gboolean ap_validate_menu (GtkAssistant *assistant, gpointer user_data) { GDate date_now; AcctPeriodInfo *info = user_data; ENTER("info=%p", info); /* Pull info from widget, push into freq spec */ //gnc_frequency_save_state (info->period_menu, info->period, &info->closing_date); recurrenceListFree(&info->period); gnc_frequency_save_to_recurrence(info->period_menu, &info->period, &info->closing_date); if (0 <= g_date_compare(&info->prev_closing_date, &info->closing_date)) { /* Closing date must be greater than closing date of previous book */ return FALSE; } g_date_clear (&date_now, 1); gnc_gdate_set_today (&date_now); if (0 < g_date_compare(&info->closing_date, &date_now)) { /* Closing date must be in the future */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void recurrenceSet(Recurrence *r, guint16 mult, PeriodType pt, const GDate *_start, WeekendAdjust wadj) { r->ptype = VALID_PERIOD_TYPE(pt) ? pt : PERIOD_MONTH; r->mult = (pt == PERIOD_ONCE) ? 0 : (mult > 0 ? mult : 1); if (_start && g_date_valid(_start)) { r->start = *_start; } else { gnc_gdate_set_today (&r->start); } /* Some of the unusual period types also specify phase. For those types, we ensure that the start date agrees with that phase. */ switch (r->ptype) { case PERIOD_END_OF_MONTH: g_date_set_day(&r->start, g_date_get_days_in_month (g_date_get_month(&r->start), g_date_get_year(&r->start))); break; case PERIOD_LAST_WEEKDAY: { GDateDay dim; dim = g_date_get_days_in_month(g_date_get_month(&r->start), g_date_get_year(&r->start)); while (dim - g_date_get_day(&r->start) >= 7) g_date_add_days(&r->start, 7); } break; case PERIOD_NTH_WEEKDAY: if ((g_date_get_day(&r->start) - 1) / 7 == 4) /* Fifth week */ r->ptype = PERIOD_LAST_WEEKDAY; break; default: break; } switch (r->ptype) { case PERIOD_MONTH: case PERIOD_END_OF_MONTH: case PERIOD_YEAR: r->wadj = wadj; break; default: r->wadj = WEEKEND_ADJ_NONE; break; } }
GncDenseCalStore* gnc_dense_cal_store_new(int num_marks) { GncDenseCalStore *model = g_object_new(GNC_TYPE_DENSE_CAL_STORE, NULL); model->num_marks = num_marks; model->cal_marks = g_new0(GDate*, num_marks); { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < model->num_marks; i++) { model->cal_marks[i] = g_date_new(); } } model->num_real_marks = 0; g_date_clear(&model->start_date, 1); gnc_gdate_set_today (&model->start_date); model->end_type = NEVER_END; g_date_clear(&model->end_date, 1); gnc_gdate_set_today (&model->end_date); model->n_occurrences = 0; return model; }
static void gnc_plugin_page_sx_list_cmd_new(GtkAction *action, GncPluginPageSxList *page) { SchedXaction *new_sx; gboolean new_sx_flag = TRUE; new_sx = xaccSchedXactionMalloc(gnc_get_current_book()); { GDate now; Recurrence *r = new Recurrence;//g_new0(Recurrence, 1); g_date_clear(&now, 1); gnc_gdate_set_today (&now); recurrenceSet(r, 1, PERIOD_MONTH, &now, WEEKEND_ADJ_NONE); RecurrenceList_t schedule = gnc_sx_get_schedule(new_sx); schedule.push_back(r); gnc_sx_set_schedule(new_sx, schedule); } gnc_ui_scheduled_xaction_editor_dialog_create(new_sx, new_sx_flag); }
GDate * gnc_accounting_period_end_gdate (GncAccountingPeriod which, const GDate *fy_end, const GDate *contains) { GDate *date; if (contains) { date = g_date_new_dmy(g_date_get_day(contains), g_date_get_month(contains), g_date_get_year(contains)); } else { date = g_date_new (); gnc_gdate_set_today (date); } switch (which) { default: g_message("Undefined relative time constant %d", which); g_date_free(date); return 0; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_TODAY: /* Already have today's date */ break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_MONTH: gnc_gdate_set_month_end(date); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_MONTH_PREV: gnc_gdate_set_prev_month_end(date); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_QUARTER: gnc_gdate_set_quarter_end(date); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_QUARTER_PREV: gnc_gdate_set_prev_quarter_end(date); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_CYEAR: gnc_gdate_set_year_end(date); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_CYEAR_PREV: gnc_gdate_set_prev_year_end(date); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_FYEAR: if (fy_end == NULL) { g_message("Request for fisal year value but no fiscal year end value provided."); g_date_free(date); return 0; } gnc_gdate_set_fiscal_year_end(date, fy_end); break; case GNC_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD_FYEAR_PREV: if (fy_end == NULL) { g_message("Request for fisal year value but no fiscal year end value provided."); g_date_free(date); return 0; } gnc_gdate_set_prev_fiscal_year_end(date, fy_end); break; } return date; }
//! \brief try to fix some common errors in the csv representation of invoices //! * corrects the date format //! * corrects ambigous values in multi line invoices //! * ensures customer exists //! * if quantity is unset, set to 1 //! * if price is unset, delete row void gnc_bi_import_fix_bis (GtkListStore * store, guint * fixed, guint * deleted, GString * info, gchar *type) { GtkTreeIter iter; gboolean valid, row_deleted, row_fixed; gchar *id, *date_opened, *date_posted, *due_date, *owner_id, *date, *quantity, *price; GString *prev_id, *prev_date_opened, *prev_date_posted, *prev_owner_id, *prev_date; // needed to fix multi line invoices guint dummy; gint row = 1; const gchar* date_format_string = qof_date_format_get_string (qof_date_format_get()); // Get the user set date format string //date_format_string = qof_date_format_get_string (qof_date_format_get()); DEBUG("date_format_string: %s",date_format_string); // allow the call to this function with only GtkListeStore* specified if (!fixed) fixed = &dummy; if (!deleted) deleted = &dummy; *fixed = 0; *deleted = 0; // init strings prev_id = g_string_new (""); prev_date_opened = g_string_new (""); prev_date_posted = g_string_new (""); prev_owner_id = g_string_new (""); prev_date = g_string_new (""); valid = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter); while (valid) { row_deleted = FALSE; row_fixed = FALSE; // Walk through the list, reading each row gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter, ID, &id, DATE_OPENED, &date_opened, DATE_POSTED, &date_posted, DUE_DATE, &due_date, OWNER_ID, &owner_id, DATE, &date, QUANTITY, &quantity, PRICE, &price, -1); if (strlen (price) == 0) { // invalid row (no price given) // no fix possible -> delete row valid = gtk_list_store_remove (store, &iter); row_deleted = TRUE; g_string_append_printf (info, _("ROW %d DELETED, PRICE_NOT_SET: id=%s\n"), row, id); } // TODO: QTY get set to 1 later if field is empty. Delete this section? else if (strlen (quantity) == 0) { // invalid row (no quantity given) // no fix possible -> delete row valid = gtk_list_store_remove (store, &iter); row_deleted = TRUE; g_string_append_printf (info, _("ROW %d DELETED, QTY_NOT_SET: id=%s\n"), row, id); } else { // TODO: If id is empty get the next one in the series. Bug 731105 if (strlen (id) == 0) { // no invoice id specified if (prev_id->len == 0) { // cannot fix -> delete row valid = gtk_list_store_remove (store, &iter); row_deleted = TRUE; g_string_append_printf (info, _("ROW %d DELETED, ID_NOT_SET\n"), row); } else { // this is a fixable multi line invoice gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, ID, prev_id->str, -1); row_fixed = TRUE; } } else { // remember invoice id (to be able to fix multi line invoices) g_string_assign (prev_id, id); // new invoice => reset all other fixable entries g_string_assign (prev_date_opened, ""); g_string_assign (prev_date_posted, ""); g_string_assign (prev_owner_id, ""); g_string_assign (prev_date, ""); } } if (!row_deleted) { // the row is valid (price and id are valid) if(!isDateValid(date_opened)) { if (prev_date_opened->len == 0) { // fix this by using the current date gchar temp[20]; GDate date; g_date_clear (&date, 1); gnc_gdate_set_today (&date); g_date_strftime (temp, 20, date_format_string, &date); // Create a user specified date string. g_string_assign (prev_date_opened, temp); } // fix this by using the previous date_opened value (multi line invoice) gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, DATE_OPENED, prev_date_opened->str, -1); row_fixed = TRUE; } else { // remember date_opened (to be able to fix multi line invoices) g_string_assign (prev_date_opened, date_opened); } // date_opened is valid if(!isDateValid(date_posted)) { if (prev_date_posted->len == 0) { // this invoice will have to get posted manually } else { // multi line invoice => fix it gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, DATE_POSTED, prev_date_posted->str, -1); row_fixed = TRUE; } } else { // remember date_opened (to be able to fix multi line invoices) g_string_assign (prev_date_posted, date_posted); } // date_posted is valid /* // Check if due date is valid. Set it to date_posted if not valid or missing. if(!isDateValid(due_date)) { gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, DUE_DATE, date_posted, -1); row_fixed = TRUE; } // due_date is valid */ if (strlen (quantity) == 0) { // quantity is unset => set to 1 gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, QUANTITY, "1", -1); row_fixed = TRUE; } // quantity is valid if (strlen (owner_id) == 0) { if (prev_owner_id->len == 0) { // no customer given and not fixable => delete row valid = gtk_list_store_remove (store, &iter); row_deleted = TRUE; g_string_append_printf (info, _("ROW %d DELETED, OWNER_NOT_SET: id=%s\n"), row, id); } else { gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter, owner_id, prev_owner_id->str, -1); row_fixed = TRUE; } } else { // remember owner_id g_string_assign (prev_owner_id, owner_id); } if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (type, "BILL") == 0) { // BILL: check, if vendor exists if (!gnc_search_vendor_on_id (gnc_get_current_book (), prev_owner_id->str)) { // vendor not found => delete row valid = gtk_list_store_remove (store, &iter); row_deleted = TRUE; g_string_append_printf (info, _("ROW %d DELETED, VENDOR_DOES_NOT_EXIST: id=%s\n"), row, id); } } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (type, "INVOICE") == 0) { // INVOICE: check, if customer exists if (!gnc_search_customer_on_id (gnc_get_current_book (), prev_owner_id->str)) { // customer not found => delete row valid = gtk_list_store_remove (store, &iter); row_deleted = TRUE; g_string_append_printf (info, _("ROW %d DELETED, CUSTOMER_DOES_NOT_EXIST: id=%s\n"), row, id); } } // owner_id is valid } g_free (id); g_free (date_opened); g_free (date_posted); g_free (owner_id); g_free (date); g_free (quantity); g_free (price); if (row_deleted) { (*deleted)++; // reset all remembered values g_string_assign (prev_id, ""); g_string_assign (prev_date_opened, ""); g_string_assign (prev_date_posted, ""); g_string_assign (prev_owner_id, ""); g_string_assign (prev_date, ""); } else if (row_fixed) (*fixed)++; if (!row_deleted) valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (store), &iter); row++; } // deallocate strings g_string_free (prev_id, TRUE); g_string_free (prev_date_opened, TRUE); g_string_free (prev_date_posted, TRUE); g_string_free (prev_owner_id, TRUE); g_string_free (prev_date, TRUE); if (info && (info->len > 0)) { g_string_prepend (info, "\n\n"); g_string_prepend (info, _("These rows were deleted:")); } }
static GtkWidget * gnc_plugin_page_sx_list_create_widget (GncPluginPage *plugin_page) { GncPluginPageSxList *page; GncPluginPageSxListPrivate *priv; GtkWidget *widget; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *swin; char *markup; char *text; page = GNC_PLUGIN_PAGE_SX_LIST(plugin_page); priv = GNC_PLUGIN_PAGE_SX_LIST_GET_PRIVATE(page); if (priv->widget != NULL) return priv->widget; /* Create Vpaned widget for top level */ widget = gtk_vpaned_new(); priv->widget = widget; gtk_widget_show (priv->widget); /* Add vbox and label */ vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_paned_pack1( GTK_PANED(widget), vbox, TRUE, FALSE); label = gtk_label_new(NULL); text = g_strdup_printf(_("Transactions")); markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b> %s</b>", text); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup); g_free (markup); g_free (text); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX(vbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (vbox); /* Create scrolled window for top area */ swin = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (swin), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX(vbox), swin, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_widget_show (swin); { // gint half_way; // half_way = plugin_page->notebook_page->allocation.height * 0.5; // fixme; get a real value: gtk_paned_set_position(GTK_PANED(priv->widget), 160); } { GDate end; g_date_clear(&end, 1); gnc_gdate_set_today (&end); g_date_add_years(&end, 1); priv->instances = GNC_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL(gnc_sx_get_instances(&end, TRUE)); } { GtkAction *edit_action, *delete_action; edit_action = gnc_plugin_page_get_action(GNC_PLUGIN_PAGE(page), "SxListEditAction"); delete_action = gnc_plugin_page_get_action(GNC_PLUGIN_PAGE(page), "SxListDeleteAction"); gtk_action_set_sensitive(edit_action, FALSE); gtk_action_set_sensitive(delete_action, FALSE); } { GtkTreeSelection *selection; priv->tree_view = GTK_TREE_VIEW(gnc_tree_view_sx_list_new(priv->instances)); g_object_set(G_OBJECT(priv->tree_view), "gconf-section", GCONF_SECTION, "show-column-menu", TRUE, NULL); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER( swin ), GTK_WIDGET(priv->tree_view)); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(priv->tree_view); gtk_tree_selection_set_mode(selection, GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(selection), "changed", (GCallback)gppsl_selection_changed_cb, (gpointer)page); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(priv->tree_view), "row-activated", (GCallback)gppsl_row_activated_cb, (gpointer)page); } /* Add vbox and label */ vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED(widget), vbox, TRUE, FALSE); label = gtk_label_new(NULL); text = g_strdup_printf(_("Upcoming Transactions")); markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("<b> %s</b>", text); gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label), markup); g_free (markup); g_free (text); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0); gtk_widget_show (label); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX(vbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (vbox); /* Create scrolled window for bottom area */ swin = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (swin), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX(vbox), swin, TRUE, TRUE, 5); gtk_widget_show (swin); { priv->dense_cal_model = gnc_sx_instance_dense_cal_adapter_new(GNC_SX_INSTANCE_MODEL(priv->instances)); priv->gdcal = GNC_DENSE_CAL(gnc_dense_cal_new_with_model(GNC_DENSE_CAL_MODEL(priv->dense_cal_model))); g_object_ref_sink(priv->gdcal); gnc_dense_cal_set_months_per_col(priv->gdcal, 4); gnc_dense_cal_set_num_months(priv->gdcal, 12); gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(swin), GTK_WIDGET(priv->gdcal)); } priv->gnc_component_id = gnc_register_gui_component("plugin-page-sx-list", gnc_plugin_page_sx_list_refresh_cb, gnc_plugin_page_sx_list_close_cb, page); return priv->widget; }
gboolean gnc_handle_date_accelerator (GdkEventKey *event, struct tm *tm, const char *date_str) { GDate gdate; g_return_val_if_fail (event != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (tm != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (date_str != NULL, FALSE); if (event->type != GDK_KEY_PRESS) return FALSE; if ((tm->tm_mday <= 0) || (tm->tm_mon == -1) || (tm->tm_year == -1)) return FALSE; // Make sure we have a valid date before we proceed if (!g_date_valid_dmy (tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_year + 1900)) return FALSE; g_date_set_dmy (&gdate, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_year + 1900); /* * Check those keys where the code does different things depending * upon the modifiers. */ switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_KP_Add: case GDK_KEY_plus: case GDK_KEY_equal: if (event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) g_date_add_days (&gdate, 7); else if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) g_date_add_months (&gdate, 1); else if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) g_date_add_years (&gdate, 1); else g_date_add_days (&gdate, 1); g_date_to_struct_tm (&gdate, tm); return TRUE; case GDK_KEY_minus: case GDK_KEY_KP_Subtract: case GDK_KEY_underscore: if ((strlen (date_str) != 0) && (dateSeparator () == '-')) { const char *c; gunichar uc; int count = 0; /* rough check for existing date */ c = date_str; while (*c) { uc = g_utf8_get_char (c); if (uc == '-') count++; c = g_utf8_next_char (c); } if (count < 2) return FALSE; } if (event->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) g_date_subtract_days (&gdate, 7); else if (event->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) g_date_subtract_months (&gdate, 1); else if (event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK) g_date_subtract_years (&gdate, 1); else g_date_subtract_days (&gdate, 1); g_date_to_struct_tm (&gdate, tm); return TRUE; default: break; } /* * Control and Alt key combinations should be ignored by this * routine so that the menu system gets to handle them. This * prevents weird behavior of the menu accelerators (i.e. work in * some widgets but not others.) */ if (event->state & (GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_MOD1_MASK)) return FALSE; /* Now check for the remaining keystrokes. */ switch (event->keyval) { case GDK_KEY_braceright: case GDK_KEY_bracketright: /* increment month */ g_date_add_months (&gdate, 1); break; case GDK_KEY_braceleft: case GDK_KEY_bracketleft: /* decrement month */ g_date_subtract_months (&gdate, 1); break; case GDK_KEY_M: case GDK_KEY_m: /* beginning of month */ g_date_set_day (&gdate, 1); break; case GDK_KEY_H: case GDK_KEY_h: /* end of month */ g_date_set_day (&gdate, 1); g_date_add_months (&gdate, 1); g_date_subtract_days (&gdate, 1); break; case GDK_KEY_Y: case GDK_KEY_y: /* beginning of year */ g_date_set_day (&gdate, 1); g_date_set_month (&gdate, 1); break; case GDK_KEY_R: case GDK_KEY_r: /* end of year */ g_date_set_day (&gdate, 1); g_date_set_month (&gdate, 1); g_date_add_years (&gdate, 1); g_date_subtract_days (&gdate, 1); break; case GDK_KEY_T: case GDK_KEY_t: /* today */ gnc_gdate_set_today (&gdate); break; default: return FALSE; } g_date_to_struct_tm (&gdate, tm); return TRUE; }