int main(void) { struct snake *sn = construct_snake(); char *s; printf("%s\n", s = toString(sn)); free(s); goLeft(sn); goLeft(sn); goLeft(sn); goUp(sn); goUp(sn); printf("%s\n", s = toString(sn)); free(s); goRight(sn); goRight(sn); goDown(sn); printf("%s\n", s = toString(sn)); free(s); printf("ultima mossa eseguita: %d\n", goDown(sn)); destruct_snake(sn); return 0; }
void RightPanel::init() { // Set up GUI elements catalogTable = new CatalogTable(dm, this); showDescription = new QTextEdit; QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->setMargin(0); layout->setSpacing(0); this->setLayout(layout); vertSplit = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); vertSplit->addWidget(catalogTable); vertSplit->addWidget(showDescription); vertSplit->setStretchFactor(0, 5); vertSplit->setStretchFactor(1, 1); layout->addWidget(vertSplit); connect(catalogTable, SIGNAL(goUp()), this, SIGNAL(goUp())); connect(catalogTable, SIGNAL(goDown(int)), this, SIGNAL(goDown(int))); connect(catalogTable, SIGNAL(newItemSelected(int)), this, SLOT(newItemSelectedSlot(int))); connect(catalogTable, SIGNAL(newItemSelected(QString)), this, SLOT(newItemSelectedSlot(QString))); connect(catalogTable, SIGNAL(canceledDrag()), this, SIGNAL(canceledDrag())); }
int Field::CheckJewel(Point ind, bool donotscore) { int s1=goLeft(ind); s1+=goRight(ind)-1; int s2=goUp(ind); s2+=goDown(ind)-1; int bs=0; if (s2>2 && s1>2) { bs=s1+s2-1; if (donotscore) return bs; At(ind)->LockUnlock(); goLeft(ind,true); goRight(ind,true); goUp(ind,true); At(ind)->LockUnlock(); goDown(ind,true); return bs; } if (s1>s2 && s1>2) { bs=s1-2; if (donotscore) return s1; At(ind)->LockUnlock(); goLeft(ind,true); At(ind)->LockUnlock(); goRight(ind,true); return bs; } if (s2>s1 && s2>2) { bs=s2-2; if (donotscore) return s2; At(ind)->LockUnlock(); goUp(ind,true); At(ind)->LockUnlock(); goDown(ind,true); return bs; } return bs; }
void RemoteBrowserDialog::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) { switch (cmd) { case kChooseCmd: { // If nothing is selected in the list widget, choose the current dir. // Else, choose the dir that is selected. int selection = _fileList->getSelected(); if (selection >= 0) _choice = _nodeContent[selection]; else _choice = _node; setResult(1); close(); break; } case kGoUpCmd: goUp(); break; case kListItemActivatedCmd: case kListItemDoubleClickedCmd: if (_nodeContent[data].isDirectory()) { _rememberedNodeContents[_node.path()] = _nodeContent; listDirectory(_nodeContent[data]); } break; case kListSelectionChangedCmd: // We do not allow selecting directories, // thus we will invalidate the selection // when the user selects a directory over here. if (data != (uint32)-1 && !_nodeContent[data].isDirectory()) _fileList->setSelected(-1); break; default: Dialog::handleCommand(sender, cmd, data); } }
SolutionNode* SolutionTree::goUp(SolutionNode *node) { // std::cout << "GoUp node = " << node << std::endl; SolutionNode *parent = node->parent; if (parent) { // std::cout << "Wchodze w prawego syna!" << std::endl; if (parent->matrix.getSize() > 3) { parent->rightSon = new SolutionNode; SolutionNode *son = parent->rightSon; son->visited = true; son->parent = parent; son->leftSon = 0; son->rightSon = 0; son->matrix = parent->matrix; son->trace = parent->trace; son->lowBound += son->matrix.reduction(); std::pair<int, int> best = son->matrix.maxMin(); // std::cout << "best (" << best.first << " , " << best.second << ")" // << std::endl; std::pair<int, int> vert = son->matrix.getVert(best); son->matrix.blockEdge(vert); std::cout << "Matrix po blokowaniu" << std::endl; std::cout << son->matrix.toString() << std::endl; if (son->lowBound < uBound) { goUp(goDeeper(son)); } } } return 0; }
//! Start maneuver function //! @param[in] maneuver rows maneuver message void start(const IMC::PopUp* maneuver) { m_maneuver = *maneuver; m_dur_timer.setTop(m_maneuver.duration); // Waiting or station keeping will be the same if (mustKeep() || mustWait()) m_maneuver.flags |= IMC::PopUp::FLG_WAIT_AT_SURFACE | IMC::PopUp::FLG_STATION_KEEP; if (useCurr()) { goUp(); m_pstate = ST_GO_UP; } else { m_task->setControl(IMC::CL_PATH); IMC::DesiredPath path; path.end_lat =; path.end_lon = m_maneuver.lon; path.end_z = m_maneuver.z; path.end_z_units = m_maneuver.z_units; path.speed = m_maneuver.speed; path.speed_units = m_maneuver.speed_units; m_task->dispatch(path); m_pstate = ST_GO_TO; } }
int CubesterBTP::getAction(Ogre::Vector3 playerPos) { int caseNum = (actionIndex/pathLength) % 2; if(caseNum == 0 ) // 0 to pathLength go right return goUp(); else reload(); }
int AbstractCubester::move(int dir) { if(dir == 0 ) // 0 to pathLength go right return goUp(); else if(dir == 1) return goRight(); else if(dir == 2) return goDown(); else if(dir == 3) return goLeft(); }
void Mouse::move() { if (icon == 0) goRight(); else if (icon == 1) goLeft(); else if (icon == 2) goUp(); else goDown(); }
int CubesterCCBLSquare::getAction(Ogre::Vector3 playerPos) { int caseNum = (actionIndex/pathLength) % 4; if(caseNum == 0 ) // 0 to pathLength go right return goRight(); else if(caseNum == 1) return goUp(); else if(caseNum == 2) return goLeft(); else if(caseNum == 3) return goDown(); }
void checkRelation(Task * task) { if (task->cur->rel == NULL) { task->cur = NULL; return; } switch (task->cur->rel->relType) { case TREL_SCRIPT: task->cur = task->cur->rel->next; goDown(task); break; case TREL_OR: debug("IN OR Getted %d\n", task->curRet); if (task->curRet != 0) { task->cur = task->cur->rel->next; goDown(task); } else goUp(task); break; case TREL_AND: debug("IN AND Getted %d\n", task->curRet); if (task->curRet == 0) { task->cur = task->cur->rel->next; goDown(task); } else goUp(task); break; case TREL_END: goUp(task); break; } }
void Npc::updateCurrent(CommandQueue &command_queue, const sf::Time dt) { if (isActive()) { updateAnimation(dt); action_queue.update(dt); if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Left) goLeft(dt); else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Right) goRight(dt); else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Up) goUp(dt); else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Down) goDown(dt); } }
int Field::goUp(Point ind, bool scoreit) { Point next_ind = ind; next_ind.y-=1; int sum=1; if (At(next_ind) && At(next_ind)->IsID(At(ind))) sum+=goUp(next_ind,scoreit); if (scoreit) { StartAnimation(ind); } return sum; }
void Enemy::patrol() { std::discrete_distribution<int> dir_distribution({ 60, 10, 10, 10, 10 }); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distance_distribution(50, 100); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> wait_time_distribution(1.f, 3.f); Direction dir = static_cast<Direction>(dir_distribution(mt)); int distance = distance_distribution(mt); stop_time = sf::seconds(wait_time_distribution(mt)); //Action selection Action patrol; patrol.thread_id = 1; patrol.action = get_action([this, dir, distance](sf::Time dt) { if (dir == Direction::Left) { moveLeft(distance); } else if (dir == Direction::Right) { moveRight(distance); } else if (dir == Direction::Up) { moveUp(distance); } else if (dir == Direction::Down) { moveDown(distance); } //else if (dir == Direction::None) { std::cout << "Stop time" << stop_time.asSeconds() << std::endl; wait(stop_time); } return false; }); //When we have 2 actions we stop action addition unsigned int max_actions = 2; if (action_tree.threadSize(patrol.thread_id) < max_actions) { pushAction(patrol); } //Action updating, each frame Action patrol_update; patrol_update.thread_id = 0; patrol_update.action = get_action([this](sf::Time dt) { if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Left) { goLeft(dt); } else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Right) { goRight(dt); } else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Up) { goUp(dt); } else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Down) { goDown(dt); } return false; }); pushAction(patrol_update); }
void MainMenuController::handleEvents(sf::Event &event) { IController::handleEvents(event); if (event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) { ///EVENT FOR BUTTONS : if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Return) { fireButton(); } else if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up) { goUp(); } else if (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down) { goDown(); } } }
FilesystemWidget::FilesystemWidget(QWidget *parent) { setParent(parent); // Create the toolbar QToolBar *fsToolbar = new QToolBar(); fsToolbar->setMovable(false); goUpAction = new QAction(IconFactory::fromTheme("go-up"), tr("Go up"), this); connect(goUpAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(goUp())); fsToolbar->addAction(goUpAction); goHomeAction = new QAction(IconFactory::fromTheme("go-home"), tr("Go to the home folder"), this); connect(goHomeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(goHome())); fsToolbar->addAction(goHomeAction); // TODO: use placeholderText in Qt 4.7. filterEdit = new QLineEdit(); QLabel* filterLabel = new QLabel(tr("Filter:")); filterLabel->setContentsMargins(5, 0, 5, 0); fsToolbar->addSeparator(); fsToolbar->addWidget(filterLabel); fsToolbar->addWidget(filterEdit); connect(filterEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(setNameFilter(QString))); // Create the filesystem view fsWidgetModel = new QFileSystemModel(); fsWidgetModel->setNameFilterDisables(false); fsWidgetModel->setFilter(QDir::AllDirs|QDir::Files|QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); fsListView = new QListView(); fsListView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); fsListView->setDragEnabled(true); fsListView->setModel(fsWidgetModel); // We shall use this to filter available file extensions from Phonon //fsWidgetModel->setFilter(getPhononExtensions()); connect(fsWidgetModel, SIGNAL(rootPathChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(pathChanged())); connect(fsListView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(doubleClickAt(QModelIndex))); // Create a new horizontal box QVBoxLayout *vlayout = new QVBoxLayout(); vlayout->addWidget(fsToolbar); vlayout->addWidget(fsListView); goHome(); this->setLayout(vlayout); }
void BHTreeCZBuilder::countPartsRecursor() { for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i] != NULL) { if (static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i]->isParticle) countParts++; else { goChild(i); countPartsRecursor(); goUp(); } } } }
void PreprocessorHooks::FileChanged (clang::SourceLocation loc, clang::PPCallbacks::FileChangeReason reason, clang::SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind fileType, clang::FileID prevFID) { qint64 now = nowUsec (); if (reason == EnterFile) { // Stop parents' time TimingNode *p = this->m_current->parent; if (p) { p->time += now - p->startTime; } } else if (reason == ExitFile) { // Leaving goUp (false); } // this->m_current->startTime = now; }
/* * This controls where the cursor moves to next. * Press w to go up * Press a to go left * Press s to go down * Press d to go right */ void control(unsigned char c, point * p, int (*board)[width]){ if(c == 'w'){ goUp(p, board); } if(c == 'a'){ goLeft(p, board); } if(c == 's'){ goDown(p,board); } if(c == 'd'){ goRight(p,board); } //9 corresponds to Tab if(c == 9){ clearGrid(board, p); } }
int main() { HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD pos; pos.X = 0; pos.Y = 0; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, pos); while(pos.X < cols){ goDown(&pos, hConsole); if(pos.X == cols - 1) break; pos.X++; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, pos); goUp(&pos, hConsole); pos.X++; SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, pos); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/** * Test keys and try move, use borrowed controls. * @return a symbol when unit has moved or SYM_NONE */ char Unit::driveBorrowed(const InputProvider *input, const KeyControl &buttons) { if (canDrive()) { if (input->isPressed(buttons.getLeft())) { return goLeft(); } if (input->isPressed(buttons.getRight())) { return goRight(); } if (input->isPressed(buttons.getUp())) { return goUp(); } if (input->isPressed(buttons.getDown())) { return goDown(); } } return ControlSym::SYM_NONE; }
/** * Make move. * @return move symbol or SYM_NONE for bad move */ char Unit::driveOrder(char move) { if (canDrive()) { if (m_symbols.getLeft() == move) { return goLeft(); } if (m_symbols.getRight() == move) { return goRight(); } if (m_symbols.getUp() == move) { return goUp(); } if (m_symbols.getDown() == move) { return goDown(); } } return ControlSym::SYM_NONE; }
Solution SolutionTree::findSolution() { Solution solution; SolutionNode *n = goDeeper(0); // std::cout << "findSolution *n: " << n << std::endl; goUp(n); solution.trace = bestSolution->trace; solution.cost = 0; /*std::list<int>::iterator it = solution.trace.begin(); while (++it != solution.trace.end()) { solution.cost += bestSolution->matrix.getCost( std::pair<int, int>(*(--it), *(++it))); } solution.cost += bestSolution->matrix.getCost( std::pair<int, int>(bestSolution->trace.back(), bestSolution->trace.front())); */ return solution; }
//! On PathControlState message //! @param[in] pcs pointer to PathControlState message void onPathControlState(const IMC::PathControlState* pcs) { switch (m_pstate) { case ST_GO_TO: if (pcs->flags & IMC::PathControlState::FL_NEAR) { goUp(); m_pstate = ST_GO_UP; } break; case ST_GO_UP: m_elevate->updatePathControl(pcs); // reached surface? if (m_elevate->isDone()) { m_task->setControl(IMC::CL_NONE); m_pstate = ST_NEAR_SURFACE; } break; case ST_GO_DOWN: m_elevate->updatePathControl(pcs); // all done? if (m_elevate->isDone()) m_pstate = ST_DONE; break; case ST_SKEEP: m_skeep->updatePathControl(pcs); break; case ST_DONE: m_task->signalCompletion(); break; default: break; } }
void BHTreeCZBuilder::sumCostRecursor() { if (not curPtr->atBottom) { static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->relCost = 0.; static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->noParts = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i] != NULL) { goChild(i); sumCostRecursor(); static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr->parent)->relCost += static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->relCost; static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr->parent)->noParts += static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->noParts; goUp(); } } } }
void PreprocessorHooks::FileSkipped (const clang::FileEntry &, const clang::Token &, clang::SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind) { goUp (true); }
//============================================================================== void FileBrowserComponent::buttonClicked (Button*) { goUp(); }
void MediaBrowser::setupUI() { QVBoxLayout *vbox0 = new QVBoxLayout(this); m_splitter = new QSplitter(this); m_splitter->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); vbox0->addWidget(m_splitter); QWidget *browser = new QWidget(m_splitter); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(browser); SET_MARGIN(vbox,0); // Setup filter box at the top of the widget m_searchBase = new QWidget(browser); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(m_searchBase); SET_MARGIN(hbox,0); m_btnBack = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-go-back.png"),""); m_btnBack->setEnabled(false); connect(m_btnBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goBack())); m_btnForward = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-go-forward.png"),""); m_btnForward->setEnabled(false); connect(m_btnForward, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goForward())); m_btnUp = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-go-up.png"),""); m_btnUp->setEnabled(false); connect(m_btnUp, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goUp())); QLabel *label = new QLabel("Fil&ter:"); m_searchBox = new QLineEdit(m_searchBase); label->setBuddy(m_searchBox); m_clearSearchBtn = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-clear.png"),""); m_clearSearchBtn->setVisible(false); hbox->addWidget(m_btnBack); hbox->addWidget(m_btnForward); hbox->addWidget(m_btnUp); hbox->addWidget(label); hbox->addWidget(m_searchBox); hbox->addWidget(m_clearSearchBtn); connect(m_searchBox, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(filterChanged(const QString &))); connect(m_searchBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(filterReturnPressed())); connect(m_clearSearchBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearFilter())); // Now for the list itself m_listView = new MediaBrowserQListView(browser); m_listView->setAlternatingRowColors(true); m_listView->setIconSize(m_iconSize); //m_listView->setWrapping(true); m_listView->setWordWrap(true); //m_listView->setGridSize(MEDIABROWSER_LIST_ICON_SIZE); m_listView->setLayoutMode(QListView::Batched); //m_listView->setFlow(QListView::LeftToRight); m_listView->setResizeMode(QListView::Adjust); //m_listView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); // below doesnt seem to be enough //m_listView->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked | QAbstractItemView::EditKeyPressed); m_fsModel = new DirectoryListModel(browser); //QFileSystemModel(browser); m_fsModel->setIconProvider(new MyQFileIconProvider()); //m_fsModel->setNameFilterDisables(false); m_listView->setModel(m_fsModel); connect(m_listView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(indexDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &))); connect(m_listView, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(indexDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex &))); connect(m_listView, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(indexSingleClicked(const QModelIndex &))); //////////////////////// // Add action buttons m_btnBase = new QWidget(browser); QHBoxLayout *hbox3 = new QHBoxLayout(m_btnBase); SET_MARGIN(hbox3,0); m_btnSetAsBgLive = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-apply-ffwd.png"),""); m_btnSetAsBgLive->setToolTip("Set selected file as background for the current live slide"); hbox3->addWidget(m_btnSetAsBgLive); m_btnAddToSchedue = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-add.png"),""); m_btnAddToSchedue->setToolTip("Add selected file to schedule"); hbox3->addWidget(m_btnAddToSchedue); m_btnSetAsBgLater = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-apply-next.png"),""); m_btnSetAsBgLater->setToolTip("Set selected file as background for the NEXT slide to go live"); hbox3->addWidget(m_btnSetAsBgLater); m_btnSetAsBgCurrent = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-apply-pause.png"),""); m_btnSetAsBgCurrent->setToolTip("Set selected file as background for the selected slide group"); hbox3->addWidget(m_btnSetAsBgCurrent); connect(m_btnAddToSchedue, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddToSchedule())); connect(m_btnSetAsBgCurrent, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSetAsBgCurrent())); connect(m_btnSetAsBgLater, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSetAsBgLater())); connect(m_btnSetAsBgLive, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotSetAsBgLive())); // enabled by indexSingleClicked() m_btnBase->setEnabled(false); ///////////////// // Add the directory box and filter box at bottom m_folderBoxBase = new QWidget(browser); QHBoxLayout *hbox2 = new QHBoxLayout(m_folderBoxBase); SET_MARGIN(hbox2,0); hbox2->addWidget(new QLabel("Folder:")); m_dirBox = new QLineEdit(m_folderBoxBase); hbox2->addWidget(m_dirBox); m_filterBox = new QComboBox(m_folderBoxBase); hbox2->addWidget(m_filterBox); connect(m_dirBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(dirBoxReturnPressed())); connect(m_filterBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(fileTypeChanged(int))); //#######################################333 m_bookmarkBase = new QWidget(browser); QHBoxLayout *hbox4 = new QHBoxLayout(m_bookmarkBase); SET_MARGIN(hbox4,0); hbox4->addWidget(new QLabel("Saved:")); m_bookmarkBox = new QComboBox(m_bookmarkBase); hbox4->addWidget(m_bookmarkBox,2); m_btnBookmark = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-new.png"),""); m_btnBookmark->setToolTip("Bookmark current folder"); hbox4->addWidget(m_btnBookmark); m_btnDelBookmark = new QPushButton(QIcon(":/data/stock-remove.png"),""); m_btnDelBookmark->setToolTip("Delete current bookmark"); hbox4->addWidget(m_btnDelBookmark); connect(m_bookmarkBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(loadBookmarkIndex(int))); connect(m_btnBookmark, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotBookmarkFolder())); connect(m_btnDelBookmark, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDelBookmark())); //#######################################333 QFrame * line = new QFrame(); line->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); vbox->addWidget(m_searchBase); vbox->addWidget(m_folderBoxBase); vbox->addWidget(line); vbox->addWidget(m_bookmarkBase); vbox->addWidget(m_listView); vbox->addWidget(m_btnBase); m_splitter->addWidget(browser); m_viewerBase = new QWidget(m_splitter); m_viewerLayout = new QVBoxLayout(m_viewerBase); m_viewerLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); // Setup the slide group viewer m_viewer = new SlideGroupViewer(m_viewerBase); m_viewer->setCanZoom(true); m_viewer->setSceneContextHint(MyGraphicsScene::Preview); m_viewer->setBackground(Qt::black); // Create the slide and slide group that we'll reuse to preview the // selected media items Slide * slide = new Slide(); AbstractVisualItem * bg = dynamic_cast<AbstractVisualItem*>(slide->background()); bg->setFillType(AbstractVisualItem::Solid); bg->setFillBrush(Qt::black); SlideGroup *group = new SlideGroup(); group->addSlide(slide); //qDebug() << "MediaBrowser::setupUI(): Setting slidegroup "<<group<<" on viewer "<<m_viewer; m_viewer->setSlideGroup(group, slide); m_viewerLayout->addWidget(m_viewer); m_splitter->addWidget(m_viewerBase); loadBookmarks(); }
void BHTreeCZBuilder::refineCZcell(const czllPtrT _czllPtr) { /// /// transform all children to empty CZ cells. if a child /// is a particle, first link a empty cell in between. /// curPtr = _czllPtr; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i] == NULL) { static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i] = new czllT; goChild(i); static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->clear(); curPtr->parent = _czllPtr; static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->inheritCellPos(i); goUp(); } else if (static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i]->isParticle) { const pnodPtrT resPartPtr = static_cast<pnodPtrT>(static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i]); static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i] = new czllT; goChild(i); static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->clear(); curPtr->parent = _czllPtr; static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->inheritCellPos(i); const size_t newOct = getOctant(resPartPtr->pos); static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[newOct] = resPartPtr; resPartPtr->depth++; resPartPtr->parent = curPtr; goUp(); } else if (not static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i]->isCZ) { const qcllPtrT oldCell = static_cast<qcllPtrT>(static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i]); static_cast<gcllPtrT>(curPtr)->child[i] = new czllT; goChild(i); static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->clear(); static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->initFromCell(*oldCell); delete oldCell; goUp(); } } /// /// now count the particles of this child /// estimate the relative cost of those /// const fType relCostPerPart = (_czllPtr->relCost / _czllPtr->noParts); for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { goChild(i); countParts = 0; countPartsRecursor(); static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->relCost = countParts * relCostPerPart; static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->noParts = countParts; goUp(); } /// /// now also distribute the orphans of the former parent cell to /// the new bottom cells /// nodePtrT curOrph = _czllPtr->orphFrst; nodePtrT nxtOrph = NULL; curPtr = _czllPtr; while (curOrph != NULL) { // next ptr will be overwritten in adopt(), so we need a temporary // storage for the next orphan nxtOrph = curOrph->next; const size_t newOct = getOctant(static_cast<pnodPtrT>(curOrph)->pos); static_cast<czllPtrT>(_czllPtr->child[newOct])->adopt( static_cast<pnodPtrT>(curOrph)); static_cast<czllPtrT>(_czllPtr->child[newOct])->noParts++; static_cast<czllPtrT>(_czllPtr->child[newOct])->relCost += relCostPerPart; curOrph = nxtOrph; } static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->orphFrst = NULL; static_cast<czllPtrT>(curPtr)->orphLast = NULL; }
/* flags: -a: Displays an entry for each file in a file hierarchy -dn: Goes n directories deep during recursion -c: Displays a grand total -h: Displays the output in a human readable way using prefixes like Byte, KB, MB... -f<%s>: Tallies up only files that contain the substring s -v: Displays a visual tree of the current directory -un: Goes up n directories and then does what it needs to do */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int all = 0, depth = 5, total = 0, human = 0, count = 1, visual = 0, look = 0, none = 0, up = 0, tdepth = 0; long tot = 0; char *find = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LEN), *temp = malloc(sizeof(char) * 10), *path = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LEN); char *rtn = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LEN); DIR *directory = opendir("."); if (argc > 1) { do { switch(argv[count][1]) { case 'a': all = 1; break; case 'd': depth = atoi(&argv[count][2]); tdepth = depth; break; case 'h': human = 1; break; case 'f': strcpy(find, &argv[count][2]); look = 1; break; case 'c': total = 1; break; case 'v': visual = 1; break; case 'u': up = atoi(&argv[count][2]); break; default: none = 1; break; } } while (argv[++count] != NULL); } if (up) { if (up && look) { if (up > 2) up = 2; } goUp(up, rtn); directory = opendir("."); } if (none || (!all && !look && !visual)) { displayFolders(directory, NULL, &tot, depth, human); depth = tdepth; } if (all) { if (look) { printf("Look through all files on this user for substring '%s'?\ny/n: ", find); scanf("%s", temp); if (*temp == 'y' || *temp == 'Y') { realpath(".", path); chdir(getenv("HOME")); if (visual) system("tree"); directory = opendir("."); findSub(directory, NULL, find); chdir(path); } } else { if (visual) system("tree"); if (!human) { displayAll(directory, NULL, &tot, 0, depth, human); depth = tdepth; } } } if (visual && !all && !up) { system("tree"); } if (look) { if (all) { directory = opendir(getenv("HOME")); } findSub(directory, NULL, find); } if (up) chdir(rtn); if (total && !up) { tot = 0; directory = opendir("."); displayAll(directory, NULL, &tot, 1, depth, human); depth = tdepth; if (!human) printf("%ld\ttotal\n", tot); else printHuman(NULL, tot, "!"); } else { tot = 0; directory = opendir("."); displayAll(directory, NULL, &tot, 1, depth, human); } if (up && visual) { goUp(up, rtn); directory = opendir("."); printf("%ld\t%s\n", tot, "."); system("tree"); } else if (visual) printf("%ld\t%s\n", tot, "."); if (!human && !visual) { printf("%ld\t%s\n", tot, "."); } if (human) { if (up) { if (up && look) { if (up > 2) up = 2; } goUp(up, rtn); directory = opendir("."); depth = tdepth; displayAll(directory, NULL, &tot, 1, depth, human); } printHuman(NULL, tot, "."); } return 0; }