void HudGaugeRadarDradis::setupViewHtl() { setClip(position[0], position[1], Radar_radius[0], Radar_radius[1]); gr_set_proj_matrix(.625f * PI_2, i2fl(Radar_radius[0])/i2fl(Radar_radius[1]), 0.001f, 5.0f); gr_set_view_matrix(&Orb_eye_position, &vmd_identity_matrix); gr_zbuffer_set(GR_ZBUFF_NONE); }
void HudGaugeRadarOrb::setupViewHtl() { int w,h; bm_get_info(Radar_gauge.first_frame,&w, &h, NULL, NULL, NULL); setClip(position[0], position[1], w, h); gr_set_proj_matrix( .625f * PI_2, float(w)/float(h), 0.001f, 5.0f); gr_set_view_matrix( &Orb_eye_position, &vmd_identity_matrix ); gr_zbuffer_set(GR_ZBUFF_NONE); }
void techroom_ships_render(float frametime) { // render all the common stuff tech_common_render(); if(Cur_entry_index == -1) return; // now render the trackball ship, which is unique to the ships tab float rev_rate = REVOLUTION_RATE; angles rot_angles, view_angles; int z, i, j; ship_info *sip = &Ship_info[Cur_entry_index]; model_render_params render_info; if (sip->uses_team_colors) { render_info.set_team_color(sip->default_team_name, "none", 0, 0); } // get correct revolution rate z = sip->flags; if (z & SIF_BIG_SHIP) { rev_rate *= 1.7f; } if (z & SIF_HUGE_SHIP) { rev_rate *= 3.0f; } // rotate the ship as much as required for this frame Techroom_ship_rot += PI2 * frametime / rev_rate; while (Techroom_ship_rot > PI2){ Techroom_ship_rot -= PI2; } // reorient ship if (Trackball_active) { int dx, dy; matrix mat1, mat2; if (Trackball_active) { mouse_get_delta(&dx, &dy); if (dx || dy) { vm_trackball(-dx, -dy, &mat1); vm_matrix_x_matrix(&mat2, &mat1, &Techroom_ship_orient); Techroom_ship_orient = mat2; } } } else { // setup stuff needed to render the ship view_angles.p = -0.6f; view_angles.b = 0.0f; view_angles.h = 0.0f; vm_angles_2_matrix(&Techroom_ship_orient, &view_angles); rot_angles.p = 0.0f; rot_angles.b = 0.0f; rot_angles.h = Techroom_ship_rot; vm_rotate_matrix_by_angles(&Techroom_ship_orient, &rot_angles); } gr_set_clip(Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_X_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_Y_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_W_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_H_COORD], GR_RESIZE_MENU); // render the ship g3_start_frame(1); g3_set_view_matrix(&sip->closeup_pos, &vmd_identity_matrix, sip->closeup_zoom * 1.3f); // lighting for techroom light_reset(); vec3d light_dir = vmd_zero_vector; light_dir.xyz.y = 1.0f; light_dir.xyz.x = 0.0000001f; light_add_directional(&light_dir, 0.85f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); light_rotate_all(); // lighting for techroom Glowpoint_use_depth_buffer = false; model_clear_instance(Techroom_ship_modelnum); render_info.set_detail_level_lock(0); polymodel *pm = model_get(Techroom_ship_modelnum); for (i = 0; i < sip->n_subsystems; i++) { model_subsystem *msp = &sip->subsystems[i]; if (msp->type == SUBSYSTEM_TURRET) { float p = 0.0f; float h = 0.0f; for (j = 0; j < msp->n_triggers; j++) { // special case for turrets p = msp->triggers[j].angle.xyz.x; h = msp->triggers[j].angle.xyz.y; } if ( msp->subobj_num >= 0 ) { model_set_instance_techroom(Techroom_ship_modelnum, msp->subobj_num, 0.0f, h ); } if ( (msp->subobj_num != msp->turret_gun_sobj) && (msp->turret_gun_sobj >= 0) ) { model_set_instance_techroom(Techroom_ship_modelnum, msp->turret_gun_sobj, p, 0.0f ); } } } if(Cmdline_shadow_quality) { gr_reset_clip(); shadows_start_render(&Eye_matrix, &Eye_position, Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad + 200.0f, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad + 2000.0f, -sip->closeup_pos.xyz.z + pm->rad + 10000.0f); render_info.set_flags(MR_NO_TEXTURING | MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_AUTOCENTER); model_render_immediate(&render_info, Techroom_ship_modelnum, &Techroom_ship_orient, &vmd_zero_vector); shadows_end_render(); gr_set_clip(Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_X_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_Y_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_W_COORD], Tech_ship_display_coords[gr_screen.res][SHIP_H_COORD], GR_RESIZE_MENU); } if (!Cmdline_nohtl) { gr_set_proj_matrix(Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, Min_draw_distance, Max_draw_distance); gr_set_view_matrix(&Eye_position, &Eye_matrix); } uint render_flags = MR_AUTOCENTER; if(sip->flags2 & SIF2_NO_LIGHTING) render_flags |= MR_NO_LIGHTING; render_info.set_flags(render_flags); model_render_immediate(&render_info, Techroom_ship_modelnum, &Techroom_ship_orient, &vmd_zero_vector); Glowpoint_use_depth_buffer = true; batch_render_all(); if (!Cmdline_nohtl) { gr_end_view_matrix(); gr_end_proj_matrix(); } g3_end_frame(); gr_reset_clip(); }
void shadows_render_all(float fov, matrix *eye_orient, vec3d *eye_pos) { if ( Static_light.empty() ) { return; } light *lp = *(Static_light.begin()); if( Cmdline_nohtl || !Cmdline_shadow_quality || !lp ) { return; } //shadows_debug_show_frustum(&Player_obj->orient, &Player_obj->pos, fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, Min_draw_distance, 3000.0f); gr_end_proj_matrix(); gr_end_view_matrix(); // these cascade distances are a result of some arbitrary tuning to give a good balance of quality and banding. // maybe we could use a more programmatic algorithim? matrix light_matrix = shadows_start_render(eye_orient, eye_pos, fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, 200.0f, 600.0f, 2500.0f, 8000.0f); draw_list scene; object *objp = Objects; for ( int i = 0; i <= Highest_object_index; i++, objp++ ) { bool cull = true; for ( int j = 0; j < MAX_SHADOW_CASCADES; ++j ) { if ( shadows_obj_in_frustum(objp, &light_matrix, &Shadow_frustums[j].min, &Shadow_frustums[j].max) ) { cull = false; break; } } if ( cull ) { continue; } switch(objp->type) { case OBJ_SHIP: { obj_queue_render(objp, &scene); } break; case OBJ_ASTEROID: { model_render_params render_info; render_info.set_object_number(OBJ_INDEX(objp)); render_info.set_flags(MR_IS_ASTEROID | MR_NO_TEXTURING | MR_NO_LIGHTING); model_clear_instance( Asteroid_info[Asteroids[objp->instance].asteroid_type].model_num[Asteroids[objp->instance].asteroid_subtype]); model_render_queue(&render_info, &scene, Asteroid_info[Asteroids[objp->instance].asteroid_type].model_num[Asteroids[objp->instance].asteroid_subtype], &objp->orient, &objp->pos); } break; case OBJ_DEBRIS: { debris *db; db = &Debris[objp->instance]; if ( !(db->flags & DEBRIS_USED)){ continue; } objp = &Objects[db->objnum]; model_render_params render_info; render_info.set_flags(MR_NO_TEXTURING | MR_NO_LIGHTING); submodel_render_queue(&render_info, &scene, db->model_num, db->submodel_num, &objp->orient, &objp->pos); } break; } } scene.init_render(); scene.render_all(GR_ZBUFF_FULL); shadows_end_render(); gr_zbias(0); gr_zbuffer_set(ZBUFFER_TYPE_READ); gr_set_cull(0); gr_clear_states(); gr_set_buffer(-1); GL_state.Texture.DisableAll(); gr_set_proj_matrix(Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, Min_draw_distance, Max_draw_distance); gr_set_view_matrix(&Eye_position, &Eye_matrix); }
void HudGaugeShield::showShields(object *objp, int mode) { // static int fod_model = -1; float max_shield; int hud_color_index, range; int sx, sy, i; ship *sp; ship_info *sip; hud_frames *sgp=NULL; if ( objp->type != OBJ_SHIP ) return; // Goober5000 - don't show if primitive sensors if ( Ships[Player_obj->instance].flags[Ship::Ship_Flags::Primitive_sensors] ) return; sp = &Ships[objp->instance]; sip = &Ship_info[sp->ship_info_index]; // bool digitus_improbus = (fod_model != -2 && strstr(sp->ship_name, "Sathanas") != NULL); if ( sip->shield_icon_index == 255 && !(sip->flags[Ship::Info_Flags::Generate_hud_icon]) /*&& !digitus_improbus*/) { return; } setGaugeColor(); // load in shield frames if not already loaded if (sip->shield_icon_index != 255) { sgp = &Shield_gauges.at(sip->shield_icon_index); if ( (sgp->first_frame == -1) && (sip->shield_icon_index < Hud_shield_filenames.size()) ) { sgp->first_frame = bm_load_animation(Hud_shield_filenames.at(sip->shield_icon_index).c_str(), &sgp->num_frames); if (sgp->first_frame == -1) { if (!shield_ani_warning_displayed_already) { shield_ani_warning_displayed_already = true; Warning(LOCATION, "Could not load in the HUD shield ani: %s\n", Hud_shield_filenames.at(sip->shield_icon_index).c_str()); } return; } } } sx = position[0]; sy = position[1]; sx += fl2i(HUD_offset_x); sy += fl2i(HUD_offset_y); // draw the ship first maybeFlashShield(SHIELD_HIT_PLAYER, Shield_hit_data[SHIELD_HIT_PLAYER].hull_hit_index); if(sip->shield_icon_index != 255) { renderBitmap(sgp->first_frame, sx, sy); } else { bool g3_yourself = !g3_in_frame(); angles rot_angles = {-1.570796327f,0.0f,0.0f}; matrix object_orient; vm_angles_2_matrix(&object_orient, &rot_angles); gr_screen.clip_width = 112; gr_screen.clip_height = 93; //Fire it up if(g3_yourself) g3_start_frame(1); hud_save_restore_camera_data(1); setClip(sx, sy, 112, 93); //if(!digitus_improbus) g3_set_view_matrix( &sip->closeup_pos, &vmd_identity_matrix, sip->closeup_zoom * 2.5f); /*else { vec3d finger_vec = {0.0f, 0.0f, 176.0f}; g3_set_view_matrix( &finger_vec, &vmd_identity_matrix, 1.0f); }*/ gr_set_proj_matrix(0.5f*Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, Min_draw_distance, Max_draw_distance); gr_set_view_matrix(&Eye_position, &Eye_matrix); //We're ready to show stuff //if(!digitus_improbus) { model_render_params render_info; render_info.set_flags(MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_AUTOCENTER | MR_NO_FOGGING); render_info.set_replacement_textures(sp->ship_replacement_textures); render_info.set_detail_level_lock(1); render_info.set_object_number(OBJ_INDEX(objp)); model_render_immediate( &render_info, sip->model_num, &object_orient, &vmd_zero_vector ); } /*else { if(fod_model == -1) { fod_model = model_load(NOX("FoD.pof"), 0, NULL); if(fod_model == -1) { fod_model = -2; return; } } model_render(fod_model, &object_orient, &vmd_zero_vector, MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_LOCK_DETAIL | MR_AUTOCENTER | MR_NO_FOGGING, -1, -1); }*/ //We're done gr_end_view_matrix(); gr_end_proj_matrix(); if(g3_yourself) g3_end_frame(); hud_save_restore_camera_data(0); resetClip(); } if(!sip->max_shield_strength) return; // draw the quadrants // // Draw shield quadrants at one of NUM_SHIELD_LEVELS max_shield = get_max_shield_quad(objp); coord2d shield_icon_coords[6]; for ( i = 0; i < objp->n_quadrants; i++ ) { if ( objp->flags[Object::Object_Flags::No_shields] ) { break; } if ( !(sip->flags[Ship::Info_Flags::Model_point_shields]) ) { if ( objp->shield_quadrant[Quadrant_xlate[i]] < 0.1f ) continue; } else { if ( objp->shield_quadrant[i] < 0.1f ) continue; } range = MAX(HUD_COLOR_ALPHA_MAX, HUD_color_alpha + objp->n_quadrants); if ( !(sip->flags[Ship::Info_Flags::Model_point_shields]) ) hud_color_index = fl2i( (objp->shield_quadrant[Quadrant_xlate[i]] / max_shield) * range); else hud_color_index = fl2i( (objp->shield_quadrant[i] / max_shield) * range); Assert(hud_color_index >= 0 && hud_color_index <= range); if ( hud_color_index < 0 ) { hud_color_index = 0; } if ( hud_color_index >= HUD_NUM_COLOR_LEVELS ) { hud_color_index = HUD_NUM_COLOR_LEVELS - 1; } int flash=0; flash = maybeFlashShield(mode, i); if ( !flash ) { // gr_set_color_fast(&HUD_color_defaults[hud_color_index]); setGaugeColor(hud_color_index); if(sip->shield_icon_index != 255) { int framenum = sgp->first_frame+i+1; if (framenum < sgp->first_frame+sgp->num_frames) renderBitmap(framenum, sx, sy); } else { //Ugh, draw four shield quadrants static const int TRI_EDGE = 6; static const int BAR_LENGTH = 112; static const int BAR_HEIGHT = 54; static const int BAR_WIDTH = 6; static const int SHIELD_OFFSET = BAR_WIDTH + TRI_EDGE + 3; switch(i) { //Top case 0: shield_icon_coords[0].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[0].y = sy+BAR_WIDTH+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[1].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[1].y = sy; shield_icon_coords[2].x = sx+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[2].y = sy+BAR_WIDTH; shield_icon_coords[3].x = sx+BAR_LENGTH; shield_icon_coords[3].y = sy; shield_icon_coords[4].x = sx+BAR_LENGTH-TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[4].y = sy+BAR_WIDTH; shield_icon_coords[5].x = sx+BAR_LENGTH; shield_icon_coords[5].y = sy+BAR_WIDTH+TRI_EDGE; renderShieldIcon(shield_icon_coords); break; //Left case 3: sy += SHIELD_OFFSET; shield_icon_coords[0].x = sx+BAR_WIDTH+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[0].y = sy+BAR_HEIGHT; shield_icon_coords[1].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[1].y = sy+BAR_HEIGHT; shield_icon_coords[2].x = sx+BAR_WIDTH; shield_icon_coords[2].y = sy+BAR_HEIGHT-TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[3].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[3].y = sy; shield_icon_coords[4].x = sx+BAR_WIDTH; shield_icon_coords[4].y = sy+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[5].x = sx+BAR_WIDTH+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[5].y = sy; renderShieldIcon(shield_icon_coords); sy -= SHIELD_OFFSET + BAR_WIDTH + TRI_EDGE; break; //Right case 1: sx += BAR_LENGTH; sy += SHIELD_OFFSET; shield_icon_coords[0].x = sx-BAR_WIDTH-TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[0].y = sy; shield_icon_coords[1].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[1].y = sy; shield_icon_coords[2].x = sx-BAR_WIDTH; shield_icon_coords[2].y = sy+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[3].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[3].y = sy+BAR_HEIGHT; shield_icon_coords[4].x = sx-BAR_WIDTH; shield_icon_coords[4].y = sy+BAR_HEIGHT-TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[5].x = sx-BAR_WIDTH-TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[5].y = sy+BAR_HEIGHT; renderShieldIcon(shield_icon_coords); sx -= BAR_LENGTH; sy -= SHIELD_OFFSET; break; //Bottom case 2: sy += BAR_HEIGHT + SHIELD_OFFSET*2 - BAR_WIDTH - TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[0].x = sx+BAR_LENGTH; shield_icon_coords[0].y = sy; shield_icon_coords[1].x = sx+BAR_LENGTH; shield_icon_coords[1].y = sy+BAR_WIDTH+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[2].x = sx+BAR_LENGTH-TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[2].y = sy+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[3].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[3].y = sy+BAR_WIDTH+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[4].x = sx+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[4].y = sy+TRI_EDGE; shield_icon_coords[5].x = sx; shield_icon_coords[5].y = sy; renderShieldIcon(shield_icon_coords); sy -= BAR_HEIGHT + SHIELD_OFFSET*2 - BAR_WIDTH - TRI_EDGE; break; //Whoops? default: nprintf(("HUD", "Invalid shield quadrant %d specified!\n", i)); break; } } } } // hud_set_default_color(); }
void hud_shield_show(object* objp) { KeepAspectRatio keep(true); // static int fod_model = -1; float max_shield; int hud_color_index, range; int sx, sy, i; ship* sp; ship_info* sip; hud_frames* sgp = NULL; if (objp->type != OBJ_SHIP) return; // Goober5000 - don't show if primitive sensors if (Ships[Player_obj->instance].flags2 & SF2_PRIMITIVE_SENSORS) return; sp = &Ships[objp->instance]; sip = &Ship_info[sp->ship_info_index]; // bool digitus_improbus = (fod_model != -2 && strstr(sp->ship_name, "Sathanas") != NULL); if (sip->shield_icon_index == 255 && !(sip->flags2 & SIF2_GENERATE_HUD_ICON)/*&& !digitus_improbus*/) { return; } if (objp == Player_obj) { hud_set_gauge_color(HUD_PLAYER_SHIELD_ICON); } else { hud_set_gauge_color(HUD_TARGET_SHIELD_ICON); } // load in shield frames if not already loaded if (sip->shield_icon_index != 255) { sgp = &Shield_gauges[sip->shield_icon_index]; if (sgp->first_frame == -1 && sip->shield_icon_index < Hud_shield_filename_count) { sgp->first_frame = bm_load_animation(Hud_shield_filenames[sip->shield_icon_index], &sgp->num_frames); if (sgp->first_frame == -1) { if (!shield_ani_warning_displayed_already) { shield_ani_warning_displayed_already = true; Warning(LOCATION, "Could not load in the HUD shield ani: %s\n", Hud_shield_filenames[sip->shield_icon_index]); } return; } } } if (objp == Player_obj) { sx = current_hud->Player_shield_coords[0]; sy = current_hud->Player_shield_coords[1]; } else { sx = current_hud->Target_shield_coords[0]; sy = current_hud->Target_shield_coords[1]; } sx += fl2i(HUD_offset_x); sy += fl2i(HUD_offset_y); // draw the ship first if (objp == Player_obj) { hud_shield_maybe_flash(HUD_PLAYER_SHIELD_ICON, SHIELD_HIT_PLAYER, HULL_HIT_OFFSET); } else { hud_shield_maybe_flash(HUD_TARGET_SHIELD_ICON, SHIELD_HIT_TARGET, HULL_HIT_OFFSET); } if (sip->shield_icon_index != 255) { hud_aabitmap(sgp->first_frame, sx, sy); } else { bool g3_yourself = !g3_in_frame(); angles rot_angles = { -1.570796327f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; matrix object_orient; vm_angles_2_matrix(&object_orient, &rot_angles); gr_screen.clip_width = 112; gr_screen.clip_height = 93; //Fire it up if (g3_yourself) g3_start_frame(1); hud_save_restore_camera_data(1); HUD_set_clip(sx, sy, 112, 93); model_set_detail_level(1); //if(!digitus_improbus) g3_set_view_matrix(&sip->closeup_pos, &vmd_identity_matrix, sip->closeup_zoom * 3.25f); /*else { vec3d finger_vec = {0.0f, 0.0f, 176.0f}; g3_set_view_matrix( &finger_vec, &vmd_identity_matrix, 1.0f); }*/ if (!Cmdline_nohtl) { gr_set_proj_matrix(0.5f * Proj_fov, gr_screen.clip_aspect, Min_draw_distance, Max_draw_distance); gr_set_view_matrix(&Eye_position, &Eye_matrix); } //We're ready to show stuff ship_model_start(objp); //if(!digitus_improbus) { model_render(sip->model_num, &object_orient, &vmd_zero_vector, MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_LOCK_DETAIL | MR_AUTOCENTER | MR_NO_FOGGING, -1, -1, sp->ship_replacement_textures); } /*else { if(fod_model == -1) { fod_model = model_load(NOX("FoD.pof"), 0, NULL); if(fod_model == -1) { fod_model = -2; return; } } model_render(fod_model, &object_orient, &vmd_zero_vector, MR_NO_LIGHTING | MR_LOCK_DETAIL | MR_AUTOCENTER | MR_NO_FOGGING, -1, -1); }*/ ship_model_stop(objp); //We're done if (!Cmdline_nohtl) { gr_end_view_matrix(); gr_end_proj_matrix(); } if (g3_yourself) g3_end_frame(); hud_save_restore_camera_data(0); HUD_reset_clip(); } if (!sip->max_shield_strength) return; // draw the four quadrants // // Draw shield quadrants at one of NUM_SHIELD_LEVELS max_shield = get_max_shield_quad(objp); int j, x_val, y_val, mid_val; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SHIELD_SECTIONS; i++) { if (objp->flags & OF_NO_SHIELDS) { break; } if (objp->shield_quadrant[Quadrant_xlate[i]] < 0.1f) { continue; } range = MAX(HUD_COLOR_ALPHA_MAX, HUD_color_alpha + 4); hud_color_index = fl2i((objp->shield_quadrant[Quadrant_xlate[i]] / max_shield) * range); Assert(hud_color_index >= 0 && hud_color_index <= range); if (hud_color_index < 0) { hud_color_index = 0; } if (hud_color_index >= HUD_NUM_COLOR_LEVELS) { hud_color_index = HUD_NUM_COLOR_LEVELS - 1; } int flash = 0; if (objp == Player_obj) { flash = hud_shield_maybe_flash(HUD_PLAYER_SHIELD_ICON, SHIELD_HIT_PLAYER, i); } else { flash = hud_shield_maybe_flash(HUD_TARGET_SHIELD_ICON, SHIELD_HIT_TARGET, i); } if (!flash) { // gr_set_color_fast(&HUD_color_defaults[hud_color_index]); if (objp == Player_obj) { hud_set_gauge_color(HUD_PLAYER_SHIELD_ICON, hud_color_index); } else { hud_set_gauge_color(HUD_TARGET_SHIELD_ICON, hud_color_index); } if (sip->shield_icon_index != 255) { hud_aabitmap(sgp->first_frame + i + 1, sx, sy); } else { //Ugh, draw four shield quadrants switch (i) { //Top case 0: sy += 3; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { y_val = sy + 10; gr_gradient(sx + j, sy, sx + j, y_val - j); } mid_val = sy + 5; for (; j < 106; j++) { gr_gradient(sx + j, sy, sx + j, mid_val); } for (; j < 112; j++) { gr_gradient(sx + j, sy, sx + j, sy + (j - 101)); } y_val = sy - 1; sy -= 3; for (j = 0; j < 112; j++) gr_gradient(sx + j, y_val, sx + j, sy); break; //Left case 1: sx += 1; x_val = sx + 10; y_val = sy + 15; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { gr_gradient(sx, y_val + j, x_val - j, y_val + j); } mid_val = sx + 5; for (; j < 48; j++) { gr_gradient(sx, y_val + j, mid_val, y_val + j); } for (; j < 54; j++) { gr_gradient(sx, y_val + j, sx + (j - 43), y_val + j); } x_val = sx; sx -= 3; for (j = 0; j < 54; j++) gr_gradient(x_val, y_val + j, sx, y_val + j); sx += 2; break; //Right case 2: x_val = sx + 109; //-3 for border y_val = sy + 15; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { gr_gradient(x_val, y_val + j, x_val - (10 - j), y_val + j); } mid_val = x_val - 5; for (; j < 48; j++) { gr_gradient(x_val, y_val + j, mid_val, y_val + j); } for (; j < 54; j++) { gr_gradient(x_val, y_val + j, x_val - (j - 43), y_val + j); } mid_val = x_val; x_val += 3; for (j = 0; j < 54; j++) gr_gradient(mid_val, y_val + j, x_val, y_val + j); break; //Bottom case 3: y_val = sy + 80; //-3 for border for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) gr_gradient(sx + j, y_val, sx + j, y_val - (10 - j)); mid_val = y_val - 5; for (; j < 106; j++) gr_gradient(sx + j, y_val, sx + j, mid_val); for (; j < 112; j++) gr_gradient(sx + j, y_val, sx + j, y_val - (j - 101)); mid_val = y_val + 1; y_val += 3; for (j = 0; j < 112; j++) gr_gradient(sx + j, mid_val, sx + j, y_val); } } } } // hud_set_default_color(); }