int gmx_mtop_ftype_count(const gmx_mtop_t *mtop,int ftype) { gmx_mtop_ilistloop_t iloop; t_ilist *il; int n,nmol; n = 0; iloop = gmx_mtop_ilistloop_init(mtop); while (gmx_mtop_ilistloop_next(iloop,&il,&nmol)) { n += nmol*il[ftype].nr/(1+NRAL(ftype)); } return n; }
gmx_constr_t init_constraints(FILE *fplog, gmx_mtop_t *mtop, t_inputrec *ir, gmx_edsam_t ed, t_state *state, t_commrec *cr) { int ncon, nset, nmol, settle_type, i, natoms, mt, nflexcon; struct gmx_constr *constr; char *env; t_ilist *ilist; gmx_mtop_ilistloop_t iloop; ncon = gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_CONSTR) + gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_CONSTRNC); nset = gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_SETTLE); if (ncon+nset == 0 && ir->ePull != epullCONSTRAINT && ed == NULL) { return NULL; } snew(constr, 1); constr->ncon_tot = ncon; constr->nflexcon = 0; if (ncon > 0) { constr->n_at2con_mt = mtop->nmoltype; snew(constr->at2con_mt, constr->n_at2con_mt); for (mt = 0; mt < mtop->nmoltype; mt++) { constr->at2con_mt[mt] = make_at2con(0, mtop->moltype[mt], mtop->moltype[mt].ilist, mtop->ffparams.iparams, EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI), &nflexcon); for (i = 0; i < mtop->nmolblock; i++) { if (mtop->molblock[i].type == mt) { constr->nflexcon += mtop->molblock[i].nmol*nflexcon; } } } if (constr->nflexcon > 0) { if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "There are %d flexible constraints\n", constr->nflexcon); if (ir->fc_stepsize == 0) { fprintf(fplog, "\n" "WARNING: step size for flexible constraining = 0\n" " All flexible constraints will be rigid.\n" " Will try to keep all flexible constraints at their original length,\n" " but the lengths may exhibit some drift.\n\n"); constr->nflexcon = 0; } } if (constr->nflexcon > 0) { please_cite(fplog, "Hess2002"); } } if (ir->eConstrAlg == econtLINCS) { constr->lincsd = init_lincs(fplog, mtop, constr->nflexcon, constr->at2con_mt, DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && cr->dd->bInterCGcons, ir->nLincsIter, ir->nProjOrder); } if (ir->eConstrAlg == econtSHAKE) { if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && cr->dd->bInterCGcons) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "SHAKE is not supported with domain decomposition and constraint that cross charge group boundaries, use LINCS"); } if (constr->nflexcon) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "For this system also velocities and/or forces need to be constrained, this can not be done with SHAKE, you should select LINCS"); } please_cite(fplog, "Ryckaert77a"); if (ir->bShakeSOR) { please_cite(fplog, "Barth95a"); } constr->shaked = shake_init(); } } if (nset > 0) { please_cite(fplog, "Miyamoto92a"); constr->bInterCGsettles = inter_charge_group_settles(mtop); /* Check that we have only one settle type */ settle_type = -1; iloop = gmx_mtop_ilistloop_init(mtop); while (gmx_mtop_ilistloop_next(iloop, &ilist, &nmol)) { for (i = 0; i < ilist[F_SETTLE].nr; i += 4) { if (settle_type == -1) { settle_type = ilist[F_SETTLE].iatoms[i]; } else if (ilist[F_SETTLE].iatoms[i] != settle_type) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "The [molecules] section of your topology specifies more than one block of\n" "a [moleculetype] with a [settles] block. Only one such is allowed. If you\n" "are trying to partition your solvent into different *groups* (e.g. for\n" "freezing, T-coupling, etc.) then you are using the wrong approach. Index\n" "files specify groups. Otherwise, you may wish to change the least-used\n" "block of molecules with SETTLE constraints into 3 normal constraints."); } } } constr->n_at2settle_mt = mtop->nmoltype; snew(constr->at2settle_mt, constr->n_at2settle_mt); for (mt = 0; mt < mtop->nmoltype; mt++) { constr->at2settle_mt[mt] = make_at2settle(mtop->moltype[mt], &mtop->moltype[mt].ilist[F_SETTLE]); } } constr->maxwarn = 999; env = getenv("GMX_MAXCONSTRWARN"); if (env) { constr->maxwarn = 0; sscanf(env, "%d", &constr->maxwarn); if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "Setting the maximum number of constraint warnings to %d\n", constr->maxwarn); } if (MASTER(cr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Setting the maximum number of constraint warnings to %d\n", constr->maxwarn); } } if (constr->maxwarn < 0 && fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "maxwarn < 0, will not stop on constraint errors\n"); } constr->warncount_lincs = 0; constr->warncount_settle = 0; /* Initialize the essential dynamics sampling. * Put the pointer to the ED struct in constr */ constr->ed = ed; if (ed != NULL || state->edsamstate.nED > 0) { init_edsam(mtop, ir, cr, ed, state->x, state->box, &state->edsamstate); } constr->warn_mtop = mtop; return constr; }
void init_orires(FILE *fplog,const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, rvec xref[], const t_inputrec *ir, const gmx_multisim_t *ms,t_oriresdata *od, t_state *state) { int i,j,d,ex,nmol,nr,*nr_ex; double mtot; rvec com; gmx_mtop_ilistloop_t iloop; t_ilist *il; gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_t aloop; t_atom *atom; od->fc = ir->orires_fc; od->nex = 0; od->S = NULL; od->nr = gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop,F_ORIRES); if (od->nr == 0) { return; } nr_ex = NULL; iloop = gmx_mtop_ilistloop_init(mtop); while (gmx_mtop_ilistloop_next(iloop,&il,&nmol)) { for(i=0; i<il[F_ORIRES].nr; i+=3) { ex = mtop->ffparams.iparams[il[F_ORIRES].iatoms[i]].orires.ex; if (ex >= od->nex) { srenew(nr_ex,ex+1); for(j=od->nex; j<ex+1; j++) { nr_ex[j] = 0; } od->nex = ex+1; } nr_ex[ex]++; } } snew(od->S,od->nex); /* When not doing time averaging, the instaneous and time averaged data * are indentical and the pointers can point to the same memory. */ snew(od->Dinsl,od->nr); if (ms) { snew(od->Dins,od->nr); } else { od->Dins = od->Dinsl; } if (ir->orires_tau == 0) { od->Dtav = od->Dins; od->edt = 0.0; od->edt1 = 1.0; } else { snew(od->Dtav,od->nr); od->edt = exp(-ir->delta_t/ir->orires_tau); od->edt1 = 1.0 - od->edt; /* Extend the state with the orires history */ state->flags |= (1<<estORIRE_INITF); state->hist.orire_initf = 1; state->flags |= (1<<estORIRE_DTAV); state->hist.norire_Dtav = od->nr*5; snew(state->hist.orire_Dtav,state->hist.norire_Dtav); } snew(od->oinsl,od->nr); if (ms) { snew(od->oins,od->nr); } else { od->oins = od->oinsl; } if (ir->orires_tau == 0) { od->otav = od->oins; } else { snew(od->otav,od->nr); } snew(od->tmp,od->nex); snew(od->TMP,od->nex); for(ex=0; ex<od->nex; ex++) { snew(od->TMP[ex],5); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { snew(od->TMP[ex][i],5); } } od->nref = 0; for(i=0; i<mtop->natoms; i++) { if (ggrpnr(&mtop->groups,egcORFIT,i) == 0) { od->nref++; } } snew(od->mref,od->nref); snew(od->xref,od->nref); snew(od->xtmp,od->nref); snew(od->eig,od->nex*12); /* Determine the reference structure on the master node. * Copy it to the other nodes after checking multi compatibility, * so we are sure the subsystems match before copying. */ clear_rvec(com); mtot = 0.0; j = 0; aloop = gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_init(mtop); while(gmx_mtop_atomloop_all_next(aloop,&i,&atom)) { if (mtop->groups.grpnr[egcORFIT] == NULL || mtop->groups.grpnr[egcORFIT][i] == 0) { /* Not correct for free-energy with changing masses */ od->mref[j] = atom->m; if (ms==NULL || MASTERSIM(ms)) { copy_rvec(xref[i],od->xref[j]); for(d=0; d<DIM; d++) { com[d] += od->mref[j]*xref[i][d]; } } mtot += od->mref[j]; j++; } } svmul(1.0/mtot,com,com); if (ms==NULL || MASTERSIM(ms)) { for(j=0; j<od->nref; j++) { rvec_dec(od->xref[j],com); } } fprintf(fplog,"Found %d orientation experiments\n",od->nex); for(i=0; i<od->nex; i++) { fprintf(fplog," experiment %d has %d restraints\n",i+1,nr_ex[i]); } sfree(nr_ex); fprintf(fplog," the fit group consists of %d atoms and has total mass %g\n", od->nref,mtot); if (ms) { fprintf(fplog," the orientation restraints are ensemble averaged over %d systems\n",ms->nsim); check_multi_int(fplog,ms,od->nr, "the number of orientation restraints"); check_multi_int(fplog,ms,od->nref, "the number of fit atoms for orientation restraining"); check_multi_int(fplog,ms,ir->nsteps,"nsteps"); /* Copy the reference coordinates from the master to the other nodes */ gmx_sum_sim(DIM*od->nref,od->xref[0],ms); } please_cite(fplog,"Hess2003"); }
void init_disres(FILE *fplog,const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, t_inputrec *ir,const t_commrec *cr,gmx_bool bPartDecomp, t_fcdata *fcd,t_state *state) { int fa,nmol,i,npair,np; t_iparams *ip; t_disresdata *dd; history_t *hist; gmx_mtop_ilistloop_t iloop; t_ilist *il; char *ptr; dd = &(fcd->disres); if (gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop,F_DISRES) == 0) { dd->nres = 0; return; } if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog,"Initializing the distance restraints\n"); } if (ir->eDisre == edrEnsemble) { gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Sorry, distance restraints with ensemble averaging over multiple molecules in one system are not functional in this version of GROMACS"); } dd->dr_weighting = ir->eDisreWeighting; dd->dr_fc = ir->dr_fc; if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI)) { dd->dr_tau = ir->dr_tau; } else { dd->dr_tau = 0.0; } if (dd->dr_tau == 0.0) { dd->dr_bMixed = FALSE; dd->ETerm = 0.0; } else { dd->dr_bMixed = ir->bDisreMixed; dd->ETerm = exp(-(ir->delta_t/ir->dr_tau)); } dd->ETerm1 = 1.0 - dd->ETerm; ip = mtop->ffparams.iparams; dd->nres = 0; dd->npair = 0; iloop = gmx_mtop_ilistloop_init(mtop); while (gmx_mtop_ilistloop_next(iloop,&il,&nmol)) { np = 0; for(fa=0; fa<il[F_DISRES].nr; fa+=3) { np++; npair = mtop->ffparams.iparams[il[F_DISRES].iatoms[fa]].disres.npair; if (np == npair) { dd->nres += (ir->eDisre==edrEnsemble ? 1 : nmol)*npair; dd->npair += nmol*npair; np = 0; } } } if (cr && PAR(cr) && !bPartDecomp) { /* Temporary check, will be removed when disre is implemented with DD */ const char *notestr="NOTE: atoms involved in distance restraints should be within the longest cut-off distance, if this is not the case mdrun generates a fatal error, in that case use particle decomposition (mdrun option -pd)"; if (MASTER(cr)) fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n\n",notestr); if (fplog) fprintf(fplog,"%s\n",notestr); if (dd->dr_tau != 0 || ir->eDisre == edrEnsemble || cr->ms != NULL || dd->nres != dd->npair) { gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Time or ensemble averaged or multiple pair distance restraints do not work (yet) with domain decomposition, use particle decomposition (mdrun option -pd)"); } if (ir->nstdisreout != 0) { if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog,"\nWARNING: Can not write distance restraint data to energy file with domain decomposition\n\n"); } if (MASTER(cr)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nWARNING: Can not write distance restraint data to energy file with domain decomposition\n"); } ir->nstdisreout = 0; } } snew(dd->rt,dd->npair); if (dd->dr_tau != 0.0) { hist = &state->hist; /* Set the "history lack" factor to 1 */ state->flags |= (1<<estDISRE_INITF); hist->disre_initf = 1.0; /* Allocate space for the r^-3 time averages */ state->flags |= (1<<estDISRE_RM3TAV); hist->ndisrepairs = dd->npair; snew(hist->disre_rm3tav,hist->ndisrepairs); } /* Allocate space for a copy of rm3tav, * so we can call do_force without modifying the state. */ snew(dd->rm3tav,dd->npair); /* Allocate Rt_6 and Rtav_6 consecutively in memory so they can be * averaged over the processors in one call (in calc_disre_R_6) */ snew(dd->Rt_6,2*dd->nres); dd->Rtav_6 = &(dd->Rt_6[dd->nres]); ptr = getenv("GMX_DISRE_ENSEMBLE_SIZE"); if (cr && cr->ms != NULL && ptr != NULL) { #ifdef GMX_MPI dd->nsystems = 0; sscanf(ptr,"%d",&dd->nsystems); if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog,"Found GMX_DISRE_ENSEMBLE_SIZE set to %d systems per ensemble\n",dd->nsystems); } check_multi_int(fplog,cr->ms,dd->nsystems, "the number of systems per ensemble"); if (dd->nsystems <= 0 || cr->ms->nsim % dd->nsystems != 0) { gmx_fatal(FARGS,"The number of systems %d is not divisible by the number of systems per ensemble %d\n",cr->ms->nsim,dd->nsystems); } /* Split the inter-master communicator into different ensembles */ MPI_Comm_split(cr->ms->mpi_comm_masters, cr->ms->sim/dd->nsystems, cr->ms->sim, &dd->mpi_comm_ensemble); if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog,"Our ensemble consists of systems:"); for(i=0; i<dd->nsystems; i++) { fprintf(fplog," %d", (cr->ms->sim/dd->nsystems)*dd->nsystems+i); } fprintf(fplog,"\n"); } snew(dd->Rtl_6,dd->nres); #endif } else { dd->nsystems = 1; dd->Rtl_6 = dd->Rt_6; } if (dd->npair > 0) { if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog,"There are %d distance restraints involving %d atom pairs\n",dd->nres,dd->npair); } if (cr && cr->ms) { check_multi_int(fplog,cr->ms,fcd->disres.nres, "the number of distance restraints"); } please_cite(fplog,"Tropp80a"); please_cite(fplog,"Torda89a"); } }
void init_disres(FILE *fplog, const gmx_mtop_t *mtop, t_inputrec *ir, const t_commrec *cr, t_fcdata *fcd, t_state *state, gmx_bool bIsREMD) { int fa, nmol, npair, np; t_disresdata *dd; history_t *hist; gmx_mtop_ilistloop_t iloop; t_ilist *il; char *ptr; dd = &(fcd->disres); if (gmx_mtop_ftype_count(mtop, F_DISRES) == 0) { dd->nres = 0; return; } if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "Initializing the distance restraints\n"); } if (ir->eDisre == edrEnsemble) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Sorry, distance restraints with ensemble averaging over multiple molecules in one system are not functional in this version of GROMACS"); } dd->dr_weighting = ir->eDisreWeighting; dd->dr_fc = ir->dr_fc; if (EI_DYNAMICS(ir->eI)) { dd->dr_tau = ir->dr_tau; } else { dd->dr_tau = 0.0; } if (dd->dr_tau == 0.0) { dd->dr_bMixed = FALSE; dd->ETerm = 0.0; } else { dd->dr_bMixed = ir->bDisreMixed; dd->ETerm = std::exp(-(ir->delta_t/ir->dr_tau)); } dd->ETerm1 = 1.0 - dd->ETerm; dd->nres = 0; dd->npair = 0; iloop = gmx_mtop_ilistloop_init(mtop); while (gmx_mtop_ilistloop_next(iloop, &il, &nmol)) { np = 0; for (fa = 0; fa < il[F_DISRES].nr; fa += 3) { np++; npair = mtop->ffparams.iparams[il[F_DISRES].iatoms[fa]].disres.npair; if (np == npair) { dd->nres += (ir->eDisre == edrEnsemble ? 1 : nmol)*npair; dd->npair += nmol*npair; np = 0; } } } if (cr && PAR(cr)) { /* Temporary check, will be removed when disre is implemented with DD */ const char *notestr = "NOTE: atoms involved in distance restraints should be within the same domain. If this is not the case mdrun generates a fatal error. If you encounter this, use a single MPI rank (Verlet+OpenMP+GPUs work fine)."; if (MASTER(cr)) { fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n\n", notestr); } if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "%s\n", notestr); } if (dd->dr_tau != 0 || ir->eDisre == edrEnsemble || cr->ms != NULL || dd->nres != dd->npair) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Time or ensemble averaged or multiple pair distance restraints do not work (yet) with domain decomposition, use a single MPI rank%s", cr->ms ? " per simulation" : ""); } if (ir->nstdisreout != 0) { if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "\nWARNING: Can not write distance restraint data to energy file with domain decomposition\n\n"); } if (MASTER(cr)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: Can not write distance restraint data to energy file with domain decomposition\n"); } ir->nstdisreout = 0; } } snew(dd->rt, dd->npair); if (dd->dr_tau != 0.0) { hist = &state->hist; /* Set the "history lack" factor to 1 */ state->flags |= (1<<estDISRE_INITF); hist->disre_initf = 1.0; /* Allocate space for the r^-3 time averages */ state->flags |= (1<<estDISRE_RM3TAV); hist->ndisrepairs = dd->npair; snew(hist->disre_rm3tav, hist->ndisrepairs); } /* Allocate space for a copy of rm3tav, * so we can call do_force without modifying the state. */ snew(dd->rm3tav, dd->npair); /* Allocate Rt_6 and Rtav_6 consecutively in memory so they can be * averaged over the processors in one call (in calc_disre_R_6) */ snew(dd->Rt_6, 2*dd->nres); dd->Rtav_6 = &(dd->Rt_6[dd->nres]); ptr = getenv("GMX_DISRE_ENSEMBLE_SIZE"); if (cr && cr->ms != NULL && ptr != NULL && !bIsREMD) { #ifdef GMX_MPI dd->nsystems = 0; sscanf(ptr, "%d", &dd->nsystems); if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "Found GMX_DISRE_ENSEMBLE_SIZE set to %d systems per ensemble\n", dd->nsystems); } /* This check is only valid on MASTER(cr), so probably * ensemble-averaged distance restraints are broken on more * than one processor per simulation system. */ if (MASTER(cr)) { check_multi_int(fplog, cr->ms, dd->nsystems, "the number of systems per ensemble", FALSE); } gmx_bcast_sim(sizeof(int), &dd->nsystems, cr); /* We use to allow any value of nsystems which was a divisor * of ms->nsim. But this required an extra communicator which * was stored in t_fcdata. This pulled in mpi.h in nearly all C files. */ if (!(cr->ms->nsim == 1 || cr->ms->nsim == dd->nsystems)) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "GMX_DISRE_ENSEMBLE_SIZE (%d) is not equal to 1 or the number of systems (option -multi) %d", dd->nsystems, cr->ms->nsim); } if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "Our ensemble consists of systems:"); for (int i = 0; i < dd->nsystems; i++) { fprintf(fplog, " %d", (cr->ms->sim/dd->nsystems)*dd->nsystems+i); } fprintf(fplog, "\n"); } snew(dd->Rtl_6, dd->nres); #endif } else { dd->nsystems = 1; dd->Rtl_6 = dd->Rt_6; } if (dd->npair > 0) { if (fplog) { fprintf(fplog, "There are %d distance restraints involving %d atom pairs\n", dd->nres, dd->npair); } /* Have to avoid g_disre de-referencing cr blindly, mdrun not * doing consistency checks for ensemble-averaged distance * restraints when that's not happening, and only doing those * checks from appropriate processes (since check_multi_int is * too broken to check whether the communication will * succeed...) */ if (cr && cr->ms && dd->nsystems > 1 && MASTER(cr)) { check_multi_int(fplog, cr->ms, fcd->disres.nres, "the number of distance restraints", FALSE); } please_cite(fplog, "Tropp80a"); please_cite(fplog, "Torda89a"); } }