コード例 #1
ファイル: popen.c プロジェクト: JabirTech/Source
start_command(char *cmd, sigset_t *mask, int infd, int outfd, char *a0,
	char *a1, char *a2)
	int pid;

	if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
		return (-1);
	if (pid == 0) {
		char *argv[100];
		int i = getrawlist(cmd, argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(*argv));

		if ((argv[i++] = a0) != NULL &&
		    (argv[i++] = a1) != NULL &&
		    (argv[i++] = a2) != NULL)
			argv[i] = NULL;
		prepare_child(mask, infd, outfd);
		execvp(argv[0], argv);
		warn("%s", argv[0]);
	return (pid);
コード例 #2
ファイル: popen.c プロジェクト: Hooman3/freebsd
 * Run a command without a shell, with optional arguments and splicing
 * of stdin (-1 means none) and stdout.  The command name can be a sequence
 * of words.
 * Signals must be handled by the caller.
 * "nset" contains the signals to ignore in the new process.
 * SIGINT is enabled unless it's in "nset".
static pid_t
start_commandv(char *cmd, sigset_t *nset, int infd, int outfd, va_list args)
	pid_t pid;

	if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
		return (-1);
	if (pid == 0) {
		char *argv[100];
		int i = getrawlist(cmd, argv, sizeof(argv) / sizeof(*argv));

		while ((argv[i++] = va_arg(args, char *)))
		argv[i] = NULL;
		prepare_child(nset, infd, outfd);
		execvp(argv[0], argv);
		warn("%s", argv[0]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: tty.c プロジェクト: ryo/netbsd-src
 * Do a shell-like extraction of a line
 * and make a list of name from it.
 * Return the list or NULL if none found.
static struct name *
shextract(char *line, int ntype)
	struct name *begin, *np, *t;
	char *argv[MAXARGC];
	size_t argc, i;

	begin = NULL;
	if (line) {
		np = NULL;
		argc = getrawlist(line, argv, (int)__arraycount(argv));
		for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
			t = nalloc(argv[i], ntype);
			if (begin == NULL)
				begin = t;
				np->n_flink = t;
			t->n_blink = np;
			np = t;
	return begin;
コード例 #4
ファイル: lex.c プロジェクト: coyizumi/cs111
 * Execute a single command.
 * Command functions return 0 for success, 1 for error, and -1
 * for abort.  A 1 or -1 aborts a load or source.  A -1 aborts
 * the interactive command loop.
 * Contxt is non-zero if called while composing mail.
execute(char linebuf[], int contxt)
	char word[LINESIZE];
	char *arglist[MAXARGC];
	const struct cmd *com;
	char *cp, *cp2;
	int c, muvec[2];
	int e = 1;

	 * Strip the white space away from the beginning
	 * of the command, then scan out a word, which
	 * consists of anything except digits and white space.
	 * Handle ! escapes differently to get the correct
	 * lexical conventions.

	for (cp = linebuf; isspace((unsigned char)*cp); cp++)
	if (*cp == '!') {
		if (sourcing) {
			printf("Can't \"!\" while sourcing\n");
			goto out;
		return (0);
	cp2 = word;
	while (*cp != '\0' && strchr(" \t0123456789$^.:/-+*'\"", *cp) == NULL)
		*cp2++ = *cp++;
	*cp2 = '\0';

	 * Look up the command; if not found, bitch.
	 * Normally, a blank command would map to the
	 * first command in the table; while sourcing,
	 * however, we ignore blank lines to eliminate
	 * confusion.

	if (sourcing && *word == '\0')
		return (0);
	com = lex(word);
	if (com == NULL) {
		printf("Unknown command: \"%s\"\n", word);
		goto out;

	 * See if we should execute the command -- if a conditional
	 * we always execute it, otherwise, check the state of cond.

	if ((com->c_argtype & F) == 0)
		if ((cond == CRCV && !rcvmode) || (cond == CSEND && rcvmode))
			return (0);

	 * Process the arguments to the command, depending
	 * on the type he expects.  Default to an error.
	 * If we are sourcing an interactive command, it's
	 * an error.

	if (!rcvmode && (com->c_argtype & M) == 0) {
		printf("May not execute \"%s\" while sending\n",
		goto out;
	if (sourcing && com->c_argtype & I) {
		printf("May not execute \"%s\" while sourcing\n",
		goto out;
	if (readonly && com->c_argtype & W) {
		printf("May not execute \"%s\" -- message file is read only\n",
		goto out;
	if (contxt && com->c_argtype & R) {
		printf("Cannot recursively invoke \"%s\"\n", com->c_name);
		goto out;
	switch (com->c_argtype & ~(F|P|I|M|T|W|R)) {
	case MSGLIST:
		 * A message list defaulting to nearest forward
		 * legal message.
		if (msgvec == 0) {
			printf("Illegal use of \"message list\"\n");
		if ((c = getmsglist(cp, msgvec, com->c_msgflag)) < 0)
		if (c  == 0) {
			*msgvec = first(com->c_msgflag, com->c_msgmask);
			msgvec[1] = 0;
		if (*msgvec == 0) {
			printf("No applicable messages\n");
		e = (*com->c_func)(msgvec);

	case NDMLIST:
		 * A message list with no defaults, but no error
		 * if none exist.
		if (msgvec == 0) {
			printf("Illegal use of \"message list\"\n");
		if (getmsglist(cp, msgvec, com->c_msgflag) < 0)
		e = (*com->c_func)(msgvec);

	case STRLIST:
		 * Just the straight string, with
		 * leading blanks removed.
		while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
		e = (*com->c_func)(cp);

	case RAWLIST:
		 * A vector of strings, in shell style.
		if ((c = getrawlist(cp, arglist,
		    sizeof(arglist) / sizeof(*arglist))) < 0)
		if (c < com->c_minargs) {
			printf("%s requires at least %d arg(s)\n",
			    com->c_name, com->c_minargs);
		if (c > com->c_maxargs) {
			printf("%s takes no more than %d arg(s)\n",
			    com->c_name, com->c_maxargs);
		e = (*com->c_func)(arglist);

	case NOLIST:
		 * Just the constant zero, for exiting,
		 * eg.
		e = (*com->c_func)(0);

		errx(1, "Unknown argtype");

	 * Exit the current source file on
	 * error.
	if (e) {
		if (e < 0)
			return (1);
		if (loading)
			return (1);
		if (sourcing)
		return (0);
	if (com == NULL)
		return (0);
	if (value("autoprint") != NULL && com->c_argtype & P)
		if ((dot->m_flag & MDELETED) == 0) {
			muvec[0] = dot - &message[0] + 1;
			muvec[1] = 0;
	if (!sourcing && (com->c_argtype & T) == 0)
		sawcom = 1;
	return (0);