コード例 #1
void _MarkExternalFaceVertices(graphP theGraph, int startVertex)
    int nextVertex = startVertex;
    int e = gp_GetFirstArc(theGraph, nextVertex);
    int eTwin;

    // Handle the case of an isolated vertex
    if (gp_IsNotArc(e))
    	gp_SetVertexVisited(theGraph, startVertex);

    // Process a non-trivial connected component
    do {
        gp_SetVertexVisited(theGraph, nextVertex);

        // The arc out of the vertex just visited points to the next vertex
        nextVertex = gp_GetNeighbor(theGraph, e);

        // Arc used to enter the next vertex is needed so we can get the
        // next edge in rotation order.
        // Note: for bicomps, first and last arcs of all external face vertices
        //       indicate the edges that hold them to the external face
        //       But _JoinBicomps() has already occurred, so cut vertices
        //       will have external face edges other than the first and last arcs
        //       Hence we need this more sophisticated traversal method
        eTwin = gp_GetTwinArc(theGraph, e);

        // Now we get the next arc in rotation order as the new arc out to the
        // vertex after nextVertex.  This sets us up for the next iteration.
        // Note: We cannot simply follow the chain of nextVertex first arcs
        //       as we started out doing at the top of this method.  This is
        //       because we are no longer dealing with bicomps only.
        //       Since _JoinBicomps() has already been invoked, there may now
        //       be cut vertices on the external face whose adjacency lists
        //       contain external face arcs in positions other than the first and
        //       and last arcs.  We will visit those vertices multiple times,
        //       which is OK (just that we have to explain why we're calculating
        //       jout in this way).
        e = gp_GetNextArcCircular(theGraph, eTwin);

        // Now things get really interesting.  The DFS root (startVertex) may
        // itself be a cut vertex to which multiple bicomps have been joined.
        // So we cannot simply stop when the external face walk gets back to
        // startVertex.  We must actually get back to startVertex using its
        // last arc.  This ensures that we've looped down into all the DFS
        // subtrees rooted at startVertex and walked their external faces.

        // Since we started the whole external face walk with the first arc
        // of startVertex, we need to proceed until we reenter startVertex
        // using its last arc.

    } while (eTwin != gp_GetLastArc(theGraph, startVertex));
コード例 #2
ファイル: graphDrawPlanar.c プロジェクト: sageb0t/testsage
int _ComputeEdgePositions(DrawPlanarContext *context)
graphP theEmbedding = context->theGraph;
int *vertexOrder = NULL;
listCollectionP edgeList = NULL;
int edgeListHead, edgeListInsertPoint;
int I, J, Jcur, e, v, vpos;
int eIndex, JTwin;

	gp_LogLine("\ngraphDrawPlanar.c/_ComputeEdgePositions() start");

    // Sort the vertices by vertical position (in linear time)

    if ((vertexOrder = (int *) malloc(theEmbedding->N * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
        return NOTOK;

    for (I = 0; I < theEmbedding->N; I++)
        vertexOrder[context->G[I].pos] = I;

    // Allocate the edge list of size M.
    //    This is an array of (prev, next) pointers.
    //    An edge at position X corresponds to the edge
    //    at position X in the graph structure, which is
    //    represented by a pair of adjacent graph nodes
    //    starting at index 2N + 2X.

    if (theEmbedding->M > 0 && (edgeList = LCNew(theEmbedding->M)) == NULL)
        return NOTOK;

    edgeListHead = NIL;

    // Each vertex starts out with a NIL generator edge.

    for (I=0; I < theEmbedding->N; I++)
        theEmbedding->G[I].visited = NIL;

    // Perform the vertical sweep of the combinatorial embedding, using
    // the vertex ordering to guide the sweep.
    // For each vertex, each edge leading to a vertex with a higher number in
    // the vertex order is recorded as the "generator edge", or the edge of
    // first discovery of that higher numbered vertex, unless the vertex already has
    // a recorded generator edge
    for (vpos=0; vpos < theEmbedding->N; vpos++)
        // Get the vertex associated with the position
        v = vertexOrder[vpos];
        gp_LogLine(gp_MakeLogStr3("Processing vertex %d with DFI=%d at position=%d",
    				 theEmbedding->G[v].v, v, vpos));

        // The DFS tree root of a connected component is always the least
        // number vertex in the vertex ordering.  We have to give it a
        // false generator edge so that it is still "visited" and then
        // all of its edges are generators for its neighbor vertices because
        // they all have greater numbers in the vertex order.
        if (theEmbedding->V[v].DFSParent == NIL)
            // False generator edge, so the vertex is distinguishable from
            // a vertex with no generator edge when its neighbors are visited
            // This way, an edge from a neighbor won't get recorded as the
            // generator edge of the DFS tree root.
            theEmbedding->G[v].visited = 1;

            // Now we traverse the adjacency list of the DFS tree root and
            // record each edge as the generator edge of the neighbors
            J = gp_GetFirstArc(theEmbedding, v);
            while (gp_IsArc(theGraph, J))
                e = (J - theEmbedding->edgeOffset) / 2;

                edgeListHead = LCAppend(edgeList, edgeListHead, e);
                gp_LogLine(gp_MakeLogStr2("Append generator edge (%d, %d) to edgeList",
                		theEmbedding->G[v].v, theEmbedding->G[theEmbedding->G[J].v].v));

                // Set the generator edge for the root's neighbor
                theEmbedding->G[theEmbedding->G[J].v].visited = J;

                // Go to the next node of the root's adj list
                J = gp_GetNextArc(theEmbedding, J);

        // Else, if we are not on a DFS tree root...
            // Get the generator edge of the vertex
            if ((JTwin = theEmbedding->G[v].visited) == NIL)
                return NOTOK;
            J = gp_GetTwinArc(theEmbedding, JTwin);

            // Traverse the edges of the vertex, starting
            // from the generator edge and going counterclockwise...

            e = (J - theEmbedding->edgeOffset) / 2;
            edgeListInsertPoint = e;

            Jcur = gp_GetNextArcCircular(theEmbedding, J);

            while (Jcur != J)
                // If the neighboring vertex's position is greater
                // than the current vertex (meaning it is lower in the
                // diagram), then add that edge to the edge order.

                if (context->G[theEmbedding->G[Jcur].v].pos > vpos)
                    e = (Jcur - theEmbedding->edgeOffset) / 2;
                    LCInsertAfter(edgeList, edgeListInsertPoint, e);

                    gp_LogLine(gp_MakeLogStr4("Insert (%d, %d) after (%d, %d)",
                    		theEmbedding->G[theEmbedding->G[gp_GetTwinArc(theEmbedding, J)].v].v,

                    edgeListInsertPoint = e;

                    // If the vertex does not yet have a generator edge, then set it.
                    if (theEmbedding->G[theEmbedding->G[Jcur].v].visited == NIL)
                        theEmbedding->G[theEmbedding->G[Jcur].v].visited = Jcur;
                        gp_LogLine(gp_MakeLogStr2("Generator edge (%d, %d)",
                        		theEmbedding->G[theEmbedding->G[gp_GetTwinArc(theEmbedding, J)].v].v,

                // Go to the next node in v's adjacency list
                Jcur = gp_GetNextArcCircular(theEmbedding, Jcur);

#ifdef LOGGING
        _LogEdgeList(theEmbedding, edgeList, edgeListHead);

    // Now iterate through the edgeList and assign positions to the edges.
    eIndex = 0;
    e = edgeListHead;
    while (e != NIL)
        J = theEmbedding->edgeOffset + 2*e;
        JTwin = gp_GetTwinArc(theEmbedding, J);

        context->G[J].pos = context->G[JTwin].pos = eIndex;


        e = LCGetNext(edgeList, edgeListHead, e);

    // Clean up and return

	gp_LogLine("graphDrawPlanar.c/_ComputeEdgePositions() end\n");

    return OK;
コード例 #3
int  _CheckEmbeddingFacialIntegrity(graphP theGraph)
stackP theStack = theGraph->theStack;
int EsizeOccupied, v, e, eTwin, eStart, eNext, NumFaces, connectedComponents;

     if (theGraph == NULL)
         return NOTOK;

/* The stack need only contain 2M entries, one for each edge record. With
        max M at 3N, this amounts to 6N integers of space.  The embedding
        structure already contains this stack, so we just make sure it
        starts out empty. */


/* Push all arcs and set them to unvisited */

	 EsizeOccupied = gp_EdgeInUseIndexBound(theGraph);
     for (e = gp_GetFirstEdge(theGraph); e < EsizeOccupied; e+=2)
    	  // Except skip edge holes
          if (gp_EdgeInUse(theGraph, e))
			  sp_Push(theStack, e);
			  gp_ClearEdgeVisited(theGraph, e);
			  eTwin = gp_GetTwinArc(theGraph, e);
			  sp_Push(theStack, eTwin);
			  gp_ClearEdgeVisited(theGraph, eTwin);

     // There are M edges, so we better have pushed 2M arcs just now
     // i.e. testing that the continue above skipped only edge holes
     if (sp_GetCurrentSize(theStack) != 2*theGraph->M)
    	 return NOTOK;

/* Read faces until every arc is used */

     NumFaces = 0;
     while (sp_NonEmpty(theStack))
            /* Get an arc; if it has already been used by a face, then
                don't use it to traverse a new face */
            sp_Pop(theStack, eStart);
            if (gp_GetEdgeVisited(theGraph, eStart)) continue;

            e = eStart;
            do {
                eNext = gp_GetNextArcCircular(theGraph, gp_GetTwinArc(theGraph, e));
                if (gp_GetEdgeVisited(theGraph, eNext))
                    return NOTOK;
                gp_SetEdgeVisited(theGraph, eNext);
                e = eNext;
            } while (e != eStart);

/* Count the external face once rather than once per connected component;
    each connected component is detected by the fact that it has no
    DFS parent, except in the case of isolated vertices, no face was counted
    so we do not subtract one. */

     connectedComponents = 0;
     for (v = gp_GetFirstVertex(theGraph); gp_VertexInRange(theGraph, v); v++)
          if (gp_IsDFSTreeRoot(theGraph, v))
              if (gp_GetVertexDegree(theGraph, v) > 0)


/* Test number of faces using the extended Euler's formula.
     For connected components, Euler's formula is f=m-n+2, but
     for disconnected graphs it is extended to f=m-n+1+c where
     c is the number of connected components.*/

     return NumFaces == theGraph->M - theGraph->N + 1 + connectedComponents
            ? OK : NOTOK;