static int pack_double(grib_accessor* a, const double* cval, size_t *len) { char type[]="grid_second_order"; size_t size=strlen(type); grib_set_string(a->parent->h,"packingType",type,&size); return grib_set_double_array(a->parent->h,"values",cval,*len); }
int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { size_t i=0; int err=0; if (!options->skip) { double* v=NULL; size_t size=0; if ( options->repack ) { GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_size(h,"values",&size),0); v = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); if(!v) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to allocate %d bytes\n",(int)(size*sizeof(double))); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",v,&size),0); } if (options->set_values_count != 0) { err=grib_set_values(h,options->set_values,options->set_values_count); if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->fail) exit(err); } if ( options->repack ) { if (grib_options_on("d:")) { for(i = 0; i< size; i++) v[i] = options->constant; } #if 0 if (grib_options_on("n:")) { for(i = 0; i< size; i++) v[i] = options->constant; } #endif if (err == GRIB_SUCCESS) { GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",v,size),0); } free(v); } if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->fail) exit(err); } if (!options->skip || !options->strict) grib_tools_write_message(options,h); return 0; }
static int pack_double(grib_accessor* a, const double* cval, size_t *len) { grib_accessor_data_g1simple_packing* self = (grib_accessor_data_g1simple_packing*)a; grib_accessor_class* super = *(a->cclass->super); size_t n_vals = *len; long half_byte = 0; int ret = 0; long offsetdata = 0; long offsetsection = 0; double reference_value = 0; long binary_scale_factor = 0; long bits_per_value = 0; long decimal_scale_factor = 0; double decimal = 1; size_t buflen = 0; unsigned char* buf = NULL; unsigned char* encoded = NULL; double divisor = 1; int i; long off = 0; grib_context* c=a->parent->h->context; grib_handle* h=a->parent->h; char* ieee_packing_s=NULL; char* packingType_s=NULL; char* precision_s=NULL; double units_factor=1.0; double units_bias=0.0; double* val=(double*)cval; double missingValue=9999.0; long constantFieldHalfByte=0; int err=0; if(*len != 0) { if(self->units_factor && (grib_get_double_internal(a->parent->h,self->units_factor,&units_factor)== GRIB_SUCCESS)) { grib_set_double_internal(a->parent->h,self->units_factor,1.0); } if(self->units_bias && (grib_get_double_internal(a->parent->h,self->units_bias,&units_bias)== GRIB_SUCCESS)) { grib_set_double_internal(a->parent->h,self->units_bias,0.0); } if (units_factor != 1.0) { if (units_bias != 0.0) for (i=0;i<n_vals;i++) val[i]=val[i]*units_factor+units_bias; else for (i=0;i<n_vals;i++) val[i]*=units_factor; } else if (units_bias != 0.0) for (i=0;i<n_vals;i++) val[i]+=units_bias; if (c->ieee_packing && self->ieee_packing) { long precision=c->ieee_packing==32 ? 1 : 2; size_t lenstr=strlen(self->ieee_packing); packingType_s=grib_context_strdup(c,self->packingType); ieee_packing_s=grib_context_strdup(c,self->ieee_packing); precision_s=grib_context_strdup(c,self->precision); grib_set_string(h,packingType_s,ieee_packing_s,&lenstr); grib_set_long(h,precision_s,precision); grib_context_free(c,packingType_s); grib_context_free(c,ieee_packing_s); grib_context_free(c,precision_s); return grib_set_double_array(h,"values",val,*len); } } ret = super->pack_double(a,val,len); switch (ret) { case GRIB_CONSTANT_FIELD: ret=grib_get_long(a->parent->h,"constantFieldHalfByte",&constantFieldHalfByte); if (ret) constantFieldHalfByte=0; if((ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->half_byte, constantFieldHalfByte)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; grib_buffer_replace(a, NULL, 0,1,1); return GRIB_SUCCESS; break; case GRIB_NO_VALUES: ret=grib_get_long(a->parent->h,"constantFieldHalfByte",&constantFieldHalfByte); if (ret) constantFieldHalfByte=0; /* TODO move to def file */ grib_get_double(a->parent->h,"missingValue", &missingValue); if((err = grib_set_double_internal(a->parent->h,self->reference_value, missingValue)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return err; if((ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->binary_scale_factor, binary_scale_factor)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->half_byte, constantFieldHalfByte)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; grib_buffer_replace(a, NULL, 0,1,1); return GRIB_SUCCESS; break; case GRIB_INVALID_BPV: grib_context_log(a->parent->h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR,"unable to compute packing parameters\n"); return ret; case GRIB_SUCCESS: break; default: grib_context_log(a->parent->h->context,GRIB_LOG_FATAL,"unable to compute packing parameters\n"); return ret; } if((ret = grib_get_double_internal(a->parent->h,self->reference_value, &reference_value)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->binary_scale_factor, &binary_scale_factor)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->bits_per_value,&bits_per_value)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->decimal_scale_factor, &decimal_scale_factor)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->offsetdata,&offsetdata)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->offsetsection,&offsetsection)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; decimal = grib_power(decimal_scale_factor,10) ; divisor = grib_power(-binary_scale_factor,2); buflen = (((bits_per_value*n_vals)+7)/8)*sizeof(unsigned char); if((buflen + (offsetdata-offsetsection)) %2) { buflen++; /* a->length++; a->parent->h->buffer->ulength++; */ } half_byte = (buflen*8)-((*len)*bits_per_value); grib_context_log(a->parent->h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "HALF byte: buflen=%d bits_per_value=%ld len=%d half_byte=%ld\n", buflen,bits_per_value,*len,half_byte); Assert(half_byte <= 0x0f); if((ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->half_byte, half_byte)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; buf = (unsigned char*)grib_context_buffer_malloc_clear(a->parent->h->context,buflen); encoded = buf; grib_encode_double_array(n_vals,val,bits_per_value,reference_value,decimal,divisor,encoded,&off); grib_context_log(a->parent->h->context, GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "grib_accessor_data_g1simple_packing : pack_double : packing %s, %d values", a->name, n_vals); grib_buffer_replace(a, buf, buflen,1,1); grib_context_buffer_free(a->parent->h->context,buf); return GRIB_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int err = 0; size_t values_len=0; double *values = NULL; char error_msg[100] ; size_t slong = sizeof(long) * 8 ; int i; FILE* in = NULL; char* filename ; grib_handle *h = NULL; if (argc<2) usage(argv[0]); filename=argv[1]; in = fopen(filename,"r"); if(!in) { printf("ERROR: unable to open file %s\n",filename); return 1; } /* create new handle from a message in a file*/ h = grib_handle_new_from_file(0,in,&err); if (h == NULL) { printf("Error: unable to create handle from file %s\n",filename); } for (i=0;i<255;i++) { /* get the size of the values array*/ GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&values_len),0); values = malloc(values_len*sizeof(double)); err = grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&values_len); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"bitsPerValue",i),0); err = grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,values_len); free(values); values = 0; /* * check if encoding of the data fails when the number of bpv * is not supported; bpv allowed on decoding is bpv < size of long */ if (i < slong && err == 0) { /* do nothing */ } else if (i >= slong && err == GRIB_INVALID_BPV) { /* do nothing */ } else { sprintf(error_msg,"Error decoding when bpv=%d. Error message:%s",i,grib_get_error_message(err)); perror(error_msg); exit(1); } values = malloc(values_len*sizeof(double)); err = grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&values_len); /* * check if decoding of the data fails when the number of bpv * is not supported; bpv allowed on decoding is bpv <= size of long */ if (i <= slong && err == 0) { /* do nothing */ } else if (i > slong && err == GRIB_INVALID_BPV) { /* do nothing */ } else { sprintf(error_msg,"Error decoding when bpv=%d. Error message:%s",i,grib_get_error_message(err)); perror(error_msg); exit(1); } free(values); values = 0; } grib_handle_delete(h); h=0; fclose(in); return 0; }
int codes_set_double_array(grib_handle* h, const char* key, const double* vals, size_t length) { return grib_set_double_array(h,key,vals,length); }
static int execute(grib_action* a, grib_handle *h) { grib_action_set_darray* self = (grib_action_set_darray*) a; return grib_set_double_array(h,self->name,self->darray->v,self->darray->n); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { flong ksec0[ISECTION_0]; flong ksec1[ISECTION_1]; flong ksec2[ISECTION_2]; flong ksec3[ISECTION_3]; flong ksec4[ISECTION_4]; double rsec2[RSECTION_2]; double rsec3[RSECTION_3]; flong sec4len; flong miss=0; const void *msg; flong gribex_msg_len=0; grib_handle *h=NULL; grib_context* c=NULL; FILE* fin=NULL; /*char finname[]="/marsdev/data/p4/grib_api/main/data/exp/performance/sh.grib";*/ char* finname; double *values=NULL; size_t nvalues=0; int count,e=0; int maxnvalues; unsigned char buffer[50000000]; size_t length = sizeof(buffer); int repeat=300; grib_timer *taen,*tade,*tgen,*tgde; taen=grib_get_timer(0,"grib_api encoding", 0, 0); tgen=grib_get_timer(0,"gribex encoding", 0, 0); tade=grib_get_timer(0,"grib_api decoding", 0, 0); tgde=grib_get_timer(0,"gribex decoding", 0, 0); if (argc != 2) usage(argv[0]); finname=argv[1]; fin = fopen(finname,"r"); if(!fin) {perror(finname);exit(1);} c=grib_context_get_default(); GRIB_CHECK(grib_read_any_from_file(c,fin,buffer,&length),0); fclose(fin); /* unpack all data with grib_api */ maxnvalues=0; h=grib_handle_new_from_message_copy(c,buffer,length); GRIB_CHECK(e,0); /* decode values with grib_api*/ GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&nvalues),0); values=(double*)grib_context_malloc(c,sizeof(double)*nvalues); if (!values) { printf("%s: memory allocation error\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } if (maxnvalues<nvalues) maxnvalues=nvalues; printf("decoding with grib_api\n"); grib_timer_start(tade); for (count=0;count<repeat;count++) { GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); } grib_timer_stop(tade,0); printf("%d messages decoded\n",count); /* encode values with grib_api*/ printf("encoding with grib_api\n"); grib_timer_start(taen); for (count=0;count<repeat;count++) { GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); } grib_timer_stop(taen,0); printf("%d messages encoded\n",count); grib_handle_delete(h); grib_context_free(c,values); /* decode with gribex */ msg=(char*)buffer; sec4len=maxnvalues+100000; values = (double*)grib_context_malloc(c,sizeof(double)*(sec4len)); printf("decoding with gribex\n"); grib_timer_start(tgde); for (count=0;count<repeat;count++) { gribex_msg_len=length; gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,values,sec4len, (char*)msg,&gribex_msg_len,"D")); } grib_timer_stop(tgde,0); printf("%d messages decoded\n",count); #if 0 printf("encoding with gribex\n"); buflen=nvalues+100000; buf=(char*)grib_context_malloc(c,buflen*sizeof(char)); grib_timer_start(tgen); for (count=0;count<repeat;count++) { gribex_msg_len=buflen; gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,values,nvalues, buf,&gribex_msg_len,"C")); } grib_timer_stop(tgen,0); printf("%d messages encoded\n",count); #endif grib_print_all_timers(); grib_context_free(c,values); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; grib_handle *h=NULL; grib_handle *hso=NULL; grib_context* c=NULL; FILE* fin=NULL; FILE* fout=NULL; char* finname; char* ofilename; char defofilename[]="so_perf.out"; double *values=NULL; double gvalues[1000000]={0,}; double sovalues[1000000]={0,}; int append=0; size_t nvalues=0; int count,e=0; int repeatso=1; int repeatsimple=1; grib_timer *tes,*tds,*teso,*tdso; char grid_simple[]="grid_simple"; size_t grid_simple_l=strlen(grid_simple); char packingType[50]={0,}; size_t len=50; char param[50]={0,}; char gridType[50]={0,}; char outfilename[255]={0,}; size_t filesize_so=0; size_t filesize_simple=0; double perc=0; long bitsPerValue=0; int iarg=1; char grid[20]={0,}; char shortName[20]={0,}; long level; char levelType[20]={0,}; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]={0,}; char buf[BUFF_SIZE]={0,}; size_t length; int sec4len; flong ksec0[ISECTION_0]; flong ksec1[ISECTION_1]; flong ksec2[ISECTION_2]; flong ksec3[ISECTION_3]; flong ksec4[ISECTION_4]; flong miss=0; const void *msg; flong gribex_msg_len=0; double packingError=0; double rsec2[RSECTION_2]; double rsec3[RSECTION_3]; tes=grib_get_timer(0,"encoding simple", 0, 0); tds=grib_get_timer(0,"decoding simple", 0, 0); teso=grib_get_timer(0,"encoding so", 0, 0); tdso=grib_get_timer(0,"decoding so", 0, 0); if (argc != 4 && argc != 6 ) usage(argv[0]); if (!strcmp(argv[iarg],"-w")) { append=0; iarg++; ofilename=argv[iarg]; iarg++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[iarg],"-a")) { append=1; iarg++; ofilename=argv[iarg]; iarg++; } else { append=0; ofilename=defofilename; } finname=argv[iarg++]; repeatsimple=atoi(argv[iarg++]); bitsPerValue=atoi(argv[iarg++]); fin = fopen(finname,"r"); if(!fin) {perror(finname);exit(1);} c=grib_context_get_default(); length=BUFF_SIZE; GRIB_CHECK(grib_read_any_from_file(c,fin,buffer,&length),0); fclose(fin); if (append) fout = fopen(ofilename,"a"); else fout = fopen(ofilename,"w"); if(!fout) {perror(ofilename);exit(1);} c=grib_context_get_default(); e=0; h=grib_handle_new_from_message_copy(c,buffer,length); GRIB_CHECK(e,0); len=50; grib_get_string(h,"shortName",param,&len); len=20; grib_get_string(h,"levelType",levelType,&len); if (!strcmp(levelType,"pl")) { GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h,"level",&level),0); sprintf(shortName,"%s%ld",param,level); } else { sprintf(shortName,"%s",param); } /* grib_set_long(h,"editionNumber",2); */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&nvalues),0); values=(double*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(double)*nvalues); if (!values) { printf("%s: memory allocation error\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } len=50; grib_get_string(h,"gridType",gridType,&len); len=50; grib_get_string(h,"packingType",packingType,&len); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); grib_set_long(h,"bitsPerValue",bitsPerValue); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double(h,"packingError",&packingError),0); printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("- %s - gridType=%s packingType=%s numberOfValues=%ld bitsPerValue=%ld\n", param,gridType,packingType,(long)nvalues,bitsPerValue); if (!strcmp(packingType,"spectral_complex") || !strcmp(packingType,"spectral_simple")) { printf("unable to process spectral data\n"); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(gridType,"reduced_gg") || !strcmp(gridType,"regular_gg")) { long N; grib_get_long(h,"N",&N); printf(" N=%ld\n",N); sprintf(grid,"%ld",N); } if (!strcmp(gridType,"regular_ll")) { double Di,Dj; grib_get_double(h,"DiInDegrees",&Di); grib_get_double(h,"DjInDegrees",&Dj); printf(" Di=%g Dj=%g\n",Di,Dj); sprintf(grid,"%g/%g",Di,Dj); } if (!append) fprintf(fout, "shortName gridType numberOfValues bitsPerValue grid sizeSimple sizeso encodeso encodeSimple decodeso decodeSimple\n"); sec4len=nvalues+100000; /* decode values grid_simple */ if (strcmp(packingType,grid_simple)) grib_set_string(h,"packingType",grid_simple,&grid_simple_l); grib_timer_start(tds); for (count=0;count<repeatsimple;count++) GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); grib_timer_stop(tds,0); *outfilename='\0'; sprintf(outfilename,"%s_%s_%ld_%ld_simple.grib1",param,gridType,bitsPerValue,(long)nvalues); filesize_simple=grib_handle_write(h,outfilename); printf("file size simple = %ld\n",(long)filesize_simple); /* encode values grid_simple*/ grib_timer_start(tes); for (count=0;count<repeatsimple;count++) GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); grib_timer_stop(tes,0); /* decode with gribex*/ msg=(char*)buffer; gribex_msg_len=BUFF_SIZE; sec4len=nvalues+100000; gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,gvalues,sec4len, (char*)msg,&gribex_msg_len,"D")); /* encode values second order with gribex*/ ksec4[1] = bitsPerValue; /* to indicate complex packing. */ ksec4[3] = 64; /* to indicate extended flags are present. */ ksec4[5] = 16; ksec4[9] = 16; ksec4[11] = 8; ksec4[12] = 4; ksec4[13] = 0; ksec4[14] = -1; gribex_msg_len=BUFF_SIZE; grib_timer_start(teso); gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,gvalues,nvalues, buf,&gribex_msg_len,"K")); grib_timer_stop(teso,0); hso=grib_handle_new_from_message_copy(c,buf,gribex_msg_len); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",sovalues,&nvalues),0); *outfilename='\0'; sprintf(outfilename,"%s_%s_%ld_%ld_so.grib1",param,gridType,bitsPerValue,(long)nvalues); filesize_so=grib_handle_write(hso,outfilename); printf("file size so = %ld\n",(long)filesize_so); perc=(double)filesize_simple/(double)filesize_so; printf("compression ratio = %g \n",perc); printf("space savings = %g \n",(1.0-1.0/perc)*100); grib_handle_delete(h); /* decode values second order */ /* decode with gribex*/ msg=(char*)buf; gribex_msg_len=BUFF_SIZE; sec4len=nvalues+100000; grib_timer_start(tdso); gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,gvalues,sec4len, (char*)msg,&gribex_msg_len,"D")); grib_timer_stop(tdso,0); for (i=0;i<nvalues;i++) { if (fabs(gvalues[i]-values[i])>packingError) { printf("++++++++ Wrong coding\n"); printf("packingError=%g gvalues[%d]=%.20e values[%d]=%.20e abs. err=%g \n",packingError,i, gvalues[i],i,values[i],gvalues[i]-values[i]); } } for (i=0;i<nvalues;i++) { if (fabs(gvalues[i]-sovalues[i])>packingError) { printf("++++++++ Wrong coding\n"); printf("packingError=%g gvalues[%d]=%.20e sovalues[%d]=%.20e abs. err=%g \n",packingError,i, gvalues[i],i,sovalues[i],gvalues[i]-sovalues[i]); } } grib_handle_delete(hso); grib_context_free(c,values); print_timer(teso,repeatso); print_timer(tdso,repeatso); print_timer(tes,repeatsimple); print_timer(tds,repeatsimple); fprintf(fout,"%s %s %ld %ld %s %ld %ld %g %g %g %g\n", shortName,gridType,(long)nvalues,bitsPerValue, grid,(long)filesize_simple,(long)filesize_so,teso->timer_/repeatso,tes->timer_/repeatsimple,tdso->timer_/repeatso,tds->timer_/repeatsimple); fclose(fout); return 0; }
int main(int argc,const char** argv) { grib_handle *h = NULL; size_t size = 0; double* vdouble = NULL; FILE* f = NULL; const void* buffer = NULL; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s out\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } h = grib_handle_new_from_samples(NULL,"GRIB2"); if(!h) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create grib handle\n"); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"parametersVersion",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"truncateLaplacian",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"truncateDegrees",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"dummy",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"changingPrecision",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"unitsFactor",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"unitsBias",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"timeRangeIndicatorFromStepRange",-1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"missingValue",9999),0); /* 0 = Meteorological products (grib2/tables/4/0.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"discipline",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"editionNumber",2),0); /* 98 = European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (grib1/0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"centre",98),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"subCentre",0),0); /* 4 = Version implemented on 7 November 2007 (grib2/tables/1.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"tablesVersion",4),0); /* 0 = Local tables not used (grib2/tables/4/1.1.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"localTablesVersion",0),0); /* 1 = Start of forecast (grib2/tables/4/1.2.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"significanceOfReferenceTime",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"year",2007),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"month",3),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"day",23),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"hour",12),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"minute",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"second",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"dataDate",20070323),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"dataTime",1200),0); /* 0 = Operational products (grib2/tables/4/1.3.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"productionStatusOfProcessedData",0),0); /* 2 = Analysis and forecast products (grib2/tables/4/1.4.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"typeOfProcessedData",2),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"selectStepTemplateInterval",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"selectStepTemplateInstant",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"grib2LocalSectionPresent",0),0); /* 0 = Specified in Code table 3.1 (grib2/tables/4/3.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"sourceOfGridDefinition",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"numberOfDataPoints",496),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"numberOfOctectsForNumberOfPoints",0),0); /* 0 = There is no appended list (grib2/tables/4/3.11.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"interpretationOfNumberOfPoints",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"PLPresent",0),0); /* 0 = Latitude/longitude. Also called equidistant cylindrical, or Plate Carree (grib2/tables/4/3.1.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"gridDefinitionTemplateNumber",0),0); /* 0 = Earth assumed spherical with radius = 6,367,470.0 m (grib2/tables/4/3.2.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"shapeOfTheEarth",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaleFactorOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaledValueOfRadiusOfSphericalEarth"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaleFactorOfEarthMajorAxis"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaledValueOfEarthMajorAxis"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaleFactorOfEarthMinorAxis"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaledValueOfEarthMinorAxis"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"radius",6367470),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"Ni",16),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"Nj",31),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"basicAngleOfTheInitialProductionDomain",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"mBasicAngle",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"angleMultiplier",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"mAngleMultiplier",1000000),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"subdivisionsOfBasicAngle"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"angleDivisor",1000000),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"latitudeOfFirstGridPoint",60000000),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"longitudeOfFirstGridPoint",0),0); /* 48 = 00110000 (3=1) i direction increments given (4=1) j direction increments given (5=0) Resolved u- and v- components of vector quantities relative to easterly and northerly directions See grib2/tables/[tablesVersion]/3.3.table */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"resolutionAndComponentFlags",48),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"iDirectionIncrementGiven",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"jDirectionIncrementGiven",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"uvRelativeToGrid",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"latitudeOfLastGridPoint",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"longitudeOfLastGridPoint",30000000),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"iDirectionIncrement",2000000),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"jDirectionIncrement",2000000),0); /* 0 = 00000000 (1=0) Points of first row or column scan in the +i (+x) direction (2=0) Points of first row or column scan in the -j (-y) direction (3=0) Adjacent points in i (x) direction are consecutive (4=0) All rows scan in the same direction See grib2/tables/[tablesVersion]/3.4.table */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"scanningMode",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"iScansNegatively",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"jScansPositively",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"jPointsAreConsecutive",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"alternativeRowScanning",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"iScansPositively",1),0); /* ITERATOR */ /* NEAREST */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"timeRangeIndicator",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"NV",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"neitherPresent",0),0); /* 0 = Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time (grib2/tables/4/4.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"productDefinitionTemplateNumber",0),0); /* Parameter information */ /* 0 = Temperature (grib2/tables/4/4.1.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"parameterCategory",0),0); /* 0 = Temperature (K) (grib2/tables/4/ */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"parameterNumber",0),0); /* 0 = Analysis (grib2/tables/4/4.3.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"typeOfGeneratingProcess",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"backgroundProcess",255),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"generatingProcessIdentifier",128),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"hoursAfterDataCutoff",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"minutesAfterDataCutoff",0),0); /* 1 = Hour (grib2/tables/4/4.4.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange",1),0); /* 1 = Hour (stepUnits.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"stepUnits",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"forecastTime",0),0); /* 1 = Ground or water surface (grib2/tables/4/4.5.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"typeOfFirstFixedSurface",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface"),0); /* 255 = Missing (grib2/tables/4/4.5.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"typeOfSecondFixedSurface",255),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_missing(h,"scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface"),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"level",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"bottomLevel",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"topLevel",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"dummyc",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"PVPresent",0),0); /* grib 2 Section 5 DATA REPRESENTATION SECTION */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"numberOfValues",496),0); /* 0 = Grid point data - simple packing (grib2/tables/4/5.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"dataRepresentationTemplateNumber",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"decimalScaleFactor",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"bitsPerValue",0),0); /* 0 = Floating point (grib2/tables/4/5.1.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"typeOfOriginalFieldValues",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"representationMode",0),0); /* grib 2 Section 6 BIT-MAP SECTION */ /* 255 = A bit map does not apply to this product (grib2/tables/4/6.0.table) */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"bitMapIndicator",255),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"bitmapPresent",0),0); /* grib 2 Section 7 data */ size = 496; vdouble = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); if(!vdouble) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to allocate %lu bytes\n",size*sizeof(double)); exit(1); } vdouble[ 0] = 1; vdouble[ 1] = 1; vdouble[ 2] = 1; vdouble[ 3] = 1; vdouble[ 4] = 1; vdouble[ 5] = 1; vdouble[ 6] = 1; vdouble[ 7] = 1; vdouble[ 8] = 1; vdouble[ 9] = 1; vdouble[ 10] = 1; vdouble[ 11] = 1; vdouble[ 12] = 1; vdouble[ 13] = 1; vdouble[ 14] = 1; vdouble[ 15] = 1; vdouble[ 16] = 1; vdouble[ 17] = 1; vdouble[ 18] = 1; vdouble[ 19] = 1; vdouble[ 20] = 1; vdouble[ 21] = 1; vdouble[ 22] = 1; vdouble[ 23] = 1; vdouble[ 24] = 1; vdouble[ 25] = 1; vdouble[ 26] = 1; vdouble[ 27] = 1; vdouble[ 28] = 1; vdouble[ 29] = 1; vdouble[ 30] = 1; vdouble[ 31] = 1; vdouble[ 32] = 1; vdouble[ 33] = 1; vdouble[ 34] = 1; vdouble[ 35] = 1; vdouble[ 36] = 1; vdouble[ 37] = 1; vdouble[ 38] = 1; vdouble[ 39] = 1; vdouble[ 40] = 1; vdouble[ 41] = 1; vdouble[ 42] = 1; vdouble[ 43] = 1; vdouble[ 44] = 1; vdouble[ 45] = 1; vdouble[ 46] = 1; vdouble[ 47] = 1; vdouble[ 48] = 1; vdouble[ 49] = 1; vdouble[ 50] = 1; vdouble[ 51] = 1; vdouble[ 52] = 1; vdouble[ 53] = 1; vdouble[ 54] = 1; vdouble[ 55] = 1; 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vdouble[ 429] = 1; vdouble[ 430] = 1; vdouble[ 431] = 1; vdouble[ 432] = 1; vdouble[ 433] = 1; vdouble[ 434] = 1; vdouble[ 435] = 1; vdouble[ 436] = 1; vdouble[ 437] = 1; vdouble[ 438] = 1; vdouble[ 439] = 1; vdouble[ 440] = 1; vdouble[ 441] = 1; vdouble[ 442] = 1; vdouble[ 443] = 1; vdouble[ 444] = 1; vdouble[ 445] = 1; vdouble[ 446] = 1; vdouble[ 447] = 1; vdouble[ 448] = 1; vdouble[ 449] = 1; vdouble[ 450] = 1; vdouble[ 451] = 1; vdouble[ 452] = 1; vdouble[ 453] = 1; vdouble[ 454] = 1; vdouble[ 455] = 1; vdouble[ 456] = 1; vdouble[ 457] = 1; vdouble[ 458] = 1; vdouble[ 459] = 1; vdouble[ 460] = 1; vdouble[ 461] = 1; vdouble[ 462] = 1; vdouble[ 463] = 1; vdouble[ 464] = 1; vdouble[ 465] = 1; vdouble[ 466] = 1; vdouble[ 467] = 1; vdouble[ 468] = 1; vdouble[ 469] = 1; vdouble[ 470] = 1; vdouble[ 471] = 1; vdouble[ 472] = 1; vdouble[ 473] = 1; vdouble[ 474] = 1; vdouble[ 475] = 1; vdouble[ 476] = 1; vdouble[ 477] = 1; vdouble[ 478] = 1; vdouble[ 479] = 1; vdouble[ 480] = 1; vdouble[ 481] = 1; vdouble[ 482] = 1; vdouble[ 483] = 1; vdouble[ 484] = 1; vdouble[ 485] = 1; vdouble[ 486] = 1; vdouble[ 487] = 1; vdouble[ 488] = 1; vdouble[ 489] = 1; vdouble[ 490] = 1; vdouble[ 491] = 1; vdouble[ 492] = 1; vdouble[ 493] = 1; vdouble[ 494] = 1; vdouble[ 495] = 1; GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",vdouble,size),0); free(vdouble); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"dirty_statistics",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"changeDecimalPrecision",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"decimalPrecision",0),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"setBitsPerValue",0),0); /* Save the message */ f = fopen(argv[1],"w"); if(!f) { perror(argv[1]); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(h,&buffer,&size),0); if(fwrite(buffer,1,size,f) != size) { perror(argv[1]); exit(1); } if(fclose(f)) { perror(argv[1]); exit(1); } grib_handle_delete(h); return 0; }
static void compare_handles(int n,grib_handle* h1,grib_handle* h2,FILE* out) { size_t len1 = 0; size_t len2 = 0; double *dval1 = NULL, *dval2 = NULL, *dval3 = NULL; double maxe = 0,mine = 0; double maxa = 0,mina = 0; int i,maxi = 0,maxai = 0; double lat,lon; GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h1,"values",&len1),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h2,"values",&len2),NULL); if(len1 != len2) { printf("Field size mismatch %ld != %ld\n",(long)len1,(long)len2); exit(1); } dval1 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(h1->context,len1*sizeof(double)); Assert(dval1); dval2 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(double)); Assert(dval2); if(out) dval3 = (double*)grib_context_malloc(h2->context,len2*sizeof(double)); Assert(dval2); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h1,"values",dval1,&len1),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h2,"values",dval2,&len2),NULL); for(i = 0; i < len1; i++) { double e = err(dval1[i],dval2[i]); double a = fabs(dval1[i]-dval2[i]); if(i == 0) maxe = mine = e; if(i == 0) maxa = mina = a; if(out) dval3[i] = absolute ? a : e; if(e < mine) mine = e; if(e > maxe) { maxe = e; maxi = i; } if(a < mina) mina = a; if(a > maxa) { maxa = a; maxai = i; } } if(out) { const void *buffer; size_t size; GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h1,"generatingProcessIdentifier",255),NULL); /* To prevent Magics to scale the field */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h1,"numberOfBitsContainingEachPackedValue",24),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h1,"values",dval3,len1),NULL); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(h1,&buffer,&size),NULL); if(fwrite(buffer,1,size,out) != size) { perror(outname); exit(1); } } printf("Field %ld: min relative error: %g%%, max relative error: %g%% [%g,%g,%g]\n",(long)n,mine*100,maxe*100, dval1[maxi],dval2[maxi],fabs(dval1[maxi]-dval2[maxi])); if(location(h1,maxi,&lat,&lon)) printf(" latitude = %g, longitude = %g\n",lat,lon); printf("Field %ld: min absolute error: %g, max absolute error: %g [%g,%g]\n",(long)n,mina,maxa, dval1[maxai],dval2[maxai]); if(location(h1,maxai,&lat,&lon)) printf(" latitude = %g, longitude = %g\n",lat,lon); grib_context_free(h1->context,dval1); grib_context_free(h2->context,dval2); grib_context_free(h2->context,dval3); }
int grib_init_accessor_from_handle(grib_loader* loader,grib_accessor* ga,grib_arguments* default_value) { grib_handle* h = (grib_handle*)loader->data; int ret = GRIB_SUCCESS; size_t len = 0; char* sval = NULL; unsigned char* uval = NULL; long* lval = NULL; double* dval = NULL; static int first = 1; static const char* missing = 0; const char* name = NULL; int k = 0; grib_handle *g; int e, pack_missing = 0; grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "XXXXX Copying %s", ga->name); if(default_value) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying: setting %s to default value", ga->name); grib_pack_expression(ga,grib_arguments_get_expression(h,default_value,0)); } if( (ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_NO_COPY) || ((ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_EDITION_SPECIFIC) && loader->changing_edition ) || (ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_FUNCTION) || ( (ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_READ_ONLY) && !(ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_COPY_OK) ) ) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying %s ignored", ga->name); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } #if 0 if(h->values) if(copy_values(h,ga) == GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying: setting %s to multi-set-value", ga->name); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } #endif #if 0 if(h->loader) h->loader->init_accessor(h->loader,ga,default_value); #else /* COMEBACK here this is needed if we reparse during reparse.... */ g = h; while(g) { if(g->values) { if(copy_values(g,ga) == GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying: setting %s to multi-set-value", ga->name); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } } g = g->main; } #endif /* Check if the same name exists in the original message ... */ k = 0; while( (k < MAX_ACCESSOR_NAMES) && ((name = ga->all_names[k]) != NULL) && ((ret = grib_get_size(h,name,&len)) != GRIB_SUCCESS)) k++; if(ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) { name = ga->name; if(first) { missing = getenv("GRIB_PRINT_MISSING"); first = 0; } grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying [%s] failed: %s", name,grib_get_error_message(ret)); if(missing) { fprintf(stdout,"REPARSE: no value for %s",name); if(default_value) fprintf(stdout," (default value)"); fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } return GRIB_SUCCESS; } /* we copy also virtual keys*/ if(len == 0) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying %s failed, length is 0", name); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } if((ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_CAN_BE_MISSING) && grib_is_missing(h,name,&e) && e == GRIB_SUCCESS && len == 1) { grib_pack_missing(ga); pack_missing = 1; } switch(grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga)) { case GRIB_TYPE_STRING: /* len = len > 1024 ? len : 1024; */ grib_get_string_length(h,name,&len); sval = (char*)grib_context_malloc(h->context,len); ret = grib_get_string_internal(h,name,sval,&len); if(ret == GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying string %s to %s", sval, name); ret = grib_pack_string(ga,sval,&len); } grib_context_free(h->context,sval); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: lval = (long*)grib_context_malloc(h->context,len*sizeof(long)); ret = grib_get_long_array_internal(h,name,lval,&len); if(ret == GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying %d long(s) %d to %s", len, lval[0], name); if(ga->same) { ret = grib_set_long_array(ga->parent->h,ga->name,lval,len); /* Allow for lists to be resized */ if((ret == GRIB_WRONG_ARRAY_SIZE || ret == GRIB_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL) && loader->list_is_resized) ret = GRIB_SUCCESS; } else { /* See GRIB-492. This is NOT an ideal solution! */ if (*lval == GRIB_MISSING_LONG || pack_missing) { ; /* No checks needed */ } else { /* If we have just one key of type long which has one octet, then do not exceed maximum value */ const long num_octets = ga->length; if (len == 1 && num_octets == 1 && *lval > 255) { *lval = 0; /* Reset to a reasonable value */ } } ret = grib_pack_long(ga,lval,&len); } } grib_context_free(h->context,lval); break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: dval = (double*)grib_context_malloc(h->context,len*sizeof(double)); ret = grib_get_double_array_internal(h,name,dval,&len); if(ret == GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying %d double(s) %g to %s", len, dval[0], name); if(ga->same) { ret = grib_set_double_array(ga->parent->h,ga->name,dval,len); /* Allow for lists to be resized */ if((ret == GRIB_WRONG_ARRAY_SIZE || ret == GRIB_ARRAY_TOO_SMALL) && loader->list_is_resized) ret = GRIB_SUCCESS; } else ret = grib_pack_double(ga,dval,&len); } grib_context_free(h->context,dval); break; case GRIB_TYPE_BYTES: uval = (unsigned char*)grib_context_malloc(h->context,len*sizeof(char)); ret = grib_get_bytes_internal(h,name,uval,&len); if(ret == GRIB_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying %d byte(s) to %s", len, name); ret = grib_pack_bytes(ga,uval,&len); } grib_context_free(h->context,uval); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LABEL: break; default: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Copying %s, cannot establish type %d [%s]" , name,grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga),ga->creator->cclass->name); break; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int err = 0; size_t size=0; FILE* in = NULL; char* infile = "../../data/regular_latlon_surface.grib1"; FILE* out = NULL; char* outfile = "out.grib1"; grib_handle *h = NULL; const void* buffer = NULL; size_t values_len; double* values; double missing=9999; int i=0; in = fopen(infile,"r"); if(!in) { printf("ERROR: unable to open input file %s\n",infile); return 1; } out = fopen(outfile,"w"); if(!out) { printf("ERROR: unable to open output file %s\n",outfile); fclose(in); return 1; } h = grib_handle_new_from_file(0,in,&err); if (h == NULL) { printf("Error: unable to create handle from file %s\n",infile); } GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double(h,"missingValue",missing),0); /* get the size of the values array*/ GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&values_len),0); values = (double*)malloc(values_len*sizeof(double)); /* get data values*/ GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&values_len),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"bitmapPresent",1),0); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) values[i]=missing; GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,values_len),0); /* get the coded message in a buffer */ GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(h,&buffer,&size),0); /* write the buffer in a file*/ if(fwrite(buffer,1,size,out) != size) { perror(outfile); exit(1); } /* delete handle */ grib_handle_delete(h); fclose(in); fclose(out); return 0; }
static int pack_double(grib_accessor* a, const double* val, size_t *len) { grib_accessor_data_g1complex_packing* self = (grib_accessor_data_g1complex_packing*)a; int ret = GRIB_SUCCESS; long seclen=0; long sub_j= 0; long sub_k= 0; long sub_m= 0; long n= 0; long half_byte= 0; long bits_per_value =0; size_t buflen =0; grib_context* c=a->parent->h->context; grib_handle* h=a->parent->h; char* ieee_packing_s=NULL; char* packingType_s=NULL; char* precision_s=NULL; grib_accessor_class* super = *(a->cclass->super); if (*len ==0) return GRIB_NO_VALUES; if (c->ieee_packing && self->ieee_packing) { long precision=c->ieee_packing==32 ? 1 : 2; size_t lenstr=strlen(self->ieee_packing); packingType_s=grib_context_strdup(c,self->packingType); ieee_packing_s=grib_context_strdup(c,self->ieee_packing); precision_s=grib_context_strdup(c,self->precision); grib_set_string(h,packingType_s,ieee_packing_s,&lenstr); grib_set_long(h,precision_s,precision); grib_context_free(c,packingType_s); grib_context_free(c,ieee_packing_s); grib_context_free(c,precision_s); return grib_set_double_array(h,"values",val,*len); } if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->sub_j,&sub_j)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->sub_k,&sub_k)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->sub_m,&sub_m)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; self->dirty=1; Assert ((sub_j== sub_k) && (sub_m== sub_j)); ret = super->pack_double(a,val,len); if(ret == GRIB_SUCCESS){ n = a->offset + 4*((sub_k+1)*(sub_k+2)); #if 1 /* Octet number starts from beginning of message but shouldn't */ if((ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->N,n)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; #else ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->offsetsection,&offsetsection); if(ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->N,n-offsetsection)) != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; #endif ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->bits_per_value,&bits_per_value); if(ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; ret = grib_get_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->seclen,&seclen); if(ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; buflen = 32*(sub_k+1)*(sub_k+2)+(*len-(sub_k+1)*(sub_k+2))*bits_per_value+18*8; half_byte = seclen*8-buflen; if (a->parent->h->context->debug==-1) { printf("GRIB_API DEBUG: half_byte=%ld\n",half_byte); } ret = grib_set_long_internal(a->parent->h,self->half_byte, half_byte); if(ret != GRIB_SUCCESS) return ret; } return ret; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int i,j; FILE *in,*out; int e; grib_handle *result = NULL,*h; double* values = NULL; double *tmp = NULL; size_t size,count; fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING: The tool %s is deprecated.\n\n", argv[0]); if(argc < 3) usage(argv[0]); out = fopen(argv[argc-1],"w"); if(!out) { perror(argv[argc-1]); exit(1); } for(i = 1; i < argc-1; i++) { in = fopen(argv[i],"r"); if(!in) { perror(argv[i]); exit(1); } while( (h = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL,in,&e)) != NULL ) { if(result == NULL) { GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&size),argv[i]); values = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); assert(values); tmp = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); assert(tmp); result = h; } GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&count),argv[i]); assert(count == size); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",tmp,&count),argv[i]); assert(count == size); for(j = 0; j < count; j++) values[j] += tmp[j]; if(h != result) grib_handle_delete(h); } GRIB_CHECK(e,argv[argc-2]); } if(result) { const void *buffer; GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(result,"values",values,size),argv[i]); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_message(result,&buffer,&size),argv[0]); if(fwrite(buffer,1,size,out) != size) { perror(argv[argc-1]); exit(1); } grib_handle_delete(result); } if(fclose(out)) { perror(argv[argc-1]); exit(1); } return 0; }
int grib_tool_new_handle_action(grib_runtime_options* options, grib_handle* h) { grib_rule* r = options->rules; int i; int err=0; double scale = 1; double offset = 0; int set = options->set_values_count; while(r) { if(r->condition) { long ok = 0; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_expression_evaluate_long(h,r->condition,&ok),NULL); if(ok) { grib_rule_entry* e = r->entries; while(e) { if (!strcmp(e->name,"skip")) return 0; Assert(set < (sizeof(options->set_values)/sizeof(options->set_values[0]))); options->set_values[set].name = e->name; options->set_values[set].error=grib_expression_set_value(h, e->value,&(options->set_values[set])); set++; e = e->next; } } } r = r->next; } if(options->verbose) { printf("Applying %d:\n",options->infile->handle_count); grib_print_values(options->set_values, set); printf("\n"); } err=grib_set_values(h,options->set_values, set); if( err != GRIB_SUCCESS) { for(i = 0; i < options->set_values_count ; i++) { if(options->set_values[i].error != GRIB_SUCCESS && options->set_values[i].error != GRIB_CONCEPT_NO_MATCH && options->fail) grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR,"unable to set key \"%s\" (%s)", options->set_values[i].name,grib_get_error_message( options->set_values[i].error)); } } grib_get_double(h,"scaleValuesBy",&scale); grib_get_double(h,"offsetValuesBy",&offset); if(scale != 1 || offset != 0) { double *v; size_t size; int i; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_size(h,"values",&size),0); v = (double*)calloc(size,sizeof(double)); if(!v) { fprintf(stderr,"failed to allocate %ld bytes\n",(long)(size*sizeof(double))); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",v,&size),0); if(options->verbose) { printf("Applying scale=%g/offset=%g\n",scale,offset); } for(i = 0; i< size; i++) v[i] = v[i] * scale + offset; GRIB_CHECK_NOLINE(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",v,size),0); free(v); } grib_tools_write_message(options,h); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { grib_handle *h=NULL; grib_context* c=NULL; FILE* fin=NULL; FILE* fout=NULL; char* finname; char* ofilename; char defofilename[]="ccsds_perf.out"; double *values=NULL; int append=0; size_t nvalues=0; int count,e=0; int repeatccsds=1; int repeatsimple=1; grib_timer *tes,*tds,*tej,*tdj; char grid_ccsds[]="grid_ccsds"; size_t grid_ccsds_l=strlen(grid_ccsds); char grid_simple[]="grid_simple"; size_t grid_simple_l=strlen(grid_simple); char packingType[50]={0,}; size_t len=50; char param[50]={0,}; char gridType[50]={0,}; char outfilename[255]={0,}; size_t filesize_ccsds=0; size_t filesize_simple=0; double perc=0; long bitsPerValue=0; int iarg=1; char grid[20]={0,}; char shortName[20]={0,}; long level; char levelType[20]={0,}; tes=grib_get_timer(0,"encoding simple", 0, 0); tds=grib_get_timer(0,"decoding simple", 0, 0); tej=grib_get_timer(0,"encoding ccsds", 0, 0); tdj=grib_get_timer(0,"decoding ccsds", 0, 0); if (argc != 4 && argc != 6 ) usage(argv[0]); if (!strcmp(argv[iarg],"-w")) { append=0; iarg++; ofilename=argv[iarg]; iarg++; } else if (!strcmp(argv[iarg],"-a")) { append=1; iarg++; ofilename=argv[iarg]; iarg++; } else { append=0; ofilename=defofilename; } finname=argv[iarg++]; repeatsimple=atoi(argv[iarg++]); bitsPerValue=atoi(argv[iarg++]); fin = fopen(finname,"r"); if(!fin) {perror(finname);exit(1);} if (append) fout = fopen(ofilename,"a"); else fout = fopen(ofilename,"w"); if(!fout) {perror(ofilename);exit(1);} c=grib_context_get_default(); e=0; h=grib_handle_new_from_file(c,fin,&e); fclose(fin); GRIB_CHECK(e,0); len=50; grib_get_string(h,"shortName",param,&len); len=20; grib_get_string(h,"levelType",levelType,&len); if (!strcmp(levelType,"pl")) { GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_long(h,"level",&level),0); sprintf(shortName,"%s%ld",param,level); } else { sprintf(shortName,"%s",param); } grib_set_long(h,"editionNumber",2); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&nvalues),0); values=(double*)grib_context_malloc(c,sizeof(double)*nvalues); if (!values) { printf("%s: memory allocation error\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } len=50; grib_get_string(h,"gridType",gridType,&len); len=50; grib_get_string(h,"packingType",packingType,&len); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); grib_set_long(h,"bitsPerValue",bitsPerValue); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); printf("--------------------------------\n"); printf("- %s - gridType=%s packingType=%s numberOfValues=%ld bitsPerValue=%ld\n", param,gridType,packingType,(long)nvalues,bitsPerValue); if (!strcmp(packingType,"spectral_complex") || !strcmp(packingType,"spectral_simple")) { printf("unable to process spectral data\n"); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(gridType,"reduced_gg") || !strcmp(gridType,"regular_gg")) { long N; grib_get_long(h,"N",&N); printf(" N=%ld\n",N); sprintf(grid,"%ld",N); } if (!strcmp(gridType,"regular_ll")) { double Di,Dj; grib_get_double(h,"DiInDegrees",&Di); grib_get_double(h,"DjInDegrees",&Dj); printf(" Di=%g Dj=%g\n",Di,Dj); sprintf(grid,"%g/%g",Di,Dj); } if (!append) fprintf(fout, "shortName gridType numberOfValues bitsPerValue grid sizeSimple sizeccsds encodeccsds encodeSimple decodeccsds decodeSimple\n"); /* decode values grid_simple */ if (strcmp(packingType,grid_simple)) grib_set_string(h,"packingType",grid_simple,&grid_simple_l); /* printf("decoding simple\n"); */ grib_timer_start(tds); for (count=0;count<repeatsimple;count++) GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); grib_timer_stop(tds,0); /* printf("%d messages decoded\n\n",count); */ *outfilename='\0'; sprintf(outfilename,"%s_%s_%ld_simple.grib2",param,gridType,bitsPerValue); filesize_simple=grib_handle_write(h,outfilename); printf("file size simple = %ld\n",(long)filesize_simple); /* encode values grid_simple*/ /* printf("encoding simple\n"); */ grib_timer_start(tes); for (count=0;count<repeatsimple;count++) GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); grib_timer_stop(tes,0); /* printf("%d messages encoded \n\n",count); */ /* decode values grid_ccsds */ grib_set_string(h,"packingType",grid_ccsds,&grid_ccsds_l); /* printf("decoding ccsds\n"); */ grib_timer_start(tdj); for (count=0;count<repeatccsds;count++) GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); grib_timer_stop(tdj,0); /* printf("%d messages decoded\n\n",count); */ *outfilename='\0'; sprintf(outfilename,"%s_%s_%ld_ccsds.grib2",param,gridType,bitsPerValue); filesize_ccsds=grib_handle_write(h,outfilename); printf("file size ccsds = %ld\n",(long)filesize_ccsds); perc=(double)filesize_simple/(double)filesize_ccsds; printf("compression ratio = %g \n",perc); printf("space savings = %g \n",(1.0-1.0/perc)*100); /* encode values grid_ccsds*/ /* printf("encoding ccsds\n"); */ grib_timer_start(tej); for (count=0;count<repeatccsds;count++) GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); grib_timer_stop(tej,0); /* printf("%d messages encoded \n\n",count); */ grib_handle_delete(h); grib_context_free(c,values); print_timer(tej,repeatccsds); print_timer(tdj,repeatccsds); print_timer(tes,repeatsimple); print_timer(tds,repeatsimple); printf("--------------------------------\n\n"); fprintf(fout,"%s %s %ld %ld %s %ld %ld %g %g %g %g\n", shortName,gridType,(long)nvalues,bitsPerValue, grid,(long)filesize_simple,(long)filesize_ccsds,tej->timer_/repeatccsds,tes->timer_/repeatsimple,tdj->timer_/repeatccsds,tds->timer_/repeatsimple); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { grib_handle *h=NULL; grib_context* c=NULL; FILE* fin=NULL; double *values=NULL; char buffer[BUFF_SIZE]={0,}; char buf[BUFF_SIZE]={0,}; size_t length; int sec4len; flong ksec0[ISECTION_0]; flong ksec1[ISECTION_1]; flong ksec2[ISECTION_2]; flong ksec3[ISECTION_3]; flong ksec4[ISECTION_4]; flong miss=0; const void *msg; flong gribex_msg_len=0; double rsec2[RSECTION_2]; double rsec3[RSECTION_3]; size_t nvalues=0; double* gvalues; FILE* fout; int one=1; char finname[]="sh.grib"; fin = fopen(finname,"r"); if(!fin) {perror(finname);exit(1);} c=grib_context_get_default(); length=BUFF_SIZE; GRIB_CHECK(grib_read_any_from_file(c,fin,buffer,&length),0); fclose(fin); h=grib_handle_new_from_message_copy(c,buffer,length); GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_size(h,"values",&nvalues),0); values=(double*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(double)*nvalues); gvalues=(double*)grib_context_malloc_clear(c,sizeof(double)*nvalues); if (!values) { printf("%s: memory allocation error\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } if (!gvalues) { printf("%s: memory allocation error\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } GRIB_CHECK(grib_get_double_array(h,"values",values,&nvalues),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_long(h,"computeLaplacianOperator",1),0); GRIB_CHECK(grib_set_double_array(h,"values",values,nvalues),0); grib_write_message(h,"out_grib_api.grib","w"); sec4len=nvalues+100000; /* decode with gribex*/ msg=(char*)buffer; gribex_msg_len=length; sec4len=nvalues+100000; gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,gvalues,sec4len, (char*)msg,&gribex_msg_len,"D")); /* encode values with gribex*/ gribex_msg_len=BUFF_SIZE; grsmkp_(&one); gribex_check(cgribex( miss, ksec0,ksec1,ksec2,rsec2,ksec3,rsec3, ksec4,gvalues,nvalues, buf,&gribex_msg_len,"C")); fout=fopen("out_gribex.grib","w"); if (!fout) {perror("out_gribex.grib");exit(1);} if (fwrite(buf,1,gribex_msg_len,fout)!=gribex_msg_len) { perror("out_gribex.grib"); exit(1); } fclose(fout); return 0; }
int grib_init_accessor_from_array(grib_loader* loader,grib_accessor* ga,grib_arguments* default_value) { grib_handle* h = ga->parent->h; int retval =GRIB_SUCCESS; char* strvalue; size_t len=0; int type=0; double* dvalue=0; long* lvalue=0; long lval=0; double dval=0; int i=0; grib_associative_array* ar=NULL; grib_runtime_type* value=NULL; ar=(grib_associative_array*)loader->data; grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Initialize %s", ga->name); retval= grib_associative_array_get(ar,ga->name,&value); if((retval != GRIB_ARRAY_SUCCESS) && default_value) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to default value", ga->name); grib_pack_expression(ga,grib_arguments_get_expression(h,default_value,0)); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } if(ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_READ_ONLY) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s ignored (read only)", ga->name); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } if (retval != GRIB_ARRAY_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Grib array error %d",retval); if ((ga->flags & GRIB_ACCESSOR_FLAG_CAN_BE_MISSING)) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s ignored (optional or can be missing)", ga->name); return GRIB_SUCCESS; } else { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "%s required", ga->name); return retval; } } if (value && grib_runtimetype_get_type(value,&type) == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_SUCCESS) { if (type == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_CHAR ) { grib_runtimetype_get_char(value,&strvalue,&len); switch(grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga)) { case GRIB_TYPE_STRING: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to string %s", ga->name, strvalue); grib_set_string_internal(h,ga->name,strvalue,&len); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: if (!strcmp(strvalue,"MISSING")) lval=GRIB_MISSING_LONG; else lval=atol(strvalue); grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to long %d", ga->name, lval); grib_set_long_internal(h,ga->name,lval); break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: if (!strcmp(strvalue,"MISSING")) dval=GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE; else if (sscanf(strvalue,"%lg",&dval)!=1) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set %s wrong value format", ga->name); } grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to double %lg (%s)", ga->name, dval,strvalue); grib_set_double_internal(h,ga->name,dval); break; case GRIB_TYPE_BYTES: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to string %s", ga->name, strvalue); grib_set_bytes_internal(h,ga->name,(unsigned char*)strvalue,&len); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LABEL: break; default: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Setting %s, cannot establish type %d [%s]" , ga->name,grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga),ga->creator->cclass->name); break; } } else { if (grib_runtimetype_get_double(value,&dvalue,&len) == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_SUCCESS) { switch(grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga)) { case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: lvalue=(long*)malloc(sizeof(long)*len); for (i=0;i<len;i++) lvalue[i]=(long)dvalue[i]; grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting long array %s",ga->name); grib_set_long_array(h,ga->name,lvalue,len); free(lvalue); break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting double array %s",ga->name); grib_set_double_array(h,ga->name,dvalue,len); break; default: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Setting array %s, wrong type [%d]" , ga->name,grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga)); break; } } else grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set %s to double, wrong type (%d)", ga->name,type); } #if 0 switch(grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga)) { case GRIB_TYPE_STRING: if (grib_runtimetype_get_char(value,&strvalue,&strvalue_size) == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to string %s", ga->name, strvalue); len=strlen(strvalue); grib_set_string_internal(h,ga->name,strvalue,&len); } else grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set %s to string, wrong type", ga->name); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LONG: if (grib_runtimetype_get_long(value,&lval,&len) == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to long %d", ga->name, lval); grib_set_long_internal(h,ga->name,*lval); } else grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set %s to long, wrong type", ga->name); break; case GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE: if (grib_runtimetype_get_double(value,&dval,&len) == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to long %d", ga->name, dval); grib_set_double_internal(h,ga->name,*dval); } else grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set %s to double, wrong type", ga->name); break; case GRIB_TYPE_BYTES: if (grib_runtimetype_get_char(value,&strvalue,&len) == GRIB_RUNTIMETYPE_SUCCESS) { grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting %s to string %s", ga->name, strvalue); grib_set_bytes_internal(h,ga->name,(unsigned char*)strvalue,&len); } else grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set %s to string, wrong type", ga->name); break; case GRIB_TYPE_LABEL: break; default: grib_context_log(h->context,GRIB_LOG_ERROR, "Setting %s, cannot establish type %d [%s]" , ga->name,grib_accessor_get_native_type(ga),ga->creator->cclass->name); break; } #endif } return retval; }