/* * FIXME: need to make this load a list of styles if there are more than one. */ gboolean gfig_load_styles (GFigObj *gfig, FILE *fp) { if (gfig_context->debug_styles) g_printerr ("Loading global styles -- "); /* currently we only have the default style */ gfig_load_style (&gfig_context->default_style, fp); if (gfig_context->debug_styles) g_printerr ("done\n"); return FALSE; }
static void gfig_load_objs (GFigObj *gfig, gint load_count, FILE *fp) { GfigObject *obj; gchar load_buf[MAX_LOAD_LINE]; glong offset; glong offset2; Style style; while (load_count-- > 0) { obj = NULL; get_line (load_buf, MAX_LOAD_LINE, fp, 0); /* kludge */ offset = ftell (fp); gfig_skip_style (&style, fp); obj = d_load_object (load_buf, fp); if (obj) { add_to_all_obj (gfig, obj); offset2 = ftell (fp); fseek (fp, offset, SEEK_SET); gfig_load_style (&obj->style, fp); fseek (fp, offset2, SEEK_SET); } else { g_message ("Failed to load object, load count = %d", load_count); } } }