コード例 #1
static void
gnc_template_register_save_xfrm_cell (BasicCell * cell,
                                      gpointer save_data,
                                      gpointer user_data)
    SRSaveData *sd = save_data;
    SplitRegister *reg = user_data;
    SRInfo *info = gnc_split_register_get_info (reg);
    Account *template_acc;
    const GncGUID *acctGUID;
    kvp_frame *kvpf;
    Account *acct;

    g_return_if_fail (gnc_basic_cell_has_name (cell, XFRM_CELL));

    /* save the account GncGUID into the kvp_data. */
    acct = gnc_split_register_get_account (reg, XFRM_CELL);
    if (!acct)
        PERR ("unknown account");

    acctGUID = xaccAccountGetGUID (acct);
    kvpf = xaccSplitGetSlots (sd->split);
    kvp_frame_set_slot_path (kvpf, kvp_value_new_guid(acctGUID),
                             GNC_SX_ID, GNC_SX_ACCOUNT, NULL);

    template_acc = xaccAccountLookup (&info->template_account,
                                      gnc_get_current_book ());

    /* set the actual account to the fake account for these templates */
    xaccAccountInsertSplit (template_acc, sd->split);
コード例 #2
static void
gnc_split_register_save_mxfrm_cell (BasicCell * cell,
                                    gpointer save_data,
                                    gpointer user_data)
    SRSaveData *sd = save_data;
    SplitRegister *reg = user_data;
    Split * other_split;

    g_return_if_fail (gnc_basic_cell_has_name (cell, MXFRM_CELL));

    other_split = xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (sd->split);

    /* other_split may be null for two very different reasons:
     * (1) the parent transaction has three or more splits in it,
     *     and so the "other" split is ambiguous, and thus null.
     * (2) the parent transaction has only this one split as a child.
     *     and "other" is null because there is no other.
     * In the case (2), we want to create the other split, so that
     * the user's request to transfer actually works out. */

    if (!other_split)
        other_split = xaccTransGetSplit (sd->trans, 1);

        if (!other_split)
            other_split = xaccMallocSplit (gnc_get_current_book ());
            xaccTransAppendSplit (sd->trans, other_split);

    if (other_split)
        Account *old_acc;
        Account *new_acc;

        /* Do some reparenting. Insertion into new account
         * will automatically delete from the old account. */
        old_acc = xaccSplitGetAccount (other_split);
        new_acc = gnc_split_register_get_account (reg, MXFRM_CELL);

        if ((new_acc != NULL) && (old_acc != new_acc))
            xaccAccountInsertSplit (new_acc, other_split);
コード例 #3
/* OK, the handling of transfers gets complicated because it depends
 * on what was displayed to the user. For a multi-line display, we
 * just reparent the indicated split. For a two-line display, we want
 * to reparent the "other" split, but only if there is one. XFRM is
 * the straight split, MXFRM is the mirrored split. */
static void
gnc_split_register_save_xfrm_cell (BasicCell * cell,
                                   gpointer save_data,
                                   gpointer user_data)
    SRSaveData *sd = save_data;
    SplitRegister *reg = user_data;
    Account *old_acc;
    Account *new_acc;

    g_return_if_fail (gnc_basic_cell_has_name (cell, XFRM_CELL));

    old_acc = xaccSplitGetAccount (sd->split);

    new_acc = gnc_split_register_get_account (reg, XFRM_CELL);

    if ((new_acc != NULL) && (old_acc != new_acc))
        xaccAccountInsertSplit (new_acc, sd->split);