(command, "%s -%s%d %s %s 2>&1", base_command, params[i].name, j, opts.infile_param, opts.infile); if( (fp = popen( command, "r" )) == NULL ) { perror("Failed to open "); fprintf(stderr, "failed to open dsd\n"); exit(5); } while(fgets(buffer, 1024, fp)) { if( strncmp(buffer, decode_str, decode_str_len-1) == 0) { unsigned int rate; found = 1; rate = decode_rate(buffer); if(rate > params[i].best_results) { params[i].best_results = rate; params[i].best_setting = j; } } } pclose( fp ); if(!found) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not get decode string\n"); exit(5); } j++; } printf("best value of %u with -%s%d\n", params[i].best_results, params[i].name, params[i].best_setting); sprintf(tmp_command, "%s -%s%d", base_command, params[i].name, params[i].best_setting); strcpy(base_command, tmp_command); i++; } /* Resutls */ i=0; printf("\n+------ RESULTS -----+\n"); printf("Switches you want to use :\n"); printf(" "); while(params[i].name[0] != ' ') { if(opts.skip_params && params[i].skip) { i++; continue; } printf(" -%s%u",params[i].name, params[i].best_setting); i++; } printf("\n"); write_log(params, &opts); if(opts.write_batch) write_batch(params, &opts); return 0; }
/**************************************************************************** main program ****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int opt; unsigned int lookup_type = 0x0; pstring lookup; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; BOOL find_master=False; int i; static pstring servicesf = CONFIGFILE; BOOL lookup_by_ip = False; DEBUGLEVEL = 1; /* Prevent smb.conf setting from overridding */ AllowDebugChange = False; *lookup = 0; TimeInit(); setup_logging(argv[0],True); charset_initialise(); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d:fB:U:i:s:SMrhART")) != EOF) switch (opt) { case 'B': bcast_addr = *interpret_addr2(optarg); got_bcast = True; use_bcast = True; break; case 'f': give_flags = True; break; case 'U': bcast_addr = *interpret_addr2(optarg); got_bcast = True; use_bcast = False; break; case 'T': translate_addresses = !translate_addresses; break; case 'i': { extern pstring global_scope; pstrcpy(global_scope,optarg); strupper(global_scope); } break; case 'M': find_master = True; break; case 'S': find_status = True; break; case 'R': recursion_desired = True; break; case 'd': DEBUGLEVEL = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': pstrcpy(servicesf, optarg); break; case 'r': RootPort = True; break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); break; case 'A': lookup_by_ip = True; break; default: usage(); exit(1); } if (argc < 2) { usage(); exit(1); } if (!lp_load(servicesf,True,False,False)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't load %s - run testparm to debug it\n", servicesf); } load_interfaces(); if (!open_sockets()) return(1); for (i=optind;i<argc;i++) { char *p; struct in_addr ip; fstrcpy(lookup,argv[i]); if(lookup_by_ip) { fstrcpy(lookup,"*"); ip = *interpret_addr2(argv[i]); do_node_status(ServerFD, lookup, lookup_type, ip); continue; } if (find_master) { if (*lookup == '-') { fstrcpy(lookup,"\01\02__MSBROWSE__\02"); lookup_type = 1; } else { lookup_type = 0x1d; } } p = strchr(lookup,'#'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; sscanf(++p,"%x",&lookup_type); } if (!query_one(lookup, lookup_type)) { printf( "name_query failed to find name %s", lookup ); if( 0 != lookup_type ) printf( "#%02x", lookup_type ); printf( "\n" ); } } return(0); }
static void parse_options(int argc, char **argv, ui_driver_t **ui_driver, cl_options_t *cl_options) { int c; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG int optindex; struct option options[] = {{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"fullscreen", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"width", required_argument, NULL, 'W'}, {"height", required_argument, NULL, 'H'}, {"1st-engine", required_argument, NULL, '1'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; /* On macOS (under certain circumstances) a process serial number will be passed in. In this * case we skip parsing the command line options. */ if (argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[1], "-psn_", 5) == 0) { DBG_WARN("Received '%s'; ignoring all command line arguments", argv[1]); return; } while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "1:fhW:H:", options, &optindex)) > -1) { #else while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "1:fhW:H:")) > -1) { #endif /* HAVE_GETOPT_LONG */ switch (c) { case 'h': printf("Usage: dreamchess [options]\n\n" "An xboard-compatible chess interface.\n\n" "Options:\n" OPTION_TEXT("--help\t", "-h\t", "show help") OPTION_TEXT("--fullscreen\t", "-f\t", "run fullscreen") OPTION_TEXT("--width\t", "-W<num>", "set screen width") OPTION_TEXT("--height\t", "-H<num>", "set screen height") OPTION_TEXT("--1st-engine <eng>", "-1<eng>", "use <eng> as first chess engine") OPTION_TEXT("\t\t", "\t", " defaults to 'dreamer'")); exit(0); case '1': cl_options->engine = optarg; break; case 'f': cl_options->fs = 1; break; case 'W': cl_options->width = atoi(optarg); break; case 'H': cl_options->height = atoi(optarg); } } } static void set_cl_options(cl_options_t *cl_options) { option_t *option; if (cl_options->engine) { option = config_get_option("first_engine"); option_string_set_text(option, cl_options->engine); } if (cl_options->fs) { option = config_get_option("full_screen"); option_select_value_by_name(option, "On"); } if (cl_options->width) { option = config_get_option("custom_resolution_width"); option->value = cl_options->width; option = config_get_option("resolution"); option_select_value_by_name(option, "Custom"); } if (cl_options->height) { option = config_get_option("custom_resolution_height"); option->value = cl_options->height; option = config_get_option("resolution"); option_select_value_by_name(option, "Custom"); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initiation the acl library acl::acl_cpp_init(); acl::log::stdout_open(true); int ch; size_t replicas = 0; bool add_slave = false, just_display = false; acl::string addr, cmd, conf, new_addr, node_id, key; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hs:a:f:N:SI:r:dk:")) > 0) { switch (ch) { case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 's': addr = optarg; break; case 'a': cmd = optarg; break; case 'f': conf = optarg; break; case 'N': new_addr = optarg; break; case 'S': add_slave = true; break; case 'I': node_id = optarg; break; case 'r': replicas = (size_t) atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': just_display = true; break; case 'k': key = optarg; break; default: break; } } int conn_timeout = 10, rw_timeout = 120; if (cmd == "hash_slot") { if (key.empty()) printf("usage: %s -a hash_slot -k key\r\n", argv[0]); else { size_t max_slot = 16384; unsigned short n = acl_hash_crc16(key.c_str(), key.length()); unsigned short slot = n % max_slot; printf("key: %s, slot: %d\r\n", key.c_str(), (int) slot); } } else if (cmd == "nodes") { if (addr.empty()) printf("usage: %s -s ip:port -a nodes\r\n", argv[0]); else { acl::redis_client client(addr, conn_timeout, rw_timeout); acl::redis redis(&client); redis_status status(addr, conn_timeout, rw_timeout); status.show_nodes(redis); } } else if (cmd == "slots") { if (addr.empty()) printf("usage: %s -a ip:port -a slots\r\n", argv[0]); else { acl::redis_client client(addr, conn_timeout, rw_timeout); acl::redis redis(&client); redis_status status(addr, conn_timeout, rw_timeout); status.show_slots(redis); } } else if (cmd == "create") { if (conf.empty()) printf("usage: %s -a create -f cluster.xml\r\n", argv[0]); else { redis_builder builder;, replicas, just_display); } } else if (cmd == "add_node") { if (addr.empty() || new_addr.empty()) printf("usage: %s -s ip:port -a add_node -N ip:port -S\r\n", argv[0]); else { redis_builder builder; builder.add_node(addr, new_addr, add_slave); } } else if (cmd == "del_node") { if (addr.empty() || node_id.empty()) printf("usage: %s -s ip:port -a del_node -I nod_id\r\n", argv[0]); else { redis_builder builder; builder.del_node(addr, node_id); } } else if (cmd == "node_id") { if (addr.empty()) printf("usage: %s -s ip:port -a node_id\r\n", argv[0]); else { node_id.clear(); if (redis_util::get_node_id(addr, node_id) == false) printf("can't get node id, addr: %s\r\n", addr.c_str()); else printf("addr: %s, node_id: %s\r\n", addr.c_str(), node_id.c_str()); } } else if (cmd == "reshard") { if (addr.empty()) printf("usage: %s -s ip:port -a reshard\r\n", argv[0]); else { redis_reshard reshard(addr);; } } else printf("unknown cmd: %s\r\n", cmd.c_str()); #ifdef WIN32 printf("enter any key to exit\r\n"); getchar(); #endif return 0; }
int main( int argc,char *argv[] ) { const char *optStr = ":o:l:"; vector<string> objPath; string libPath; string outputPath; int opt = 0; while((opt=getopt(argc,argv,optStr)) != -1 ) { switch( opt ) { case 'o': if( outputPath.length() ) { cout << "错误:定义了多个输出路径" << endl; return 0; } outputPath = optarg; break; case 'l': if( libPath.size() ) { cout << "错误:定义了多个库路径" << endl; return 0; } libPath = optarg; break; case ':': cout << "缺少参数" << endl; break; case '?': cout << "忽略错误选项:" << (char)optopt << endl; break; } } if( !libPath.size() ) { cout << "错误:缺少库" << endl; return 0; } if( !outputPath.size() ) { cout << "错误:没有定义输出路径" << endl; return 0; } for( ;optind < argc;++optind ) objPath.push_back(argv[optind]); if( objPath.size() == 0 ) { cout << "错误:缺少输入" << endl; return 0; } Builder bd( objPath,libPath,outputPath); if( !bd.CollectSymbol() ) { cout << "失败退出" << endl; return 0; } bd.DoMerge(); bd.GetSymbolAddress(); bd.Relocation(); if( !bd.GenerateBinary() ) { cout << "失败退出" << endl; return 0; } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int length = 1024, option; char str[length]; bool batchOn, echoOn, invalid, isRPN, isIn; batchOn = false; echoOn = false; invalid = false; while ((option = getopt(argc - 1, argv, "be")) != -1) { switch(option) { case 'b': batchOn = true; break; case 'e': echoOn = true; break; default: invalid = true; break; } } if (invalid || argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && !(strcmp(argv[1], "--rpn") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--in") == 0)) || (argc == 3 && !(strcmp(argv[2], "--rpn") == 0 || strcmp(argv[2], "--in") == 0)) || (argc == 4 && !(strcmp(argv[3], "--rpn") == 0 || strcmp(argv[3], "--in") == 0)) || argc > 4) { printf("Usage: calc [options] --rpn|--in\n"); printf("\nCalculator modes:\n"); printf(" --rpn\tReverse polish notation\n"); printf(" --in\tInorder\n"); printf("\nOptions:\n"); printf(" -b\tBatch mode: No prompt will be printed\n"); printf(" -e\tEcho mode: Input will be printed immediately after read\n"); } else { isRPN = strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "--rpn") == 0; isIn = strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "--in") == 0; while (1) { if (batchOn && isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) printf("s3255350>>> "); char *input = fgets(str, length, stdin); if (input == NULL || input == (char *) EOF) break; if (!(strlen(str) == 0 || strcmp(str, "\n") == 0 || strcmp(str, "\r\n") == 0)) { if (strlen(str) > 0) { if (str[strlen(str) - 2] == '\r') str[strlen(str) - 2] = '\0'; if (str[strlen(str) - 1] == '\n') str[strlen(str) - 1] = '\0'; if (batchOn) { printf("s3255350>>> "); } double value = 0; if (isRPN) { value = rpn_eval(str); } else if (isIn) { value = in_eval(str); } if (errorOccurs) { if (isRPN) { printf("Invalid RPN expression!\n"); } else if (isIn) { printf("Invalid Inorder expression!\n"); } } else { if (echoOn) printf("%s = ", str); printf("%lf\n", value); } } } } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt; svname.sun_family = AF_UNIX; svname.sun_path[0] = '\0'; strncpy(svname.sun_path + 1, GUK_ABSTRACT_SERV_PATH, UNIX_PATH_MAX - 1); sv_addrlen = sizeof(sa_family_t) + 1 + strlen(GUK_ABSTRACT_SERV_PATH); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:a:U:s:f:h")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': case 's': break; case 'a': svname.sun_path[0] = '\0'; strncpy(svname.sun_path + 1, optarg, UNIX_PATH_MAX - 1); sv_addrlen = sizeof(sa_family_t) + 1 + strlen(GUK_ABSTRACT_SERV_PATH); case 'U': if (strlen(optarg)) strncpy(svname.sun_path, optarg, UNIX_PATH_MAX); else strncpy(svname.sun_path, GUK_UNIX_SERV_PATH, UNIX_PATH_MAX); sv_addrlen = sizeof(sa_family_t) + strlen(GUK_ABSTRACT_SERV_PATH); case 'f': strncpy(config_file, optarg, 1000); if (config_file[999]) { fputs("config_file name too long\n", stderr); return 1; } break; case 'c': max_client = atoi(optarg); break; case 'q': max_query = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': default: printf("USAGE:\n" "# %s [OPTIONS]\n" " -a <abstract_path> : listen on the specified abstract unix domain socket.\n" " -U <unix_path> : listen on the specified unix domain socket.\n" " -i <device> : network interface used for sending and receiving.\n" " -f <config_file> : configuration file name.\n" " -s <ip addr> : the source ip address of the current machine.\n" " -c <max_client> : max number of clients server accepts.\n" " -q <max_query> : max number of unanswered queries server will hold.\n", argv[0]); return 0; } } listenfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (listenfd == -1) { perror("socket"); return -1; } if (fcntl(listenfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { perror("fcntl"); goto quit; } if (setsockopt(listenfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &tcp_nodelay, sizeof(int)) < 0) perror("setsockopt"); if (bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&svname, sv_addrlen) < 0) { perror("bind"); goto quit; } if (listen(listenfd, max_client) < 0) { perror("listen"); goto quit; } if (signal(SIGINT, inthandler) == SIG_ERR) { perror("signal"); goto quit; } if (signal(SIGTERM, inthandler) == SIG_ERR) { perror("signal"); goto quit; } if (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) { perror("signal"); goto quit; } if (gk_read_config_file(config_file, device, ip, &maxconn, &maxdst, candlist, ×, &time_interval, &expire_timeout, &tcp_mss, &kps, &pps)) fprintf(stderr, "warning: configuration file %s doesn't exist.\n", config_file); else gk_cm_config(times, time_interval, expire_timeout, tcp_mss, kps, pps); optind = 1; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:s:f:h")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': strncpy(device, optarg, 100); if (device[99]) { fputs("device name too long\n", stderr); return 1; } break; case 's': strncpy(ip, optarg, 100); if (ip[99]) { fputs("IP too long\n", stderr); return 1; } break; } } if ((dest = new_dstlist(maxdst)) == NULL) { fputs("new_dstlist: memory allocation failed.\n", stderr); goto quit; } if (candlist[0] == '\0') { fputs("critical: no dstlist specified.\n", stderr); goto quit; } cand = new_candlist(candlist, &cand_count); if (cand == NULL) { fputs("new_candlist: format error\n", stderr); goto quit; } if (init_dstlist(dest, cand, cand_count) != 0) { fputs("dstlist initialize failed.\n", stderr); goto quit; } if (gk_cm_init(device, ip, dest, maxconn)) { fputs("gk_cm_init: failed.\n", stderr); goto quit ; } pcap_fd = gk_cm_fd(); run(); quit: clean(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *fp; char *p; char *outputfile = NULL; int len; char buff[256]; int ret; int ch; struct pcap_file_header pfw; struct DNSdataControl c; memset((void *)&c, 0, sizeof(&c)); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "Ao:el:4:6:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'A': debug |= FLAG_MODE_PARSE_ANSWER; break; case 'e': flag_exact_match = 1; break; case 'o': outputfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'l': doms[ndoms].dom = strdup(optarg); doms[ndoms].len = strlen(optarg); ndoms++; break; case '4': if (inet_aton(optarg, (struct in_addr *)&client_ipv4) == 0) err(1, "bad IPv4 address: %s", optarg); check_v4 = 1; break; #if defined(AF_INET6) && defined(HAVE_INET_PTON) case '6': if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, optarg, client_ipv6) != 1) err(1, "bad IPv6 address: %s", optarg); check_v6 = 1; break; #endif case '?': default: usage(); }} argc -= optind; argv += optind; c.callback = callback; c.otherdata = NULL; c.debug = FLAG_IGNOREERROR | FLAG_MODE_PARSE_QUERY; if (outputfile == NULL) { printf("#Error:No outputfilename\n"); exit(1); }; if ((wfp = fopen(outputfile, "w")) == NULL) { printf("#Werror:Cannot write %s", outputfile); exit(1); } argv++; argc--; pfw.magic = 0xa1b2c3d4; pfw.version_major = 2; pfw.version_minor = 4; pfw.thiszone = 0; pfw.sigfigs = 0; pfw.snaplen = 1500; pfw.linktype = DLT_IP; fwrite(&pfw, sizeof(pfw), 1, wfp); while (*argv != NULL) { if (argc > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Loading %s\n", *argv); // fflush(stderr); ret = parse_pcap(*argv, &c); if (ret != ParsePcap_NoError) { printf("#Error:%s:%s\n", parse_pcap_error(ret), *argv); } argv++; } fclose(wfp); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { register int cnt, op, i; bpf_u_int32 localnet, netmask; register char *cp, *infile, *cmdbuf, *device, *RFileName, *WFileName; pcap_handler printer; struct bpf_program fcode; RETSIGTYPE (*oldhandler)(int); u_char *pcap_userdata; char ebuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; cnt = -1; device = NULL; infile = NULL; RFileName = NULL; WFileName = NULL; if ((cp = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL) program_name = cp + 1; else program_name = argv[0]; if (abort_on_misalignment(ebuf) < 0) error("%s", ebuf); opterr = 0; while ( (op = getopt(argc, argv, "ac:defF:i:lnNOpqr:s:StT:vw:xY")) != EOF) switch (op) { case 'a': ++aflag; break; case 'c': cnt = atoi(optarg); if (cnt <= 0) error("invalid packet count %s", optarg); break; case 'd': ++dflag; break; case 'e': ++eflag; break; case 'f': ++fflag; break; case 'F': infile = optarg; break; case 'i': device = optarg; break; case 'l': #ifdef HAVE_SETLINEBUF setlinebuf(stdout); #else setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); #endif break; case 'n': ++nflag; break; case 'N': ++Nflag; break; case 'O': Oflag = 0; break; case 'p': ++pflag; break; case 'q': ++qflag; break; case 'r': RFileName = optarg; break; case 's': snaplen = atoi(optarg); if (snaplen <= 0) error("invalid snaplen %s", optarg); break; case 'S': ++Sflag; break; case 't': --tflag; break; case 'T': if (strcasecmp(optarg, "vat") == 0) packettype = PT_VAT; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "wb") == 0) packettype = PT_WB; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "rpc") == 0) packettype = PT_RPC; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "rtp") == 0) packettype = PT_RTP; else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "rtcp") == 0) packettype = PT_RTCP; else error("unknown packet type `%s'", optarg); break; case 'v': ++vflag; break; case 'w': WFileName = optarg; break; #ifdef YYDEBUG case 'Y': { /* Undocumented flag */ extern int yydebug; yydebug = 1; } break; #endif case 'x': ++xflag; break; default: usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (aflag && nflag) error("-a and -n options are incompatible"); if (tflag > 0) thiszone = gmt2local(0); if (RFileName != NULL) { /* * We don't need network access, so set it back to the user id. * Also, this prevents the user from reading anyone's * trace file. */ setuid(getuid()); pd = pcap_open_offline(RFileName, ebuf); if (pd == NULL) error("%s", ebuf); localnet = 0; netmask = 0; if (fflag != 0) error("-f and -r options are incompatible"); } else { if (device == NULL) { device = pcap_lookupdev(ebuf); if (device == NULL) error("%s", ebuf); } pd = pcap_open_live(device, snaplen, !pflag, 1000, ebuf); if (pd == NULL) error("%s", ebuf); i = pcap_snapshot(pd); if (snaplen < i) { warning("snaplen raised from %d to %d", snaplen, i); snaplen = i; } if (pcap_lookupnet(device, &localnet, &netmask, ebuf) < 0) { localnet = 0; netmask = 0; warning("%s", ebuf); } /* * Let user own process after socket has been opened. */ setuid(getuid()); } if (infile) cmdbuf = read_infile(infile); else cmdbuf = copy_argv(&argv[optind]); if (pcap_compile(pd, &fcode, cmdbuf, Oflag, netmask) < 0) error("%s", pcap_geterr(pd)); if (dflag) { bpf_dump(&fcode, dflag); exit(0); } init_addrtoname(localnet, netmask); (void)setsignal(SIGTERM, cleanup); (void)setsignal(SIGINT, cleanup); /* Cooperate with nohup(1) */ if ((oldhandler = setsignal(SIGHUP, cleanup)) != SIG_DFL) (void)setsignal(SIGHUP, oldhandler); if (pcap_setfilter(pd, &fcode) < 0) error("%s", pcap_geterr(pd)); if (WFileName) { pcap_dumper_t *p = pcap_dump_open(pd, WFileName); if (p == NULL) error("%s", pcap_geterr(pd)); printer = pcap_dump; pcap_userdata = (u_char *)p; } else { printer = lookup_printer(pcap_datalink(pd)); pcap_userdata = 0; } if (RFileName == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: listening on %s\n", program_name, device); (void)fflush(stderr); } if (pcap_loop(pd, cnt, printer, pcap_userdata) < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: pcap_loop: %s\n", program_name, pcap_geterr(pd)); exit(1); } pcap_close(pd); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) #endif /* WIN32 */ { #ifdef WIN32 struct arg_param *p = (struct arg_param *)pv; int argc; char **argv; SERVICE_STATUS ss; #endif /* WIN32 */ char *name = NULL; struct tpp_config conf; int rpp_fd; char *pc; int numthreads; char lockfile[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char path_log[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char svr_home[MAXPATHLEN + 1]; char *log_file = 0; char *host; int port; char *routers = NULL; int c, i, rc; extern char *optarg; int are_primary; int num_var_env; #ifndef WIN32 struct sigaction act; struct sigaction oact; #endif #ifndef WIN32 /*the real deal or just pbs_version and exit*/ execution_mode(argc, argv); #endif /* As a security measure and to make sure all file descriptors */ /* are available to us, close all above stderr */ #ifdef WIN32 _fcloseall(); #else i = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); while (--i > 2) (void)close(i); /* close any file desc left open by parent */ #endif /* If we are not run with real and effective uid of 0, forget it */ #ifdef WIN32 argc = p->argc; argv = p->argv; ZeroMemory(&ss, sizeof(ss)); ss.dwCheckPoint = 0; ss.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; ss.dwCurrentState = g_dwCurrentState; ss.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; ss.dwWaitHint = 6000; if (g_ssHandle != 0) SetServiceStatus(g_ssHandle, &ss); if (!isAdminPrivilege(getlogin())) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Must be run by root\n", argv[0]); return (2); } #else if ((getuid() != 0) || (geteuid() != 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Must be run by root\n", argv[0]); return (2); } #endif /* WIN32 */ /* set standard umask */ #ifndef WIN32 umask(022); #endif /* load the pbs conf file */ if (pbs_loadconf(0) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Configuration error\n", argv[0]); return (1); } umask(022); #ifdef WIN32 save_env(); #endif /* The following is code to reduce security risks */ /* start out with standard umask, system resource limit infinite */ if ((num_var_env = setup_env(pbs_conf.pbs_environment)) == -1) { #ifdef WIN32 g_dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ss.dwCurrentState = g_dwCurrentState; ss.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT; if (g_ssHandle != 0) SetServiceStatus(g_ssHandle, &ss); return (1); #else exit(1); #endif /* WIN32 */ } #ifndef WIN32 i = getgid(); (void)setgroups(1, (gid_t *)&i); /* secure suppl. groups */ #endif /* set pbs_comm's process limits */ set_limits(); log_event_mask = &pbs_conf.pbs_comm_log_events; tpp_set_logmask(*log_event_mask); #ifdef WIN32 winsock_init(); #endif routers = pbs_conf.pbs_comm_routers; numthreads = pbs_conf.pbs_comm_threads; server_host[0] = '\0'; if (pbs_conf.pbs_comm_name) { name = pbs_conf.pbs_comm_name; host = tpp_parse_hostname(name, &port); if (host) snprintf(server_host, sizeof(server_host), "%s", host); free(host); host = NULL; } else if (pbs_conf.pbs_leaf_name) { name = pbs_conf.pbs_leaf_name; host = tpp_parse_hostname(name, &port); if (host) snprintf(server_host, sizeof(server_host), "%s", host); free(host); host = NULL; } else { if (gethostname(server_host, (sizeof(server_host) - 1)) == -1) { #ifndef WIN32 sprintf(log_buffer, "Could not determine my hostname, errno=%d", errno); #else sprintf(log_buffer, "Could not determine my hostname, errno=%d", WSAGetLastError()); #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", log_buffer); return (1); } if ((get_fullhostname(server_host, server_host, (sizeof(server_host) - 1)) == -1)) { sprintf(log_buffer, "Could not determine my hostname"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", log_buffer); return (1); } name = server_host; } if (server_host[0] == '\0') { sprintf(log_buffer, "Could not determine server host"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", log_buffer); return (1); } while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "r:t:e:N")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'e': *log_event_mask = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'r': routers = optarg; break; case 't': numthreads = atol(optarg); if (numthreads == -1) { usage(argv[0]); return (1); } break; case 'N': stalone = 1; break; default: usage(argv[0]); return (1); } } (void)strcpy(daemonname, "Comm@"); (void)strcat(daemonname, name); if ((pc = strchr(daemonname, (int)'.')) != NULL) *pc = '\0'; if(set_msgdaemonname(daemonname)) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); return 1; } (void) snprintf(path_log, sizeof(path_log), "%s/%s", pbs_conf.pbs_home_path, PBS_COMM_LOGDIR); (void) log_open(log_file, path_log); /* set tcp function pointers */ set_tpp_funcs(log_tppmsg); (void) snprintf(svr_home, sizeof(svr_home), "%s/%s", pbs_conf.pbs_home_path, PBS_SVR_PRIVATE); if (chdir(svr_home) != 0) { (void) sprintf(log_buffer, msg_init_chdir, svr_home); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); return (1); } (void) sprintf(lockfile, "%s/%s/comm.lock", pbs_conf.pbs_home_path, PBS_SVR_PRIVATE); if ((are_primary = are_we_primary()) == FAILOVER_SECONDARY) { strcat(lockfile, ".secondary"); } else if (are_primary == FAILOVER_CONFIG_ERROR) { sprintf(log_buffer, "Failover configuration error"); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); #ifdef WIN32 g_dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; ss.dwCurrentState = g_dwCurrentState; ss.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE; if (g_ssHandle != 0) SetServiceStatus(g_ssHandle, &ss); #endif return (3); } if ((lockfds = open(lockfile, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0600)) < 0) { (void) sprintf(log_buffer, "pbs_comm: unable to open lock file"); log_err(errno, __func__, log_buffer); return (1); } if ((host = tpp_parse_hostname(name, &port)) == NULL) { sprintf(log_buffer, "Out of memory parsing leaf name"); log_err(errno, __func__, log_buffer); return (1); } rc = 0; if (pbs_conf.auth_method == AUTH_RESV_PORT) { rc = set_tpp_config(&pbs_conf, &conf, host, port, routers, pbs_conf.pbs_use_compression, TPP_AUTH_RESV_PORT, NULL, NULL); } else { /* for all non-resv-port based authentication use a callback from TPP */ rc = set_tpp_config(&pbs_conf, &conf, host, port, routers, pbs_conf.pbs_use_compression, TPP_AUTH_EXTERNAL, get_ext_auth_data, validate_ext_auth_data); } if (rc == -1) { (void) sprintf(log_buffer, "Error setting TPP config"); log_err(-1, __func__, log_buffer); return (1); } free(host); i = 0; if (conf.routers) { while (conf.routers[i]) { sprintf(log_buffer, "Router[%d]:%s", i, conf.routers[i]); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", log_buffer); log_event(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM | PBSEVENT_FORCE, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, LOG_INFO, msg_daemonname, log_buffer); i++; } } #ifndef DEBUG #ifndef WIN32 if (stalone != 1) go_to_background(); #endif #endif #ifdef WIN32 ss.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; ss.dwCurrentState = g_dwCurrentState; if (g_ssHandle != 0) SetServiceStatus(g_ssHandle, &ss); #endif if (already_forked == 0) lock_out(lockfds, F_WRLCK); /* go_to_backgroud call creates a forked process, * thus print/log pid only after go_to_background() * has been called */ sprintf(log_buffer, "%s ready (pid=%d), Proxy Name:%s, Threads:%d", argv[0], getpid(), conf.node_name, numthreads); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", log_buffer); log_event(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM | PBSEVENT_FORCE, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, LOG_INFO, msg_daemonname, log_buffer); #ifndef DEBUG pbs_close_stdfiles(); #endif #ifdef WIN32 signal(SIGINT, stop_me); signal(SIGTERM, stop_me); #else sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = hup_me; if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigaction for HUP"); return (2); } act.sa_handler = stop_me; if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigaction for INT"); return (2); } if (sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigactin for TERM"); return (2); } if (sigaction(SIGQUIT, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigactin for QUIT"); return (2); } #ifdef SIGSHUTDN if (sigaction(SIGSHUTDN, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigactin for SHUTDN"); return (2); } #endif /* SIGSHUTDN */ act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; if (sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigaction for PIPE"); return (2); } if (sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigaction for USR1"); return (2); } if (sigaction(SIGUSR2, &act, &oact) != 0) { log_err(errno, __func__, "sigaction for USR2"); return (2); } #endif /* WIN32 */ conf.node_type = TPP_ROUTER_NODE; conf.numthreads = numthreads; if ((rpp_fd = tpp_init_router(&conf)) == -1) { log_err(-1, __func__, "tpp init failed\n"); return 1; } /* Protect from being killed by kernel */ daemon_protect(0, PBS_DAEMON_PROTECT_ON); /* go in a while loop */ while (get_out == 0) { if (hupped == 1) { struct pbs_config pbs_conf_bak; int new_logevent; hupped = 0; /* reset back */ memcpy(&pbs_conf_bak, &pbs_conf, sizeof(struct pbs_config)); if (pbs_loadconf(1) == 0) { log_tppmsg(LOG_CRIT, NULL, "Configuration error, ignoring"); memcpy(&pbs_conf, &pbs_conf_bak, sizeof(struct pbs_config)); } else { /* restore old pbs.conf */ new_logevent = pbs_conf.pbs_comm_log_events; memcpy(&pbs_conf, &pbs_conf_bak, sizeof(struct pbs_config)); pbs_conf.pbs_comm_log_events = new_logevent; log_tppmsg(LOG_INFO, NULL, "Processed SIGHUP"); log_event_mask = &pbs_conf.pbs_comm_log_events; tpp_set_logmask(*log_event_mask); } } sleep(3); } tpp_router_shutdown(); log_event(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM | PBSEVENT_FORCE, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, LOG_NOTICE, msg_daemonname, "Exiting"); log_close(1); lock_out(lockfds, F_UNLCK); /* unlock */ (void)close(lockfds); (void)unlink(lockfile); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { int c,i; int verbose=0; int errors=0; int open_mode = O_RDONLY; gost_subst_block *b= &GostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet; TINYCLR_SSL_FILE *check_file = NULL; gost_hash_ctx ctx; while( (c=getopt(argc,argv,"bc::tv"))!=-1) { switch (c) { case 'v': verbose=1; break; case 't': b= &GostR3411_94_TestParamSet; break; case 'b': open_mode |= O_BINARY; break; case 'c': if (optarg) { check_file = TINYCLR_SSL_FOPEN(optarg,"r"); if (!check_file) { TINYCLR_SSL_PERROR(optarg); TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT(2); } } else { check_file= OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDIN; } break; default: TINYCLR_SSL_FPRINTF(OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDERR,"invalid option %c",optopt); help(); } } init_gost_hash_ctx(&ctx,b); if (check_file) { char inhash[65],calcsum[65],filename[PATH_MAX]; int failcount=0,count=0;; if (check_file==OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDIN && optind<argc) { check_file=TINYCLR_SSL_FOPEN(argv[optind],"r"); if (!check_file) { TINYCLR_SSL_PERROR(argv[optind]); TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT(2); } } while (get_line(check_file,inhash,filename)) { if (!hash_file(&ctx,filename,calcsum,open_mode)) { TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT (2); } count++; if (!TINYCLR_SSL_STRNCMP(calcsum,inhash,65)) { if (verbose) { TINYCLR_SSL_FPRINTF(OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDERR,"%s\tOK\n",filename); } } else { if (verbose) { TINYCLR_SSL_FPRINTF(OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDERR,"%s\tFAILED\n",filename); } else { TINYCLR_SSL_FPRINTF(OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDERR,"%s: GOST hash sum check failed for '%s'\n", argv[0],filename); } failcount++; } } if (verbose && failcount) { TINYCLR_SSL_FPRINTF(OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDERR,"%s: %d of %d file(f) failed GOST hash sum check\n", argv[0],failcount,count); } TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT (failcount?1:0); } if (optind==argc) { char sum[65]; if (!hash_stream(&ctx,TINYCLR_SSL_FILENO(OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDIN),sum)) { TINYCLR_SSL_PERROR("OPENSSL_TYPE__FILE_STDIN"); TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT(1); } TINYCLR_SSL_PRINTF("%s -\n",sum); TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT(0); } for (i=optind;i<argc;i++) { char sum[65]; if (!hash_file(&ctx,argv[i],sum,open_mode)) { errors++; } else { TINYCLR_SSL_PRINTF("%s %s\n",sum,argv[i]); } } TINYCLR_SSL_EXIT(errors?1:0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char *pkt = NULL, *pkt_bak, *mcast6, *someaddr6 = NULL; unsigned char *dst6, *src6 = NULL, *mac = NULL, *routers[2], string[64] = "icmp6 and dst "; int rawmode = 0, test_start = 0, fragment = 0, alert = 0, sroute = 0; int do_type = DO_PING, do_alive = 1, hopbyhop = 0, destination = 0, jumbo = 0; int pkt_len = 0, offset = 0, test_current = 0, i, j, k, do_fuzz = 1, test_ptr = 0; int test_end = TEST_MAX, ping = NEVER, frag_offset = 0, header = 0, no_send = 1; int test_pos = 0, test_cnt = 0, do_it, extend = 0, mtu = 1500, size = 64, wait = 0; char *interface, fuzzbuf[256], *srcmac, *dns, *route6, *real_dst6 = NULL; unsigned char buf[256], buf2[100], buf3[16]; unsigned short int *sip; pcap_t *p; thc_ipv6_hdr *hdr; if (argc < 3 || strncmp(argv[1], "-h", 2) == 0) help(argv[0]); while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "123456789rxt:T:p:FSDHRIJan:")) >= 0) { switch (i) { case '1': do_type = DO_PING; break; case '2': do_type = DO_NEIGHSOL; break; case '3': do_type = DO_NEIGHADV; break; case '4': do_type = DO_RA; break; case '5': do_type = DO_MLD_REP; break; case '6': do_type = DO_MLD_DONE; break; case '7': do_type = DO_MLD_QUERY; wait = 0xff0000; break; case '8': do_type = DO_MLD2_REPORT; break; case '9': do_type = DO_MLD2_QUERY; wait = 0xff0000; break; case 'r': thc_ipv6_rawmode(1); rawmode = 1; test_pos -= 14; offset -= 14; break; case 't': test_start = atoi(optarg); break; case 'T': test_end = test_start = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': ping = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': do_alive = 0; break; case 'S': sroute = 1; break; case 'n': no_send = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': fragment = 1; break; case 'R': alert = 1; break; case 'D': destination = 1; break; case 'H': hopbyhop = 1; break; case 'J': jumbo = 1; break; case 'I': header = 1; break; case 'x': extend = 1; break; } } if (argc - optind < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: not enough options, interface and target address are required!\n"); exit(-1); } interface = argv[optind]; if (rawmode == 0 && (srcmac = thc_get_own_mac(interface)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s is not a valid interface which has a MAC, use raw mode?\n", interface); exit(-1); } if (no_send < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: -n number must be between one and 2 billion\n"); exit(-1); } if (do_type != DO_PING) { mcast6 = thc_resolve6(argv[optind + 1]); if (do_type == DO_NEIGHSOL) { dst6 = thc_resolve6("ff02::0001:ff00:0000"); memcpy(dst6 + 13, mcast6 + 13, 3); } else dst6 = thc_resolve6("ff02::1"); } else { dst6 = thc_resolve6(argv[optind + 1]); } if (argv[optind + 1] != NULL) real_dst6 = thc_resolve6(argv[optind + 1]); if (interface == NULL || argv[optind + 1] == NULL) { printf("Error: interface and target-ipv6-address are mandatory command line options\n"); exit(-1); } if (ping < 1 || test_end < test_start) { printf("dont f**k up the command line options!\n"); exit(-1); } if (argv[optind + 2] != NULL) someaddr6 = thc_resolve6(argv[optind + 2]); if (argc - optind > 3) { printf("Error: too many command line options\n"); exit(-1); } if ((mac = thc_get_mac(interface, src6, dst6)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can not resolve mac address for %s\n", argv[2]); exit(-1); } if (rawmode) srcmac = mac; if (do_type == DO_PING) src6 = thc_get_own_ipv6(interface, dst6, PREFER_GLOBAL); else src6 = thc_get_own_ipv6(interface, dst6, PREFER_LINK); strcat(string, thc_ipv62notation(src6)); if (sroute) { if (someaddr6 != NULL) routers[0] = someaddr6; else routers[0] = dst6; routers[1] = NULL; } setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); dns = thc_resolve6("FF02::FB"); route6 = thc_resolve6("2a01::"); if ((p = thc_pcap_init(interface, string)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not capture on interface %s with string %s\n", interface, string); exit(-1); } // ping before to check if it works if (do_alive) if (check_alive(p, interface, src6, real_dst6) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: target %s is not alive via direct ping6!\n", argv[optind + 1]); exit(-1); } // generate basic packet strcpy(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_ether); if ((pkt = thc_create_ipv6(interface, PREFER_GLOBAL, &pkt_len, src6, dst6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) == NULL) return -1; if (header) strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_ip6); else strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_ip6no); if (alert || hopbyhop || jumbo) { memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); i = 0; if (alert) { buf2[i++] = 5; buf2[i++] = 2; i += 2; strcat(fuzzbuf, ".F.F"); } if (jumbo) { buf2[i++] = 0xc2; buf2[i++] = 4; buf2[i++] = 'J'; // lookup code buf2[i++] = 'J'; buf2[i++] = 'J'; buf2[i++] = 'J'; strcat(fuzzbuf, ".FBBBB"); } if (hopbyhop) { memset(buf3, 0, sizeof(buf3)); buf3[0] = 'X'; buf3[1] = '.'; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { buf2[i++] = 1; // PadN, length buf2[i++] = j; if (j > 0) { memset(buf2 + i, 0xaa, j); buf3[2 + j] = '.'; i += j; } strcat(fuzzbuf, buf3); // always: X... for every new option } } if (thc_add_hdr_hopbyhop(pkt, &pkt_len, buf2, i) < 0) return -1; i += 2; if (i % 8 > 0) i = ((i / 8) + 1) * 8; offset += i; } if (sroute) { if (thc_add_hdr_route(pkt, &pkt_len, routers, 1) < 0) return -1; else { strcat(fuzzbuf, "FFFFBBBB................"); offset += 24; } } if (fragment) { frag_offset = offset; if (thc_add_hdr_fragment(pkt, &pkt_len, 0, 0, 0) < 0) return -1; else { strcat(fuzzbuf, "FFWW.."); offset += 8; } } if (destination) { memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)); memset(buf3, 0, sizeof(buf3)); buf3[0] = 'X'; buf3[1] = '.'; i = 0; for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { buf2[i++] = 1; // PadN, length buf2[i++] = j; if (j > 0) { memset(buf2 + i, 0xaa, j); buf3[2 + j] = '.'; i += j; } strcat(fuzzbuf, buf3); // always: X... for every new option } if (thc_add_hdr_dst(pkt, &pkt_len, buf2, i) < 0) return -1; i += 2; if (i % 8 > 0) i = ((i / 8) + 1) * 8; offset += i; } memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (header) strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6); else strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6no); switch (do_type) { case DO_PING: if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, ICMP6_PINGREQUEST, 0, test_current, (unsigned char *) &buf, 16, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6ping); break; case DO_NEIGHSOL: if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(buf, someaddr6, 16); else memcpy(buf, mcast6, 16); buf[16] = 1; buf[17] = 1; memcpy(buf + 18, srcmac, 6); if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, ICMP6_NEIGHBORSOL, 0, 0, (unsigned char *) &buf, 24, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6ns); break; case DO_NEIGHADV: if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(buf, someaddr6, 16); else memcpy(buf, src6, 16); buf[16] = 2; buf[17] = 1; memcpy(buf + 18, srcmac, 6); if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, ICMP6_NEIGHBORADV, 0, 0xe0000000, (unsigned char *) &buf, 24, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6na); break; case DO_RA: // buf[3] = 250; // 0-3: reachable timer buf[6] = 4; // 4-7: retrans timer // option mtu buf[8] = 5; buf[9] = 1; buf[12] = mtu / 16777216; buf[14] = (mtu % 65536) / 256; buf[15] = mtu % 256; // option prefix buf[16] = 3; buf[17] = 4; buf[18] = size; // prefix length buf[19] = 128 + 64; memset(&buf[20], 17, 4); memset(&buf[24], 4, 4); if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(&buf[32], someaddr6, 16); else memcpy(&buf[32], route6, 16); i = 48; // mac address option buf[i++] = 1; buf[i++] = 1; memcpy(buf + i, srcmac, 6); i += 6; // default route routing option buf[i++] = 0x18; // routing entry option type buf[i++] = 0x03; // length 3 == 24 bytes buf[i++] = 0x00; // prefix length buf[i++] = 0x08; // priority, highest of course i += 2; // 52-53 unknown buf[i++] = 0x11; // lifetime, word buf[i++] = 0x11; // lifetime, word i += 16; // 56-71 address, all zeros for default // dns option buf[i++] = 0x19; // dns option type buf[i++] = 0x03; // length i += 2; // 74-75 reserved memset(buf + i, 1, 4); // validity time i += 4; if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(buf + i, someaddr6, 16); // dns server else memcpy(buf + i, dns, 16); // dns server i += 16; if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, ICMP6_ROUTERADV, 0, 0xff080800, buf, i, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6ra); break; case DO_MLD_QUERY: case DO_MLD_DONE: case DO_MLD_REP: buf[0] = 0xff; buf[1] = 0x02; buf[15] = 0x05; if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(buf, someaddr6, 16); if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, do_type, 0, wait, buf, 16, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6mld); break; case DO_MLD2_QUERY: buf[0] = 0xff; buf[1] = 0x02; buf[15] = 0x05; if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(buf, someaddr6, 16); buf[16] = 7; buf[17] = 120; buf[19] = 3; memcpy(buf + 20, dst6, 16); memcpy(buf + 36, buf, 16); if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, DO_MLD_QUERY, 0, wait, buf, 68, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6mld2que); break; case DO_MLD2_REPORT: for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { buf[0 + 68 * i] = 1 + i * 2 - i / 2; //include new++, generates 1, 3 and 4 buf[3 + 68 * i] = 3; //3 sources buf[4 + 68 * i] = 0xff; buf[5 + 68 * i] = 0x02; buf[18 + 68 * i] = 0x82 + i % 256; buf[19 + 68 * i] = 0xff; memcpy(buf + 20 + 68 * i, src6, 16); buf[36 + 68 * i] = 0xfe; buf[37 + 68 * i] = 0x80; buf[46 + 68 * i] = 0xf0; if (someaddr6 != NULL) memcpy(buf + 52 + 68 * i, someaddr6, 16); } if (thc_add_icmp6(pkt, &pkt_len, do_type, 0, 3, buf, 208, 0) < 0) return -1; strcat(fuzzbuf, fuzztype_icmp6mld2rep); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Mode not implemented yet!\n"); exit(-1); } if (thc_generate_pkt(interface, srcmac, mac, pkt, &pkt_len) < 0) return -1; hdr = (thc_ipv6_hdr *) pkt; if (jumbo) { i = 0; j = 1; while (i < hdr->pkt_len + 4 && j) { if (hdr->pkt[i] == 'J') if (memcmp(&hdr->pkt[i], "JJJJ", 4) == 0) j = 0; i++; } if (j) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: fuckup, cant find my own marker?!\n"); exit(-1); } else i--; hdr->pkt[i] = 0; hdr->pkt[i + 1] = 0; hdr->pkt[i + 2] = hdr->pkt[4 + 14 - 14 * rawmode]; hdr->pkt[i + 3] = hdr->pkt[5 + 14 - 14 * rawmode]; hdr->pkt[4 + 14 - 14 * rawmode] = 0; hdr->pkt[5 + 14 - 14 * rawmode] = 0; } if (extend) for (i = 0; i < strlen(fuzzbuf); i++) if (fuzzbuf[i] == 'B' || fuzzbuf[i] == 'F') fuzzbuf[i] = 'X'; // backup of generated packet pkt_bak = malloc(hdr->pkt_len); memcpy(pkt_bak, hdr->pkt, hdr->pkt_len); printf("Fuzzing packet, starting at fuzz case %d, ending at fuzz case %d, every packet sent denoted by a dot:\n", test_start, test_end); //printf("buf(%d): %s\n", strlen(fuzzbuf), fuzzbuf); while (do_fuzz) { if (test_cnt == 0) while (fuzzbuf[test_ptr] == '.') { test_ptr++; test_pos++; } if (fuzzbuf[test_ptr] == 0) do_fuzz = 0; test_cnt++; do_it = 1; //printf("[%s] pos[%d]=%c -> %d | pkt[%d] | %d (%d=>%d)| ", /*fuzzbuf*/"", test_ptr, fuzzbuf[test_ptr], test_cnt, test_pos, test_current, test_start, test_end); switch (fuzzbuf[test_ptr]) { case 0: break; case 'X': if (test_cnt <= COUNT_EXTEND) { if (pkt_bak[test_pos] != extends[test_cnt - 1]) hdr->pkt[test_pos] = extends[test_cnt - 1]; else do_it = 0; } else { test_cnt = 0; test_ptr++; test_pos++; } break; case 'B': if (test_cnt <= COUNT_BYTE) { if (pkt_bak[test_pos] != bytes[test_cnt - 1]) hdr->pkt[test_pos] = bytes[test_cnt - 1]; else do_it = 0; } else { i = 0; while (i < COUNT_BYTE && do_it) { if (bytes[i] == pkt_bak[test_pos]) do_it = 0; i++; } if (do_it) hdr->pkt[test_pos] = hdr->pkt[test_pos] ^ xors[test_cnt - COUNT_BYTE - 1]; } if (test_cnt == COUNT_BYTE + COUNT_XOR) { test_cnt = 0; test_ptr++; test_pos++; } break; case 'F': if (test_cnt <= COUNT_FLAG) { if (pkt_bak[test_pos] != flags[test_cnt - 1]) hdr->pkt[test_pos] = flags[test_cnt - 1]; else do_it = 0; } else { i = 0; while (i < COUNT_FLAG && do_it) { if (bytes[i] == pkt_bak[test_pos]) // yes, bytes[] is the right one even for flags do_it = 0; i++; } if (do_it) hdr->pkt[test_pos] = hdr->pkt[test_pos] ^ xors[test_cnt - COUNT_BYTE - 1]; } if (test_cnt == COUNT_FLAG + COUNT_XOR) { test_cnt = 0; test_ptr++; test_pos++; } break; case 'W': sip = (unsigned short int *) &pkt_bak[test_pos]; if (test_cnt <= COUNT_WORD) { if (*sip != words[test_cnt - 1]) memcpy((char *) &hdr->pkt[test_pos], (char *) &words[test_cnt - 1], 2); else do_it = 0; } else { i = 0; while (i < COUNT_WORD && do_it) { if (words[i] == *sip) do_it = 0; i++; } if (do_it) { i = *sip ^ xors[test_cnt - COUNT_WORD - 1]; sip = (unsigned short int *) &hdr->pkt[test_pos]; *sip = i % 65536; } } if (test_cnt == COUNT_WORD + COUNT_XOR) { test_cnt = 0; test_ptr++; test_pos += 2; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "This character should not be in the fuzz string, shoot the programmer: %c(%d) position %d string %s\n", fuzzbuf[test_ptr], fuzzbuf[test_ptr], test_ptr, fuzzbuf); exit(-1); break; } if (do_it && do_fuzz) { if (test_current >= test_start && test_current <= test_end && do_fuzz) { // fill icmp id+seq and unique buffer with test case number if (fragment) memcpy(hdr->pkt + frag_offset + 58, (char *) &test_current, 4); switch (do_type) { case DO_PING: for (i = 0; i < 4 + 1; i++) memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 58 + i * 4, (char *) &test_current, 4); break; case DO_NEIGHSOL: case DO_NEIGHADV: break; // do nothing for these case DO_RA: memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x62, (char *) &test_current, 4); // prefix update memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x7e, hdr->pkt + offset + 0x5e, 16); // routing update if (rawmode == 0) memcpy(hdr->pkt + 8, (char *) &test_current, 4); // srcmac update memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x72, (char *) &test_current, 4); // srcmac update memcpy(hdr->pkt + 0x10 + 14 - 14 * rawmode, (char *) &test_current, 4); // srcip update memcpy(hdr->original_src, hdr->pkt + 8 + 14 - 14 * rawmode, 16); // srcip update for checksum break; case DO_MLD_QUERY: case DO_MLD_DONE: case DO_MLD_REP: case DO_MLD2_QUERY: memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x4a, (char *) &test_current, 4); break; case DO_MLD2_REPORT: //??? XXX TODO CHECK memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x4d, (char *) &test_current, 4); memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x4d + 68, (char *) &test_current, 4); memcpy(hdr->pkt + offset + 0x4d + 136, (char *) &test_current, 4); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR!!!\n"); exit(-1); } // regenerate checksum if (do_type == do_type) { // maybe for later non-icmp stuff hdr->pkt[offset + 56] = 0; hdr->pkt[offset + 57] = 0; i = checksum_pseudo_header(hdr->original_src, hdr->final_dst, NXT_ICMP6, &hdr->pkt[offset + 54], hdr->pkt_len - offset - 54); hdr->pkt[offset + 56] = i / 256; hdr->pkt[offset + 57] = i % 256; } // send packet for (k = 0; k < no_send; k++) { if (thc_send_pkt(interface, pkt, &pkt_len) < 0) return -1; usleep(1); } printf("."); usleep(250); // if ping, check ping again if ((test_current - test_start) % ping == 0 && test_current != 0 && test_start != test_current) if (check_alive(p, interface, src6, real_dst6) == 0) { i = ((((test_current - test_start) / ping) - 1) * ping) + test_start + 1; printf("\nResult: target %s crashed during fuzzing, offending test case no. could be %d to %d\n", argv[optind + 1], i < 0 ? 0 : i, test_current); exit(-1); } } //else printf("NOT SENT - NOT IN TEST LIST\n"); // reset to basic packet memcpy(hdr->pkt, pkt_bak, hdr->pkt_len); test_current++; } //else printf("NOT SENT!\n"); } printf("\n"); // ping afterwards to check if it worked if (do_alive) { if (check_alive(p, interface, src6, real_dst6) == 0) printf("Result: target %s is NOT alive via direct ping6 - good work! (position: %d)\n", argv[optind + 1], test_pos); else printf("Result: target %s is still alive via direct ping6, better luck next time.\n", argv[optind + 1]); } thc_pcap_close(p); return 0; }
int main( int ac, char **av) { ATP atp; struct atp_block atpb; int c, err = 0, fd, cuts = 0; char *obj = NULL, *type = "LaserWriter", *zone = "*"; struct timeval stv, tv; char rbuf[ ATP_MAXDATA ]; struct iovec iov; unsigned short waiting, result; int connattempts = 10; int waitforidle = 0; struct at_addr addr; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); while (( c = getopt( ac, av, "dWwcep:s:EA:" )) != EOF ) { switch ( c ) { #ifdef F****D case 'w' : waitforprinter = 1; break; case 'W' : waitforidle = 1; break; #endif /* F****D */ /* enable debugging */ case 'd' : debug++; break; case 'c' : cuts++; break; case 'e' : /* send stdout to stderr */ dup2( 2, 1 ); break; case 'p' : printer = optarg; break; case 's' : status = optarg; break; case 'E' : noeof = 1; break; case 'A': if (!atalk_aton(optarg, &addr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Bad address.\n"); exit(1); } break; default : err++; } } if ( err ) { usage( *av ); } if ( printer == NULL && (( printer = paprc()) == NULL )) { fprintf( stderr, "No printer specified and ./.paprc not found.\n" ); exit( 2 ); } /* * Open connection. */ if ( nbp_name( printer, &obj, &type, &zone ) < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad name\n", printer ); exit( 2 ); } if ( obj == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Bad name\n", printer ); exit( 2 ); } if ( nbp_lookup( obj, type, zone, &nn, 1, &addr ) <= 0 ) { if ( errno != 0 ) { perror( "nbp_lookup" ); exit( 2 ); } fprintf( stderr, "%s:%s@%s: NBP Lookup failed\n", obj, type, zone ); exit( 1 ); } if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "Trying %u.%d:%d ...\n", ntohs( nn.nn_sat.sat_addr.s_net ), nn.nn_sat.sat_addr.s_node, nn.nn_sat.sat_port ); } if (( atp = atp_open( ATADDR_ANYPORT, &addr )) == NULL ) { perror( "atp_open" ); exit( 2 ); } if (( satp = atp_open( ATADDR_ANYPORT, &addr )) == NULL ) { perror( "atp_open" ); exit( 2 ); } while ( waitforidle ) { char st_buf[ 1024 ]; /* XXX too big */ cbuf[ 0 ] = 0; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_SENDSTATUS; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in SendStatus request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( satp, &atpb, 1, 0 ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "SENDSTATUS >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; rniov[ 0 ].iov_len = PAP_MAXDATA + 4; atpb.atp_rresiov = rniov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( satp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); continue; } #ifndef NONZEROSTATUS /* * The stinking LaserWriter IINTX puts crap in this * field. */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 0 ] != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad status response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* NONZEROSTATUS */ if ( ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 1 ] != PAP_STATUS || atpb.atp_rresiovcnt != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad status response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "< STATUS\n" ), fflush( stdout );} memcpy( st_buf, (char *) rniov[ 0 ].iov_base + 9, ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ] ); st_buf[ (int) ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ]] = '\0'; if ( strstr( st_buf, "idle" ) != NULL ) { waitforidle = 0; } else { updatestatus( (char *) rniov[ 0 ].iov_base + 9, ((char *)rniov[ 0 ].iov_base)[ 8 ] ); sleep( 5 ); } } cbuf[ 0 ] = connid = getpid() & 0xff; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_OPEN; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; cbuf[ 4 ] = atp_sockaddr( atp )->sat_port; cbuf[ 5 ] = oquantum; /* flow quantum */ if ( gettimeofday( &stv, NULL ) < 0 ) { perror( "gettimeofday" ); exit( 2 ); } for (;;) { if ( cuts ) { waiting = 0xffff; } else { if ( gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ) < 0 ) { perror( "gettimeofday" ); exit( 2 ); } waiting = htons( tv.tv_sec - stv.tv_sec ); } memcpy(cbuf + 6, &waiting, sizeof( waiting )); atpb.atp_saddr = &nn.nn_sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 8; /* bytes in OpenConn request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( atp, &atpb, 1, ATP_XO ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "OPEN >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} iov.iov_base = rbuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof( rbuf ); atpb.atp_rresiov = &iov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); if ( connattempts-- <= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Can't connect!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } continue; } /* sanity */ if ( iov.iov_len < 8 || (unsigned char)rbuf[ 0 ] != connid || rbuf[ 1 ] != PAP_OPENREPLY ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad response!\n" ); continue; /* This is weird, since TIDs must match... */ } if(debug){ printf( "< OPENREPLY\n" ), fflush( stdout );} if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "%.*s\n", (int)iov.iov_len - 9, (char *) iov.iov_base + 9 ); } updatestatus( (char *) iov.iov_base + 9, iov.iov_len - 9 ); memcpy( &result, rbuf + 6, sizeof( result )); if ( result != 0 ) { sleep( 2 ); } else { memcpy( &sat, &nn.nn_sat, sizeof( struct sockaddr_at )); sat.sat_port = rbuf[ 4 ]; quantum = rbuf[ 5 ]; break; } } if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "Connected to %.*s:%.*s@%.*s.\n", nn.nn_objlen, nn.nn_obj, nn.nn_typelen, nn.nn_type, nn.nn_zonelen, nn.nn_zone ); } if ( optind == ac ) { send_file( 0, atp, 1 ); } else { for (; optind < ac; optind++ ) { if ( strcmp( av[ optind ], "-" ) == 0 ) { fd = 0; } else if (( fd = open( av[ optind ], O_RDONLY )) < 0 ) { perror( av[ optind ] ); continue; } send_file( fd, atp, ( optind == ac - 1 ) ? 1 : 0 ); if ( fd != 0 ) { close( fd ); } } } /* * Close connection. */ cbuf[ 0 ] = connid; cbuf[ 1 ] = PAP_CLOSE; cbuf[ 2 ] = cbuf[ 3 ] = 0; atpb.atp_saddr = &sat; atpb.atp_sreqdata = cbuf; atpb.atp_sreqdlen = 4; /* bytes in CloseConn request */ atpb.atp_sreqto = 2; /* retry timer */ atpb.atp_sreqtries = 5; /* retry count */ if ( atp_sreq( atp, &atpb, 1, ATP_XO ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_sreq" ); exit( 1 ); } if(debug){ printf( "CLOSE >\n" ), fflush( stdout );} iov.iov_base = rbuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof( rbuf ); atpb.atp_rresiov = &iov; atpb.atp_rresiovcnt = 1; if ( atp_rresp( atp, &atpb ) < 0 ) { perror( "atp_rresp" ); exit( 1 ); } /* sanity */ if ( iov.iov_len != 4 || rbuf[ 1 ] != PAP_CLOSEREPLY ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad response!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #ifndef ZEROCONNID /* * The AGFA Viper Rip doesn't have the connection id in the close request. */ if ((unsigned char)rbuf[ 0 ] != connid ) { fprintf( stderr, "Bad connid in close!\n" ); exit( 1 ); } #endif /* ZEROCONNID */ if(debug){ printf( "< CLOSEREPLY\n" ), fflush( stdout );} if ( isatty( 1 )) { printf( "Connection closed.\n" ); } exit( 0 ); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char* interface = NULL; char* outfile = NULL; guint snaplen = 65536; char* start_filter_str = NULL; char* stop_filter_str = NULL; char* capture_filter_str = NULL; int promisc = 0; int quiet = 0; struct bpf_program start_filter; struct bpf_program capture_filter; pcap_t* capturer = NULL; pcap_dumper_t* dumper = NULL; int opt; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "i:w:s:b:e:f:phdq")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'i': if (interface) panic(1,"interface already given"); interface = g_strdup(optarg); break; case 'w': if (outfile) panic(3,"output file already given"); outfile = g_strdup(optarg); break; case 's': snaplen = strtoul(optarg,NULL,10); if ( snaplen == 0 ) panic(4,"invalid snaplen"); break; case 'b': if (start_filter_str) panic(5,"start filter already given"); start_filter_str = g_strdup(optarg); break; case 'e': if (stop_filter_str) panic(6,"stop filter already given"); stop_filter_str = g_strdup(optarg); break; case 'f': if (capture_filter_str) panic(7,"capture filter already given"); capture_filter_str = g_strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': promisc = 1; break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'd': debug_level++; break; case 'h': default: usage(0); break; } } dprintf(1,"starting with:\n interface: %s\n snaplen: %d\n promisc: %d" "\n outfile: %s\n capture filter: %s\n start: %s\n stop: %s\n debug level: %d\n", interface ? interface : "to be chosen", snaplen, promisc, outfile ? outfile : "** missing **", capture_filter_str ? capture_filter_str : "** none given **", start_filter_str ? start_filter_str : "** missing **", stop_filter_str ? stop_filter_str : "** missing **", debug_level); if (! ( start_filter_str && stop_filter_str && outfile ) ) { usage(10); } if (! interface) { interface = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf); if (!interface) { panic(11, "could not obtain an interface: %s\n",errbuf); } } #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_OPEN if ( ! ( capturer = pcap_open(interface, snaplen, promisc, 1, NULL, errbuf) )) { #else if ( ! ( capturer = pcap_open_live(interface, snaplen, promisc, 1, errbuf) )) { #endif panic(12,"could not open interface '%s' for listener: %s\n",interface,errbuf); } dprintf(1,"opened listener (%s,%d,%d)\n",interface,snaplen, promisc); if (pcap_compile(listener, &start_filter, start_filter_str, 1, 0) < 0) { panic(13,"could not compile start filter: %s\n",pcap_geterr(listener)); } dprintf(2,"compiled start filter %s\n",start_filter_str); if (pcap_compile(listener, &stop_filter, stop_filter_str, 1, 0) < 0) { panic(14,"could not compile stop filter: %s\n",pcap_geterr(listener)); } dprintf(2,"compiled stop filter %s\n",stop_filter_str); #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_OPEN if ( ! ( capturer = pcap_open(interface, snaplen, promisc, 1, NULL, errbuf) )) { #else if ( ! ( capturer = pcap_open_live(interface, snaplen, promisc, 1, errbuf) )) { #endif panic(15,"could not open interface '%s' for capturer: %s\n",interface, errbuf); } dprintf(1,"opened capturer (%s,%d,%d)\n",interface,snaplen, promisc); if (capture_filter_str) { if (pcap_compile(capturer, &capture_filter, capture_filter_str, 1, 0) < 0) { panic(16,"could not compile capture filter: %s\n",pcap_geterr(capturer)); } if (pcap_setfilter(capturer, &capture_filter) < 0) { panic(17,"could not apply start filter to capturer: %s\n",pcap_geterr(capturer)); } dprintf(2,"compiled and set capture filter (%s)\n",capture_filter_str); } if (pcap_setfilter(listener, &start_filter) < 0) { panic(18,"could not apply start filter to listener: %s\n",pcap_geterr(listener)); } dprintf(2,"set start filter on listener\n"); if (pcap_setnonblock(listener, 0, errbuf) < 0) { panic(19,"could not set listener in blocking mode: %s\n",errbuf); } dprintf(2,"listener -> blocking\n"); if (pcap_setnonblock(capturer, 1, errbuf) < 0) { panic(20,"could not set capturer in non blocking mode: %s\n",errbuf); } dprintf(2,"capturer -> non_blocking\n"); if (! (dumper = pcap_dump_open(listener,outfile)) ) { panic(21,"open dumper file '%s': %s\n",outfile,pcap_geterr(listener)); } dprintf(2,"opened dumper file '%s'\n",outfile); signal(SIGINT, sig_int); #ifdef SIGQUIT signal(SIGQUIT, sig_int); #endif #ifdef SIGTERM signal(SIGTERM, sig_int); #endif #ifdef SIGSTOP signal(SIGSTOP, sig_int); #endif keep_going = 1; dumping = 0; do { if (pcap_dispatch(listener, -1, listener_handler, NULL) < 0 ) { panic(22,"pcap_dispatch(listener) failed: %s\n",pcap_geterr(listener)); } if (pcap_dispatch(capturer, -1, capture_handler, (void*)dumper) < 0 ) { panic(23,"pcap_dispatch(capturer) failed: %s\n",pcap_geterr(capturer)); } } while(keep_going); if (!quiet) { printf("%d packets captured\n",captured); } dprintf(1,"done!\n"); pcap_dump_close(dumper); pcap_close(listener); pcap_close(capturer); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c = 0; int console = 0; int port = 0, uport = 0, ka_time = 0, persistent = 0; char *addrstr = NULL, *viface = NULL, *dev = NULL; while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "u:p:a:n:k:i:bcvP"))!= -1) { switch (c) { case 'u': uport = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'c': console = 1; break; case 'a': addrstr = optarg; break; case 'i': dev = optarg; break; case 'n': viface = optarg; break; case 'k': ka_time = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': background = 1; break; case 'P': persistent = 1; break; default: usage(); exit(-1); } } if (!(port) || !(addrstr)) { printf("Error: both -a <address> and -p <port> must be specified\n"); usage(); } if (!uport) uport = DEFAULT_UDP_PORT; if (!ka_time) ka_time = DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT; if (!viface) viface = DEFAULT_VIFACE_NAME; if ((!console) && (!dev)) { printf("Error: either -c or -i <dev> must be specified. If console mode is not used," "the name of the outgoing tunnel interface must be specified\n"); usage(); } /*Initialization*/ if (background) { if (log_init() < 0) { printf("error: log_init failed\n"); exit(-1); } } memset(&c_data, 0, sizeof(struct client_data)); /*TCP server addr*/ c_data.tcp_server.sin_family = AF_INET; c_data.tcp_server.sin_port = htons(port); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addrstr, &c_data.tcp_server.sin_addr)<0) { printf("bad server ip address"); exit(-1); } /*UDP server addr*/ c_data.udp_server.sin_family = AF_INET; c_data.udp_server.sin_port = htons(uport); inet_pton(AF_INET, addrstr, &c_data.udp_server.sin_addr); if (client_init() < 0) { print_log("client_init() error", LOG_LEVEL_IMPORTANT); goto quit; } if (ipudp_conf_init() < 0) { print_log("ipudp_conf_init() error", LOG_LEVEL_IMPORTANT); goto quit; } if (sock_init_connect() < 0) goto quit; if ((ssl_init() < 0)) goto quit; if (console) { if (console_ini() < 0) { console = 0; goto quit; } } /**/ signal(SIGINT, sighand); signal(SIGTERM, sighand); signal(SIGKILL, sighand); if (console) do_select(0, ka_time); else { if (client_association(dev, viface) < 0) goto quit; if (background) { if (daemonize() < 0) { printf("Error: couldn't demonize. Exit\n"); goto quit; } } client_keepalive_cycle(persistent, ka_time); } quit: client_fini(); if (console) console_fini(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct syscall_desc *scall; unsigned int n; char *gids, *endp; int uid, umsk, ch; uid = -1; gids = NULL; umsk = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "g:u:U:")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'g': gids = optarg; break; case 'u': uid = (int)strtol(optarg, &endp, 0); if (*endp != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*endp)) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid uid '%s' - number " "expected\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'U': umsk = (int)strtol(optarg, &endp, 0); if (*endp != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*endp)) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid umask '%s' - number " "expected\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "too few arguments\n"); usage(); } if (gids != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "changing groups to %s\n", gids); set_gids(gids); } if (uid != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "changing uid to %d\n", uid); if (setuid(uid) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot change uid: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } /* Change umask to requested value or to 0, if not requested. */ umask(umsk); for (;;) { scall = find_syscall(argv[0]); if (scall == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "syscall '%s' not supported\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } argc++; argv++; n = call_syscall(scall, argv); argc += n; argv += n; if (argv[0] == NULL) break; argc++; argv++; } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { long long l; char *dummy, *afname; int ch, rc; afname = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "A:dF:f:Np:t:T:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'A': addr = optarg; break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'F': l = strtoll(optarg, &dummy, 10); if (*dummy != '\0' || l < 0) errx(EX_USAGE, "Invalid FIB number"); fib = (u_int)l; break; case 'f': l = strtoll(optarg, &dummy, 10); if (*dummy != '\0' || l < 0) errx(EX_USAGE, "Invalid FIB number"); reflectfib = (u_int)l; break; case 'N': nostart=1; break; case 'p': l = strtoll(optarg, &dummy, 10); if (*dummy != '\0' || l < 0) errx(EX_USAGE, "Invalid port number"); port = (uint16_t)l; break; case 't': testcase = optarg; break; case 'T': afname = optarg; break; case '?': default: errx(EX_USAGE, "Unknown command line option at '%c'", optopt); /* NOTREACHED */ } } if (testcase == NULL) errx(EX_USAGE, "Mandatory option -t <testcase> not given"); if (afname == NULL) errx(EX_USAGE, "Mandatory option -T <afname> not given"); if (strcmp(afname, "TCP6") == 0) rc = reflect_tcp6(); else if (strcmp(afname, "UDP6") == 0) rc = reflect_udp6(); else errx(EX_USAGE, "Mandatory option -T %s not a valid option", afname); return (rc); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { switch (fork()) { case -1: perror("[gitVCInfo] fork"); return -1; case 0: break; default: return 0; } if (setsid() < 0) { perror("[gitVCInfo] setsid"); return 1; } unsigned int id = 1; int opt = -2; char buf[BUFFERSIZE] = ""; int release_type = -1; int imageversion = 0; int imagesubver = 0; char imagesubver2[BUFFERSIZE] = "0"; int year = 9999; int month = 99; int day = 99; int hour = 99; int minute = 99; bool delay = false; int dhcp = 0; int nic_on = 0; char* imagetyp = "squashfs"; char linuxversion[24] = ""; char gccversion[50] = ""; char userpc[24]; char ladename[BUFFERSIZE] = "System"; char creator[BUFFERSIZE]; char imagename[BUFFERSIZE]; char homepage[BUFFERSIZE]; char root[BUFFERSIZE]; char address[BUFFERSIZE]; char broadcast[BUFFERSIZE]; char netmask[BUFFERSIZE]; char nameserver[BUFFERSIZE]; char gateway[BUFFERSIZE]; char null[BUFFERSIZE] = ""; char versioninfo[20]; char git_revision[] = "$Revision: 1.7 $"; sscanf(git_revision, "%*s %s", versioninfo); while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hgdn:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': if (argc < 3) { printf("gitVCInfo - bootinfo on screen, v%s\n", versioninfo); printf("Usage: gitVCInfo [-d] [-g] [-n name] [-h]\n"); printf("\nPossible options:\n"); printf("\t-h\t\tprint this usage information\n"); printf("\t-g\t\tprint bootinfo in german\n"); printf("\t-d\t\tdelay on\n"); printf("\t-n name\t\tspecial output (e.g. -n Neutrino)\n"); exit(0); } break; case 'g': id = 0; break; case 'd': delay = true; break; case 'n': strcpy(ladename, optarg); break; default: break; } } strcpy(creator, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(imagename, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(homepage, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(root, info[INTERN][id]); strcpy(address, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(broadcast, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(netmask, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(nameserver, info[UNKNOWN][id]); strcpy(gateway, info[UNKNOWN][id]); FILE* fv1 = fopen(VERSION_FILE, "r"); if (fv1) { while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv1)) { sscanf(buf, "version=%1d%1d%1d%1s%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d", &release_type, &imageversion, &imagesubver, (char *) &imagesubver2, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute); sscanf(buf, "creator=%[^\n]", (char *) &creator); sscanf(buf, "imagename=%[^\n]", (char *) &imagename); sscanf(buf, "homepage=%[^\n]", (char *) &homepage); } fclose(fv1); } FILE* fv2 = fopen(INTERFACES_FILE, "r"); if (fv2) { while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv2)) { if (nic_on == 0) { if (sscanf(buf, "auto eth%[0]", (char *) &null)) { nic_on=1; } } if (sscanf(buf, "iface eth0 inet stati%[c]", (char *) &null)) { dhcp = 1; } else if (sscanf(buf, "iface eth0 inet dhc%[p]", (char *) &null)) { dhcp = 2; } } fclose(fv2); } FILE* fv3 = fopen(NAMENSSERVER_FILE, "r"); if (fv3) { while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv3)) { sscanf(buf, "nameserver %[^\n]", (char *) &nameserver); } fclose(fv3); } FILE* fv4 = popen("/sbin/ifconfig eth0", "r"); if (fv4) { while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv4)) { sscanf(buf, " inet addr:%s Bcast:%s Mask:%[^\n]", (char *) &address, (char *) &broadcast, (char *) &netmask); } pclose(fv4); } FILE* fv5 = popen("/sbin/route -n", "r"); if (fv5) { fscanf(fv5, "%*[^\n]\n%*[^\n]\n%*[^\n]\n"); while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv5)) { sscanf(buf, "%s %[0-9.]", (char *) &null, (char *) &gateway); } pclose(fv5); } FILE* fv6 = fopen(MOUNTS_FILE, "r"); //Root-Server IP ermitteln, falls nfsboot if (fv6) { while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv6)!=NULL) { sscanf(buf, "/dev/root / nfs rw,v2,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,hard,udp,nolock,addr=%s", (char *) &root); } fclose(fv6); } FILE* fv7 = fopen(VERSION_FILE2, "r"); //Versionsdatei (/proc/version) auswerten if (fv7) { while (fgets(buf, BUFFERSIZE, fv2)!=NULL) { sscanf(buf, "Linux version %s (%s) (%s) ", (char *) &linuxversion, (char *) &userpc, (char *) &gccversion/*, (char *) &gccversion, (char *) &gccversion*/); //Linux version (BrechREiZ@rhel) (gcc-Version 4.1.1 (STMicroelectronics/Linux Base 4.1.1-23)) #1 PREEMPT Sun Mar 28 20:58:08 CEST } fclose(fv7); } FILE* fv8 = fopen(VERSION_FILE, "a"); //Versionsdatei (/.version) beschreibbar, dann jffs2/ext2... if (fv8) { fclose(fv8); imagetyp = "jffs2/ext2"; } char message2[BUFFERSIZE]; strcpy(message2, ""); if (delay) sprintf(message2, "%s %s .... ", info[LOAD][id], ladename); else message2[0] = '\0'; char message[BIGBUFFERSIZE]; sprintf(message, "\n\n\n\n" "\t\t ---------- Image Information ----------\n\n" "\t\t %s %d.%d.%s\n" //Image Version "\t\t %s %s\n\n" //Image Typ "\t\t %s %02d.%02d.%d\n" //Date "\t\t %s %d:%02d\n" //Time "\t\t %s %s\n" //Creator "\t\t %s %s-%s\n" //Image Name "\t\t %s %s\n\n" //Homepage "\t\t %s\n\n" "\t\t %s %s\n" //Network state "\t\t %s %s\n" //DHCP state "\t\t %s %s\n" //Root-Server "\t\t %s %s\n" //IP Adress "\t\t %s %s\n" //Subnet "\t\t %s %s\n" //Broadcast "\t\t %s %s\n" //Gateway "\t\t %s %s\n\n" //Nameserver "\t\t %s %s, %s %s\n " //Linux Version, gcc Version "\t\t %s %s\n\n" //User, PC "\t\t\t\t%s", info[VERSION][id], imageversion, imagesubver, imagesubver2, info[TYPE][id], release_type == 0 ? "Release" : release_type == 1 ? "Snapshot" : release_type == 2 ? "Intern" : info[UNKNOWN][id], info[DATE][id], day, month, year, info[TIME][id], hour, minute, info[CREATOR][id], creator, info[NAME][id], imagename, imagetyp, info[WWW][id], homepage, info[HEADLINE][id], info[NETW][id], nic_on == 0 ? info[DISABLED][id] : nic_on == 1 ? info[ENABLED][id] : info[UNKNOWN][id], info[DHCP][id], dhcp == 1 ? info[DISABLED][id] : dhcp == 2 ? info[ENABLED][id] : info[UNKNOWN][id], info[ROOT][id], root, info[IP][id], address, info[NETM][id], netmask, info[BROAD][id], broadcast, info[GATEWAY][id], gateway, info[DNS][id], nameserver, info[LINUX][id], linuxversion, info[GCC][id], gccversion, info[UPC][id], userpc, message2); FILE *fb = fopen(CONSOLE, "w"); if (fb == 0) { perror("[gitVCInfo] fopen"); exit(1); } if(!delay) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(message); i++) { fputc(message[i], fb); fputc(message[i], stdout); fflush(fb); fflush(stdout); } } else { sprintf(message2, "%s %s .... ", info[LOAD][id], ladename); int test=0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(message); i++) { fputc(message[i], fb); fputc(message[i], stdout); fflush(fb); fflush(stdout); usleep(CHARDELAY); } } fputc('\n', fb); fputc('\n', stdout); fclose(fb); return 0; }
/** * Reads a NOAAPORT data stream, creates LDM data-products from the stream, and * inserts the data-products into an LDM product-queue. The NOAAPORT data * stream can take the form of multicast UDP packets from (for example) a * Novra S300 DVB-S2 receiver or the standard input stream. * * Usage: * noaaportIngester [-l <em>log</em>] [-n|-v|-x] [-q <em>queue</em>] [-u <em>n</em>] [-m <em>mcastAddr</em>] [-I <em>iface</em>] [-b <em>npages</em>]\n * * Where: * <dl> * <dt>-b <em>npages</em></dt> * <dd>Allocate \e npages pages of memory for the internal buffer.</dd> * * <dt>-I <em>iface</em></dt> * <dd>Listen for multicast packets on interface \e iface.</dd> * * <dt>-l <em>log</em></dt> * <dd>Log to file \e log. The default is to use the system logging daemon * if the current process is a daemon; otherwise, the standard error * stream is used.</dd> * * <dt>-m <em>mcastAddr</em></dt> * <dd>Use the multicast address \e mcastAddr. The default is to * read from the standard input stream.</dd> * * <dt>-n</dt> * <dd>Log messages of level NOTE and higher priority. Each data-product * will generate a log message.</dd> * * <dt>-q <em>queue</em></dt> * <dd>Use \e queue as the pathname of the LDM product-queue. The default * is to use the default LDM pathname of the product-queue.</dd> * * <dt>-u <em>n</em></dt> * <dd>If logging is to the system logging daemon, then use facility * <b>local</b><em>n</em>. The default is to use the LDM facility.</dd> * * <dt>-v</dt> * <dd>Log messages of level INFO and higher priority.</dd> * * <dt>-x</dt> * <dd>Log messages of level DEBUG and higher priority.</dd> * </dl> * * If neither -n, -v, nor -x is specified, then logging will be restricted to * levels ERROR and WARN only. * * @retval 0 if successful. * @retval 1 if an error occurred. At least one error-message will be logged. */ int main( const int argc, /**< [in] Number of arguments */ char* const argv[]) /**< [in] Arguments */ { int status = 0; /* default success */ extern int optind; extern int opterr; int ch; const char* const progName = ubasename(argv[0]); const char* interface = NULL; int logmask = LOG_UPTO(LOG_WARNING); const unsigned logOptions = LOG_CONS | LOG_PID; const char* mcastSpec = NULL; const char* prodQueuePath = NULL; size_t npages = DEFAULT_NPAGES; Fifo* fifo; int ttyFd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY); int processPriority = 0; int idx; const char* logPath = (-1 == ttyFd) ? NULL /* log to system logging daemon */ : "-"; /* log to standard error stream */ (void)close(ttyFd); (void)setulogmask(logmask); status = initLogging(progName, logOptions, logFacility, logPath); opterr = 0; /* no error messages from getopt(3) */ while (0 == status && (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:I:l:m:np:q:r:s:t:u:vx")) != -1) { switch (ch) { extern char* optarg; extern int optopt; case 'b': { unsigned long n; if (sscanf(optarg, "%lu", &n) != 1) { LOG_SERROR1("Couldn't decode FIFO size in pages: \"%s\"", optarg); status = 1; } else { npages = n; } break; } case 'I': interface = optarg; break; case 'l': logPath = optarg; status = initLogging(progName, logOptions, logFacility, logPath); break; case 'm': mcastSpec = optarg; break; case 'n': logmask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_NOTICE); (void)setulogmask(logmask); break; case 'p': { char* cp; errno = 0; processPriority = (int)strtol(optarg, &cp, 0); if (0 != errno) { LOG_SERROR1("Couldn't decode priority \"%s\"", optarg); log_log(LOG_ERR); } else { if (processPriority < -20) processPriority = -20; else if (processPriority > 20) processPriority = 20; } break; } case 'q': prodQueuePath = optarg; break; case 'r': #ifdef RETRANS_SUPPORT retrans_xmit_enable = atoi(optarg); if(retrans_xmit_enable == 1) retrans_xmit_enable = OPTION_ENABLE; else retrans_xmit_enable = OPTION_DISABLE; #endif break; case 's': { #ifdef RETRANS_SUPPORT strcpy(sbn_channel_name, optarg); if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_GOES)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_GOES; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_NOAAPORT_OPT)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_NOAAPORT_OPT; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,"NWSTG")) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_NMC; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_NMC)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_NMC; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_NMC2)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_NMC2; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_NMC3)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_NMC3; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_NWWS)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_NWWS; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_ADD)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_ADD; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_ENC)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_ENC; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_EXP)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_EXP; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_GRW)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_GRW; break; } if(!strcmp(optarg,NAME_SBN_TYP_GRE)) { sbn_type = SBN_TYP_GRE; break; } printf("Operator input: UNKNOWN type must be\n"); printf(" %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s or %s \n", NAME_SBN_TYP_NMC, NAME_SBN_TYP_GOES, NAME_SBN_TYP_NOAAPORT_OPT, NAME_SBN_TYP_NMC2, NAME_SBN_TYP_NMC3, NAME_SBN_TYP_NWWS, NAME_SBN_TYP_ADD, NAME_SBN_TYP_ENC, NAME_SBN_TYP_EXP, NAME_SBN_TYP_GRW, NAME_SBN_TYP_GRE); #endif break; } case 't': #ifdef RETRANS_SUPPORT strcpy(transfer_type, optarg); if(!strcmp(transfer_type,"MHS") || !strcmp(transfer_type,"mhs")){ /** Using MHS for communication with NCF **/ }else{ uerror("No other mechanism other than MHS is currently supported\n"); status = 1; } #endif break; case 'u': { int i = atoi(optarg); if (0 > i || 7 < i) { LOG_START1("Invalid logging facility number: %d", i); status = 1; } else { static int logFacilities[] = {LOG_LOCAL0, LOG_LOCAL1, LOG_LOCAL2, LOG_LOCAL3, LOG_LOCAL4, LOG_LOCAL5, LOG_LOCAL6, LOG_LOCAL7}; logFacility = logFacilities[i]; status = initLogging(progName, logOptions, logFacility, logPath); } break; } case 'v': logmask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_INFO); (void)setulogmask(logmask); break; case 'x': logmask |= LOG_MASK(LOG_DEBUG); (void)setulogmask(logmask); break; default: optopt = ch; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ /* no break */ case '?': { uerror("Unknown option: \"%c\"", optopt); status = 1; break; } } /* option character switch */ } /* getopt() loop */ if (0 == status) { if (optind < argc) { uerror("Extraneous command-line argument: \"%s\"", argv[optind]); status = 1; } } if (0 != status) { uerror("Error decoding command-line"); usage(progName); } else { unotice("Starting Up %s", PACKAGE_VERSION); unotice("%s", COPYRIGHT_NOTICE); if ((status = fifoNew(npages, &fifo)) != 0) { LOG_ADD0("Couldn't create FIFO"); log_log(LOG_ERR); } else { LdmProductQueue* prodQueue; if ((status = lpqGet(prodQueuePath, &prodQueue)) != 0) { LOG_ADD0("Couldn't open LDM product-queue"); log_log(LOG_ERR); } else { if (NULL == mcastSpec) { if (0 == (status = spawnProductMaker(NULL, fifo, prodQueue, &productMaker, &productMakerThread))) { status = spawnFileReader(NULL, NULL, fifo, &reader, &readerThread); } } /* reading file */ else { pthread_attr_t attr; if (0 != (status = pthread_attr_init(&attr))) { LOG_ERRNUM0(status, "Couldn't initialize thread attribute"); } else { #ifndef _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING uwarn("Can't adjust thread priorities due to lack of " "necessary support from environment"); #else /* * In order to not miss any data, the reader thread * should preempt the product-maker thread as soon as * data is available and run as long as data is * available. */ const int SCHED_POLICY = SCHED_FIFO; struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_POLICY) - 1; (void)pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); (void)pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_POLICY); (void)pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, ¶m); (void)pthread_attr_setscope(&attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM); #endif #ifdef RETRANS_SUPPORT if (retrans_xmit_enable == OPTION_ENABLE){ /* Copy mcastAddress needed to obtain the cpio entries */ strcpy(mcastAddr, mcastSpec); } #endif if (0 == (status = spawnProductMaker(&attr, fifo, prodQueue, &productMaker, &productMakerThread))) { #ifdef _POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING param.sched_priority++; (void)pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, ¶m); #endif status = spawnMulticastReader(&attr, mcastSpec, interface, fifo, &reader, &readerThread); } /* product-maker spawned */ } /* "attr" initialized */ } /* reading multicast packets */ if (0 != status) { log_log(LOG_ERR); status = 1; } else { pthread_t statThread; (void)gettimeofday(&startTime, NULL); reportTime = startTime; (void)pthread_create(&statThread, NULL, reportStatsWhenSignaled, NULL); set_sigactions(); (void)pthread_join(readerThread, NULL); status = readerStatus(reader); (void)pthread_cancel(statThread); (void)pthread_join(statThread, NULL); (void)fifoCloseWhenEmpty(fifo); (void)pthread_join(productMakerThread, NULL); if (0 != status) status = pmStatus(productMaker); reportStats(); readerFree(reader); #ifdef RETRANS_SUPPORT /** Release buffer allocated for retransmission **/ if(retrans_xmit_enable == OPTION_ENABLE){ freeRetransMem(); } #endif } /* "reader" spawned */ (void)lpqClose(prodQueue); } /* "prodQueue" open */ } /* "fifo" created */ } /* command line decoded */ return status; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { srand(time(0)); std::string filename; std::string garbage; bool runGarbage = false; bool write = false; bool timing = true; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:g:wtd")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'f': filename = optarg; break; case 't': timing = true; break; case 'g': garbage = optarg; runGarbage=true; break; case 'w': write = true; break; case 'd': debug = true; break; case '?': return 1; } if (filename.empty()){ fprintf(stderr, "-f <filename> is not set\n"); return 1; } // Remember: mod(size, parallel files) must be zero if (write) { writeFile(filename.c_str(), 250000000); } std::streampos size = getSize(filename.c_str()); if (size < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "File do not exists: %s\n", filename.c_str()); return 1; } if (garbage.empty()) fprintf(stderr, "-g <filename> is not set - Not running garbage file\n"); std::streampos sizeGarbage; if (runGarbage){ sizeGarbage = getSize(garbage.c_str()); if (sizeGarbage < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "File do not exists: %s\n", garbage.c_str()); return 1; } } std::vector<uint32_t> blocksizes; blocksizes.push_back(1024); blocksizes.push_back(4096); blocksizes.push_back(16384); std::vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator bs; for(bs=blocksizes.begin(); bs!=blocksizes.end(); bs++){ //* Run parallel reads for (int i = 1; i<=32; i = i<<1){ // Clear buffers if (runGarbage){ if(debug) printf("Reading garbage...\n"); read(garbage.c_str(), sizeGarbage, 1, sizeof(uint32_t)); system("sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"); } // Read file //printf("Reading with %d concurrent files open... bs: %d \n", i, *bs); double t = read(filename.c_str(), size, i, *bs); printf("%2d files(%d): %.6f sec\n", i, *bs, t); } //*/ //* Run random read if (runGarbage){ if(debug) printf("Reading garbage...\n"); read(garbage.c_str(), sizeGarbage, 1, sizeof(uint32_t)); system("sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"); } double t = random_read(filename.c_str(), size, *bs); printf("random block(%d): %.6f sec\n", *bs, t); //*/ } }