コード例 #1
ファイル: policy.c プロジェクト: CAARNICL/gnucash
static Split *
DirectionPolicyGetSplit (GNCPolicy *pcy, GNCLot *lot, short reverse)
    Split *split;
    SplitList *node;
    gnc_commodity *common_currency;
    gboolean want_positive;
    gnc_numeric baln;
    Split *osplit;
    Transaction *otrans;
    Timespec open_ts;
    Account* lot_account;

    if (!pcy || !lot || !gnc_lot_get_split_list(lot)) return NULL;
    lot_account = gnc_lot_get_account(lot);
    if (!lot_account) return NULL;

    /* Recomputing the balance re-evaluates the lot closure */
    baln = gnc_lot_get_balance (lot);
    if (gnc_lot_is_closed(lot)) return NULL;

    want_positive = gnc_numeric_negative_p (baln);

    /* All splits in lot must share a common transaction currency. */
    split = gnc_lot_get_split_list(lot)->data;
    common_currency = split->parent->common_currency;

    /* Don't add a split to the lot unless it will be the new last
       split in the lot.  Otherwise our balance tests will be wrong
       and the lot may end up too thin or too fat. */
    osplit = gnc_lot_get_latest_split (lot);
    otrans = osplit ? xaccSplitGetParent (osplit) : 0;
    open_ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (otrans);

    /* Walk over *all* splits in the account, till we find one that
     * hasn't been assigned to a lot.  Return that split.
     * Make use of the fact that the splits in an account are
     * already in date order; so we don't have to sort. */
    node = xaccAccountGetSplitList (lot_account);
    if (reverse)
        node = g_list_last (node);
    while (node)
        gboolean is_match;
        gboolean is_positive;
        Timespec this_ts;
        split = node->data;
        if (split->lot) goto donext;

        /* Skip it if it's too early */
        this_ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS ( xaccSplitGetParent (split));
        if ((this_ts.tv_sec < open_ts.tv_sec) ||
                ((this_ts.tv_sec == open_ts.tv_sec) &&
                 (this_ts.tv_nsec < open_ts.tv_nsec)))
            if (reverse)
                /* Going backwards, no point in looking further */
            goto donext;

        /* Allow equiv currencies */
        is_match = gnc_commodity_equiv (common_currency,
        if (FALSE == is_match) goto donext;

        /* Disallow zero-amount splits in general. */
        if (gnc_numeric_zero_p(split->amount)) goto donext;

        is_positive = gnc_numeric_positive_p (split->amount);
        if ((want_positive && is_positive) ||
                ((!want_positive) && (!is_positive))) return split;
        if (reverse)
            node = node->prev;
            node = node->next;
    return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: gncOwner.c プロジェクト: Justinadanielson/gnucash
void gncOwnerAutoApplyPaymentsWithLots (const GncOwner *owner, GList *lots)
    GList *base_iter;

    /* General note: in the code below the term "payment" can
     * both mean a true payment or a document of
     * the opposite sign (invoice vs credit note) relative to
     * the lot being processed. In general this function will
     * perform a balancing action on a set of lots, so you
     * will also find frequent references to balancing instead. */

    /* Payments can only be applied when at least an owner
     * and a list of lots to use are given */
    if (!owner) return;
    if (!lots) return;

    for (base_iter = lots; base_iter; base_iter = base_iter->next)
        GNCLot *base_lot = base_iter->data;
        QofBook *book;
        Account *acct;
        const gchar *name;
        GList *lot_list, *lot_iter;
        Transaction *txn = NULL;
        gnc_numeric base_lot_bal, val_to_pay, val_paid = { 0, 1 };
        gboolean base_bal_is_pos;
        const gchar *action, *memo;

        /* Only attempt to apply payments to open lots.
         * Note that due to the iterative nature of this function lots
         * in the list may become closed before they are evaluated as
         * base lot, so we should check this for each lot. */
        base_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (base_lot);
        if (gnc_numeric_zero_p (base_lot_bal))

        book = gnc_lot_get_book (base_lot);
        acct = gnc_lot_get_account (base_lot);
        name = gncOwnerGetName (gncOwnerGetEndOwner (owner));
        lot_list = base_iter->next;

        /* Strings used when creating splits later on. */
        action = _("Lot Link");
        memo   = _("Internal link between invoice and payment lots");

        /* Note: to balance the lot the payment to assign
         * must have the opposite sign of the existing lot balance */
        val_to_pay = gnc_numeric_neg (base_lot_bal);
        base_bal_is_pos = gnc_numeric_positive_p (base_lot_bal);

        /* Create splits in a linking transaction between lots until
         * - either the invoice lot is balanced
         * - or there are no more balancing lots.
        for (lot_iter = lot_list; lot_iter; lot_iter = lot_iter->next)
            gnc_numeric payment_lot_balance;
            Split *split;
            Account *bal_acct;
            gnc_numeric  split_amt;

            GNCLot *balancing_lot = lot_iter->data;

            /* Only attempt to use open lots to balance the base lot.
             * Note that due to the iterative nature of this function lots
             * in the list may become closed before they are evaluated as
             * base lot, so we should check this for each lot. */
            if (gnc_lot_is_closed (balancing_lot))

            /* Balancing transactions for invoice/payments can only happen
             * in the same account. */
            bal_acct = gnc_lot_get_account (balancing_lot);
            if (acct != bal_acct)

            payment_lot_balance = gnc_lot_get_balance (balancing_lot);

            /* Only attempt to balance if the base lot and balancing lot are
             * of the opposite sign. (Otherwise we would increase the balance
             * of the lot - Duh */
            if (base_bal_is_pos == gnc_numeric_positive_p (payment_lot_balance))

             * If there is less to pay than there's open in the lot; we're done -- apply the base_lot_vale.
             * Note that payment_value and balance are opposite in sign, so we have to compare absolute values here
             * Otherwise, apply the balance, subtract that from the payment_value,
             * and move on to the next one.
            if (gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (val_to_pay), gnc_numeric_abs (payment_lot_balance)) <= 0)
                /* abs(val_to_pay) <= abs(balance) */
                split_amt = val_to_pay;
                /* abs(val_to_pay) > abs(balance)
                 * Remember payment_value and balance are opposite in sign,
                 * and we want a payment to neutralize the current balance
                 * so we need to negate here */
                split_amt = payment_lot_balance;

            /* If not created yet, create a new transaction linking
             * the base lot and the balancing lot(s) */
            if (!txn)
                Timespec ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (base_lot)));

                xaccAccountBeginEdit (acct);

                txn = xaccMallocTransaction (book);
                xaccTransBeginEdit (txn);

                xaccTransSetDescription (txn, name ? name : "");
                xaccTransSetCurrency (txn, xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct));
                xaccTransSetDateEnteredSecs (txn, gnc_time (NULL));
                xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (txn, &ts);
                xaccTransSetTxnType (txn, TXN_TYPE_LINK);

            /* Create the split for this link in current balancing lot */
            split = xaccMallocSplit (book);
            xaccSplitSetMemo (split, memo);
            /* set Action using utility function */
            gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action);
            xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split);
            xaccTransAppendSplit (txn, split);
            xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (split_amt), xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct));
            gnc_lot_add_split (balancing_lot, split);

            /* If the balancing lot was linked to a document (invoice/credit note),
             * send an event for it as well so it gets potentially updated as paid */
                GncInvoice *this_invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(balancing_lot);
                if (this_invoice)
                    qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(this_invoice), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL);

            val_paid   = gnc_numeric_add (val_paid, split_amt, GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_LCD);
            val_to_pay = gnc_numeric_sub (val_to_pay, split_amt, GNC_DENOM_AUTO, GNC_HOW_DENOM_LCD);
            if (gnc_numeric_zero_p (val_to_pay))

        /* If the above loop managed to create a transaction and some balancing splits,
         * create the final split for the link transaction in the base lot */
        if (txn)
            GncInvoice *this_invoice;
            Split *split = xaccMallocSplit (book);

            xaccSplitSetMemo (split, memo);
            /* set Action with utiltity function */
            gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action);
            xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split);
            xaccTransAppendSplit (txn, split);
            xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, val_paid, xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct));
            gnc_lot_add_split (base_lot, split);

            xaccTransCommitEdit (txn);
            xaccAccountCommitEdit (acct);

            /* If the base lot was linked to a document (invoice/credit note),
             * send an event for it as well so it gets potentially updated as paid */
            this_invoice = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot(base_lot);
            if (this_invoice)
                qof_event_gen (QOF_INSTANCE(this_invoice), QOF_EVENT_MODIFY, NULL);


コード例 #3
ファイル: dialog-payment.c プロジェクト: laguz/gnucash
gnc_payment_window_fill_docs_list (PaymentWindow *pw)
    GtkListStore *store;
    GList *list = NULL, *node;

    g_return_if_fail (pw->docs_list_tree_view && GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view));

    /* Get a list of open lots for this owner and post account */
    if (pw->owner.owner.undefined)
        list = xaccAccountFindOpenLots (pw->post_acct, gncOwnerLotMatchOwnerFunc,
                                        &pw->owner, NULL);

    /* Clear the existing list */
    store = GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(pw->docs_list_tree_view)));

    /* Add the documents and overpayments to the tree view */
    for (node = list; node; node = node->next)
        GNCLot *lot = node->data;
        time64 doc_date_time = 0;
        const gchar *doc_type_str = NULL;
        const gchar *doc_id_str   = NULL;
        const gchar *doc_deb_str  = NULL;
        const gchar *doc_cred_str = NULL;
        GtkTreeIter iter;
        Timespec doc_date;
        GncInvoice *document;
        gnc_numeric value = gnc_numeric_zero();
        gnc_numeric debit = gnc_numeric_zero();
        gnc_numeric credit = gnc_numeric_zero();

        /* Find the lot's document if it exists,
         * it could also be a prepayment lot. */
        document = gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (lot);

        /* Find the document's date or pre-payment date */
        if (document)
            doc_date = gncInvoiceGetDatePosted (document);
            /* Calculate the payment date based on the lot splits */
            Transaction *trans = xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (lot));
            if (trans)
                doc_date = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (trans);
                continue; /* No valid split in this lot, skip it */
        doc_date_time = timespecToTime64 (doc_date);

        /* Find the document type. No type means pre-payment in this case */
        if (document)
            doc_type_str = gncInvoiceGetTypeString (document);
            doc_type_str = _("Pre-Payment");

        /* Find the document id. Empty for pre-payments. */
        if (document)
            doc_id_str = gncInvoiceGetID (document);

        /* Find the debit/credit amount.
         * Invoices/vendor credit notes are debit (increasing the balance)
         * Customer credit notes/bills are credit (decreasing the balance)
         * Pre-payments are debit or credit depending on their sign
        value = gnc_lot_get_balance (lot);

        if (gnc_numeric_positive_p (value))
            debit = value;
            credit = gnc_numeric_neg (value);

        /* Only display non-zero debits/credits */
        if (!gnc_numeric_zero_p (debit))
            doc_deb_str = xaccPrintAmount (debit, gnc_default_print_info (FALSE));
        if (!gnc_numeric_zero_p (credit))
            doc_cred_str = xaccPrintAmount (credit, gnc_default_print_info (FALSE));

        gtk_list_store_append (store, &iter);
        gtk_list_store_set (store, &iter,
                            0, doc_date_time,
                            1, doc_id_str,
                            2, doc_type_str,
                            3, doc_deb_str,
                            4, doc_cred_str,
                            5, (gpointer)lot,


    g_list_free (list);

    /* Highlight the preset invoice if it's in the new list */
    gnc_payment_dialog_highlight_document (pw);
コード例 #4
ファイル: gncOwner.c プロジェクト: ShawnMcGough/gnucash
static void
gncOwnerCreateLotLink (GNCLot *from_lot, GNCLot *to_lot, const GncOwner *owner)
    const gchar *action = _("Lot Link");
    Account *acct = gnc_lot_get_account (from_lot);
    const gchar *name = gncOwnerGetName (gncOwnerGetEndOwner (owner));
    Transaction *ll_txn = NULL;
    gnc_numeric from_lot_bal, to_lot_bal;
    Timespec from_ts, to_ts;
    time64 time_posted;
    Split *split;

    /* Sanity check */
    if (!gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (from_lot) ||
        !gncInvoiceGetInvoiceFromLot (to_lot))

    /* Determine transaction date based on lot splits */
    from_ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (from_lot)));
    to_ts   = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (xaccSplitGetParent (gnc_lot_get_latest_split (to_lot)));
    if (timespecToTime64 (from_ts) >= timespecToTime64 (to_ts))
        time_posted = timespecToTime64 (from_ts);
        time_posted = timespecToTime64 (to_ts);

    /* Figure out how much we can offset between the lots */
    from_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (from_lot);
    to_lot_bal = gnc_lot_get_balance (to_lot);
    if (gnc_numeric_compare (gnc_numeric_abs (from_lot_bal),
                             gnc_numeric_abs (to_lot_bal)) > 0)
        from_lot_bal = gnc_numeric_neg (to_lot_bal);
        to_lot_bal = gnc_numeric_neg (from_lot_bal);

    xaccAccountBeginEdit (acct);

    /* Look for a pre-existing lot link we can extend */
    ll_txn = get_ll_transaction_from_lot (from_lot);

    if (!ll_txn)
        ll_txn = get_ll_transaction_from_lot (to_lot);

    if (!ll_txn)
        /* No pre-existing lot link. Create one. */
        Timespec ts;

        timespecFromTime64 (&ts, time_posted);

        ll_txn = xaccMallocTransaction (gnc_lot_get_book (from_lot));
        xaccTransBeginEdit (ll_txn);

        xaccTransSetDescription (ll_txn, name ? name : "(Unknown)");
        xaccTransSetCurrency (ll_txn, xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct));
        xaccTransSetDateEnteredSecs (ll_txn, gnc_time (NULL));
        xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (ll_txn, &ts);
        xaccTransSetTxnType (ll_txn, TXN_TYPE_LINK);
        Timespec ts = xaccTransRetDatePostedTS (ll_txn);
        xaccTransBeginEdit (ll_txn);

        /* Maybe we need to update the post date of the transaction ? */
        if (time_posted > timespecToTime64 (ts))
            timespecFromTime64 (&ts, time_posted);
            xaccTransSetDatePostedTS (ll_txn, &ts);


    /* Create a split for the from_lot */
    split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_lot_get_book (from_lot));
    /* set Action using utility function */
    gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action);
    xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split);
    xaccTransAppendSplit (ll_txn, split);
    /* To offset the lot balance, the split must be of the opposite sign */
    xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (from_lot_bal), xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct));
    gnc_lot_add_split (from_lot, split);

    /* Create a split for the to_lot */
    split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_lot_get_book (to_lot));
    /* set Action using utility function */
    gnc_set_num_action (NULL, split, NULL, action);
    xaccAccountInsertSplit (acct, split);
    xaccTransAppendSplit (ll_txn, split);
    /* To offset the lot balance, the split must be of the opposite sign */
    xaccSplitSetBaseValue (split, gnc_numeric_neg (to_lot_bal), xaccAccountGetCommodity(acct));
    gnc_lot_add_split (to_lot, split);

    xaccTransCommitEdit (ll_txn);

    /* Do some post-cleaning on the lots
     * The above actions may have created splits that are
     * in the same transaction and lot. These can be merged.
    xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (to_lot, FALSE);
    xaccScrubMergeLotSubSplits (from_lot, FALSE);
    /* And finally set the same memo for all remaining splits
     * It's a convenience for the users to identify all documents
     * involved in the link.
    gncOwnerSetLotLinkMemo (ll_txn);
    xaccAccountCommitEdit (acct);