コード例 #1
 * Select the given range and make the it visible.
static gboolean
wb_control_jump (WorkbookControl *wbc, Sheet *sheet, const GnmRangeRef *r)
	SheetView *sv;
	GnmCellPos tmp;

	if (r->a.sheet)
		sheet = r->a.sheet;

	if (!sheet_is_visible (sheet)) {
			(GO_CMD_CONTEXT (wbc),
			 _("Cannot jump to an invisible sheet"),
		return FALSE;

	sv = sheet_get_view (sheet, wb_control_view (wbc));

	tmp.col = r->a.col;
	tmp.row = r->a.row;
	sv_selection_set (sv, &tmp, r->a.col, r->a.row, r->b.col, r->b.row);
	sv_make_cell_visible (sv, r->b.col, r->b.row, FALSE);
	sv_make_cell_visible (sv, r->a.col, r->a.row, FALSE);
	sv_update (sv);
	if (wb_control_cur_sheet (wbc) != sheet)
		wb_view_sheet_focus (wbc->wb_view, sheet);

	return TRUE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: cmd-edit.c プロジェクト: Ghnuberath/gnumeric
 * cmd_paste :
 * @sheet: The destination sheet
 * @range : The range to paste to within the destination sheet.
 * @flags: Any paste special flags.
 * Pastes the current cut buffer, copy buffer, or X selection to
 * the destination sheet range.
 * When pasting a cut the destination MUST be the same size as the src.
 * When pasting a copy the destination can be a singleton, or an integer
 * multiple of the size of the source.  This is not tested here.
 * Full undo support.
cmd_paste (WorkbookControl *wbc, GnmPasteTarget const *pt)
	GnmCellRegion  *content;
	GnmRange const *src_range;

	g_return_if_fail (pt != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (IS_SHEET (pt->sheet));

	src_range = gnm_app_clipboard_area_get ();
	content = gnm_app_clipboard_contents_get ();

	if (content == NULL && src_range != NULL) {
		/* Pasting a Cut */
		GnmExprRelocateInfo rinfo;
		Sheet *src_sheet = gnm_app_clipboard_sheet_get ();

		/* Validate the size & shape of the target here. */
		int const cols = (src_range->end.col - src_range->start.col);
		int const rows = (src_range->end.row - src_range->start.row);

		GnmRange dst = pt->range;

		if (range_is_singleton (&dst)) {
			dst.end.col = dst.start.col + cols;
			dst.end.row = dst.start.row + rows;
		} else if ((dst.end.col - dst.start.col) != cols ||
			   (dst.end.row - dst.start.row) != rows) {

			char *msg = g_strdup_printf (
				_("destination has a different shape (%dRx%dC) than the original (%dRx%dC)\n\n"
				  "Try selecting a single cell or an area of the same shape and size."),
				(dst.end.row - dst.start.row)+1,
				(dst.end.col - dst.start.col)+1,
				rows+1, cols+1);
			go_cmd_context_error_invalid (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (wbc),
				_("Unable to paste into selection"), msg);
			g_free (msg);

		rinfo.reloc_type = GNM_EXPR_RELOCATE_MOVE_RANGE;
		rinfo.origin = *src_range;
		rinfo.col_offset = dst.start.col - rinfo.origin.start.col;
		rinfo.row_offset = dst.start.row - rinfo.origin.start.row;
		rinfo.origin_sheet = src_sheet;
		rinfo.target_sheet = pt->sheet;

		if (!cmd_paste_cut (wbc, &rinfo, TRUE, NULL))
			gnm_app_clipboard_clear (TRUE);

	/* If this application has marked a selection use it */
	} else if (content != NULL)
		cmd_paste_copy (wbc, pt, content);

	/* See if the control has access to information to paste */
		wb_control_paste_from_selection (wbc, pt);
コード例 #3
 * This is called when something is entered in the location entry.
 * We either go there (if the text refers to a cell by address or
 * name), or we try to define a name for the selection.
wb_control_parse_and_jump (WorkbookControl *wbc, char const *text)
	Sheet *sheet = wb_control_cur_sheet (wbc);
	GnmParsePos pp;
	GnmEvalPos ep;
	GnmValue *target;
	GnmRangeRef range;
	SheetView *sv;

	if (text == NULL || *text == '\0')
		return FALSE;

	sv = wb_control_cur_sheet_view (wbc);
	parse_pos_init_editpos (&pp, sv);
	target = value_new_cellrange_parsepos_str (&pp, text,
	if (target == NULL) {
		/* Not an address; is it a name? */
		GnmParsePos pp;
		GnmNamedExpr *nexpr = expr_name_lookup (
			parse_pos_init_sheet (&pp, sheet), text);

		/* If no name, or just a placeholder exists create a name */
		if (nexpr == NULL || expr_name_is_placeholder (nexpr)) {
			wb_create_name (wbc, text, &pp);
			return FALSE;
		} else {
			target = gnm_expr_top_get_range (nexpr->texpr);
			if (target == NULL) {
				go_cmd_context_error_invalid (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (wbc),
					_("Address"), text);
				return FALSE;

	eval_pos_init_editpos (&ep, sv);
	gnm_cellref_make_abs (&range.a, &target->v_range.cell.a, &ep);
	gnm_cellref_make_abs (&range.b, &target->v_range.cell.b, &ep);
	value_release (target);

	return wb_control_jump (wbc, sheet, &range);
コード例 #4
ファイル: clipboard.c プロジェクト: paulfitz/gnumeric
 * clipboard_paste_region:
 * @cr: The GnmCellRegion to paste.
 * @pt: Where to paste the values.
 * @cc: The context for error handling.
 * Pastes the supplied GnmCellRegion (@cr) into the supplied
 * GnmPasteTarget (@pt).  This operation is not undoable.  It does not auto grow
 * the destination if the target is a singleton.  This is a simple interface to
 * paste a region.
 * returns : TRUE if there was a problem.
clipboard_paste_region (GnmCellRegion const *cr,
			GnmPasteTarget const *pt,
			GOCmdContext *cc)
	int repeat_horizontal, repeat_vertical, clearFlags;
	int dst_cols, dst_rows, src_cols, src_rows;
	int i, j;
	GSList *ptr;
	GnmRange const *r;
	gboolean has_contents, adjust_merges = TRUE;
	struct paste_cell_data dat;
	GnmRange const *merge_src;

	g_return_val_if_fail (pt != NULL, TRUE);
	g_return_val_if_fail (cr != NULL, TRUE);

	/* we do not need any of this fancy stuff when pasting a simple object */
	if (cr->cell_content == NULL &&
	    cr->styles == NULL &&
	    cr->merged == NULL &&
	    cr->objects != NULL) {
		if (pt->paste_flags & (PASTE_COMMENTS | PASTE_OBJECTS))
			for (ptr = cr->objects; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
				paste_object (pt, ptr->data,
					pt->range.start.col, pt->range.start.row);
		return FALSE;

	r = &pt->range;
	dst_cols = range_width (r);
	dst_rows = range_height (r);
	src_cols = cr->cols;
	src_rows = cr->rows;

	/* If the source is a single cell or a single merge */
	/* Treat a target of a single merge specially, don't split the merge */
	if ((src_cols == 1 && src_rows == 1) ||
	    (g_slist_length (cr->merged) == 1 &&
	     (NULL != (merge_src = cr->merged->data)) &&
	     range_height (merge_src) == cr->rows &&
	     range_width (merge_src) == cr->cols)) {
		GnmRange const *merge = gnm_sheet_merge_is_corner (pt->sheet, &r->start);
		if (merge != NULL && range_equal (r, merge)) {
			dst_cols = dst_rows = 1;
			adjust_merges = FALSE;
			src_cols = 1;
			src_rows = 1;
	/* Apparently links do not supercede merges */
	} else if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_LINK)
		adjust_merges = FALSE;

	has_contents = pt->paste_flags & (PASTE_CONTENTS|PASTE_AS_VALUES|PASTE_LINK);

	if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_TRANSPOSE) {
		int tmp = src_cols;
		src_cols = src_rows;
		src_rows = tmp;

	if (cr->not_as_contents && (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_CONTENTS)) {
		go_cmd_context_error_invalid (cc,
					_("Unable to paste"),
					_("Contents can only be pasted by value or by link."));
		return TRUE;

	/* calculate the tiling */
	repeat_horizontal = dst_cols/src_cols;
	if (repeat_horizontal * src_cols != dst_cols) {
		char *msg = g_strdup_printf (
			_("destination does not have an even multiple of source columns (%d vs %d)\n\n"
			  "Try selecting a single cell or an area of the same shape and size."),
			dst_cols, src_cols);
		go_cmd_context_error_invalid (cc, _("Unable to paste"), msg);
		g_free (msg);
		return TRUE;

	repeat_vertical = dst_rows/src_rows;
	if (repeat_vertical * src_rows != dst_rows) {
		char *msg = g_strdup_printf (
			_("destination does not have an even multiple of source rows (%d vs %d)\n\n"
			  "Try selecting a single cell or an area of the same shape and size."),
			dst_rows, src_rows);
		go_cmd_context_error_invalid (cc, _("Unable to paste"), msg);
		g_free (msg);
		return TRUE;

	if ((pt->range.start.col + dst_cols) > gnm_sheet_get_max_cols (pt->sheet) ||
	    (pt->range.start.row + dst_rows) > gnm_sheet_get_max_rows (pt->sheet)) {
		go_cmd_context_error_invalid (cc,
					_("Unable to paste"),
					_("result passes the sheet boundary"));
		return TRUE;

	clearFlags = 0;
	/* clear the region where we will paste */
	if (has_contents)

	if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_COMMENTS)
		clearFlags |= CLEAR_COMMENTS;

	/* No need to clear the formats.  We will paste over top of these. */
	/* if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_FORMATS) clearFlags |= CLEAR_FORMATS; */

	if (pt->paste_flags & (PASTE_OPER_MASK | PASTE_SKIP_BLANKS))
		clearFlags = 0;

	/* remove merged regions even for operations, or blanks */
	if (has_contents && adjust_merges)
		clearFlags |= CLEAR_MERGES;

	if (clearFlags != 0) {
		int const dst_col = pt->range.start.col;
		int const dst_row = pt->range.start.row;
		sheet_clear_region (pt->sheet,
				    dst_col, dst_row,
				    dst_col + dst_cols - 1,
				    dst_row + dst_rows - 1,
				    clearFlags, cc);

	dat.translate_dates = cr->date_conv &&
		!go_date_conv_equal (cr->date_conv, workbook_date_conv (pt->sheet->workbook));

	for (i = 0; i < repeat_horizontal ; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < repeat_vertical ; j++) {
			int const left = i * src_cols + pt->range.start.col;
			int const top = j * src_rows + pt->range.start.row;

			dat.top_left.col = left;
			dat.top_left.row = top;
			dat.rinfo.reloc_type = GNM_EXPR_RELOCATE_MOVE_RANGE;
			dat.rinfo.origin_sheet = dat.rinfo.target_sheet = pt->sheet;
			if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_EXPR_LOCAL_RELOCATE) {
				dat.rinfo.origin.start = cr->base;
				dat.rinfo.origin.end.col = cr->base.col + cr->cols - 1;
				dat.rinfo.origin.end.row = cr->base.row + cr->rows - 1;
				dat.rinfo.col_offset = left - cr->base.col;
				dat.rinfo.row_offset = top - cr->base.row;
			} else {
				dat.rinfo.origin = pt->range;
				dat.rinfo.col_offset = 0;
				dat.rinfo.row_offset = 0;

			/* Move the styles on here so we get correct formats before recalc */
			if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_FORMATS) {
				if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_TRANSPOSE)
					sheet_style_set_list (pt->sheet, &dat.top_left,
				else if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_FLIP_H) {
					int data = 2 * left + src_cols - 1;
					sheet_style_set_list (pt->sheet, &dat.top_left,
							      range_flip_h, &data);
				} else if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_FLIP_V) {
					int data = 2 * top + src_rows - 1;
					sheet_style_set_list (pt->sheet, &dat.top_left,
							      range_flip_v, &data);
				} else
					sheet_style_set_list (pt->sheet, &dat.top_left,
							      cr->styles, NULL, NULL);
			if (has_contents && !(pt->paste_flags & PASTE_DONT_MERGE)) {
				for (ptr = cr->merged; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
					GnmRange tmp = *((GnmRange const *)ptr->data);
					if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_TRANSPOSE) {
						int x;
						x = tmp.start.col; tmp.start.col = tmp.start.row;  tmp.start.row = x;
						x = tmp.end.col; tmp.end.col = tmp.end.row;  tmp.end.row = x;
					if (!range_translate (&tmp, pt->sheet, left, top))
						gnm_sheet_merge_add (pt->sheet, &tmp, TRUE, cc);

			if (has_contents && (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_LINK)) {
				paste_link (pt, top, left, cr);

			if (has_contents && NULL != cr->cell_content) {
				dat.pt = pt;
				dat.cr = cr;
				g_hash_table_foreach (cr->cell_content,
					(GHFunc)cb_paste_cell, &dat);

			if (pt->paste_flags & (PASTE_COMMENTS | PASTE_OBJECTS))
				for (ptr = cr->objects; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
					paste_object (pt, ptr->data, left, top);

	if (!(pt->paste_flags & PASTE_NO_RECALC)) {
		if (has_contents) {
			sheet_region_queue_recalc (pt->sheet, r);
			sheet_flag_status_update_range (pt->sheet, r);
		} else
			sheet_flag_style_update_range (pt->sheet, r);

		sheet_range_calc_spans (pt->sheet, r,
		if (pt->paste_flags & PASTE_UPDATE_ROW_HEIGHT)
			rows_height_update (pt->sheet, &pt->range, FALSE);
		sheet_redraw_all (pt->sheet, FALSE);

	return FALSE;
コード例 #5
ファイル: wbc-gtk-edit.c プロジェクト: nzinfo/gnumeric
 * wbcg_edit_start:
 * @wbcg:       The workbook to be edited.
 * @blankp:   If true, erase current cell contents first.  If false, leave the
 *            contents alone.
 * @cursorp:  If true, create an editing cursor in the current sheet.  (If
 *            false, the text will be editing in the edit box above the sheet,
 *            but this is not handled by this function.)
 * Initiate editing of a cell in the sheet.  Note that we have two modes of
 * editing:
 *  1) in-cell editing when you just start typing, and
 *  2) above sheet editing when you hit F2.
 * Returns TRUE if we did indeed start editing.  Returns FALSE if the
 * cell-to-be-edited was locked.
wbcg_edit_start (WBCGtk *wbcg,
		 gboolean blankp, gboolean cursorp)
	/* We could save this, but the situation is rare, if confusing.  */
	static gboolean warn_on_text_format = TRUE;
	SheetView *sv;
	SheetControlGUI *scg;
	GnmCell *cell;
	char *text = NULL;
	int col, row;
	WorkbookView *wbv;
	int cursor_pos = -1;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GNM_IS_WBC_GTK (wbcg), FALSE);

	if (wbcg_is_editing (wbcg))
		return TRUE;

	/* Avoid recursion, and do not begin editing if a guru is up */
	if (wbcg->inside_editing || wbc_gtk_get_guru (wbcg) != NULL)
		return TRUE;
	wbcg->inside_editing = TRUE;

	wbv = wb_control_view (GNM_WBC (wbcg));
	sv = wb_control_cur_sheet_view (GNM_WBC (wbcg));
	scg = wbcg_cur_scg (wbcg);

	col = sv->edit_pos.col;
	row = sv->edit_pos.row;

	/* don't edit a locked cell */
	/* TODO : extend this to disable edits that cannot succeed
	 * like editing a single cell of an array.  I think we have enough
	 * information if we look at the selection.
	if (wb_view_is_protected (wbv, TRUE) &&
	    gnm_style_get_contents_locked (sheet_style_get (sv->sheet, col, row))) {
		char *pos =  g_strdup_printf ( _("%s!%s is locked"),
			sv->sheet->name_quoted, cell_coord_name (col, row));
		go_cmd_context_error_invalid (GO_CMD_CONTEXT (wbcg), pos,
			wb_view_is_protected (wbv, FALSE)
			 ? _("Unprotect the workbook to enable editing.")
			 : _("Unprotect the sheet to enable editing."));
		wbcg->inside_editing = FALSE;
		g_free (pos);
		return FALSE;

	cell = sheet_cell_get (sv->sheet, col, row);
	if (cell &&
	    warn_on_text_format &&
	    go_format_is_text (gnm_cell_get_format (cell)) &&
	    (gnm_cell_has_expr (cell) || !VALUE_IS_STRING (cell->value))) {
		gint res; /* Using GtkResponseType would yield a warning on the switch */
		GtkWidget *check;
		GtkWidget *align;

		GtkWidget *d = gnm_message_dialog_create
			(wbcg_toplevel (wbcg),
			 _("You are about to edit a cell with \"text\" format."),
			 _("The cell does not currently contain text, though, so if "
			   "you go on editing then the contents will be turned into "
		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (d), GTK_STOCK_EDIT, GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
			(GTK_DIALOG (d), _("Remove format"), GTK_STOCK_REMOVE,
		gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (d), GNM_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);
		gtk_dialog_set_default_response (GTK_DIALOG (d), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL);

		check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (_("Show this dialog next time."));
		g_signal_connect (check, "toggled", G_CALLBACK (cb_warn_toggled), &warn_on_text_format);
		gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (check), TRUE);
		align = gtk_alignment_new (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
		gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (align), check);
		gtk_widget_show_all (align);
		gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (d))), align, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
		res = go_gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (d), wbcg_toplevel (wbcg));

		switch (res) {
			GnmStyle *style = gnm_style_new ();
			gnm_style_set_format (style, go_format_general ());
			if (!cmd_selection_format (GNM_WBC (wbcg),
						   style, NULL, NULL))
			/* Fall through.  */
			wbcg->inside_editing = FALSE;
			return FALSE;

	gnm_app_clipboard_unant ();

	if (blankp)
		gtk_entry_set_text (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg), "");
	else if (cell != NULL) {
		gboolean quoted = FALSE;

		text = gnm_cell_get_text_for_editing (cell, sv->sheet, &quoted, &cursor_pos);

		if (text)
			gtk_entry_set_text (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg), text);

		if (cell->value != NULL) {
			GOFormat const *fmt = VALUE_FMT (cell->value);
			if (fmt != NULL && go_format_is_markup (fmt)) {
				PangoAttrList *markup =
					pango_attr_list_copy ((PangoAttrList *)go_format_get_markup (fmt));
				if (quoted)
					go_pango_attr_list_open_hole (markup, 0, 1);
				wbcg_edit_init_markup (wbcg, markup);

	gnm_expr_entry_set_scg (wbcg->edit_line.entry, scg);
	gnm_expr_entry_set_flags (wbcg->edit_line.entry,
	scg_edit_start (scg);

	/* Redraw the cell contents in case there was a span */
	sheet_redraw_region (sv->sheet, col, row, col, row);

	if (cursorp && /* autocompletion code will not work in the edit line */
	    wbv->do_auto_completion &&
	    (text == NULL || g_unichar_isalpha (g_utf8_get_char (text)))) {
		wbcg->auto_complete = gnm_complete_sheet_new (
			sv->sheet, col, row,
			workbook_edit_complete_notify, wbcg);
		wbcg->auto_completing = TRUE;
		wbcg->auto_max_size = 0;
	} else
		wbcg->auto_complete = NULL;

	/* Give the focus to the edit line */
	if (!cursorp)
		gtk_window_set_focus (wbcg_toplevel (wbcg),
			(GtkWidget *) wbcg_get_entry (wbcg));

	wbcg->editing = TRUE;
	wbcg->editing_sheet = sv->sheet;
	wbcg->editing_cell = cell;

	/* If this assert fails, it means editing was not shut down
	 * properly before
	g_return_val_if_fail (wbcg->edit_line.signal_changed == 0, TRUE);
	wbcg->edit_line.signal_changed = g_signal_connect (
		G_OBJECT (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg)),
		G_CALLBACK (cb_entry_changed), wbcg);
	wbcg->edit_line.signal_insert = g_signal_connect (
		G_OBJECT (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg)),
		G_CALLBACK (cb_entry_insert_text), wbcg);
	wbcg->edit_line.signal_delete = g_signal_connect (
		G_OBJECT (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg)),
		G_CALLBACK (cb_entry_delete_text), wbcg);
	wbcg->edit_line.signal_cursor_pos = g_signal_connect_swapped (
		G_OBJECT (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg)),
		G_CALLBACK (cb_entry_cursor_pos), wbcg);
	wbcg->edit_line.signal_selection_bound = g_signal_connect_swapped (
		G_OBJECT (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg)),
		G_CALLBACK (cb_entry_cursor_pos), wbcg);

	g_free (text);
	wb_control_update_action_sensitivity (GNM_WBC (wbcg));

	wbcg->inside_editing = FALSE;

	gtk_editable_set_position (GTK_EDITABLE (wbcg_get_entry (wbcg)), cursor_pos);

	return TRUE;