コード例 #1
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: junaidnaseer/ivt
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc != 2)
		printf("use: simpleapp [file path]\n");
		return 1;

	CByteImage image;

	// load image
	if (!image.LoadFromFile(argv[1]))
		printf("error: could not open input file\n");
		return 1;

	CByteImage gray_image(image.width, image.height, CByteImage::eGrayScale);
	ImageProcessor::ConvertImage(&image, &gray_image);

	ImageProcessor::CalculateGradientImageSobel(&gray_image, &gray_image);

	printf("output written to file 'output.bmp'\n");

	return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: matchers.cpp プロジェクト: MasaMune692/alcexamples
void OrbFeaturesFinder::find(const Mat &image, ImageFeatures &features)
    Mat gray_image;

    CV_Assert((image.type() == CV_8UC3) || (image.type() == CV_8UC4) || (image.type() == CV_8UC1));

    if (image.type() == CV_8UC3) {
        cvtColor(image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    } else if (image.type() == CV_8UC4) {
        cvtColor(image, gray_image, CV_BGRA2GRAY);
    } else if (image.type() == CV_8UC1) {
    } else {
        CV_Error(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "");

    if (grid_size.area() == 1)
        (*orb)(gray_image, Mat(), features.keypoints, features.descriptors);

        std::vector<KeyPoint> points;
        Mat descriptors;

        for (int r = 0; r < grid_size.height; ++r)
            for (int c = 0; c < grid_size.width; ++c)
                int xl = c * gray_image.cols / grid_size.width;
                int yl = r * gray_image.rows / grid_size.height;
                int xr = (c+1) * gray_image.cols / grid_size.width;
                int yr = (r+1) * gray_image.rows / grid_size.height;

                // LOGLN("OrbFeaturesFinder::find: gray_image.empty=" << (gray_image.empty()?"true":"false") << ", "
                //     << " gray_image.size()=(" << gray_image.size().width << "x" << gray_image.size().height << "), "
                //     << " yl=" << yl << ", yr=" << yr << ", "
                //     << " xl=" << xl << ", xr=" << xr << ", gray_image.data=" << ((size_t)gray_image.data) << ", "
                //     << "gray_image.dims=" << gray_image.dims << "\n");

                Mat gray_image_part=gray_image(Range(yl, yr), Range(xl, xr));
                // LOGLN("OrbFeaturesFinder::find: gray_image_part.empty=" << (gray_image_part.empty()?"true":"false") << ", "
                //     << " gray_image_part.size()=(" << gray_image_part.size().width << "x" << gray_image_part.size().height << "), "
                //     << " gray_image_part.dims=" << gray_image_part.dims << ", "
                //     << " gray_image_part.data=" << ((size_t)gray_image_part.data) << "\n");

                (*orb)(gray_image_part, Mat(), points, descriptors);

                features.keypoints.reserve(features.keypoints.size() + points.size());
                for (std::vector<KeyPoint>::iterator kp = points.begin(); kp != points.end(); ++kp)
                    kp->pt.x += xl;
                    kp->pt.y += yl;
コード例 #3
int FeaturesDetectionApplication::main_loop(program_options::variables_map &options)
    printf("FeaturesDetectionApplication::main_loop says hello world !\n");


	// initialization ---
    gst_video_input_p.reset(new GstVideoInput(options));
    features_detector_p.reset(new SimpleFAST(options));

    // video output ---
    rgb8_cimg_t current_image(gst_video_input_p->get_image_dimensions());
    gst_video_input_p->get_new_image(current_image.view); // copy the data

    CImgDisplay video_display(current_image.dimx(), current_image.dimy(), get_application_title().c_str());

    // intermediary image --
    gray8_image_t gray_image(current_image.view.dimensions());

    // main loop ---

        // get new image --
        gst_video_input_p->get_new_image(current_image.view); // copy the data

        // color to gray_image
        copy_and_convert_pixels(current_image.view, boost::gil::view(gray_image));
        // compute features
        const vector<FASTFeature> &features =

        // plot features on output image
        draw_features(features, current_image);


        // add a delay ---	
        wait_some_seconds(0.1); // [seconds]

    while (video_display.is_closed == false);

    return 0;

コード例 #4
ファイル: methods.cpp プロジェクト: Monish-Mathpal/LMS
*	Process->Function for canny edge detction(class LMS)  *
_lcanny_edge(Mat c_image) 

cvtColor(c_image, gray_image, CV_RGB2GRAY); // converting extracted object to 
										   // gray image
gray_image = gray_image(Rect(crop_values[0], crop_values[1], crop_values[2],

// writting canny image and computing step size
	Step = crop_values[4];
	Canny(gray_image, canny_image, 180, 200);

// reading rows and columns from gray image
	i_rows = gray_image.rows;
	i_cols = gray_image.cols;
	return (canny_image);
コード例 #5
int main()
  vpImage<unsigned char> gray_image(240, 320);
  vpImage<vpRGBa> color_image(240, 320);

  gray_image = 128;
  vpRGBa color(255, 0, 0);
  color_image = color;

  unsigned int igray_max = gray_image.getHeight() - 1;
  unsigned int jgray_max = gray_image.getWidth() - 1;
  std::cout << "Gray  image, last pixel intensity: "
            <<  (int)gray_image[igray_max][jgray_max] << std::endl;

  unsigned int icolor_max = color_image.getHeight() - 1;
  unsigned int jcolor_max = color_image.getWidth() - 1;
  std::cout << "Color image, last pixel RGB components: "
            << (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].R << " "
            << (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].G << " "
            << (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].B
            << std::endl;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Reader.cpp プロジェクト: i-agrawal/eye-tracking
void Reader::Detect(Mat &image, Mat &ROI, Point &lpupil, Point &rpupil){
  vector<Rect> faces;               //vector to hold the rectangles in which there are faces
  vector<Mat>  RGBchannels;         //vector to hold the black and white image
  split(image, RGBchannels);        //get the gray image
  Mat gray_image = RGBchannels[2];
  //find the faces in the image
  face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_image, faces, 1.1, 2, 0 | CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE | CV_HAAR_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT, Size(150, 150));
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i)
    rectangle(image, faces[i], 1234);
  //if no faces were found do nothing
  Rect face = faces[0];
  Mat faceROI = gray_image(face);
  ROI = faceROI;

    double sigma = kSmoothFaceFactor * face.width;
    GaussianBlur(faceROI, faceROI, Size(255, 255), sigma);

  int er_width  = face.width  * (kEyePercentWidth  / 100.0);
  int er_height = face.height * (kEyePercentHeight / 100.0);
  int er_top    = face.height * (kEyePercentTop    / 100.0);

  Rect lefter (face.width * (kEyePercentSide / 100.0),                         er_top, er_width, er_height);
  Rect righter(face.width - er_width - face.width * (kEyePercentSide / 100.0), er_top, er_width, er_height);

  Point left_pupil  = FindPupil(faceROI, lefter);
  Point right_pupil = FindPupil(faceROI, righter);

  left_pupil.x  += lefter.x;
  left_pupil.y  += lefter.y;
  right_pupil.x += righter.x;
  right_pupil.y += righter.y;

  lpupil = left_pupil;
  rpupil = right_pupil;
コード例 #7
void MainWindow::addPerson()
    QRect selectionRect = addFrameLabel->getSelectionRect();
    QImage training_image = addFrameLabel->pixmap()->copy(selectionRect).toImage();

    cv::Mat training_image_mat = Utilities::QImageToMat(training_image);
    cv::Mat gray_image;
    cv::cvtColor(training_image_mat, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);

    std::vector<cv::Rect> faces;

    cv::CascadeClassifier cascade;
    bool cascadeLoaded = Utilities::loadFaceCascade("../facerecognition/android/assets/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", cascade);
        cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_image, faces, 1.1, 5, 0|CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE, cv::Size(30, 30));
        if(faces.size() == 1)
            cv::Mat face = gray_image(faces[0]);
            cv::Mat face_resized;
            cv::resize(face, face_resized, cv::Size(100, 100));

            QSqlQuery query;

                QMessageBox::warning(this, "Name field empty", "The name field is empty. Please enter a name");

            int newId;
            query.exec("SELECT MAX(personID) FROM people");

            if(numberImages == 0)
                    newId = query.value(0).toInt() + 1;
                query.exec(QString("INSERT INTO people VALUES('%1', '%2')").arg(newId).arg(ui->nameLine->text()));

                    newId = query.value(0).toInt();



            QByteArray data = Utilities::MatToByteArray(face_resized);

            int imageId;

            query.exec("SELECT MAX(imageID) FROM training_images");
                imageId = query.value(0).toInt() + 1;

            query.prepare(QString("INSERT INTO training_images VALUES('%1', '%2', ?)").arg(imageId).arg(newId));

        else if(faces.empty())
            QMessageBox::information(this, "No face detected", "Make sure your face is visible");
            QMessageBox::information(this, "Multiple faces", "More than one face detected");

コード例 #8
void grab_cb(const ImgBase *img) {


	int roi_percent = gui["roi_size"].as<int>();


	Img<T> color_original = *img->asImg<T>();

	Size size = color_original.getSize();

	size.width = std::floor(size.width*((float)roi_percent/100.0));
	size.height = std::floor(size.height*((float)roi_percent)/100.0);

	size.width = size.width%2+size.width;
	size.height = size.height%2+size.height;

	Point offset(color_original.getWidth()/2.0-size.width/2.0,color_original.getHeight()/2.0-size.height/2.0);


	Img<T> color_median(color_original.getParams());
	MedianOp median(utils::Size(gui["median_radius"].as<int>(),gui["median_radius"].as<int>()));

	bool use_gray = gui["to_gray"].as<bool>();
	Img<T> gray_image(color_original.getSize(),core::formatGray);
	Img8u edge_;
	if (use_gray) {
	} else {

		if (use_gray)

	Img8u edge_median;//(color_median.getSize(),core::formatGray);

	Img<T> color_bilateral(color_median.getParams());
		if (use_gray)

	Img8u edge_bi_filtered;//(edge_bi_filtered.getSize(),core::formatGray);

	// set images
	if (use_gray)
		gui["view1"] = &gray_image;
		gui["view1"] = &color_original;
	gui["view2"] = &color_median;
	gui["view3"] = &color_bilateral;

	gui["viewedge1"] = &edge_;
	gui["viewedge2"] = &edge_median;
	gui["viewedge3"] = &edge_bi_filtered;

	// update view:


コード例 #9
int testfaceLib_pThread ( const char* str_video, int trackerType, int multiviewType, int recognizerType, const char* str_facesetxml, int threads, 
						 bool blink, bool smile, bool gender, bool age, bool recog, bool quiet, bool saveface, const char* sfolder, bool bEnableAutoCluster )
    FILE* fp_imaginfo = fopen( "imaginfo.txt", "w" );

	bool bAutoFocus = false;
	IplImage *imgAutoFocus = NULL;

	int  sampleRate =1;
	if(str_facesetxml == NULL)
		str_facesetxml = "faceset_model.xml";

	int  prob_estimate[7];
	char sState[256];
	EnumViewAngle  viewAngle = (EnumViewAngle)multiviewType;
	//dynamic clustering for smooth ID registration
	//bEnableAutoCluster =  true;

	CxlibFaceAnalyzer faceAnalyzer(viewAngle, (EnumTrackerType)trackerType, blink, smile, gender, age, recog, sampleRate, str_facesetxml, recognizerType, bEnableAutoCluster); 

	//	init GUI window
	const char* str_title = "Face Tester";
	if( ! quiet )
		cvNamedWindow( str_title, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

	char sCaptionInfo[256] = "";
	CvFont *pFont = new CvFont;
	cvInitFont(pFont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.85, 0.85, 0, 1);

	// load GUI smile icon images
	IplImage *pImgSmileBGR;
	IplImage *pImgSmileMask;
	if(age == 0)
	{   // smile icon
		pImgSmileBGR  = cvLoadImage( "smile.bmp" );
		pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "smilemask.bmp", 0 );
	{   // gender/age/smile icons
		pImgSmileBGR  = cvLoadImage( "faceicon.bmp" );
		pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "faceiconMask.bmp", 0 );

	IplImage *pImgSmileBGRA = cvCreateImage( cvSize(pImgSmileBGR->width, pImgSmileBGR->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4 );
	cvCvtColor(pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, CV_BGR2BGRA );

	// open video source
    size_t len = strlen( str_video );
    bool is_piclist = (0 == stricmp( str_video + len - 4, ".txt" ));
    CxImageSeqReader* vidcap = NULL;
    if( is_piclist )
        vidcap = new CxPicListReader( str_video );
        vidcap = new CxVideoReader( str_video );
	if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
		cvSetErrStatus( CV_StsOk );
		return -1;

	// when using camera, set to 640x480, 30fps
	if( isdigit(str_video[0]) != 0 && str_video[1] == '\0' )
		vidcap->width( 640 );
		vidcap->height( 480 );
		vidcap->fps( 30 );

	// print beginning info
	printf( "tracker cascade:  '%s'\n", trackerType== TRA_HAAR ? "haar" : (recognizerType== TRA_SURF ? "surf" : "pf tracker SURF"));
	printf( "face recognizer:  '%s'\n", recognizerType == RECOGNIZER_BOOST_GB240 ? "boost gabor240" : "cascade gloh"  );
	printf( "video:    '%s', %dx%d, %2.1f fps\n", str_video, 
		vidcap->width(), vidcap->height(), vidcap->fps() );

	// set mouse event process
	CxMouseParam mouse_faceparam;
	mouse_faceparam.updated = false;
	mouse_faceparam.play    = true;
	mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0;

	static const int MAX_FACES = 16; 
	if(! quiet)
		mouse_faceparam.play    = true;
		mouse_faceparam.updated = false;
		mouse_faceparam.face_num  = faceAnalyzer.getMaxFaceNum();
		mouse_faceparam.rects     = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRects();
		mouse_faceparam.image     = NULL;
		mouse_faceparam.cut_big_face= faceAnalyzer.getBigCutFace();
		mouse_faceparam.typeRecognizer = 0;
		mouse_faceparam.faceRecognizer = &faceAnalyzer;
		mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0;
		cvSetMouseCallback(	str_title, my_mouse_callback, (void*)&mouse_faceparam );

	// init count ticks                   
	int64  ticks, start_ticks, total_ticks;
	int64  tracker_total_ticks;
	double tracker_fps, total_fps; 

	start_ticks         = total_ticks  = 0;
	tracker_total_ticks = 0;
	// loop for each frame of a video/camera
	int frames = 0;
	IplImage *pImg = NULL;

	while( ! vidcap->eof() )
		// capture a video frame
		if( mouse_faceparam.play == true)
			pImg = vidcap->query();

		if ( pImg == NULL )

		// make a copy, flip if upside-down
		CvImage image( cvGetSize(pImg), pImg->depth, pImg->nChannels );
		if( pImg->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL ) //flip live camera's frame
			cvFlip( pImg, image );
			cvCopy( pImg, image );

		// convert to gray_image for face analysis
		CvImage gray_image( image.size(), image.depth(), 1 );
		if( image.channels() == 3 )
			cvCvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY );
			cvCopy( image, gray_image );

		// do face tracking and face recognition
		start_ticks = ticks = cvGetTickCount();	

        if( is_piclist )
            faceAnalyzer.detect(gray_image, prob_estimate, sState);
		    faceAnalyzer.track(gray_image, prob_estimate, sState, image);   // track face in each frame but recognize by pthread
		//faceAnalyzer.detect(gray_image, prob_estimate, sState);// track and recognizer face in each frame 

		int face_num = faceAnalyzer.getFaceNum();

		ticks       = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
		tracker_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );
		tracker_total_ticks += ticks;

		//set param for mouse event processing
			mouse_faceparam.face_num = face_num;
			mouse_faceparam.image    = image;

        if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
            fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "%s  %d", vidcap->filename(), face_num );

		// blink/smile/gender/age/face recognize section
		for( int i=0; i<face_num; i++ )
			// get face rect and id from face tracker
			CvRectItem rectItem = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRect(i);
			CvRect rect = rectItem.rc;
			int    face_trackid = rectItem.fid;
			float  probSmile = faceAnalyzer.getFaceSmileProb(i);
			int    bBlink  = faceAnalyzer.getFaceBlink(i);
			int    bSmile  = faceAnalyzer.getFaceSmile(i);
			int    bGender = faceAnalyzer.getFaceGender(i);
			int    nAgeID  = faceAnalyzer.getFaceAge(i);
			int    nFaceID = faceAnalyzer.getFaceID(i);
			float  fFaceProb= faceAnalyzer.getFaceProb(i);
			char *sFaceCaption = NULL;
			char sFaceNameBuff[256];
			char *sFaceName = faceAnalyzer.getFaceName(i);
			if(sFaceName[0] != '\0')
				sprintf(sFaceNameBuff, "%s %.2f", sFaceName, fFaceProb);
				sFaceCaption = sFaceName;
				sFaceCaption = sFaceNameBuff;

			if( ! quiet )
				CvPoint2D32f *landmark6 = NULL;
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS:%04d, %s", (int)tracker_fps, sState);

				int trackid = -1; //face_trackid , don't display trackid if -1
				cxlibDrawFaceBlob( image, pFont, trackid, rect, landmark6, probSmile, 
					bBlink, bSmile, bGender, nAgeID, sFaceCaption, NULL,
					pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, pImgSmileMask);

            if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
                fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "  %d %d %d %d", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
        if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
            fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "\n" );

		total_ticks += (cvGetTickCount() - start_ticks);
		// frame face_num

		//auto focus faces
		if(quiet == false && bAutoFocus)
				cvCopy(image, imgAutoFocus);
				imgAutoFocus = cvCloneImage(image);

			CvRectItem *rects = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRects();
			cxlibAutoFocusFaceImage(imgAutoFocus, image, rects, face_num);

		// next frame if quiet
		if( quiet )
			// draw status info for custom interaction
			if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1)
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "Collecting faces for track_id = %d", mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id);
				//draw face collecting region
				cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2);
				cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2);
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS:%04d, %s", (int)tracker_fps, sState);

			cxlibDrawCaption( image, pFont, sCaptionInfo);
		//show Image
		if (image.width() <= 800)
			cvShowImage( str_title, image );
		{   // display scaled smaller aimge
			CvImage scale_image (cvSize(800, image.height()*800/image.width()), image.depth(), 3 );
			cvResize (image, scale_image);
			cvShowImage( str_title, scale_image );

		// user interaction
		int key = cvWaitKey(1);
		//int key = cvWaitKey(0);
		if( key == ' ' )     // press space bar to pause the video play
			cvWaitKey( 0 );                           
		else if( key == 27 ) // press 'esc' to exit
		else if( key == 'a' )
		{  // add new face name
			if(face_num > 0)
				CvRect rect = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRect(0).rc;
				int x = rect.x+rect.width/2;
				int y = rect.y+rect.height/2;
				addFaceSet( x, y, &mouse_faceparam);
		else if( key == 'c' )
		{   //enable flag to collect face exemplars for the selected face name
			mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 1; //enable online face exemplar collecting
		else if( key == 'z' )
			bAutoFocus = !bAutoFocus;
		else if(key >= 0)
			if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1)
			{   // stop collecting face exemplars
				mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; //disable online face exemplar collecting
				mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id = -1;

			if( key == 's')
				// save faceset xml model
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "saved the face model");
				cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo);
				cvShowImage( str_title, pImg );
				cvWaitKey( 400 ); 

	// print info about fps
	float temp    = 1e-6f / cvGetTickFrequency();
	tracker_fps   = 1.0f  / ( tracker_total_ticks * temp / frames );
	total_fps = 1.0f / (total_ticks * temp / frames);

	printf( "Total frames:%d  Speed:%.1f fps\n", frames, total_fps);
	printf( "FPS: %.1f ", tracker_fps);

	//save updated faceset model
	if(mouse_faceparam.updated == true)
		sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "press key 's' to save updated face model or other keys to cancel");
		cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo);
		cvShowImage( str_title, pImg );

		int key = cvWaitKey();
		if( key == 's')

	//save merged face model for dynamic clustering of smoothID
	vFaceSet vMergedFaceSet;
	int minWeight =10; 
	faceAnalyzer.getMergedFaceSet(vMergedFaceSet, minWeight);
	faceAnalyzer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_modelMerged.xml", &vMergedFaceSet);

	//release global GUI data
	if( !quiet )
		cvDestroyWindow( str_title );

	delete pFont;

    delete vidcap;

    if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
        fclose( fp_imaginfo );

    return 0;
コード例 #10
int testfaceLib_sThread ( const char* str_video, int  trackerType, int multiviewType, int recognizerType, const char* str_facesetxml, int threads, 
						 bool blink, bool smile, bool gender, bool age, bool recog, bool quiet, bool saveface, const char* sfolder, bool bEnableAutoCluster)
	int  faceimgID = 0;
	char driver[8];
	char dir[1024];
	char fname[1024];
	char ext[8];
	char sImgPath[1024];

		char sysCommand[128];
		sprintf (sysCommand, "mkdir %s", sfolder);
		system (sysCommand);

		sprintf(sImgPath, "%s//%s", sfolder,  "imaginfo.txt");
		sprintf(fname,   "%s//%s", sfolder,  "faceinfo.txt");
		sprintf(sImgPath, "%s", "imaginfo.txt");
		sprintf(fname,   "%s", "faceinfo.txt");

	FILE* fp_imaginfo = fopen( sImgPath, "wt" );
    FILE* fp_faceinfo = fopen( fname, "wt" );

    bool bAutoFocus = false;
	IplImage *imgAutoFocus = NULL;

	//	init GUI window
	const char* str_title = "Face Tester";
	if( ! quiet )
		cvNamedWindow( str_title, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

	char sCaptionInfo[256]="";
	CvFont *pFont = new CvFont;
	cvInitFont(pFont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.85, 0.85, 0, 1);
	// load GUI smile icon images
	IplImage *pImgSmileBGR;
	IplImage *pImgSmileMask;
	if(age == 0)
		pImgSmileBGR  = cvLoadImage( "smile.bmp" );
		pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "smilemask.bmp", 0 );
		pImgSmileBGR  = cvLoadImage( "faceicon.bmp" );
		pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "faceiconMask.bmp", 0 );
	IplImage *pImgSmileBGRA = cvCreateImage( cvSize(pImgSmileBGR->width, pImgSmileBGR->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4 );
	cvCvtColor(pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, CV_BGR2BGRA );

	// open video source
    size_t len = strlen( str_video );
    bool is_piclist = (0 == stricmp( str_video + len - 4, ".txt" ));
    CxImageSeqReader* vidcap = NULL;
    if( is_piclist )
        vidcap = new CxPicListReader( str_video );
        vidcap = new CxVideoReader( str_video );

	if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
		cvSetErrStatus( CV_StsOk );
		return -1;

	// when using camera, set to 640x480, 30fps
	if( isdigit(str_video[0]) != 0 && str_video[1] == '\0' )
		vidcap->width( 640 );
		vidcap->height( 480 );
		vidcap->fps( 30 );

	// print beginning info
	printf( "tracker cascade:  '%s'\n", trackerType == TRA_HAAR ? "haar" : (trackerType== TRA_SURF ? "surf" : "pf tracker SURF"));
	printf( "face recognizer:  '%s'\n", recognizerType == RECOGNIZER_BOOST_GB240 ? "boost gabor240" : "cascade gloh"  );
	printf( "video:    '%s', %dx%d, %2.1f fps\n", str_video, 
		vidcap->width(), vidcap->height(), vidcap->fps() );

	// config face tracker
	const int  face_max = 16;
	CvRectItem rects[face_max];
	tagDetectConfig configParam;
	EnumViewAngle  viewAngle = (EnumViewAngle)multiviewType;

	CxlibFaceDetector detector;
	detector.init(viewAngle, (EnumFeaType)trackerType);
	detector.config( configParam );

	CxlibFaceTracker tracker;
	tracker.init(viewAngle, (EnumTrackerType)trackerType);
	tracker.config( configParam, TR_NLEVEL_3 );

	if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
		cvSetErrStatus( CV_StsOk );
		return -1;

	// config landmark detector
	CvPoint2D32f   landmark6[6+1]; // consider both 6-pt and 7-pt
	float          parameters[16];
	bool      bLandmark = false;
	CxlibLandmarkDetector landmarkDetector(LDM_6PT);

	int size_smallface = 64;
	int size_bigface   = 128;
	CxlibAlignFace cutFace(size_smallface, size_bigface);
	// config blink/smile/gender detector
	int    bBlink = 0, bSmile = 0, bGender = 0, bAge = 0;  //+1, -1, otherwise 0: no process 
	float  probBlink = 0, probSmile = 0, probGender = 0, probAge[4];
	int    nAgeID = 0;

	CxlibBlinkDetector  blinkDetector(size_smallface);
	CxlibSmileDetector  smileDetector(size_smallface);
	CxlibGenderDetector genderDetector(size_smallface);
	CxlibAgeDetector    ageDetector(size_bigface);

	// config face recognizer
	float probFaceID = 0;
	if(str_facesetxml == NULL)
		str_facesetxml = "faceset_model.xml";

	CxlibFaceRecognizer faceRecognizer( size_bigface, recognizerType );
	if(recog) faceRecognizer.loadFaceModelXML(str_facesetxml);
	// set mouse event process
	CxMouseParam mouse_faceparam;
	mouse_faceparam.updated = false;
	mouse_faceparam.play = true;
	mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0;
	if(! quiet)
		mouse_faceparam.face_num  = face_max;
		mouse_faceparam.rects     = rects;
		mouse_faceparam.image     = NULL;
		mouse_faceparam.cut_big_face= cutFace.getBigCutFace();
		mouse_faceparam.typeRecognizer = 1;
		mouse_faceparam.faceRecognizer = &faceRecognizer;
		cvSetMouseCallback(	str_title, my_mouse_callback, (void*)&mouse_faceparam );

	// init count ticks                   
	int64  ticks, start_ticks, total_ticks;
	int64  tracker_total_ticks, landmark_total_ticks, align_total_ticks,
		   blink_total_ticks, smile_total_ticks, gender_total_ticks, age_total_ticks, recg_total_ticks;
	double frame_fps, tracker_fps, landmark_fps, align_fps, blink_fps, smile_fps, gender_fps, age_fps, recg_fps, total_fps; 

	start_ticks         = total_ticks          = 0;
	tracker_total_ticks = landmark_total_ticks = align_total_ticks  = 0;
	blink_total_ticks   = smile_total_ticks    = gender_total_ticks = age_total_ticks = recg_total_ticks = 0;

	tracker_fps = landmark_fps = align_fps = blink_fps = smile_fps = gender_fps = age_fps = recg_fps = total_fps = 0.0;        

	// loop for each frame of a video/camera
	int frames = 0;
	IplImage *pImg = NULL;
	int   print_faceid=-1;
	float print_score = 0;
	std::string  print_facename;

	bool bRunLandmark = blink || smile|| gender|| age|| recog || saveface;
	IplImage *thumbnailImg   = cvCreateImage(cvSize(THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);   
	//dynamic clustering for smooth ID registration
	//bEnableAutoCluster = true;
	if( is_piclist ) bEnableAutoCluster = false;

	while( ! vidcap->eof() )
		// capture a video frame
		if( mouse_faceparam.play == true)
			pImg = vidcap->query();

		if ( pImg == NULL )

		// make a copy, flip if upside-down
		CvImage image( cvGetSize(pImg), pImg->depth, pImg->nChannels );
		if( pImg->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL ) //flip live camera's frame
			cvFlip( pImg, image );
			cvCopy( pImg, image );

		// convert to gray_image for face analysis
		CvImage gray_image( image.size(), image.depth(), 1 );
		if( image.channels() == 3 )
			cvCvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY );
			cvCopy( image, gray_image );

		// do face tracking
		start_ticks = ticks = cvGetTickCount();	
		int face_num = 0;
        if( is_piclist )
            face_num = detector.detect( gray_image, rects, face_max );
            face_num = tracker.track( gray_image, rects, face_max, image ); // track in a video for faster speed
		  //face_num = tracker.detect( gray_image, rects, face_max ); // detect in an image

		//set param for mouse event processing
			mouse_faceparam.face_num = face_num;
			mouse_faceparam.image    = image;

		ticks       = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
		tracker_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );
		tracker_total_ticks += ticks;

        if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
            fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "%s  %d", vidcap->filename(), face_num );

        // blink/smile/gender/age/face recognize section
		for( int i=0; i<face_num; i++ )
		//for( int i=0; i< MIN(1,face_num); i++ )
			// get face rect and id from face tracker
			CvRect rect = rects[i].rc;

            if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
                fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "  %d %d %d %d %f", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, rects[i].prob );

			int    face_trackid = rects[i].fid;
			float  like = rects[i].prob;
			int    angle= rects[i].angle;

			// filter out outer faces
			if( rect.x+rect.width  > gray_image.width()   || rect.x < 0 ) continue;
			if( rect.y+rect.height > gray_image.height() || rect.y < 0 ) continue;

			//tracker.getThumbnail(image, rect, thumbnailImg);

			// detect landmark points 
			ticks = cvGetTickCount();	

                if( is_piclist )
				    bLandmark = landmarkDetector.detect( gray_image, &rect, landmark6, parameters, angle ); //detect in an image
				    bLandmark = landmarkDetector.track( gray_image, &rect, landmark6, parameters, angle ); // track in a video for faster speed

				ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
				landmark_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );
				landmark_total_ticks += ticks;
				bLandmark = false;

			if(quiet == false && bLandmark == false) 
				cxlibDrawFaceRect(image, rect);

			// warped align face and hist eq to delighting
			ticks = cvGetTickCount();	

			cutFace.init(gray_image, rect, landmark6);

			ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
			if(ticks > 1)
				align_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );
			{	align_fps = 0;
				ticks = 0;
			align_total_ticks += ticks;

			if(saveface)   //save face icon for training later
				//save cutfaces
#ifdef WIN32
					sprintf(sImgPath, "%s//%s%s", sfolder, fname,ext);
					sprintf(sImgPath, "%s//%06d.jpg", sfolder, faceimgID++);
					sprintf(sImgPath, "%s#.jpg", vidcap->filename());
				cvSaveImage(sImgPath, cutFace.getBigCutFace());

			// detect blink
			bBlink = 0;	
			probBlink = 0;
			if(blink && bLandmark)
				ticks = cvGetTickCount();	
				float blink_threshold = blinkDetector.getDefThreshold();//0.5;
				int ret = blinkDetector.predict( &cutFace, &probBlink);
				if(probBlink > blink_threshold )
					bBlink = 1;  //eye close
					bBlink = -1; //eye open

				ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
				blink_fps = 1000.0/(1e-3*ticks/cvGetTickFrequency());
				blink_total_ticks += ticks;

				print_score = probBlink;
			else blink_fps = 0;

			// detect smile
			bSmile    = 0;	
			probSmile = 0;
			if ( smile && bLandmark )
				ticks = cvGetTickCount();
				float smile_threshold = smileDetector.getDefThreshold(); //0.48;  
				int ret = smileDetector.predict(&cutFace, &probSmile);

				if(probSmile > smile_threshold)
					bSmile = 1;  //smile
					bSmile = -1; //not smile

				ticks	  = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
				smile_fps = 1000.0 /( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );
				smile_total_ticks += ticks;

				print_score = probSmile;
			else smile_fps = 0;

			//detect gender
			bGender    = 0;	
			probGender = 0;
			if(gender && bLandmark)
				ticks = cvGetTickCount();	
				float gender_threshold = genderDetector.getDefThreshold(); // 0.42; 
				int ret = genderDetector.predict(&cutFace, &probGender);

				if(probGender > gender_threshold)
					bGender =  1; //female
					bGender = -1; //male

				//bGender = -1:male, 1:female, 0: null
				// smooth prediction result
                if( ! is_piclist )
				    bGender = genderDetector.voteLabel(face_trackid, bGender);
				ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
				gender_fps = 1000.0/(1e-3*ticks/cvGetTickFrequency());
				gender_total_ticks += ticks;

				print_score = probGender; 
			else gender_fps = 0;

			//detect age
			nAgeID  = -1;
			if(age && bLandmark && rect.width*rect.height > 40*40)
				ticks = cvGetTickCount();	

				//nAgeID = 0:"Baby", 1:"Kid", 2:"Adult", 3:"Senior"
				nAgeID = ageDetector.predict(&cutFace, probAge);

				// smooth prediction result
                if( ! is_piclist )
				    nAgeID = ageDetector.voteLabel(face_trackid, nAgeID); 

				ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
				age_fps = 1000.0/(1e-3*ticks/cvGetTickFrequency());
				age_total_ticks += ticks;

				print_score = probAge[nAgeID]; 
				//if( ! quiet )	cxDrawAignFace2Image(image, pCutFace2);
				age_fps = 0;

			// recognize the face id
			// we only do recognition every 5 frames,interval
			char  *sFaceCaption = NULL;
			char  sFaceCaptionBuff[256];
            int face_id = 0;
			probFaceID = 0;
			if ( recog && bLandmark )
				ticks = cvGetTickCount();
				float face_threshold = faceRecognizer.getDefThreshold(); 
				int face_id  = -1;
				if(bEnableAutoCluster & !is_piclist)
					bool bAutocluster = true;
					if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting) bAutocluster = false;
					//face clustering
					face_id  = faceRecognizer.predict(&cutFace, &probFaceID, bAutocluster, face_trackid, frames);
				else//face recognition
					face_id  = faceRecognizer.predict(&cutFace, &probFaceID);

				ticks    = cvGetTickCount() - ticks;
				recg_fps = 1000.0f / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );
				recg_total_ticks += ticks;
				// smooth prediction result
                if( ! is_piclist && !bEnableAutoCluster)
				    if(probFaceID > face_threshold*1.0)
					    face_id = faceRecognizer.voteLabel(face_trackid, face_id); 
					    face_id = faceRecognizer.voteLabel(face_trackid, -1);
				else if(probFaceID <= face_threshold)
					face_id =-1;

				//set face name caption
				if(face_id >= 0)
					// recognized face name
					const char* sFaceName = faceRecognizer.getFaceName(face_id);
					sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "%s %.2f", sFaceName, probFaceID);
					//sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "%s", sFaceName); //dispaly score
					sFaceCaption = sFaceCaptionBuff;
					print_score  = probFaceID;
					print_faceid = face_id;
				{   // failed to recognize 
					//sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "N\A %.2f", probFaceID);
					//sFaceCaption = sFaceCaptionBuff;

				// collect and save unknown face exemplars
				if(probFaceID < face_threshold*0.9 || face_id != mouse_faceparam.ret_faceset_id )
					if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting && (face_num ==1 || face_trackid == mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id))
						if( rect.x > gray_image.width()/4 && rect.x+rect.width < gray_image.width()*3/4 ) 
							mouse_faceparam.updated = true;
							int nFaceSetIdx = faceRecognizer.getFaceSetIdx(mouse_faceparam.ret_faceset_id);
							bool bflag = faceRecognizer.tryInsertFace(cutFace.getBigCutFace(), nFaceSetIdx);
							//printf("insert flag %d\n", bflag);
			else recg_fps = 0;

			if( ! quiet )
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS: %03d Fd:%04d Ld:%04d Fa:%04d Bl:%04d Sm:%04d Ge:%04d Ag:%03d Rc:%03d",
					(int)frame_fps, (int)tracker_fps, (int)landmark_fps, (int)align_fps, 
					(int)blink_fps,   (int)smile_fps,    (int)gender_fps, (int)age_fps, (int)recg_fps);

				//sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "%.2f", print_score);
				//sFaceCaption = sFaceCaptionBuff;

				int trackid = -1; //face_trackid. don't display trackid if -1
				cxlibDrawFaceBlob( image, pFont, trackid, rect, landmark6, probSmile, 
					bBlink, bSmile, bGender, nAgeID, sFaceCaption, NULL,
					pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, pImgSmileMask);

            // log file
            if( fp_faceinfo != NULL )
                // index,  rect,  landmark6,  bBlink, probBlink, bSmile, probSmile, bGender, probGender, nAgeID, probAge[nAgeID], face_id, probFaceID
				//fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "#%s# @%s@ ",    vidcap->filename(), sImgPath);
				fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "#%s# ",    vidcap->filename());
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "faceidx=( %06d %02d )", vidcap->index(), i+1 );
				fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   rect=( %3d %3d %3d %3d )", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   landmark6=(" );
                int l;
                for( l = 0; l < 6; l++ )
                    fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " %3.0f %3.0f", landmark6[l].x, landmark6[l].y );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " )");
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   blink=( %+d %f )", bBlink, probBlink );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   smile=( %+d %f )", bSmile, probSmile );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   gender=( %+d %f )", bGender, probGender );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   agegroup=( %+d %f )", nAgeID, (nAgeID >= 0 && nAgeID < 4) ? probAge[nAgeID] : 1.0f );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "   identity=( %+d %f )", face_id, probFaceID );
                fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "\n" );
        if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
            fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "\n" );

		ticks    = cvGetTickCount() - start_ticks;
		total_ticks += (ticks);
		frame_fps = 1000.0f / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() );

		// frame face_num

		//auto focus faces
		if(quiet == false && bAutoFocus)
				cvCopy(image, imgAutoFocus);
				imgAutoFocus = cvCloneImage(image);
			cxlibAutoFocusFaceImage(imgAutoFocus, image, rects, face_num);

		// next frame if quiet
		if( quiet )
			// draw status info for custom interaction
			if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1)
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "Collecting faces for track_id = %d", mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id);
				//draw face collecting region
				cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2);
				cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2);
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS: %03d Fd:%04d Ld:%04d Fa:%04d Bl:%04d Sm:%04d Ge:%04d Ag:%03d Rc:%03d",
					(int)frame_fps, (int)tracker_fps, (int)landmark_fps, (int)align_fps, 
					(int)blink_fps,   (int)smile_fps,    (int)gender_fps, (int)age_fps, (int)recg_fps);

			cxlibDrawCaption( image, pFont, sCaptionInfo);
		//show Image
		if (image.width() <= 800)
			//show image
			cvShowImage( str_title, image );
		{   // show scaled smaller image
			CvImage scale_image (cvSize(800, image.height()*800/image.width()), image.depth(), 3 );
			cvResize (image, scale_image);
			cvShowImage( str_title, scale_image );

		// user interaction
		int key = cvWaitKey( 30 );
		//int key = cvWaitKey( );
		if( key == ' ' ) // press the spacebar to pause the video play 
			cvWaitKey( 0 );                           
		else if( key == 27 )
			break;	    // press 'esc' to exit
		else if( key == 'a' )
		{  // add new face name
			if(face_num > 0)
				CvRect rect = rects[0].rc;
				int x = rect.x+rect.width/2;
				int y = rect.y+rect.height/2;
				addFaceSet( x, y, &mouse_faceparam);
		else if( key == 'c' )
		{   // collect face exemplars for current selected facename
			mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 1; //enable online face exemplar collecting
		else if( key == 'z' )
			// turn on/off the autofocus flag
			bAutoFocus = !bAutoFocus;
		else if(key >= 0)
			if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1)
			{   // stop collecting faces
				mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; //disable online face exemplar collecting
				mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id = -1;

			if( key == 's')
			{   // save face models
				sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "saved the face model");
				cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo);
				cvShowImage( str_title, pImg );
				cvWaitKey( 400 ); 

	// print speed info about fps
	float temp    = 1e-6f / cvGetTickFrequency();
	tracker_fps   = 1.0f  / ( tracker_total_ticks * temp / frames );

	if (landmark_total_ticks != 0.0)
		landmark_fps = 1.0f  / ( landmark_total_ticks * temp / frames );

	if (align_total_ticks != 0.0)
		align_fps    = 1.0f  / ( align_total_ticks * temp / frames );

	if (blink_total_ticks != 0.0)
		blink_fps  = 1.0f  / (blink_total_ticks * temp / frames);

	if (smile_total_ticks != 0.0)
		smile_fps  = 1.0f  / (smile_total_ticks * temp / frames);

	if (gender_total_ticks != 0.0)
		gender_fps = 1.0f  / (gender_total_ticks * temp / frames);

	if (age_total_ticks != 0.0)
		age_fps = 1.0f  / (age_total_ticks * temp / frames);

	if (recg_total_ticks != 0.0)
		recg_fps   = 1.0f  / (recg_total_ticks  * temp / frames);

	total_fps = 1.0f / (total_ticks * temp / frames);

	printf( "Total frames:%d  Speed:%.1f fps\n", frames, total_fps);
	printf( "FPS: Fd:%.1f Ld:%.1f Fa:%.1f Bl:%.1f Sm:%.1f Ge:%.1f Ag:%.1f Rc:%.1f",
		tracker_fps, landmark_fps, align_fps, 
		blink_fps,   smile_fps,    gender_fps, age_fps, recg_fps);

	//save updated face model
	if(mouse_faceparam.updated == true)
		sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "press key 's' to save updated face model or other keys to cancel");
		cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo);
		cvShowImage( str_title, pImg );

		int key = cvWaitKey();
		if( key == 's')

	//save merged face model for dynamic clustering of smoothID
	vFaceSet vMergedFaceSet;
	int minWeight = 10;
	faceRecognizer.getMergedFaceSet(vMergedFaceSet, minWeight);
	faceRecognizer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_modelMerged.xml", &vMergedFaceSet);

	//release buff 
	//release global GUI data
	if( !quiet )
		cvDestroyWindow( str_title );

	delete pFont;

    delete vidcap;

    if( fp_imaginfo != NULL )
        fclose( fp_imaginfo );
    if( fp_faceinfo != NULL )
        fclose( fp_faceinfo );

    return 0;