コード例 #1
ファイル: LeapMotionPlugin.cpp プロジェクト: SeijiEmery/hifi
void LeapMotionPlugin::InputDevice::update(float deltaTime, const controller::InputCalibrationData& inputCalibrationData,
        const std::vector<LeapMotionPlugin::LeapMotionJoint>& joints,
        const std::vector<LeapMotionPlugin::LeapMotionJoint>& prevJoints) {

    glm::mat4 controllerToAvatar = glm::inverse(inputCalibrationData.avatarMat) * inputCalibrationData.sensorToWorldMat;
    glm::quat controllerToAvatarRotation = glmExtractRotation(controllerToAvatar);

    glm::vec3 hmdSensorPosition;    // HMD
    glm::quat hmdSensorOrientation; // HMD
    glm::vec3 leapMotionOffset;     // Desktop
    if (_isLeapOnHMD) {
        hmdSensorPosition = extractTranslation(inputCalibrationData.hmdSensorMat);
        hmdSensorOrientation = extractRotation(inputCalibrationData.hmdSensorMat);
    } else {
        // Desktop "zero" position is some distance above the Leap Motion sensor and half the avatar's shoulder-to-hand length 
        // in front of avatar.
        float halfShouldToHandLength = fabsf(extractTranslation(inputCalibrationData.defaultLeftHand).x
            - extractTranslation(inputCalibrationData.defaultLeftArm).x) / 2.0f;
        leapMotionOffset = glm::vec3(0.0f, _desktopHeightOffset, halfShouldToHandLength);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++) {
        int poseIndex = LeapMotionJointIndexToPoseIndex((LeapMotionJointIndex)i);

        if (joints[i].position == Vectors::ZERO) {
            _poseStateMap[poseIndex] = controller::Pose();

        glm::vec3 pos;
        glm::quat rot;
        if (_isLeapOnHMD) {
            auto jointPosition = joints[i].position;
            const glm::vec3 HMD_EYE_TO_LEAP_OFFSET = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -0.09f);  // Eyes to surface of Leap Motion.
            jointPosition = glm::vec3(-jointPosition.x, -jointPosition.z, -jointPosition.y) + HMD_EYE_TO_LEAP_OFFSET;
            jointPosition = hmdSensorPosition + hmdSensorOrientation * jointPosition;
            pos = transformPoint(controllerToAvatar, jointPosition);

            glm::quat jointOrientation = joints[i].orientation;
            jointOrientation = glm::quat(jointOrientation.w, -jointOrientation.x, -jointOrientation.z, -jointOrientation.y);
            rot = controllerToAvatarRotation * hmdSensorOrientation * jointOrientation;
        } else {
            pos = controllerToAvatarRotation * (joints[i].position - leapMotionOffset);
            const glm::quat ZERO_HAND_ORIENTATION = glm::quat(glm::vec3(PI_OVER_TWO, PI, 0.0f));
            rot = controllerToAvatarRotation * joints[i].orientation * ZERO_HAND_ORIENTATION;

        glm::vec3 linearVelocity, angularVelocity;
        if (i < prevJoints.size()) {
            linearVelocity = (pos - (prevJoints[i].position * METERS_PER_CENTIMETER)) / deltaTime;  // m/s
            // quat log imaginary part points along the axis of rotation, with length of one half the angle of rotation.
            glm::quat d = glm::log(rot * glm::inverse(prevJoints[i].orientation));
            angularVelocity = glm::vec3(d.x, d.y, d.z) / (0.5f * deltaTime); // radians/s

        _poseStateMap[poseIndex] = controller::Pose(pos, rot, linearVelocity, angularVelocity);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Pose.cpp プロジェクト: AlphaStaxLLC/hifi
 Pose Pose::transform(const glm::mat4& mat) const {
     auto rot = glmExtractRotation(mat);
     Pose pose(transformPoint(mat, translation),
               rot * rotation,
               transformVectorFast(mat, velocity),
               rot * angularVelocity);
     pose.valid = valid;
     return pose;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AnimUtil.cpp プロジェクト: AndrewMeadows/hifi
// This will attempt to determine the proper body facing of a characters body
// assumes headRot is z-forward and y-up.
// and returns a bodyRot that is also z-forward and y-up
glm::quat computeBodyFacingFromHead(const glm::quat& headRot, const glm::vec3& up) {

    glm::vec3 bodyUp = glm::normalize(up);

    // initially take the body facing from the head.
    glm::vec3 headUp = headRot * Vectors::UNIT_Y;
    glm::vec3 headForward = headRot * Vectors::UNIT_Z;
    glm::vec3 headLeft = headRot * Vectors::UNIT_X;
    const float NOD_THRESHOLD = cosf(glm::radians(45.0f));
    const float TILT_THRESHOLD = cosf(glm::radians(30.0f));

    glm::vec3 bodyForward = headForward;

    float nodDot = glm::dot(headForward, bodyUp);
    float tiltDot = glm::dot(headLeft, bodyUp);

    if (fabsf(tiltDot) < TILT_THRESHOLD) { // if we are not tilting too much
        if (nodDot < -NOD_THRESHOLD) { // head is looking downward
            // the body should face in the same direction as the top the head.
            bodyForward = headUp;
        } else if (nodDot > NOD_THRESHOLD) {  // head is looking upward
            // the body should face away from the top of the head.
            bodyForward = -headUp;

    // cancel out upward component
    bodyForward = glm::normalize(bodyForward - nodDot * bodyUp);

    glm::vec3 u, v, w;
    generateBasisVectors(bodyForward, bodyUp, u, v, w);

    // create matrix from orthogonal basis vectors
    glm::mat4 bodyMat(glm::vec4(w, 0.0f), glm::vec4(v, 0.0f), glm::vec4(u, 0.0f), glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

    return glmExtractRotation(bodyMat);
コード例 #4
void KinectPlugin::InputDevice::update(float deltaTime, const controller::InputCalibrationData& inputCalibrationData, 
                                        const std::vector<KinectPlugin::KinectJoint>& joints, const std::vector<KinectPlugin::KinectJoint>& prevJoints) {

    glm::mat4 controllerToAvatar = glm::inverse(inputCalibrationData.avatarMat) * inputCalibrationData.sensorToWorldMat;
    glm::quat controllerToAvatarRotation = glmExtractRotation(controllerToAvatar);

    vec3 kinectHipPos;
    if (joints.size() > JointType_SpineBase) {
        kinectHipPos = joints[JointType_SpineBase].position;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < joints.size(); i++) {
        int poseIndex = KinectJointIndexToPoseIndex((KinectJointIndex)i);
        glm::vec3 linearVel, angularVel;

        // Adjust the position to be hip (avatar) relative, and rotated to match the avatar rotation
        const glm::vec3& pos = controllerToAvatarRotation * (joints[i].position - kinectHipPos);

        if (Vectors::ZERO == pos) {
            _poseStateMap[poseIndex] = controller::Pose();

        // FIXME - determine the correct orientation transform
        glm::quat rot = joints[i].orientation;

        if (i < prevJoints.size()) {
            linearVel = (pos - (prevJoints[i].position * METERS_PER_CENTIMETER)) / deltaTime;  // m/s
            // quat log imaginary part points along the axis of rotation, with length of one half the angle of rotation.
            glm::quat d = glm::log(rot * glm::inverse(prevJoints[i].orientation));
            angularVel = glm::vec3(d.x, d.y, d.z) / (0.5f * deltaTime); // radians/s

        _poseStateMap[poseIndex] = controller::Pose(pos, rot, linearVel, angularVel);
コード例 #5
bool RenderableModelEntityItem::getAnimationFrame() {
    bool newFrame = false;

    if (!_model || !_model->isActive() || !_model->isLoaded() || _needsInitialSimulation) {
        return false;

    if (!hasAnimation() || !_jointMappingCompleted) {
        return false;
    AnimationPointer myAnimation = getAnimation(_animationProperties.getURL()); // FIXME: this could be optimized
    if (myAnimation && myAnimation->isLoaded()) {

        const QVector<FBXAnimationFrame>&  frames = myAnimation->getFramesReference(); // NOTE: getFrames() is too heavy
        auto& fbxJoints = myAnimation->getGeometry().joints;

        int frameCount = frames.size();
        if (frameCount > 0) {
            int animationCurrentFrame = (int)(glm::floor(getAnimationCurrentFrame())) % frameCount;
            if (animationCurrentFrame < 0 || animationCurrentFrame > frameCount) {
                animationCurrentFrame = 0;

            if (animationCurrentFrame != _lastKnownCurrentFrame) {
                _lastKnownCurrentFrame = animationCurrentFrame;
                newFrame = true;

                if (_jointMapping.size() != _model->getJointStateCount()) {
                    qDebug() << "RenderableModelEntityItem::getAnimationFrame -- joint count mismatch"
                             << _jointMapping.size() << _model->getJointStateCount();
                    return false;

                const QVector<glm::quat>& rotations = frames[animationCurrentFrame].rotations;
                const QVector<glm::vec3>& translations = frames[animationCurrentFrame].translations;

                for (int j = 0; j < _jointMapping.size(); j++) {
                    int index = _jointMapping[j];
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        glm::mat4 translationMat;
                        if (index < translations.size()) {
                            translationMat = glm::translate(translations[index]);
                        glm::mat4 rotationMat(glm::mat4::_null);
                        if (index < rotations.size()) {
                            rotationMat = glm::mat4_cast(fbxJoints[index].preRotation * rotations[index] * fbxJoints[index].postRotation);
                        } else {
                            rotationMat = glm::mat4_cast(fbxJoints[index].preRotation * fbxJoints[index].postRotation);
                        glm::mat4 finalMat = (translationMat * fbxJoints[index].preTransform *
                                              rotationMat * fbxJoints[index].postTransform);
                        _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrame[j] = extractTranslation(finalMat);
                        _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrameSet[j] = true;
                        _absoluteJointTranslationsInObjectFrameDirty[j] = true;

                        _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrame[j] = glmExtractRotation(finalMat);

                        _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrameSet[j] = true;
                        _absoluteJointRotationsInObjectFrameDirty[j] = true;

    return newFrame;