int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(!graphics_open(640, 480)) return 0; while(1) { usleep(1); graphics_rectangle(0, 0, 30, 30, 255, 0, 0); graphics_update(); } graphics_close(); return 0; }
void get_bgal_pod_positions() { // screen size (scols,srows), box size (bxcols,bxcols), separator m pixels // random block positions p1, p2 set by function picks int srows=120,scols=160, bpos, ppos; graphics_close(); // close any existing graphics window display_clear(); // prep screen set_a_button_text("COUNTDOWN"); set_b_button_text("-"); set_c_button_text("-"); graphics_open(scols,srows); graphics_fill(WHITE); bpos=rand()%2; if (bpos==0) ppos=1; else ppos=0; // draw field graphics_rectangle(3,3,157,117,BLACK); // outline graphics_rectangle(3,3,70,50,BLACK); // quads graphics_rectangle(90,3,157,50,BLACK); graphics_rectangle(3,70,70,117,BLACK); graphics_rectangle(90,70,157,117,BLACK); graphics_rectangle_fill(70,3,90,50,LTBROWN); // mesa graphics_rectangle(70,3,90,50,BLACK); graphics_rectangle_fill(70,70,90,117,LTBROWN); graphics_rectangle(70,70,90,117,BLACK); graphics_rectangle_fill(72,50,88,70,LTGRAY); // caldera graphics_rectangle(72,50,88,70,BLACK); graphics_rectangle_fill(20,3,25,50,TEAL); // lines graphics_rectangle_fill(135,3,140,50,TEAL); graphics_rectangle_fill(20,70,25,117,PINK); graphics_rectangle_fill(135,70,140,117,PINK); if (bpos==0) { draw_bg(73,13,0.2); graphics_rectangle_fill(74,87,86,102,GREEN); } else { draw_bg(73,82,0.2); graphics_rectangle_fill(74,18,86,32,GREEN); } graphics_update(); display_printf(2,0,"Set Botgal and Botpod "); while(a_button()==0); while(a_button()==1); // debounce }
void frame::on_paint(PAINT_EVT& evt) { HGFX g = evt.surface; unsigned int width = evt.view_w; unsigned int height = evt.view_h; //graphics_gamma( g, 1.0 ); //graphics_blend_mode( g, GBlendContrast ); // dotted test { graphics_state_save(g); graphics_dashes_add(g, 15, 5); { graphics_state_save(g); graphics_line_width(g, 3); graphics_dashes_clear(g); graphics_dashes_add(g, 5, 5); graphics_line(g, 10,10, 100, 100); graphics_state_restore(g); } graphics_line(g, 20,10, 110, 100); graphics_state_restore(g); } // arrow test { graphics_state_save(g); graphics_line_width(g,2); graphics_line( g, 100, 80, 200, 180 ); graphics_arrow_bone(g, 100, 80, 200, 180, 20, (40. / 360.) * 2. * 3.14 ); graphics_line( g, 140, 80, 240, 180 ); graphics_arrow(g, 140, 80, 240, 180, 40, (20. / 360.) * 2. * 3.14, 0.5 ); graphics_line( g, 180, 80, 280, 180 ); graphics_arrow(g, 180, 80, 280, 180, 40, (20. / 360.) * 2. * 3.14, 0.0 ); graphics_arrow(g, 280, 180, 180, 80, 40, (20. / 360.) * 2. * 3.14, 0.0 ); graphics_fill_color(g, graphics_rgbt(255,255,255,0) ); graphics_line( g, 230, 80, 330, 180 ); graphics_arrow(g, 230, 80, 330, 180, 40, (40. / 360.) * 2. * 3.14, 0.5 ); graphics_state_restore(g); } graphics_state_save(g); graphics_scale(g,0.5,0.5); graphics_translate(g,0,0); // first quadrant, basic drawing functions graphics_line(g, 0,0, width,height); graphics_line_color(g,graphics_rgbt(255,0,0,0)); graphics_triangle(g, width/2, 10.5, 10.5, height - 10.5 , width - 10.5, height - 10.5); graphics_line_color(g,graphics_rgbt(0,255,0,0)); graphics_rectangle(g, 20.5, 20.5, width - 20.5, height - 20.5); graphics_line_color(g,graphics_rgbt(0,0,255,0)); graphics_rounded_rectangle(g, 30.5, 30.5, width - 30.5, height - 30.5, 10, 10); graphics_line_color(g,graphics_rgbt(0,127,127,0)); graphics_ellipse(g, width/2, height/2, width/4, height/4); int r = min(width, height); graphics_line_color(g,graphics_rgbt(127,0,127,0)); graphics_arc(g, width/2, height/2, r/8, r/8, 0,6); graphics_line_color(g,graphics_rgbt(127,127,0,0)); graphics_star(g, width/2, height/2, r/5, r/8, 0,5); graphics_state_restore(g); // second quadrant, path operations graphics_state_save(g); graphics_translate(g,width/2,0); graphics_line_width(g,2); graphics_line_color(g, graphics_rgbt(0xAF,0x7F,0x2F)); // brown graphics_fill_linear_gradient(g, 30, 30, (150 + 70) / 2, 150, graphics_rgbt(0xFF,0,0), // red graphics_rgbt(0xFF,0xFF,0), // yellow 0.5); graphics_open_path(g); // stealed from Mozilla <canvas> tests graphics_move_to(g, 30, 30, false); graphics_line_to(g, 150, 150, false); graphics_bezier_curve_to(g, 60, 70, 60, 70, 70, 150, false); graphics_line_to(g,30, 30, false); graphics_close_path(g); graphics_draw_path(g, FILL_AND_STROKE); graphics_fill_radial_gradient(g, 250, 80, 50, graphics_rgbt(0xFF,0,0), // red graphics_rgbt(0xFF,0xFF,0)); // yellow graphics_rounded_rectangle(g, 200, 30, 200 + 100, 30 + 100, 10, 10); graphics_line_color( g, graphics_rgbt(0,200,0,0) ); graphics_fill_color( g, graphics_rgbt(150,230,150,80) ); graphics_ellipse( g, 190, 60, 50, 30 ); graphics_state_restore(g); // Third quadrant, text output graphics_state_save(g); graphics_translate(g,0,height/2); graphics_scale(g,0.5,0.5); graphics_line(g,0,height/2, width, height/2); graphics_line_width(g,3); graphics_line_color(g, graphics_rgbt(0xAF,0x7F,0x2F)); // brown graphics_fill_radial_gradient(g, width/2, height/2, r / 2, graphics_rgbt(0xFF,0xFF,0), // yellow graphics_rgbt(0,0x8F,0)); // green graphics_text_alignment(g, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_BASELINE); graphics_font(g, "Century Gothic", r / 5); graphics_text(g, width/2, height/2, L"graphinius", 10); graphics_state_restore(g); // Fourth quadrant, image output graphics_state_save(g); graphics_translate(g,width/2,height/2); graphics_scale(g,0.5,0.5); static HIMG img = 0; if(!img) { tool::mm_file mf; if("../petrov_vodkin_A_Candle_and_a_Decanter.jpg") ) image_load( (BYTE*), mf.size(), &img ); // load png/jpeg/etc. image from stream of bytes } if(img) { DIM w = width - 20; DIM h = height - 20; graphics_draw_image ( g, img, 10, 10, &w, &h ); } // pattern fill test { graphics_fill_color(g, graphics_rgbt(0xFF,0xdd,0) ); graphics_state_save(g); static HIMG pat = 0; if(!pat) { tool::mm_file mf; if("../cubes.png") ) image_load( (BYTE*), mf.size(), &pat ); // load png/jpeg/etc. image from stream of bytes } if(pat) { graphics_fill_pattern(g, pat, 255, -width/2, 0); graphics_ellipse( g, 400, 40, 120, 100 ); } graphics_state_restore(g); graphics_ellipse( g, 100, 40, 60, 50 ); } graphics_state_restore(g); }