コード例 #1
ファイル: rbis_gpf_update.cpp プロジェクト: ompugao/pronto
void RBISLaserGPFMeasurement::updateFilter(const RBIS & prior_state, const RBIM & prior_cov, double prior_loglikelihood)

//  eigen_dump(prior_state);
//  eigen_dump(prior_cov);

  Eigen::VectorXd z_effective;
  Eigen::MatrixXd R_effective;

  double current_likelihood = 0;

  bool valid = false;
  if (gpf->sensor_mode == LaserGPF::sensor_input_laser){
    valid = gpf->getMeasurement(prior_state, prior_cov, laser_msg, z_effective, R_effective);
    valid = gpf->getMeasurement(prior_state, prior_cov, pointcloud_msg, z_effective, R_effective);

  if (valid) {

    //publish the gpf result for logging
    mav_indexed_measurement_t * gpf_msg = gpfCreateLCMmsg(gpf->laser_gpf_measurement_indices, z_effective, R_effective);
    gpf_msg->utime = utime;
    gpf_msg->state_utime = prior_state.utime;
    mav_indexed_measurement_t_publish(lcm_pub, pub_channel.c_str(), gpf_msg);

// apply the gpf update
    RBIS dstate;
    RBIM dcov;
    current_likelihood = indexedMeasurement(z_effective, R_effective, gpf->laser_gpf_measurement_indices, prior_state,
        prior_cov, dstate,
    rbisApplyDelta(prior_state, prior_cov, dstate, dcov, posterior_state, posterior_covariance);

//    eigen_dump(z_effective.transpose());
//    eigen_dump(R_effective);
//    eigen_dump(posterior_state);
//    eigen_dump(posterior_covariance);

  else { //skip this update
    posterior_state = prior_state;
    posterior_covariance = prior_cov;

  loglikelihood = prior_loglikelihood + current_likelihood;
コード例 #2
 * visualize will publish pose and laser messages along with GPF lcmgl visualization as measurments are computed, but it will be much slower.
void MapMeasurementFunction::generateFromOctomap(const char * base_map_name, double mPP, double phi_max, double radPP,
    lcm_t * lcm, BotParam * param, BotFrames * frames, double sigma_prior, double z_height, double vis_pause,
    double max_laser_range)
  bool visualize = vis_pause > 0;

  double laser_sim_minNegLogLike;
//    octomap::OcTree * sim_map = octomap::loadOctomap(base_map_name, &laser_sim_minNegLogLike);
  octomap::OcTree * sim_map = new octomap::OcTree(base_map_name);
  double minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
  sim_map->getMetricMin(minX, minY, minZ);
  sim_map->getMetricMax(maxX, maxY, maxZ);
  printf("\nmap bounds: [%.2f, %.2f, %.2f] - [%.2f, %.2f, %.2f]  res: %f\n", minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ,

  this->z_height = z_height;
  LaserGPF laser_gpf = LaserGPF(lcm, param, frames);
//  laser_gpf.motion_project = false;
  laser_gpf.motion_mode = LaserGPF::motion_none;

  //set the number of ranges for the simulator to the number after decimation then reset decimation
  //FIXME also resest laser_gpf.spatial_decimation ?
//    int nranges = NUM_HOKUYO_RANGES / ((double) laser_gpf.beam_skip); //put up with integer roundoff since it's big
//    laser_gpf.beam_skip = 1;

  //FIXME this right abe?
//    int numHeightBeamsStart = laser_gpf.laser_projector->heightDownRegion[1];
//    int numHeightBeamsEnd = laser_gpf.laser_projector->heightUpRegion[1] - laser_gpf.laser_projector->heightUpRegion[0];

  int numHeightBeamsStart = 20;
  int numHeightBeamsEnd = 0;

  laser_util::LaserSim3D laser_sim = laser_util::LaserSim3D(sim_map, param, frames, "sim_laser");

  double xy0[2] = { minX, minY };
  double xy1[2] = { maxX, maxY };

  double phi_psi_0[2];
  double phi_psi_1[2];

  phi_psi_0[0] = -phi_max;
  phi_psi_1[0] = phi_max + radPP;

  phi_psi_0[1] = -M_PI + radPP / 2.0;
  phi_psi_1[1] = M_PI + radPP / 2.0;

  xy_max_information = new occ_map::FloatPixelMap(xy0, xy1, mPP, 0);
  xy_min_information = new occ_map::FloatPixelMap(xy0, xy1, mPP, INFINITY);

  int x_dim = xy_max_information->dimensions[0];
  int y_dim = xy_max_information->dimensions[1];

  phi_psi_xy_cov_map = new CovPixelPixelMap(phi_psi_0, phi_psi_1, radPP, NULL);
  phi_psi_xy_information_map = new FloatPixelPixelMap(phi_psi_0, phi_psi_1, radPP, 0);

  int phi_dim = phi_psi_xy_cov_map->dimensions[0];
  int psi_dim = phi_psi_xy_cov_map->dimensions[1];

  int num_cells = x_dim * y_dim * phi_dim * psi_dim;

  printf("Creating measurment map, x_dim = %d, y_dim = %d, phi_dim = %d, psi_dim = %d, %d total cells to evaluate\n",
      x_dim, y_dim, phi_dim, psi_dim, num_cells);

  printf("phi: min=%f, max=%f\npsi: min=%f, max=%f\n",
      bot_to_degrees(phi_psi_xy_cov_map->xy0[0]), bot_to_degrees(phi_psi_xy_cov_map->xy1[0]),
      bot_to_degrees(phi_psi_xy_cov_map->xy0[1]), bot_to_degrees(phi_psi_xy_cov_map->xy1[1]));

  double x, y, phi, psi;

  int phipsi_spatial_inds[2], xy_spatial_inds[2];
  int phipsi_ind, xy_ind;

  double phipsi_loc[2];
  double xy_loc[2];

  RBIS state = RBIS();
  BotTrans bot_trans;

  Eigen::VectorXd z_effective;
  Eigen::MatrixXd R_effective;

  RBIM prior_cov = RBIM::Zero();
  prior_cov.block<3, 3>(RBIS::position_ind, RBIS::position_ind) = sigma_prior * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();

  int num_completed = 0;
  Eigen::Vector3d eulers;

  for (int i = 0; i < phi_dim; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < psi_dim; j++) {
      phipsi_spatial_inds[0] = i;
      phipsi_spatial_inds[1] = j;
      phipsi_ind = phi_psi_xy_cov_map->getInd(phipsi_spatial_inds);
      phi_psi_xy_cov_map->indToLoc(phipsi_ind, phipsi_loc);

      CovPixelMap * xy_cov_map = new CovPixelMap(xy0, xy1, mPP);
      occ_map::FloatPixelMap * xy_information_map = new occ_map::FloatPixelMap(xy0, xy1, mPP, 0);
      phi_psi_xy_cov_map->writeValue(phipsi_spatial_inds, xy_cov_map);
      phi_psi_xy_information_map->writeValue(phipsi_spatial_inds, xy_information_map);

      for (int k = 0; k < x_dim; k++) {
        for (int l = 0; l < y_dim; l++) {
          xy_spatial_inds[0] = k;
          xy_spatial_inds[1] = l;
          xy_ind = xy_cov_map->getInd(xy_spatial_inds);
          xy_cov_map->indToLoc(xy_ind, xy_loc);

          //add .5 pixel res to all of them except roll
          state.position()(0) = xy_loc[0];
          state.position()(1) = xy_loc[1];
          state.position()(2) = z_height;
          eulers << phipsi_loc[0], 0, phipsi_loc[1];

          const bot_core_planar_lidar_t * laser_msg = laser_sim.simulate(&bot_trans);

          bot_core::planar_lidar_t * laser_msg_cpp = new bot_core::planar_lidar_t;
          laser_msg_cpp->intensities = std::vector<float>(laser_msg->nintensities);
          laser_msg_cpp->nintensities = laser_msg->nintensities;
          memcpy(&laser_msg_cpp->intensities[0], &laser_msg->intensities[0], laser_msg_cpp->nintensities * sizeof(float));

          laser_msg_cpp->ranges = std::vector<float>(laser_msg->nranges);
          laser_msg_cpp->nranges = laser_msg->nranges;
          memcpy(&laser_msg_cpp->ranges[0], &laser_msg->ranges[0], laser_msg_cpp->nranges * sizeof(float));

          laser_msg_cpp->rad0 = laser_msg->rad0;
          laser_msg_cpp->radstep = laser_msg->radstep;
          laser_msg_cpp->utime = laser_msg->utime;

          laser_gpf.getMeasurement(state, prior_cov, laser_msg_cpp, z_effective, R_effective);

          delete laser_msg_cpp;

          double information_gain = R_effective.inverse().trace();

          xy_cov_map->writeValue(xy_spatial_inds, R_effective);
          xy_information_map->writeValue(xy_spatial_inds, information_gain);

          if (information_gain > xy_max_information->readValue(xy_spatial_inds)) {
            xy_max_information->writeValue(xy_spatial_inds, information_gain);

          if (information_gain < xy_min_information->readValue(xy_spatial_inds)) {
            xy_min_information->writeValue(xy_spatial_inds, information_gain);

          if (visualize) {
            rigid_body_pose_t pose;
            rigid_body_pose_t_publish(lcm, "STATE_ESTIMATOR_POSE", &pose);
            bot_core_planar_lidar_t_publish(lcm, "LASER", laser_msg);

            pronto_indexed_measurement_t * gpf_msg = gpfCreateLCMmsg(laser_gpf.laser_gpf_measurement_indices,
                z_effective, R_effective);
            gpf_msg->utime = 0;
            gpf_msg->state_utime = 0;
            pronto_indexed_measurement_t_publish(lcm, "GPF_MEASUREMENT", gpf_msg);

            usleep(vis_pause * 1e6);

          fprintf(stdout, "\r evaluated %d/%d", num_completed, num_cells);


  delete sim_map;