END_TEST //-------------------- START_TEST (test_simple_db) { GlyrQuery q; setup (&q,GLYR_GET_LYRICS,10); glyr_opt_artist (&q,"Equi"); glyr_opt_title (&q,"lala"); GlyrDatabase * db = setup_db(); GlyrMemCache * ct = glyr_cache_new(); glyr_cache_set_data (ct,g_strdup ("test"),-1); glyr_db_insert (NULL,&q, (GlyrMemCache*) 0x1); fail_unless (count_db_items (db) == 0, NULL); glyr_db_insert (db,NULL, (GlyrMemCache*) 0x1); fail_unless (count_db_items (db) == 0, NULL); glyr_db_insert (db,&q,NULL); fail_unless (count_db_items (db) == 0, NULL); glyr_db_insert (db,&q,ct); GlyrMemCache * c = glyr_db_lookup (db,&q); fail_unless (c != NULL, NULL); fail_unless (c->data != NULL, NULL); fail_unless (count_db_items (db) == 1, NULL); glyr_db_destroy (db); glyr_cache_free (ct); glyr_query_destroy (&q); }
/* Our polling thread */ gpointer apollo_orbiter(gpointer gp_queue) { FinishedNotify * pn = gp_queue; g_async_queue_ref(pn->queue); while(TRUE) { g_print("\n-----------\n\n"); gpointer thread_data = g_async_queue_pop(pn->queue); if(thread_data == THREAD_TERMINATOR) { g_printerr("\n-- Terminating --\n"); break; } else { GlyrQuery * q = thread_data; GlyrMemCache * head = glyr_get(q,NULL,NULL); if(head != NULL) { g_print("//////// ITEM %d ////////\n",++pn->counter); glyr_cache_print(head); glyr_free_list(head); g_print("/////////////////////////\n"); } glyr_query_destroy(q); } } g_async_queue_unref(pn->queue); return NULL; }
static void moose_metadata_query_finalize(GObject *gobject) { MooseMetadataQuery *self = MOOSE_METADATA_QUERY(gobject); g_assert(self); MooseMetadataQueryPrivate *priv = moose_metadata_query_get_instance_private(self); glyr_query_destroy(&priv->query); g_list_free_full(priv->result_caches, g_object_unref); G_OBJECT_CLASS(g_type_class_peek_parent(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(self)))->finalize(gobject); }
END_TEST //-------------------- START_TEST(test_glyr_opt_proxy) { GlyrQuery q; setup(&q, GLYR_GET_COVERART, 1); glyr_opt_verbosity(&q, 0); glyr_opt_proxy(&q, "I can haz Existence?"); GlyrMemCache *list = glyr_get(&q, NULL, NULL); fail_unless(list == NULL, NULL); glyr_cache_free(list); glyr_query_destroy(&q); }
END_TEST //-------------------- /* Write artist|album|title, select only artist|title */ START_TEST (test_intelligent_lookup) { GlyrDatabase * db = setup_db(); GlyrQuery alt; glyr_query_init (&alt); gchar * artist = "Аркона"; gchar * album = "Ot Serdca k Nebu"; gchar * title = "Pokrovy Nebesnogo Startsa (Shrouds Of Celestial Sage)"; glyr_opt_artist (&alt,artist); glyr_opt_album (&alt,album ); glyr_opt_title (&alt,title ); glyr_opt_type (&alt,GLYR_GET_LYRICS); GlyrMemCache * subject = glyr_cache_new(); glyr_cache_set_data (subject,g_strdup ("These are lyrics. Really."),-1); glyr_db_insert (db,&alt,subject); GlyrMemCache * one = glyr_db_lookup (db,&alt); fail_if (one == NULL,NULL); fail_if (memcmp (one->md5sum,subject->md5sum,16) != 0, NULL); glyr_cache_free (one); alt.album = NULL; GlyrMemCache * two = glyr_db_lookup (db,&alt); fail_if (two == NULL,NULL); fail_if (memcmp (two->md5sum,subject->md5sum,16) != 0, NULL); glyr_cache_free (two); fail_unless (count_db_items (db) == 1,NULL); int deleted = glyr_db_delete (db,&alt); fail_unless (deleted == 1,NULL); fail_unless (count_db_items (db) == 0,NULL); glyr_query_destroy (&alt); glyr_db_destroy (db); }
int main (void) { /* Init this thing, the only two methods not being threadsafe */ glyr_init(); /* Also clear ressources on exit */ atexit (glyr_cleanup); /* This struct is used to store all settings you do via glyr_opt_* */ GlyrQuery q; /* We also should set it to standard values */ glyr_query_init (&q); /* We want lyrics, well, I want. */ glyr_opt_type (&q,GLYR_GET_LYRICS); /* Set random artist/title - you could also omit the album line */ glyr_opt_artist (&q, (char*) "Die Ärzte"); glyr_opt_album (&q, (char*) "Die Bestie in Menschengestalt"); glyr_opt_title (&q, (char*) "FaFaFa"); /* If any error occured it will be saved here, or GLYRE_OK */ /* You could have also passed a NULL pointer to glyr_get() if you're not interested in this */ GLYR_ERROR err; /* Now get the job done! The 3rd */ GlyrMemCache * head = glyr_get (&q,&err,NULL); /* The results are stored in the GlyrMemCache struct - you are most likely only interested in the fields data, size and type*/ if (head != NULL) { /* head contains also a pointer to the next element, you can use it therefore as linkedlist */ // puts(head->data); glyr_cache_print (head); /* We have to free it again also, you can pass ANY pointer of the list, it works in both directions */ glyr_free_list (head); } /* glyr_query_init may allocate memory - free it. */ glyr_query_destroy (&q); return err; }
static gboolean glyr_finished_thread_update (gpointer data) { PraghaApplication *pragha; GtkWidget *window; glyr_struct *glyr_info = data; pragha = pragha_songinfo_plugin_get_application (glyr_info->plugin); window = pragha_application_get_window (pragha); remove_watch_cursor (window); if(glyr_info->head != NULL) glyr_finished_successfully (glyr_info); else glyr_finished_incorrectly (glyr_info); glyr_query_destroy (&glyr_info->query); g_slice_free (glyr_struct, glyr_info); return FALSE; }
END_TEST //-------------------- START_TEST (test_iter_db) { GlyrQuery q; setup (&q,GLYR_GET_LYRICS,10); glyr_opt_artist (&q,"Equi"); glyr_opt_title (&q,"lala"); GlyrDatabase * db = setup_db(); GlyrQuery nugget; setup (&nugget,GLYR_GET_COVERART,40); glyr_opt_artist (&nugget,"A very special artist"); glyr_opt_album (&nugget,"A very special album"); GTimer * insert_time = g_timer_new(); const int N = 5000; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { GlyrMemCache * ct = glyr_cache_new(); glyr_cache_set_data (ct,g_strdup_printf ("test# %d",i+1),-1); ct->dsrc = g_strdup_printf ("Dummy url %d",i+1); if (i % 2) ct->rating = N ; else ct->rating = N ; if (i % 23) glyr_db_insert (db,&q,ct); else glyr_db_insert (db,&nugget,ct); glyr_cache_free (ct); } g_timer_stop (insert_time); g_message ("Used %.5f seconds to insert..",g_timer_elapsed (insert_time,NULL) ); /* Check if N items are in DB */ int cdb = count_db_items (db); g_message ("Counted %d items",cdb); fail_unless (cdb == N, NULL); /* Test if case-insensitivity works */ glyr_opt_artist (&q,"eQuI"); glyr_opt_title (&q,"LALA"); float fine_grained = 0.0; GTimer * grain_time = g_timer_new(); g_timer_start (insert_time); GlyrMemCache * c, * ptr; for (int i = 1; i <= N/10; i++) { g_timer_start (grain_time); /* Get a list of the caches */ if (i % 10) c = glyr_db_lookup (db,&q); else c = glyr_db_lookup (db,&nugget); g_timer_stop (grain_time); fine_grained += g_timer_elapsed (grain_time,NULL); ptr = c; fail_if (ptr == NULL); int last_rating = INT_MAX; int ctr = 0; while (ptr) { ctr++; fail_unless (last_rating >= ptr->rating); last_rating = ptr->rating; ptr = ptr->next; } glyr_free_list (c); /* Test if we got exactly 10 or 42 items, (honoring number setting) */ if (i % 10) fail_unless (ctr == 10); else fail_unless (ctr == 40); } g_timer_stop (insert_time); g_message ("Used %.5f seconds to lookup..",g_timer_elapsed (insert_time,NULL) ); g_message ("Used %.5f for actual lookup..",fine_grained); glyr_db_destroy (db); glyr_query_destroy (&q); glyr_query_destroy (&nugget); g_timer_destroy (insert_time); g_timer_destroy (grain_time); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* You need to call this before anything happens */ glyr_init(); atexit(glyr_cleanup); /* Initialize a new query (this may allocate memory) */ GlyrQuery q; glyr_query_init(&q); /* Say we want a Songtext */ GLYR_GET_TYPE type = GLYR_GET_LYRICS; glyr_opt_type(&q, type); /* Set at least the required fields to your needs * * For lyrics those are 'artist' and 'title', ('album') * * is strictly optional and may be used by a few plugins */ glyr_opt_artist(&q, (char *) "Die Apokalyptischen Reiter"); glyr_opt_album(&q, (char *) "Riders on the Storm"); glyr_opt_title(&q, (char *) "Friede sei mit dir"); /* Execute a func when getting one item */ int this_be_my_counter = 0; glyr_opt_dlcallback(&q, funny_callback, &this_be_my_counter); /* For the start: Enable verbosity */ glyr_opt_verbosity(&q, 2); /* Download 5 (or less) items */ glyr_opt_number(&q, 5); /* Just search, without downloading items */ glyr_opt_download(&q, 0); /* Call the most important command: GET! * This returned a list of (GlyrMemCache *)s * Each containing ONE item. (i.e. a songtext) */ GLYR_ERROR err; GlyrMemCache *it = glyr_get(&q, &err, NULL); if(err != GLYRE_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "E:%s\n", glyr_strerror(err)); } /* Now iterate through it... */ if(it != NULL) { GlyrMemCache *start = it; int counter = 0; while(it != NULL) { /* This has the same effect as in the callback, * Just that it's executed just once after all DL is done. * Commented out, as this would print it twice * */ print_item(it, counter); /* Every cache has a link to the next and prev one (or NULL respectively) */ it = it->next; ++counter; } /* The contents of it are dynamically allocated. */ /* So better free them if you're not keen on memoryleaks */ glyr_free_list(start); } /* Destroy query (reset to default values and free dyn memory) */ /* You could start right off to use this query in another glyr_get */ glyr_query_destroy(&q); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }