コード例 #1
float moon_phase(int y, int m, int d)
    static const int known_full_moon = 51550; //2000 1 6
    int julianDay = gregorian_calendar_to_jd(y,m,d);
    float phase = (julianDay - known_full_moon)/29.53f;
    phase = phase - (int)(phase);
    return phase;
コード例 #2
/* date2es
** 		Converts a standard Gregorian date and UT (YYYY/MM/DD  HH:MM:SS) to
** 		ephemeris seconds past J2000, as required by CXFORM
** Modification History:
** 		2003/11/11: Ryan Boller - initial version
long date2es(int yyyy, int mm, int dd, int hh, int mm2, int ss)
	return cxRound((gregorian_calendar_to_jd(yyyy, mm, dd, hh, mm2, ss) - 2451545)
			* 86400);