コード例 #1
ファイル: mainwindow.cpp プロジェクト: Xiaobin0860/Demos
void MainWindow::onTest()
    QPoint globalPoint(ui->screen->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: qdirectfbinput.cpp プロジェクト: RS102839/qt
void QDirectFbInput::handleWheelEvent(const DFBEvent &event)
    QPoint p(event.window.cx, event.window.cy);
    QPoint globalPos = globalPoint(event);
    long timestamp = (event.window.timestamp.tv_sec*1000) + (event.window.timestamp.tv_usec/1000);
    QWidget *tlw = m_tlwMap.value(event.window.window_id);
    QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(tlw, timestamp, p, globalPos,
コード例 #3
ファイル: qdirectfbinput.cpp プロジェクト: RS102839/qt
void QDirectFbInput::handleMouseEvents(const DFBEvent &event)
    QPoint p(event.window.x, event.window.y);
    QPoint globalPos = globalPoint(event);
    Qt::MouseButtons buttons = QDirectFbConvenience::mouseButtons(event.window.buttons);

    QDirectFBPointer<IDirectFBDisplayLayer> layer(QDirectFbConvenience::dfbDisplayLayer());
    QDirectFBPointer<IDirectFBWindow> window;
    layer->GetWindow(layer.data(), event.window.window_id, window.outPtr());

    long timestamp = (event.window.timestamp.tv_sec*1000) + (event.window.timestamp.tv_usec/1000);

    QWidget *tlw = m_tlwMap.value(event.window.window_id);
    QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(tlw, timestamp, p, globalPos, buttons);
コード例 #4
void Ut_MInputContext::testMouseHandler()
    // TODO: test mouse button press and maybe double click

    WidgetStub widget(0);
    int x = 4;
    // mouse left button release on (10, 10), no additional modifiers
    QPoint point(10, 10);
    QPoint globalPoint(20, 20);
    QMouseEvent event(QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, point, globalPoint, Qt::LeftButton,
                      Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);

    m_subject->mouseHandler(x, &event);


    QCOMPARE(m_stub->mouseClickedOnPreeditCount(), 1);

コード例 #5
ファイル: qbbeventthread.cpp プロジェクト: BGmot/Qt
void QBBEventThread::handleTouchEvent(screen_event_t event, int qnxType)
    // get display coordinates of touch
    errno = 0;
    int pos[2];
    int result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, pos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event position, errno=%d", errno);

    // get window coordinates of touch
    errno = 0;
    int windowPos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, windowPos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window position, errno=%d", errno);

    // determine which finger touched
    errno = 0;
    int touchId;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_TOUCH_ID, &touchId);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event touch id, errno=%d", errno);

    // determine which window was touched
    errno = 0;
    void *qnxWindow;
    result = screen_get_event_property_pv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_WINDOW, &qnxWindow);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window, errno=%d", errno);

    // check if finger is valid
    if (touchId < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS) {

        // map window to top-level widget
        QWidget* w = QWidget::find( (WId)qnxWindow );

        // Generate enter and leave events as needed.
        if (qnxWindow != mLastMouseWindow) {
            QWidget* wOld = QWidget::find( (WId)mLastMouseWindow );

            if (wOld) {
                qDebug() << "QBB: Qt leave, w=" << wOld;

            if (w) {
                qDebug() << "QBB: Qt enter, w=" << w;

        if (w) {
            // convert primary touch to mouse event
            if (touchId == 0) {

                // convert point to local coordinates
                QPoint globalPoint(pos[0], pos[1]);
                QPoint localPoint(windowPos[0], windowPos[1]);

                // map touch state to button state
                Qt::MouseButtons buttons = (qnxType == SCREEN_EVENT_MTOUCH_RELEASE) ? Qt::NoButton : Qt::LeftButton;

                // inject event into Qt
                QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, buttons);
                qDebug() << "QBB: Qt mouse, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), b=" << buttons;

            // get size of screen which contains window
            QPlatformScreen* platformScreen = QPlatformScreen::platformScreenForWidget(w);
            QSize screenSize = platformScreen->physicalSize();

            // update cached position of current touch point
            mTouchPoints[touchId].normalPosition = QPointF( ((qreal)pos[0]) / screenSize.width(), ((qreal)pos[1]) / screenSize.height() );
            mTouchPoints[touchId].area = QRectF( pos[0], pos[1], 0.0, 0.0 );

            // determine event type and update state of current touch point
            QEvent::Type type = QEvent::None;
            switch (qnxType) {
                mTouchPoints[touchId].state = Qt::TouchPointPressed;
                type = QEvent::TouchBegin;
            case SCREEN_EVENT_MTOUCH_MOVE:
                mTouchPoints[touchId].state = Qt::TouchPointMoved;
                type = QEvent::TouchUpdate;
                mTouchPoints[touchId].state = Qt::TouchPointReleased;
                type = QEvent::TouchEnd;

            // build list of active touch points
            QList<QWindowSystemInterface::TouchPoint> pointList;
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TOUCH_POINTS; i++) {
                if (i == touchId) {
                    // current touch point is always active
                } else if (mTouchPoints[i].state != Qt::TouchPointReleased) {
                    // finger is down but did not move
                    mTouchPoints[i].state = Qt::TouchPointStationary;

            // inject event into Qt
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent(w, type, QTouchEvent::TouchScreen, pointList);
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt touch, w=" << w << ", p=(" << pos[0] << "," << pos[1] << "), t=" << type;
コード例 #6
ファイル: qbbeventthread.cpp プロジェクト: BGmot/Qt
void QBBEventThread::handlePointerEvent(screen_event_t event)
    errno = 0;

    // Query the window that was clicked
    void *qnxWindow;
    int result = screen_get_event_property_pv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_WINDOW, &qnxWindow);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the button states
    int buttonState = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUTTONS, &buttonState);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event button state, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the window position
    int windowPos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, windowPos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event window position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the screen position
    int pos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, pos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the wheel delta
    int wheelDelta = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_MOUSE_WHEEL, &wheelDelta);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QBB: failed to query event wheel delta, errno=%d", errno);

    // map window to top-level widget
    QWidget* w = QWidget::find( (WId)qnxWindow );

    // Generate enter and leave events as needed.
    if (qnxWindow != mLastMouseWindow) {
        QWidget* wOld = QWidget::find( (WId)mLastMouseWindow );

        if (wOld) {
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt leave, w=" << wOld;

        if (w) {
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt enter, w=" << w;

    // Apply scaling to wheel delta and invert value for Qt. We'll probably want to scale
    // this via a system preference at some point. But for now this is a sane value and makes
    // the wheel usable.
    wheelDelta *= -10;

    // convert point to local coordinates
    QPoint globalPoint(pos[0], pos[1]);
    QPoint localPoint(windowPos[0], windowPos[1]);

    // Convert buttons.
    Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::NoButton;
    if (buttonState & 1)
        buttons |= Qt::LeftButton;
    if (buttonState & 2)
        buttons |= Qt::MidButton;
    if (buttonState & 4)
        buttons |= Qt::RightButton;

    if (w) {
        // Inject mouse event into Qt only if something has changed.
        if (mLastGlobalMousePoint != globalPoint ||
            mLastLocalMousePoint != localPoint ||
            mLastButtonState != buttons) {
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, buttons);
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt mouse, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), b=" << (int)buttons;

        if (wheelDelta) {
            // Screen only supports a single wheel, so we will assume Vertical orientation for
            // now since that is pretty much standard.
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, wheelDelta, Qt::Vertical);
            qDebug() << "QBB: Qt wheel, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), d=" << (int)wheelDelta;

    mLastGlobalMousePoint = globalPoint;
    mLastLocalMousePoint = localPoint;
    mLastButtonState = buttons;
コード例 #7
void QQnxScreenEventHandler::handlePointerEvent(screen_event_t event)
    errno = 0;

    // Query the window that was clicked
    screen_window_t qnxWindow;
    void *handle;
    int result = screen_get_event_property_pv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_WINDOW, &handle);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event window, errno=%d", errno);
    qnxWindow = static_cast<screen_window_t>(handle);

    // Query the button states
    int buttonState = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_BUTTONS, &buttonState);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event button state, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the window position
    int windowPos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_SOURCE_POSITION, windowPos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event window position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the screen position
    int pos[2];
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_POSITION, pos);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event position, errno=%d", errno);

    // Query the wheel delta
    int wheelDelta = 0;
    result = screen_get_event_property_iv(event, SCREEN_PROPERTY_MOUSE_WHEEL, &wheelDelta);
    if (result) {
        qFatal("QQNX: failed to query event wheel delta, errno=%d", errno);

    // Map window handle to top-level QWindow
    QWindow *w = QQnxIntegration::window(qnxWindow);

    // Generate enter and leave events as needed.
    if (qnxWindow != m_lastMouseWindow) {
        QWindow *wOld = QQnxIntegration::window(m_lastMouseWindow);

        if (wOld) {
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt leave, w=" << wOld;

        if (w) {
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt enter, w=" << w;

    // If we don't have a navigator, we don't get activation events.
    if (buttonState && w && w != QGuiApplication::focusWindow() && !m_qnxIntegration->supportsNavigatorEvents())

    m_lastMouseWindow = qnxWindow;

    // Apply scaling to wheel delta and invert value for Qt. We'll probably want to scale
    // this via a system preference at some point. But for now this is a sane value and makes
    // the wheel usable.
    wheelDelta *= -10;

    // convert point to local coordinates
    QPoint globalPoint(pos[0], pos[1]);
    QPoint localPoint(windowPos[0], windowPos[1]);

    // Convert buttons.
    // Some QNX header files invert 'Right Button versus "Left Button' ('Right' == 0x01). But they also offer a 'Button Swap' bit,
    // so we may receive events as shown. (If this is wrong, the fix is easy.)
    // QNX Button mask is 8 buttons wide, with a maximum value of x080.
    Qt::MouseButtons buttons = Qt::NoButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x01)
        buttons |= Qt::LeftButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x02)
        buttons |= Qt::MidButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x04)
        buttons |= Qt::RightButton;
    if (buttonState & 0x08)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton1;    // AKA 'Qt::BackButton'
    if (buttonState & 0x10)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton2;    // AKA 'Qt::ForwardButton'
    if (buttonState & 0x20)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton3;
    if (buttonState & 0x40)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton4;
    if (buttonState & 0x80)
        buttons |= Qt::ExtraButton5;

    if (w) {
        // Inject mouse event into Qt only if something has changed.
        if (m_lastGlobalMousePoint != globalPoint ||
            m_lastLocalMousePoint != localPoint ||
            m_lastButtonState != buttons) {
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleMouseEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, buttons);
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt mouse, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), b=" << static_cast<int>(buttons);

        if (wheelDelta) {
            // Screen only supports a single wheel, so we will assume Vertical orientation for
            // now since that is pretty much standard.
            QWindowSystemInterface::handleWheelEvent(w, localPoint, globalPoint, wheelDelta, Qt::Vertical);
            qScreenEventDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Qt wheel, w=" << w << ", (" << localPoint.x() << "," << localPoint.y() << "), d=" << static_cast<int>(wheelDelta);

    m_lastGlobalMousePoint = globalPoint;
    m_lastLocalMousePoint = localPoint;
    m_lastButtonState = buttons;