コード例 #1
ファイル: calc3g.c プロジェクト: seckcoder/lang-learn
void exNode
    (   nodeType *p,
        int c, int l,        /* start column and line of node */
        int *ce, int *cm     /* resulting end column and mid of node */
    int w, h;           /* node width and height */
    char *s;            /* node text */
    int cbar;           /* "real" start column of node (centred above subnodes) */
    int k;              /* child number */
    int che, chm;       /* end column and mid of children */
    int cs;             /* start column of children */
    char word[20];      /* extended node text */

    if (!p) return;

    strcpy (word, "???"); /* should never appear */
    s = word;
    switch(p->type) {
        case typeCon: sprintf (word, "c(%d)", p->con.value); break;
        case typeId:  sprintf (word, "id(%c)", p->id.i + 'A'); break;
        case typeOpr:
                case WHILE:     s = "while"; break;
                case IF:        s = "if";    break;
                case PRINT:     s = "print"; break;
                case ';':       s = "[;]";     break;
                case '=':       s = "[=]";     break;
                case UMINUS:    s = "[_]";     break;
                case '+':       s = "[+]";     break;
                case '-':       s = "[-]";     break;
                case '*':       s = "[*]";     break;
                case '/':       s = "[/]";     break;
                case '<':       s = "[<]";     break;
                case '>':       s = "[>]";     break;
                case GE:        s = "[>=]";    break;
                case LE:        s = "[<=]";    break;
                case NE:        s = "[!=]";    break;
                case EQ:        s = "[==]";    break;

    /* construct node text box */
    graphBox (s, &w, &h);
    cbar = c;
    *ce = c + w;
    *cm = c + w / 2;

    /* node is leaf */
    if (p->type == typeCon || p->type == typeId || p->opr.nops == 0) {
        graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l);

    /* node has children */
    cs = c;
    for (k = 0; k < p->opr.nops; k++) {
        exNode (p->opr.op[k], cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);
        cs = che;

    /* total node width */
    if (w < che - c) {
        cbar += (che - c - w) / 2;
        *ce = che;
        *cm = (c + che) / 2;

    /* draw node */
    graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l);

    /* draw arrows (not optimal: children are drawn a second time) */
    cs = c;
    for (k = 0; k < p->opr.nops; k++) {
        exNode (p->opr.op[k], cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);
        graphDrawArrow (*cm, l+h, chm, l+h+eps-1);
        cs = che;
コード例 #2
ファイル: XLangMVCView.cpp プロジェクト: onlyuser/NatLang
void exNode
    (   nodeType *p,
        int c, int l,        /* start column and line of node */
        int *ce, int *cm     /* resulting end column and mid of node */
    int w, h;           /* node width and height */
    char *s;            /* node text */
    int cbar;           /* "real" start column of node (centred above subnodes) */
    uint32_t k;              /* child number */
    int che, chm;       /* end column and mid of children */
    int cs;             /* start column of children */
    char word[20];      /* extended node text */

    if(!p) return;

    strcpy (word, "???"); /* should never appear */
    s = word;
    std::string temp;
    switch(p->type()) {
        case node::NodeIdentIFace::INT:
            sprintf(word, "%ld", dynamic_cast<const node::TermNodeIFace<node::NodeIdentIFace::INT>*>(p)->value());
        case node::NodeIdentIFace::FLOAT:
            sprintf(word, "%f", dynamic_cast<const node::TermNodeIFace<node::NodeIdentIFace::FLOAT>*>(p)->value());
        case node::NodeIdentIFace::STRING:
            sprintf(word, "\"%s\"", dynamic_cast<const node::TermNodeIFace<node::NodeIdentIFace::STRING>*>(p)->value()->c_str());
        case typeId:
            sprintf(word, "%s", dynamic_cast<const node::TermNodeIFace<node::NodeIdentIFace::IDENT>*>(p)->value()->c_str());
        case typeOpr:
            temp = p->name();
            s = const_cast<char*>(temp.c_str());

    /* construct node text box */
    graphBox (s, &w, &h);
    cbar = c;
    *ce = c + w;
    *cm = c + w / 2;

    /* node is term */
    if(p->type() != typeOpr ||
            dynamic_cast<const node::SymbolNodeIFace*>(p)->size() == 0) {
        graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l);

    /* node has children */
    cs = c;
    for(k = 0; k < dynamic_cast<const node::SymbolNodeIFace*>(p)->size(); k++) {
        exNode (dynamic_cast<const node::SymbolNodeIFace*>(p)->operator[](k), cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);
        cs = che;

    /* total node width */
    if(w < che - c) {
        cbar += (che - c - w) / 2;
        *ce = che;
        *cm = (c + che) / 2;

    /* draw node */
    graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l);

    /* draw arrows (not optimal: children are drawn a second time) */
    cs = c;
    for(k = 0; k < dynamic_cast<const node::SymbolNodeIFace*>(p)->size(); k++) {
        exNode (dynamic_cast<const node::SymbolNodeIFace*>(p)->operator[](k), cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);
        graphDrawArrow (*cm, l+h, chm, l+h+eps-1);
        cs = che;
コード例 #3
ファイル: calc3g.c プロジェクト: JuneShi0315/LexAndYacc

void exNode
    (   nodeType *p,
        int c, int l,        /* start column and line of node */
        int *ce, int *cm     /* resulting end column and mid of node: 输出行结尾列坐标+1,输出行中间坐标 */
    int w, h;           /* node width and height */
    char *s;            /* node text */
    int cbar;           /* "real" start column of node (centred above subnodes) */
    int k;              /* child number */
    int che, chm;       /* end column and mid of children */
    int cs;             /* start column of children */
    char word[20];      /* extended node text */

    //if (!p) return;

    strcpy (word, "???"); /* should never appear */
    s = word;
    if (!p)
      s = "(null)";
      goto draw;
    switch(p->type) {
        case typeCon: sprintf (word, "c(%d)", p->con.value); break;
        case typeId:  sprintf (word, "id(%c)", p->id.i + 'A'); break;
        case typeOpr:
                case WHILE:     s = "while"; break;
                case IF:        s = "if";    break;
                case PRINT:     s = "print"; break;
                case ';':       s = "[;]";     break;
                case '=':       s = "[=]";     break;
                case UMINUS:    s = "[_]";     break;
                case '+':       s = "[+]";     break;
                case '-':       s = "[-]";     break;
                case '*':       s = "[*]";     break;
                case '/':       s = "[/]";     break;
                case '<':       s = "[<]";     break;
                case '>':       s = "[>]";     break;
                case GE:        s = "[>=]";    break;
                case LE:        s = "[<=]";    break;
                case NE:        s = "[!=]";    break;
                case EQ:        s = "[==]";    break;
    /* construct node text box */
    graphBox (s, &w, &h);
    cbar = c;
    *ce = c + w;      //随后的第一个空列:  _ab [<-cm] c[ce]
    *cm = c + w / 2;  //中间列

    /* node is leaf */
    if (!p || p->type == typeCon || p->type == typeId || p->opr.nops == 0) {
        graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l);

    /* node has children */
    cs = c;  //起始列
    for (k = 0; k < p->opr.nops; k++) { //绘制各子节点
        exNode (p->opr.op[k], cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm); //行加上用于分隔的eps(=3)行
        cs = che; // 新列

    /* total node width */
    if (w < che - c) {   //子节点总宽度大于 当前节点的宽度,需要调整当前的节点的起始输出列
        cbar += (che - c - w) / 2;
        *ce = che;
        *cm = (c + che) / 2;

    /* draw node */
    graphDrawBox (s, cbar, l);  //输出当前节点

    /* draw arrows (not optimal: children are drawn a second time) */
    cs = c;
    for (k = 0; k < p->opr.nops; k++) {
        exNode (p->opr.op[k], cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);//为了得到che和chm
        graphDrawArrow (*cm, l+h, chm, l+h+eps-1);
        cs = che;
コード例 #4
ファイル: graph.c プロジェクト: AllenShieh/SyntaxTree
/* Draw the syntax tree using this function recursively. */
void exNode(nodeType *p, int c, int l, int *ce, int *cm){
    int w, h;
    char *s;
    int cbar;
    int k;
    int che, chm;
    int cs;
    char word[64];
    if(!p) return;
    s = word;
    /* Set the corresponding displaying strings. */
        case typeCon: sprintf(word, "c(%d)", p->con.value); break;
        case typeId: sprintf(word, "id(%s)", p->id.i); break;
        case typeOpr: switch(p->opr.oper){
                          case IF: s = "if"; break;
                          case FOR: s = "for"; break;
                          case RETURN: s = "return"; break;
                          case ELSE: s = "else"; break;
                          case CONT: s = "continue"; break;
                          case BREAK: s = "break"; break;
                          case STRUCT: s = "struct"; break;
                          case TYPE: s = "int"; break;
                          case SEMI: s = "semi"; break;
                          case COMMA: s = "comma"; break;
                          case DOT: s = "dot"; break;
                          case LP: s = "lp"; break;
                          case RP: s = "rp"; break;
                          case LB: s = "lb"; break;
                          case RB: s = "rb"; break;
                          case LC: s = "lc"; break;
                          case RC: s = "rc"; break;
                          case 199: s = "program"; break;
                          case 200: s = "extdefs"; break;
                          case 201: s = "extdef"; break;
                          case 202: s = "extvars"; break;
                          case 203: s = "spec"; break;
                          case 204: s = "stspec"; break;
                          case 205: s = "opttag"; break;
                          case 206: s = "var"; break;
                          case 207: s = "func"; break;
                          case 208: s = "paras"; break;
                          case 209: s = "para"; break;
                          case 210: s = "stmtblock"; break;
                          case 211: s = "stmts"; break;
                          case 212: s = "stmt"; break;
                          case 213: s = "estmt"; break;
                          case 214: s = "defs"; break;
                          case 215: s = "def"; break;
                          case 216: s = "decs"; break;
                          case 217: s = "dec"; break;
                          case 218: s = "init"; break;
                          case 219: s = "arrs"; break;
                          case 220: s = "args"; break;
                          case 221: s = "exp"; break;
                          case 222: s = "exp/null"; break;
                          case 'e': s = "VOID"; break;
                          case 300: s = "[&&]"; break;
                          case 301: s=  "[||]"; break;
                          case 302: s = "[+=]"; break;
                          case 303: s = "[-=]"; break;
                          case 304: s = "[*=]"; break;
                          case 305: s = "[/=]"; break;
                          case 306: s = "[&=]"; break;
                          case 307: s = "[^=]"; break;
                          case 308: s = "[|=]"; break;
                          case 309: s = "[<<=]"; break;
                          case 310: s = "[>>=]"; break;
                          case 311: s = "[<<]"; break;
                          case 312: s = "[>>]"; break;
                          case 313: s = "[>=]"; break;
                          case 314: s = "[<=]"; break;
                          case 315: s = "[==]"; break;
                          case 316: s = "[!=]"; break;
                          case 317: s = "[++]"; break;
                          case 318: s = "[--]"; break;
                          case '+': s = "[+]"; break;
                          case '-': s = "[-]"; break;
                          case '*': s = "[*]"; break;
                          case '/': s = "[/]"; break;
                          case '^': s = "[^]"; break;
                          case '%': s = "[%]"; break;
                          case '!': s = "[!]"; break;
                          case '~': s = "[~]"; break;
                          case '=': s = "[=]"; break;
                          case '<': s = "[<]"; break;
                          case '>': s = "[>]"; break;
    graphBox(s, &w, &h);
    cbar = c;
    *ce = c+w;
    *cm = c+w/2;

    if(p->type == typeCon || p->type == typeId || p->opr.nops == 0){
         graphDrawBox(s, cbar, l);

    cs = c;
    for(k = 0;k<p->opr.nops;k++){
        exNode(p->opr.op[k], cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);
        cs = che;

         *ce = che;
         *cm = (c+che)/2;

    graphDrawBox(s, cbar, l);

    cs = c;
    for(k = 0;k<p->opr.nops;k++){
         exNode(p->opr.op[k], cs, l+h+eps, &che, &chm);
         graphDrawArrow(*cm, l+h, chm, l+h+eps-1);
         cs = che;