コード例 #1
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object make_complex(Lisp_Object r, Lisp_Object i)
    Lisp_Object v, nil = C_nil;
 * Here r and i are expected to be either both rational (which in this
 * context includes the case of integer values) or both of the same
 * floating point type.  It is assumed that this has already been
 * arranged by here.
    if (i == fixnum_of_int(0)) return r;
    stackcheck2(0, r, i);
    push2(r, i);
    v = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_COMPLEX_NUM, sizeof(Complex_Number));
 * The vector r has uninitialized contents here - dodgy.  If the call
 * to getvector succeeded then I fill it in, otherwise I will not
 * refer to it again, and I think that unreferenced vectors containing junk
 * are OK.
    pop2(i, r);
    real_part(v) = r;
    imag_part(v) = i;
    return v;
コード例 #2
ファイル: scdate.cpp プロジェクト: tucci69/tcp_ssl
int scdate::add(const std::string& fmt)
  std::vector<daterange *> *newvec;



  return 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object make_one_word_bignum(int32_t n)
 * n is an integer - create a bignum representation of it.  This is
 * done when n is outside the range 0xf8000000 to 0x07ffffff, but
 * inside the range 0xc0000000 to 0x3fffffff.
{   Lisp_Object w = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, CELL+4);
    Lisp_Object nil;
    bignum_digits(w)[0] = n;
    if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) bignum_digits(w)[1] = 0;  /* padding */
    return w;
コード例 #4
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object make_boxfloat(double a, int32_t type)
 * Make a boxed float (single, double or long according to the type specifier)
 * if type==0 this makes a short float
    Lisp_Object r, nil;
#ifndef COMMON
#ifdef COMMON
    switch (type)
case 0:
        {   Float_union aa;
            aa.f = (float)a;
            return (aa.i & ~(intptr_t)0xf) + TAG_SFLOAT;
        r = getvector(TAG_BOXFLOAT, TYPE_SINGLE_FLOAT, sizeof(Single_Float));
        single_float_val(r) = (float)a;
        return r;
default: /* TYPE_DOUBLE_FLOAT I hope */
        double_float_val(r) = a;
        return r;
#ifdef COMMON
        long_float_val(r) = a;
        return r;
コード例 #5
ファイル: scdate.cpp プロジェクト: tucci69/tcp_ssl
scdate::scdate(const std::string& fmt)
  unsigned int loopa;
  daterange *olddate;



  for (loopa=0;loopa<datevec->size();++loopa)
コード例 #6
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object make_two_word_bignum(int32_t a1, uint32_t a0)
 * This make a 2-word bignum from the 2-word value (a1,a0), where it
 * must have been arranged already that a1 and a0 are correctly
 * normalized to put in the two words as indicated.
    Lisp_Object w = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, CELL+8);
    Lisp_Object nil;
    bignum_digits(w)[0] = a0;
    bignum_digits(w)[1] = a1;
    if (!SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) bignum_digits(w)[2] = 0;
    return w;
コード例 #7
ファイル: arith07.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object copyb(Lisp_Object a)
 * copy a bignum.
    Lisp_Object b, nil;
    int32_t len = bignum_length(a), i;
    b = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, len);
    len = (len-CELL)/4;
    for (i=0; i<len; i++)
        bignum_digits(b)[i] = bignum_digits(a)[i];
    return b;
コード例 #8
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object make_ratio(Lisp_Object p, Lisp_Object q)
 * By the time this is called (p/q) must be in its lowest terms, q>0
    Lisp_Object v, nil = C_nil;
    if (q == fixnum_of_int(1)) return p;
    stackcheck2(0, p, q);
    push2(p, q);
    v = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_RATNUM, sizeof(Rational_Number));
    pop2(q, p);
    numerator(v) = p;
    denominator(v) = q;
    return v;
コード例 #9
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object make_three_word_bignum(int32_t a2, uint32_t a1, uint32_t a0)
 * This make a 3-word bignum from the 3-word value (a2,a1,a0), where it
 * must have been arranged already that the values are correctly
 * normalized.
    Lisp_Object w = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, CELL+12);
    Lisp_Object nil;
    bignum_digits(w)[0] = a0;
    bignum_digits(w)[1] = a1;
    bignum_digits(w)[2] = a2;
    if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) bignum_digits(w)[3] = 0;
    return w;
コード例 #10
ファイル: scdate.cpp プロジェクト: tucci69/tcp_ssl
int scdate::remove(const std::string& fmt)
  std::vector<daterange *> *newvec;
  daterange *olddate;


  while (newvec->size()>0)

      //Now we add this one to the system one

      delete olddate;
  delete newvec;

  return 1;
コード例 #11
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object lengthen_by_one_bit(Lisp_Object a, int32_t msd)
 * (a) is a bignum, and arithmetic on it has (just) caused overflow
 * in its top word - I just need to stick on another word. (msd) is the
 * current top word, and its sign will be used to decide on the value
 * that must be appended.
    int32_t len = bignum_length(a);
 * Sometimes I need to allocate a new vector and copy data across into it
    if ((len & 4) == 0)
    {   Lisp_Object b, nil;
        int32_t i;
        b = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, len+4);
        len = (len-CELL)/4;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++)
            bignum_digits(b)[i] = clear_top_bit(bignum_digits(a)[i]);
        bignum_digits(b)[len] = top_bit_set(msd) ? -1 : 0;
        bignum_digits(b)[len+1] = 0;
        return b;
 * .. whereas sometimes I have a spare word already available.
    {   numhdr(a) += pack_hdrlength(1L);
        len = (len-CELL)/4;
        bignum_digits(a)[len-1] = clear_top_bit(bignum_digits(a)[len-1]);
        bignum_digits(a)[len] = top_bit_set(msd) ? -1 : 0;
        return a;
コード例 #12
ファイル: gps.cpp プロジェクト: ramamoorthyluxman/IGV_code
void GPSstuff(char *filename)
    #if GPSDEBUG
        printf("GPS starting...\n");
    //CommDevice GPS("COM1", 0, 115200, 128);
    GPS = new CommDevice("COM1", 0, 115200, 180);
    #if GPSDEBUG
        printf("GPS successfully started...\n");
    //fio << "Hello world" << endl;
    vector<smGPSDatum> GPStars;

    char templocGPSbuf[360];

    smGPSDatum tempsmGPS;

    char prevmode = mode;

    while (!escape)
        //printf("Switching modes...\n");
        fstream fio(filename);
        if (!fio.is_open())
            printf("Error: unable to open %s\n", filename);

        //load the target GPSs
        if (mode == AUTOMODE)
            //printf("auto mode\n (GPS)\n");
                //printf("loading target...\n");
                smGPSDatum smtemp;
                if (loadGPStar(&smtemp, &fio))
                    printf("Loaded Target: Lat: %2.12f, Lon: %3.12f\n", smtemp.latitude, smtemp.longitude);
                    GPStars.insert(GPStars.begin(), smtemp);
            printf("%d GPS targets loaded.\n", GPStars.size());

        while (!escape)
            if (mode != prevmode)
                prevmode = mode;
            //find terminating null-character
            char *tc = strchr(templocGPSbuf, 0);
            char *GPSToParse = 0;
            #if FORCEGPSINPUT
                GPSToParse = new char[256];
                sprintf(GPSToParse, "$GNRMC,123519,A,4807.038,N,01131.000,E,022.4,084.4,230394,003.1,W,N*6A");
                //DWORD evstatus;
                //    WaitCommEvent(GPS.hComm, &evstatus, NULL);
                //} while (evstatus != EV_RXFLAG);
                //printf("starting GPS read\n");
                //GPS.Read(rawGPSdata, sizeof(rawGPSdata));
                int i;
                //char *GPSEnd = 0;
                for (i = strlen(tc)/*256*/; i > 0 && tc[i] != '\n'; --i);
                if (tc[i] == '\n')
                    //printf("\\n at i=%d\n", i);
                    //GPSEnd = &tc[i];
                    //tc[i] = 0;
                    for ( ; i > 0 && tc[i] != '$'; --i);
                    if (tc[i] == '$')
                        GPSToParse = &tc[i];
                        //printf("GPSToParse: %s\n", GPSToParse);

            if (GPSToParse)
                //strcpy(strrchr(locGPSbuf, 0), rawGPSdata);
                #if GPSDEBUG
                    if (rawGPSdata)
                        printf("GPS: %s\n", rawGPSdata);
                        printf("Error: rawGPSdata == 0\n");
                //printf("rawGPSdata: %s\n", rawGPSdata);
                //printf("Going to parse GPS...\n");
                //printf("GPSToParse: %s\n", GPSToParse);
                char *cur_pos = strstr(GPSToParse, "$GNRMC");
                //printf("cur_pos: %s\n", cur_pos);
                if (cur_pos)//strstr(rawGPSdata, "$GNRMC"))
                    //Parse the GPS data from rawGPSdata
                    //Look for GPS coordinates, etc:
                    //char *cur_pos;
                    unsigned char i = 0;            //shoud always be less than 255 commas
                    //printf("looking for a value for cur_pos\n");
                    cur_pos = strchr(cur_pos, ',');//strchr(rawGPSdata, ',');
                    GPSDatum curGPS = {0};
                    //printf("cur_pos: %d\n", cur_pos);
                    while (cur_pos)
                        double tempd;
                        cur_pos = strchr(cur_pos, ',');
                        if (cur_pos)

                            case 1:     //UTC Time [char*]
                                memcpy(curGPS.time, cur_pos, 6);
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("time: %s\n", curGPS.time);
                            case 2:     //Status (A = Active, V = Void) [char]
                                curGPS.status = (cur_pos && *cur_pos != ',') ? *cur_pos : 0;
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("status: %c\n", curGPS.status);
                                if (tolower(curGPS.status) != 'a')
                                    //force a break from the loop
                                    cur_pos = 0;
                            case 3:     //Latitude [double]
                                //must convert from DDMM.MMM to DD.DDDD
                                tempd = atof(cur_pos+2);
                                curGPS.latitude = ((atof(cur_pos) - tempd)/100.0 + tempd/60.0);
                                //curGPS.latitude = atof(cur_pos);
                            case 4:     //Latitude N/S [char]
                                curGPS.latitudeNS = (cur_pos && *cur_pos != ',') ? *cur_pos : 0;
                                if (tolower(curGPS.latitudeNS) == 's')
                                    curGPS.latitude *= -1.0;
                                //#if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("latitude: %f\n", curGPS.latitude);
                            case 5:     //Longitude [double]
                                //must convert from DDMM.MMM to DD.DDDD
                                tempd = atof(cur_pos+3);
                                curGPS.longitude = ((atof(cur_pos) - tempd)/100.0 + tempd/60.0);
                                //curGPS.longitude = atof(cur_pos);
                            case 6:     //Longitude E/W [char]
                                curGPS.longitudeEW = (cur_pos && *cur_pos != ',') ? *cur_pos : 0;
                                if (tolower(curGPS.longitudeEW) == 'w')
                                    curGPS.longitude *= -1.0;
                                //#if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("longitude: %f\n", curGPS.longitude);
                            case 7:     //Velocity (knots) [float]
                                curGPS.velocity = (float)atof(cur_pos);
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("velocity: %f\n", curGPS.velocity);
                            case 8:     //Heading True North [float]
                                curGPS.heading = (float)atof(cur_pos);
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("heading: %f\n", curGPS.heading);
                            case 9:     //UTC Date [char*]
                                memcpy(curGPS.date, cur_pos, 6);
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("date: %s\n", curGPS.date);
                            case 10:    //Magnetic Variation [float]
                                curGPS.magvariation = (float)atof(cur_pos);
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("magvariation: %f\n", curGPS.magvariation);
                            case 11:    //Magnetic Variation E/W [char]
                                curGPS.magvariationEW = (cur_pos && *cur_pos != ',') ? *cur_pos : 0;
                                if (tolower(curGPS.magvariationEW) == 'e')
                                    curGPS.magvariation *= -1.0;
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("magvariationEW: %c\n", curGPS.magvariationEW);
                            case 12:    //Checksum [char*]
                                memcpy(curGPS.checksum, cur_pos, 4);
                                #if GPSDEBUG
                                    printf("checksum: %s\n", curGPS.checksum);
                    if (curGPS.checksum[1] != '*')
                        goto mylab;     //perhaps there is a more elegant way to fix this (?)
                        //continue;     //continue; did not seem to work
                    if (mode != GPSMODE)
                        WaitForSingleObject(mStoreGPS, INFINITE);
                        if (StoreGPS)
                            smGPSDatum savetempGPSDatum;
                            savetempGPSDatum.latitude = curGPS.latitude;
                            savetempGPSDatum.longitude = curGPS.longitude;
                            saveGPStar(&savetempGPSDatum, &fio);
                            //store the current GPS location at this point in the code
                            StoreGPS = false;
                            printf("GPS Stored!\n");
                            SetEvent(hStoreGPS);        //currently unusued; perhaps later to stop robot until GPS point recorded
                        //it is auto mode
                        printf("GPStars.size(): %d\n", GPStars.size());
                        if (curGPSHit)
                            if (GPStars.size())
                                tempsmGPS = GPStars.back();
                                printf("New GPS Target: Lat: %f, Long: %f\n", tempsmGPS.latitude, tempsmGPS.longitude);
                                curGPSHit = 0;
                                //all GPS targets have been reached, or no GPS targets remain
                                stopmain = true;
                        GPSvector tempGPSvec = getvector(&curGPS, &tempsmGPS);
                        tempGPSvec.curdir = curGPS.heading;
                        tempGPSvec.magvariation = curGPS.magvariation;
                        WaitForSingleObject(mGPSData, INFINITE);
                        //curGPSHit = false;
                        curGPSvec = tempGPSvec;
                        //CompassData = atof(rawGPSdata)/10;
                        //copy to global compass value here
            char tempstr[256];
            strcpy(tempstr, tc);
            memset(templocGPSbuf, 0, sizeof(templocGPSbuf));
            strcpy(templocGPSbuf, tempstr);

コード例 #13
ファイル: arith07.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
Lisp_Object negateb(Lisp_Object a)
 * Negate a bignum.  Note that negating the 1-word bignum
 * value of 0x08000000 will produce a fixnum as a result,
 * which might confuse the caller... in a similar way negating
 * the value -0x40000000 will need to promote from a one-word
 * bignum to a 2-word bignum.  How messy just for negation!
    Lisp_Object b, nil;
    int32_t len = bignum_length(a), i, carry;
    if (len == CELL+4)   /* one-word bignum - do specially */
    {   len = -(int32_t)bignum_digits(a)[0];
        if (len == fix_mask) return fixnum_of_int(len);
        else if (len == 0x40000000) return make_two_word_bignum(0, len);
        else return make_one_word_bignum(len);
    b = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, len);
    len = (len-CELL)/4-1;
    carry = -1;
    for (i=0; i<len; i++)
    {   carry = clear_top_bit(~bignum_digits(a)[i]) + top_bit(carry);
        bignum_digits(b)[i] = clear_top_bit(carry);
 * Handle the top digit separately since it is signed.
    carry = ~bignum_digits(a)[i] + top_bit(carry);
    if (!signed_overflow(carry))
 * If the most significant word ends up as -1 then I just might
 * have 0x40000000 in the next word down and so I may need to shrink
 * the number.  Since I handled 1-word bignums specially I have at
 * least two words to deal with here.
        if (carry == -1 && (bignum_digits(b)[i-1] & 0x40000000) != 0)
        {   bignum_digits(b)[i-1] |= ~0x7fffffff;
            numhdr(b) -= pack_hdrlength(1);
            if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT)
            {   if ((i & 1) != 0) bignum_digits(b)[i] = 0;
                else bignum_digits(b)[i] = make_bighdr(2);
            {   if ((i & 1) == 0) bignum_digits(b)[i] = 0;
                else bignum_digits(b)[i] = make_bighdr(2);
        else bignum_digits(b)[i] = carry;   /* no shrinking needed */
        return b;
 * Here I have overflow: this can only happen when I negate a number
 * that started off with 0xc0000000 in the most significant digit,
 * and I have to pad a zero word onto the front.
    bignum_digits(b)[i] = clear_top_bit(carry);
    return lengthen_by_one_bit(b, carry);
コード例 #14
ファイル: scm.c プロジェクト: denrusio/vak-opensource
LISP getexpr ()         /* чтение выражения АТОМ | ЧИСЛО | '(' СПИСОК ')' */
	LISP p;

	switch (getlex ()) {
		fatal ("syntax error");
	case ')':
		ungetlex ();
	case 0:
		return (NIL);
	case '(':
		if (getlex () == ')')
			return (NIL);
		ungetlex ();
		p = getlist ();
		if (getlex () != ')')
			fatal ("right parence expected");
	case '\'':
		p = cons (symbol ("quote"), cons (getexpr (), NIL));
	case '`':
		p = cons (symbol ("quasiquote"), cons (getexpr (), NIL));
	case ',':
		if (getlex () == '@')
			p = cons (symbol ("unquote-splicing"), cons (getexpr (), NIL));
		else {
			ungetlex ();
			p = cons (symbol ("unquote"), cons (getexpr (), NIL));
	case TSYMBOL:
		p = symbol (lexsym);
		if (trace > 2)
			fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", lexsym);
	case TBOOL:
		p = lexval ? T : NIL;
		if (trace > 2)
			fprintf (stderr, "#%c\n", lexval ? 't' : 'f');
	case TCHAR:
		p = character (lexval);
		if (trace > 2)
			fprintf (stderr, "#\\\\%03o\n", (unsigned) lexval);
		p = number (lexval);
		if (trace > 2)
			fprintf (stderr, "%ld\n", lexval);
	case TREAL:
		p = real (lexrealval);
		if (trace > 2)
			fprintf (stderr, "%#g\n", lexrealval);
	case TSTRING:
		p = string (lexlen, lexsym);
		if (trace > 2) {
			putstring (p, stderr);
			fprintf (stderr, "\n");
	case TVECTOR:
		p = getvector ();
		if (getlex () != ')')
			fatal ("right parence expected");
	return (p);
コード例 #15
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
static Lisp_Object plusbb(Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b)
 * add two bignums.
    int32_t la = bignum_length(a),
          lb = bignum_length(b),
          i, s, carry;
    Lisp_Object c, nil;
    if (la < lb)    /* maybe swap order of args */
    {   Lisp_Object t = a;
        int32_t t1;
        a = b; b = t;
        t1 = la; la = lb; lb = t1;
 * now (a) is AT LEAST as long as b.  I have special case code for
 * when both args are single-word bignums, since I expect that to be
 * an especially common case.
    if (la == CELL+4)    /* and hence b also has only 1 digit */
    {   int32_t va = bignum_digits(a)[0],
              vb = bignum_digits(b)[0],
              vc = va + vb;
        if (signed_overflow(vc)) /* we have a 2-word bignum result */
        {   Lisp_Object w = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, CELL+8);
            bignum_digits(w)[0] = clear_top_bit(vc);
            bignum_digits(w)[1] = top_bit_set(vc) ? -1 : 0;
            if (!SIXTY_FOUR_BIT) bignum_digits(w)[2] = 0;
            return w;
 * here the result fits into one word - maybe it will squash down into
 * a fixnum?
        {   vb = vc & fix_mask;
            if (vb == 0 || vb == fix_mask) return fixnum_of_int(vc);
            else return make_one_word_bignum(vc);
    push2(a, b);
    c = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, la);
    pop2(b, a);
    la = (la-CELL)/4 - 1;
    lb = (lb-CELL)/4 - 1;
    carry = 0;
 * Add all but the top digit of b
    for (i=0; i<lb; i++)
    {   carry = bignum_digits(a)[i] + bignum_digits(b)[i] + top_bit(carry);
        bignum_digits(c)[i] = clear_top_bit(carry);
    if (la == lb) s = bignum_digits(b)[i];
 * If a is strictly longer than b I sign extend b here and add in as many
 * copies of 0 or -1 as needbe to get up to the length of a.
    {   s = bignum_digits(b)[i];
        carry =  bignum_digits(a)[i] + clear_top_bit(s) + top_bit(carry);
        bignum_digits(c)[i] = clear_top_bit(carry);
        if (s < 0) s = -1; else s = 0;
        for (i++; i<la; i++)
        {   carry = bignum_digits(a)[i] + clear_top_bit(s) + top_bit(carry);
            bignum_digits(c)[i] = clear_top_bit(carry);
 * the most significant digit is added using signed arithmetic so that I
 * can tell if it overflowed.
    carry = bignum_digits(a)[i] + s + top_bit(carry);
    if (!signed_overflow(carry))
 * Here the number has not expanded - but it may be shrinking, and it can
 * shrink by any number of words, all the way down to a fixnum maybe.  Note
 * that I started with at least a 2-word bignum here.
        int32_t msd;
        bignum_digits(c)[i] = carry;
        if (carry == 0)
        {   int32_t j = i-1;
            while ((msd = bignum_digits(c)[j]) == 0 && j > 0) j--;
 * ... but I may need a zero word on the front if the next word down
 * has its top bit set... (top of 31 bits, that is)
            if ((msd & 0x40000000) != 0)
            {   j++;
                if (i == j) return c;
            if (j == 0)
            {   int32_t s = bignum_digits(c)[0];
                if ((s & fix_mask) == 0) return fixnum_of_int(s);
 * If I am shrinking by one word and had an even length to start with
 * I do not have to mess about so much.
            if ((SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && (j == i-1) && ((i & 1) != 0)) ||
                (!SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && (j == i-1) && ((i & 1) == 0)))
            {   numhdr(c) -= pack_hdrlength(1L);
                return c;
            numhdr(c) -= pack_hdrlength(i - j);
            if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT)
            {   i = (i+2) & ~1;
                j = (j+2) & ~1;     /* Round up to odd index */
            {   i = (i+1) | 1;
                j = (j+1) | 1;     /* Round up to odd index */
 * I forge a header word to allow the garbage collector to skip over
 * (and in due course reclaim) the space that turned out not to be needed.
            if (i != j) bignum_digits(c)[j] = make_bighdr(i - j);
            return c;
 * Now do all the same sorts of things but this time for negative numbers.
        else if (carry == -1)
        {   int32_t j = i-1;
            msd = carry;    /* in case j = 0 */
            while ((msd = bignum_digits(c)[j]) == 0x7fffffff && j > 0) j--;
            if ((msd & 0x40000000) == 0)
            {   j++;
                if (i == j) return c;
            if (j == 0)
            {   int32_t s = bignum_digits(c)[0] | ~0x7fffffff;
                if ((s & fix_mask) == fix_mask) return fixnum_of_int(s);
            if ((SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && (j == i-1) && ((i & 1) != 0)) ||
                (!SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && (j == i-1) && ((i & 1) == 0)))
            {   bignum_digits(c)[i] = 0;
                bignum_digits(c)[i-1] |= ~0x7fffffff;
                numhdr(c) -= pack_hdrlength(1);
                return c;
            numhdr(c) -= pack_hdrlength(i - j);
            bignum_digits(c)[j+1] = 0;
            bignum_digits(c)[j] |= ~0x7fffffff;
            if (SIXTY_FOUR_BIT)
            {   i = (i+2) & ~1;
                j = (j+2) & ~1;     /* Round up to odd index */
            {   i = (i+1) | 1;
                j = (j+1) | 1;     /* Round up to odd index */
            if (i != j) bignum_digits(c)[j] = make_bighdr(i - j);
            return c;
        return c;
    {   bignum_digits(c)[i] = carry;
        return lengthen_by_one_bit(c, carry);
コード例 #16
ファイル: arith01.c プロジェクト: nilqed/ReduceAlgebra
static Lisp_Object plusib(Lisp_Object a, Lisp_Object b)
 * Add a fixnum to a bignum, returning a result as a fixnum or bignum
 * depending on its size.  This seems much nastier than one would have
 * hoped.
    int32_t len = bignum_length(b)-CELL, i, sign = int_of_fixnum(a), s;
    Lisp_Object c, nil;
    len = len/4;         /* This is always 4 because even on a 64-bit */
                         /* machine where CELL=8 I use 4-byte B-digits */
    if (len == 1)
    {   int32_t t;
 * Partly because it will be a common case and partly because it has
 * various special cases I have special purpose code to cope with
 * adding a fixnum to a one-word bignum.
        s = (int32_t)bignum_digits(b)[0] + sign;
        t = s + s;
        if (top_bit_set(s ^ t))  /* needs to turn into two-word bignum */
        {   if (s < 0) return make_two_word_bignum(-1, clear_top_bit(s));
            else return make_two_word_bignum(0, s);
        t = s & fix_mask;    /* Will it fit as a fixnum? */
        if (t == 0 || t == fix_mask) return fixnum_of_int(s);
        /* here the result is a one-word bignum */
        return make_one_word_bignum(s);
 * Now, after all the silly cases have been handled, I have a calculation
 * which seems set to give a multi-word result.  The result here can at
 * least never shrink to a fixnum since subtracting a fixnum can at
 * most shrink the length of a number by one word.  I omit the stack-
 * check here in the hope that code here never nests enough for trouble.
    c = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, CELL+4*len);
    s = bignum_digits(b)[0] + clear_top_bit(sign);
    bignum_digits(c)[0] = clear_top_bit(s);
    if (sign >= 0) sign = 0; else sign = 0x7fffffff; /* extend the sign */

    for (i=1; i<len; i++)
    {   s = bignum_digits(b)[i] + sign + top_bit(s);
        bignum_digits(c)[i] = clear_top_bit(s);
    /* Now just the most significant digit remains to be processed  */
    if (sign != 0) sign = -1;
    {   s = bignum_digits(b)[i] + sign + top_bit(s);
        if (!signed_overflow(s))         /* did it overflow? */
 * Here the most significant digit did not produce an overflow, but maybe
 * what we actually had was some cancellation and the MSD is now zero
 * or -1, so that the number should shrink...
            if ((s == 0 && (bignum_digits(c)[i-1] & 0x40000000) == 0) ||
                (s == -1 && (bignum_digits(c)[i-1] & 0x40000000) != 0))
            {   /* shrink the number */
                numhdr(c) -= pack_hdrlength(1L);
                if (s == -1) bignum_digits(c)[i-1] |= ~0x7fffffff;
 * Now sometimes the shrinkage will leave a padding word, sometimes it
 * will really allow me to save space. As a jolly joke with a 64-bit
 * system I need padding if there have been an odd number of (32-bit)
 * words of bignum data while with a 32-bit system the header word is
 * 32-bits wide and I need padding if there are ar even number of additional
 * data words.
                if ((SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && ((i & 1) != 0)) ||
                    (!SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && ((i & 1) == 0)))
                {   bignum_digits(c)[i] = 0;   /* leave the unused word tidy */
                    return c;
 * Having shrunk the number I am leaving a doubleword of unallocated space
 * in the heap.  Dump a header word into it to make it look like an
 * 8-byte bignum since that will allow the garbage collector to handle it.
 * It I left it containing arbitrary junk I could wreck myself. The
 * make_bighdr(2L) makes a header for a number that fills 2 32-bit words
 * in all.
                *(Header *)&bignum_digits(c)[i] = make_bighdr(2L);
                return c;
            bignum_digits(c)[i] = s;  /* length unchanged */
            return c;
 * Here the result is one word longer than the input-bignum.
 * Once again SOMTIMES this will not involve allocating more store,
 * but just encroaching into the previously unused word that was padding
 * things out to a multiple of 8 bytes.
        if ((SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && ((i & 1) == 0)) ||
            (!SIXTY_FOUR_BIT && ((i & 1) == 1)))
        {   bignum_digits(c)[i++] = clear_top_bit(s);
            bignum_digits(c)[i] = top_bit_set(s) ? -1 : 0;
            numhdr(c) += pack_hdrlength(1L);
            return c;
 * NB on the next line there is a +8. One +4 is because I had gone len--
 * somewhere earlier. The other +4 is to increase the length of the number
 * by one word.
        b = getvector(TAG_NUMBERS, TYPE_BIGNUM, CELL+8+4*len);
        for (i=0; i<len; i++)
            bignum_digits(b)[i] = bignum_digits(c)[i];
 * I move the top digit across by hand since if the number is negative
 * I must lost its top bit
        bignum_digits(b)[i++] = clear_top_bit(s);
/* Now the one-word extension to the number */
        bignum_digits(b)[i++] = top_bit_set(s) ? -1 : 0;
 * Finally because I know that I expanded into a new doubleword I should
 * tidy up the second word of the newly allocated pair.
        bignum_digits(b)[i] = 0;
        return b;