std::array<Vec2r, 4> Grid2dUtility::corners(int pixelId) const { Vec2r offset = gridToWorld(pixelId); std::array<Vec2r, 4> corners; corners[0] = offset; corners[1] = offset+Vec2r(h,0); corners[2] = offset+Vec2r(h,h); corners[3] = offset+Vec2r(0,h); return corners; }
void StompCollisionSpace::getVoxelsInBody(const bodies::Body &body, std::vector<tf::Vector3> &voxels) { bodies::BoundingSphere bounding_sphere; body.computeBoundingSphere(bounding_sphere); int x,y,z,x_min,x_max,y_min,y_max,z_min,z_max; double xw,yw,zw; tf::Vector3 v; worldToGrid(,,,, x_min,y_min,z_min); worldToGrid(,,,, x_max,y_max,z_max); for(x = x_min; x <= x_max; ++x) { for(y = y_min; y <= y_max; ++y) { for(z = z_min; z <= z_max; ++z) { gridToWorld(,x,y,z,xw,yw,zw); v.setX(xw); v.setY(yw); v.setZ(zw); // compute all intersections int count=0; std::vector<tf::Vector3> pts; body.intersectsRay(v, tf::Vector3(0, 0, 1), &pts, count); // if we have an odd number of intersections, we are inside if (pts.size() % 2 == 1) voxels.push_back(v); } } } // ROS_INFO("number of occupied voxels in bounding sphere: %i", voxels.size()); }
void OccupancyGrid::getOccupiedVoxels(double x_center, double y_center, double z_center, double radius, std::string text, std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> &voxels) { int x_c, y_c, z_c, radius_c; geometry_msgs::Point v; worldToGrid(x_center, y_center, z_center, x_c, y_c, z_c); radius_c = radius/getResolution() + 0.5; for(int z = z_c-radius_c; z < z_c+radius_c; ++z) { for(int y = y_c-radius_c; y < y_c+radius_c; ++y) { for(int x = x_c-radius_c; x < x_c+radius_c; ++x) { if(getCell(x,y,z) == 0) { gridToWorld(x, y, z, v.x, v.y, v.z); voxels.push_back(v); } } } } }
void ObstacleCombinator::generateObstacleFromCurrentCluster(std::vector<ObstacleModel::Obstacle>& obstacles) { Vector2<int>& c = currentCluster.cells[0]; int xMin(c.x); int yMin(c.y); int xMax(c.x); int yMax(c.y); float rightAngle = 10.0; float leftAngle = -10.0; Vector2<int> rightCorner; Vector2<int> leftCorner; Vector2<> centerCells; Vector2<int> robotPosition(USObstacleGrid::GRID_LENGTH / 2, USObstacleGrid::GRID_LENGTH / 2); Vector2<int> closestPoint(USObstacleGrid::GRID_LENGTH, USObstacleGrid::GRID_LENGTH); int closestPointSqrDist(USObstacleGrid::GRID_SIZE * 2); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < currentCluster.cells.size(); ++i) { c = currentCluster.cells[i]; centerCells.x += c.x; centerCells.y += c.y; Vector2<int> point(c.x - robotPosition.x, c.y - robotPosition.y); int sqrDistToRobot = sqr(point.x) + sqr(point.y); float angleToRobot = atan2(static_cast<float>(point.y), static_cast<float>(point.x)); if(angleToRobot < rightAngle) { rightAngle = angleToRobot; rightCorner = Vector2<int>(c.x, c.y); } if(angleToRobot > leftAngle) { leftAngle = angleToRobot; leftCorner = Vector2<int>(c.x, c.y); } if(sqrDistToRobot < closestPointSqrDist) { closestPoint = c; closestPointSqrDist = sqrDistToRobot; } if(c.x < xMin) xMin = c.x; else if(c.x > xMax) xMax = c.x; if(c.y < yMin) yMin = c.y; else if(c.y > yMax) yMax = c.y; } centerCells /= static_cast<float>(currentCluster.cells.size()); const float angleToCenterPoint = Geometry::angleTo(Pose2D(USObstacleGrid::GRID_LENGTH / 2, USObstacleGrid::GRID_LENGTH / 2), centerCells); //calculates the angle to the center of the cluster in grid coordinate system (independent of robot rotation) const float cosinus = cos(-angleToCenterPoint); const float sinus = sin(-angleToCenterPoint); float newX; float newY; //initializing of the rectangle float xMinRotated(FLT_MAX); float yMinRotated(FLT_MAX); float xMaxRotated(-FLT_MAX); float yMaxRotated(-FLT_MAX); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < currentCluster.cells.size(); ++i) { newX = cosinus * currentCluster.cells[i].x - sinus * currentCluster.cells[i].y; // rotates each cell of the cluster newY = sinus * currentCluster.cells[i].x + cosinus * currentCluster.cells[i].y; //sets new values for rectangle if(newX < xMinRotated) xMinRotated = newX; else if(newX > xMaxRotated) xMaxRotated = newX; if(newY < yMinRotated) yMinRotated = newY; else if(newY > yMaxRotated) yMaxRotated = newY; } Vector2<> closestPointWorld = gridToWorld(Vector2<>(closestPoint.x + 0.5f, closestPoint.y + 0.5f)); Vector2<> centerWorld = gridToWorld(centerCells); //expansion (length of x- and y-axis through the center point) and orientation (dependent on robot rotation) of the cluster Vector3<> covarianceEllipse(((xMaxRotated - xMinRotated) * USObstacleGrid::CELL_SIZE) * parameters.covarianceFactor, ((yMaxRotated - yMinRotated) * USObstacleGrid::CELL_SIZE) * parameters.covarianceFactor, atan2(centerWorld.y, centerWorld.x)); Matrix2x2<> covariance(covarianceEllipse.x, 0, 0, covarianceEllipse.y); // covariance is initialised with uncorrelated values (only expansion of cluster as variances) rotateMatrix(covariance, covarianceEllipse.z); // rotates the covariance so that it fits to the orientation and expansion of the cluster obstacles.push_back(ObstacleModel::Obstacle(gridToWorld(Vector2<>((float)(leftCorner.x), (float)(leftCorner.y))), gridToWorld(Vector2<>((float)(rightCorner.x), (float)(rightCorner.y))), centerWorld, closestPointWorld, static_cast<int>(currentCluster.cells.size()), covariance)); }
SReal Grid3dUtility::length(int cellId1, int cellId2) const { Vec3f wCoord1 = gridToWorld(cellId1); Vec3f wCoord2 = gridToWorld(cellId2); return (wCoord1-wCoord2).length(); }
Vec3f Grid3dUtility::gridToWorld(const int i) const { Vec3i gCoord = gridCoord(i); Vec3f wCoord = gridToWorld(gCoord); return wCoord; }
Vec2r Grid2dUtility::gridToWorld(const int i) const { Vec2i gCoord = gridCoord(i); Vec2r wCoord = gridToWorld(gCoord); return wCoord; }
void collision_detection::StaticDistanceField::initialize( const bodies::Body& body, double resolution, double space_around_body, bool save_points) { points_.clear(); inv_twice_resolution_ = 1.0 / (2.0 * resolution); logInform(" create points at res=%f",resolution); EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d points; determineCollisionPoints(body, resolution, points); if (points.empty()) { logWarn(" StaticDistanceField::initialize: No points in body. Using origin."); points.push_back(body.getPose().translation()); if (body.getType() == shapes::MESH) { const bodies::ConvexMesh& mesh = dynamic_cast<const bodies::ConvexMesh&>(body); const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d& verts = mesh.getVertices(); logWarn(" StaticDistanceField::initialize: also using %d vertices.", int(verts.size())); EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d::const_iterator it = verts.begin(); EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d::const_iterator it_end = verts.end(); for ( ; it != it_end ; ++it) { points.push_back(*it); } } } logInform(" StaticDistanceField::initialize: Using %d points.", points.size()); AABB aabb; aabb.add(points); logInform(" space_around_body = %f",space_around_body); logInform(" DF: min=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) max=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) (pre-space)", aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), aabb.max_.x(), aabb.max_.y(), aabb.max_.z()); aabb.min_ -= Eigen::Vector3d(space_around_body, space_around_body, space_around_body); aabb.max_ += Eigen::Vector3d(space_around_body, space_around_body, space_around_body); logInform(" DF: min=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) max=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) (pre-adjust)", aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), aabb.max_.x(), aabb.max_.y(), aabb.max_.z()); aabb.min_.x() = std::floor(aabb.min_.x() / resolution) * resolution; aabb.min_.y() = std::floor(aabb.min_.y() / resolution) * resolution; aabb.min_.z() = std::floor(aabb.min_.z() / resolution) * resolution; logInform(" DF: min=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) max=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) (post-adjust)", aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), aabb.max_.x(), aabb.max_.y(), aabb.max_.z()); Eigen::Vector3d size = aabb.max_ - aabb.min_; double diagonal = size.norm(); logInform(" DF: sz=(%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f) cnt=(%d %d %d) diag=%f", size.x(), size.y(), size.z(), int(size.x()/resolution), int(size.y()/resolution), int(size.z()/resolution), diagonal); distance_field::PropagationDistanceField df( size.x(), size.y(), size.z(), resolution, aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), diagonal * 2.0, true); df.addPointsToField(points); DistPosEntry default_entry; default_entry.distance_ = diagonal * 2.0; default_entry.cell_id_ = -1; resize(size.x(), size.y(), size.z(), resolution, aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), default_entry); logInform(" copy %d points.", getNumCells(distance_field::DIM_X) * getNumCells(distance_field::DIM_Y) * getNumCells(distance_field::DIM_Z)); int pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z; int sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z; Eigen::Vector3d pdf_p, sdf_p; df.worldToGrid(aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z); worldToGrid(aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z); df.gridToWorld(pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z, pdf_p.x(), pdf_p.y(), pdf_p.z()); gridToWorld(sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z, sdf_p.x(), sdf_p.y(), sdf_p.z()); logInform(" DF: min=(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant->%3d %3d %3d (pdf)", aabb.min_.x(), aabb.min_.y(), aabb.min_.z(), pdf_x, pdf_y, pdf_z); logInform(" DF: min=(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant<-%3d %3d %3d (pdf)", pdf_p.x(), pdf_p.y(), pdf_p.z(), pdf_x, pdf_y, pdf_z); logInform(" DF: min=(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant<-%3d %3d %3d (sdf)", sdf_p.x(), sdf_p.y(), sdf_p.z(), sdf_x, sdf_y, sdf_z); df.worldToGrid(0,0,0, pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z); worldToGrid(0,0,0, sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z); df.gridToWorld(pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z, pdf_p.x(), pdf_p.y(), pdf_p.z()); gridToWorld(sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z, sdf_p.x(), sdf_p.y(), sdf_p.z()); logInform(" DF: org=(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant->%3d %3d %3d (pdf)", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, pdf_x, pdf_y, pdf_z); logInform(" DF: org=(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant<-%3d %3d %3d (pdf)", pdf_p.x(), pdf_p.y(), pdf_p.z(), pdf_x, pdf_y, pdf_z); logInform(" DF: org=(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant<-%3d %3d %3d (sdf)", sdf_p.x(), sdf_p.y(), sdf_p.z(), sdf_x, sdf_y, sdf_z); df.worldToGrid(points[0].x(), points[0].y(), points[0].z(), pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z); worldToGrid(points[0].x(), points[0].y(), points[0].z(), sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z); df.gridToWorld(pdf_x,pdf_y,pdf_z, pdf_p.x(), pdf_p.y(), pdf_p.z()); gridToWorld(sdf_x,sdf_y,sdf_z, sdf_p.x(), sdf_p.y(), sdf_p.z()); logInform(" DF: p0 =(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant->%3d %3d %3d (pdf)", points[0].x(), points[0].y(), points[0].z(), pdf_x, pdf_y, pdf_z); logInform(" DF: p0 =(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant<-%3d %3d %3d (pdf)", pdf_p.x(), pdf_p.y(), pdf_p.z(), pdf_x, pdf_y, pdf_z); logInform(" DF: p0 =(%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f) quant<-%3d %3d %3d (sdf)", sdf_p.x(), sdf_p.y(), sdf_p.z(), sdf_x, sdf_y, sdf_z); for (int z = 0 ; z < df.getZNumCells() ; ++z) { for (int y = 0 ; y < df.getYNumCells() ; ++y) { for (int x = 0 ; x < df.getXNumCells() ; ++x) { DistPosEntry entry; double dist = df.getDistance(x, y, z); const distance_field::PropDistanceFieldVoxel& voxel = df.getCell(x,y,z); if (dist < 0) { // propogation distance field has a bias of -1*resolution on points inside the object if (dist <= -resolution) { dist += resolution; } else { logError("PropagationDistanceField returned distance=%f between 0 and -resolution=%f." " Did someone fix it?" " Need to remove workaround from static_distance_field.cpp", dist,-resolution); dist = 0.0; } entry.distance_ = dist; entry.cell_id_ = getCellId( voxel.closest_negative_point_.x(), voxel.closest_negative_point_.y(), voxel.closest_negative_point_.z()); } else { entry.distance_ = dist; entry.cell_id_ = getCellId( voxel.closest_point_.x(), voxel.closest_point_.y(), voxel.closest_point_.z()); } setCell(x, y, z, entry); } } } if (save_points) std::swap(points, points_); }