コード例 #1
ファイル: poly_lab.c プロジェクト: abocz/school-c
/* Function for Evaluating Polynomials */
void poly_eval (double c[], double xvec[], double yvec[]) {
    yvec[0] = gsl_poly_eval(c, N, xvec[0]);
	int i;
    for (i = 1; i < M; i++)
        yvec[i] = gsl_poly_eval(c, N, xvec[i]);			
コード例 #2
ファイル: polyfit02.c プロジェクト: rgodbee/CS4720
void polyval (double p[], double xv[], double yv[], int n,
		int m) {
	int j;
	yv[0] = gsl_poly_eval(p, n, xv[0]);
	for (j = 1; j < m; j++)
	yv[j] = gsl_poly_eval(p, n, xv[j]);
} /* end polyval */
コード例 #3
ファイル: polynomial01.c プロジェクト: rgodbee/CS4720
void polyval (double p[], double xv[], double yv[], int n, int m) {
	int j;
	yv[0] = gsl_poly_eval(p, N, xv[0]);
	for (j = 1; j < M; j++) 
		yv[j] = gsl_poly_eval(p, N, xv[j]);
コード例 #4
 * \brief A variant of the Savitzky-Golay algorithm able to handle non-uniformly distributed data.
 * In comparison to smoothSavGol(), this method trades proper handling of the X coordinates for
 * runtime efficiency by abandoning a central idea of Savitzky-Golay algorithm, namely that
 * polynomial smoothing can be expressed as a convolution.
 * TODO: integrate this option into the GUI.
void SmoothFilter::smoothModifiedSavGol(double *x_in, double *y_inout)
	// total number of points in smoothing window
	int points = d_left_points + d_right_points + 1;

	if (points < d_polynom_order+1) {
		QMessageBox::critical((ApplicationWindow *)parent(), tr("SciDAVis") + " - " + tr("Error"),
				tr("The polynomial order must be lower than the number of left points plus the number of right points!"));

	// allocate memory for the result
	QVector<double> result(d_n);

	// allocate memory for the linear algegra computations
	// Vandermonde matrix for x values of points in the current smoothing window
	gsl_matrix *vandermonde = gsl_matrix_alloc(points, d_polynom_order+1);
	// stores part of the QR decomposition of vandermonde
	gsl_vector *tau = gsl_vector_alloc(qMin(points, d_polynom_order+1));
	// coefficients of polynomial approximation computed for each smoothing window
	gsl_vector *poly = gsl_vector_alloc(d_polynom_order+1);
	// residual of the (least-squares) approximation (by-product of GSL's algorithm)
	gsl_vector *residual = gsl_vector_alloc(points);

	for (int target_index = 0; target_index < d_n; target_index++) {
		int offset = target_index - d_left_points;
		// use a fixed number of points; near left/right borders, use offset to change
		// effective number of left/right points considered
		if (target_index < d_left_points)
			offset += d_left_points - target_index;
		else if (target_index + d_right_points >= d_n)
			offset += d_n - 1 - (target_index + d_right_points);

		// fill Vandermonde matrix
		for (int i = 0; i < points; ++i) {
			gsl_matrix_set(vandermonde, i, 0, 1.0);
			for (int j = 1; j <= d_polynom_order; ++j)
				gsl_matrix_set(vandermonde, i, j, gsl_matrix_get(vandermonde,i,j-1) * x_in[offset + i]);

		// Y values within current smoothing window
		gsl_vector_view y_slice = gsl_vector_view_array(y_inout+offset, points);

		// compute QR decomposition of Vandermonde matrix
		if (int error=gsl_linalg_QR_decomp(vandermonde, tau))
			QMessageBox::critical((ApplicationWindow *)parent(), tr("SciDAVis") + " - " + tr("Error"),
				tr("Internal error in Savitzky-Golay algorithm: QR decomposition failed.\n")
				+ gsl_strerror(error));
		// least-squares-solve vandermonde*poly=y_slice using the QR decomposition now stored in
		// vandermonde and tau
		else if (int error=gsl_linalg_QR_lssolve(vandermonde, tau, &y_slice.vector, poly, residual))
			QMessageBox::critical((ApplicationWindow *)parent(), tr("SciDAVis") + " - " + tr("Error"),
				tr("Internal error in Savitzky-Golay algorithm: least-squares solution failed.\n")
				+ gsl_strerror(error));
			result[target_index] = gsl_poly_eval(poly->data, d_polynom_order+1, x_in[target_index]);

	// deallocate memory

	// write result into *y_inout
	qCopy(result.begin(), result.end(), y_inout);
コード例 #5
ファイル: poly.c プロジェクト: OkamotoYuki/konohascript
extern "C" {

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

DEFAPI(void) defGslPoly(CTX ctx, kclass_t cid, kclassdef_t *cdef)
	cdef->name = "GslPoly";

//## @Native float GslPoly.eval(float[] c, float x);
KMETHOD GslPoly_eval(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp _RIX)
	kArray *c = sfp[1].a;
	double x = sfp[2].fvalue;
	double r = gsl_poly_eval(c->flist, knh_Array_size(c), x);

//## @Native int GslPoly.evalDerivs(float[] c, float x, float[] res);
KMETHOD GslPoly_evalDerivs(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp _RIX)
	kArray *c = sfp[1].a;
	double x = sfp[2].fvalue;
	kArray *res = sfp[3].a;
	int n = gsl_poly_eval_derivs(c->flist, knh_Array_size(c), x, res->flist, knh_Array_size(res));

//## @Native int GslPoly.ddInit(float[] dd, float[] xa, double ya[]);
KMETHOD GslPoly_ddInit(CTX ctx, ksfp_t *sfp _RIX)
コード例 #6
ファイル: mlgsl_poly.c プロジェクト: akabe/gsl-ocaml
CAMLprim value ml_gsl_poly_eval(value c, value x)
    int len = Double_array_length(c);
    return copy_double(gsl_poly_eval(Double_array_val(c), len, Double_val(x)));
コード例 #7
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: Ayato-Harashima/CMVS-PMVS
main (void)
  const double eps = 100.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Polynomial evaluation */

    double x, y;
    double c[3] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.3 };
    x = 0.5;
    y = gsl_poly_eval (c, 3, x);
    gsl_test_rel (y, 1 + 0.5 * x + 0.3 * x * x, eps,
                  "gsl_poly_eval({1, 0.5, 0.3}, 0.5)");

    double x, y;
    double d[11] = { 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1 };
    x = 1.0;
    y = gsl_poly_eval (d, 11, x);
    gsl_test_rel (y, 1.0, eps,
                  "gsl_poly_eval({1,-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1}, 1.0)");


    gsl_complex x, y;
    double c[1] = {0.3};
    GSL_SET_REAL (&x, 0.75);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&x, 1.2);
    y = gsl_poly_complex_eval (c, 1, x);

    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (y), 0.3, eps, "y.real, gsl_poly_complex_eval ({0.3}, 0.75 + 1.2i)");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (y), 0.0, eps, "y.imag, gsl_poly_complex_eval ({0.3}, 0.75 + 1.2i)");

    gsl_complex x, y;
    double c[4] = {2.1, -1.34, 0.76, 0.45};
    GSL_SET_REAL (&x, 0.49);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&x, 0.95);
    y = gsl_poly_complex_eval (c, 4, x);

    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (y), 0.3959143, eps, "y.real, gsl_poly_complex_eval ({2.1, -1.34, 0.76, 0.45}, 0.49 + 0.95i)");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (y), -0.6433305, eps, "y.imag, gsl_poly_complex_eval ({2.1, -1.34, 0.76, 0.45}, 0.49 + 0.95i)");

    gsl_complex x, y;
    gsl_complex c[1];
    GSL_SET_REAL (&c[0], 0.674);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&c[0], -1.423);
    GSL_SET_REAL (&x, -1.44);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&x, 9.55);
    y = gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval (c, 1, x);

    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (y), 0.674, eps, "y.real, gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval ({0.674 - 1.423i}, -1.44 + 9.55i)");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (y), -1.423, eps, "y.imag, gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval ({0.674 - 1.423i}, -1.44 + 9.55i)");

    gsl_complex x, y;
    gsl_complex c[4];
    GSL_SET_REAL (&c[0], -2.31);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&c[0], 0.44);
    GSL_SET_REAL (&c[1], 4.21);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&c[1], -3.19);
    GSL_SET_REAL (&c[2], 0.93);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&c[2], 1.04);
    GSL_SET_REAL (&c[3], -0.42);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&c[3], 0.68);
    GSL_SET_REAL (&x, 0.49);
    GSL_SET_IMAG (&x, 0.95);
    y = gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval (c, 4, x);

    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (y), 1.82462012, eps, "y.real, gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval ({-2.31 + 0.44i, 4.21 - 3.19i, 0.93 + 1.04i, -0.42 + 0.68i}, 0.49 + 0.95i)");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (y), 2.30389412, eps, "y.imag, gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval ({-2.31 + 0.44i, 4.21 - 3.19i, 0.93 + 1.04i, -0.42 + 0.68i}, 0.49 + 0.95i)");

  /* Quadratic */

    double x0, x1;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (4.0, -20.0, 26.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 0, "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, no roots, (2x - 5)^2 = -1");

    double x0, x1;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (4.0, -20.0, 25.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 2, "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, one root, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 2.5, 1e-9, "x0, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 2.5, 1e-9, "x1, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test (x0 != x1, "x0 == x1, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");

    double x0, x1;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (4.0, -20.0, 21.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 2, "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, two roots, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 1.5, 1e-9, "x0, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 3.5, 1e-9, "x1, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");

    double x0, x1;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (4.0, 7.0, 0.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 2, "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, two roots, x(4x + 7) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, -1.75, 1e-9, "x0, x(4x + 7) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 0.0, 1e-9, "x1, x(4x + 7) = 0");

    double x0, x1;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (5.0, 0.0, -20.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, two roots b = 0, 5 x^2 = 20");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, -2.0, 1e-9, "x0, 5 x^2 = 20");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 2.0, 1e-9, "x1, 5 x^2 = 20");

    double x0, x1;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (0.0, 3.0, -21.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 1,
              "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, one root (linear) 3 x - 21 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 7.0, 1e-9, "x0, 3x - 21 = 0");

    double x0, x1;
    int n = gsl_poly_solve_quadratic (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, &x0, &x1);

    gsl_test (n != 0,
              "gsl_poly_solve_quadratic, no roots 1 = 0");

  /* Cubic */

    double x0, x1, x2;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_cubic (0.0, 0.0, -27.0, &x0, &x1, &x2);

    gsl_test (n != 1, "gsl_poly_solve_cubic, one root, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 3.0, 1e-9, "x0, x^3 = 27");

    double x0, x1, x2;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_cubic (-51.0, 867.0, -4913.0, &x0, &x1, &x2);

    gsl_test (n != 3, "gsl_poly_solve_cubic, three roots, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 17.0, 1e-9, "x0, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 17.0, 1e-9, "x1, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x2, 17.0, 1e-9, "x2, (x-17)^3=0");

    double x0, x1, x2;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_cubic (-57.0, 1071.0, -6647.0, &x0, &x1, &x2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_solve_cubic, three roots, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 17.0, 1e-9, "x0, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 17.0, 1e-9, "x1, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x2, 23.0, 1e-9, "x2, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");

    double x0, x1, x2;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_cubic (-11.0, -493.0, +6647.0, &x0, &x1, &x2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_solve_cubic, three roots, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, -23.0, 1e-9, "x0, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 17.0, 1e-9, "x1, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x2, 17.0, 1e-9, "x2, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");

    double x0, x1, x2;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_cubic (-143.0, 5087.0, -50065.0, &x0, &x1, &x2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_solve_cubic, three roots, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, 17.0, 1e-9, "x0, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 31.0, 1e-9, "x1, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x2, 95.0, 1e-9, "x2, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");

    double x0, x1, x2;

    int n = gsl_poly_solve_cubic (-109.0, 803.0, 50065.0, &x0, &x1, &x2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_solve_cubic, three roots, (x+17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x0, -17.0, 1e-9, "x0, (x+17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x1, 31.0, 1e-9, "x1, (x+17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (x2, 95.0, 1e-9, "x2, (x+17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");

  /* Quadratic with complex roots */

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (4.0, -20.0, 26.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, 2 roots (2x - 5)^2 = -1");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 2.5, 1e-9, "z0.real, (2x - 5)^2 = -1");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), -0.5, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (2x - 5)^2 = -1");

    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 2.5, 1e-9, "z1.real, (2x - 5)^2 = -1");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.5, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (2x - 5)^2 = -1");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (4.0, -20.0, 25.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, one root, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 2.5, 1e-9, "z0.real, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 2.5, 1e-9, "z1.real, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test (GSL_REAL (z0) != GSL_REAL (z1),
              "z0.real == z1.real, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");
    gsl_test (GSL_IMAG (z0) != GSL_IMAG (z1),
              "z0.imag == z1.imag, (2x - 5)^2 = 0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (4.0, -20.0, 21.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, two roots, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 1.5, 1e-9, "z0.real, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 3.5, 1e-9, "z1.real, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (2x - 5)^2 = 4");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (4.0, 7.0, 0.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, two roots, x(4x + 7) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), -1.75, 1e-9, "z0.real, x(4x + 7) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, x(4x + 7) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, x(4x + 7) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, x(4x + 7) = 0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (5.0, 0.0, -20.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, two roots b = 0, 5 x^2 = 20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), -2.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, 5 x^2 = 20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, 5 x^2 = 20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 2.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, 5 x^2 = 20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, 5 x^2 = 20");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (5.0, 0.0, 20.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 2,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, two roots b = 0, 5 x^2 = -20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, 5 x^2 = -20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), -2.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, 5 x^2 = -20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, 5 x^2 = -20");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 2.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, 5 x^2 = -20");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (0.0, 3.0, -21.0, &z0, &z1);

    gsl_test (n != 1,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, one root (linear) 3 x - 21 = 0");

    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 7.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, 3x - 21 = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, 3x - 21 = 0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, &z0, &z1);
    gsl_test (n != 0,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_quadratic, no roots 1 = 0");

  /* Cubic with complex roots */

    gsl_complex z0, z1, z2;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic (0.0, 0.0, -27.0, &z0, &z1, &z2);

    gsl_test (n != 3, "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic, three root, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), -1.5, 1e-9, "z0.real, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), -1.5 * sqrt (3.0), 1e-9,
                  "z0.imag, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), -1.5, 1e-9, "z1.real, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 1.5 * sqrt (3.0), 1e-9, "z1.imag, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z2), 3.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, x^3 = 27");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z2), 0.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, x^3 = 27");

    gsl_complex z0, z1, z2;

    int n = gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic (-1.0, 1.0, 39.0, &z0, &z1, &z2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic, three root, (x+3)(x^2-4x+13) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), -3.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, (x+3)(x^2+1) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (x+3)(x^2+1) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 2.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, (x+3)(x^2+1) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), -3.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (x+3)(x^2+1) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z2), 2.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, (x+3)(x^2+1) = 0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z2), 3.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, (x+3)(x^2+1) = 0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1, z2;

    int n =
      gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic (-51.0, 867.0, -4913.0, &z0, &z1, &z2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic, three roots, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 17.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 17.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z2), 17.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, (x-17)^3=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z2), 0.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, (x-17)^3=0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1, z2;

    int n =
      gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic (-57.0, 1071.0, -6647.0, &z0, &z1, &z2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic, three roots, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 17.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 17.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z2), 23.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z2), 0.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, (x-17)(x-17)(x-23)=0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1, z2;

    int n =
      gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic (-11.0, -493.0, +6647.0, &z0, &z1, &z2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic, three roots, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), -23.0, 1e-9,
                  "z0.real, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 17.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z2), 17.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z2), 0.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, (x+23)(x-17)(x-17)=0");

    gsl_complex z0, z1, z2;

    int n =
      gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic (-143.0, 5087.0, -50065.0, &z0, &z1, &z2);

    gsl_test (n != 3,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve_cubic, three roots, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z0), 17.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z0), 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z1), 31.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z1), 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_REAL (z2), 95.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");
    gsl_test_rel (GSL_IMAG (z2), 0.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, (x-17)(x-31)(x-95)=0");

    /* Wilkinson polynomial: y = (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4)(x-5) */

    double a[6] = { -120, 274, -225, 85, -15, 1 };
    double z[6*2];

    gsl_poly_complex_workspace *w = gsl_poly_complex_workspace_alloc (6);

    int status = gsl_poly_complex_solve (a, 6, w, z);

    gsl_poly_complex_workspace_free (w);

    gsl_test (status,
              "gsl_poly_complex_solve, 5th-order Wilkinson polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[0], 1.0, 1e-9, "z0.real, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[1], 0.0, 1e-9, "z0.imag, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[2], 2.0, 1e-9, "z1.real, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[3], 0.0, 1e-9, "z1.imag, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[4], 3.0, 1e-9, "z2.real, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[5], 0.0, 1e-9, "z2.imag, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[6], 4.0, 1e-9, "z3.real, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[7], 0.0, 1e-9, "z3.imag, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[8], 5.0, 1e-9, "z4.real, 5th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[9], 0.0, 1e-9, "z4.imag, 5th-order polynomial");

    /* : 8-th order polynomial y = x^8 + x^4 + 1 */

    double a[9] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
    double z[8*2];

    double C = 0.5;
    double S = sqrt (3.0) / 2.0;

    gsl_poly_complex_workspace *w = gsl_poly_complex_workspace_alloc (9);

    int status = gsl_poly_complex_solve (a, 9, w, z);

    gsl_poly_complex_workspace_free (w);

    gsl_test (status, "gsl_poly_complex_solve, 8th-order polynomial");

    gsl_test_rel (z[0], -S, 1e-9, "z0.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[1], C, 1e-9, "z0.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[2], -S, 1e-9, "z1.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[3], -C, 1e-9, "z1.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[4], -C, 1e-9, "z2.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[5], S, 1e-9, "z2.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[6], -C, 1e-9, "z3.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[7], -S, 1e-9, "z3.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[8], C, 1e-9, "z4.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[9], S, 1e-9, "z4.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[10], C, 1e-9, "z5.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[11], -S, 1e-9, "z5.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[12], S, 1e-9, "z6.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[13], C, 1e-9, "z6.imag, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[14], S, 1e-9, "z7.real, 8th-order polynomial");
    gsl_test_rel (z[15], -C, 1e-9, "z7.imag, 8th-order polynomial");


    int i;

    double xa[7] = {0.16, 0.97, 1.94, 2.74, 3.58, 3.73, 4.70 };
    double ya[7] = {0.73, 1.11, 1.49, 1.84, 2.30, 2.41, 3.07 };

    double dd_expected[7] = {  7.30000000000000e-01,
                              -6.45402453527083e-03 };

    double dd[7], coeff[7], work[7];
    gsl_poly_dd_init (dd, xa, ya, 7);

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        gsl_test_rel (dd[i], dd_expected[i], 1e-10, "divided difference dd[%d]", i);

    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        double y = gsl_poly_dd_eval(dd, xa, 7, xa[i]);
        gsl_test_rel (y, ya[i], 1e-10, "divided difference y[%d]", i);

    gsl_poly_dd_taylor (coeff, 1.5, dd, xa, 7, work);
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        double y = gsl_poly_eval(coeff, 7, xa[i] - 1.5);
        gsl_test_rel (y, ya[i], 1e-10, "taylor expansion about 1.5 y[%d]", i);

     double c[6] = { +1.0, -2.0, +3.0, -4.0, +5.0, -6.0 };
     double dc[6];
     double x;
     x = -0.5;
     gsl_poly_eval_derivs(c, 6, x, dc, 6);

     gsl_test_rel (dc[0], c[0] + c[1]*x + c[2]*x*x + c[3]*x*x*x + c[4]*x*x*x*x + c[5]*x*x*x*x*x , eps, "gsl_poly_eval_dp({+1, -2, +3, -4, +5, -6}, 3.75)");
     gsl_test_rel (dc[1], c[1] + 2.0*c[2]*x + 3.0*c[3]*x*x + 4.0*c[4]*x*x*x + 5.0*c[5]*x*x*x*x , eps, "gsl_poly_eval_dp({+1, -2, +3, -4, +5, -6} deriv 1, -12.375)");
     gsl_test_rel (dc[2], 2.0*c[2] + 3.0*2.0*c[3]*x + 4.0*3.0*c[4]*x*x + 5.0*4.0*c[5]*x*x*x , eps, "gsl_poly_eval_dp({+1, -2, +3, -4, +5, -6} deriv 2, +48.0)");
     gsl_test_rel (dc[3], 3.0*2.0*c[3] + 4.0*3.0*2.0*c[4]*x + 5.0*4.0*3.0*c[5]*x*x , eps,"gsl_poly_eval_dp({+1, -2, +3, -4, +5, -6} deriv 3, -174.0)");
     gsl_test_rel (dc[4], 4.0*3.0*2.0*c[4] + 5.0*4.0*3.0*2.0*c[5]*x, eps, "gsl_poly_eval_dp({+1, -2, +3, -4, +5, -6} deriv 4, +480.0)");
     gsl_test_rel (dc[5], 5.0*4.0*3.0*2.0*c[5] , eps, "gsl_poly_eval_dp({+1, -2, +3, -4, +5, -6} deriv 5, -720.0)");

  /* now summarize the results */

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
コード例 #8
int main(int argc, char *argv []) {

	if(populate_env_variable(REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2_ERROR_CODES_FILE")) {

		printf("\nUnable to populate [REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE] variable with corresponding environment variable. Routine will proceed without error handling\n");


	if (argc != 5) {

		if(populate_env_variable(SPCS_BLURB_FILE, "L2_SPCS_BLURB_FILE")) {


		} else {



		write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -1, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);

		return 1;

	} else {
		// ***********************************************************************
		// Redefine routine input parameters
		char *input_f			= strdup(argv[1]);
		char *interpolation_type	= strdup(argv[2]);
		int conserve_flux		= strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0);		
		char *output_f			= strdup(argv[4]);		
		// ***********************************************************************
		// Open input file (ARG 1), get parameters and perform any data format 
		// checks

		fitsfile *input_f_ptr;

		int input_f_maxdim = 2, input_f_status = 0, input_f_bitpix, input_f_naxis;
		long input_f_naxes [2] = {1,1};

		if(!fits_open_file(&input_f_ptr, input_f, IMG_READ_ACCURACY, &input_f_status)) {

			if(!populate_img_parameters(input_f, input_f_ptr, input_f_maxdim, &input_f_bitpix, &input_f_naxis, input_f_naxes, &input_f_status, "INPUT FRAME")) {

				if (input_f_naxis != 2) {	// any data format checks here

					write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -2, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);

					if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

					return 1;

			} else { 

				write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -3, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
				fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); 

				if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

				return 1; 


		} else { 

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -4, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
			fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); 


			return 1; 

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Set the range limits

		int cut_x [2] = {1, input_f_naxes[0]};
		int cut_y [2] = {1, input_f_naxes[1]};

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Set parameters used when reading data from input file (ARG 1)

		long fpixel [2] = {cut_x[0], cut_y[0]};
		long nxelements = (cut_x[1] - cut_x[0]) + 1;
		long nyelements = (cut_y[1] - cut_y[0]) + 1;

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Create arrays to store pixel values from input fits file (ARG 1)

		double input_f_pixels [nxelements];
		// ***********************************************************************
		// Get input fits file (ARG 1) values and store in 2D array

		int ii;

		double input_frame_values [nyelements][nxelements];
		memset(input_frame_values, 0, sizeof(double)*nxelements*nyelements);
		for (fpixel[1] = cut_y[0]; fpixel[1] <= cut_y[1]; fpixel[1]++) {

			memset(input_f_pixels, 0, sizeof(double)*nxelements);

			if(!fits_read_pix(input_f_ptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, nxelements, NULL, input_f_pixels, NULL, &input_f_status)) {

				for (ii=0; ii<nxelements; ii++) {

					input_frame_values[fpixel[1]-1][ii] = input_f_pixels[ii];


			} else { 

				write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -5, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
				fits_report_error(stdout, input_f_status); 

				if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

				return 1; 


		// ***********************************************************************
		// Open [SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE] input file
		FILE *inputfile;
		if (!check_file_exists(SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE)) { 

			inputfile = fopen(SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE , "r");

		} else {

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -6, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);

			return 1;

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Find some [SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE] file details

		char input_string [500];

		bool find_polynomialorder_comment = FALSE;

		int polynomial_order;	

		char search_string_1 [20] = "# Polynomial Order:\0";	// this is the comment to be found from the [SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE] file

		while(!feof(inputfile)) {

			memset(input_string, '\0', sizeof(char)*500);
			fgets(input_string, 500, inputfile);	

			if (strncmp(input_string, search_string_1, strlen(search_string_1)) == 0) { 

				sscanf(input_string, "%*[^\t]%d", &polynomial_order);		// read all data up to tab as string ([^\t]), but do not store (*)
				find_polynomialorder_comment = TRUE;



		if (find_polynomialorder_comment == FALSE) {	// error check - didn't find the comment in the [SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE] file

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -7, "Status flag for L2 frcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);

			if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

			return 1;

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Rewind and extract coefficients from [SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE] file 


		int token_index;	// this variable will hold which token we're dealing with
		int coeff_index;	// this variable will hold which coefficient we're dealing with
		double this_coeff;
		double this_chisquared;
		char *token;

		double coeffs [polynomial_order+1];
		memset(coeffs, 0, sizeof(double)*(polynomial_order+1));

		while(!feof(inputfile)) {

			memset(input_string, '\0', sizeof(char)*500);
			fgets(input_string, 500, inputfile);

			token_index = 0;
			coeff_index = 0;

			if (strtol(&input_string[0], NULL, 0) > 0) { 		// check the line begins with a positive number
				// ***********************************************************************
				// String tokenisation loop: 
				// 1. init calls strtok() loading the function with input_string
				// 2. terminate when token is null
				// 3. we keep assigning tokens of input_string to token until termination by calling strtok with a NULL first argument
				// n.b. searching for tab or newline separators ('\t' and '\n')
				for (token=strtok(input_string, "\t\n"); token !=NULL; token = strtok(NULL, "\t\n")) {	
					if ((token_index >= 0) && (token_index <= polynomial_order)) { 			// coeff token
						this_coeff = strtod(token, NULL);
						//printf("%d\t%e\n", coeff_index, this_coeff);				// DEBUG
						coeffs[coeff_index] = this_coeff;
					} else if (token_index == polynomial_order+1) {					// chisquared token
						this_chisquared = strtod(token, NULL);
		// ***********************************************************************
		// Determine the min and max offsets from c0 (this is needed to avoid 
		// trying to interpolate past the limits) otherwise throws GSL 
		double c0 = coeffs[0];
		float min_offset = 0;	// this is how much the curvature extends in -ve y
		float max_offset = 0;	// this is how much the curvature extends in +ve y
		for (ii=0; ii<nxelements; ii++) {
			float this_offset = gsl_poly_eval(coeffs, polynomial_order+1, ii) - c0;
			if (this_offset > max_offset) {
				max_offset = this_offset;
			if (this_offset < min_offset) {
				min_offset = this_offset;

                int min_offset_int = (int)ceil(fabs(min_offset));
		int max_offset_int = (int)ceil(fabs(max_offset));
		int nyelements_reb = nyelements - max_offset_int - min_offset_int;

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Do the rebinning (conserving flux where applicable)

		double reb_values[nyelements_reb][nxelements];
		memset(reb_values, 0, sizeof(double)*nyelements_reb*nxelements);		
		double this_pre_rebin_flux, this_post_rebin_flux;
		double this_column_values[nyelements];
		double this_column_values_reb[nyelements_reb];		
		double x_offsetted[nyelements];
		int jj;
		for (ii=0; ii<nxelements; ii++) {
			this_pre_rebin_flux = 0.;
			double this_offset = gsl_poly_eval(coeffs, polynomial_order+1, ii) - c0;
			memset(this_column_values, 0, sizeof(double)*nyelements);
			memset(this_column_values_reb, 0, sizeof(double)*nyelements_reb);			
			for (jj=0; jj<nyelements; jj++) {
				this_column_values[jj] = input_frame_values[jj][ii];
				x_offsetted[jj] = jj - this_offset;
				this_pre_rebin_flux += input_frame_values[jj][ii];

			interpolate(interpolation_type, x_offsetted, this_column_values, nyelements, min_offset_int, nyelements_reb-max_offset_int, 1, this_column_values_reb);

			// get post rebin flux
			this_post_rebin_flux = 0.;
			for (jj=0; jj<nyelements_reb; jj++) {
				this_post_rebin_flux += this_column_values_reb[jj];
			// apply conservation factor
			double conservation_factor = this_pre_rebin_flux/this_post_rebin_flux;
			//printf("%f\t%f\t%f\n", this_pre_rebin_flux, this_post_rebin_flux, conservation_factor);	// DEBUG
			if (conserve_flux == TRUE) {
				for (jj=0; jj<nyelements_reb; jj++) {
					reb_values[jj][ii] = this_column_values_reb[jj] * conservation_factor;
			} else {
				for (jj=0; jj<nyelements_reb; jj++) {				
					reb_values[jj][ii] = this_column_values_reb[jj];					
		// ***********************************************************************
		// Set output frame parameters	

		fitsfile *output_f_ptr;
		int output_f_status = 0;
		long output_f_naxes [2] = {nxelements,nyelements_reb};
		long output_f_fpixel = 1;

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Create [output_frame_values] array to hold the output data in the 
		// correct format
		int kk;
		double output_frame_values [nxelements*nyelements_reb];
		memset(output_frame_values, 0, sizeof(double)*nxelements*nyelements_reb);
		for (ii=0; ii<nyelements_reb; ii++) {	
			jj = ii * nxelements;			
			for (kk=0; kk<nxelements; kk++) {
				output_frame_values[jj] = reb_values[ii][kk];
		// ***********************************************************************
		// Create and write [output_frame_values] to output file (ARG 4)
		if (!fits_create_file(&output_f_ptr, output_f, &output_f_status)) {
			if (!fits_create_img(output_f_ptr, INTERMEDIATE_IMG_ACCURACY[0], 2, output_f_naxes, &output_f_status)) {

				if (!fits_write_img(output_f_ptr, INTERMEDIATE_IMG_ACCURACY[1], output_f_fpixel, nxelements*nyelements_reb, output_frame_values, &output_f_status)) {

				} else { 

					write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -8, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
					fits_report_error(stdout, output_f_status); 

					if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 
					if(fits_close_file(output_f_ptr, &output_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, output_f_status);

					return 1; 


			} else {

				write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -9, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
				fits_report_error(stdout, output_f_status); 

				if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 
				if(fits_close_file(output_f_ptr, &output_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, output_f_status);

				return 1; 


		} else {

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -10, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
			fits_report_error(stdout, output_f_status); 

			if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

			return 1; 


		// ***********************************************************************
		// Free arrays on heap

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Close [SPTRACE_OUTPUTF_TRACES_FILE] output file, input file (ARG 1) and
		// output file (ARG 4)
		if (fclose(inputfile)) {

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -11, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);

			if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

			return 1; 


		if(fits_close_file(input_f_ptr, &input_f_status)) { 

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -12, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
			fits_report_error (stdout, input_f_status); 

			return 1; 

		if(fits_close_file(output_f_ptr, &output_f_status)) { 

			write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", -13, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);
			fits_report_error (stdout, output_f_status); 

			return 1; 

		// ***********************************************************************
		// Write success to [ERROR_CODES_FILE]

		write_key_to_file(ERROR_CODES_FILE, REF_ERROR_CODES_FILE, "L2STATCO", RETURN_FLAG, "Status flag for L2 spcorrect routine", ERROR_CODES_FILE_WRITE_ACCESS);

		return 0;


コード例 #9
ファイル: gtkgsl.c プロジェクト: GongYiLiao/C_Daily
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  gboolean BUTTON_ORDER = FALSE;

  GtkWidget *window;
  GtkWidget *vbox;
  GtkWidget *label;
  GtkWidget *label2;
  GtkWidget *hbox;
  GtkWidget *launchbutton;
  GtkWidget *cancelbutton;

  double pars[7] = {1, -6, 15, -20, 15, -6, 1};
  char theResult[40];
  //char *theResult;

  bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

  g_object_get (gtk_settings_get_default(),
		"gtk-alternative-button-order", &BUTTON_ORDER, NULL);
  window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), _("Gtk+ Demo copied from Tetralet"));
  gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
  gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(window), 15);
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "delete_event", G_CALLBACK(delete), NULL);
  vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 20);
  gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), vbox);

  label = gtk_label_new(_("Press 'View source code' button to open gtkdemo.c \n"
			  "by launching Leafpad; \n"
			  "Press 'Cancel' button to exit."));

  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  sprintf(theResult, "The result is: %g", gsl_poly_eval(pars, 7, (double) rand()));
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf("%40c\n", *theResult);

  label2 = gtk_label_new(_("Helo"));
  label2 = gtk_label_new(_(theResult));
  gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), label2, TRUE, TRUE, 0);

  hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 30);
  gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  launchbutton = gtk_button_new_with_label(_("View Source Code: "));
    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), launchbutton, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), launchbutton, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(launchbutton), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(launch_leafpad), NULL);

  cancelbutton = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_CANCEL);
    gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), cancelbutton, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
    gtk_box_pack_end(GTK_BOX(hbox), cancelbutton, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(cancelbutton), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(gtk_main_quit), NULL);


  return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: gaussian.c プロジェクト: BrianGladman/gsl
gsl_filter_gaussian_kernel(const double alpha, const size_t order, const int normalize, gsl_vector * kernel)
  const size_t N = kernel->size;

  if (alpha <= 0.0)
      GSL_ERROR("alpha must be positive", GSL_EDOM);
      GSL_ERROR("derivative order is too large", GSL_EDOM);
      const double half = 0.5 * (N - 1.0); /* (N - 1) / 2 */
      double sum = 0.0;
      size_t i;

      /* check for quick return */
      if (N == 1)
          if (order == 0)
            gsl_vector_set(kernel, 0, 1.0);
            gsl_vector_set(kernel, 0, 0.0);

          return GSL_SUCCESS;

      for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
          double xi = ((double)i - half) / half;
          double yi = alpha * xi;
          double gi = exp(-0.5 * yi * yi);

          gsl_vector_set(kernel, i, gi);
          sum += gi;

      /* normalize so sum(kernel) = 1 */
      if (normalize)
        gsl_vector_scale(kernel, 1.0 / sum);

      if (order > 0)
          const double beta = -0.5 * alpha * alpha;
          double q[GSL_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_MAX_ORDER + 1];
          size_t k;

           * Need to calculate derivatives of the Gaussian window; define
           * w(n) = C * exp [ p(n) ]
           * p(n) = beta * n^2
           * beta = -1/2 * ( alpha / ((N-1)/2) )^2
           * Then:
           * d^k/dn^k w(n) = q_k(n) * w(n)
           * where q_k(n) is a degree-k polynomial in n, which satisfies:
           * q_k(n) = d/dn q_{k-1}(n) + q_{k-1}(n) * dp(n)/dn
           * q_0(n) = 1 / half^{order}

          /* initialize q_0(n) = 1 / half^{order} */
          q[0] = 1.0 / gsl_pow_uint(half, order);
          for (i = 1; i <= GSL_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_MAX_ORDER; ++i)
            q[i] = 0.0;

          /* loop through derivative orders and calculate q_k(n) for k = 1,...,order */
          for (k = 1; k <= order; ++k)
              double qm1 = q[0];

              q[0] = q[1];
              for (i = 1; i <= k; ++i)
                  double tmp = q[i];
                  q[i] = (i + 1.0) * q[i + 1] + /* d/dn q_{k-1} */
                         2.0 * beta * qm1;      /* q_{k-1}(n) p'(n) */
                  qm1 = tmp;

          /* now set w(n) := q(n) * w(n) */
          for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
              double xi = ((double)i - half) / half;
              double qn = gsl_poly_eval(q, order + 1, xi);
              double *wn = gsl_vector_ptr(kernel, i);

              *wn *= qn;

      return GSL_SUCCESS;