//print to canvas & double height grs_canvas *print_to_canvas(char *s,grs_font *font, int fc, int bc) { int y; ubyte *data; int rs; grs_canvas *temp_canv,*save_canv; save_canv = grd_curcanv; temp_canv = gr_create_canvas(font->ft_w*strlen(s),font->ft_h*2); gr_set_current_canvas(temp_canv); gr_set_curfont(font); gr_clear_canvas(255); //trans color gr_set_fontcolor(fc,bc); gr_printf(0,0,s); //now double it, since we're drawing to 400-line modex screen data = temp_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_data; rs = temp_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_rowsize; for (y=temp_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_h/2;y--;) { memcpy(data+(rs*y*2),data+(rs*y),temp_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_w); memcpy(data+(rs*(y*2+1)),data+(rs*y),temp_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_w); } gr_set_current_canvas(save_canv); return temp_canv; }
int objpage_grab_current(int n) { int i; if ( (n<0) || ( n>= Num_total_object_types) ) return 0; ObjectPage = n / OBJS_PER_PAGE; if (ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE < Num_total_object_types) { for (i=0; i<OBJS_PER_PAGE; i++ ) { gr_set_current_canvas(ObjBox[i]->canvas); if (i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE < Num_total_object_types) { //gr_ubitmap(0,0, robot_bms[robot_bm_nums[ i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE ] ] ); gr_label_box(i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE ); } else { gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } } Cur_robot_type = n; gr_set_current_canvas(ObjCurrent->canvas); //gr_ubitmap(0,0, robot_bms[robot_bm_nums[ Cur_robot_type ] ] ); gr_label_box(Cur_robot_type); //objpage_display_name( Texture[Cur_robot_type]->filename ); return 1; }
//draws the given model in the current canvas. The distance is set to //more-or-less fill the canvas. Note that this routine actually renders //into an off-screen canvas that it creates, then copies to the current //canvas. void draw_model_picture(int mn,vms_angvec *orient_angles) { vms_vector temp_pos=ZERO_VECTOR; vms_matrix temp_orient = IDENTITY_MATRIX; grs_canvas *save_canv = grd_curcanv,*temp_canv; Assert(mn>=0 && mn<N_polygon_models); temp_canv = gr_create_canvas(save_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_w,save_canv->cv_bitmap.bm_h); gr_set_current_canvas(temp_canv); gr_clear_canvas( BM_XRGB(0,0,0) ); g3_start_frame(); g3_set_view_matrix(&temp_pos,&temp_orient,0x9000); if (Polygon_models[mn].rad != 0) temp_pos.z = fixmuldiv(DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST,Polygon_models[mn].rad,BASE_MODEL_SIZE); else temp_pos.z = DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST; vm_angles_2_matrix(&temp_orient, orient_angles); PA_DFX(save_light = Lighting_on); PA_DFX(Lighting_on = 0); draw_polygon_model(&temp_pos,&temp_orient,NULL,mn,0,f1_0,NULL,NULL); PA_DFX (Lighting_on = save_light); gr_set_current_canvas(save_canv); gr_bitmap(0,0,&temp_canv->cv_bitmap); gr_free_canvas(temp_canv); }
void title_save_game() { grs_canvas * save_canv; grs_canvas * save_canv_data; grs_font * save_font; ubyte palette[768]; if ( Next_level_num == 0 ) return; save_canv = grd_curcanv; save_font = grd_curcanv->cv_font; save_canv_data = gr_create_canvas( grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap.bm_w, grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap.bm_h ); gr_set_current_canvas(save_canv_data); gr_ubitmap(0,0,&save_canv->cv_bitmap); gr_set_current_canvas(save_canv); gr_clear_canvas(gr_find_closest_color_current( 0, 0, 0)); gr_palette_read( palette ); gr_palette_load( gr_palette ); #ifndef SHAREWARE state_save_all(1); #endif gr_palette_clear(); gr_set_current_canvas(save_canv); gr_ubitmap(0,0,&save_canv_data->cv_bitmap); gr_palette_load( palette ); gr_set_curfont(save_font); }
void objpage_init( UI_WINDOW *win ) { int i; //Num_total_object_types = N_polygon_models + N_hostage_types + N_powerup_types; //Assert (N_polygon_models < MAX_POLYGON_MODELS); //Assert (Num_total_object_types < MAX_OBJTYPE ); //Assert (N_hostage_types < MAX_HOSTAGE_TYPES ); //Assert (N_powerup_types < MAX_POWERUP_TYPES ); // Assert (N_robot_types < MAX_ROBOTS); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 00, OBJCURBOX_Y - 27, 30, 20, "<<", objpage_goto_prev ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 32, OBJCURBOX_Y - 27, 30, 20, ">>", objpage_goto_next ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 00, OBJCURBOX_Y - 54, 30, 20, "B", objpage_goto_first ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 32, OBJCURBOX_Y - 54, 30, 20, "E", objpage_goto_last ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 25, OBJCURBOX_Y + 62, 22, 13, "P-", objpage_decrease_pitch ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 25, OBJCURBOX_Y + 90, 22, 13, "P+", objpage_increase_pitch ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 00, OBJCURBOX_Y + 90, 22, 13, "B-", objpage_decrease_bank ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 50, OBJCURBOX_Y + 90, 22, 13, "B+", objpage_increase_bank ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 00, OBJCURBOX_Y + 76, 22, 13, "H-", objpage_decrease_heading ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 50, OBJCURBOX_Y + 76, 22, 13, "H+", objpage_increase_heading ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 00, OBJCURBOX_Y + 62, 22, 13, "Z+", objpage_increase_z ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 50, OBJCURBOX_Y + 62, 22, 13, "Z-", objpage_decrease_z ); ui_add_gadget_button( win, OBJCURBOX_X + 25, OBJCURBOX_Y + 76, 22, 13, "R", objpage_reset_orient ); for (i=0;i<OBJS_PER_PAGE;i++) ObjBox[i] = ui_add_gadget_userbox( win, OBJBOX_X + (i/2)*(2+OBJBOX_W), OBJBOX_Y + (i%2)*(2+OBJBOX_H), OBJBOX_W, OBJBOX_H); ObjCurrent = ui_add_gadget_userbox( win, OBJCURBOX_X, OBJCURBOX_Y-5, 64, 64 ); objpage_reset_orient(); for (i=0; i<OBJS_PER_PAGE; i++ ) { gr_set_current_canvas(ObjBox[i]->canvas); if (i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE < Num_total_object_types) { //gr_ubitmap(0,0, robot_bms[robot_bm_nums[ i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE ] ] ); gr_label_box(i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE ); } else { gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } // Don't reset robot_type when we return to editor. // Cur_robot_type = ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE; gr_set_current_canvas(ObjCurrent->canvas); //gr_ubitmap(0,0, robot_bms[robot_bm_nums[ Cur_robot_type ] ] ); gr_label_box(Cur_robot_type); //ObjnameCanvas = gr_create_sub_canvas(&grd_curscreen->sc_canvas, OBJCURBOX_X , OBJCURBOX_Y + OBJBOX_H + 10, 100, 20); //gr_set_current_canvas( ObjnameCanvas ); //gr_set_curfont( ui_small_font ); //gr_set_fontcolor( CBLACK, CWHITE ); //objpage_display_name( Texture[Cur_robot_type]->filename ); }
render_external_scene(fix eye_offset) { Viewer_eye = Viewer->pos; if (eye_offset) vm_vec_scale_add2(&Viewer_eye,&Viewer->orient.rvec,eye_offset); g3_set_view_matrix(&Viewer->pos,&Viewer->orient,Render_zoom); //g3_draw_horizon(BM_XRGB(0,0,0),BM_XRGB(16,16,16)); //,-1); gr_clear_canvas(BM_XRGB(0,0,0)); g3_start_instance_matrix(&vmd_zero_vector,&surface_orient); draw_stars(); g3_done_instance(); { //draw satellite vms_vector delta; g3s_point p,top_pnt; g3_rotate_point(&p,&satellite_pos); g3_rotate_delta_vec(&delta,&satellite_upvec); g3_add_delta_vec(&top_pnt,&p,&delta); if (! (p.p3_codes & CC_BEHIND)) { int save_im = Interpolation_method; //p.p3_flags &= ~PF_PROJECTED; //g3_project_point(&p); if (! (p.p3_flags & PF_OVERFLOW)) { Interpolation_method = 0; //gr_bitmapm(f2i(p.p3_sx)-32,f2i(p.p3_sy)-32,satellite_bitmap); g3_draw_rod_tmap(satellite_bitmap,&p,SATELLITE_WIDTH,&top_pnt,SATELLITE_WIDTH,f1_0); Interpolation_method = save_im; } } } #ifdef STATION_ENABLED draw_polygon_model(&station_pos,&vmd_identity_matrix,NULL,station_modelnum,0,f1_0,NULL,NULL); #endif render_terrain(&mine_ground_exit_point,exit_point_bmx,exit_point_bmy); draw_exit_model(); if (ext_expl_playing) draw_fireball(&external_explosion); Lighting_on=0; render_object(ConsoleObject); Lighting_on=1; }
void gr_label_box( int i) { gr_clear_canvas(BM_XRGB(0,0,0)); draw_robot_picture(i,&objpage_view_orient, -1); // char s[20]; // sprintf( s, " %d ", i ); // gr_clear_canvas( BM_XRGB(0,15,0) ); // gr_set_fontcolor( CWHITE, BM_XRGB(0,15,0) ); // ui_string_centered( grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap.bm_w/2, grd_curcanv->cv_bitmap.bm_h/2, Description[i] ); }
//Redraw the list of textures, based on TexturePage texpage_redraw() { int i; for (i=0; i<TMAPS_PER_PAGE; i++ ) { gr_set_current_canvas(TmapBox[i]->canvas); if (i+TexturePage*TMAPS_PER_PAGE < Num_tmaps ) gr_ubitmap(0,0, Textures[TmapList[i+TexturePage*TMAPS_PER_PAGE]]); else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } }
//Redraw the list of textures, based on TexturePage void texpage_redraw() { int i; for (i = 0; i < TMAPS_PER_PAGE; i++) { gr_set_current_canvas(TmapBox[i]->canvas); if (i + TexturePage*TMAPS_PER_PAGE < NumTextures) { PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[i + TexturePage*TMAPS_PER_PAGE]); gr_ubitmap(0, 0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[i + TexturePage*TMAPS_PER_PAGE].index]); } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } }
int objpage_goto_first() { int i; ObjectPage=0; for (i=0; i<OBJS_PER_PAGE; i++ ) { gr_set_current_canvas(ObjBox[i]->canvas); if (i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE < Num_total_object_types ) { //gr_ubitmap(0,0, robot_bms[robot_bm_nums[ i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE ] ] ); gr_label_box(i+ObjectPage*OBJS_PER_PAGE ); } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } return 1; }
//draws the given model in the current canvas. The distance is set to //more-or-less fill the canvas. Note that this routine actually renders //into an off-screen canvas that it creates, then copies to the current //canvas. void draw_model_picture(int mn,vms_angvec *orient_angles) { vms_vector temp_pos=ZERO_VECTOR; vms_matrix temp_orient = IDENTITY_MATRIX; Assert(mn>=0 && mn<N_polygon_models); gr_clear_canvas( BM_XRGB(0,0,0) ); g3_start_frame(); g3_set_view_matrix(&temp_pos,&temp_orient,0x9000); if (Polygon_models[mn].rad != 0) temp_pos.z = fixmuldiv(DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST,Polygon_models[mn].rad,BASE_MODEL_SIZE); else temp_pos.z = DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST; vm_angles_2_matrix(&temp_orient, orient_angles); draw_polygon_model(&temp_pos,&temp_orient,NULL,mn,0,f1_0,NULL,NULL); g3_end_frame(); }
void do_hostage_window() { fix DeltaTime, Temp; if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return; SelectClosestHostage(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; ui_window_do_gadgets(MainWindow); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the radio buttons that control the ai mode. Also makes // the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex ) { if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) strcpy( HostageText->text, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].text ); else strcpy(HostageText->text, " " ); HostageText->position = strlen(HostageText->text); HostageText->oldposition = HostageText->position; HostageText->status=1; HostageText->first_time = 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the cooresponding AI state. //------------------------------------------------------------ if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) strcpy( Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].text, HostageText->text ); //------------------------------------------------------------ // A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects... //------------------------------------------------------------ Temp = timer_get_fixed_seconds(); DeltaTime = Temp - Time; Time = Temp; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) { int vclip_num; vclip_num = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num; Assert(vclip_num != -1); gr_set_current_canvas( HostageViewBox->canvas ); if ( vclip_num > -1 ) { vclip_play( &Hostage_face_clip[vclip_num], DeltaTime ); } else { gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } else { // no hostage, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( HostageViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (ui_button_any_drawn || (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex) ) { if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: %d Object: %d", CurrentHostageIndex, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum ); //@@ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: %d Sound: %d ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face: %d ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num); } else { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: none " ); //@@ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: Sound: " ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face: " ); } Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; } if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC)) { hostage_close_window(); return; } LastHostageIndex = CurrentHostageIndex; }
int trigger_dialog_handler(UI_DIALOG *dlg, d_event *event, trigger_dialog *t) { int i; short Markedwall, trigger_num; int keypress = 0; int rval = 0; Assert(MainWindow != NULL); if (!Markedsegp) { close_trigger_window(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; if (event->type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND) keypress = event_key_get(event); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change walls, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the checkboxes that control the wall flags. //------------------------------------------------------------ Markedwall = Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num; if (Markedwall != -1) trigger_num = Walls[Markedwall].trigger; else trigger_num = -1; if (t->old_trigger_num != trigger_num) { if (trigger_num != -1) { trigger *trig = &Triggers[trigger_num]; ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[0], trig->flags & TRIGGER_CONTROL_DOORS); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[1], trig->flags & TRIGGER_SHIELD_DAMAGE); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[2], trig->flags & TRIGGER_ENERGY_DRAIN); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[3], trig->flags & TRIGGER_EXIT); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[4], trig->flags & TRIGGER_ONE_SHOT); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[5], trig->flags & TRIGGER_ILLUSION_ON); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[6], trig->flags & TRIGGER_ILLUSION_OFF); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[7], trig->flags & TRIGGER_ON); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[8], trig->flags & TRIGGER_MATCEN); ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[9], trig->flags & TRIGGER_SECRET_EXIT); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the checkboxes that control the wallflags are set, then // update the cooresponding wall flag. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (IS_CHILD(Markedsegp->children[Markedside])) { rval = 1; if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[0])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_CONTROL_DOORS, t->triggerFlag[0]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[1])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_SHIELD_DAMAGE, t->triggerFlag[1]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[2])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_ENERGY_DRAIN, t->triggerFlag[2]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[3])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_EXIT, t->triggerFlag[3]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[4])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_ONE_SHOT, t->triggerFlag[4]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[5])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_ILLUSION_ON, t->triggerFlag[5]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[6])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_ILLUSION_OFF, t->triggerFlag[6]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[7])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_ON, t->triggerFlag[7]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[8])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_MATCEN, t->triggerFlag[8]->flag); else if (GADGET_PRESSED(t->triggerFlag[9])) trigger_flag_Markedside(TRIGGER_SECRET_EXIT, t->triggerFlag[9]->flag); else rval = 0; } else for (i = 0; i < NUM_TRIGGER_FLAGS; i++ ) ui_checkbox_check(t->triggerFlag[i], 0); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw the wall in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { gr_set_current_canvas( t->wallViewBox->canvas ); if ((Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num == -1) || (Walls[Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num].trigger) == -1) gr_clear_canvas( CBLACK ); else { if (Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num2 > 0) { gr_ubitmap(0,0, texmerge_get_cached_bitmap( Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num, Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num2)); } else { if (Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num > 0) { PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num]); gr_ubitmap(0,0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num].index]); } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { if ( Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num > -1 ) { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Trigger: %d ", trigger_num); } else { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Trigger: none "); } } if (ui_button_any_drawn || (t->old_trigger_num != trigger_num) ) Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE) { d_free(t); MainWindow = NULL; return 0; } if ( GADGET_PRESSED(t->quitButton) || (keypress==KEY_ESC)) { close_trigger_window(); return 1; } t->old_trigger_num = trigger_num; return rval; }
void draw_world(grs_canvas *screen_canvas,editor_view *v,segment *mine_ptr,int depth) { vms_vector viewer_position; #if DOUBLE_BUFFER grs_canvas temp_canvas; // mprintf(0, "\n"); // if ( screen_canvas == LargeViewBox->canvas ) { // CurrentBigCanvas ^= 1; // // gr_set_current_canvas( BigCanvas[CurrentBigCanvas] ); // // } else { gr_init_sub_canvas(&temp_canvas,canv_offscreen,0,0, screen_canvas->cv_bitmap.bm_w,screen_canvas->cv_bitmap.bm_h); gr_set_current_canvas(&temp_canvas); // } #else gr_set_current_canvas(screen_canvas); #endif //mprintf(0, "\n"); ui_mouse_hide(); //g3_set_points(Segment_points,Vertices); viewer_position = v->ev_matrix.fvec; vm_vec_scale(&viewer_position,-v->ev_dist); vm_vec_add2(&viewer_position,&Ed_view_target); gr_clear_canvas(0); g3_start_frame(); g3_set_view_matrix(&viewer_position,&v->ev_matrix,v->ev_zoom); render_start_frame(); gr_setcolor(PLAINSEG_COLOR); // Draw all segments or only connected segments. // We might want to draw all segments if we have broken the mine into pieces. if (Draw_all_segments) draw_mine_all(Segments, Automap_test); else draw_mine(mine_ptr,depth); // Draw the found segments if (!Automap_test) { draw_warning_segments(); draw_group_segments(); draw_found_segments(); draw_selected_segments(); draw_special_segments(); // Highlight group segment and side. if (current_group > -1) if (Groupsegp[current_group]) { gr_setcolor(GROUPSEG_COLOR); draw_segment(Groupsegp[current_group]); gr_setcolor(GROUPSIDE_COLOR); draw_seg_side(Groupsegp[current_group],Groupside[current_group]); } // Highlight marked segment and side. if (Markedsegp) { gr_setcolor(MARKEDSEG_COLOR); draw_segment(Markedsegp); gr_setcolor(MARKEDSIDE_COLOR); draw_seg_side(Markedsegp,Markedside); } // Highlight current segment and current side. gr_setcolor(CURSEG_COLOR); draw_segment(Cursegp); gr_setcolor(CURSIDE_COLOR); draw_seg_side(Cursegp,Curside); gr_setcolor(CUREDGE_COLOR); draw_side_edge(Cursegp,Curside,Curedge); // Draw coordinate axes if we are rendering the large view. if (Show_axes_flag) if (screen_canvas == LargeViewBox->canvas) draw_coordinate_axes(); // Label the window gr_set_fontcolor((v==current_view)?CRED:CWHITE, -1 ); if ( screen_canvas == LargeViewBox->canvas ) { gr_ustring( 5, 5, "USER VIEW" ); switch (Large_view_index) { case 0: gr_ustring( 85, 5, "-- TOP"); break; case 1: gr_ustring( 85, 5, "-- FRONT"); break; case 2: gr_ustring( 85, 5, "-- RIGHT"); break; } } else #if ORTHO_VIEWS else if ( screen_canvas == TopViewBox->canvas ) gr_ustring( 5, 5, "TOP" ); else if ( screen_canvas == FrontViewBox->canvas ) gr_ustring( 5, 5, "FRONT" ); else if ( screen_canvas == RightViewBox->canvas ) gr_ustring( 5, 5, "RIGHT" ); #else Error("Ortho views have been removed, what gives?\n"); #endif }
void do_countdown_frame() { fix old_time; int fc, div_scale; if (!Control_center_destroyed) return; // Control center destroyed, rock the player's ship. fc = Countdown_seconds_left; if (fc > 16) fc = 16; // At Trainee, decrease rocking of ship by 4x. div_scale = 1; if (Difficulty_level == 0) div_scale = 4; if (FixedStep & EPS20) { ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x += (fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32))/div_scale; ConsoleObject->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z += (fixmul(d_rand() - 16384, 3*F1_0/16 + (F1_0*(16-fc))/32))/div_scale; } // Hook in the rumble sound effect here. old_time = Countdown_timer; Countdown_timer -= FrameTime; Countdown_seconds_left = f2i(Countdown_timer + F1_0*7/8); if ( (old_time > COUNTDOWN_VOICE_TIME ) && (Countdown_timer <= COUNTDOWN_VOICE_TIME) ) { digi_play_sample( SOUND_COUNTDOWN_13_SECS, F3_0 ); } if ( f2i(old_time + F1_0*7/8) != Countdown_seconds_left ) { if ( (Countdown_seconds_left>=0) && (Countdown_seconds_left<10) ) digi_play_sample( SOUND_COUNTDOWN_0_SECS+Countdown_seconds_left, F3_0 ); if ( Countdown_seconds_left==Total_countdown_time-1) digi_play_sample( SOUND_COUNTDOWN_29_SECS, F3_0 ); } if (Countdown_timer > 0) { fix size,old_size; size = (i2f(Total_countdown_time)-Countdown_timer) / fl2f(0.65); old_size = (i2f(Total_countdown_time)-old_time) / fl2f(0.65); if (size != old_size && (Countdown_seconds_left < (Total_countdown_time-5) )) { // Every 2 seconds! //@@if (Dead_controlcen_object_num != -1) { //@@ vms_vector vp; //,v,c; //@@ compute_segment_center(&vp, &Segments[Objects[Dead_controlcen_object_num].segnum]); //@@ object_create_explosion( Objects[Dead_controlcen_object_num].segnum, &vp, size*10, VCLIP_SMALL_EXPLOSION); //@@} digi_play_sample( SOUND_CONTROL_CENTER_WARNING_SIREN, F3_0 ); } } else { int flash_value; if (old_time > 0) digi_play_sample( SOUND_MINE_BLEW_UP, F1_0 ); flash_value = f2i(-Countdown_timer * (64 / 4)); // 4 seconds to total whiteness PALETTE_FLASH_SET(flash_value,flash_value,flash_value); if (PaletteBlueAdd > 64 ) { gr_set_current_canvas( NULL ); gr_clear_canvas(BM_XRGB(31,31,31)); //make screen all white to match palette effect reset_palette_add(); //restore palette for death message //controlcen->MaxCapacity = Fuelcen_max_amount; //gauge_message( "Control Center Reset" ); DoPlayerDead(); //kill_player(); } } }
void draw_automap(automap *am) { int i; int color; object * objp; g3s_point sphere_point; if ( am->leave_mode==0 && am->controls.automap_state && (timer_query()-am->entry_time)>LEAVE_TIME) am->leave_mode = 1; gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); show_fullscr(&am->automap_background); gr_set_curfont(HUGE_FONT); gr_set_fontcolor(BM_XRGB(20, 20, 20), -1); gr_string((SWIDTH/8), (SHEIGHT/16), TXT_AUTOMAP); gr_set_curfont(GAME_FONT); gr_set_fontcolor(BM_XRGB(20, 20, 20), -1); gr_string((SWIDTH/10.666), (SHEIGHT/1.126), TXT_TURN_SHIP); gr_printf((SWIDTH/10.666), (SHEIGHT/1.083), "F9/F10 Changes viewing distance"); gr_string((SWIDTH/10.666), (SHEIGHT/1.043), TXT_AUTOMAP_MARKER); gr_set_current_canvas(&am->automap_view); gr_clear_canvas(BM_XRGB(0,0,0)); g3_start_frame(); render_start_frame(); if (!PlayerCfg.AutomapFreeFlight) vm_vec_scale_add(&am->view_position,&am->view_target,&am->viewMatrix.fvec,-am->viewDist); g3_set_view_matrix(&am->view_position,&am->viewMatrix,am->zoom); draw_all_edges(am); selected_player_rgb = player_rgb; // Draw player... #ifdef NETWORK if(Netgame.BlackAndWhitePyros) selected_player_rgb = player_rgb_alt; if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(Player_num); else #endif color = Player_num; // Note link to above if! gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(selected_player_rgb[color].r,selected_player_rgb[color].g,selected_player_rgb[color].b)); draw_player(&Objects[Players[Player_num].objnum]); DrawMarkers(am); // Draw player(s)... #ifdef NETWORK if ( (Game_mode & (GM_TEAM | GM_MULTI_COOP)) || (Netgame.game_flags & NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP) ) { for (i=0; i<N_players; i++) { if ( (i != Player_num) && ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI_COOP) || (get_team(Player_num) == get_team(i)) || (Netgame.game_flags & NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP)) ) { if ( Objects[Players[i].objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER ) { if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(i); else color = i; gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(selected_player_rgb[color].r,selected_player_rgb[color].g,selected_player_rgb[color].b)); draw_player(&Objects[Players[i].objnum]); } } } } #endif objp = &Objects[0]; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++,objp++) { switch( objp->type ) { case OBJ_HOSTAGE: gr_setcolor(am->hostage_color); g3_rotate_point(&sphere_point,&objp->pos); g3_draw_sphere(&sphere_point,objp->size); break; case OBJ_POWERUP: if ( Automap_visited[objp->segnum] ) { if ( (objp->id==POW_KEY_RED) || (objp->id==POW_KEY_BLUE) || (objp->id==POW_KEY_GOLD) ) { switch (objp->id) { case POW_KEY_RED: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(63, 5, 5)); break; case POW_KEY_BLUE: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(5, 5, 63)); break; case POW_KEY_GOLD: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(63, 63, 10)); break; default: Error("Illegal key type: %i", objp->id); } g3_rotate_point(&sphere_point,&objp->pos); g3_draw_sphere(&sphere_point,objp->size*4); } } break; } } g3_end_frame(); name_frame(am); if (HighlightMarker>-1 && MarkerMessage[HighlightMarker][0]!=0) { char msg[10+MARKER_MESSAGE_LEN+1]; sprintf(msg,"Marker %d: %s",HighlightMarker+1,MarkerMessage[(Player_num*2)+HighlightMarker]); gr_printf((SWIDTH/64),(SHEIGHT/18),"%s", msg); } if ((PlayerCfg.MouseControlStyle == MOUSE_CONTROL_FLIGHT_SIM) && PlayerCfg.MouseFSIndicator) show_mousefs_indicator(am->controls.raw_mouse_axis[0], am->controls.raw_mouse_axis[1], am->controls.raw_mouse_axis[2], GWIDTH-(GHEIGHT/8), GHEIGHT-(GHEIGHT/8), GHEIGHT/5); am->t2 = timer_query(); while (am->t2 - am->t1 < F1_0 / (GameCfg.VSync?MAXIMUM_FPS:GameArg.SysMaxFPS)) // ogl is fast enough that the automap can read the input too fast and you start to turn really slow. So delay a bit (and free up some cpu :) { if (GameArg.SysUseNiceFPS && !GameCfg.VSync) timer_delay(f1_0 / GameArg.SysMaxFPS - (am->t2 - am->t1)); timer_update(); am->t2 = timer_query(); } if (am->pause_game) { FrameTime=am->t2-am->t1; calc_d_tick(); } am->t1 = am->t2; }
//load a level off disk. level numbers start at 1. Secret levels are -1,-2,-3 void LoadLevel(int level_num) { char *level_name; player save_player; #ifdef REQUIRE_CD { FILE *fp; int i; char fname[128]; strcpy( fname, destsat_cdpath ); #ifdef DEST_SAT strcat( fname, "saturn.hog" ); #else strcat( fname, "descent.hog" ); #endif do { descent_critical_error = 0; fp = fopen( fname, "rb" ); if ( fp==NULL || descent_critical_error ) { if ( fp ) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); gr_clear_canvas( gr_find_closest_color_current(0,0,0) ); gr_palette_load( gr_palette ); i = nm_messagebox( "Insert CD", 2, "Retry", "Exit", "Please put the\nDescent CD\nin your CD-ROM drive!\n" ); if ( i==1 ) exit(0); } } while ( fp == NULL ); fclose( fp ); } #endif save_player = Players[Player_num]; Assert(level_num <= Last_level && level_num >= Last_secret_level && level_num != 0); #ifdef SHAREWARE { static char t[13]; sprintf(t, "LEVEL%02d.SDL", level_num); level_name = t; } #else if (level_num<0) //secret level level_name = Secret_level_names[-level_num-1]; else //normal level level_name = Level_names[level_num-1]; #endif show_boxed_message(TXT_LOADING); if (!load_level(level_name)) Current_level_num=level_num; #ifdef NETWORK my_segments_checksum = netmisc_calc_checksum(Segments, sizeof(segment)*(Highest_segment_index+1)); #endif load_endlevel_data(level_num); clear_boxed_message(); #ifdef NETWORK reset_network_objects(); #endif Players[Player_num] = save_player; set_sound_sources(); songs_play_level_song( Current_level_num ); }
int state_save_all_sub(char *filename, char *desc, int between_levels) { int i,j; FILE * fp; grs_canvas * cnv; FInfo finfo; OSErr err; Str255 pfilename; if ( Game_mode & GM_MULTI ) { #ifdef MULTI_SAVE if ( !FindArg( "-multisave" ) ) #endif return 0; } fp = fopen( filename, "wb" ); if ( !fp ) { start_time(); return 0; } //Save id fwrite( dgss_id, sizeof(char)*4, 1, fp ); //Save version i = STATE_VERSION; fwrite( &i, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); //Save description fwrite( desc, sizeof(char)*DESC_LENGTH, 1, fp ); // Save the current screen shot... cnv = gr_create_canvas( THUMBNAIL_W, THUMBNAIL_H ); if ( cnv ) { gr_set_current_canvas( cnv ); if ( between_levels ) { char * pcx_file; ubyte pcx_palette[768]; grs_bitmap bmp; gr_clear_canvas( BM_XRGB(0,0,0) ); pcx_file = get_briefing_screen( Next_level_num ); if ( pcx_file != NULL ) { bmp.bm_data = NULL; if (pcx_read_bitmap( pcx_file, &bmp, BM_LINEAR, pcx_palette )==PCX_ERROR_NONE) { grs_point vertbuf[3]; gr_clear_canvas( TRANSPARENCY_COLOR ); vertbuf[0].x = vertbuf[0].y = -F1_0*6; // -6 pixel rows for ascpect vertbuf[1].x = vertbuf[1].y = 0; vertbuf[2].x = i2f(THUMBNAIL_W); vertbuf[2].y = i2f(THUMBNAIL_H+7); // + 7 pixel rows for ascpect scale_bitmap(&bmp, vertbuf ); gr_remap_bitmap_good( &cnv->cv_bitmap, pcx_palette, -1, -1 ); myfree( bmp.bm_data ); } } } else { render_frame(0); } fwrite( cnv->cv_bitmap.bm_data, THUMBNAIL_W*THUMBNAIL_H, 1, fp ); gr_free_canvas( cnv ); } else { ubyte color = 0; for ( i=0; i<THUMBNAIL_W*THUMBNAIL_H; i++ ) fwrite( &color, sizeof(ubyte), 1, fp ); } // Save the Between levels flag... fwrite( &between_levels, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); // Save the mission info... #ifdef MAC_SHAREWARE fwrite( mission_save, sizeof(char)*9, 1, fp); #else fwrite( &Mission_list[Current_mission_num], sizeof(char)*9, 1, fp ); #endif //Save level info fwrite( &Current_level_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Next_level_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); //Save GameTime fwrite( &GameTime, sizeof(fix), 1, fp ); //Save player info fwrite( &Players[Player_num], sizeof(player), 1, fp ); // Save the current weapon info fwrite( &Primary_weapon, sizeof(byte), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Secondary_weapon, sizeof(byte), 1, fp ); // Save the difficulty level fwrite( &Difficulty_level, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); // Save the Cheats_enabled fwrite( &Cheats_enabled, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Game_turbo_mode, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); if ( !between_levels ) { //Finish all morph objects for (i=0; i<=Highest_object_index; i++ ) { if ( (Objects[i].type != OBJ_NONE) && (Objects[i].render_type==RT_MORPH)) { morph_data *md; md = find_morph_data(&Objects[i]); if (md) { md->obj->control_type = md->morph_save_control_type; md->obj->movement_type = md->morph_save_movement_type; md->obj->render_type = RT_POLYOBJ; md->obj->mtype.phys_info = md->morph_save_phys_info; md->obj = NULL; } else { //maybe loaded half-morphed from disk Objects[i].flags |= OF_SHOULD_BE_DEAD; Objects[i].render_type = RT_POLYOBJ; Objects[i].control_type = CT_NONE; Objects[i].movement_type = MT_NONE; } } } //Save object info i = Highest_object_index+1; fwrite( &i, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( Objects, sizeof(object)*i, 1, fp ); //Save wall info i = Num_walls; fwrite( &i, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( Walls, sizeof(wall)*i, 1, fp ); //Save door info i = Num_open_doors; fwrite( &i, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( ActiveDoors, sizeof(active_door)*i, 1, fp ); //Save trigger info fwrite( &Num_triggers, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( Triggers, sizeof(trigger)*Num_triggers, 1, fp ); //Save tmap info for (i=0; i<=Highest_segment_index; i++ ) { for (j=0; j<6; j++ ) { fwrite( &Segments[i].sides[j].wall_num, sizeof(short), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Segments[i].sides[j].tmap_num, sizeof(short), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Segments[i].sides[j].tmap_num2, sizeof(short), 1, fp ); } } // Save the fuelcen info fwrite( &Fuelcen_control_center_destroyed, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Fuelcen_seconds_left, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Num_robot_centers, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( RobotCenters, sizeof(matcen_info)*Num_robot_centers, 1, fp ); fwrite( &ControlCenterTriggers, sizeof(control_center_triggers), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Num_fuelcenters, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( Station, sizeof(FuelCenter)*Num_fuelcenters, 1, fp ); // Save the control cen info fwrite( &Control_center_been_hit, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Control_center_player_been_seen, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Control_center_next_fire_time, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Control_center_present, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Dead_controlcen_object_num, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); // Save the AI state ai_save_state( fp ); // Save the automap visited info fwrite( Automap_visited, sizeof(ubyte)*MAX_SEGMENTS, 1, fp ); } fwrite( &state_game_id, sizeof(uint), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Laser_rapid_fire, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Ugly_robot_cheat, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Ugly_robot_texture, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Physics_cheat_flag, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Lunacy, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fclose(fp); // set the type and creator of the saved game file strcpy(pfilename, filename); c2pstr(pfilename); err = HGetFInfo(0, 0, pfilename, &finfo); finfo.fdType = 'SVGM'; finfo.fdCreator = 'DCNT'; err = HSetFInfo(0, 0, pfilename, &finfo); start_time(); return 1; }
static window_event_result hostage_dialog_handler(UI_DIALOG *dlg,const d_event &event, hostage_dialog *h) { switch(event.type) { case EVENT_WINDOW_CREATED: return hostage_dialog_created(dlg, h); case EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE: std::default_delete<hostage_dialog>()(h); MainWindow = nullptr; return window_event_result::ignored; default: break; } fix64 Temp; int keypress = 0; if (event.type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND) keypress = event_key_get(event); Assert(MainWindow != NULL); SelectClosestHostage(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the radio buttons that control the ai mode. Also makes // the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down. //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the cooresponding AI state. //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event.type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 32,"&Message:" ); // A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects... Temp = timer_query(); h->time = Temp; if (CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) { gr_set_current_canvas( h->hostageViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } else { // no hostage, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( h->hostageViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event.type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: %d Object: %d", CurrentHostageIndex, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum ); //@@ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: %d Sound: %d ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num ); } else { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: none " ); //@@ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: Sound: " ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face: " ); } } if (ui_button_any_drawn || (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex)) Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; if (GADGET_PRESSED(h->quitButton.get()) || keypress==KEY_ESC) { return window_event_result::close; } LastHostageIndex = CurrentHostageIndex; return window_event_result::ignored; }
void draw_automap() { int i; int color; object * objp; vms_vector viewer_position; g3s_point sphere_point; #ifndef AUTOMAP_DIRECT_RENDER #ifndef AUTOMAP_NO_PAGING current_page ^= 1; gr_set_current_canvas(&DrawingPages[current_page]); #else gr_set_current_canvas(&DrawingPages[0]); #endif #endif gr_clear_canvas(0); g3_start_frame(); render_start_frame(); vm_vec_scale_add(&viewer_position,&view_target,&ViewMatrix.fvec,-ViewDist ); g3_set_view_matrix(&viewer_position,&ViewMatrix,Automap_zoom); draw_all_edges(); // Draw player... #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(Player_num); else #endif color = Player_num; // Note link to above if! gr_setcolor(gr_getcolor(player_rgb[color].r,player_rgb[color].g,player_rgb[color].b)); draw_player(&Objects[Players[Player_num].objnum]); // Draw player(s)... #ifdef NETWORK if ( (Game_mode & (GM_TEAM | GM_MULTI_COOP)) || (Netgame.game_flags & NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP) ) { for (i=0; i<N_players; i++) { if ( (i != Player_num) && ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI_COOP) || (get_team(Player_num) == get_team(i)) || (Netgame.game_flags & NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP)) ) { if ( Objects[Players[i].objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER ) { if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(i); else color = i; gr_setcolor(gr_getcolor(player_rgb[color].r,player_rgb[color].g,player_rgb[color].b)); draw_player(&Objects[Players[i].objnum]); } } } } #endif objp = &Objects[0]; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++,objp++) { switch( objp->type ) { case OBJ_HOSTAGE: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(0,31,0)); g3_rotate_point(&sphere_point,&objp->pos); g3_draw_sphere(&sphere_point,objp->size); break; case OBJ_POWERUP: if ( Automap_visited[objp->segnum] ) { if ( (objp->id==POW_KEY_RED) || (objp->id==POW_KEY_BLUE) || (objp->id==POW_KEY_GOLD) ) { switch (objp->id) { case POW_KEY_RED: gr_setcolor(gr_getcolor(63, 5, 5)); break; case POW_KEY_BLUE: gr_setcolor(gr_getcolor(5, 5, 63)); break; case POW_KEY_GOLD: gr_setcolor(gr_getcolor(63, 63, 10)); break; } g3_rotate_point(&sphere_point,&objp->pos); g3_draw_sphere(&sphere_point,objp->size*4); } } break; } } g3_end_frame(); // gr_bitmapm(5,5,&name_canv->cv_bitmap); gr_set_curfont(GAME_FONT); gr_set_fontcolor(BM_XRGB(0,31,0),-1); gr_uprintf(5,5,name_level); #ifdef OGL ogl_swap_buffers(); #else #ifndef AUTOMAP_DIRECT_RENDER #ifndef AUTOMAP_NO_PAGING gr_show_canvas( &Pages[current_page] ); #else gr_bm_ubitblt( DrawingPages[0].cv_bitmap.bm_w, DrawingPages[0].cv_bitmap.bm_h, DrawingPages[0].cv_bitmap.bm_x, DrawingPages[0].cv_bitmap.bm_y, 0, 0, &DrawingPages[0].cv_bitmap, &Pages[0].cv_bitmap ); // int_gr_update(); gr_update(); #endif #else gr_update(); #endif #endif }
void draw_automap(automap *am) { int i; int color; object * objp; g3s_point sphere_point; if ( am->leave_mode==0 && am->controls.automap_state && (timer_query()-am->entry_time)>LEAVE_TIME) am->leave_mode = 1; gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); show_fullscr(&am->automap_background); gr_set_curfont(HUGE_FONT); gr_set_fontcolor(BM_XRGB(20, 20, 20), -1); if (!MacHog) gr_printf((SWIDTH/8), (SHEIGHT/16), TXT_AUTOMAP); else gr_printf(80*(SWIDTH/640.0), 36*(SHEIGHT/480.0), TXT_AUTOMAP); gr_set_curfont(GAME_FONT); gr_set_fontcolor(BM_XRGB(20, 20, 20), -1); if (!MacHog) { gr_printf((SWIDTH/4.923), (SHEIGHT/1.126), TXT_TURN_SHIP); gr_printf((SWIDTH/4.923), (SHEIGHT/1.083), TXT_SLIDE_UPDOWN); gr_printf((SWIDTH/4.923), (SHEIGHT/1.043), "F9/F10 Changes viewing distance"); } else { // for the Mac automap they're shown up the top, hence the different layout gr_printf(265*(SWIDTH/640.0), 27*(SHEIGHT/480.0), TXT_TURN_SHIP); gr_printf(265*(SWIDTH/640.0), 44*(SHEIGHT/480.0), TXT_SLIDE_UPDOWN); gr_printf(265*(SWIDTH/640.0), 61*(SHEIGHT/480.0), "F9/F10 Changes viewing distance"); } gr_set_current_canvas(&am->automap_view); gr_clear_canvas(BM_XRGB(0,0,0)); g3_start_frame(); render_start_frame(); if (!PlayerCfg.AutomapFreeFlight) vm_vec_scale_add(&am->view_position,&am->view_target,&am->viewMatrix.fvec,-am->viewDist); g3_set_view_matrix(&am->view_position,&am->viewMatrix,am->zoom); draw_all_edges(am); // Draw player... #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(Player_num); else #endif color = Player_num; // Note link to above if! gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(player_rgb[color].r,player_rgb[color].g,player_rgb[color].b)); draw_player(&Objects[Players[Player_num].objnum]); // Draw player(s)... #ifdef NETWORK if ( (Game_mode & (GM_TEAM | GM_MULTI_COOP)) || (Netgame.game_flags & NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP) || (Players[Player_num].spec_flags & PLAYER_FLAGS_SPECTATING)) // jinx 02-01-13 spec { for (i=0; i<N_players; i++) { if ( (i != Player_num) && ((Game_mode & GM_MULTI_COOP) || (get_team(Player_num) == get_team(i)) || (Netgame.game_flags & NETGAME_FLAG_SHOW_MAP)) ) { if ( Objects[Players[i].objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER ) { if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(i); else color = i; gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(player_rgb[color].r,player_rgb[color].g,player_rgb[color].b)); draw_player(&Objects[Players[i].objnum]); } } } } #endif objp = &Objects[0]; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++,objp++) { switch( objp->type ) { case OBJ_HOSTAGE: gr_setcolor(am->hostage_color); g3_rotate_point(&sphere_point,&objp->pos); g3_draw_sphere(&sphere_point,objp->size); break; case OBJ_POWERUP: if ( Automap_visited[objp->segnum] ) { if ( (objp->id==POW_KEY_RED) || (objp->id==POW_KEY_BLUE) || (objp->id==POW_KEY_GOLD) ) { switch (objp->id) { case POW_KEY_RED: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(63, 5, 5)); break; case POW_KEY_BLUE: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(5, 5, 63)); break; case POW_KEY_GOLD: gr_setcolor(BM_XRGB(63, 63, 10)); break; default: Error("Illegal key type: %i", objp->id); } g3_rotate_point(&sphere_point,&objp->pos); g3_draw_sphere(&sphere_point,objp->size*4); } } break; } } g3_end_frame(); name_frame(am); if (PlayerCfg.MouseFlightSim && PlayerCfg.MouseFSIndicator) show_mousefs_indicator(am->controls.raw_mouse_axis[0], am->controls.raw_mouse_axis[1], am->controls.raw_mouse_axis[2], GWIDTH-(GHEIGHT/8), GHEIGHT-(GHEIGHT/8), GHEIGHT/5); am->t2 = timer_query(); while (am->t2 - am->t1 < F1_0 / (GameCfg.VSync?MAXIMUM_FPS:GameArg.SysMaxFPS)) // ogl is fast enough that the automap can read the input too fast and you start to turn really slow. So delay a bit (and free up some cpu :) { if (GameArg.SysUseNiceFPS && !GameCfg.VSync) timer_delay(f1_0 / GameArg.SysMaxFPS - (am->t2 - am->t1)); timer_update(); am->t2 = timer_query(); } if (am->pause_game) { FrameTime=am->t2-am->t1; FixedStepCalc(); } am->t1 = am->t2; }
void do_wall_window() { int i; sbyte type; fix DeltaTime, Temp; if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; ui_window_do_gadgets(MainWindow); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change walls, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the checkboxes that control the wall flags. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (old_wall_num != Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num) { for ( i=0; i < 3; i++ ) { DoorFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked DoorFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } for ( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { KeyFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked KeyFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } if ( Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num != -1) { if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags & WALL_DOOR_LOCKED) DoorFlag[0]->flag = 1; // Mark this button as checked if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags & WALL_DOOR_AUTO) DoorFlag[1]->flag = 1; // Mark this button as checked if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags & WALL_ILLUSION_OFF) DoorFlag[2]->flag = 1; // Mark this button as checked if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].keys & KEY_NONE) KeyFlag[0]->flag = 1; if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].keys & KEY_BLUE) KeyFlag[1]->flag = 1; if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].keys & KEY_RED) KeyFlag[2]->flag = 1; if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].keys & KEY_GOLD) KeyFlag[3]->flag = 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the checkboxes that control the wallflags are set, then // update the corresponding wall flag. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type == WALL_DOOR) { if ( DoorFlag[0]->flag == 1 ) Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags |= WALL_DOOR_LOCKED; else Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags &= ~WALL_DOOR_LOCKED; if ( DoorFlag[1]->flag == 1 ) Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags |= WALL_DOOR_AUTO; else Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags &= ~WALL_DOOR_AUTO; //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the corresponding key. //------------------------------------------------------------ for ( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( KeyFlag[i]->flag == 1 ) { Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].keys = 1<<i; // Set the ai_state to the cooresponding radio button } } } else { for ( i=0; i < 2; i++ ) if (DoorFlag[i]->flag == 1) { DoorFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked DoorFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } for ( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( KeyFlag[i]->flag == 1 ) { KeyFlag[i]->flag = 0; KeyFlag[i]->status = 1; } } } if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type == WALL_ILLUSION) { if ( DoorFlag[2]->flag == 1 ) Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags |= WALL_ILLUSION_OFF; else Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags &= ~WALL_ILLUSION_OFF; } else for ( i=2; i < 3; i++ ) if (DoorFlag[i]->flag == 1) { DoorFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked DoorFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } //------------------------------------------------------------ // A simple frame time counter for animating the walls... //------------------------------------------------------------ Temp = timer_get_fixed_seconds(); DeltaTime = Temp - Time; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw the wall in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ gr_set_current_canvas( WallViewBox->canvas ); if (Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num != -1) { type = Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type; if ((type == WALL_DOOR) || (type == WALL_BLASTABLE)) { if (DeltaTime > ((F1_0*200)/1000)) { framenum++; Time = Temp; } if (framenum >= WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].num_frames) framenum=0; PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].frames[framenum]]); gr_ubitmap(0,0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].frames[framenum]].index]); } else { if (type == WALL_OPEN) gr_clear_canvas( CBLACK ); else { if (Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num2 > 0) gr_ubitmap(0,0, texmerge_get_cached_bitmap( Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num, Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num2)); else { PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num]); gr_ubitmap(0,0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num].index]); } } } } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this wall. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (ui_button_any_drawn || (old_wall_num != Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num) ) { if ( Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num > -1 ) { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Wall: %d ", Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num); switch (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type) { case WALL_NORMAL: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Normal " ); break; case WALL_BLASTABLE: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Blastable" ); break; case WALL_DOOR: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Door " ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 223, 6, "%s", WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].filename); break; case WALL_ILLUSION: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Illusion " ); break; case WALL_OPEN: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Open " ); break; case WALL_CLOSED: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Closed " ); break; default: ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Unknown " ); break; } if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type != WALL_DOOR) ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 223, 6, " " ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 40, " Clip: %d ", Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 57, " Trigger: %d ", Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].trigger ); } else { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Wall: none "); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: none "); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 40, " Clip: none "); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 57, " Trigger: none "); } Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; } if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC) ) { close_wall_window(); return; } old_wall_num = Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num; }
void do_trigger_window() { int i; short Markedwall, trigger_num; if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return; if (!Markedsegp) { close_trigger_window(); return; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; ui_window_do_gadgets(MainWindow); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change walls, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the checkboxes that control the wall flags. //------------------------------------------------------------ Markedwall = Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num; if (Markedwall != -1) trigger_num = Walls[Markedwall].trigger; else trigger_num = -1; if (old_trigger_num != trigger_num ) { for ( i=0; i < NUM_TRIGGER_FLAGS; i++ ) { TriggerFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked TriggerFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } if (trigger_num != -1) { if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_CONTROL_DOORS) TriggerFlag[0]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_SHIELD_DAMAGE) TriggerFlag[1]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_ENERGY_DRAIN) TriggerFlag[2]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_EXIT) TriggerFlag[3]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_ONE_SHOT) TriggerFlag[4]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_ILLUSION_ON) TriggerFlag[5]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_ILLUSION_OFF) TriggerFlag[6]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_ON) TriggerFlag[7]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_MATCEN) TriggerFlag[8]->flag = 1; if (Triggers[trigger_num].flags & TRIGGER_SECRET_EXIT) TriggerFlag[9]->flag = 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the checkboxes that control the wallflags are set, then // update the cooresponding wall flag. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (IS_CHILD(Markedsegp->children[Markedside])) { if (TriggerFlag[0]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_CONTROL_DOORS); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_CONTROL_DOORS); if (TriggerFlag[1]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_SHIELD_DAMAGE); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_SHIELD_DAMAGE); if (TriggerFlag[2]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_ENERGY_DRAIN); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_ENERGY_DRAIN); if (TriggerFlag[3]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_EXIT); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_EXIT); if (TriggerFlag[4]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_ONE_SHOT); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_ONE_SHOT); if (TriggerFlag[5]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_ILLUSION_ON); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_ILLUSION_ON); if (TriggerFlag[6]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_ILLUSION_OFF); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_ILLUSION_OFF); if (TriggerFlag[7]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_ON); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_ON); if (TriggerFlag[8]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_MATCEN); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_MATCEN); if (TriggerFlag[9]->flag == 1) trigger_add_to_Markedside(TRIGGER_SECRET_EXIT); else trigger_remove_flag_from_Markedside(TRIGGER_SECRET_EXIT); } else for ( i=0; i < NUM_TRIGGER_FLAGS; i++ ) if (TriggerFlag[i]->flag == 1) { TriggerFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked TriggerFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw the wall in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ gr_set_current_canvas( WallViewBox->canvas ); if ((Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num == -1) || (Walls[Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num].trigger) == -1) gr_clear_canvas( CBLACK ); else { if (Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num2 > 0) { gr_ubitmap(0,0, texmerge_get_cached_bitmap( Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num, Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num2)); } else { if (Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num > 0) { PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num]); gr_ubitmap(0,0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].tmap_num].index]); } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (ui_button_any_drawn || (old_trigger_num != trigger_num) ) { if ( Markedsegp->sides[Markedside].wall_num > -1 ) { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Trigger: %d ", trigger_num); } else { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Trigger: none "); } Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; } if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC)) { close_trigger_window(); return; } old_trigger_num = trigger_num; }
int wall_dialog_handler(UI_DIALOG *dlg, d_event *event, wall_dialog *wd) { int i; sbyte type; fix DeltaTime; fix64 Temp; int keypress = 0; int rval = 0; if (event->type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND) keypress = event_key_get(event); Assert(MainWindow != NULL); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change walls, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the checkboxes that control the wall flags. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (wd->old_wall_num != Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num) { if ( Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num != -1) { wall *w = &Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num]; ui_checkbox_check(wd->doorFlag[0], w->flags & WALL_DOOR_LOCKED); ui_checkbox_check(wd->doorFlag[1], w->flags & WALL_DOOR_AUTO); ui_checkbox_check(wd->doorFlag[2], w->flags & WALL_ILLUSION_OFF); ui_radio_set_value(wd->keyFlag[0], w->keys & KEY_NONE); ui_radio_set_value(wd->keyFlag[1], w->keys & KEY_BLUE); ui_radio_set_value(wd->keyFlag[2], w->keys & KEY_RED); ui_radio_set_value(wd->keyFlag[3], w->keys & KEY_GOLD); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the checkboxes that control the wallflags are set, then // update the corresponding wall flag. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type == WALL_DOOR) { if (GADGET_PRESSED(wd->doorFlag[0])) { if ( wd->doorFlag[0]->flag == 1 ) Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags |= WALL_DOOR_LOCKED; else Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags &= ~WALL_DOOR_LOCKED; rval = 1; } else if (GADGET_PRESSED(wd->doorFlag[1])) { if ( wd->doorFlag[1]->flag == 1 ) Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags |= WALL_DOOR_AUTO; else Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags &= ~WALL_DOOR_AUTO; rval = 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the corresponding key. //------------------------------------------------------------ for ( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { if (GADGET_PRESSED(wd->keyFlag[i])) { Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].keys = 1<<i; // Set the ai_state to the cooresponding radio button rval = 1; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) ui_checkbox_check(wd->doorFlag[i], 0); for ( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) ui_radio_set_value(wd->keyFlag[i], 0); } if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type == WALL_ILLUSION) { if (GADGET_PRESSED(wd->doorFlag[2])) { if ( wd->doorFlag[2]->flag == 1 ) Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags |= WALL_ILLUSION_OFF; else Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].flags &= ~WALL_ILLUSION_OFF; rval = 1; } } else for ( i=2; i < 3; i++ ) if (wd->doorFlag[i]->flag == 1) { wd->doorFlag[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked wd->doorFlag[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw the wall in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { // A simple frame time counter for animating the walls... Temp = timer_query(); DeltaTime = Temp - wd->time; gr_set_current_canvas( wd->wallViewBox->canvas ); if (Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num != -1) { type = Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type; if ((type == WALL_DOOR) || (type == WALL_BLASTABLE)) { if (DeltaTime > ((F1_0*200)/1000)) { wd->framenum++; wd->time = Temp; } if (wd->framenum >= WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].num_frames) wd->framenum=0; PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].frames[wd->framenum]]); gr_ubitmap(0,0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].frames[wd->framenum]].index]); } else { if (type == WALL_OPEN) gr_clear_canvas( CBLACK ); else { if (Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num2 > 0) gr_ubitmap(0,0, texmerge_get_cached_bitmap( Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num, Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num2)); else { PIGGY_PAGE_IN(Textures[Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num]); gr_ubitmap(0,0, &GameBitmaps[Textures[Cursegp->sides[Curside].tmap_num].index]); } } } } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this wall. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { if ( Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num > -1 ) { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Wall: %d ", Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num); switch (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type) { case WALL_NORMAL: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Normal " ); break; case WALL_BLASTABLE: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Blastable" ); break; case WALL_DOOR: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Door " ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 223, 6, "%s", WallAnims[Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num].filename); break; case WALL_ILLUSION: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Illusion " ); break; case WALL_OPEN: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Open " ); break; case WALL_CLOSED: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Closed " ); break; default: ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: Unknown " ); break; } if (Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].type != WALL_DOOR) ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 223, 6, " " ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 40, " Clip: %d ", Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].clip_num ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 57, " Trigger: %d ", Walls[Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num].trigger ); } else { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Wall: none "); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 23, " Type: none "); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 40, " Clip: none "); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 57, " Trigger: none "); } } if (ui_button_any_drawn || (wd->old_wall_num != Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num) ) Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE) { d_free(wd); MainWindow = NULL; return 0; } if ( GADGET_PRESSED(wd->quitButton) || (keypress==KEY_ESC) ) { close_wall_window(); return 1; } wd->old_wall_num = Cursegp->sides[Curside].wall_num; return rval; }
void do_robot_window() { int i; fix DeltaTime, Temp; int first_object_index; if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return; first_object_index = Cur_object_index; while (!is_legal_type_for_this_window(Cur_object_index)) { LocalObjectSelectNextinMine(); if (first_object_index == Cur_object_index) { break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; ui_window_do_gadgets(MainWindow); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the radio buttons that control the ai mode. Also makes // the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (old_object != Cur_object_index ) { for ( i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ ) { InitialMode[i]->flag = 0; // Tells ui that this button isn't checked InitialMode[i]->status = 1; // Tells ui to redraw button } if ( Cur_object_index > -1 ) { int behavior = Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior; if ( !((behavior >= MIN_BEHAVIOR) && (behavior <= MAX_BEHAVIOR))) { Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = AIB_NORMAL; behavior = AIB_NORMAL; } InitialMode[behavior - MIN_BEHAVIOR]->flag = 1; // Mark this button as checked } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the cooresponding AI state. //------------------------------------------------------------ for ( i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ ) { if ( InitialMode[i]->flag == 1 ) if (Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior != MIN_BEHAVIOR+i) { Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = MIN_BEHAVIOR+i; // Set the ai_state to the cooresponding radio button call_init_ai_object(&Objects[Cur_object_index], MIN_BEHAVIOR+i); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects... //------------------------------------------------------------ Temp = timer_get_fixed_seconds(); DeltaTime = Temp - Time; Time = Temp; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (Cur_object_index > -1 ) { int id; gr_set_current_canvas( RobotViewBox->canvas ); id = get_object_id(&Objects[Cur_object_index]); if ( id > -1 ) draw_robot_picture(id, &angles, -1 ); else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime ); } else { // no object, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( RobotViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); // LocalObjectSelectNextInMine(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the contained object in the other little box //------------------------------------------------------------ if ((Cur_object_index > -1 ) && (Cur_goody_count > 0)) { int id; gr_set_current_canvas( ContainsViewBox->canvas ); id = Cur_goody_id; if ( id > -1 ) { int ol_type=0; if (Cur_goody_type == OBJ_ROBOT) ol_type = OL_ROBOT; else if (Cur_goody_type == OBJ_POWERUP) ol_type = OL_POWERUP; else Int3(); // Error? Unknown goody type! draw_robot_picture(id, &goody_angles, ol_type ); } else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); goody_angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime ); } else { // no object, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( ContainsViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); // LocalObjectSelectNextInMine(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (ui_button_any_drawn || (old_object != Cur_object_index) ) { int i; char type_text[STRING_LENGTH+1],id_text[STRING_LENGTH+1]; if (Cur_object_index != -1) { Cur_goody_type = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_type; Cur_goody_id = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_id; if (Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count < 0) Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count = 0; Cur_goody_count = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count; } ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y, " Type:"); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+24, " ID:"); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+48, "Count:"); for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++) id_text[i] = ' '; id_text[i] = 0; switch (Cur_goody_type) { case OBJ_ROBOT: strcpy(type_text, "Robot "); strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Robot_names[Cur_goody_id])); break; case OBJ_POWERUP: strcpy(type_text, "Powerup"); strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id])); break; default: editor_status("Illegal contained object type (%i), changing to powerup.", Cur_goody_type); Cur_goody_type = OBJ_POWERUP; Cur_goody_id = 0; strcpy(type_text, "Powerup"); strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id])); break; } ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y, type_text); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+24, id_text); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+48, "%i", Cur_goody_count); if ( Cur_object_index > -1 ) { int id = Objects[Cur_object_index].id; char id_text[12]; int i; for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++) id_text[i] = ' '; id_text[i] = 0; strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[id], strlen(Robot_names[id])); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Robot: %3d ", Cur_object_index ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, " Id: %3d", id); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: %8s", id_text); } else { ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Robot: none" ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, " Type: ? " ); ui_wprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: ________" ); } Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; } if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC)) { robot_close_window(); return; } old_object = Cur_object_index; }
int robot_dialog_handler(UI_DIALOG *, d_event *event, robot_dialog *r) { int i; fix DeltaTime; fix64 Temp; int first_object_index; int keypress = 0; int rval = 0; if (event->type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND) keypress = event_key_get(event); Assert(MainWindow != NULL); first_object_index = Cur_object_index; while (!is_legal_type_for_this_window(Cur_object_index)) { LocalObjectSelectNextinMine(); if (first_object_index == Cur_object_index) { break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the radio buttons that control the ai mode. Also makes // the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (r->old_object != Cur_object_index ) { for ( i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ ) ui_radio_set_value(r->initialMode[i], 0); if ( Cur_object_index != object_none ) { int behavior = Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior; if ( !((behavior >= MIN_BEHAVIOR) && (behavior <= MAX_BEHAVIOR))) { Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = AIB_NORMAL; behavior = AIB_NORMAL; } ui_radio_set_value(r->initialMode[behavior - MIN_BEHAVIOR], 1); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the cooresponding AI state. //------------------------------------------------------------ for ( i=0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++ ) { if ( GADGET_PRESSED(r->initialMode[i]) ) if (Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior != MIN_BEHAVIOR+i) { Objects[Cur_object_index].ctype.ai_info.behavior = MIN_BEHAVIOR+i; // Set the ai_state to the cooresponding radio button call_init_ai_object(&Objects[Cur_object_index], MIN_BEHAVIOR+i); rval = 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { // A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects... Temp = timer_query(); DeltaTime = Temp - r->time; r->time = Temp; if (Cur_object_index != object_none ) { dxxobject *obj = &Objects[Cur_object_index]; gr_set_current_canvas( r->robotViewBox->canvas ); draw_object_picture(obj->id, &r->angles, obj->type ); r->angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime ); } else { // no object, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( r->robotViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); // LocalObjectSelectNextInMine(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the contained object in the other little box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { if ((Cur_object_index != object_none ) && (Cur_goody_count > 0)) { gr_set_current_canvas( r->containsViewBox->canvas ); if ( Cur_goody_id > -1 ) draw_object_picture(Cur_goody_id, &r->goody_angles, Cur_goody_type); else gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); r->goody_angles.h += fixmul(0x1000, DeltaTime ); } else { // no object, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( r->containsViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); // LocalObjectSelectNextInMine(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (event->type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { int i; char id_text[STRING_LENGTH+1]; const char *type_text; if (Cur_object_index != object_none) { Cur_goody_type = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_type; Cur_goody_id = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_id; if (Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count < 0) Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count = 0; Cur_goody_count = Objects[Cur_object_index].contains_count; } ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y, " Type:"); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+24, " ID:"); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X, GOODY_Y+48, "Count:"); for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++) id_text[i] = ' '; id_text[i] = 0; switch (Cur_goody_type) { case OBJ_ROBOT: type_text = "Robot "; strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Robot_names[Cur_goody_id])); break; case OBJ_POWERUP: type_text = "Powerup"; strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id])); break; default: editor_status("Illegal contained object type (%i), changing to powerup.", Cur_goody_type); Cur_goody_type = OBJ_POWERUP; Cur_goody_id = 0; type_text = "Powerup"; strncpy(id_text, Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id], strlen(Powerup_names[Cur_goody_id])); break; } ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y, "%s", type_text); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+24, "%s", id_text); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, GOODY_X+108, GOODY_Y+48, "%i", Cur_goody_count); if ( Cur_object_index != object_none ) { int id = Objects[Cur_object_index].id; char id_text[12]; int i; for (i=0; i<STRING_LENGTH; i++) id_text[i] = ' '; id_text[i] = 0; strncpy(id_text, Robot_names[id], strlen(Robot_names[id])); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Robot: %3u ", static_cast<unsigned>(Cur_object_index) ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, " Id: %3d", id); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: %8s", id_text); } else { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 6, "Robot: none" ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 22, " Type: ? " ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 12, 38, " Name: ________" ); } } if (ui_button_any_drawn || (r->old_object != Cur_object_index) ) Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE) { d_free(r); MainWindow = NULL; return 0; } if ( GADGET_PRESSED(r->quitButton) || (keypress==KEY_ESC)) { robot_close_window(); return 1; } r->old_object = Cur_object_index; return rval; }
//make a series of photographs do_photos() { FILE *vfile,*upvfile; int photo_num=0; char savename[13]; grs_canvas *photo_canvas; vms_vector viewer_pos; vms_matrix viewer_orient; vfile=fopen("vectors.lst","rt"); upvfile=fopen("upvecs.c","wt"); Assert(vfile!=NULL && upvfile!=NULL); fprintf(upvfile,"\n\n#include \"vecmat.h\"\n\nvms_vector up_vecs[] = {\n"); photo_canvas = gr_create_canvas(64,64); gr_set_current_canvas(photo_canvas); while (!feof(vfile)) { vms_vector v; vms_matrix m; float x,y,z; int nf; nf = fscanf(vfile,"%f %f %f",&x,&y,&z); if (nf!=3) break; vm_vec_make(&v,fl2f(x),fl2f(y),fl2f(z)); vm_vector_2_matrix(&m,&v,NULL,NULL); fprintf(upvfile,"\t\t\t{%#x,%#x,%#x},\n",m.uvec.x,m.uvec.y,m.uvec.z); vm_vec_scale(&v,PHOTO_DIST); vm_vec_add(&viewer_pos,&cube_position,&v); viewer_orient = m; vm_vec_negate(&viewer_orient.fvec); vm_vec_negate(&viewer_orient.rvec); gr_clear_canvas(129); g3_start_frame(); g3_set_view_matrix(&viewer_pos,&viewer_orient,0x9000); draw_cube(); g3_end_frame(); gr_set_current_canvas(Canv_game); gr_ubitmap(0,0,&photo_canvas->cv_bitmap); gr_set_current_canvas(photo_canvas); sprintf(savename,"cube_%02d.bbm",photo_num); iff_write_bitmap(savename,&photo_canvas->cv_bitmap,gr_palette); photo_num++; } gr_free_canvas(photo_canvas); fprintf(upvfile,"\t\t};\n"); fclose(vfile); fclose(upvfile); }
int state_save_old_game(int slotnum, char * sg_name, player * sg_player, int sg_difficulty_level, int sg_primary_weapon, int sg_secondary_weapon, int sg_next_level_num ) { int i; int temp_int; ubyte temp_byte; char desc[DESC_LENGTH+1]; char filename[128]; grs_canvas * cnv; FILE * fp; sprintf( filename, "%s.sg%d", sg_player->callsign, slotnum ); fp = fopen( filename, "wb" ); if ( !fp ) return 0; //Save id fwrite( dgss_id, sizeof(char)*4, 1, fp ); //Save version temp_int = STATE_VERSION; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); //Save description strncpy( desc, sg_name, DESC_LENGTH ); fwrite( desc, sizeof(char)*DESC_LENGTH, 1, fp ); // Save the current screen shot... cnv = gr_create_canvas( THUMBNAIL_W, THUMBNAIL_H ); if ( cnv ) { char * pcx_file; ubyte pcx_palette[768]; grs_bitmap bmp; gr_set_current_canvas( cnv ); gr_clear_canvas( BM_XRGB(0,0,0) ); pcx_file = get_briefing_screen( sg_next_level_num ); if ( pcx_file != NULL ) { bmp.bm_data = NULL; if (pcx_read_bitmap( pcx_file, &bmp, BM_LINEAR, pcx_palette )==PCX_ERROR_NONE) { grs_point vertbuf[3]; gr_clear_canvas( TRANSPARENCY_COLOR ); vertbuf[0].x = vertbuf[0].y = -F1_0*6; // -6 pixel rows for ascpect vertbuf[1].x = vertbuf[1].y = 0; vertbuf[2].x = i2f(THUMBNAIL_W); vertbuf[2].y = i2f(THUMBNAIL_H+7); // + 7 pixel rows for ascpect scale_bitmap(&bmp, vertbuf ); gr_remap_bitmap_good( &cnv->cv_bitmap, pcx_palette, -1, -1 ); myfree( bmp.bm_data ); } } fwrite( cnv->cv_bitmap.bm_data, THUMBNAIL_W*THUMBNAIL_H, 1, fp ); gr_free_canvas( cnv ); } else { ubyte color = 0; for ( i=0; i<THUMBNAIL_W*THUMBNAIL_H; i++ ) fwrite( &color, sizeof(ubyte), 1, fp ); } // Save the Between levels flag... temp_int = 1; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); // Save the mission info... #ifdef MAC_SHAREWARE fwrite( mission_save, sizeof(char)*9, 1, fp); #else fwrite( &Mission_list[0], sizeof(char)*9, 1, fp ); #endif //Save level info temp_int = sg_player->level; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); temp_int = sg_next_level_num; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); //Save GameTime temp_int = 0; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(fix), 1, fp ); //Save player info fwrite( sg_player, sizeof(player), 1, fp ); // Save the current weapon info temp_byte = sg_primary_weapon; fwrite( &temp_byte, sizeof(byte), 1, fp ); temp_byte = sg_secondary_weapon; fwrite( &temp_byte, sizeof(byte), 1, fp ); // Save the difficulty level temp_int = sg_difficulty_level; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); // Save the Cheats_enabled temp_int = 0; fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); temp_int = 0; // turbo mode fwrite( &temp_int, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &state_game_id, sizeof(uint), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Laser_rapid_fire, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Ugly_robot_cheat, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Ugly_robot_texture, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Physics_cheat_flag, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fwrite( &Lunacy, sizeof(int), 1, fp ); fclose(fp); return 1; }