コード例 #1
ファイル: loadsave.c プロジェクト: 1337Noob1337/OpenRCT2
static void window_loadsave_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	if (_shortenedDirectory[0] == '\0') {
		shorten_path(_shortenedDirectory, sizeof(_shortenedDirectory), _directory, w->width - 8);

	utf8 buffer[256];

	// Format text
	utf8 *ch = buffer;
	ch = utf8_write_codepoint(ch, FORMAT_MEDIUMFONT);
	ch = utf8_write_codepoint(ch, FORMAT_BLACK);
	safe_strcpy(ch, _shortenedDirectory, sizeof(buffer) - (ch - buffer));

	// Draw shadow
	gfx_draw_string(dpi, buffer, 0, w->x + 4, w->y + 20);
	rct_string_id id = STR_NONE;
	// Name button text
	if (gConfigGeneral.load_save_sort == SORT_NAME_ASCENDING)
		id = STR_UP;
	else if (gConfigGeneral.load_save_sort == SORT_NAME_DESCENDING)
		id = STR_DOWN;
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_NAME, &id, 1, w->x + 4 + (w->width - 8) / 4, w->y + 50, (w->width - 8) / 2);
	// Date button text
	if (gConfigGeneral.load_save_sort == SORT_DATE_ASCENDING)
		id = STR_UP;
	else if (gConfigGeneral.load_save_sort == SORT_DATE_DESCENDING)
		id = STR_DOWN;
		id = STR_NONE;
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_DATE, &id, 1, w->x + 4 + (w->width - 8) * 3 / 4, w->y + 50, (w->width - 8) / 2);
コード例 #2
ファイル: player.c プロジェクト: 1337Noob1337/OpenRCT2
void window_player_overview_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);
	window_player_draw_tab_images(dpi, w);

	int player = network_get_player_index((uint8)w->number);
	if (player == -1) {

	// Draw current group
	int groupindex = network_get_group_index(network_get_player_group(player));
	if (groupindex != -1) {
		rct_widget* widget = &window_player_overview_widgets[WIDX_GROUP];
		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, uint16) = network_get_group_name_string_id(groupindex);

			w->x + (widget->left + widget->right - 11) / 2,
			w->y + widget->top,
			widget->right - widget->left - 8

	// Draw ping
	int x = w->x + 90;
	int y = w->y + 24;

	gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRING, (void*)RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, 0, x, y);
	char ping[64];
	sprintf(ping, "%d ms", network_get_player_ping(player));
	gfx_draw_string(dpi, ping, w->colours[2], x + 30, y);
	// Draw last action
	x = w->x + (w->width / 2);
	y = w->y + w->height - 13;
	int width = w->width - 8;
	int lastaction = network_get_player_last_action(player, 0);
	if (lastaction != -999) {
		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, uint16) = network_get_action_name_string_id(lastaction);
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_LAST_ACTION_RAN, (void*)RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, 0, x, y, width);

	if (w->viewport != NULL && w->var_492 != -1) {
		window_draw_viewport(dpi, w);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Player.cpp プロジェクト: Wirlie/OpenRCT2
void window_player_overview_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
    window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);
    window_player_draw_tab_images(dpi, w);

    sint32 player = network_get_player_index((uint8)w->number);
    if (player == -1) {

    // Draw current group
    sint32 groupindex = network_get_group_index(network_get_player_group(player));
    if (groupindex != -1) {
        rct_widget* widget = &window_player_overview_widgets[WIDX_GROUP];
        char buffer[300];
        char* lineCh;
        lineCh = buffer;
        lineCh = utf8_write_codepoint(lineCh, FORMAT_WINDOW_COLOUR_2);
        safe_strcpy(lineCh, network_get_group_name(groupindex), sizeof(buffer) - (lineCh - buffer));
        set_format_arg(0, const char *, buffer);

            w->x + (widget->left + widget->right - 11) / 2,
            w->y + widget->top,
            widget->right - widget->left - 8
コード例 #4
ファイル: widget.c プロジェクト: trigger-death/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006EBB85
static void widget_closebox_draw(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex)
    // Get the widget
    rct_widget *widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

    // Resolve the absolute ltrb
    sint32 l = w->x + widget->left;
    sint32 t = w->y + widget->top;
    sint32 r = w->x + widget->right;
    sint32 b = w->y + widget->bottom;

    // Check if the button is pressed down
    uint8 press = 0;
    if (w->flags & WF_10)
    if (widget_is_pressed(w, widgetIndex) || widget_is_active_tool(w, widgetIndex))

    // Get the colour
    uint8 colour = w->colours[widget->colour];

    // Draw the button
    gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, press);

    if (widget->text == STR_NONE)

    l = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 - 1;
    t = w->y + max(widget->top, (widget->top + widget->bottom) / 2 - 5);

    if (widget_is_disabled(w, widgetIndex))
        colour |= COLOUR_FLAG_INSET;

    gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, widget->text, gCommonFormatArgs, colour, l, t, widget->right - widget->left - 2);
コード例 #5
static void window_scenarioselect_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	int i, x, y, format;
	rct_widget *widget;
	rct_scenario_basic *scenario;

	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	format = (theme_get_preset()->features.rct1_scenario_font) ? 5138 : 1193;

	// Text for each tab
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		widget = &window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_TAB1 + i];
		if (widget->type == WWT_EMPTY)

		x = (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 + w->x;
		y = (widget->top + widget->bottom) / 2 + w->y - 3;
		RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 0, short) = STR_BEGINNER_PARKS + i;
		gfx_draw_string_centred_wrapped(dpi, (void*)0x013CE952, x, y, 87, format, 10);

	// Return if no scenario highlighted
	scenario = (rct_scenario_basic*)w->var_494;
	if (scenario == NULL)

	// Scenario name
	x = w->x + window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_SCENARIOLIST].right + 4;
	y = w->y + window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_TABCONTENT].top + 5;
	safe_strncpy((char*)0x009BC677, scenario->name, 64);
	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 0, short) = 3165;
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, 1193, (void*)0x013CE952, 0, x + 85, y, 170);
	y += 15;

	// Scenario details
	safe_strncpy((char*)0x009BC677, scenario->details, 256);
	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 0, short) = 3165;
	y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, (void*)0x013CE952, x, y, 170, 1191, 0) + 5;

	// Scenario objective
	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 0, short) = scenario->objective_type + STR_OBJECTIVE_NONE;
	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 2, short) = scenario->objective_arg_3;
	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 4, short) = date_get_total_months(MONTH_OCTOBER, scenario->objective_arg_1);
	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 6, int) = scenario->objective_arg_2;
	y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, (void*)0x013CE952, x, y, 170, STR_OBJECTIVE, 0) + 5;

	// Scenario score
	if (scenario->flags & SCENARIO_FLAGS_COMPLETED) {
		safe_strncpy((char*)0x009BC677, scenario->completed_by, 64);
		RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 0, short) = 3165;
		RCT2_GLOBAL(0x013CE952 + 2, int) = scenario->company_value;
		y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, (void*)0x013CE952, x, y, 170, STR_COMPLETED_BY_WITH_COMPANY_VALUE, 0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: widget.c プロジェクト: Corsleutel/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006EBC41
static void widget_text_unknown(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, int widgetIndex)
	rct_widget* widget;
	int l, t, r, b, stringId;
	uint8 colour;

	// Get the widget
	widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

	// Get the colour
	colour = w->colours[widget->colour];
	// do not use widget color as this is already used as background for the text_button
	// colour = 2;

	// Resolve the absolute ltrb
	l = w->x + widget->left;
	t = w->y + widget->top;
	r = w->x + widget->right;
	b = w->y + widget->bottom;

	stringId = widget->image;
	if (stringId == -1)

	if (widget->type == WWT_11 && (widget_is_pressed(w, widgetIndex) || widget_is_active_tool(w, widgetIndex)))

	if (widget->type == WWT_13) {
		if (widget_is_disabled(w, widgetIndex))
			colour |= 0x40;
			l + 1,
			widget->right - widget->left - 2
	} else {
		colour &= ~(1 << 7);
		if (widget_is_disabled(w, widgetIndex))
			colour |= 0x40;
			(w->x + w->x + widget->left + widget->right + 1) / 2 - 1,
			widget->right - widget->left - 2
コード例 #7
ファイル: widget.c プロジェクト: trigger-death/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006EBC41
static void widget_text_unknown(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex)
    // Get the widget
    rct_widget *widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

    // Get the colour
    uint8 colour = w->colours[widget->colour];
    // do not use widget colour as this is already used as background for the text_button
    // colour = 2;

    // Resolve the absolute ltrb
    sint32 l = w->x + widget->left;
    sint32 t = w->y + widget->top;

    rct_string_id stringId = widget->text;
    if (stringId == STR_NONE)

    if (widget->type == WWT_11 && (widget_is_pressed(w, widgetIndex) || widget_is_active_tool(w, widgetIndex)))
        // TODO: remove string addition

    if (widget->type == WWT_13) {
        if (widget_is_disabled(w, widgetIndex))
            colour |= COLOUR_FLAG_INSET;
            l + 1,
            widget->right - widget->left - 2
    } else {
        colour &= ~(1 << 7);
        if (widget_is_disabled(w, widgetIndex))
            colour |= COLOUR_FLAG_INSET;
            (w->x + w->x + widget->left + widget->right + 1) / 2 - 1,
            widget->right - widget->left - 2
コード例 #8
ファイル: widget.c プロジェクト: trigger-death/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006EB2F9
static void widget_caption_draw(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, rct_widgetindex widgetIndex)
    // Get the widget
    rct_widget *widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

    // Resolve the absolute ltrb
    sint32 l = w->x + widget->left;
    sint32 t = w->y + widget->top;
    sint32 r = w->x + widget->right;
    sint32 b = w->y + widget->bottom;

    // Get the colour
    uint8 colour = w->colours[widget->colour];

    uint8 press = INSET_RECT_F_60;
    if (w->flags & WF_10)

    gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, press);

    // Black caption bars look slightly green, this fixes that
    if (colour == 0)
        gfx_fill_rect(dpi, l + 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 1, ColourMapA[colour].dark);
        gfx_filter_rect(dpi, l + 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 1, PALETTE_DARKEN_3);

    // Draw text
    if (widget->text == STR_NONE)

    l = widget->left + w->x + 2;
    t = widget->top + w->y + 1;
    sint32 width = widget->right - widget->left - 4;
    if ((widget + 1)->type == WWT_CLOSEBOX) {
        width -= 10;
        if ((widget + 2)->type == WWT_CLOSEBOX)
            width -= 10;
    l += width / 2;
    gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, widget->text, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_WHITE | COLOUR_FLAG_OUTLINE, l, t, width);
コード例 #9
ファイル: widget.c プロジェクト: MaciekBaron/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006EBB85
static void widget_closebox_draw(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, int widgetIndex)
	rct_widget* widget;
	int l, t, r, b, press;
	uint8 colour;

	// Get the widget
	widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

	// Resolve the absolute ltrb
	l = w->x + widget->left;
	t = w->y + widget->top;
	r = w->x + widget->right;
	b = w->y + widget->bottom;

	// Check if the button is pressed down
	press = 0;
	if (w->flags & 0x400)
		press |= 0x80;
	if (widget_is_pressed(w, widgetIndex) || widget_is_active_tool(w, widgetIndex))
		press |= 0x20;

	// Get the colour
	colour = w->colours[widget->colour];

	// Draw the button
	gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, press);

	if (widget->image == -1)

	l = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 - 1;
	t = w->y + max(widget->top, (widget->top + widget->bottom) / 2 - 5);

	if (widget_is_disabled(w, widgetIndex))
		colour |= 0x40;

	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, widget->image, (void*)0x013CE952, colour, l, t, widget->right - widget->left - 2);
コード例 #10
ファイル: multiplayer.c プロジェクト: CraigCraig/OpenRCT2
static void window_multiplayer_groups_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);
	window_multiplayer_draw_tab_images(w, dpi);

	rct_widget* widget = &window_multiplayer_groups_widgets[WIDX_DEFAULT_GROUP];
	sint32 group = network_get_group_index(network_get_default_group());
	if (group != -1) {
		char buffer[300];
		char* lineCh;
		lineCh = buffer;
		lineCh = utf8_write_codepoint(lineCh, FORMAT_WINDOW_COLOUR_2);
		safe_strcpy(lineCh, network_get_group_name(group), sizeof(buffer) - (lineCh - buffer));
		set_format_arg(0, const char *, buffer);
			w->x + (widget->left + widget->right - 11) / 2,
			w->y + widget->top,
			widget->right - widget->left - 8
コード例 #11
ファイル: track_list.c プロジェクト: 1337Noob1337/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006CF387
static void window_track_list_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	rct_widget *widget;
	rct_track_design *trackDesign = NULL;
	uint8 *image;
	utf8 *trackDesignList = RCT2_ADDRESS(RCT2_ADDRESS_TRACK_LIST, utf8);
	uint16 holes, speed, drops, dropHeight, inversions;
	fixed32_2dp rating;
	int trackIndex, x, y, colour, gForces, airTime;
	rct_g1_element tmpElement, *substituteElement;

	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	trackIndex = w->track_list.var_482;
		if (*trackDesignList == 0 || trackIndex == -1)
	} else if (trackIndex-- == 0) {

	// Track preview
	widget = &window_track_list_widgets[WIDX_TRACK_PREVIEW];
	x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
	y = w->y + widget->top + 1;
	colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[0]].darkest;
	gfx_fill_rect(dpi, x, y, x + 369, y + 216, colour);

	trackDesign = track_get_info(trackIndex, &image);
	if (trackDesign == NULL)

	rct_track_td6* track_td6 = &trackDesign->track_td6;

	substituteElement = &g1Elements[0];
	tmpElement = *substituteElement;
	substituteElement->offset = image;
	substituteElement->width = 370;
	substituteElement->height = 217;
	substituteElement->x_offset = 0;
	substituteElement->y_offset = 0;
	substituteElement->flags = G1_FLAG_BMP;
	gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, 0, x, y, 0);
	*substituteElement = tmpElement;

	x = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2;
	y = w->y + widget->bottom - 12;

	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x00F44153, uint8) = 0;
	// Warnings
	if ((track_td6->track_flags & 4) && !(RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCREEN_FLAGS, uint8) & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER)) {
		// Vehicle design not available
		gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_VEHICLE_DESIGN_UNAVAILABLE, NULL, 0, x, y, 368);
		y -= 10;

	if (track_td6->track_flags & 1) {
		RCT2_GLOBAL(0x00F44153, uint8) = 1;
			// Scenery not available
			gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_DESIGN_INCLUDES_SCENERY_WHICH_IS_UNAVAILABLE, NULL, 0, x, y, 368);
			y -= 10;

	// Track design name
	window_track_list_format_name((char*)0x009BC677, trackDesignList + (trackIndex * 128), FORMAT_WINDOW_COLOUR_1, 1);
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, 3165, NULL, 0, x, y, 368);

	// Information
	x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
	y = w->y + widget->bottom + 2;

	// Stats
	rating = track_td6->excitement * 10;
	gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_EXCITEMENT_RATING, &rating, 0, x, y);
	y += 10;

	rating = track_td6->intensity * 10;
	gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_INTENSITY_RATING, &rating, 0, x, y);
	y += 10;

	rating = track_td6->nausea * 10;
	gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_NAUSEA_RATING, &rating, 0, x, y);
	y += 14;

	if (track_td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MAZE) {
		if (track_td6->type == RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF) {
			// Holes
			holes = track_td6->holes & 0x1F;
			gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_HOLES, &holes, 0, x, y);
			y += 10;
		} else {
			// Maximum speed
			speed = ((track_td6->max_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18;
			gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_SPEED, &speed, 0, x, y);
			y += 10;

			// Average speed
			speed = ((track_td6->average_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18;
			gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_AVERAGE_SPEED, &speed, 0, x, y);
			y += 10;

		// Ride length
		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 2, uint16) = track_td6->ride_length;
		gfx_draw_string_left_clipped(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_RIDE_LENGTH, (void*)RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, 0, x, y, 214);
		y += 10;

	if (ride_type_has_flag(track_td6->type, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_G_FORCES)) {
		// Maximum positive vertical Gs
		gForces = track_td6->max_positive_vertical_g * 32;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_POSITIVE_VERTICAL_G, &gForces, 0, x, y);
		y += 10;

		// Maximum negative verical Gs
		gForces = track_td6->max_negative_vertical_g * 32;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_NEGATIVE_VERTICAL_G, &gForces, 0, x, y);
		y += 10;

		// Maximum lateral Gs
		gForces = track_td6->max_lateral_g * 32;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_LATERAL_G, &gForces, 0, x, y);
		y += 10;

		// If .TD6
		if (track_td6->version_and_colour_scheme / 4 >= 2) {
			if (track_td6->total_air_time != 0) {
				// Total air time
				airTime = track_td6->total_air_time * 25;
				gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TOTAL_AIR_TIME, &airTime, 0, x, y);
				y += 10;

	if (ride_type_has_flag(track_td6->type, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_DROPS)) {
		// Drops
		drops = track_td6->drops & 0x3F;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_DROPS, &drops, 0, x, y);
		y += 10;

		// Drop height is multiplied by 0.75
		dropHeight = (track_td6->highest_drop_height + (track_td6->highest_drop_height / 2)) / 2;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_HIGHEST_DROP_HEIGHT, &drops, 0, x, y);
		y += 10;

	if (track_td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF) {
		inversions = track_td6->inversions & 0x1F;
		if (inversions != 0) {
			// Inversions
			gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVERSIONS, &inversions, 0, x, y);
			y += 10;
	y += 4;

	if (track_td6->space_required_x != 0xFF) {
		// Space required
		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 0, uint16) = track_td6->space_required_x;
		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 2, uint16) = track_td6->space_required_y;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_SPACE_REQUIRED, (void*)RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, 0, x, y);
		y += 10;

	if (track_td6->cost != 0) {
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_COST_AROUND, &track_td6->cost, 0, x, y);
		y += 14;
コード例 #12
 *  rct2: 0x006AAB56
static void window_editor_object_selection_paint()
	int i, x, y, width, numSelected, totalSelectable, type;
	rct_window *w;
	rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi;
	rct_widget *widget;
	rct_object_entry *highlightedEntry;
	rct_string_id stringId;
	uint8 *text, source;
	char *datName, *name, *stringBuffer;

	window_paint_get_registers(w, dpi);

			w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL].left - 1,
			w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL].bottom,
			w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_STALL].right + 1,
			w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL].bottom + 2,

	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

	// Draw tabs
		widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1 + i];
		if (widget->type == WWT_EMPTY)

		x = w->x + widget->left;
		y = w->y + widget->top;
		gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, 5458 + i, x, y, 0);

	const int ride_tabs[] = { 5458, 0x200015A1, 5542, 0x200015AA, 5557 + 5, 5551, 5530, 5327 };

	// Draw ride tabs
		for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
		widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_FILTER_RIDE_TAB_ALL + i];
			if (widget->type == WWT_EMPTY)

			x = w->x + widget->left;
			y = w->y + widget->top;
			gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, ride_tabs[i] | (w->colours[1] << 19), x, y, 0);


	// Preview background
	widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW];
		w->x + widget->left + 1,
		w->y + widget->top + 1,
		w->x + widget->right - 1,
		w->y + widget->bottom - 1,
		RCT2_ADDRESS(0x0141FC44, uint8)[w->colours[1] * 8]

	// Draw number of selected items
		x = w->x + 3;
		y = w->y + w->height - 13;

		numSelected = RCT2_ADDRESS(0x00F433F7, uint16)[w->selected_tab];
		totalSelectable = object_entry_group_counts[w->selected_tab];
			totalSelectable = 4;

		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 0, uint16) = numSelected;
		RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 2, uint16) = totalSelectable;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, 3164, (void*)RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS, 0, x, y);

	rct_stex_entry* stex_entry = RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_SCENARIO_TEXT_TEMP_CHUNK, rct_stex_entry*);

		w->x + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].left,
		w->y + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].top,
		w->x + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].right,
		w->y + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].bottom,

	RCT2_GLOBAL(RCT2_ADDRESS_COMMON_FORMAT_ARGS + 0, uint32) = (uint32)&_filter_string;
		w->x + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].left + 1,
		w->y + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].top,
		w->x + window_editor_object_selection_widgets[WIDX_FILTER_STRING_BUTTON].right

	if (w->selected_list_item == -1 || stex_entry == NULL)

	highlightedEntry = (rct_object_entry*)w->var_494;
	type = highlightedEntry->flags & 0x0F;

	// Draw preview
	widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW];
	x = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 + 1;
	y = w->y + (widget->top + widget->bottom) / 2 + 1;
	object_paint(type, 3, type, x, y, 0, (int)dpi, (int)stex_entry);

	// Draw name of object
	x = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 + 1;
	y = w->y + widget->bottom + 3;
	width = w->width - w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right - 6;

	// Skip object dat name
	text = (char*)(highlightedEntry + 1);
	datName = text;
	do {
	} while (*(text - 1) != 0);
	text += 4;
	name = text;

	RCT2_GLOBAL(0x009BC677, uint8) = 14;

	stringId = 3165;
	stringBuffer = (char*)language_get_string(3165) + 1;
		// Skip name
		do {
		} while (*(text - 1) != 0);
		text += 4;
		text += *text * 16 + 1;
		text += *text * 16 + 1;

		if (RCT2_GLOBAL(text, uint32) & 0x1000000) {
			strcpy(stringBuffer, name);
		} else {
			int eax = *text;
			if (*text == 0xFF) {
				eax = *(text + 1);
				if (*(text + 1) == 0xFF)
					eax = *(text + 2);
			format_string(stringBuffer, eax + 2, NULL);
	} else {
		strcpy(stringBuffer, name);
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, stringId, NULL, 0, x, y, width);
	// Draw description of object
	x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_LIST].right + 4;
	y += 15;
	object_paint(type, 259, type, x, y, (int)w, (int)dpi, (int)stex_entry);

	// Draw object source
	source = (highlightedEntry->flags & 0xF0) >> 4;
	switch (source) {
	case 8: stringId = 2741; break;
	case 1: stringId = 5262; break;
	case 2: stringId = 5263; break;
	default: stringId = 5264; break;
	gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, stringId, NULL, 2, w->x + w->width - 5, w->y + w->height - 3 - 12 - 14);

		y = w->y + w->height - 3 - 12 - 14 - 14;

		rct_ride_type *rideType = (rct_ride_type*)stex_entry;
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			if (rideType->ride_type[i] == 255)

			stringId = 2 + rideType->ride_type[i];
			gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, stringId, NULL, 2, w->x + w->width - 5, y);
			y -= 11;

	//stringId = highlightedEntry->checksum
	// gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, stringId, NULL, 2, w->x + w->width - 5, w->y + w->height - 3 - 12 - 14);

	// Draw object dat name
	stringId = 3165;
	strcpy(stringBuffer, datName);
	gfx_draw_string_right(dpi, stringId, NULL, 0, w->x + w->width - 5, w->y + w->height - 3 - 12);
コード例 #13
static void window_scenarioselect_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
	int i, x, y, format;
	rct_widget *widget;
	const scenario_index_entry *scenario;

	window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);


	// Text for each tab
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		widget = &window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_TAB1 + i];
		if (widget->type == WWT_EMPTY)

		x = (widget->left + widget->right) / 2 + w->x;
		y = (widget->top + widget->bottom) / 2 + w->y - 3;

		if (gConfigGeneral.scenario_select_mode == SCENARIO_SELECT_MODE_ORIGIN) {
			set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, ScenarioOriginStringIds[i]);
		} else { // old-style
			set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, ScenarioCategoryStringIds[i]);
		gfx_draw_string_centred_wrapped(dpi, gCommonFormatArgs, x, y, 87, format, COLOUR_AQUAMARINE);

	// Return if no scenario highlighted
	scenario = w->highlighted_scenario;
	if (scenario == NULL) {
		if (_showLockedInformation) {
			// Show locked information
			x = w->x + window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_SCENARIOLIST].right + 4;
			y = w->y + window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_TABCONTENT].top + 5;
			gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_SCENARIO_LOCKED, NULL, COLOUR_BLACK, x + 85, y, 170);
			y += 15;
			y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, NULL, x, y, 170, STR_SCENARIO_LOCKED_DESC, COLOUR_BLACK) + 5;

	// Scenario path
	if (gConfigGeneral.debugging_tools) {
		utf8 path[MAX_PATH];

		gCurrentFontSpriteBase = FONT_SPRITE_BASE_MEDIUM;
		shorten_path(path, sizeof(path), scenario->path, w->width - 6);

		const utf8 *pathPtr = path;
		gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_STRING, (void*)&pathPtr, w->colours[1], w->x + 3, w->y + w->height - 3 - 11);

	// Scenario name
	x = w->x + window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_SCENARIOLIST].right + 4;
	y = w->y + window_scenarioselect_widgets[WIDX_TABCONTENT].top + 5;
	set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, STR_STRING);
	set_format_arg(2, const char *, scenario->name);
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_WINDOW_COLOUR_2_STRINGID, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x + 85, y, 170);
	y += 15;

	// Scenario details
	set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, STR_STRING);
	set_format_arg(2, const char *, scenario->details);
	y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, gCommonFormatArgs, x, y, 170, STR_BLACK_STRING, COLOUR_BLACK) + 5;

	// Scenario objective
	set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, ObjectiveNames[scenario->objective_type]);
	set_format_arg(2, short, scenario->objective_arg_3);
	set_format_arg(4, short, date_get_total_months(MONTH_OCTOBER, scenario->objective_arg_1));
	set_format_arg(6, int, scenario->objective_arg_2);
	y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, gCommonFormatArgs, x, y, 170, STR_OBJECTIVE, COLOUR_BLACK) + 5;

	// Scenario score
	if (scenario->highscore != NULL) {
		// TODO: Should probably be translateable
		const utf8 *completedByName = "???";
		if (!str_is_null_or_empty(scenario->highscore->name)) {
			completedByName = scenario->highscore->name;
		set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, STR_STRING);
		set_format_arg(2, const char *, completedByName);
		set_format_arg(2 + sizeof(const char *), money32, scenario->highscore->company_value);
		y += gfx_draw_string_left_wrapped(dpi, gCommonFormatArgs, x, y, 170, STR_COMPLETED_BY_WITH_COMPANY_VALUE, COLOUR_BLACK);
コード例 #14
ファイル: InstallTrack.cpp プロジェクト: OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006D3B1F
static void window_install_track_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi)
    window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

    // Track preview
    rct_widget* widget = &window_install_track_widgets[WIDX_TRACK_PREVIEW];
    int32_t x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
    int32_t y = w->y + widget->top + 1;
    int32_t colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[0]].darkest;
    gfx_fill_rect(dpi, x, y, x + 369, y + 216, colour);

    rct_g1_element g1temp = {};
    g1temp.offset = _trackDesignPreviewPixels.data() + (_currentTrackPieceDirection * TRACK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_SIZE);
    g1temp.width = 370;
    g1temp.height = 217;
    g1temp.flags = G1_FLAG_BMP;
    gfx_set_g1_element(SPR_TEMP, &g1temp);
    gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_TEMP, x, y, 0);

    x = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2;
    y = w->y + widget->bottom - 12;

    // Warnings
    rct_track_td6* td6 = _trackDesign;
        if (!gTrackDesignSceneryToggle)
            // Scenery not available
            y -= LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

    // Information
    x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
    y = w->y + widget->bottom + 4;
    // 0x006D3CF1 -- 0x006d3d71 missing

    // Track design name & type
    auto trackName = _trackName.c_str();
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_DESIGN_NAME, &trackName, COLOUR_BLACK, x - 1, y);

    rct_ride_name rideName;
    rct_string_id friendlyTrackName;

    void* objectEntry = object_manager_load_object(&td6->vehicle_object);
    if (objectEntry != nullptr)
        int32_t groupIndex = object_manager_get_loaded_object_entry_index(objectEntry);
        rideName = get_ride_naming(td6->type, get_ride_entry(groupIndex));
        friendlyTrackName = rideName.name;
        // Fall back on the technical track name if the vehicle object cannot be loaded
        friendlyTrackName = RideNaming[td6->type].name;

    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_DESIGN_TYPE, &friendlyTrackName, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
    y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 4;

    // Stats
    fixed32_2dp rating = td6->excitement * 10;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_EXCITEMENT_RATING, &rating, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);

    rating = td6->intensity * 10;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_INTENSITY_RATING, &rating, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);

    rating = td6->nausea * 10;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_NAUSEA_RATING, &rating, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
    y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT + 4;

    if (td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MAZE)
        if (td6->type == RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF)
            // Holes
            uint16_t holes = td6->holes & 0x1F;
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_HOLES, &holes, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;
            // Maximum speed
            uint16_t speed = ((td6->max_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18;
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_SPEED, &speed, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

            // Average speed
            speed = ((td6->average_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18;
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_AVERAGE_SPEED, &speed, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

        // Ride length
        set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, STR_RIDE_LENGTH_ENTRY);
        set_format_arg(2, uint16_t, td6->ride_length);
        gfx_draw_string_left_clipped(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_RIDE_LENGTH, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, 214);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

    if (ride_type_has_flag(td6->type, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_G_FORCES))
        // Maximum positive vertical Gs
        int32_t gForces = td6->max_positive_vertical_g * 32;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_POSITIVE_VERTICAL_G, &gForces, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

        // Maximum negative vertical Gs
        gForces = td6->max_negative_vertical_g * 32;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_NEGATIVE_VERTICAL_G, &gForces, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

        // Maximum lateral Gs
        gForces = td6->max_lateral_g * 32;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_LATERAL_G, &gForces, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

        // If .TD6
        if (td6->version_and_colour_scheme / 4 >= 2)
            if (td6->total_air_time != 0)
                // Total air time
                int32_t airTime = td6->total_air_time * 25;
                gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TOTAL_AIR_TIME, &airTime, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
                y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

    if (ride_type_has_flag(td6->type, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_DROPS))
        // Drops
        uint16_t drops = td6->drops & 0x3F;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_DROPS, &drops, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

        // Drop height is multiplied by 0.75
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_HIGHEST_DROP_HEIGHT, &drops, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

    if (td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF)
        uint16_t inversions = td6->inversions & 0x1F;
        if (inversions != 0)
            // Inversions
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVERSIONS, &inversions, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;
    y += 4;

    if (td6->space_required_x != 0xFF)
        // Space required
        set_format_arg(0, uint16_t, td6->space_required_x);
        set_format_arg(2, uint16_t, td6->space_required_y);
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_SPACE_REQUIRED, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += LIST_ROW_HEIGHT;

    if (td6->cost != 0)
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_COST_AROUND, &td6->cost, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
コード例 #15
 *  rct2: 0x00684EE0
static void window_editor_inventions_list_paint(rct_window* w, rct_drawpixelinfo* dpi)
    rct_widget* widget;
    rct_research_item* researchItem;
    rct_string_id stringId;
    int32_t x, y, width;

    window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

    // Tab image
    x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].left;
    y = w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_TAB_1].top;
    gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, SPR_TAB_FINANCES_RESEARCH_0 + (w->frame_no / 2) % 8, x, y, 0);

    // Pre-researched items label
    x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_PRE_RESEARCHED_SCROLL].left;
    y = w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_PRE_RESEARCHED_SCROLL].top - 11;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVENTION_PREINVENTED_ITEMS, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y - 1);

    // Research order label
    x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].left;
    y = w->y + w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].top - 11;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVENTION_TO_BE_INVENTED_ITEMS, nullptr, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y - 1);

    // Preview background
    widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW];
        dpi, w->x + widget->left + 1, w->y + widget->top + 1, w->x + widget->right - 1, w->y + widget->bottom - 1,

    researchItem = _editorInventionsListDraggedItem;
    if (researchItem == nullptr)
        researchItem = w->research_item;
    // If the research item is null or a list separator.
    if (researchItem == nullptr || researchItem->rawValue < 0)

    // Preview image
    int32_t objectEntryType = OBJECT_TYPE_SCENERY_GROUP;
    if (researchItem->type == RESEARCH_ENTRY_TYPE_RIDE)
        objectEntryType = OBJECT_TYPE_RIDE;

    auto chunk = object_entry_get_chunk(objectEntryType, researchItem->entryIndex);
    if (chunk == nullptr)

    auto entry = object_entry_get_entry(objectEntryType, researchItem->entryIndex);

    // Draw preview
    widget = &w->widgets[WIDX_PREVIEW];

    void* object = object_manager_get_loaded_object(entry);
    if (object != nullptr)
        rct_drawpixelinfo clipDPI;
        x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
        y = w->y + widget->top + 1;
        width = widget->right - widget->left - 1;
        int32_t height = widget->bottom - widget->top - 1;
        if (clip_drawpixelinfo(&clipDPI, dpi, x, y, width, height))
            object_draw_preview(object, &clipDPI, width, height);

    // Item name
    x = w->x + ((widget->left + widget->right) / 2) + 1;
    y = w->y + widget->bottom + 3;
    width = w->width - w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].right - 6;

    rct_string_id drawString = window_editor_inventions_list_prepare_name(researchItem, false);
    gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, drawString, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, width);
    y += 15;

    // Item category
    x = w->x + w->widgets[WIDX_RESEARCH_ORDER_SCROLL].right + 4;
    stringId = EditorInventionsResearchCategories[researchItem->category];
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVENTION_RESEARCH_GROUP, &stringId, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
コード例 #16
ファイル: widget.c プロジェクト: MaciekBaron/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006EB2F9
static void widget_caption_draw(rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi, rct_window *w, int widgetIndex)
	rct_widget* widget;
	int l, t, r, b, width, press;
	uint8 colour;

	// Get the widget
	widget = &w->widgets[widgetIndex];

	// Resolve the absolute ltrb
	l = w->x + widget->left;
	t = w->y + widget->top;
	r = w->x + widget->right;
	b = w->y + widget->bottom;

	// Get the colour
	colour = w->colours[widget->colour];

	if (w->var_4B8 != -1) {
		gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, *((char*)(0x013CA742 + w->var_4B8)) << 19, l + 1, t + 1);
		if (w->width > 638)
			gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, *((char*)(0x013CA742 + w->var_4B8)) << 19, l + 1 + 638, t + 1);
		if (w->var_4B9 != -1) {
			gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, *((char*)(0x013CA742 + w->var_4B9)) << 19, l + 1, t + 1);
			if (w->width > 638)
				gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, *((char*)(0x013CA742 + w->var_4B9)) << 19, l + 1 + 638, t + 1);

		press = 0x70;
		if (w->flags & 0x0400)
			press |= 0x80;

		gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, press);
		gfx_fill_rect(dpi, r + 1, t, r + 1, b, *((char*)(0x0141FC47 + (colour * 8))));
	} else {
		press = 0x60;
		if (w->flags & 0x0400)
			press |= 0x80;

		gfx_fill_rect_inset(dpi, l, t, r, b, colour, press);
		gfx_fill_rect(dpi, l + 1, t + 1, r - 1, b - 1, 0x2000000 | 47);

	// Draw text
	if (widget->image == (uint32)-1)

	l = widget->left + w->x + 2;
	t = widget->top + w->y + 1;
	width = widget->right - widget->left - 4;
	if ((widget + 1)->type == WWT_CLOSEBOX) {
		width -= 10;
		if ((widget + 2)->type == WWT_CLOSEBOX)
			width -= 10;
	l += width / 2;
	gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, widget->image, (void*)0x013CE952, 34, l, t, width);
コード例 #17
ファイル: track_list.c プロジェクト: trigger-death/OpenRCT2
 *  rct2: 0x006CF387
static void window_track_list_paint(rct_window *w, rct_drawpixelinfo *dpi)
    window_draw_widgets(w, dpi);

    sint32 trackIndex = w->selected_list_item;
    if (gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER) {
        if (_trackDesignsCount == 0 || trackIndex == -1) {
    } else if (trackIndex-- == 0) {

    // Track preview
    sint32 x, y, colour;
    rct_widget *widget = &window_track_list_widgets[WIDX_TRACK_PREVIEW];
    x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
    y = w->y + widget->top + 1;
    colour = ColourMapA[w->colours[0]].darkest;
    gfx_fill_rect(dpi, x, y, x + 369, y + 216, colour);

    if (_loadedTrackDesignIndex != trackIndex) {
        utf8 *path = _trackDesigns[trackIndex].path;
        if (track_list_load_design_for_preview(path)) {
            _loadedTrackDesignIndex = trackIndex;
        } else {
            _loadedTrackDesignIndex = TRACK_DESIGN_INDEX_UNLOADED;

    rct_track_td6 *td6 = _loadedTrackDesign;
    if (td6 == NULL) {

    rct_g1_element *substituteElement = &g1Elements[SPR_TEMP];
    rct_g1_element tmpElement = *substituteElement;
    substituteElement->offset = _trackDesignPreviewPixels + (_currentTrackPieceDirection * TRACK_PREVIEW_IMAGE_SIZE);
    substituteElement->width = 370;
    substituteElement->height = 217;
    substituteElement->x_offset = 0;
    substituteElement->y_offset = 0;
    substituteElement->flags = G1_FLAG_BMP;
    gfx_draw_sprite(dpi, 0, x, y, 0);
    *substituteElement = tmpElement;

    x = w->x + (widget->left + widget->right) / 2;
    y = w->y + widget->bottom - 12;

    // Warnings
    if ((td6->track_flags & TRACK_DESIGN_FLAG_VEHICLE_UNAVAILABLE) && !(gScreenFlags & SCREEN_FLAGS_TRACK_MANAGER)) {
        // Vehicle design not available
        gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_VEHICLE_DESIGN_UNAVAILABLE, NULL, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, 368);
        y -= 10;

    if (td6->track_flags & TRACK_DESIGN_FLAG_SCENERY_UNAVAILABLE) {
        if (!gTrackDesignSceneryToggle) {
            // Scenery not available
            gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_DESIGN_INCLUDES_SCENERY_WHICH_IS_UNAVAILABLE, NULL, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, 368);
            y -= 10;

    // Track design name
    utf8 *trackName = _trackDesigns[trackIndex].name;
    gfx_draw_string_centred_clipped(dpi, STR_TRACK_PREVIEW_NAME_FORMAT, &trackName, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, 368);

    // Information
    x = w->x + widget->left + 1;
    y = w->y + widget->bottom + 2;

    // Stats
    fixed32_2dp rating = td6->excitement * 10;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_EXCITEMENT_RATING, &rating, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
    y += 10;

    rating = td6->intensity * 10;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_INTENSITY_RATING, &rating, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
    y += 10;

    rating = td6->nausea * 10;
    gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_NAUSEA_RATING, &rating, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
    y += 14;

    if (td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MAZE) {
        if (td6->type == RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF) {
            // Holes
            uint16 holes = td6->holes & 0x1F;
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_HOLES, &holes, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += 10;
        } else {
            // Maximum speed
            uint16 speed = ((td6->max_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18;
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_SPEED, &speed, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += 10;

            // Average speed
            speed = ((td6->average_speed << 16) * 9) >> 18;
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_AVERAGE_SPEED, &speed, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += 10;

        // Ride length
        set_format_arg(0, rct_string_id, STR_RIDE_LENGTH_ENTRY);
        set_format_arg(2, uint16, td6->ride_length);
        gfx_draw_string_left_clipped(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_RIDE_LENGTH, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y, 214);
        y += 10;

    if (ride_type_has_flag(td6->type, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_G_FORCES)) {
        // Maximum positive vertical Gs
        sint32 gForces = td6->max_positive_vertical_g * 32;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_POSITIVE_VERTICAL_G, &gForces, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += 10;

        // Maximum negative vertical Gs
        gForces = td6->max_negative_vertical_g * 32;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_NEGATIVE_VERTICAL_G, &gForces, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += 10;

        // Maximum lateral Gs
        gForces = td6->max_lateral_g * 32;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_MAX_LATERAL_G, &gForces, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += 10;

        // If .TD6
        if (td6->version_and_colour_scheme / 4 >= 2) {
            if (td6->total_air_time != 0) {
                // Total air time
                sint32 airTime = td6->total_air_time * 25;
                gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TOTAL_AIR_TIME, &airTime, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
                y += 10;

    if (ride_type_has_flag(td6->type, RIDE_TYPE_FLAG_HAS_DROPS)) {
        // Drops
        uint16 drops = td6->drops & 0x3F;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_DROPS, &drops, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += 10;

        // Drop height is multiplied by 0.75
        uint16 highestDropHeight = (td6->highest_drop_height * 3) / 4;
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_HIGHEST_DROP_HEIGHT, &highestDropHeight, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += 10;

    if (td6->type != RIDE_TYPE_MINI_GOLF) {
        uint16 inversions = td6->inversions & 0x1F;
        if (inversions != 0) {
            // Inversions
            gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_INVERSIONS, &inversions, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
            y += 10;
    y += 4;

    if (td6->space_required_x != 0xFF) {
        // Space required
        set_format_arg(0, uint16, td6->space_required_x);
        set_format_arg(2, uint16, td6->space_required_y);
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_SPACE_REQUIRED, gCommonFormatArgs, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);
        y += 10;

    if (td6->cost != 0) {
        gfx_draw_string_left(dpi, STR_TRACK_LIST_COST_AROUND, &td6->cost, COLOUR_BLACK, x, y);