int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) { #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK // A default display may or may not be required for xpcshell tests, and so // is not created here. Instead we set the command line args, which is a // fairly cheap operation. gtk_parse_args(&argc, &argv); #endif #ifdef XP_MACOSX InitAutoreleasePool(); #endif // unbuffer stdout so that output is in the correct order; note that stderr // is unbuffered by default setbuf(stdout, 0); #ifdef HAS_DLL_BLOCKLIST DllBlocklist_Initialize(); #endif XREShellData shellData; #if defined(XP_WIN) && defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) shellData.sandboxBrokerServices = mozilla::sandboxing::GetInitializedBrokerServices(); #endif int result = XRE_XPCShellMain(argc, argv, envp, &shellData); #ifdef XP_MACOSX FinishAutoreleasePool(); #endif return result; }
int main(int argc, char *arg[]) { bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, DARKTABLE_LOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE); if(!gtk_parse_args(&argc, &arg)) exit(1); // parse command line arguments char *input_filename = NULL; char *xmp_filename = NULL; char *output_filename = NULL; int file_counter = 0; int width = 0, height = 0, bpp = 0; gboolean verbose = FALSE, high_quality = TRUE, upscale = FALSE; int k; for(k = 1; k < argc; k++) { if(arg[k][0] == '-') { if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--help")) { usage(arg[0]); exit(1); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--version")) { printf("this is darktable-cli %s\ncopyright (c) 2012-2016 johannes hanika, tobias ellinghaus\n", darktable_package_version); exit(1); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--width") && argc > k + 1) { k++; width = MAX(atoi(arg[k]), 0); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--height") && argc > k + 1) { k++; height = MAX(atoi(arg[k]), 0); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--bpp") && argc > k + 1) { k++; bpp = MAX(atoi(arg[k]), 0); fprintf(stderr, "%s %d\n", _("TODO: sorry, due to API restrictions we currently cannot set the BPP to"), bpp); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--hq") && argc > k + 1) { k++; gchar *str = g_ascii_strup(arg[k], -1); if(!g_strcmp0(str, "0") || !g_strcmp0(str, "FALSE")) high_quality = FALSE; else if(!g_strcmp0(str, "1") || !g_strcmp0(str, "TRUE")) high_quality = TRUE; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", _("unknown option for --hq"), arg[k]); usage(arg[0]); exit(1); } g_free(str); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--upscale") && argc > k + 1) { k++; gchar *str = g_ascii_strup(arg[k], -1); if(!g_strcmp0(str, "0") || !g_strcmp0(str, "FALSE")) upscale = FALSE; else if(!g_strcmp0(str, "1") || !g_strcmp0(str, "TRUE")) upscale= TRUE; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", _("unknown option for --upscale"), arg[k]); usage(arg[0]); exit(1); } g_free(str); } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "-v") || !strcmp(arg[k], "--verbose")) { verbose = TRUE; } else if(!strcmp(arg[k], "--core")) { // everything from here on should be passed to the core k++; break; } } else { if(file_counter == 0) input_filename = arg[k]; else if(file_counter == 1) xmp_filename = arg[k]; else if(file_counter == 2) output_filename = arg[k]; file_counter++; } } int m_argc = 0; char **m_arg = malloc((5 + argc - k + 1) * sizeof(char *)); m_arg[m_argc++] = "darktable-cli"; m_arg[m_argc++] = "--library"; m_arg[m_argc++] = ":memory:"; m_arg[m_argc++] = "--conf"; m_arg[m_argc++] = "write_sidecar_files=FALSE"; for(; k < argc; k++) m_arg[m_argc++] = arg[k]; m_arg[m_argc] = NULL; if(file_counter < 2 || file_counter > 3) { usage(arg[0]); free(m_arg); exit(1); } else if(file_counter == 2) { // no xmp file given output_filename = xmp_filename; xmp_filename = NULL; } if(g_file_test(output_filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: output file is a directory. please specify file name")); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); free(m_arg); exit(1); } // the output file already exists, so there will be a sequence number added if(g_file_test(output_filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", _("output file already exists, it will get renamed")); } // init dt without gui: if(dt_init(m_argc, m_arg, 0, NULL)) { free(m_arg); exit(1); } GList *id_list = NULL; if(g_file_test(input_filename, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { int filmid = dt_film_import(input_filename); if(!filmid) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: can't open folder %s"), input_filename); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); free(m_arg); exit(1); } id_list = dt_film_get_image_ids(filmid); } else { dt_film_t film; int id = 0; int filmid = 0; gchar *directory = g_path_get_dirname(input_filename); filmid = dt_film_new(&film, directory); id = dt_image_import(filmid, input_filename, TRUE); if(!id) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: can't open file %s"), input_filename); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); free(m_arg); exit(1); } g_free(directory); id_list = g_list_append(id_list, GINT_TO_POINTER(id)); } int total = g_list_length(id_list); if(total == 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("no images to export, aborting\n")); free(m_arg); exit(1); } // attach xmp, if requested: if(xmp_filename) { for(GList *iter = id_list; iter; iter = g_list_next(iter)) { int id = GPOINTER_TO_INT(iter->data); dt_image_t *image = dt_image_cache_get(darktable.image_cache, id, 'w'); dt_exif_xmp_read(image, xmp_filename, 1); // don't write new xmp: dt_image_cache_write_release(darktable.image_cache, image, DT_IMAGE_CACHE_RELAXED); } } // print the history stack. only look at the first image and assume all got the same processing applied if(verbose) { int id = GPOINTER_TO_INT(id_list->data); gchar *history = dt_history_get_items_as_string(id); if(history) printf("%s\n", history); else printf("[%s]\n", _("empty history stack")); } // try to find out the export format from the output_filename char *ext = output_filename + strlen(output_filename); while(ext > output_filename && *ext != '.') ext--; *ext = '\0'; ext++; if(!strcmp(ext, "jpg")) ext = "jpeg"; if(!strcmp(ext, "tif")) ext = "tiff"; // init the export data structures dt_imageio_module_format_t *format; dt_imageio_module_storage_t *storage; dt_imageio_module_data_t *sdata, *fdata; storage = dt_imageio_get_storage_by_name("disk"); // only exporting to disk makes sense if(storage == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", _("cannot find disk storage module. please check your installation, something seems to be broken.")); free(m_arg); exit(1); } sdata = storage->get_params(storage); if(sdata == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", _("failed to get parameters from storage module, aborting export ...")); free(m_arg); exit(1); } // and now for the really ugly hacks. don't tell your children about this one or they won't sleep at night // any longer ... g_strlcpy((char *)sdata, output_filename, DT_MAX_PATH_FOR_PARAMS); // all is good now, the last line didn't happen. format = dt_imageio_get_format_by_name(ext); if(format == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, _("unknown extension '.%s'"), ext); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); free(m_arg); exit(1); } fdata = format->get_params(format); if(fdata == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", _("failed to get parameters from format module, aborting export ...")); free(m_arg); exit(1); } uint32_t w, h, fw, fh, sw, sh; fw = fh = sw = sh = 0; storage->dimension(storage, sdata, &sw, &sh); format->dimension(format, fdata, &fw, &fh); if(sw == 0 || fw == 0) w = sw > fw ? sw : fw; else w = sw < fw ? sw : fw; if(sh == 0 || fh == 0) h = sh > fh ? sh : fh; else h = sh < fh ? sh : fh; fdata->max_width = width; fdata->max_height = height; fdata->max_width = (w != 0 && fdata->max_width > w) ? w : fdata->max_width; fdata->max_height = (h != 0 && fdata->max_height > h) ? h : fdata->max_height; fdata->style[0] = '\0'; fdata->style_append = 0; if(storage->initialize_store) { storage->initialize_store(storage, sdata, &format, &fdata, &id_list, high_quality, upscale); format->set_params(format, fdata, format->params_size(format)); storage->set_params(storage, sdata, storage->params_size(storage)); } // TODO: add a callback to set the bpp without going through the config int num = 1; for(GList *iter = id_list; iter; iter = g_list_next(iter), num++) { int id = GPOINTER_TO_INT(iter->data); storage->store(storage, sdata, id, format, fdata, num, total, high_quality, upscale); } // cleanup time if(storage->finalize_store) storage->finalize_store(storage, sdata); storage->free_params(storage, sdata); format->free_params(format, fdata); g_list_free(id_list); dt_cleanup(); free(m_arg); }