コード例 #1
ファイル: opengl_render.c プロジェクト: BariumBlue/naev
 * @brief Blits a sprite, position is relative to the player.
 * Since position is in "game coordinates" it is subject to all
 * sorts of position transformations.
 *    @param sprite Sprite to blit.
 *    @param bx X position of the texture relative to the player.
 *    @param by Y position of the texture relative to the player.
 *    @param sx X position of the sprite to use.
 *    @param sy Y position of the sprite to use.
 *    @param c Colour to use (modifies texture colour).
void gl_blitSprite( const glTexture* sprite, const double bx, const double by,
      const int sx, const int sy, const glColour* c )
   double x,y, w,h, tx,ty, z;

   /* Translate coords. */
   z = cam_getZoom();
   gl_gameToScreenCoords( &x, &y, bx - sprite->sw/2., by - sprite->sh/2. );

   /* Scaled sprite dimensions. */
   w = sprite->sw*z;
   h = sprite->sh*z;

   /* check if inbounds */
   if ((x < -w) || (x > SCREEN_W+w) ||
         (y < -h) || (y > SCREEN_H+h))

   /* texture coords */
   tx = sprite->sw*(double)(sx)/sprite->rw;
   ty = sprite->sh*(sprite->sy-(double)sy-1)/sprite->rh;

   gl_blitTexture( sprite, x, y, w, h,
         tx, ty, sprite->srw, sprite->srh, c );
コード例 #2
ファイル: opengl_render.c プロジェクト: BariumBlue/naev
 * @brief Blits a sprite interpolating, position is relative to the player.
 * Since position is in "game coordinates" it is subject to all
 * sorts of position transformations.
 * Interpolation is:  sa*inter + sb*1.-inter)
 *    @param sa Sprite A to blit.
 *    @param sb Sprite B to blit.
 *    @param inter Amount to interpolate.
 *    @param bx X position of the texture relative to the player.
 *    @param by Y position of the texture relative to the player.
 *    @param sx X position of the sprite to use.
 *    @param sy Y position of the sprite to use.
 *    @param c Colour to use (modifies texture colour).
void gl_blitSpriteInterpolateScale( const glTexture* sa, const glTexture *sb,
      double inter, const double bx, const double by,
      double scalew, double scaleh,
      const int sx, const int sy, const glColour *c )
   double x,y, w,h, tx,ty, z;

   /* Translate coords. */
   gl_gameToScreenCoords( &x, &y, bx - scalew * sa->sw/2., by - scaleh * sa->sh/2. );

   /* Scaled sprite dimensions. */
   z = cam_getZoom();
   w = sa->sw*z*scalew;
   h = sa->sh*z*scaleh;

   /* check if inbounds */
   if ((x < -w) || (x > SCREEN_W+w) ||
         (y < -h) || (y > SCREEN_H+h))

   /* texture coords */
   tx = sa->sw*(double)(sx)/sa->rw;
   ty = sa->sh*(sa->sy-(double)sy-1)/sa->rh;

   gl_blitTextureInterpolate( sa, sb, inter, x, y, w, h,
         tx, ty, sa->srw, sa->srh, c );
コード例 #3
ファイル: background.c プロジェクト: Dinth/naev
 * @brief Renders the background images.
static void background_renderImages( background_image_t *bkg_arr )
   int i;
   background_image_t *bkg;
   double px,py, x,y, xs,ys, z;

   /* Must have an image array created. */
   if (bkg_arr == NULL)

   /* Render images in order. */
   for (i=0; i<array_size(bkg_arr); i++) {
      bkg = &bkg_arr[i];

      cam_getPos( &px, &py );
      x  = px + (bkg->x - px) * bkg->move - bkg->scale*bkg->image->sw/2.;
      y  = py + (bkg->y - py) * bkg->move - bkg->scale*bkg->image->sh/2.;
      gl_gameToScreenCoords( &xs, &ys, x, y );
      z = cam_getZoom();
      z *= bkg->scale;
      gl_blitScale( bkg->image, xs, ys,
            z*bkg->image->sw, z*bkg->image->sh, &bkg->col );
コード例 #4
 * @brief Updates a camera following a pilot.
static void cam_updatePilot( Pilot *follow, double dt )
   Pilot *target;
   double diag2, a, r, dir, k;
   double x,y, dx,dy, mx,my, targ_x,targ_y, bias_x,bias_y, vx,vy;

   /* Get target. */
   if (!pilot_isFlag(follow, PILOT_HYPERSPACE) && (follow->target != follow->id))
      target = pilot_get( follow->target );
      target = NULL;

   /* Real diagonal might be a bit too harsh since it can cut out the ship,
    * we'll just use the largest of the two. */
   /*diag2 = pow2(SCREEN_W) + pow2(SCREEN_H);*/
   /*diag2 = pow2( MIN(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H) );*/
   diag2 = 100*100;
   x = follow->solid->pos.x;
   y = follow->solid->pos.y;

   /* Compensate player movement. */
   mx        = x - old_X;
   my        = y - old_Y;
   camera_X += mx;
   camera_Y += my;

   /* Set old position. */
   old_X     = x;
   old_Y     = y;

   /* No bias by default. */
   bias_x = 0.;
   bias_y = 0.;

   /* Bias towards target. */
   if (target != NULL) {
      bias_x += target->solid->pos.x - x;
      bias_y += target->solid->pos.y - y;

   /* Bias towards velocity and facing. */
   vx       = follow->solid->vel.x*1.5;
   vy       = follow->solid->vel.y*1.5;
   dir      = angle_diff( atan2(vy,vx), follow->solid->dir);
   dir      = (M_PI - fabs(dir)) /  M_PI; /* Normalize. */
   vx      *= dir;
   vy      *= dir;
   bias_x  += vx;
   bias_y  += vy;

   /* Limit bias. */
   if (pow2(bias_x)+pow2(bias_y) > diag2/2.) {
      a        = atan2( bias_y, bias_x );
      r        = sqrt(diag2)/2.;
      bias_x   = r*cos(a);
      bias_y   = r*sin(a);

   /* Compose the target. */
   targ_x   = x + bias_x;
   targ_y   = y + bias_y;

   /* Head towards target. */
   k = 0.5*dt/dt_mod;
   dx = (targ_x-camera_X)*k;
   dy = (targ_y-camera_Y)*k;
   background_moveStars( -(mx+dx), -(my+dy) );

   /* Update camera. */
   camera_X += dx;
   camera_Y += dy;

   /* DEBUG. */
#if 0
   glColor4d( 1., 1., 1., 1. );
   gl_gameToScreenCoords( &x, &y, x, y );
   glVertex2d( x, y );
   gl_gameToScreenCoords( &x, &y, camera_X, camera_Y );
   glVertex2d( x, y );
   glEnd(); /* GL_LINES */

   /* Update zoom. */
   cam_updatePilotZoom( follow, target, dt );