/* Note that this takes a px_state_t, not a px_gstate_t. */ int px_initgraphics(px_state_t *pxs) { gs_state *pgs = pxs->pgs; px_gstate_reset(pxs->pxgs); gs_initgraphics(pgs); gs_setfilladjust(pgs, 0.5, 0.5); { gs_point inch; float dpi; gs_dtransform(pgs, 72.0, 0.0, &inch); dpi = fabs(inch.x) + fabs(inch.y); /* Stroke adjustment leads to anomalies at high resolutions. */ if ( dpi >= 150 ) gs_setstrokeadjust(pgs, false); /* We need the H-P interpretation of zero-length lines */ /* and of using bevel joins for the segments of flattened curves. */ gs_setdotlength(pgs, 72.0 / 300, true); } /* we always clamp coordinates hp does not seem to report limit checks in paths */ gs_setlimitclamp(pgs, true); return 0; }
/* <adjust.x> <adjust.y> .setfilladjust2 - */ static int zsetfilladjust2(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p) { os_ptr op = osp; double adjust[2]; int code = num_params(op, 2, adjust); if (code < 0) return code; code = gs_setfilladjust(igs, adjust[0], adjust[1]); if (code < 0) return code; pop(2); return 0; }
static int test10(gs_state * pgs, gs_memory_t * mem) { gs_c_param_list list; gs_param_string nstr, OFstr; gs_param_float_array PSa; gs_param_float_array HWRa; gs_param_int_array HWSa; int HWSize[2]; float HWResolution[2], PageSize[2]; long MaxBitmap; int code; gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs); float xlate_x, xlate_y; gs_rect cliprect; gs_c_param_list_write(&list, mem); code = gs_getdeviceparams(dev, (gs_param_list *) & list); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("getdeviceparams failed! code = %d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } gs_c_param_list_read(&list); code = param_read_string((gs_param_list *) & list, "Name", &nstr); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("reading Name failed! code = %d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } code = param_read_int_array((gs_param_list *) & list, "HWSize", &HWSa); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("reading HWSize failed! code = %d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } emprintf3(mem, "HWSize[%d] = [ %d, %d ]\n", HWSa.size, HWSa.data[0], HWSa.data[1]); code = param_read_float_array((gs_param_list *) & list, "HWResolution", &HWRa); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("reading Resolution failed! code = %d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } emprintf3(mem, "HWResolution[%d] = [ %f, %f ]\n", HWRa.size, HWRa.data[0], HWRa.data[1]); code = param_read_float_array((gs_param_list *) & list, "PageSize", &PSa); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("reading PageSize failed! code = %d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } emprintf3(mem, "PageSize[%d] = [ %f, %f ]\n", PSa.size, PSa.data[0], PSa.data[1]); code = param_read_long((gs_param_list *) & list, "MaxBitmap", &MaxBitmap); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("reading MaxBitmap failed! code = %d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } emprintf1(mem, "MaxBitmap = %ld\n", MaxBitmap); /* Switch to param list functions to "write" */ gs_c_param_list_write(&list, mem); /* Always set the PageSize. */ PageSize[0] = 72.0 * ypage_wid; PageSize[1] = 72.0 * xpage_len; PSa.data = PageSize; code = param_write_float_array((gs_param_list *) & list, "PageSize", &PSa); if (nstr.data[0] != 'v') { /* Set the OutputFile string file name */ OFstr.persistent = false; OFstr.data = outfile; OFstr.size = strlen(outfile); code = param_write_string((gs_param_list *) & list, "OutputFile", &OFstr); if (code < 0) { lprintf1("setting OutputFile name failed, code=%d\n", code); gs_abort(mem); } if (nstr.data[0] == 'x') { HWResolution[0] = HWResolution[1] = 72.0; } else { HWResolution[0] = HWResolution[1] = 360.0; } HWRa.data = HWResolution; HWSize[0] = (int)(HWResolution[0] * ypage_wid); HWSize[1] = (int)(HWResolution[1] * xpage_len); emprintf3(mem, "\tHWSize = [%d,%d], HWResolution = %f dpi\n", HWSize[0], HWSize[1], HWResolution[0]); HWSa.data = HWSize; code = param_write_float_array((gs_param_list *) & list, "HWResolution", &HWRa); code = param_write_int_array((gs_param_list *) & list, "HWSize", &HWSa); MaxBitmap = 1000000L; code = param_write_long((gs_param_list *) & list, "MaxBitmap", &MaxBitmap); } gs_c_param_list_read(&list); code = gs_putdeviceparams(dev, (gs_param_list *) & list); emprintf1(mem, "putdeviceparams: code=%d\n", code); gs_c_param_list_release(&list); /* note: initgraphics no longer resets the color or color space */ gs_erasepage(pgs); gs_initgraphics(pgs); { gs_color_space *cs = gs_cspace_new_DeviceGray(mem); gs_setcolorspace(pgs, cs); gs_setcolorspace(pgs, cs); gs_decrement(cs, "test10 DeviceGray"); } gs_clippath(pgs); gs_pathbbox(pgs, &cliprect); emprintf4(mem, "\tcliprect = [[%g,%g],[%g,%g]]\n", cliprect.p.x, cliprect.p.y, cliprect.q.x, cliprect.q.y); gs_newpath(pgs); switch (((rotate_value + 270) / 90) & 3) { default: case 0: /* 0 = 360 degrees in PS == 90 degrees in printer */ xlate_x = cliprect.p.x; xlate_y = cliprect.p.y; break; case 1: /* 90 degrees in PS = 180 degrees printer */ xlate_x = cliprect.q.x; xlate_y = cliprect.p.y; break; case 2: /* 180 degrees in PS == 270 degrees in printer */ xlate_x = cliprect.q.x; xlate_y = cliprect.q.y; break; case 3: /* 270 degrees in PS == 0 degrees in printer */ xlate_x = cliprect.p.x; xlate_y = cliprect.q.y; break; } emprintf2(mem, "translate origin to [ %f, %f ]\n", xlate_x, xlate_y); gs_translate(pgs, xlate_x, xlate_y); /* further move (before rotate) by user requested amount */ gs_translate(pgs, 72.0 * (float)xmove_origin, 72.0 * (float)ymove_origin); gs_rotate(pgs, (float)rotate_value + 270.0); gs_scale(pgs, scale_x * 72.0 / 2032.0, scale_y * 72.0 / 2032.0); gs_setlinecap(pgs, gs_cap_butt); gs_setlinejoin(pgs, gs_join_bevel); gs_setfilladjust(pgs, 0.0, 0.0); capture_exec(pgs); return 0; }